Category Archives: Greater Coeymans Ravena Area Community Business Group

What the Local Media Have Missed: Peter J. McKenna, A Shining Star in a Dark Basement

As our many thousands of readers are aware, we have regularly reported on the Town of Coeymans Police Department, and the majority of those reports were utterly grim, reports of abuse, corruption, misuse of power, bullying, and generally the worst of the worst. Then, we were pleased to report on the terminations of Gregory “Dumpy Dumplin’” Darlington and his darling Gerald “Dirty–Hands–Jerry” Deluca, which we surmised was their choice to either go or be prosecuted. Since Darlington and Deluca have disappeared so, too, have the reports and complaints we regularly received. Once the new Chief, Peter J. McKenna, occupied the Chief’s office and cleaned up the garbage dump it had become, a real professional was in the driver’s seat. Things changed for the better almost overnight. Truth be told, we had our reservations about McKenna and we pulled no punches. But we do claim to publish the true facts and we have to own up to our misjudgment of the man and his capabilities. Much to our surprise, even the guy we used to refer to as “PsychoCop”,  Ryan Johnson, has been brought back to Coeymans and has proved to be a 180° reversal of his former image. All of this and much more as we report below is due to the professional management and mentoring by Coeymans Police Chief Peter J. McKenna. That having been said, we also have to ask Why? Phil Crandall and his den of bullies are so intent on making life difficult for the Chief and his Department.  Could it be they realize they don’t have crooks and cowards in the Department any more? Can’t they cope with dealing with real professional and ethical law enforcement, and a Chief who has management and communications skills that surpass those of Crandall and his bullies together? Read our article below and you decide.

That having been said, it’s truly beyond comprehension that the local media, especially the Ravena News Herald, can use more than a page of newsprint to report on a lost and recovered dog, and can miss a story like this. Where do they have their heads? Do you know, Mr John Johnson or Vince Vinciguerra of the Johnson Newspaper Group?

New, Improved, Community Sensitive

New, Improved, Community Sensitive

Peter J. McKenna, A Shining Star in a Dark Basement

and a Bright New Concept of Law Enforcement in the Town of Coeymans

In 2016, Chief Peter J. McKenna had a real opportunity strut his stuff and to use his experience in managing a department rounded out by personal hirings.  Starting in 2015, McKenna has been selecting experienced Police Officers who wanted to continue working part time in an industry they had dedicated their lives to, and paired them with young men and women just beginning their careers in Law Enforcement.  The new hires attended both full and part-time law enforcement academies without being paid for that time.  By combining new with experienced, two objectives were accomplished; the newer Officers were trained by seasoned law enforcement professionals, with experience in police supervision, criminal investigations, narcotics investigations, traffic safety, and community policing.  The grouping of part-time police officers provided a steady work schedule, minimizing the need to fill shifts with overtime (which comes from filling shifts with or for full time police officers).  In previous years, the schedule was completely monthly, but by agreement with the union, McKenna and the Department moved to a quarterly schedule.  Providing consistency afforded the rank and file a sense of continuity, and the need to fill shifts “at the last minute” dropped significantly. Now, that’s just background. The real meat – and – potatoes facts follow:

A facelift for Coeymans Police! No more harassing our kids!

A facelift for Coeymans Police!
No more harassing our kids!
Now they’re mentoring and protecting them.

Chief Peter J. McKenna

Chief Peter J. McKenna

When Coeymans Police Chief Peter J. McKenna was hired to be Chief in late 2014, the department had two full – time sergeant positions.  One of those positions was an evening supervisor, and the other, Sgt Ryan Johnson, was detailed to another agency (the DEA).  Prior to Chief McKenna’s , the sergeants were the primary on-call supervisors when there were only patrol officers working the shift.  When Chief McKenna assumed leadership of the department, he became the “first call” for any circumstances that required a supervisor; in other words, Chief McKenna was always on–call to supervise the department and its officers. By being on–call, Chief McKenna reduced the amount of overtime by the highest-paid officers in the department.

In 2015, Sergeant Dan Contento moved from a Supervisory Patrol position to the School Resource Officer (SRO) position (when school is in session).  Although this did not reflect in a the direct reduction in costs in the departmental budget, what it did mean is an indirect savings: Here’s how:  By placing a sergeant-grade officer in the SRO spot Chief McKenna made possible a salary reimbursement to the town for the time Contento is dedicated to the school district as the school SRO.  The great news is that because of Chief McKenna’s excellent management and planning , the Town of Coeymans was reimbursed more than $41,000 of the Sergeant Contento’s salary by the RCS school district in FY 2016.  Anyone with half of a brain would expect, and we believe this reimbursement should have been returned or at least returned to the Coeymans Police Department’s budget allocations, but this is not Coeymans Town Supervisor Philip Crandall’s reasoning. Crandall says it should be viewed as town revenue and placed in the Town’s general fund (obviously in order to hire a Crandall crony during a hiring and spending freeze).  That makes no sense to us at all and it appears that Crandall is abusing superior management by withholding well earned incentive from the Coeymans Police Department, incentive that was earned by virtue of Chief McKenna’s wise judgment and management experience. This reasoning is further supported by the fact that, by assigning the sergeant–grade officer to the school, the reimbursement to the Coeymans Police Department is about 10,000 dollars more than it would be if a patrol officer were to have filled the position.

We say that Crandall’s mismanagement of the money saved by Chief McKenna’s management of his law enforcement staff is wrong! Crandall has no right to take that money reimbursed by the RCS school district and padding his cronies’ pockets while abusing Chief McKenna’s professional management, and at the same time refusing to allocate funds to the Coeymans Police Department for needed equipment and activities.

[Editor’s Note: We will be publishing in an upcoming article some information that supports this evaluation of Phil Crandall’s physical and financial bullying of Town of Coeymans professional staff. Phil Crandall has an inferiority complex that is aggravated by stupidity. But more on that later with proof how he has no money in the budget for workers but plenty for his cronies!]

Crandal, Youmans, Dolan Miss the Good Ol' Days...

Crandal, Youmans, Dolan Miss the Good Ol’ Days…

The second sergeant-grade position, that of Sgt Ryan Johnson, was detailed by Chief McKenna’s predecessor, Gregory “Dumpy Dumplin” Darlington to another agency, the DEA..  That redeployment of a Coeymans police sergeant did not have the positive effect of returning funds back to the Department, since the sergeant’s salary was not reimbursed but only the overtime incurred (up to a predetermined amount) was reimbursable. The fact that the sergeant’s salary was not reimbursed was the result of poor negotiation and even worse management by Chief McKenna’s predecessor “Dumpy Dumplin'” Darlington. Chief McKenna brought Sergeant Ryan Johnson back to the Department in October 2016,  with the result that the Department was able to reduce 1 patrol position, and fill it with returned sergeant. The bottom line is that Coeymans now was paying the sergeant for services rendered to Coeymans and not to an outside agency and a patrol position was eliminated, further increasing the net savings!

Chief McKenna has succeeded in slimming down a bloated deparment created by his predecessors

Under previous Department management, there were two “part-time” Investigator positions, 1 detailed Senior Investigator position,  several so – called “B line positions”, an SRO position (school security), two “C line positions”, 1 supervisory C line position and an A line spot. [Editor’s Note: A, B, and C positions might be confusing so here is the key:  B is days, C is 4-midnight and A is midnight to 8 am. Hope that helps!]  The SRO, a 1 day position, the Sr. Investigator position, the C line position, the A line position, and C line supervisor position were all full time.  Before Chief McKenna, these positions provided full benefits such as vacation, sick and personal days off, which meant when a full time officer took the day off, his position, was filled with a part time officer, effectively paying two people for 1 working spot.  The part time Investigator spots routinely logged far more hours than the budget allocation [Editor’s Note: at best this was an indication of lousy management, ignorance of budgeting and a lack of familiarity with the department’s operation; in reality it was more likely Darlington’s padding his darlings’ pockets with town money.] Furthermore, before Chief McKenna took over the Department the “time management” for patrol shifts was uneven.  With McKenna’s hiring practices in place, he was able to alter the hours of some patrol shifts to provide two – person coverage twenty to twenty-two hours a day, and reduce unnecessary redundancies in patrol shifts;  Instead of the consistent A-B-C lines, McKenna put some officers on noon to 8 p.m. shifts, some (on Saturdays and Sundays on 12 hour shifts from 8a.m. to 8 p.m.), and the return of Sergeant Ryan Johnson to full dedication to Coeymans allowed the Department to employ Sgt Ryan Johnson in a dual capacity as a supervisor and as a patrol officer. According to Chief McKenna, his logic is that Coeymans is not so large a department that the positions need to be compartmentalized.

Chief McKenna has been able to reduce the excess hours, non-essential shifts, redundancy of tasks, and trim the budget by more than $60,000 dollars from the scheduled amount in the budget

Having a supervisor on during this shift also eliminates the need to contact an off-duty supervisor at home if circumstances would require.  The Department before McKenna had previously provided only one officer working the midnight shift; McKenna’s scheduling now allows for two-officer coverage from midnight until 4 a.m.  Monday through Friday while RCS schools are in session, the SRO (Sgt. Dan Contento) reports for duty before the school buses drop off students; on this scheduling he is available to back up the patrol officer from 6:30 a.m. until 8 a.m., if needed. In order days off, monitoring hours worked, details filled, and shifts filled or vacated, Chief McKenna has been able to reduce the excess hours, non-essential shifts, redundancy of tasks, and trim the budget by more than $60,000 dollars from the scheduled amount in the budget. In addition, to this McKenna has succeeded in adding salary reimbursements to the positive bottom line, which has enhanced the Town of Coeymans budget by more than $10,000 at least. Compare those savings to Crandall’s ongoing spending sprees!

Chief McKenna has made his Department’s priority that of having patrol officers capable and available to meet the needs of the Coeymans community.  McKenna’s guiding principle is: “If we can do that, and reduce the burden on the taxpayers by even a little bit, everybody wins.”


Chief McKenna’s Plan

According to McKenna when asked about his feelings regarding Crandall’s grabbing the salary reimbursements engineered by McKenna and his deployment of Department personnel, McKenna thoughtfully responded:

 “If I had any regrets about the windfall returned to the town coffers, it would be that I believe I am trying to maintain a professional department, without creating an undue financial burden on the people, yet still providing a safe and secure town and village.  The previous chief had his own printer, which died shortly after I took over.  I did not ask to replace it, as we have additional printers in the department I can utilize.  I have not dipped into petty cash.  Three of the patrol vehicles were purchased with seizure funds.  My only regret is that I believe I am fiscally conservative.  When I asked to outfit two vehicles purchased at the end of 2015 with lights and sirens, so as to reduce the stress on our fleet of cars, and allow for an extended life of the vehicles we have, it was denied, citing “financial stress”.”


