Category Archives: Tkaczyk

Desperate Politicians Trying Anything: Elections 2014

Thank you for voting!

You can find the results for the New York State midterm elections for the entire state at (link):
New York State Board of Elections Results.

Our Candidates Took the Race by Storm! Halleluia! Thank You, Voters, Readers!
Remember: Unopposed candidates are not elected, they’re appointed!
BUT New York City & Downstate re-elects Cuomo-the-Homo to be Governor for all of us!

You Elected the Anti-Christ!!!!

You Elected the Anti-Christ!!!!

“Democrats in Blue States in Panic Mode. Desperate Democrats are rushing to save suddenly vulnerable House incumbents, even in states where President Barack Obama cruised to double-digit victories, amid fresh signs of Republican momentum less than a week before the midterm elections” [Report continues at Source]

Making Moral Decisions in Accordance with Reason and Good Conscience

Christianity, in line with most religions of reason and divine law, teaches us that “by reason of their special vocation it belongs to everyone to seek the Kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and directing them according to God’s will.” We participate in the affairs of government in a special way as to illuminate and order all temporal things with which we are closely associated, so that they may be always affected according the will of God and the glory of the Creator.

With those words, we’d like to bring our readers to the serious matter of the looming critical mid-term elections on Tuesday, November 4th. Now is a good time to remind our readers to remind family, friends and neighbors of our important duty as Americans, as Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, whatever, but all as members of the “American family” to participate in playing our roles in the governance of our troubled country by voting according to our consciences. Faced with these conscious moral choices we can make either a right decision in accordance with reason, and the divine law, or on the other hand, we can make an erroneous judgment that departs from all reason and from divine law. Which will you likely do?

Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear will see through the half-truths of the messages we hear…

It’s an unfortunate truth, dear readers, that our county no longer is a participative democracy and no longer a multi-party system. Our major political parties, the Democrap and Republican parties, have sunken to abysmal lows in their decadence, depravity, and dishonesty. Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear will see through the half-truths of the messages we hear over and over again from both parties’ candidates. Are the candidates, their parties, their campaign managers wilfully trying to confuse us? Are they that unscrupulous? Is that all we’ve become to them, nothing less than sheeple?

We have been disgusted on an almost daily basis by the political ads from an absurdly immature and hypocritical ultraliberal, Sean Eldridge. His campaign ads have simply been so childish and inordinately vile that they have to cast him in a very negative light if you really see and hear the message. Eldridge is an arch-hypocrite and worse still, he’s so obvious but he still continues trying to put on a fake face of sincerity while lying through his cosmeticized whitened teeth. When he’s not trying to give his man-wife Chris Hughes one up the chute, he’s planning to give us a good one. Say NO WAY! on ELECTION DAY! and send Sean Eldridge back to his gay gala with Cecilia Tkaczyk (pronounced “cat-shik“) and same-sex hubby Chris Hughes.

We don’t need another democrap pervert in Washington.

Eldridge has pissed all over everything traditional, everything sacred, everything valuable but wants voters to believe he’s the girl/boy next door. Nothing could be farther from the truth, dear readers. He’s as phoney as the white of his teeth! One of Eldridge’s most glaring hypocricies is his mantra: “I want to bring the Internet to rural areas.” Well, that shouldn’t surprise any of us, after all he’s in a same-sex marriage with none other than Chris Hughes, the Facebook mogul. Sure Eldridge wants to put the Internet in everyone’s home so that he and his same-sex hubby can make their millions by putting the depravity of asocial media under more noses. Don’t we have enough of these anti-family, anti-community bastards already? No thanks, Mr Eldridge, get a real job — maybe your same-sex hubby Chris Hughes will give you a cushy job with Facebook — but we have enough perverts in government, we don’t need another democrap pervert in Washington.

Eldridge himself, in an interview with ultra-liberal Jew, Alan Chartok, admits that he, Eldridge, has pretty much financed his own campaign, saying that he’s matched his actual outside fundraising. That means that Eldridge can afford to buy his own election—and is buying his way through his campaign—, almost literally saying he doesn’t have to depend on the people for support, while at the same time he’s criticizing Chris Gibson for getting his financial support from a vast network of private and business supporters. So, now do you think Sean Eldridge has any idea what the 99% need or how they feel? Eldridge operates from the penthouse of the ivory tower! He has no idea nor does he care about us. (You can hear the bullshit interview on WAMC with Alan Chartok at: Eldridge bullshits Chartok.)

Tkaczyk is dead in the water; a political suicide.

As for Eldridge‘s and his same-sex hubby Hughes favorite fag-hag Cecilia Tkaczyk she’s shown her colors for the past two years. Her loyalties are NOT with US, people. Tkazcyk‘s with New York City and where the big bucks are. She may have appeared a bit more defensible if she weren’t so very close to Eldridge and Hughes — so close as to deserve the name “fag hag” — just look at the three hypocrites together at a major gay, lesibian, bisexual, transgender gala earlier this year (photo below). Need we say more? (Please see our recent article: Sean Eldridge: Does he even know how to represent the 99%?) Tkaczyk actually appeared on the ultraliberal Jew’s (again Alan Chartok) WAMC to interview. What a disaster, she completely lost control to Chartok, who interrupted her, led her by the nose, cornered her into mouthing what he wanted her to say. Is that the kind of representation we are looking for in a state senator? She can’t even take control of a radio interview! But she can cow to a silver-spoon girly-boy and his same-sex hubby! In our real world, Tkaczyk is dead in the water; a political suicide.

Is This the Altrnative? Lord Help Us!The 'White Obama" Sean Eldridge with his hubby Chris Hughes and New York state Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk The [Disgusted] Editor,/big>

The Democrap Offering
The ‘Pink Obama” Sean Eldridge with his hubby Chris Hughes and New York state Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk

New Baltimore democraps haven’t even been able to cough up a token opponent!

Barbara Finke, Appointed Interim Town Clerk, Running Unopposed, North Korea Style!

Why even cast a vote for her; if no one votes for her and if only she votes for herself, that 1 vote counts as 100% of votes—a landslide victory! New Baltimore voters, don’t even bother voting for Barbara Finke; don’t even give her numbers! You don’t have to vote for her if she’s unopposed. Let’s see just how many votes she gets if you protest North Korean-type elections in New Baltimore!

In fact, the democraps even at the local level have become irrelevant. Not only did they get trounced in the last elections, losing almost every single seat in local districts, in the town of New Baltimore, where Barbara Finke (R) is running unopposed for the office of New Baltimore town clerk, the democraps haven’t even been able to cough up a token opponent. That’s not democracy, people, that’s how they elect candidates in North Korea! (Please see our article on this subject at: Barbara Finke, Interim New Baltimore Town Clerk, For Example…)

north korea electionVote NO! to Sean Eldridge and his fag-hag Cecilia Tkaczyk.

We are looking at George Amedore, who is seeking re-election this year, and running against Eldridge’s fag hag, Cecilia Tkaczyk. We also have Peter Lopez and Chris Gibson (running against the “Pink Obama”, Sean Eldridge). Paul Tonko is also running for re-election. Our 19th and 20th Congressional districts are at risk. Although we hate to say it, “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.” Let’s face it, they’re politicians, and unless they have some very conspicuous and glaring faults, we have to understand that they won’t be able to please all of the people all of the time. Eldridge and Tkaczyk have major faults that no one with any sense at all can ignore. But let’s face reality, people, our local and congressional Republicans have it all; they’re the best we have at this moment.

We endorse George Amedore: He made his money by the sweat of his brow, through hard work!
He’s a family man, too!

Say what you will about George Amedore. Yes! He is a millionaire. But he made his millions working his butt off in a family business that just happens to be successful. He has a beautiful family. He respects family values and is a hard worker. That means he gets our votes.

Eldridge and Tkaczyk have desecrated our most sacred values: marriage and family

And for those of you who think we may have a soft spot for Gibson, please read what we have to say in our articles: Don’t Ya Just Love It?, Congressman Chris Gibson Here on October 2, 2014! Be there!, Wow! McCartney-DiAcetis’ Stupidity Goes National, International. We’ve called him out for pussy-footing around the RCS anti-military bias, until DiAcetis (RCS high school principal) and Alan McCartney (RCS CSD interim superintendent) backpedaled until they reversed themselves!).

Eldridge and Tkaczyk have desecrated our most sacred values: marriage and family. Marriage by any definition is between a man and a woman to create children and to raise them responsibly. If Eldridge gets a pair of testicles and Chris Hughes gets a pair of ovaries and they parent a child, we may consider them a “family”. Maybe Cecilia Tkaczyk would play surrogate mother? What do you think, voters? Nah-h-h-h doesn’t work for us either. They’d still be two pervs and a fag hag, no matter how you cut it. George Amadore has our vote.

Peter Lopez: A Man with a Heart and a Brain.

Peter Lopez has been an incredibly accessible and compassionate man in the Assembly representing this district. We’ve seen him several times and find him very interested, very active, very responsible, and very responsive. The man’s got a heart and a brain—makes you wonder what he’s doing in politics, doesn’t it? We say give Peter Lopez your vote; he’s got ours!

We Endorse Colonel Chris Gibson over and against the Pink Obama, Sean Eldridge

Chris Gibson has disappointed us with his performance in investigating the RCS t-shirt scandal; as a retired National Guard officer he was just too quick to sweep the whole thing under the carpet and have done with it. We didn’t like the fact that he didn’t kick more ass and throw some weight around. But after our report on this blog, all of a sudden his campaign ads started touting his military experience. So what? It’s campaign time. Pull all the stops. Gibson’s not off the hook, not by a longshot. But we still feel that he’s the man to re-elect, given the choice between him and the “Pink Obama” Sean Eldridge. Gibson’s got our endorsement and our vote.

Paul Tonko. Again, the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t. Tonko has been a disappointment but he apparently comes up with the bacon now and then. It’s up to us to build a fire under his ass if we want to get something done. Let us know and we’ll provide the matches. If Tonko can commit to giving us his congressional support when we apply for education, healthcare or law enforcement grants, we’d be ready to support him this time around. What do ya say, Pauli, you gonna produce?

Candidates: Are there plans to run a large oil pipeline down from Canada, along the NYS Thruway, past our back yards, down to New Jersey? Come clean!

Here’s a homework assignment for our readers: You may or may not know that there are plans to run a large oil pipeline down from Canada, along the NYS Thruway, past your back yards, down to New Jersey. Did you know that? What do you think of that? Well, have you heard anything from Ms Tkzczyk, Mr Lopez, Mr Gibson, Mr Tonko or anyone about this plan? Well, we have four days before the elections. If any of you know how to contact any of the candidates, please do! And let them know we want to know before November 4th, what they know and where they stand on this serious threat to our local environment and homes! Any of the candidates can post a comment on this blog with their statements and positions. Right here where you all can read it. So if you have a way to contact any of the candidates, hit them with that question and see what they have to say.

In the meantime, before we all get depressed, let’s just remember that we still have a vote and, fortunately, there are many of us who will vote according to our well-informed consciences. We urge you to get involved. This is a culture war and it’s ours to win only if we fight. We may not be in Iraq or Afghanistan but our homeland enemies are just as dangerous as Al-qaida or ISIS, and you know it in your heart of hearts.

Gibson, Tonko, Lopez, Armadore

Gibson, Tonko, Lopez, Amedore
Maybe Astorino but then there’s always
Howie Hawkins for NY Gov!


News Shorts: Coeymans p.d. Fires Crosier

progress-reportCoeymans Town Board Terminates Coeymans Police Officer Danielle Crosier

We have received a confirmed report that the Coeymans town board has terminated Coeymans police officer Danielle Crosier.

Crosier has been an item of ongoing scandal and controversy since former Coeymans police chief Gregory “Dumplington” Darlington added the blond bimbo to his trophy shelf about two years ago. Her major claim to fame was her notorious bad driving; she was such a bad driver that the RCS high school put her on as a road safety instructor. Go figure.

Crosier was so bad behind the wheel of a motor vehicle that she recently rammed a parked NYS vehicle in the South Pearl Street NYS motor vehicles parking lot while allegedly transporting a minor to Family Services. Yup! And the RCS central school district, your board of education, turned her loose to be a road safety instructor. Say! Anyone know what happened to that investigation?

Crosier was also installed at the RCS high school as RSO (Resource Safety Officer) where she wasted no time harassing the students, doing illegal searches, and doing one of the wrestling coaches too!

We’ve been pressing to get rid of that blond bimbo for some time now; Crosier was a useless piece of baggage.

The Coeymans town board also accepted the resignation of Coeymans police officer Scott Kline.

On the Street: Ravena to Eliminate the Ravena Fire Department. Fact or Fiction?

There’s another breaking story but is still unconfirmed that the village of Ravena is considering eliminating the Ravena Fire Department and entering into an agreement with the town of Coeymans for firefighting services. This would be a very smart move on Ravena’s part and would save Ravena a couple of hundred grand, more if they sell off the existing equipment. Such a move, if done right, would also help the town of Coeymans utilize its resources to capacity, while setting the stage for more advanced training and possibly some more grant money. Let’s see if this one pans out.

If anyone has any info to share, please let us know at

Don’t Miss our Recent Hit Articles

(Just click the links below or use the links in the right margin.)

Ravena Village Board Admits It: Fitness Center Hemorrhaging $6000 a Month!

Coeymans Has a New Police Chief: Peter J. McKenna

Why Ravena Village Hall Thumbs Their Noses at the Pubic Officers Law…

Dispatchers Distribute Misleading Flyer! Lies in Print…AGAIN!

We're Providing the Missing Pieces for Our Readers The Editor

We’re Providing the Missing Pieces for Our Readers
The Editor

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Posted by on October 30, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, Accountability, AFSCME, Albany, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany Police, Alicia Nieves, Annette Demitraszek, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Barbara McMullen, Bill Bailey, Bill McFerran, Bray Engel, Brian Dunnegan, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carver Companies, Carver Construction, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Gibson, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Committee on Open Government, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., Craig Youmans, D. M. Crosier, Danielle Crosier, Danielle M. Crosier, David Debacco, David Soares, David Wukitsch, Department of State, Dorothy Rock, DOT, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Emergency Dispatch, Eric T. Schneiderman, Ethel Hotaling, FOIL, Formal Written Complaint, Freedom of Information Law, Gregory Darlington, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Inspector General, Investigation, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Albert, Jason Hyslop, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Joel Coye, John T. Bruno, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Kristine Biernacki, Kyle Kearney, Law Enforcement, Leah Darlington, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Meprision of Felony, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misdemeanor, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Department of Transportation, New York State Police, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, NYSAFC, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Patrick E. Brown, Paul Courcelle, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Police Dispatch, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Fire Department, Robert J. Freeman, Selkirk, Stephen Flach, Teddy Reville, Termination, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Town Board Meeting, Transparency, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Ravena Village Board Admits It: Fitness Center Hemorrhaging $6000 a Month!

We’ve been writing about it for almost two years. Cathy Deluca’s playpen, the Ravena Health and Fitness Center is hemorraging taxpayer dollars to the tune of $6,000 a month, according to statements made by Ravena village board officials and published in the October 30, 2014, issue of the Ravena News Herald. We been telling you so for the past year! Now it’s official!

Well now it's official!

Well now it’s official!
The Ravena Village Board, Mayor Misuraca admit it; the Ravena News Herald publishes it!
Ravena Health and Fitness Center is on the Block!

Good for you, Mayor Misuraca! You really do have a pair!

Nice pair, Mayor Moose

Nice pair, Mayor Moose

According to the report published in the October 30, 2014, issue of the Ravena News Herald, in an article with the misleading title of “Fitness center members rally against rumored shutdown” by Bryan Rowzee, local kiss-ass sockpuppet wannabe reporter (any surprise), at their regular meeting on October 21, the village of Ravena mayor and village board met and discussed the closing of the Ravena Health and Fitness Center. The discussion of the closing was not the focal item but was only one of the items of business to be discussed at that meeting.

And it was no “rally” as Rowzee misleadingly reports. It was more of a gaggle of village idiots with their own small-world interests at heart and no common sense at all. Some people need to get a life and stop embarrassing themselves and this community. It seems the loudest ones at village and town meetings are the local lunatics shouting their stupidity. It’s no wonder the intelligent ones just sit there and shake their heads!

Actually, it really wan’t a “rally” and the place wasn’t packed, Mr Rowzee. It was more like 4-10 supporters, wasn’t it. Plus a paltry petition. Is that reason enough to continue “hemorraging more than $6,000 a month” of taxpayer dollars?

Brainless-animatedOne such village idiot, Alicia Nieves, seems to think that the Ravena Health and Fitness Center benefits the community. Yeah, a community of ONE, named Alicia Nieves? Nieves wants to stay local and doesn’t want to drive “up towards Albany.” So is that a reason why the village has to continue bleeding losses of $6,000 a month? So that Alicia Nieves and her kind don’t have to drive “up towards Albany”? Not a very good argument in our opinion so let’s move on to another genius.

Dorothy Rock, sharing a partial brain with Alicia Nieves, mentions “the camaraderie she has built at the facility,” and “that for your dollar you are getting a lot of good stuff here.” So Ms Rock has made some friends at the Fitness Center. Can’t be many because there are so few members at the Ravena Fitness Center. There’s no interest in the dump. But Dorothy might be right, “you are getting a lot of good stuff here” like cooties? Dermatitis? Again, it’s not much of an argument to support losing $6,000 a month of taxpayer money!

And another freak brought along a petition with 109 names on it, about half of the total members of the fitness flop. So it seems that the Ravena Health and Fitness Center can’t even get all of its members, all 200 of them to sign a petition to keep its doors open. By the way, in order to break even, the Ravena Health and Fitness Center has to have about 500-600 PAYING members. We’d say in the two years it’s been sucking down taxpayer dollars it hasn’t even come close to that figure!

Ethyl H. shoots herself in the foot.

Ethyl H. shoots herself in the foot.

Dear Ethyl Hotaling says it all when she tells the Ravena Village officials that between 2013 to 2014, the membership has grown (?) from 80 members in 2013 to 203 currently. But dear Ethyl then shoots herself in the foot when she says that 63 of those members are retirees using the Silver Sneakers program to cover their membership fees. Silver Sneakers may cover Ethyl’s membership fees but it’s not doing much for the bottom line! The fitness center, under Cathy Deluca’s incompetent management—she has already “managed” two previous fitness centers to failure, even before former mayor John Bruno and Nancy Warner appointed her to manage the Ravena fitness club—is still losing public money to the tune of $6,000 a month, according to Ravena officials. That’s more than many local residents make in a month working full time!

Craig Youmans, who claims to have battled cancer and lung disease for years, uses the Ravena Health and Fitness Center. Youmans says “it’s a place to go.” Well, Mr Youmans, in your fragile physical condition, perhaps you should keep to the Senior Citizens Center or the RCS Community Library. It seems you need to get some professional exercise and fitness assistance geared to your fragile condition. You can’t use the argument that the Ravena Health and Fitness Center can justify its losses just to provide local seniors with a hangout at community expense. That’s why there’s a Senior Center and a community library. Besides, why isn’t Silver Sneakers hosted by the Seniors Center? That would make more sense, wouldn’t it? But then, Ravena-Coeymans specializes in duplicated services at taxpayer expense, and double- even triple-dipping—we won’t mention the Coeymans dispatchers club or the RCS central school district and Matthew “Matt” Miller!

Then the Voice of Reason Chimes in…

Village trustee Kieth Mahler, a local business person and a member of the Misuraca majority on the village board countered, “I don’t want to see anything close, but if you owned a business that was losing $6000 a month, how long would you keep it open?” Now that’s a good question Mr Mahler. Can you tell us how long you’d keep it open? Can you tell us how long you’ll keep the Ravena Health and Fitness Center open now that it’s out that it’s losing $6000 a month?