Supervisor Phil Crandall

[Editor’s Note: I am hard pressed to understand How? denying a department head access to funds saved through his management of his department during a fiscal year, can be justified on the basis of “financial stress”. Our question is this: Where is the budgeted money and the reimbursed money going, Mr Crandall? You’re the CFO (chief financial officer) of the town! And besides, how many assistants does a small town supervisor need? And an accountant at $100/hour. Come on, Crandall, do you think we’re as stupid as you look? I am even more hard pressed to understand Mr Crandall’s refusal to extend the life of Department equipment by minor investment in equipment for those vehicles. It is outrageous that Crandall and his bully cronies on the Coeymans Town Board take those savings realized by the Chief without the Chief’s input, and offset bloated payroll issues created by Crandall’s extravagance in hiring for his own office.  Case in point: When the supervisor’s office went almost 9% over budget on payroll for 2 people — we’ll be reporting on this in the next article giving names and money amounts —, and one of them is salaried.  The Town of Coeymans under Crandall and his cronies on the Coeymans Town Board has created a Human Resources department that has cost an additional $12,000 dollars — we’ll be reporting on this, too, giving names and money amounts—, and we have a Finance Officer working full time, earning nearly 50,000 dollars, while the accountant hired to check the work earns over 100 dollars per hour. We don’t understand how this can go unnoticed by the public and by the local media, especially when NYS law makes the town supervisor the chief financial officer (CFO) of the town! We believe that Chief McKenna has a firm grip and a professional understanding about budgeting the funds necessary to run his Department but it doesn’t appear that Supervisor Crandall or the town board has half the savvy of the Police Chief. Not when Mr Crandall goes on a hiring spree and then has to steal from the Coeymans Police Department to cover his abuses. But as will become clear in our next article, Crandall does not limit his abuse of public office to the Coeymans Police Department, his bully tactics extend to another professional employee’s department, too.

We’ll be asking to see the books to verify the time and payments to Linda Ziegler (part-time in Crandall’s office), Darryl Purinton @ $105/hr in Crandall’s office. Yes! You read that right, $105/hr. Nita Chmielewski (full-time in Crandall’s office) @ $24.54/hr. Cindy Rowzee (full-time in Crandall’s office) @ $16/hr. And to report to our readers about the overtime abuses by Crandall’s minions — he seems to have collected his own little henhouse, a veritable harem for himself. Does Mrs Crandall know?]

Both the young professionals and their veteran trainers are committed to performing to the highest standards of ethics, professionalism, and integrity.

Coeymans has seen four of the officers McKenna hired move on to full – time employment elsewhere.  After having received their training and mentoring from veteran professional law enforcement like McKenna and Contento, even from a matured Ryan Johnson, we would have liked to have seen these up–and–coming men and women stay and grow in the Law Enforcement field right here in Coeymans. The problem is really simple: Coeymans cannot compete with the salaries elsewhere, and with a town administration like Phil Crandall’s that slaps community – minded management and service in the face and that insists on shooting itself in the foot, those salaries and the benefits packages, as well as career advancement opportunities offered by larger departments will attract talented professionals away from Coeymans.  It’s not a total loss, though, because from the time these young recruits come to serve on the Coeymans Police Department, the people of the Town of Coeymans receives the dedicated service of a group of young professionals, who are committed to a career in Police Work and law enforcement, who receive training and mentoring by highly qualified veteran law enforcement officers while they are here.  Both the young professionals and their veteran trainers are committed to performing to the highest standards of ethics, professionalism, and integrity.  As an officer – in – training, these recruits need to give their utmost in order to become certified as law enforcement professionals.  Chief Mckenna doesn’t take the vetting process for these candidates lightly, and believes the obvious fact that these officers trained in Coeymans are now coveted by larger departments; this should be interpreted as a reflection of how vigilant McKenna and his veterans are in their efforts to find the best people for the job.

One of the hallmarks of our Coeymans Police Department is the too-often misused term “community-policing”.  For McKenna, that term means men and women, who interact with the public and don’t just drive past them, pull them over, or act as if a service call is an inconvenience.  McKenna and his personnel acknowledge and appreciate who pays their salaries.  They know that they are here because the people of this town want them here.  Property checks, bicycle patrol, walking beats, ATV details, crossing guard details; all these things get us out into the public, among our friends, neighbors, employers, interacting, and having an opportunity to listen and tohear what the community wants and expects from their own law enforcement professionals.  McKenna has vision and hope for the revitalization in the Town and Hamlet of Coeymans and Village of Ravena, and for the surrounding areas; nothing would give him greater joy than seeing storefronts filled with goods and service opportunities, instead of vacancy signs and deteriorating real estate everywhere you look.

McKenna Redefines Community Law Enforcement

McKenna Redefines Community Law Enforcement

McKenna, in keeping with his community contact policy, makes the effort to at least try to visit every business, with whom he and his Department interact, and McKenna looks to introduce himself to people in the community, so they know that they can actually call or stop in his office for any reason.  McKenna’s present and available and he makes that fact known to the community. Of course, there are times and places that he misses the chance to follow-up with people in the community, but he does express the sincere hope that those who feel he didn’t respond or do enough will call him, or stop in again.  [Editor’s Note: If anyone feels this is not the case, we at Smalbany would like your inputs and we’ll follow up, of course. Either leave a comment at the end of this article or send us an email at] McKenna is one man literally fighting Town Hall so it’s not that he’s dissing anyone or that he doesn’t want to reach out to local businesses and business owners, the understandable fact is that he sometimes gets overrun, and misses the chance to finish what may have been started. Our suggestion to any business or business owner who would like to discuss any particular issue or who has the interest and time to foster a collaborative relationship with Chief McKenna and the Coeymans Police Department to call him, pay him a visit. You’ll find him the most generous and cordial man you’ll probably ever meet in Coeymans Town Hall. And we’d love to know about your impressions and experiences if you do that.

In conclusion, despite the abuses and the obstacles set by Crandall and his bullies, the Chief appears not to have any issues with the disrespect he receives from the mob upstairs, the ignorance he has to live with and lack of appreciation from Crandall, or the budget he has to work with. Judging from our observations, our conversations, and the facts we have gathered, we are confident — and we believe that Chief McKenna is as well — that if he and his Department is given the opportunity to provide input into hiring and purchasing, and the town government wakes up and stops hamstringing him in his efforts, he will continue provide a full measure of service to the Town of Coeymans and the Village of Ravena.  If Crandall and his cronies continue to obstruct the Chief’s efforts by placing obstacles and roadblocks, and the Chief is stymied in efforts to professionally and conscientiously, and responsibly manage his Department and to move the Department forward in service of the community, the task of keeping the community safe and protected will become increasingly difficult, if not impossible.

At this point in time, the Chief foresees at least two young officers leaving the Coeymans Department in the coming months in order to accept full – time employment in larger departments. If the Chief is not given the latitude and resources necessary to adjust for these losses, the future may become a very difficult challenge for this community in terms of safety, response, and service.

We feel that Mr Crandall and the Coeymans town board should take a very critical look at their own egregious misconduct and their lack of concern for the integrity of Coeymans government. We, and we hope we are joined by our friends and neighbors in Coeymans, especially the business community in the Town of Coeymans, to demand that Chief McKenna be given a voice and an regular opportunity to share his vision, his plans, his challenges, and his solutions with the Coeymans community, and at every opportunity in town administration activities. We encourage Chief McKenna to insist on being on the agenda at Town of Coeymans working meetings and regular Town Board meetings, to present his regular reports, and that those reports be “on the record” and in the minutes for the public’s information. We further encourage the local and regional media to establish and nurture liaison with Chief McKenna and his Department, and that the media provide opportunity and space for the Chief’s regular reports.

In the meantime, we’d like to thank Coeymans Police Chief Peter McKenna for his fine service and dedication to this community in 2016, and to extend our sincerest best wishes to the Chief and his law enforcement professionals, and his officers – in – training for a safe and happy new year in the service of our community!!!

We'd like to remind you what's at stake for our law enforcement men and women, and their families. They're not desk jockeys, Mr Crandall! The Editor

We’d like to remind you what’s at stake for our law enforcement men and women, and their families. They’re not desk jockeys, Mr Crandall!
The Editor 

Editor’s Heads – Up! Stay tuned for another block – buster report on the Crandall mob’s misuse of office and their abuse of town employees. We mentioned some of the double – standard hiring practices and financial irresponsibility exhibited by Crandall in this article but be prepared for an even more shocking exposé in our follow – up article, which will expose Crandall, Youmans, and Dolan as bullies and harassers, and the rest of the town board as cowards with no balls. When Crandall and Youmans were elected, we published an article with the title  “Return of the Scumbuckets! Coeymans Does It Again!” in Coeymans Town Hall. Our reports confirm that observation.


Posted by on January 7, 2017 in, Abuse of Public Office, Albany County Civil Service Department, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Carver Companies, Carver Companies, Carver Construction, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Cindy Rowzee, Coeymans, Coeymans Elections, Coeymans Industrial Park, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Budget, Columbia-Greene Media, Daily Mail, Daniel Contento, Darryl L. Purinton, David Wukitsch, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, George Amedore, George Langdon, Gerald Deluca, Greater Coeymans Ravena Area Community Business Group, Gregory Darlington, Hal Warner, Hudson Valley, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, John B. Johnson, John Luckacovic, Johnson Newspaper Group, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Mark Vinciguerra, Mayor "Mouse", Mayor "Mouse" Misuraca, Melanie Lekocevic, Mismanagement, Moose Misuraca, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nepotism, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, News Herald, Nita Chmielewski, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Pete Lopez, Peter J. McKenna, Peter McKenna, Phil Crandall, Phillip Crandall, Port of Coeymans, Public Safety, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena News Herald, RCS Central School District, RegisterStar, Richard Touchette, Ryan Johnson, The Daily Mail, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tom Dolan, Town of Coeymans, Wild Spending, William Misuraca


Bruno Doesn’t Realize He’s Not Mayor Anymore: Asking for donations for centennial!

You have to admit, ex-mayor of Ravena, John T. Bruno, may have old-man balls but he does have a big pair. In fact, he’s got the balls to have sent out a letter to Ravena residents begging for money to fund the Bruno-Warren-Deluca centennial events, events conjured up by his crooked administration and the crooks he surrounded himself with.



Ex-mayor of the village of Ravena, John T. Bruno, recently sent out an undated letter to Ravena residents in which he acts as though he were still mayor of Ravena. Poor senile bastard is having a hard time letting go of his office keys and doesn’t know that technically he’s not mayor any more and has to start cooling his rejected jets. What’s even more pitiful is that Bruno doesn’t seem to realize that the jig is up! The world knows about his corruption and his crooked administration, and about his lackeys Nancy Warner and Cathy Deluca, both of whom are going to be back on the street, but who also can’t seem to grasp that their days in village hall are numbered. They still think that they have Bruno’s threats and strongarm tactics to keep them in their playpens at taxpayer expense.

While Nancy Warner is a trustee and should be doing her job for which she was elected, she’s got her hooked nose in everything else. But that’s Nancy Warner, never could mind her own business. But now that her pimp is out of office, she’s going to be very lonely—she’s already kissing and cudling up to mayor-elect Bill Misuraca, hoping to cast off the Bruno stench and make new allies. If mayor-elect Misuraca falls for it he’s going to be a disappointment. Clean house completely Misuraca. Take no prisoners. Leave one standing and you’ll find the knife in your back. Look what happened in New Baltimore with the leftovers from the O’Rorke gang!