Now here’s where it gets confusing. Nancy Warner, arch-hypocrite that she is, was one of the ones who created the fitness center in the first place—she and Cathy Deluca and a couple of others met behind closed doors to agree to pay insider Robert Fisk more than $40,000 for used fitness equipment and it was Nancy Warner who was relentless in running the RCS Community Library out of its former location (The library, at least, paying rent! The fitness center isn’t!)—now that two-faced witch is agreeing with Kieth Mahler: “if you owned a business that was losing $6000 a month, how long would you keep it open?” Or is she? Who knows? Who cares? Nancy Warner is can’t be trusted even to back her so-called friend, Cathy Deluca! When the water starts getting hot the worms start squirming, right Nancy?

ass is grass cup

Nancy Warner’s slitting her own pet project’s throat along with her bosom girlfriend’s, Cathy Deluca’s

It’s odd that Warner should mention a private gym that charged only $35.00 a month and went out of business. Why would residents pay more than $200.00 a month for a gym? And that gym, the Ravena fitness center, is hemorrhaging at the rate of $6000 a month. Sounds like a bunch of double-talk as usual from Nancy Warner. As usual, she’s not making any sense at all. And it sounds like she’s slitting her own pet project’s throat along with her bosom girlfriend’s, Cathy Deluca’s. It was only a matter of time. As the saying goes, “There’s no honor among thieves.” How true!

Annette Demitraszek, Ravena village clerk, seems to be jumping on the kill the fitness center bandwagon, too. She’s a Nancy-Warner-brand-sockpuppet and seems to be supporting the closure when she publicly states “the village population is about 3,200”. Do the math! The fitness center has tried to recruit members from around the region and from neighboring communities. Take a tour of the Glenmont Planet Fitness between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. and you’ll see where the majority of locals are going to get themselves in shape! It’s not the Ravena fitness center, you’ll see that! Ravena and the surrounding area can’t compete and aren’t competing! The Ravena fitness center was a very, very bad move and it’s now out there, straight from Ravena officials’ mouths.

turkey talkBravo for Ravena Mayor Bill “Moose” Misuraca who put it very clearly: “Is it morally or financially responsible for 100% of the taxpayers to support less than 3% of the population who use this [the Ravena Health and Fitness Center]?  Mayor Misuraca goes on to confirm, “Right now this gym is hemorrhaging over $6,000 a month. We can not make payroll.” And Misuraca goes even further by confirming what we’ve been saying for almost 2 years: “It’s a burden to taxpayers and…villages and towns should not be in the business of being in business.” We agree 200%, Mr Mayor!

Nancy Warner’s apparently thrown in the towel, and at the same time has thrown her bosom girlfriend, Cathy Deluca…

Annette Demitraszek and Kris Biernacki may be on the hot seat soon for their conspiracies with Nancy Warner.

But we didn’t know! Yes you did!

Well, there may be justice in the air in Ravena. Maybe the time has come where the crooks are going to have to eat their own feces and get their walking papers. The rats eventually jump ship. Dirty-Hands Jerry Deluca, Cathy Deluca‘s partner, when he read the writing on the wall (the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs picked up that piece of garbage). Deluca’s buddy, former Coeymans police chief, Gregory “Dumplington” Darlington, abandoned his post and deserted his department and the community (destination: Albany DA David Soares’ office?). Nancy Warner’s apparently thrown in the towel, and at the same time has thrown her bosom girlfriend, Cathy Deluca in as well. Annette Demitraszek, kissing Warners broad butt as usual, adds her two cents. (But where are Demitraszek and Biernacki going to hide when they are charged with obstruction of justice and accessory after the fact, when they’re named in civil and criminal lawsuits in preparation as we write? Nancy Warner gonna take the bullet for ya, Demitraszek? How about for you, Biernacki? Bob Freeman’s going to deny he told you anything?)  And the Ravena village board has finally woken up. To paraphrase Cathy Deluca‘s statement made to a visitor at the Ravena Health and Fitness Center open house, before it even opened, “Time to go! You’re not welcome here!” Well Cathy, looks like what goes around comes around. Time to go, Cathy, and don’t let the slamming door jiggle your cellulite on your waddle out!

(And maybe the new Coeymans police chief, Peter J. McKenna, will be waiting outside with a warrant for your arrest for your lies to law enforcement and obstruction of justice! No more insiders at Coeymanazi p.d. to cover your ass, Cathy. Your bulbous butt is grass—Biatch!)

 R U Ready, Cathy? What goes around comes around!  The Editor

R U Ready, Cathy?
What goes around comes around!
The Editor


Posted by on October 29, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District,, Abuse of Public Office, Albany, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Alicia Nieves, Annette Demitraszek, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Bill Bailey, Bill McFerran, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bray Engel, Brian Dunnegan, Bryan Rowzee, Carmen Warner, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Chris Gibson, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Corruption, Craig Youmans, D. Darlington, D. M. Crosier, Danielle Crosier, Danielle M. Crosier, David Debacco, David Soares, David Wukitsch, Dawn LaMountain, Dorothy Rock, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eric T. Schneiderman, Ethel Hotaling, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Formal Written Complaint, George Acker, George Amedore, George LaMountain, George Langdon, Gerald Deluca, Greed, Gregory Darlington, Harold Warner, Howard "Bray" Engel, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Albert, Jason Hyslop, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Kevin Reilly, Kristine Biernacki, Kyle Kearney, Law Enforcement, Leah Darlington, Making an apparently sworn false statement, Martin Case, Marty Case, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Meprision of Felony, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misdemeanor, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State, New York State Civil Service Department, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSAFC, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Patrick E. Brown, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS School Board, Robert Fisk, Robert J. Freeman, Sean Eldridge, Selkirk, Stephen Flach, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom DiAcetis, Tom Dolan, Village Clerk, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Coeymans Has a New Police Chief: Peter J. McKenna

After former Coeymans police chief Gregory “Dumplington” Darlington jumped ship and abandoned his staff, the Coeymans police department, and the Ravena-Coeymans community, the Coeymans town board has worked hard to downsize the Coeymanazi police department. The Coeymans town board, at its regular meeting on Monday, October 27, named Coeymans police officer Peter J. McKenna to replace DoDo Dumplington.

A Very Conditional Congrtulations go to Chief Peter J. McKenna and to the Coeymans Town Board

A Very Conditional Congratulations! goes to
Coeymans Police Chief
Peter J. McKenna

and to the Coeymans Town Board

An Opportunity to Revitalize and for a Complete Makeover

Chief Peter J. McKenna

Chief Peter J. McKenna

Police Chief Peter J. McKenna can use this opportunity to be a hero, to shine, to revitalize the community’s faith and trust of law enforcement or he can continue in the same filthy rut as his predecessor. We hope he’ll take a more positive and honorable heading for as long as he has a department to run.

Defund to Eliminate

Defund to Eliminate

We say “conditional” because we still urge the town of Coeymans to eliminate the Coeymans police department in its entirety but we do understand that it can’t be done overnight. The strategy of defunding the Coeymans police department, and gradually forcing the derelict or dirty cops (read our article: More Coeymans Police Misconduct: We Want Answers!; BAM! Blonde Bimbo Coeymanazi Strikes Again: This Time a State Agency Car) or the more ambitious law enforcement officers to resign, or at least get them out of our schools, and to seek more lucrative, rewarding employment with a real department is a good one, and it seems to be working: several more Coeymans police department employees have resigned this week.

Actually, with the appointment of Chief McKenna, the Coeymans town board has made a second positive step: they’ve appointed McKenna at a salary of almost half the money that rat-king Gregory Darlington was sucking up in addition to benefits and all he could hoard of the Coeymans treasury. That’s not to say that McKenna is not worth Gregory Darlington’s salary and more. McKenna is a professional law enforcement officer with prior service with the Albany Police Department and reached the level of professional detective (not the Coeymans p.d. dork detective variety fathered by that retard Dudlington).

P. David Soares

P. David Soares
Will he hire dolt Dumplington?

Chief McKenna, like most of the Coeymans police department, doesn’t come to us without some historical baggage. Yes, he had problems with the Albany Police Department. Yes he had some conflicts with Albany County’s pilfering, racist, womanizing district attorney, P. David Soares. But he has connections with law enforcement and that’s a good thing. He has conflicts with Soares and that’s a good thing. Unlike dolt Darlington, Chief McKenna may be able to conduct his law enforcement activities on the straight and narrow, not sucking up to a corrupt and incompetent district attorney. Unlike Darlington, Chief McKenna doesn’t have the corrupt concerns about getting a job next to his wife (Dumpling Darlington’s dumpy dumplin’ Leah Darlington works as a secretary/clerk for Soares). Chief McKenna has been patrolling Ravena-Coeymans for a couple of years not and, despite his past, McKenna has earned the reputation of being fair and a generally good cop.

Albany County Enhanced 911 and Elimination of the Coeymans Dispatchers. There may be a hidden benefit to appointing a veteran and well-informed cop with plenty of city experience. Chief McKenna most probably knows a great deal about the Albany County 911 system and can be a valuable source of information and a consultant to the Coeymans town board when considering trimming the Coeymans budget of several hundreds of thousands of dollars by eliminating the redundant dispatchers. (Click here to read our article:
Dispatchers Distribute Misleading Flyer! Lies in Print…AGAIN!)