And what’s Cathy Deluca doing chairing a centennial committee when her playpen, the Ravena Health and Fitness Center can’t get enough members to break even? Why isn’t she concentrating every minute of every day ensuring that Ravena taxpayer’s hard-earned dollars are paying off? Of course not, Deluca’s a greedy bitch who gets her rocks off grabbing everything in sight, contaminating it with Deluca stench, and then leaving it to die a slow death, while she does the cellulite jiggle all the way to the bank! Now after she’s done her damage with the support of ex-mayor John Bruno and his bitch, Nancy Warner, Deluca wants to manage the centennial celebrations down to hell and beyond, putting her stamp on it. Our question is this: What’s in it for Cathy Deluca. There has to be something to steal or grab somewhere!

So we really had to rush to the bathroom when we read this part of the Bruno begging letter (read or download the entire letter New letter from Bruno WTF[2]):

As you can imagine planning and coordinating all of these activities require a lot of effort on the part of a number of volunteers. In addition to the effort needed to provide these activities it also requires that some additional money is spent to bring this celebration to our community. The village Board has made provision in its budget to meet some of these costs, but we cannot let all of the cost fall to the taxpayers. Some of the events, such as the Gala will allow us to charge a ticket fee to attend. However others such as the Parade and are true community events and no fee can or will be charged. With this in mind we are seeking sponsors to assist us in meeting the costs of this once in a lifetime celebration.

Bruno continues to think that village of Ravena taxpayers and residents are as stupid as they were two years ago, before this blog started exposing the crooks and their vile corruption. The proposed budget for 2014-15 includes $11,000 for “Celebrations” (page 9, item 7550.44). In the Adjusted Budget for 2013-14, $6,000 was allocated for “celebrations,” and while we can’t remember any “celebrations” we do remember some events associated with the illegal Ravena Health and Fitness Center that were probably paid for with that “celebrations” money. So add about $6,000 to the $105,000 already allocated to Cathy Deluca’s playpen, because we didn’t see any celebrations last year in Ravena.

And then Bruno goes on to talk about how the village needs “Sponsors” to cover the cost of the centennial celebrations. You really want to laugh out loud when you read this crap because if Bruno hadn’t done his best to drive residents and business out of Ravena, he wouldn’t have to beg for sponsors. They’d be there on Main Street! Ask Mr Nunziato (Halfway House) about that!

But this paragraph really makes you sick to your stomach:

 For additional information on the events or if you are interested in working with the committee on any of the other events please contact, Committee Chair Cathy Deluca at the Ravena Health and Fitness Center at Village Hall , 15 Mountain Road, Ravena, NY 12143,518,756.5544 or

Can you believe this, Spock?

Can you believe this, Spock?

What a slap in the face of Ravena residents and taxpayers! He’s shoving Cathy Deluca and the Ravena Health and Fitness Center down residents’ throats as “Committee Chair” of the centennial events! Let’s make this suggestion to Mr Bruno: Cathy Deluca has milked the village of Ravena for $30,000 a year plus benefits. The word on the street is that Bruno handed Cathy Deluca a playpen called the Ravena Health and Fitness Center as a reward for some favors done by her or her husband, Dirty-Hands Jerry Deluca, a former employee of the Coeymans police department. We can’t even start to imagine the corruption that was going on to get Cathy Deluca another health club to run and fail. Then Bruno and his monkeys on the Ravena village board spent more than $40,000 in taxpayer dollars on used fitness equipment bought from a friend of Village Hall, and allocated more than $105,000 in the 2013-14 village budget to run Cathy Deluca’s playpen, the Ravena Health and Fitness Center. The 2014-15 proposed budget allocates another more than $105,000 to run the Fitness Center and even gives Cathy Deluca a $900 pay raise. We don’t understand this waste of taxpayer money for several reasons: (1) the Fitness Center is losing money, (2) the Fitness Center isn’t getting members to offset the cost of running it, (3) the 2014-15 proposed budget actually shows that the Fitness Center is expected to operate more than $50,000 in the red in 2014-15, (4) the Village Proposed Budget for 2014-15 shows that the Village doesn’t expect the Fitness Center to break even in the budget period, (5) the Fitness Center doesn’t pay any rent to the Village for the space it occupies, nor is there any evidence it pays for utilities or for insurance. So here’s our suggestion to Mr ex-mayor John Bruno when he writes that he needs money for the community celebration of the 100 years of incorporation of the Village of Ravena:

    • Fire Cathy Deluca and you’ll save at least $30,000 more for the celebrations
    • Close the Ravena Health and Fitness Center and you’ll save at least another $50,000-$105,000
    • Sell the used fitness equipment you purchased from Bob Fisk for $40,000 and you’ll probably have to go in the hole to cover the costs of carting the junk equipment away
    • Get rid of the Ravena Village Court and you’ll save at least $85,000 (Hal Warner’s salary is $15,948 and the justice clerk makes more than $40,000; the part-time clerk makes more than $12,000. That’s more than $67,000 in savings right there!)
    • Return some of the money your administration has either stolen or squandered or paid to insiders (did we mention Michael Biscone or Gregory Teresi?) and we could probably renovate all of Main Street, Ravena, and have plenty to spare!

 Now there’s a sensible plan for funding the community celebrations that Mr Bruno’s feeble-minded letter does not propose. Ravena voters have taken a major step in the direction of revitalizing the Village of Ravena without having to resort to begging: Voters got rid of John Bruno, Martin Case, and Rocco Persico. There’s still a lot of pest control to be done in Ravena Village Hall and voters can clean up Nancy Warner and Bill Bailey in the next elections, or they could avoid the embarassment and humiliation of losing the elections by simply resigning now. Mayor-elect Misuraca and the new Village board majority can take the bull by the horns and clean up the rest of the dead wood and garbage in Village Hall and eliminate the money pits like Cathy Deluca’s playpen and Nancy and Hal Warner’s playpen, the Ravena Village Court. That would be a really good start.

Maybe if Bruno and his Coeymanazi friends hadn’t persecuted, harassed, and intimidated the Greater Coeymans Ravena Area Community Business Group and the Ravena-Coeymans Youth and Teen Activity Center things might have turned out less noxious and maybe even a bit rosier. But …

Ex-mayor John Bruno Practices for New Job Ex-mayor of Ravena is applying to Maylasian Airlines as 777 pilot. The Editor

Ex-mayor of Ravena, John Bruno,  Practices for New Job
Ex-mayor of Ravena is applying to Malaysia Airlines as a 777 pilot, but can’t remember where he left the plane!
The Editor

 Don’t miss our recent articles on Corruption in Ravena-Coeymans!

 Share Our Shock: State Fire Chiefs’ Association Hires Dirty-Hands Jerry Deluca!
From the Judge Himself: Coeymans Judge Resigns, Insider Exposes Corruption

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance.

Graphics and Images Disclosure: Unless otherwise noted and credited, all graphics used in this article are the result of a Google image search, and at the time the images were collected and used in this article, no conspicuous or visible copyright notice or other proprietary mark was shown. Please communicate any claim or corrections to All images are used in good faith for non-profit, public information and public service purposes.


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Posted by on March 28, 2014 in, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Chamber of Commerce, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Andrew Vale, ARANY, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Dorrance, Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, Capital District, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Charles A. Bucca, Civil Right Violation, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Justice, Columbia-Greene Media, Conflict of Interest, Conspiracy, Corruption, Daily Mail, David Soares, David Wukitsch, DeLuca Public Affairs, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Falsely reporting an incident, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, George Dardiani, George Langdon, Gerald Deluca, Greater Coeymans Ravena Area Community Business Group, Greene County District Attorney, Greene County News, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, Harold Warner, Hearst Corporation, Hudson Valley, Incompetence, Intimidation, Investigation, Irresponsibility, Jason Albert, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, John B. Johnson, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Johnson Newspaper Group, Joseph C. Teresi, Joseph Teresi, Josephine P. Dority née Biscone, Josie Biscone-Bruno, Judicial Misconduct, Kenneth Burns, Kristine Biernacki, Law Enforcement, Main Street Small Business Coalition, Mark Vinciguerra, Martin Case, Marty Case, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Meprision of Felony, Michael Biscone, Michael Fisher, Michael J. Biscone, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, MSSBC, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Civil Service Department, New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, New York State Police, New York State Supreme Court, New York State Unified Court System, New York State United Teachers, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, News Herald, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, NYSAFC, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Public Corruption, Public Office, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Fitness Center, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena News Herald, Ravena Village Board, RC Teen Activities Center, RCS Business Group, RCS Community Library, RegisterStar, Robert Dorrance, Robert Fisk, Robert J. Freeman, Rocco Persico, Scott Giroux, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Stephen Prokrym, Susan K. O'Rorke, Teachers Union, The Daily Mail, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Times Useless, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Transparency, Village Justice, William Bailey


Letter to the Editor: Town of Coeymans Should Merge Ravena and Coeymans Hamlet!

On occasion, some readers’ comments are just so good and so on-topic that we think they should be published on their own as free-standing articles. With this in mind, we’ll be publishing what we call “Letters to the Editor,” similar to those you’d read in any of the local rags, but much more informative and honest, of course. It’s so much better to have readers themselves do the writing, since that frees us up to do more research and uncover more facts for you.

This letter-to-the-editor is the second letter of a two-part series that we think you’ll really enjoy, especially in this pre-election run-up period in Ravena. When reading these letters, you may want to ask you why these commonsense actions haven’t been taken already by the residents of Ravena and Coeymans and the town of Coeymans. After all, Ravena and the Hamlet of Coeymans were once one single municipality. They’ve had several decades to make the division work but to date the split of Ravena and the Hamlet of Coeymans has caused only problems and bitterness. Why not go back to the merged community and have some peace and save some money? So here goes!

Dear Editor, Dear Neighbors:

As we know, some things and some things remain the same. However, at some point, change is necessary, needed and valuable.

With this in mind, I offer the following:

The Hamlet of Coeymans seems to be in a stagnant situation, both  with a population that is not increasing and with a lack of services that its residents should have. The residents pay higher fees for both Village of Ravena drinking water and Sewer District Tax.

In contrast to what is perceived as a modern move to consolidation, I propose that the Hamlet of Coeymans petition the Village of Ravena for Annexation-that is, the residents of the Hamlet actually become ‘residents’ of the Village of Ravena with all the privileges afforded the current residents of the Village.

I offer there must be a number of caveats to this Annexation (and there are more I am sure):

1.  Coeymans Fire Company maintains its current structure and coverage area along with the current taxing authority to maintain its equipment and continue to be able to protect its area in the exemplary manner it always has.

2. The ‘new’ residents continue to have and use the current Post Office, Zip Code and address-much like Colonie and Menands residents do with regard to and with their relationships to Albany. The idea of mail delivery to those who wish to take advantage should also be investigated

 By the Annexation, users of the Village of Ravena water supply and the Sewer Customers of the District would all be under the auspices of the Village of Ravena, who would be responsible for the entire systems. Of course this would take additional resources but we can get to that later.  Additionally, all the customers of the Water and Sewer Distrcts would pay the same rates, in contrast to the current system-this means the former Hamlet residents would see a sharp drop in both rates which may equate to the now payable Village of Ravena tax!

 The new residents would also be able to take advantage of services formerly available to only the original Village residents, like brush pickup, street cleaning, Holiday Decorations, a second vendor for Cable TV Services, stump removal and the like.
With regard to staffing, workload and duties: I offer that the Current Village Building Department be responsible not only for the expanded Village but also for the rest of the Town of Coeymans and staff from Coeymans be moved to accommodate this. It would make sense too as Coeymans Building Department needs would go down and the Village up. I would think the same issues might be in line for the Clerk Offices, Highway Department and Court Offices too. We may even have a chance for some building/office consolidation and economic savings to boot!

 At the same time, the Annexation would allow the Town of Coeymans to explore the possibility of having it’s own municipal water and sewer systems to encourage community growth and maybe enjoy some prosperity because of it. Just imagine municipal water and sewers ‘out back’, on the northern Route9W and northern 144 ends of Town!!

 Seeing as the current Route 144  ‘home’ for the Town Highway Employees (the former Coeymans Firehouse) will not be needed any longer, it can go back to taxable property and maybe a Stewart’s or the like will show up!  The former Town occupants will have less to do as the park would be now on Village property, so the remaining employees can either move to the Town Office Building or the Highway Department as their new workstation. [Editor’s Note: Once the Town of Coeymans makes the right choice and eliminates the Coeymans police department, the space in the basement of the Town Hall can accommodate both a Sheriff’s satellite office and the highway department staff! Actually, it might make a great RC Youth and Teen Activities Center!]

 I know there is more to this than I have outlined but the idea may just have merit and is worth discussing. Why not talk about it?


Now isn’t this what our elected town board and village board should be thinking about and proposing, instead of acting like grinning idiots every time someone wants to create a dump or a transfer station in residents’ back yards? Isn’t this what our elected officials should be envisioning instead of bickering like a coven of old hags and creating discord and anxiety, while resident’s basements are filling with water and sewerage, 100-year-old water mains are failing, village and town are hemorrhaging residents, tax base, and businesses? Come on, people, listen to the Voice of Reason and make some changes!

Get rid of Bruno and his gang-bangers, and kick the Town of Coeymans’ board in the ass and get some action!

Outsider is a frequent commenter and reader. We think he’s been in local government in the past because he knows an awful lot about the people and events. He also thinks like a good administrator should think. But we’d like to hear what YOU think about Outsider’s letter. Please leave a comment.

Stay Tuned: In the Days Leading Up to the Ravena Elections,
We’ll Be Running the Series,

10 Reasons Why You Should Vote NO!
for Bruno-Case-Persico!

(Get the latest Election Poll Results at: RESULTS!)

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance.

Graphics and Images Disclosure: Unless otherwise noted and credited, all graphics used in this article are the result of a Google image search, and at the time the images were collected and used in this article, no conspicuous or visible copyright notice or other proprietary mark was shown. Please communicate any claim or corrections to All images are used in good faith for non-profit, public information and public service purposes.

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Posted by on March 4, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Chamber of Commerce, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County Department of Children, Youth, and Families, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Andrew Cuomo, Andrew Vale, Assessment, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Coeymans, Coeymans Bulding Inspector, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Columbia-Greene Media, Craig D. Apple Sr., Daily Mail, David Soares, DEC, Department of Environmental Conservation, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, George Langdon, Gerald Deluca, Government, Greater Coeymans Ravena Area Community Business Group, Greene County News, Gregory Darlington, Hearst Corporation, Hudson Valley, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. Johnson, John T. Bruno, Johnson Newspaper Group, Josephine P. Dority née Biscone, Kenneth Burns, Larry Conrad, Laverne Conrad, Law Enforcement, Lazlo Polyak, Mark Vinciguerra, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Meprision of Felony, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New York State, New York State Police, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, News Herald, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Public Office, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena News Herald, Ravena-Coeymans Teen Center, Reader's Commentary, Readers Corner, RegisterStar, Satellite Station, Smalbany, Social Justice, Stephen Flach, Taxation, The Daily Mail, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Times Useless, Tkaczyk, Tom Dolan, Transparency, Uncategorized, Village of Ravena Planning Board, William Bailey


MOOSE POWER! Misuraca Moose Blanket Ravena!

What a Great Idea! Mayor Moose! Driving Through the
Village of Ravena and the Environs We were Entertained by
Moose Everywhere with
“Mayor” in Bright Yellow Painted on Their Sides!

Ravena Welcomes Mayor Moose! A Great Way to Start a Winning Campaign

Ravena Welcomes Mayor Moose!
A Great Way to Start a Winning Campaign

The William “Moose” Misuraca campaign has gotten off to a great start, judging by the number of Misuraca Mayor Moose we’ve been seeing in Ravena and in the surrounding area. If the imagination and care that went into creating these really fun and appealing campaign signs is any indication of what the Misuraca team of Bill “Moose” Misuraca, Keith Mahler and Joel Coye are offering the village of Ravena, Ravena is in for a real revitalization when they take over Ravena Village Hall in March.

Compare Mayor Moose with the Worn and Shabby Bruno Mob…

Even the Bruno-Case-Persio Signs are Shabby, Worn, Bland! Just like the shabby, worn, bland promises of the Bruno bunch.

Even the Bruno-Case-Persio Signs are Shabby, Worn, Bland!
Just like the shabby, worn, bland promises of the Bruno bunch.

We haven’t come across many Bruno-Case-Persico signs but the ones we have found are shabby, worn, and bland. Just like Bruno, Case, and Persico and their empty, pitiful promises. Promises to continue doing nothing but serving themselves and their cronies at Ravena residents’ expense. Hell! Even the snow around the signs is dirty! What does that tell you about the candidates?

What we found to be really ironic and really characterless—just like the Bruno-Case-Persico candidates, no character, no taste—is that the sign above is placed on an empty lot (like so much in Ravena under Bruno, EMPTY, and like his promises, EMPTY). But what’s even worse, the sign is placed right opposite the RCS Community Library! Yes, neighbors! Right across from the very library so brutally abused and misused by the Ravena mayor John “Black Mamba’ Bruno—a name he got by nearly destroying the cement plant when he worked there, and a name he deserves because of his venom, just like the poisonous black mamba snake—and so-called teacher Martin “Marty” Case and school psychologist Rocco Persico. That tells you a lot about these rotten apples: They abused and misused the RCS Community Library, even raised its rent more than $600 a month (paid by taxpayers!) in order to put in Cathy Deluca’s playpen, the illegal and failing Ravena Health and Fitness Center, and now the bastids want to take advantage of the traffic going to and from the library. Now how underhanded, slippery, and sleazy can they get? The must be getting desperate! Hold on! Did we say “getting“?

We like Misuraca because he talks like a real person. Take one of his public statements recently:

“I am hoping with the help of some of you folks and other members of the community to restore the village, to return it to some of its former prosperity and community pride that we have seen in the past. I think a lot of us have lived here enough time to have seen that.”

And Bill “Moose” Misuraca makes the public commitment:

“There are a lot of things that we can do. I hope to have your help because it is all very new to me. I promise I’ll do my best to represent the party and everyone who lives in the village and the town.”

Be clear on one point, Moose: You may want to “represent the party and everyone who lives in the village.” You might not be able to do both, so be careful what you say. We’re listening. You just do your best to represent residents and voters. You don’t represent the party; you represent those who vote for you. We may yet ask you what the Repubican party is, when was it founded, by whom. What is the Republican party mission? Would you be able to answer those questions? Can you tell us what the Republican Party is doing for the residents of Ravena? Likely you wouldn’t have many answers, and even if you did, they wouldn’t matter. Our advice for now is: “Screw the party. Serve the people.”

But we want to know more. And make no mistake, Moose, if you’re going to be making statements like that. If you want to be Ravena’s mayor, you’re going to have to get down and make some very impressive and specific, clear commitments. Statements that we can call you on later if you forget what you said. Here’s what we’d like to see in the next couple of weeks:

First, an exclusive interview by the Ravena News Herald asking specific questions about specific and real issues of concern to the village of Ravena residents and to the town of Coeymans. Yes, we want you to tell us what your plan is for collaborating with the town of Coeymans, too. Especially, what do you plan to do to improve relations with the town of Coeymans and the hamlet of Coeymans?

Secondly, we want you to announce very soon a meet the candidates open house in the next couple of weeks. You have the ideal situation: Pick a day when most Ravena residents are home and not at work and open the Halfway House Tavern for the afternoon and early evening, inviting Ravena residents to come in have a snack on the house, and the opportunity to sit down individually, face to face, one on one, with the candidates. Residents and candidates, together, informally having a chat about real issues, like water billing, DEC fines, open government, youth and teen affairs, accountability and transparency in local government, avoiding conflicts of interes and special interest groups interference in government, the problem of patronage and favoritism in Ravena government, village revitalization. Residents name it and put it on the table, you and Joel and Keith answer.

It's What Elects You.

It’s What Elects You.

At your meet the candidate open house we’d also recommend having question cards or sheets for residents to write down their concerns and what they’d like done in Ravena. They’d have the opportunity to ask anonymously or, if they provide their contact details, you and the other candidates would guarantee a personal response before the elections. How’s that for a change?

Youth and teens in Ravena-Coeymans have gotten the dirty end of the stick in recent years. We’d like to know specifically what you and your fellow candidates plan to do for youth and teens in Ravena.

We also want to know what you plan to do about the many recent Notices of Claim filed against the Village of Ravena, several of which specifically relate to Cathy Deluca and the Ravena Health and Fitness Center, and her violation of protected civil and constitutional rights, her alleged falsely reporting an incident, obstruction of justice and conspiracy, as well as myriad other Notices of Claim that are still capable of becoming embarassing and expensive lawsuits. The Bruno administration’s standard procedure is to ignore them, hoping they’ll go away. They won’t. We guarantee that.

We’d also like to know how you intend to sanitize Ravena village hall, getting rid of the dead wood (the job-givaways), the crooks (well, once you beat Bruno, the rats will abandon ship, hoping to escape prosecution) and, of course the illegal money pits (the Ravena Health and Fitness Center) and the illegal “civil service” leeches (like Cathy Deluca) who have already gotten the village of Ravena into a heap-o-trouble.

Finally, and something that’s been on all our minds for several years now is: How do your plan to stop the hemorrhaging of families and businesses from the village of Ravena and the surrounding area? What is your idea for inaugurating the revitalization of Ravena over the long-term? We know that the present Bruno regime has put Nancy Biscone-Warner and Cathy Deluca in charge of putting together a handful of bandaid events, calling them revitalization, but we want to know if you have a plan, not a cookout and a health fair, a PLAN, something that will really have a gradual, continuous, positive long-term effect on Ravena. We’re not talking necessarily about so-called “growth and development”, the kind of stuff that destroys the character and charm that could be Ravena—under real, committed and visionary leadership, but a shot in the arm to once again make Ravena a lovely, charming, attractive village on the Hudson.