What we’d like to see Chief McKenna tackle as part of his community outreach efforts (and he will have community outreach, of that we are certain) is this: Under Darlington’s incompetent bastardizing of the Coeymans police department obstruction of justice was rampant, meprision of felony (18 U.S. Code § 4 – Misprision of felony*) was a day-to-day occurrence. Having worked in the Coeymans police department for several years under Darlington’s oppression, Chief McKenna knows all about the obstruction of justice and meprision of felony (especially the obstruction of justice and accessory after the fact in the Cathy Deluca case and concealment by “Dirty Hands” Jerry Deluca, Gregory Darlington and Jason Albert!) that went on in the Coeymans police department and it’s now time to come clean, squeaky clean, and prove that he, Peter J. McKenna, is worthy of the chief’s badge and worthy of this community’s trust. (Maybe Chief McKenna can manage to uniformly, nondiscriminatingly enforce the law and truly to “serve and protect” this community. See our articles: Coeymans: Illegal “Work Zone” Signs and Unlawful Threat of Fines?Criminal Obstruction of Justice & Official Misconduct: Gregory Darlington, Coeymans PDWhat you hear or see, or know can land you in Jail! 18 USC § 4 – Misprision of Felony; Raped by the Coeymans Police Department!)

*Misprision of felony: Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Cathy Deluca Misdemeanor False Statement

Cathy Deluca
Misdemeanor False Statement

There are dozens, literally dozens, of pending complaint investigations and pending lawsuits against the Coeymans police department and it’s in Chief McKenna’s interest to start on the right foot. One way to do this is to take the time, and it will be a lot of time at first, to manage the complaints and lawsuits crisis in Coeymans. Chief McKenna has to reach out to the aggrieved, defuse the situation, pledge his good will, ensure that the cases are properly investigated and the results communicated to the aggrieved parties, ensure that justice is done by getting rid of the culprits and, if necessary, ensuring that they are prosecuted. There are many in the community who can prove to be valuable allies to Chief McKenna and even to the Coeymans town board if, and only if, Chief McKenna has integrity, is honest with us, and proves he’s fair and is interested in seeing justice done. Ditto for the Coeymans town board. (Read our article: Village of Ravena, Town of Coeymans Police Department Served with Notices of ClaimCriminal Complaint: Catherine M. Deluca a.k.a. Cathy Deluca, Claude A. Wheeles, Ravena Health and Fitness Center; Why Ravena Village Hall Thumbs Their Noses at the Pubic Officers Law…)

Harold “Hal” Warner = Corrupt Judge = Corrupt Justice

Noting the presence of members of the Ravena liars-lair, especially Harold “Hal” Warner, another Albany Cop who got taken off the street for his civil rights abuses, and then was elected to be a village of Ravena justice, a judge of all things! His presence and the fact that he was seen to be consulting with Chief McKenna could give rise to charges of violation of the Judicial Code of Conduct against Warner. What business does a sitting village justice have having secret discussions with the newly appointed town police chief, we have to ask. But Warner, if he’s stupid enough to run for office again, will be embarrassed by a total defeat! We’ll work hard to see that happen. (See our article on the Warners of Ravena: The Warners: A Family Tradition of Misconduct) As for the other self-interested crooks who were conspicuously sitting on pins and needles and felt that they had to be present at the meeting just to calm their nerves, we know who you are and we’re watching together with quite a few other residents. Keep out of the way. You’ve on notice!

(Special note to Dawn LaMountain: Better keep your mouth shut and get a lawyer—maybe your ex-boss Dumplington, can get his wife Leah to sweet-talk Soares into defending you, or at least not to prosecute you—, you may need one soon. Your chubby chicken should also be looking for a job pretty soon, too!) (Read our article Why?: Dispatchers Distribute Misleading Flyer! Lies in Print…AGAIN!)

So, Coeymans, Chief McKenna, you both have our “conditional” Congratulations! “Conditional” because you’re going to be watched like a hawk, we’ll have our ears to the ground and in the community. These next couple of months will either make or break both of you, Coeymans town board and Peter J. McKenna. You both have a lot of healing to do and a lot of trust to mend.

For the Community's SakeWe wish you godspeed and fair winds to keep you on course>/big> The Editor

For the Community’s Sake
We wish you godspeed and fair winds to keep you on course

The Editor


Posted by on October 28, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, AFSCME, Albany, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany Police, Annette Demitraszek, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carmen Warner, Carver Companies, Carver Construction, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Gibson, Chris Gibson, Chris Hughes, Civil Lawsuit, Civil Right Violation, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Committee on Open Government, Conspiracy, Corruption, County & Municipal Employees, Craig D. Apple Sr., D. Darlington, Danielle Crosier, David Debacco, David Soares, David Wukitsch, DEC, Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of State, DOT, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, EMR, Endangering a Minor, F.O.I.L., Falsely reporting an incident, Felony, Fitness Center, FOIL, Formal Written Complaint, George Acker, George Amedore, George Dardiani, George LaMountain, George Langdon, Gerald Deluca, Government, Gregory Darlington, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Indifference, Intimidation, Jason Albert, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Judicial Misconduct, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Kevin Reilly, Kristine Biernacki, Kyle Kearney, Larry Conrad, Laverne Conrad, Law Enforcement, Leah Darlington, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Meprision of Felony, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misdemeanor, Misdemeanor, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, New York State Police, New York State Unified Court System, Nick Dellisanti, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, P. David Soares, Paul Courcelle, Paul Tonko, Perjury and related offenses, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Police Dispatch, Port of Coeymans, Public Corruption, Public Safety, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Fitness Center, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Robert J. Freeman, Ryan Johnson, Sean Eldridge, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Tainted Judge, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Town Board Meeting, Transparency, Village Justice, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Why Ravena Village Hall Thumbs Their Noses at the Pubic Officers Law…

The legislature’s purpose in enacting the New York State Freedom of Information Law, PUBLIC OFFICERS LAW, ARTICLE 6 SECTIONS 84-90 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION LAW reads:

“The people’s right to know the process of governmental decision-making and to review the documents and statistics leading to determinations is basic to our society. Access to such information should not be thwarted by shrouding it with the cloak of secrecy or confidentiality. The legislature therefore declares that government is the public’s business and that the public, individually and collectively and represented by a free press, should have access to the records of government in accordance with the provisions of this article.”

We Have A Right To Know!


And they have to tell us! It’s the LAW!

Click on Logo to Read About the NYS FOI Law

Click on Logo to Read About the NYS F.O.I. Law

We all know this section of the Public Officers Law as the F.O.I.L. for short, and some of us who have a need or a desire to know the facts behind what our government is doing take full advantage of the legislature’s intent to ensure that the public is informed.

The problem is this: some of our public servants and local government employees do not want us to know what’s going on and so they are constantly placing speed bumps along the information highway. They sometimes stonewall when responding; they sometimes respond in excess by throwing everything but the kitchen sink in the works and then charging twenty-five cents a page for copying it (a form of passive retaliation); they produce as little as possible making it necessary to submit requests again and again (hoping that you’ll get frustrated and stop), or they simply lie and say they don’t have anything you’re requesting. And then they say they’ve contacted Mr Robert Freeman of the Committee on Open Government and he told them they didn’t have to respond.

The seeds of corruption are still in Ravena village hall, right under Mayor Jelly-Fish Moose Misuraca's bulbous nose!He never cleaned house! Annette Demitraszek and Kristine Biernacki, and Nancy Warner are still doing their voodoo!

The seeds of corruption are still in Ravena village hall, right under Mayor Jelly-Fish Moose Misuraca’s bulbous nose!
He never cleaned house! Annette Demitraszek and Kristine Biernacki, and Nancy Warner are still doing their voodoo!

Sound familiar. It should. Because Ravena, that model of small town corruption and wickedness has used all of those avoidance techniques and others to prevent residents from finding out what they’re doing in village hall. And Mr Robert Freeman, an employee in the New York Department of State, who heads the Committee on Open Government (COOG) and makes a complete farce of the F.O.I.L., takes Ravena’s calls, listens to their fairytales, and tells them they don’t have to disclose. It never occurs to Freeman that the village of Ravena clerks have been lying to him and manipulating him for years; that’s assuming he even cares, since he’s a fixture in state government and gets paid no matter whom he screws over. —He’ll do his damage, retire, and continue sucking up taxpayer dollars. He’s a parasite.—

What’s worse is that unlike the town clerks, the village clerks are appointed not elected. What does that mean to us residents? Well, you see, Annette Demitraszek and Kristine Biernacki, the current village of Ravena clerks, were appointed by the former mummy-mayor John Bruno and his sidekick hatchet-woman Nancy Warner. Now that Bruno is out, Warner is still there keeping her loyal minions under control and terrorized.  Bruno ran the village offices by strong-arming people and Warner was his sidekick, and made certain everyone played the game or got fired. So it is that Annette Demitraszek and Kristine Biernacki survived in village hall because they knew how to take orders and play the game. Even with the election of jellyfish William “Moose” Misuraca and his majority on the village council, he hasn’t made many changes—he doesn’t have a clue what’s going on and even if he did he probably wouldn’t have the brains to do anything about it, and Nancy Warner is still there running the show, calling the shots, and oiling the internal workings, which includes running Annette Demitraszek and Kristine Biernacki.

Remember also that Nancy Warner and Cathy Deluca are bosom buddies, and Nancy Warner was instrumental in creating the Ravena Health and Fitness Center and handing it over to Cathy Deluca. As long as Nancy Warner is between the axe and the Ravena Health and Fitness Center (Cathy Deluca’s playpen), it’s going to be hard to eliminate both the RHFC and Deluca—but very possible.

So let’s look at a real-life scenario where a resident requests disclosure of information on Guess what? Yup, the Ravena Health and Fitness Center (abbreviated RHFC) by submitting a Freedom of Information Law request for information. The request is for information on the income and finances and monthly figures on memberships of the RHFC. Another request was for the costs for the Ravena Centennial Celebration and how many tickets were sold and how many tickets were given away. All of this information is public access but not in Ravena.

Nancy Warner Clutching Her Chest

Nancy Warner Clutching Her Chest

So the resident submits the requests and Annette Demitraszek and Kristine Biernacki get it first. They then go to Nancy Warner to ask her what she wants done with it. Nancy Warner goes pale, clutches her chest, seems to be having an orgasm, and then calls Cathy Deluca who it just happens is the manager of the RHFC, and just happens to be the chairperson and organizer of the Ravena Centennial Celebration. Deluca, when she hears the news, like Nancy Warner, goes pale, clutches her chests, and has an orgasm. Their response: No way! José! We can’t let anyone with half of a brain have any of that stuff; it’ll send us all to Albany County Jail! They have to find a way to refuse to disclose the information, after all it’s a week before elections, and if this stuff gets out, they and anyone connected with them are dead in the water (Right, Tom Dolan?)!