We’d like to call for the same from incumbent Ravena mayor John “Black Mamba” Bruno—and we’ll be in the front row with our list—to do the same. Yeah! Like that’s gonna happen…

That, Mayor Moose, is what’s going to sell you and your team. That’s what’s going to confront you when you take office. But that’s what we want to know NOW!

We have a good gut feeling, Moose, that you’re a great candidate and will make a great mayor of Ravena. We think you’re up to the task. We think you can take the challenge. All we ask is that you confide in us and give us something solid to hold onto, not the same vomit that Bruno, Case, and Persico have delivered since Day 1, and continue to deliver. Give Ravena Real reason to HOPE, Moose!

You Can Vote In Our Polls for Mayor and Trustees.
Go to Our Polls (click on the “Our Polls” link) and Cast Your Vote and See the Percent Results for Each Candidate!

According to Our Polls, As of 5 p.m. February 9, 2014

For Mayor of Ravena
Bill “Moose Misuraca” 77%
Ron Houghtaling 14%
Other 5%
John T. Bruno (incumbent mayor) 4%

For Trustees (2)
Keith Mahler (R): 42%
Laszlo Polyak (Write-in): 18%
Joel Coye: 11%
Rocco Persico: 5%
Martin Case: 3%


GO! Mayor Moose!
We got your back, Moose! Now GO FOR IT!
(Thanks Halfway House guys for the great shot! You did good!)
The Editor


Posted by on February 8, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony,, Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Board of Elections, Albany County Chamber of Commerce, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County Sheriff Department, Andrew Vale, Barbara Cumm, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Black Mamba, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Civil Right Violation, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Town Board, Columbia-Greene Media, Conspiracy, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., Daily Mail, David Wukitsch, DEC, Department of Environmental Conservation, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, Elections and Voting, Ethics and Morality, F.O.I.L., Favoritism, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Freedom of Information Law, Government, Greater Coeymans Ravena Area Community Business Group, Greed, Greene County News, Greg Teresi, Hearst Corporation, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Investigation, Jena Misuraca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. Johnson, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Johnson Newspaper Group, Josie Biscone-Bruno, Law Enforcement, Lazlo Polyak, Lies, Making an apparently sworn false statement, Mark Vinciguerra, Martin Case, Marty Case, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Michael Biscone, Michael Fisher, Michael J. Biscone, Misinformation, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nepotism, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Pete Lopez, Police State, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Fitness Center, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena Village Board, Ravena-Coeymans Teen Center, RegisterStar, Robert Dorrance, Robert Fisk, Rocco Persico, Scott Giroux, Selkirk, Smalbany, The Daily Mail, Times Union, Transparency, William Bailey


Definite Rejects: Town of New Baltimore

In the Town of New Baltimore

O'Rorke, Angelis, Schrauf, Jordan, Brooks

O’Rorke, Angelis, Schrauf, Jordan, Brooks

New Baltimore voters have a very clear choice this election day: Give up the town of New Baltimore to the O’Rorke control freaks or take back the town of New Baltimore and re-establish democracy and resident participation in our local government. It’s truly ironic, the Republican / Conservative / Independence candidates of the Dellisanti team are more democratic than those running on the democrat ticket, most of whom couldn’t get real political party endorsments and are running either as no-party candidates or as candidates of obscure “parties” like the “Our Town Party” and the “Responsible to the People”—Lord knows what crackpot politics those parties endorse. (Or they’re running on a democrat line but aren’t democrats!). Here’s our take on the VOTE NO! candidates in New Baltimore.

Fangs, Claws, and Excess Body Hair Airbushed Out New Baltimore Democratic candidates? Lies! Front, from left: Hilary Schrauf and Janet Angelis, both running for town council, and Tax Collector Diane Jordan. Back: Town Clerk Janet Brooks, left, and Town Supervisor Susan O’Rorke. Uncredited posed photo.

Fangs, Claws, and Excess Body Hair Airbushed Out
New Baltimore Democratic candidates? Lies! Front, from left: Hilary Schrauf and Janet Angelis, both running for town council, and Tax Collector Diane Jordan. Back: Town Clerk Janet Brooks, left, and Town Supervisor Susan O’Rorke. Uncredited posed photo.
What you see is NOT what you get!

Local Catskill-Hudson Newspapers the Ravena News Herald, the Green County News, the Daily Mail all call them “Democratic Candidates.” That’s an outright lie, misinformation in your local papers (Thank you! Jessica Mosier of the Catskill-Hudson Newspapers/Register Star!). Only Angelis is a registered democrat. O’Rorke and Brooks are not registered or enrolled in any political party. Jordan, a Republican, is running on the democrat line because the Republicans didn’t want her (she has nothing to offer). O’Rorke, Schrauf and Brooks are “endorsed” by what they’re calling the “Our Town Party“, and Jordan is endorsed by the “Responsible to the People” party. Ever heard of them? Nor have we! This bunch must have cooked up those parties at one of their drinking orgies at Donovan’s Shady Harbor, the former Boathouse bar, the official New Baltimore Dem watering hole. (Just what New Baltimore needs in the town hall: a bunch of boozed-up freely fornicating cows!) The Independence Party dumped the entire bunch and put its support behind the Delisanti team The O’Rorke witches coven is not endorsed, apparently, by any mainline party.

The "O'Rorke 5" Plan for New Baltimore

The “O’Rorke 5” Plan for New Baltimore

NO New Madams in New Baltimore Town Hall

no_smallSusan O’Rorke (no party endorsement and not registered or enrolled in any political party but endorsed by the “Our Town Party”) running for New Baltimore town supervisor
Here’s where we get into some real evil stuff. Where do we start with Susan O’Rorke? She never made a commitment to any political party and is an NOP on the voter registry. O’Rorke’s party is O’Rorke, and it’s her party. The residents of New Baltimore are not invited. She didn’t get the Independence endorsement but then the entire democrat mob in New Baltimore got snubbed by the Independence Party. She’s hated by her own town board except for the brown-nosers Christopher Norris and Lisa Benway but their time is almost up and they’ll get the boot in the next round of elections. O’Rorke is noted for her violation of free speech at New Baltimore town meetings, her discriminatory practices, her circumventing the law to make unlawful purchases for her favorites, her practice of excluding the public in New Baltimore government. Susan O’Rorke and her small group of selected apes have taken over New Baltimore town hall and have locked the doors to the rest of the community. It’s really time for a change in New Baltimore and the Dellisanti team seems to be the perfect group to bring that change. New Baltimore can’t survive another four years of O’Rorke-ism.

no_smallJanet Angelis (registered democrat) running for New Baltimore town council
This is another control freak who is a member of the O’Rorke private party. Angelis close to the lunatic fringe in New Baltimore that want to classify the locals as “Newbaltimorons” together with the other separatist elitists, the Rosses, the Nightons and their crowd, who wan to make New Baltimore their little gentry paradise. The O’Rorke private clubhouse, the New Baltimore town hall, and its current lunatic occupants are dead set on creating two classes of residents in New Baltimore: them and us. The once noble New Baltimore Conservancy has mutated into a private club of snobs, Angelis being one of the leading snobs. Angelis and her allies, the notorious and nefarious Ross pair, Joan and Bitter Bob, the local New Baltimore wholesale hate-mongers, together with their loose-cannon neighbor, John Luckacovic, all joined in a lawsuit several years ago, when they sued the Town of New Baltimore to keep public water out of New Baltimore. With people like Angelis, who want to make New Baltimore a country-club town for downstaters, and push everyone else into the Hudson, are the biggest enemies of progress and development in New Baltimore. It’s people like Angelis and her crowd who will ensure that any worthwhile interests in the area will continue to jump over New Baltimore to invest in Coxsackie. That’s how the Lewis regime worked before O’Rorke, and that’s how the O’Rorke regime has been working. Put Angelis in town hall on the New Baltimore town council and get ready to feel a really heavy heel on your necks. Again, we can’t say enough in favor of the Dellisanti team who are offering real alterantives to the tyranny and dictatorship we’ve been living under in New Baltimore under O’Rorke, the female version of Ravena’s mayor John “Black Mamba” Bruno, and Angelis is the New Baltimore version of Bruno’s hatchet-woman, witch-on-a-stick, youth-hating Nancy Biscone-Warner! No! Thank you!

no_smallHilary Schrauf (endorsed by the Our Town Party) running on same sign/ticket, literally, as Angelis for town council
Hilary Schrauf is running on the same lack of principles as O’Rorke and Angelis. In fact, Schrauf is running literally on the same campaign sign as Janet Angelis, that’s how close they are in so many ways (tsk, tsk). Schrauf has been cashing in as paid coordinator of the New Baltimore Farmers Market. Yep! Schrauf’s for community if she gets paid for it. Shrauf is actually quite unknown, probably because she’s a member of the private insider club and won’t have much to do with the majority of residents of New Baltimore, unless it’s to hit them up for their votes (and then she probably overdoses on hand sanitizer!). The bottom line is this: Schrauf is an insider with O’Rorke and Angelis and the rest of the private club in New Baltimore town hall. That bunch has their own agenda, being elitists, and it doesn’t include the rest of us. If you want to hand over the town of New Baltimore to a bunch who want nothing to do with the rest of us, Schrauf is your pick.

no_smallDiane Jordan (endorsed by the “Responsible to the People Party”) running for New Baltimore tax collector
Well, in our discussion of poor nitwits manipulated by their handlers to be clowns, Diane Jordan is the Michelle Maddage of New Baltimore. She has no education, no qualifications, and is disloyal. She couldn’t get the Republican endorsement to run for the office of tax collector so she changed parties, and registered democrat to run with her insider friends in New Baltimore town hall. Her husband, by the way, is Denis Jordan, of the New Baltimore Highway Department, the same Denis Jordan for whom Susan O’Rorke illegally spent more than $100,000 on a new truck, a new toy for Denis, and now they want to give Diane Jordan a new playpen, the office of New Baltimore tax collector. Well, friends and neighbors, there’s a bit too much favoritism going on in New Baltimore town hall for my taste, and Diane Jordan is not the kind of person I want cashing my tax checks.
Jordan’s Republican/Conservative/Independence opponent, Sally Russo, is everything that Diane Jordan is not: Sally Russo, a member of the Dellisanti team, is educated, experienced, has a degree in accounting and is married to a CPA. Sally is the kind of person we need to be handling anything money. Sally Russo is not an insider, either, and is a first-generation, fresh-baked American citizen. Yes! Sally loves this country so much she renounced her British citizenship to become and American. It doesn’t get much better than that!

no_smallJanet Brooks (not enrolled or registered in any political party, endorsed by the “Our Town Party” but running on the democrat line) running for New Baltimore town clerk
This is a disappointing case, indeed. If you asked us four years ago, Brooks wouldn’t be included in this discussion of VOTE NO! candidates. But recent developments in the town of New Baltimore and a number of incidents that have come to our attention in recent months have made us re-think the Brooks question and we have to say that we have very serious concerns about Janet Brooks’ fitness to continue as New Baltimore town clerk. Brooks has become tainted by being too friendly with the O’Rorke crowd at the expense of the rest of us. She has lost much of the independence and non-partisanship that a town clerk needs to have in order to serve the community without judgment. We have been harboring doubts about Brooks’ sincerity and authenticity, her genuineness. Recent allegations of questionable morality have also blackened her record. Even more recently, there are allegations that she was involved in the intimidation of a New Baltimore senior to remove the Dellisanti team’s signs from the elderly widow’s property. We have received the report, which at this time is still unconfirmed, that “a woman from the church (the New Baltimore Reformed Church) took down the signs.” The report also indicates that the “woman from the church” took down the signs even before asking the property owner. The New Baltimore Reformed church has been breeding more sinners than saints these past couple of years, and now the allegations only serve to buttress that local opinion. But this is not about church, it’s about hypocrisy, about those who attend church and make the appearance of being good Christians, the love-thy-neighbor types, who then become villains outside. Hypocrisy is one of the gremlins we need to remove from our local government because hypocrisy is deceit, dishonesty. While we regret to have to Vote NO! to Janet Brooks, we are left with no other choice if we are to remain true to our principles and to our desire to clean up local government, re-establish democracy, and return New Baltimore to the people.