Deluca after the orgasm

Cathy Deluca after the Orgasm

So they cook up some lame-brain excuse why they can’t or won’t provide the documents:

  • You have not picked up previous documents and paid the $4.25.
  • You have not picked up previous documents and paid the $19.00

But both are clear evidence of Annette Demitraszek’s and Kristine Biernacki’s stupidity, and how Nancy Warner doesn’t care how stupid she makes her underlings look, as long as they can prevent the information getting out to the public! (Well, you don’t think for a minute that former Ravena mayor John Bruno or Nancy Warner appointed people who wouldn’t follow orders, do you? And if they weren’t complete slaves to Bruno and Warner, how long do you think they would last? So of course they’re not going to rock the boat or do anything to piss Nancy Warner off, they’d be history. So like the greedy rodents they are, Demitraszek and Biernacki stay cogs in the machine, violate the law, and stay employed in village hall.)

In the first case, Nancy Warner, through Annette Demitraszek and Kristine Biernacki, first refused to produce documents requested way back in July 2013 first writing:

“Please be advised that your request for legal services payments does not reasonably describe records in our possession because our vouchers are fiiled in chronological order not by subject.”

If anyone can make sense out of that illiterate statement we’d be grateful for a translation! So what! You can’t find your documents? Or you won’t look for the documents? But that didn’t work very well so they tried this:

“This is to acknowledge receipt of your demand for disclosure dated July 9, 2013 and to inform you that it has been forwarded to the appropriate department.  We are expecting to grant your request in whole or in part by July 23.”

“Forwarded to the appropriate department”? How many departments are there in village hall? It’s the clerk/treasurer who has the requested documents! And its the clerk/treasurer who is forwarding the F.O.I.L. demand to the “appropriate department”? Now which department could that have been, we wonder? Could it have been the Department of Mayor Bruno’s Office (he was still in office at the time) or the Department of Nancy Warner?

So when that lame and transparent attempt to stonewall failed, they then wrote back:

We have been informed by COOG [Committee on Open Government, Bob Freeman] that the complexity of the issues involved in determining whether the materials fall within one of the exceptions to disclosure on item #1-3 will take a significant amount of time.  They advised us to give you a time frame of 90 to 120 days, which would put us into the fall.

The couldn’t squirm out of having to comply so they claim the COOG “informed” them that the “complexity” of the issues would take a “significant amount of time”. What issues could they be, Nancy Warner? Your corruption and thieving? How complex can the issues be? The requester wanted documents that any normal office would have in a filing cabinet ready to go. But the issues are really complex when you consider the corruption under the Bruno administration; they’re still pretty complex, it seems, under the Misuraca administration. Misuraca ran under the slogan “Change!” but only the faces changed, the corruption is still there. When the village of Ravena refused to respond to the FOIL requests, the requester then filed a Notice of Claim, required before filing a lawsuit against the village, and when they didn’t respond by scheduling a hearing to safeguard their rights—rather the rights of Ravena taxpayers and residents, who will have to pay the lawyers and pay for the village’s defense—, the requester then wrote:

“Dear Clerk:
On or about August 15, 2013, the village of Ravena was served with a Notice of Claim by my agent for violations of the NYS F.O.I.L.
As of today’s date, I have not been served with notice of the 50-h hearing date nor with written notice from the village of Ravena to the effect that the village of Ravena waives its right to said 50-h hearing.
Please advise in writing of the village of Ravena’s intentions before lapse of the 90 period allowed for exercising the municipality’s right to 50-h prior to filing my suit at law.
I will not accept e-mail notification of the village of Ravena’s intentions.”

It's Enough to Make a Rat Blush!

It’s Enough to Make a Rat Blush!

The village of Ravena did not respond and did not take advantage of the opportunity to hold the hearing to gather facts about the claim. In other words, they failed to protect their rights and to safeguard the rights of Ravena taxpayers! Why would they do that? you might well ask? Because they were not going to let the information get out there before the 2013 elections knowing how it would incriminate the Bruno administration! They lost anyway.

Coconspirators & Losers: Nancy'Warner's Former Team.

Co-conspirators & Losers: Nancy Warner’s Former Team. Losers: Rocco Persico, John Bruno, Martin Case

But the resident still has time to file the lawsuit against Ravena—and we have information that s/he will file the lawsuit in federal court because the case also involves violations of federal law—adding that to the current violations of the Public Officers Law.

You see, normally the documents responding to a FOIL request can be provided almost immediately when the offices keep their records in order or are not afraid to let the information out. Twenty days after a request is considered fair. But 120 days after a request for a small operation like Ravena is downright ridiculous and is such a glaring attempt to conceal that they’re sure to lose a lawsuit! Who in their right mind would want the information so late anyway? It’s deader than dead, staler than stale!

You see, in that case, Warner’s stonewalling actually kept the responder from actually getting the information for the purposes s/he needed it. Would you have paid $4.25 for something useless, 120 days (4 months) after you needed it? Well, as it turns out, there were other ways to get the message out and that’s what happened. The Result: Bruno, Persico, Case, all Warner’s allies on the village council, got their walking papers in the November 2013 elections. The lesson dumbass bimbos like Nancy Warner should have learned is that they can’t keep the truth from getting out with crooked tactics. The Truth will get out.

As for the second lame-brain excuse for not producing the documents in response to the most recent request about the membership figures and income for the RHFC and the accounting for the Ravena Centennial Celebration, Demitraszek’s and Biernacki’s stupidity is again glaringly obvious!

In this case they claim that they assembled the requested documents and copied them but the requester never picked up the copies. Well, if they had read the original request — assuming those bimbos can read — they would have read:

“Please notify this requester when the documents responding to this request have been assembled. The requestor will then make an appointment to review said documents, and request that copies be made of any documents deemed to be sufficiently responsive.

“And you will certainly have noted our remark in that same e-mail:

If you proceeded to make copies of documents you presumed to be responsive, it seems you may have failed to read the demand in its entirety.”

Ravena's Jellyfish Mayor

Ravena’s Jellyfish Mayor

So Demitraszek and Biernacki made a mistake, didn’t read the clear instructions in the FOIL demand and now are trying to turn things around and use their error to avoid producing the documents requested in the most recent request! Congratulations, Ravena! Your new mayor, monkey-mayor William “Moose the Jellyfish” Misuraca, never cleaned house and now has John T. Bruno’s rodents, Nancy Warner, Annette Demitraszek and Kristine Biernacki still doing their voodoo in village hall. Actually, it’s Nancy Warner protecting her partner-in-crime Cathy Deluca and their illegal money pit, the Ravena Health and Fitness Center. But the writing is on the wall: The Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Cathy Deluca’s illegal playpen, the moneypit that is losing money and sucking up taxpayer dollars to the tune of more than $105,000 plus, is on the chopping block. If Misuraca doesn’t cut that scandalous money pit from the Ravena village budget for 2015, he and his village council deserve to be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail!

An so the, street talk is that Nancy Warner is not going to embarass herself by running for Ravena trustee again; she’s sure to lose the election — and if her husband, Ravena village court parasite, Harold “Hal” Warner, corrupt ex-Albany cop who was condemned to a desk job in Albany for his civil rights abuses, of course later made a village justice so he could continue his abuses of civil rights — thinks he’s going to be re-elected, he’s dumber than we had previously thought. Back to Nancy Warner: So she has to do her damnedest to keep things rolling for at least another year for her protegée Cathy Deluca. But even so, Nancy Warner will still retire from village hall with a pension; she may get to keep all she managed to pilfer and still collect taxpayer dollars. She’s a parasite and we’ll still be paying her when she’s gone, unless we get her, Bruno, and their cronies convicted, and punished for their crimes against this community for more than 25 years! Same is true of that parasite bottle-blond bimbo Cathy Deluca!

But we see through their cheap tricks and we will support our neighbors’ rights to get the information out of that brothel they call Ravena village hall, even if their municipal jellyfish-pimp Misuraca just wants to sit there stroking his tentacles. You see, Misuraca and all elected officials owe their loyalty to the constituency, to the voters and taxpayers of this community, village and town. They don’t owe loyalty to their crooked friends down the hall, like Cathy Deluca and Nancy Warner. Cathy Deluca and Nancy Warner will to the same thing that Jerry Dirty-Hands Deluca and his bosom buddy Gregory Darlington did: like the rats they are, they sucked what they could out of this community and then jumped ship. Wake the hell up, Misuraca! Where are your loyalties, Mayor Misuraca? Do we even have to ask that question?


Unless the village of Ravena responds to the most recent demand for disclosure of records relating to the income and expenditures of the Ravena Health and Fitness Center and to the costs and revenues of the Ravena Centennial Celebration, this blog will assist a number of residents who have experienced the village of Ravena’s stonewalling tactics in filing first a Notice of Claim for violation of New York State laws and federal laws, as well as residents’ civil and protected rights, followed by a lawsuit that will force them to comply and to pay damages. We hope also that they will lose all or part of their pensions for their criminal activities.

In Our Ongoing Battle to Clean Up Local Government

In Our Ongoing Battle to Clean Up Local Government
Starting with the brothel on Mountain Avenue, Ravena.

If you have had experiences similar to these, please send us your name and contact information so we can discuss your case with you and whether it makes sense for you to join the other residents in filing the Notice of Claim and the lawsuit against the village of Ravena, Nancy Warner, Annette Demitraszek and Kristine Biernacki, William Misuraca, and John Bruno. Contact us at We intend also to go after Mr Robert Freeman and the Committee on Open Government through the NYS Attorney General and the Office of the Comptroller for Mr Freeman’s abuse of office and complicity with the unlawful and illegal abuse of public office we observe in the village of Ravena municipal government operations.  We never publish your personal details or the information you provide without first obtaining your consent. We can be trusted!

Meet Nancy, Annette, Kristine, and Cathy's New Friends! The Editor

Meet Nancy, Annette, Kristine, and Cathy’s New Friends!
The Editor



Posted by on October 24, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Annette Demitraszek, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Bill Bailey, Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carmen Warner, Carver Construction, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Gibson, Chris Hughes, Civil Lawsuit, Civil Right Violation, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Committee on Open Government, Conspiracy, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., Daniel Contento, Danielle M. Crosier, David Soares, Deluca-Warner Fitness Center, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Eric T. Schneiderman, F.O.I.L., FBI, FBI Public Corruption Squad, FOIL, Formal Written Complaint, George Acker, George Amedore, George Langdon, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Greene County Sheriff, Gregory Darlington, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Incompetence, Investigation, Jason Albert, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Kristine Biernacki, Law Enforcement, Leah Darlington, Mayor Bruno, Meprision of Felony, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misdemeanor, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Civil Service Department, Nick Dellisanti, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Paul Courcelle, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Retaliation, Robert J. Freeman, Sean Eldridge, Selkirk, Smalbany, Small Town, Stephen Flach, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Transparency, Village Clerk, William Misuraca


Dispatchers Distribute Misleading Flyer! Lies in Print…AGAIN!

Elections are coming up on November 4th

We have something to share about the local, state and national candidates seeking your votes and it’s important you know what we have to say. Local budgets are in the making and you need to get to village, town and board of education meetings and have your say! Stay tuned in the coming week. You won’t be disappointed!

AFSCME, American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, the union representing the Coeymans dispatchers has distributed a sloppy liar-flier that is intended to misinform residents, as most unions are prone to do, and can’t even get its numbers straight. If the dispatchers’ union can’t count or get its numbers straight, how can we depend on the dispatchers to get numbers right? But that’s not the real problem. The real problem is that the flyer shoots the dispatchers in the foot because it gives us the solid evidence we need to prove that the dispatchers are the result of corrupt hiring processes in the town of Coeymans town hall. Most of the dispatchers are relatives of employees of the town of Coeymans, the majority being relatives of employees of the police department. Some of them even hold several jobs right in Coeymans town hall!

Here are the mugshots featured on the AFSCME flyer distributed in Coeymans.

Here are the mug shots featured on the AFSCME liar-flier distributed in Coeymans.

As anyone with half-a-brain can clearly see, the heading reads “14 Coeymans residents” but we count only 12 in the mug shots and one of them is blacked out, according to information received from the town of Coeymans, that person was terminated. So that leaves 11 dispatchers. Where are the other three, AFSCME? Please let us know who they are when you find them, won’t you?

(Click this link to read the entire Dispatcher Liar-Flyer Dispatch[1].)

Of the remaining 11, three are almost legitimately fair hires: A. Mueller, S. Leonardo and McMullen. So far we haven’t found that they’re related to anyone in town hall but that’s not yet final. Justin Hotaling may be a relative of the local family, one of whom was Coeymans town supervisor before Flach. It’s hard to believe that anyone in the dispatchers’ office isn’t related to someone in the Coeymans police department. Here’s why:

And it keeps a job opening for your other inbreeders.

And it keeps a job opening for your other inbreeders.

Coeymans dispatcher Brian Dunnegan‘s smiling puss is in the top row. Dunnegan’s nephew (his sister’s son), David Debucco, fourth in from the left, is a dispatcher. Dispatcher David Debucco is the son of Santa “Sandy” Debucco whom you might know as the building inspector for the village of Ravena (p.t. $8,157.00 +) and the town of Coeymans ($11,236 +) but he’s also a full-time employee at the Albany Airport! Sound like a lot of jobs? Does to us but apparently not to the village of Ravena or to the town of Coeymans who have him inspecting buildings. Pretty cozy so far, right?

Tucked in between Brian Dunnegan and his nephew, David Debacco, we have none other than D. Darlington, former Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington’s own daughter! Talk about nepotism, getting your family members a job!

In the first row, second to the last, we have Dawn LaMountain ($46,994+ a year, and her husband works for the town of Coeymans making $46,221+)*, confidential secretary to former Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington. Dawn LaMountain also moonlights as a Coeymans dispatcher. Our question is this: How does Dawn LaMountain juggle her time to be a “confidential secretary” and a Coeymans dispatcher? Sound fishy? It gets fishier, read on…

Let’s stay with the LaMountains for another minute. Bottom row, third in from the left you see Nicholas “Nick” LaMountain. You’ve already heard about LaMountains chubby kid who put’s the “Mountain” in LaMountain. He’s the one who got a job in the Coeymans police department but can’t pass the physical, despite several tries, because of his weight. No problem! When your mother is “confidential secretary” to the Coeymans police chief, you’re job on the Coeymanazi police force is never at risk. He’s still parading around in his cop costume but has he passed the physical fitness test yet? Your guess is as good as ours. But he’s also a Coeymans dispatcher, like his mom!

The last photo in the top row is Dillon Tyre. His mother works in the town of Coeymans clerk’s office and his father is a cop. Let’s get the whole family a job in Coeymans town hall, why doncha? Maybe good old dad can come in and play Coeymans cop too!

Not much to say about Kyle Kearney except that he’s a teacher at the RCS high school making a hefty chunk of cash with benefits. But Kearney is also a Coeymans dispatcher. Question is, shouldn’t he be preparing his lessons rather than moonlighting. Doesn’t the RCS CSD pay him enough??? By the way, both Kyle Kearney and Brian Dunnegan are on the “rescue squad”. There’s a bizarre sort of incest breeding here so we’ll leave it at that. But you can see how the tentacles just weave in and weave out in Coeymans.

Most of these people are hogging two or three other jobs besides the dispatcher position!

The whole liar-flier is a pile of crapola! As you can see, “14 Coeymans residents” will not be “losing their jobs” at all! If there are even 14 dispatchers, the liar-flier doesn’t document that claim. The flyer makes it sound like these jokers will be out on the street and starving if the dispatcher positions are eliminated, which is not the case at all. Most of these people are hogging two or three other jobs besides the dispatcher position! The ones who might not have two or three other so-called jobs (we’re thinking now of maybe A. Mueller only) certainly will not be out on the street. Think of the unemployed in this community who might be scrounging for an income and these greedy bastards crying misery when they’re sucking up income all over the place! Greedy bastards, that’s the only description that fits them!

They’re all INSIDERS. The jobs weren’t offered to Coeymans residents but were snatched up by insiders, or the INSIDERS made sure their own kids got the jobs. Right? Look at former Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington: Darlington didn’t even look outside his own family to find a hireling; he plopped his own daughter in the position! And no one in Coeymans town hall made a peep! You weren’t nor was your kid good enough to get the job, not even to apply, but now you’re good enough to save their asses. No way, José!

We currently have a Republican majority on both the village of Ravena board, under mayor William “Moose” Misuraca, and the town of Coeymans, under town supervisor Stephen Flach, but neither Ravena nor Coeymans seems to get anything productive done. All they seem to do is invite scandal and muck-ups one after the other. Why is that Mr Misuraca, Mr Flach? You have the majorities and the votes on your boards, why don’t you do something other than lower the quality of life in our communities, spending more and more money on duplicated services.

They do what they do best: Lie and Spread Misinformation and Anxiety. The FEAR AGENDA to keep their ill-gotten jobs!

They do what they do best:
Lie and Spread Misinformation and Anxiety.

The FEAR AGENDA to keep their ill-gotten jobs!

The Dispatcher liar-flier spreads more misinformation: “This will not save the town money—it will just shift the expense from one place to another.” That’s a brown faced lie! But it’s nothing new for Coeymans. That’s how they keep it all in the family.

Eliminate the Coeymans Dispatchers Incest Club and the Coeymans police department at the same time! They’re both duplicating services that we’re already paying for, and they’re doing a lousy job of it! Here’s why:

As you may already know, the New York State Police and the Albany County Sheriff’s deputies patrol the town of Coeymans. The town of Coeymans is also covered by a sophisticated emergency response system operated by the County of Albany and paid for, like the New York State Police and the Albany County Sheriff’s Department, with your tax dollars. The NYSP and the Albany County Sheriff’s Department are highly trained professionals and have the latest in equipment and resources. The Albany County 911 system is also highly effective and has the latest equipment and highly trained employees. Compare that with the Coeymans police department and its dispatchers, both of which are duplications of service we already receive. (click here to learn about Enhanced 911.)

But here’s the real problem: the Coeymans police are second or third-rate. The dispatchers are second tier and are working with ancient equipment that we really can’t afford to replace. But what we can do is eliminate both the Coeymans police department and the dispatchers and, if they’re needed, really needed, let the state and county agencies hire them on and train and equip them. Pay only once as we see it.

[PSAP = public-safety answering point, sometimes called “public-safety accesspoint”]

Say you place a 911 call for emergency assistance. That call will go to a 911 center, usually Albany County, it then is broadcast to first responders. (Click here to learn how it works: How Location Tracking Works) Only Albany County has the paramedics fly car for immediate paramedical assistance. EMTs may be available locally, but let’s get back to the chain of notification for a moment. Albany immediately  notifies the available emergency response teams, including Coeymans. Or you can call 756-2059 (Coeymans dispatch) and hope for the best, which may not turn out to be the best or the smartest thing you could do in an emergency. But if you call 756-2059 you’re not really gaining anything because they’d be automatically notified by Albany or one of the other 911 centers together with a number of other available response teams. Call 756-2059 and you are notifying only Coeymans who will have to request assistance from other response teams anyway, if they can’t handle the case themselves.

Problem is that when you notify just the Coeymans dispatchers that’s likely what you’ll get. But here’s the problem: Coeymans will have to then broadcast the call to locals who may or may not be available immediately, depending on where they are and the time of day. Now what? Then they have to get to their equipment and then to the scene. Now do you have an idea of response times? Call 911 and everybody available knows and can be on the way. Call 756-2059 and you get Coeymans dispatch etc. etc. You’re dead already!