Well, there you have it. Our reasons for recommending that  New Baltimore voters VOTE NO! on the above candidates. If our readers want to know more about many of these candidates, we have published quite a few articles about them in the past, and you can easily search this blog for those articles.

We are not telling our readers how to vote but only to be sure to vote and when voting, to know something about the people you are voting for. We publish stuff they don’t want you to know and you won’t find in their newspaper profiles. That’s for certain.

It is our policy to ask our readers to please comment on our articles. We also want to hear from the candidates themselves with any information or clarification that might make our comments less severe, or which will shed some light on some of the points we have made. All comments are welcome and, if on topic and civil, will be published.

VOTE YES for Dellisanti, Ruso, vanEtten, Russo, and Vadney

VOTE YES! for Dellisanti, Ruso, vanEtten, Russo, and Vadney
The Editor

Boycott the Daily Mail, the Greene County News and the Ravena News-Herald. Cancel Your Subscriptions in Protest!
Demand Truth and Fair Plain in Our Local Newspapers!
Demand a Pulbic Apology from John B. Johnson, owner of the Johnson Newspaper Corp., and Mark Vinciguerra, publisher of the Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, and Melanie Lekecevic, editor of the Ravena News Herald. Fire Melanie Mosier for refusing to cover the New Baltimore Republican, Conservative, Independence candiates!

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance!

Leave a comment

Posted by on November 3, 2013 in, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Board of Elections, Andrew Cuomo, Ann Marie Vadney, Bitter Bob (Ross), Black Mamba, Bob Dorrance, Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Candidate, Capital District, Censorship, Chris Norris, Civil Right Violation, Coeymans, Columbia-Greene Media, Conspiracy, Corruption, David Wukitsch, Deceit, Denis Jordan, Diane Jordan, DINO, Donovan's Shady Harbor, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, Election Fraud, Elections and Voting, Extramarital Affairs, Fair Play, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Freedom of Speech, Government, Greater Coeymans Ravena Area Community Business Group, Greene County, Greene County Board of Elections, Greene County District Attorney, Greene County News, Hilary Schrauf, Hypocrisy, Ignorance, Incompetence, Indifference, Intimidation, Irresponsibility, Janet Angelis, Janet Brooks, Janet I. Angelis, Jean Horne, Jeff Ruso, Joan Ross, John Luckacovic, Johnson Newspaper Group, Lies, Lisa Benway, Mark Vinciguerra, Media Bias, Melanie Lekocevic, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misinformation, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Nepotism, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Conservancy, New Baltimore Democrats, New Baltimore Elections, New Baltimore Reformed Church, New York, New York State, New York State Election Law, New York State Police, News Herald, Nick Dellisanti, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Perp Patrol, Pete Lopez, Police State, Property Taxes, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, RegisterStar, Retaliation, RINO, Robert Dorrance, Scott Giroux, Secret Meetings, Selkirk, Shelly VanEtten, Sign Vandalism, Small Town, Stupidity, Susan K. O'Rorke, Taxation, Terrorism at Home, The Daily Mail, Times Union, Tkaczyk, Town Board Meeting, Town Clerk, Town Council, Town Supervisor, Transparency, Unamerican Activity, Vote NO!, Voting Irregularities


It Shouldn’t Be a One-Man Show…Where are the Rest of You?

One single resident of Ravena steps out and creates a place for the kids 

A One-Man-Show Won't Work

A One-Man-Show Won’t Work

To Get the Best Out of It We Have to Team Up

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.

Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.

In the meantime one single Ravena resident takes his savings and his time, gets a second job to do something for the kids. Something the kids really need: a place to go other than the street! And they get rides home after the club closes…in his care, not in a Coeymans police vehicle. While the village of Ravena is shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars for a handful of special friends, and the town of Coeymans is busy looking the other way while leaving youth services to the Coeymans Police Department, one single resident of Ravena steps out and creates a place for the kids: the Ravena-Coeymans Youth and Teen Activities Center (RCYTAC).

Parents and residents of Ravena-Coeymans: When’s the last time you visited the RCYTAC? I visited just the other day and I was floored to see how nice it is. I was floored to see a lot of teens who I know personally enjoying the place. Those kids actually stopped, greeted me and were happy to see me there. They actually looked, well, happy! The disk jockey’s a teen, the food service staff are teens, the teens learning how to take charge and socialize. As I was visiting, kids were strolling in but none were coming out so I assumed that they were involved in one of the many available activities…all of them monitored and supervised, mind you!

While I was standing outside with Mr Michael Fisher, creater of the RCYTAC, I was amazed when a parent came up and asked if she could donate the refreshments from her son’s grad party, because he decided that he didn’t want a party and that the RCYTAC should have it. The parent also made a fairly generous cash contribution for the kids. That same parent, a psychologist and author of children’s books, is planning to do poetry and literature workshops at the RCYTAC! Question: What are YOU doing?

I have one single question, parents, residents: Where the hell are the rest of you????

Why is it you’d risk leaving your kids unsupervised, in their rooms, on Facebook, being evil? Why wouldn’t you give them a ride to the RCYTAC where they can socialize in a healthy environment?

Why is it you’d risk your teen’s wandering around dark streets and parks at risk of life and limb? Why wouldn’t you give them a ride to the RCYTAC where they can socialize safely?

Why is it you don’t enjoy some personal time to recuperate without the unnecessary stress of either knowing where your kids are or, worse still, not knowing?!? Why wouldn’t you give them a ride to the RCYTAC where they can socialize in a healthy environment?

Why is it you’d risk having the Coeymans Police, the Albany County Sheriff, or the State Police bringing your kid home or bringing your the news of his or her arrest, bail, court appearances—or worse, news of a tragedy— when you could have supported the RCYTAC with some time and a couple of bucks donation?

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars are being spent on worthless projects like a village fitness center

Why is it you sit back oblivious to the fact that tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars are being spent on worthless projects like a village fitness center that is exclusive and unwelcoming to many in the community, while youth programs and services are ignored? Why aren’t you demanding that some of that money be donated no strings attached to the RCYTAC?!? No strings attached! We don’t want it to become a Coeymanazi brainwashing camp, do we? Why aren’t you parents and residents appearing at village and town board meetings screaming bloody murder that nothing is being done for youth…well almost nothing, the Coeymans police seem to like arresting them. Don’t you realize that if the kids are off the streets and not looking for something to do, they’ll likely stay out of mischief?prison kid

Ravena Coeymans Selkirk teens and youth are tomorrow’s consumers and voters; If you mobilze NOW and get your parents to support your projects, you can move on local government and get those geezers to support your RCYTAC. BE YOUR OWN RCS CHAMPIONS!!!

Teen Work is Team Work

Teen Work is Team Work


Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk teens: Why would you stick with street friends who will only get you into a mess of trouble? Why don’t you get smart and mobilize for your own good? Michael Fisher is handing you the opportunity to do something really good, important, responsible, independent for you and your generation at the Teen Center. Mr Fischer is handing you the opportunity to show that you can become a part of something great, you can be your own leaders, you can create a community you can be proud of, and you can empower yourselves and your friends to get the attention of local residents and government to take an interest in your welfare, in your RCYTAC, to support Mr Michael Fisher’s vision for RC youth. Ravena Coeymans Selkirk teens and youth are tomorrow’s consumers and voters; If you mobilze NOW and get your parents to support your projects, you can move on local government and get those geezers to support your RCYTAC. Be fair! Don’t make Mr Fisher do it all on his dime…he just can’t do it without your help and support.

Really Bad Move!

Really Bad Move!

As scary as the girls’ Facebook exchanges were, some good points were made such as: Being bad is not cool because it will come back to bite you in future, when you’ll really need to prove who and what you are. Beating someone up is not cool, it’s criminal, and it’s not going to get you a job or an education; it’s going to get you a reputation and a bad one at that and one that’s likely to follow you wherever you go. But if you are a leader now and to take the initiative to work for community, that’s going to serve you well for the rest of your lives. Be smart…be leadership…be champions!

Why is it you are sitting there thinking that your kids are getting the most out of the school district budget? Are you in denial or just plain stupid? Have you examined the school budget to see just how much of it is “for the kids”? You might want to do that one day. And don’t be misled by the dumbing down of the curriculum or the fancy-sounding names they give to programs that are there just to enrich the staff with extra pay. Ask yourself why an athletics coach or a teacher is being paid 4-6 times the per capita income of RC residents or 2-3x the average household income of a RC household? Then ask yourself why you haven’t made a substantial donation to the RCYTAC for the valuable service of keeping your kids safe (the school system doesn’t seem to be able to do that), saving you bail money, and even possibly saving you funeral expenses. Blunt, but real.

Empowered Youth

Empowered Youth

We support what is good for this community and most especially what is good for our greatest hope and asset: our teens and youth. We adults who have the good sense and vision realize that some day we are going to have to depend on today’s youth when they are making the decisions and running things. And the kind of people I want to see running things for me when I need them are the kind of teens and youth I saw at the Ravena-Coeymans Youth and Teen Activity Center.

Support the Teen Center The Editor

Support the Teen Center
The Editor


To read the continuation article click the link below


It’s Important to You…We can do better for our teens and youth!

Everyone these Days Seems to Believe that They’re “Entitled,”
That they Have a Right to Something, Everything, Without Work or Investment.

That’s The American LIE!

They'll see through your lies!

They’ll see through your lies!

And Where that Bullshit Frame of Mind Came From Nobody Seems To Care But It’s A Slippery Slope and Loaded with Unpleasant Surprises

you can do better

The fact is, parents may think they’re giving their kids what the kids need but the parents don’t really have a clue. Do they? The parents are constantly pushing (their kids and government), demanding (of the kids and of administrators) more, More, MORE! And so on that idiotic, unrealistic example, the kids want more, More, MORE and there’s soon less, Less, LESS to give—at least less of anything worth having, that is. So, the parents came from a disposable society and culture and their kids have learned the lesson well. Where does it all lead, this mindset of individualism, “my rights”, “I need”, “Whatever!” “If it feels good, do it!” Well, Ravena found out this past week when a 20-year old forced a young girl to “pleasure” him—at knife-point! Is that what it’s coming to? I want and you’re going to give. Is that what you parents are teaching your children?

Sure, you go out and “realize yourselves,” advance your careers and have the jobs because you want your kids to have a better life. Lies! Stop deceiving yourselves! You grew up in a liberal, post-modern world that emphasized individualism, false-egos, materialism. You have become the drones of capitalism and the 1% and don’t even have the brains to realize it! The lights are on but nobody’s home in Brainville! Duh-ha-ha! The feminists have scandalized womanhood and motherhood; the women have degraded themselves and as a consequence have destroyed American manhood. Just look at some of the male characters portrayed on prime-time TV. Fat, stupid, humiliated. American Idol, reality TV…and you all eat it up, living other people’s lives and not realizing that you’re forgetting your own lives and are becoming increasingly…ugly!

This ain't better when you're 16!

This ain’t better when you’re 16!

So, that’s the reproductive-age adults in our midst. Depressed, overweight, hateful, ignorant, and reproducing a generation of lonely, overfed, over-stimulated, precociously hormonally overdosed (thanks to the food industry’s profit projections), lonely, frightened, aggressive, angry children…children who think they are adults because they’re forced by adults to think that way…it’s easier for the adults when they can manipulate their children into thinking they can fend for themselves while the female and male breeding partners—please note I did not write “parents”— are off “realizing” their “selves.” 

Here’s an exchange on unsupervised Facebook activity by a group of middle-school girls (Names have been changed, of course!):who will save us

Jessy: … your the one that needs to grow up, say it to our faces not on facebook…. when you apply for a job they check your facebook, this will come back to haunt youJ

Nancy: Why are you doing this? If they are not going to throw the first punch them be the better person and stop. Your what 13? You shouldn’t be fighting. If they wanna act stupid then let them but do not go down to their level because your making yourself angry just thinking about it and runing your summer. Do you want to do that? Stop the fighting. Seriously.

Angie: no it wont jess u said u wanted to kill me that is against the law u told me how u would do it too so yea dont fuck with me or my family.

Jessy: Nancy, i dont wanna fight her but she keeps sayin this stuff, the truth behind it was that i was losing my temper, and i cant control myself under my temper. and tati that is such a lie i never said that, telling the story from fifth grade/ getting punched in the collar bone, wont kill you for one and for two i said leave me alone before someone gets hurt, implying anyone including myself, example i punched a metal door and have a huge bruise on my wrist

Angie: thats ur own faut i told u not to say it u still said im done i mean idk if i can ever trust u again i mean like my mom sent me to albany

Jessy: not to say what? and idrc if you dont trust me, idrc if we stay friends, just one less person i have to put on my list of people to deal with… i dont really need more than the four or five friends i have

Angie: and ur gonna lose them too if u aint careful

Nancy: Then you need to look for help if you can’t control your temper. Idc who started, idc who wants to fight who. Tati ik you are my cousin but both of you guys GROWN UP!!!!!! Damn, you aren’t little kids. You are teenagers.

Angie: love u too nicki

Jessy: tati just let it go. i am. cuz i dont really care anymore, this is just a fight over i dont eben remember, that i dont even care who wins…

Jessy: so lets just end it

Angie: fine are we friends tho

Nancy: Then stop fighting. Leave this girl alone and girl leave my cousin alone, grow up and stop this. Tati jobs and colleges do go through your Facebook and won’t hire people because of certain things posted.

Angie: idc right now nicki me and her be talking

Nancy: Ok do you not know how to talk now? “Me and her be talking?” Tati if you guys “be” talking then don’t be fighting. There’s no point of it. Its not necessary.

Prissy*: I don’t want to see any more fighting on here

Prissy*: OR ELSE

Angie: or ealse what

Prissy*: jobs will check your facebook, like Nicki said

Nancy: Colleges do to! No matter if your 13 or if you remove the comments. You out something on the internet and it is there FOREVER!

Prissy*: There is no need for this fighting

Prissy*: you can never take it back! pages are cached. (stored)

Prissy*: Good, I hope this is over

* It must be noted that “Prissy” is an adult. Wouldn’t you reasonably expect an adult to have warned parents or teachers of this brewing assault?

Well, readers, it was NOT all over…just a couple of days after this exchange took place on Facebook Jessy was brutally attacked, injured, by another girl at the RCS middle school.

So, what subsurface messages did you read in the exchange between the girls? So what impressed you most? The anger, the aggression, the difference between the girls? Did you catch the anxiety, suspicion of the Internet? How about the language? What does that tell you about where these future parents, women, taxpayers, decision-makers are going to be ten years from now? Where were the parents when all of this was brewing? Where were the teachers and teachers’ aids when the brutality took place?

 We may be overly optimistic, but this is what we predict.

We may be overly optimistic, but this is what we predict.

The schools are not “for the kids”, they’re for the teachers!

d-The schools, no matter how advanced your self-deception may be, are not there to parent, and they’re doing a pretty lousy job (judging by the language in the Facebook exchange) of teaching, too! In fact, no matter what lies you are telling yourselves—and believing—the millions ($41.2 for 2013-14) you are shelling out for school budgets are not “for the kids;” those millions are for the teachers, the coaches, the administrators. [Editor’s Note: Voters just approved a $41.2 million school budget for 2013-2014, voted-in three teacher clique lackies James Latter, Jason Hyslop and shyster Patrick Brown (husband of Mary Partridge-Brown, “close friend” of NYSUT (teachers union) rep Matt Miller; voters re-elected a perv, James Latter, to the board. And you think there’s no conspiracy, no corruption going on in the school system?]

Still think there’s no conspiracy, no corruption? Well let’s look at an example from real RCS CSD in-crowd life:  Ron Racey, an RCS CSD athletics staff member is retiring and was making more than $120,000 a year out of the school budget monies…plus benefits! (That’s almost 3x the average household income in the town of Coeymans, by the way!) One man in a non-essential position on the school payroll making 3x more than the average household [Editor’s note: that’s household, not person! The average per capita income in 2010 was $21,686.] Most instructional staff in the RCS CSD are making 2-3x the average household income and 4-6x the average per capita income of RCS residents. Now, do you really think that the schools and the school budgets are “for the kids” or for the teachers and administrators? Think about that again and then think about what kind of morals and ethics the kids have, what their social skills are like, what their outlooks on life are, how they talk, and how they interact. You’ll likely come to the same conclusion we have: The schools are not for the kids, they’re for the teachers!

The village of Ravena budgeted more than $115,000 in the village 2013-14 budget to fund the Ravena Health and Fitness Center…

Bruno-Warren-Deluca Village of Ravena

Village of Ravena

We recently reported how the village of Ravena purchased more than $40,000 in used workout machines and equipment from a “friend of the Ravena village board” without public inputs or comment. That’s $40,000 of Ravena taxpayer’s money for junk. In that same article we exposed how the village of Ravena budgeted more than $115,000 in the village 2013-14 budget to fund the Ravena Health and Fitness Center now located in the former space occupied by the RCS Community Library. That’s $115,000 of taxpayer money to fund a Heap and Fatness Center modeled on the same incompetent scheme of the one that failed in Ravena several years ago, when there was actually some businesses left and some residents left in the village. So that’s $115,000 for something that the village does not need at all and will probably be a waste of resources. Well, a waste for some, but it’s a gold mine for others: Mayor John T. Bruno and his hatchet-woman Nancy Biscone-Warner must have owed the Delucas or their godfather for some favor because Guess Who?  got “appointed” to be the director of the Ravena Heap and Fatness Center: Cathy Deluca, the very manager who managed the failed fitness center in Ravena. [Editor’s Note:  Don’t forget this in March for village elections,  when it’s election time and mayor Bruno is running for re-election, and in November, when his minions Martin Case or William Bailey are running for town offices!]

So here’s the breakdown of the kid’s situation in Ravena-Coeymans: You go on Facebook unsupervised and tear each other apart in pseudo-English, threatening to do serious damage to each other (and these are the middle-school girls!). Then you go to school where the administrators are under a state mandated requirement to supervise and oversee students to avoid bullying and to ensure the safety of the kids…and you get the living shite kicked out of you. While all of this is going on the village of Ravena in it’s great wisdom is shelling out more than $115,000 for a Heap and Fatness Center, ignoring the problems in its parks and on the streets, ignoring its young people while padding the palms of its supporters and friends. Just down the street a young woman is being held at knifepoint and sexually abused, and the police stop a drunken father with his teenage daughter in the car (he’s just out of jail, on a suspended license, and under the influence) and allow him to drive on. Voters approve more than $41 million dollars for the RCS CSD school budget, while paying teaching and athletics staff 4-6x the average per capita income of RC residents! And the kids are still being brutalized, still speak English worse than illegal aliens, and are walking the streets or getting raped in the park! Are you really following all of this? WAKE THE HELL UP, PEOPLE!

To read the continuation article click the link below


Posted by on June 24, 2013 in Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Department of Children, Youth, and Families, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Executive, Albany County Sheriff Department, Bill Bailey, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Child Abuse, Church of St Patrick Ravena, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Conspiracy, Corruption, Dawn Rogers, Deluca-Warner Fitness Center, Diane Malecki, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Endangering a Minor, Ethics and Morality, Faith and Family Values, Fundraiser, Fundraising, Greater Coeymans Ravena Area Community Business Group, Greene County, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, indifference to the safety and welfare of a child, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Hyslop, Jena Misuraca, Jerry Perrine, John B. King, John J. Biscone, John T. Bruno, Kyle Smith, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Law Enforcement, Martin Case, Marty Case, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Michael Biscone, Michael Fisher, Michael J. Biscone, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, National Bank of Coxsackie, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSUT, Office of the Attorney General, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, PriceChopper, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Fitness Center, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena Village Board, Ravena-Coeymans Teen Center, RC Teen Activities Center, RCS Bottle Blitz, RCS Business Group, RCS Central School District, RCS Champions, RCS Community, RCS Sports Association, RCS Teachers Association, Richard Ianuzzi, Rocco Persico, Ron Racey, School Security, School Violence, Selkirk, Shame On You, Shop'n Save, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Teacher Negligence, Teachers Union, Teen Deaths, Teen Pregnancy, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tom Dolan, Transparency, United Federation of Teachers, William Bailey


Expanding Horizons: The RCS Community Library

rcs community library discover yourself

Our second stop on our whirlwind tour of new operations in RCS was the RCS Community Library on Main Street in Ravena.

We’ve published accounts of the rough road this important community institution was forced to navigate at the hands of Mayor John T. Bruno and his band of merry thugs in village Hall. We’ve also published accounts of the corruption that has become the Ravena Health and Fitness Center and the scandal that is going on there in what was once the RCS Community Library’s home. We also reported on the Ravena-Coeymans incest club’s contribution to the Library’s difficulties with slow progress of renovation work and rent increases while they were in their old location. Thank you! Mayor John Bruno!