Here’s another tidbit for you: Did you know that the town of Coeymans pays the village of Ravena or a Ravena “organization” — as you probably expect, this is as clear as mud and no one in office seems to know all of the facts at the time of this writing — more than $144, 960 for ambulance services? That’s because there’s an agreement between Ravena and Coeymans to do this. And did you know that even though we pay Ravena more than $144,000, you will still get soft-billed for the call and transport? Yeah! Like paying twice? But there’s another question: Where is the money going that you get billed and pay for the service? That’s apparently in addition to the $144,960 Ravena’s already getting. We’d be very grateful for any clarification anyone can provide on this particular issue. That’s a good question to ask Ms Virginia Pearson of the Ravena Rescue Squad.

So there you have the truth. Don’t believe the lies being stuffed down your throats that you’ll all be dead by morning if the dispatchers are eliminated. Don’t believe the fairy-tale that you’ll be overtaken by druggies and burglars if the Coeymans police are eliminated. You are safe and you are protected by real professionals who can respond in a fraction of the time and with better overall training and resources and you won’t be paying twice to provide everybody in Coeymans town hall who has a kid with a cushy job. Coeymans town hall should not continue to be a money pit family business. It’s time to tell the Coeymans town board to clean up its pig sty.

Call Coeymans town supervisor Stephen Flach and tell him you did the math and the Coeymans Dispatchers and the Coeymans Police Department have to go! Cut off their funding and redirect the money to more essential services!

Don’t let the family business tell you how to spend your tax money!
Stephen D. Flach, Supervisor
Phone: (518) 756-6006
Fax: (518) 756-1991

Next Coeymans Town Board Meeting
Monday, October 27, 2014, 07:00 pm

Eliminate the Coeymans Dispatcher Pool and the Coeymans Police Department!

And for those of you who might think this is a purely local issue, we’d like you to visit another very widely read blog, New York Citizen One, and a very revealing article on of all places, the town of Coeymans, entitled Citizens Of Coeymans Must Unite (Click on that link to read the article.) That blog seems to have gotten it right and recommends a general clean-up in Coeymans. Read it and weep…or do something about it and clean things up! (The article also contains some good bits on Albany County DA David Soares, former Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington’s wife, Leah Darlington, and more!)

This is no way to manage our tax dollars! The Editor

This is no way to manage our tax dollars!
The Editor

UPDATE: The Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Cathy Deluca’s playpen, is a couple of steps closer to being eliminated. The village of Ravena council has already started deliberations on eliminating that money pit. So Nancy Warner and Cathy Deluca were burning up the email circuits and telephone lines trying to get their friends to show up to demand that the Ravena Health and Fitness Center stay open. But they could only muster up some 20 supporters. Do the math: even if those 20 people paid full dues and spent at least a couple of bucks on drinks during the year, that would likely fall short of a total of $300, tops. So twenty people wanting the place to stay open would mean a total of maximum $6000 income in an entire  year. But let’s be fair and say another 20 friends of Warner and Deluca wanted to be there at the meeting but couldn’t get there (they were probably already at Planet Fitness). That would make a grand total of double those who did make it or 40 people. Again let’s do the math: $300 a year, maximum, times 40 members gives us $12,000 total income for the RHFC. That’s not even half Cathy Deluca’s salary as manager (She’s making more than $35,000 plus benefits!). And she’s had almost 2 full years to make the place work and has failed (like she did twice before). And it doesn’t even come close to the more than $105,000 budgeted to keep that money pit’s doors open. The good news is that the village of Ravena is finally getting smart and may actually do the right thing! The question is: Will they have the balls to actually do more than talk about it?

Compare spending at least $240.00 a year for a membership at the Ravena Health and Fitness Center when you can get Planet Fitness not 15 minutes away for $10.00 a month with all of the newest equipment, professional training, separate changing rooms, showers, all the comforts. Do the math: that’s about $120 for Planet Fitness or HALF what you’d spend to work out in a pig pen, the Ravena Heaps and Fatness Center! For $20 a month you can use any Planet Fitness in the country—at the time of this writing there are more than 800—. Again, do the math. Don’t you think we can spend the $105,000 dollars on something better than a place for a bottle-blond Bimbo to squat? We do!

Call Ravena Mayor William “Moose” Misuraca and tell him you did the math and the Ravena Health and Fitness Center has to go! Don’t let 20 morons tell you how to spend your tax money!
William Misuraca, Mayor
(518) 756-8233

As can be expected, the Village of Ravena website is malfunctioning.
No information on next village meeting.

 Of course, if you have good information, true facts that contradict anything we’ve written, please let us know. We want to maintain the integrity and credibility of this information source and we need your help to do that. Please let us know of any corrections or clarifications. Thank you!

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance.

Graphics and Images Disclosure: Unless otherwise noted and credited, all graphics used in this article are the result of a Google image search, and at the time the images were collected and used in this article, no conspicuous or visible copyright notice or other proprietary mark was shown. Please communicate any claim or corrections to All images are used in good faith for non-profit, public information and public service purposes.



Posted by on October 22, 2014 in 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, AFSCME, Albany, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Executive, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany Police, American Federation of State, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Barbara Finke, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Brian Dunnegan, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carmen Warner, Carver Companies, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Gibson, Chris Gibson, Chris Hughes, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Civil Right Violation, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Building Inspector, Coeymans Industrial Park, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Corruption, County & Municipal Employees, Craig D. Apple Sr., D. Darlington, Daniel Contento, Danielle Crosier, David Debacco, David Soares, David Wukitsch, Dawn LaMountain, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Emergency Dispatch, EMR, Eric T. Schneiderman, Fraud, George Amedore, George LaMountain, George Langdon, Gregory Darlington, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Jena Misuraca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Josephine O'Connor, Josie Biscone-Bruno, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Kyle Kearney, Larry Conrad, Laverne Conrad, Law Enforcement, Leah Darlington, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, MidHudson Cable, Misinformation, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, National Bank of Coxsackie, Nepotism, New Baltimore, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Civil Service Department, New York State Department of Labor, New York State Department of Transportation, New York State Police, Nick Dellisanti, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Paul Courcelle, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Pink Obama, Police Dispatch, Port of Coeymans, Public Corruption, Public Safety, Ravena, Ravena Building Inspector, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Fitness Center, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena Rescue Squad, Ravena Village Board, Sean Eldridge, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Coeymans: Illegal “Work Zone” Signs and Unlawful Threat of Fines?

Driving down Rt 144 southbound into Coeymans, or northbound towards the Port of Coeymans, you may have noticed numerous work zone signs along the road and sometimes even flagmen. You may have also noticed that there are signs warning that exceeding the speed limit in work zones will result in doubled fines if convicted. On further investigation it seems that all of this is unlawful and very likely illegal, since neither Carver Companies nor the Port of Coeymans have the authority to post “work zone” or speed limit signs on a public roadway, and certainly do not have the authority to threaten motorists with doubled fines! And the town of Coeymans must enact ordinances, regulations or local laws to temporarily create work zones or speed limit restrictions [they haven’t].

Are these signs and the threat of double fines unlawful, even illegal?

Are these signs and the threat of double fines unlawful, even illegal?

Are these signs unlawful and illegal?

First of all, there is no public service or utility work going on in the area marked off by the signs. At least no construction or maintenance work being done by public authorities. The only construction going on is that of a private bridge over the Coeymans Creek, a bridge which itself is of dubious legality under the currently contested re-zoning in Coeymans. Furthermore, the bridge construction is not a public service nor is it a public works project, it’s private, and it cannot claim the authorities of law that apply to public works.

Since there are no public works projects, construction, maintenance, etc. going on in the area marked off by the signs and the threats, who is authorizing these signs and the “doubled fines” threat sign to be posted. Furthermore, Who is enforcing these restrictions and threats? in view of the fact that the only construction going on is private construction by Carver Laraway and Carver Companies?

And what is the work zone speed limit? Normally temporary reduced speed limits are imposed for workzones. The workzone speed limit is not posted!

Don’t those morons in Coeymans law enforcement, the Coeymans court, the Coeymans town board know about the DoT regulations and state law?

In fact, the entire so-called “work zone” is totally ignorant of state law and New York State Department of Transportation Engineering Instructions EI 08-030, incorporated into the update of chapter 16 of the Highway Design Manual (HDM). But Hey! doesn’t the town of Coeymans have a stellar police department, enlightened town justices, a brilliant highway department, a savvy code enforcement officer? Aren’t the taxpayers of the town of Coeymans paying these morons to know New York State Law and what to post, what not to post?

Furthermore, who’s the moron who thinks that anyone operating his or her vehicle through the work zone in excess of a work zone speed limit that isn’t even published is going to sit quietly when subjected to doubled fines when there is apparently no public works project going on and the only construction is a private construction project, the Carver Companies private bridge! Since when do our courts apply state law to private undertakings to enforce unlawful restrictions? The Carver Companies have no authority to impose speed limits or to enforce state laws, only duly constituted law enforcement has that authority and power.

And speaking of duly constituted law enforcement, where in hell are the Coeymans police hanging out these days? They’re certainly not serving and protecting along Rt 144 or anywhere around there. At best we see NY State Police stopping trucks but that’s just on a sporadic basis.

What we’d like to see is Coeymans police patrols enforcing the laws on the books like:

  • Heavy trucks observing the officially and lawfully posted speed limits;
  • Heavy trucks entering and leaving the Port of Coeymans and Carver Companies properties operating safely and courteously, in observance of traffic safety principles (like not pulling out in front of oncoming vehicles or waiting until faster traveling traffic passes before pulling out and having everyone jam on their brakes while the trucks meander along at 20 mph or slower)
  • How about putting some operating lights on or ticketing the drivers when they operate their trucks with no headlights even in the rain;
  • How about enforcing the law on clean, legible and if necessary lighted license plates (so that when they nearly kill us we can at least write down the license plate number in out last drops of blood);
  • How about unmarked cars observing the trucks failing to keep right? Pick a lane and stay in it maybe? Maybe the right lane?