But this is a report on the positive, on how the dedicated officers on the board of trustees, the directors, the women and men who are there with a smile to help, and a beautiful, spacious, airy, welcoming new location.

Even the courts agree that “A library is “‘a place dedicated to quiet, to knowledge, and to beauty.” (e.g. Brown v. Louisiana, 383 U.S. 131, 142, 86 S.Ct. 719, 724, 15 L.Ed.2d 637 (1966)) . Its very purpose is to aid in the acquisition of knowledge through reading, writing and quiet contemplation. Our libraries are centers of First Amendment protected rights, they are places where the word, dialogue, speech and expression are available for all.

I, personally was not able to attend the grand opening and, in a way I’m glad I didn’t. I would not have been able to devote my attention to the details of the place, physical and personal. When I walked in I was pleasantly surprised at the pleasant atmosphere: it’s open, airly, bright, clean. You’re not stifled or intimidated (That’s a nice change in Ravena, right?).

I was able to meander through stacks that were full but I didn’t get the impression that an avalanche of books was going to bury my any second. I noted a couple of dedicated spaces, including what appeared to be a children’s center. Everything had a place.

There was a bank of computers ready to assist anyone to get to this blog (LOL), or anywhere else on the Internet, providing it’s decent.

But the most pleasant experience came when I had questions about what the RCS Community Library could to for me and my reading requirements. It was not a disappointment. Several library staff came to my assistance and, if one couldn’t answer my questions or didn’t have the experience with the service I needed, they knew right where to go.

The very convincing message they delivered was: We’re here to help make your reading and research experience as pleasant as we can. And they did. They offered suggestions, alternatives, information I didn’t have; all to ensure that my needs were met.

I Left The RCS Community Library Very Impressed and With My New Library Card

Leaving the library, I was a happy camper and glad that I supported their fine efforts with a YES to their budget. A group like that can’t fail because they have their hearts in the right place and their fingers on the pulse of this community.

We’d like to see some joint programs organized collaboratively by the RC Youth Activities and Teen Center and the RCS Community Library. Joining forces and optimizing resources and opportunities can only multiply effectiveness!

We Encourage Everyone to Visit the RCS Community Library, to Meet and Chat with the Staff There, and to Make Use of the Beautiful New Facilities. Make it A Point to Use Your Library! I Know I Will!


Thank you! RCS Community Library!


Resident’s Report: The RC Youth Activities and Teen Center

Do your part in informing the community and the world: Cut and paste the link to this blog article into an e-mail and send it to your contacts! Here’s the link: 


We’d like first of all to turn our attention to the RCS Teen Center, a project started about 6 months ago by local Ravena resident Michael Fisher.

Back in about January, when we first heard about the opening of a teen center in Ravena, our first reaction was pure scepticism, and rightly so. What with the goings on in Ravena-Coeymans and its history what else could we possibly think but yet another Coeymanazi scheme to fleece the community, benefit the friends and relatives of those in town and village hall, and yet another failure.

Well, dear readers, we are pleased to admit we were terribly wrong!

We stated our skepticism and the reasons why we urged caution. We also corresponded with the founder, Mr Michael Fisher, whom we found to be genuine and sincere. We shut up and gave him a chance to survive and to succeed without our harranguing and interfering. We felt that if he failed we would be right but if he succeeded we would be there to thank him. He has succeeded so far!

Well, dear readers, we are pleased to admit we were terribly wrong! And we’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mr Fisher for his guts, perserverence, and incredible sacrifice and generosity in making this important and valuable gift to our teens.

This turnaround is not simply based on surface observations but on reliable sources, teens and their parents. Not the parents who are dumping their teens on the Teen Center to have personal time for themselves but parents who really parent. It’s from those reliable and credible sources that we’ve heard such good things about the RCS Teen Center and Mr Fisher’s fine work.

We’d like to Commend Mr Michael Fisher, his Team of Volunteers, and the RCS Teen Center

And it’s not all fun and games, entertainment and dancing. It’s about guidance and good discipline because Mr Fisher encourages responsible behavior and is not one to deal lightly with misconduct. According to reliable reports he not only imposes discipline such as banning from the Center because of misconduct at the center but does not tolerate misconduct outside of the center, either. One anecdote shared with us is how a teen acted out and did some damage. The parent stepped up and paid for the damage. Mr Fisher banned the teen for a time but when the teen misbehaved vis-a-vis the parent, Fisher tacked another couple of weeks onto the penalty. Way to go, Mike!

So, we’d like to commend Mr Michael Fisher, his team of volunteers, and the RCS Teen Center for a terrific job and send a special Thank you! to a man and community-spirited citizen who has invested heavily from his personal savings to make an important gift to our teens and to our Community!

RC Teen Youth And Activity Center

172 Main Street
Ravena, New York 12143
518-756-TEEN ( 8336 )


Thank you Mr Michael Fisher and RCS Teen Center!

rc teen center


A Resident’s Letter

Protest Letter RCS CSD 2013-14 Budget

Some Local Residents Would Sell Their Souls Based on Dysinformation

Careful what you sign on for!

Careful what you sign on for!

Some Will Even Abuse their Privileges and Commit A Serious Violation of HIPAA and FERPA Laws Governing Privacy and Confidentiality of Information!

Parents are being flooded with emails urging them to contact the BoE for a higher tax levy! The e-mail campaign is selective—some parents and familes are being excluded from the mailing—and is spreading misinformation! So we’re asking where did the senders get all those specific, target e-mails? Are you wondering, too?

Electronic health-care transactions:

Since the Central New York Regional Information Center (CNYRIC) submits all Medicaid claim data to the electronic Medicaid system in New York State (eMedNY) for processing; it is a covered entity under this act. The electronic transmission of Medicaid data is now HIPAA compliant.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act-Buckley Amendment (FERPA a.k.a. Buckley Amendment) is more restrictive than HIPAA with respect to the protection of privacy and security of all health related services. Since all school districts /§4201 schools/counties (and any other educational entities that have access to student data) are obligated to be in compliance with FERPA, they are also HIPAA compliant.

That Excuse Won't Work!

That Excuse Won’t Work!

We call for an investigation by the Interim Superintendent Dr Alan McCartney and the RCS Central School District Board of Education! Is your privacy and household information being abused? Find out before it’s too late!

If Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca can make a public statement to the board of education that he is aware of how they voted in their private voting at the polls, are you safe from scoundrels like him? Deluca recently made a very disturbing remark at a school board meeting when he stated that he knew how people voted. (Board of Education Meeting of 3/26/13. Deluca: “Last year there was a number of people on the board that voted for the budget here at the meeting. I am concerned that some of those who voted for it at the meeting went out and voted against it.”) Now how and where would he have access to such information. Isn’t our vote supposed to be secret? Is Deluca misusing police information resources? Isn’t anything safe from these villains?

We posted the facts about the tax levy at More Dysinformation Misinformation by the Ignorant Pundits and we warned you all of the Deluca-Coeymanazi propaganda at Deluca, Miller, Teachers Clique Want More Money!!!!. You need to click those links and read those articles if you haven’t done so already.

A Resident’s Letter
To Superintendent MCartney and to the
RCS Board of Education

A resident has addressed a letter of protest to Dr McCartney and to the RCS Central School District Board of Education. We are reprinting it here.

Dr Alan R. McCartney, Interim Superintendent
RavenaCoeymansSelkirkCentralSchool District Office
15 Mountain Rd.
Ravena, NY12143
e – mail:

Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk CSD
Board of Education
P.O. Box 100
Ravena, NY12143
e – mail:

Dear Superintendent Dr McCartney, Board of Education Members:

First of all I and my family would like to thank you for your fine efforts at navigating the RCSCentralSchool District back on course. Your untiring study and analysis and your leadership together with a team spirit when working with the RCS board of education to arrive at some level of collaboration is truly appreciated.

The purpose of this letter is not to give you a big head nor to second – guess results, however.

I am sending you this letter to expressly state that I object to any tax levy that exceeds 2 % and urge you to even further reduce the tax levy to 0 % and make appropriate adjustments to the 2012 – 13 RCS Central School District budget.

The fat in the budget not only hurts the property owner and business base in this RCS district, it has far – reaching secondary effects on our local economy, including a negative effect on our property values. Those effects are not restricted to this community alone but adversely affect the entire region and beyond.

I am aware that such abuse and misuse is a criminal violation of both the HIPAA and the FERPA.

I realize that there are elements in this RCS community who are using or misusing resources, very likely RCS CSD resources, such as parents’ e – mail addresses, that should not be used for political purposes, to get their partisan message out to the community. Most of us do not have access to those resources and, even if we had such access, would probably not misuse or abuse them for the purpose of propagandizing the community. That having been said, we also urge you to investigate whether such RCS CSD resources are being abused and misused for such purposes.

Once again, I wish to make very clear that I do not support a tax levy in excess of 2 % and would urge you to reduce the levy to 0 %, if possible, and to make appropriate adjustments to the budget, and to further sanitize RCS CSD programs and services.

Thank you for your efforts!
 [Names Withheld by Request]
Concerned RCS Resident

We have processed the letter, which we feel is very good and says what it has to say clearly and briefly, and we are providing that processed letter for your use as a pdf and as a word document. All you have to do is click the links below print or download the letter, fill in the personal information at the top, sign it and mail it. Make your voice heard!

 And please don’t forget to read the facts about assessments, tax levies, and tax rates at our recent article: More Dysinformation Misinformation by the Ignorant Pundits and Deluca, Miller, Teachers Clique Want More Money!!!!

not for sale

And Tell Them So!
Invest a Stamp and Save Your Community!
The Editor


Posted by on April 22, 2013 in Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, AFL-CIO, Albany County District Attorney, Albany Schenectady BOCES, Alice Whalen, Andrew Cuomo, Assessment, Bill McFerran, Board of Regents, Bob Ross, BOCES, Bray Engel, Brian Bailey, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Cathy Long, Civil Right Violation, Claudia Verga, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Conspiracy, Corruption, Donna Leput Hommel, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Education Commissioner, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elizabeth A. Varney, Elizabeth Smith, F.O.I.L., FERPA, FOIL, Fraud, Freedom of Information Law, Gerald Deluca, Government, Greater Coeymans Ravena Area Community Business Group, Greene County, Hakim Jones, HIPAA, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Irresponsibility, James Latter, James Latter II, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, John B. King, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Karen Miller, Lorraine Misuraca, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Mike Varney, Misconduct, Misdemeanor, Misinformation, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, NYSED, NYSED Office of Counsel, NYSUT, Office of the Attorney General, Pam Black, Pete Lopez, Property Taxes, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS School Board, Richard Ianuzzi, Rocco Persico, School Budget, Selkirk, Smalbany, Susan K. O'Rorke, Tavia Rauch, Taxation, Teachers Association, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tom Dolan, Transparency, United Federation of Teachers, Vote NO!, Voting Irregularities, Wild Spending