But since the town of Coeymans is in Carver Laraway’s pocket, it doesn’t seem likely that the Coeymans police are going to start enforcing the law in the case of the heavy trucks and careless truck drivers, not unless we start setting some fires under their asses. Maybe the New York State Police and the Albany County Sheriff Department should be called in to do the job the Coeymans police are either unable or unwilling to do.

Here are some notes for those of you who are interested in the basis for our opinions. They’re from the New York State DOT Engineering Instructions and from the NYS DOT Highway Design Manual. We also quote New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law §§ 1180(f) Work Area Speed Limit.

Based on the sections below, we believe that the work zone signs, the failure to post a work zone speed limit (thus failing to provide due process and proper notice of drivers), and the doubled-fines signs are all unlawful, if not illegal. What do you think?

The New York State Department of Transportation manuals define a work zone in the following terms:

“A Work Zone is the area of a highway with construction, maintenance, or utility work activities. It is typically marked with signs, channelizing devices, barriers, pavement markings, and/or work vehicles and extends from the first warning sign to the END ROAD WORK sign.”

The “highway” is a public roadway used by the public and the “construction, maintenance or utility work activities” are public works, not private. The official documents continue:

Speed limit reductions in work zones are most effective when drivers perceive the need to slow down, (whether through noticeable geometric or work-related constraints on traffic flow) and when there is regular active police enforcement of the work zone speed limit. Arbitrary speed limit reductions erode motorist’s confidence in the need for reducing speed within a work zone. Traffic speed in work zones are generally lower, regardless of posted speed limit, when work zone conditions such as flagging, variable message signs, lane shifts, lane-width reduction, radar, and enforcement exist. Engineering, education/awareness, and enforcement measures are to be used to influence motorists, promote work zone awareness, and achieve safe work zone traffic speeds.” [emphasis provided]

“Engineering Measures
Incorporating engineering measures into work zone designs will encourage drivers to safely negotiate work zones. Warning signs, advisory speeds, positive guidance, width restrictions, channelizing chicanes, and use of intelligent transportation system technologies are examples of engineering measures that can be used to slow traffic traveling through a work zone.”

There are very specific guidelines in the state DoT manuals on how flagmen should perform their functions; of course, you’d never see them doing that in Coeymans!

“Enforcement Measures
Engineering and education/awareness measures can help reduce speeds. However, active police enforcement is the most effective measure to encourage motorist’s compliance with posted regulatory speed limits and other traffic regulations within work zones. Under the 2005 Work Zone Safety Act Regulation, police services will be provided to the extent practicable within major active work zones. The need for police presence and/or enforcement should be determined as early as possible during the project design phase. Police enforcement needed for maintenance type work zones will be coordinated as early as possible with the police agency and the Regional Traffic and Maintenance Groups. All effected [sic] parties should meet prior to any active enforcement within a work zone.”

Again, it seems, Coeymans has fallen flat on their fat arses! Who is going to pay for these tax-payer supported law enforcement services when the construction is private?!? Has the town board of Coeymans met with Carver Laraway to negotiate reimbursement for enforcement services during Carver Companies’ construction projects? Now there’s a good question to ask at a Coeymans town board meeting if you want to watch them squirm!

Who's Getting Paid? We know who's paying!

Who’s Getting Paid?
We know who’s paying!

And then we have the New York State law that is referred to in the “doubled fines” signs. But it should be obvious to our readers by now that posting that sign under the current circumstances is unlawful and illegal. Any town or village justice convicting and fining under these circumstances should be brought before the New York State disciplinary commission and disbarred!

Is this unlawful and illegal?

Is this unlawful and illegal?

Here’s what §§ 1180(f) Work Area Speed Limit has to say:

“NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1180(f) permits some municipalities not otherwise authorized to establish a reduced regulatory speed limit by ordinance, order, rule or regulation for construction or maintenance work areas.

Vehicle and Traffic § 1180. Basic rule and maximum limits. (a) No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having regard to the actual and potential hazards then existing.

Regarding construction sites § 1180 (f) reads:

“…when a lower maximum speed limit has been established, no person shall drive a vehicle through a highway construction or maintenance work area at a speed in excess of the posted work area speed limit. The agency having jurisdiction over the affected street or highway may establish work area speed limits which are less than the normally posted speed limits; provided, however, that such normally posted speed limit may exceed the work area speed limit by no more than twenty miles per hour; and provided further that no such work area speed limit may be established at less than twenty-five miles per hour.”

“Every person convicted of a violation of paragraph two of … subdivision (f)… of this section shall be punished as follows:

(i) Where the court or tribunal records or enters that the speed upon which the conviction was based exceeded the applicable speed limit by not more than ten miles per hour, by a fine of not less than ninety nor more than three hundred dollars;” [Editor’s note: This is double the normal fines.]

But again, it must be clear that these provisions do not apply to private projects like Carver Companies’ bridge construction, unless the town of Coeymans has taken steps by temporary ordinance, order, rule or regulation to give Carver Companies special consideration in terms of a temporary work zone speed limit. But the town of Coeymans and the Coeymans town board have no authority to amend state Vehicle and Traffic law at their convenience to threaten motorists with unlawfully doubled fines!

Once again, the amateurs running the town of Coeymans may have set themselves up for more legal problems if any action is taken against drivers based on the above. Coeymans taxpayers, get ready to foot the bills for the lawsuits when they start coming through.

We think it's illegal and unlawful!What do YOU think?

We think it’s illegal and unlawful!
What do YOU think?
The Editor

Special Notice & Legal Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations will differ and should be discussed with an expert and/or lawyer. This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. Persons accessing this site are encouraged to seek independent counsel for advice regarding their individual legal issues. For specific technical information on this article provided and related topics, please contact the author.

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance.

Graphics and Images Disclosure: Unless otherwise noted and credited, all graphics used in this article are the result of a Google image search, and at the time the images were collected and used in this article, no conspicuous or visible copyright notice or other proprietary mark was shown. Please communicate any claim or corrections to All images are used in good faith for non-profit, public information and public service purposes.



Posted by on October 21, 2014 in 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Barbara Finke, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carmen Warner, Carver Companies, Carver Construction, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Gibson, Chris Gibson, Chris Hughes, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Bulding Inspector, Coeymans Industrial Park, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Board Meeting, Coeymans Town Court, Coeymans Town Justice, Conspiracy, Corrupt Police, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., Daniel Contento, Daniel Contento, Danielle Crosier, David Soares, David Wukitsch, DOT, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Elyse Kunz, Elyse Loughlin, Eric T. Schneiderman, FBI, George Acker, George Amedore, George Langdon, Government, Gregory Darlington, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Incompetence, Investigation, Jena Misuraca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Larry Conrad, Laverne Conrad, Law Enforcement, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Warner, National Bank of Coxsackie, New Baltimore, New York, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State, New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, New York State Department of Transportation, New York State Police, Nick Dellisanti, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, Office of the Attorney General, Paul Courcelle, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Pink Obama, Police State, Port of Coeymans, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena Village Board, Robert Fisk, Sean Eldridge, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Town Board Meeting, Transparency, William Bailey, William Misuraca


RCS is Disgusting! Good only to complain but no balls to do something about the liars and cheats!

RCS and Its Elected Officials Shame Themselves Before More Than 250,000 Readers! Right here on the Smalbany Blog. Even on national media!

GaGa Gibson

GaGa Gibson

Chris Gibson, asking for relection votes and opposing the “Pink Obama” Sean Eldridge, Shamed His 19th Congressional District and Himself by not Fully Investigating the RCS Anti-Military Bias and Disrespect for the National Guard. The RCS scandal made Fox News and other National Media but Gibson didn’t catch it. He promised to investigate fully. Did he? And what about Paul Tonko of the 20th Congressional District, also representing part of the RCS school district? Are they all Pinko’s? If that’s the choice we have for leaders we ought to all be suicidal!

He Died So You Could Speak, Participate in Your Democracy! Don't Waste His Sacrifice! Don't Waste Your Freedoms!

He Died So You Could Speak!
Did You Participate in Your Democracy?

RCS Wasted His Sacrifice! You Wasted Your Freedoms!
RCS Showed Itself to Be Ungrateful and Cowardly on October 14th! What do you all plan to do now? In future?

Your Elected Officials Have Successfully Excluded You From Participation—
And You Sit Back and Let It Happen!

They do this in many subtle and sometimes unlawful ways: They hold secret meetings, they quietly (very quietly) invite the public to “public” hearings, they sometimes lie outright. But Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk’s elected officials have found a far better way to do their mischief: They schedule important meetings on the same day at the same time but in different places far from each other to ensure that you can’t make both, even though you have a civic obligation, or a personal interest in attending both. Pretty clever, right?

Well, it’s up to you, citizens, residents to stop that despicable violation of your rights! Tell them to coordinate village of Ravena, town of Coeymans, and RCS Central School District board of education meetings so that you can attend all or any of them, if you’d like. They must be on different days, at least! But do any of you have the balls to bring this to the public meetings and demand fairness? Apparently not.

On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Both the Ravena Coeymans Selkirk board of education meeting and the Coeymans town board meeting both held at 7:00 p.m. Pretty stupid, right. And YOU were effectively prevented by your elected officials from attending two very important public meetings, or forced to attend one while missing the other. But most of you decided to do something other than exercise your rights…Can you even remember what that was? Probably not.

Why you needed to be there, and why you should have been there but you lost the opportunity to be at both. Why? Because you allowed them to exclude you and you still do nothing about it!


RCS high-school principal Tom DiAcetis, Superintendant Alan McCartney's Education

RCS high-school principal Tom DiAcetis, Superintendant Alan McCartney’s
Idea of Education

First of all, ALL VETERANS, PARENTS OF VETERANS, SUPPORTERS OF VETERANS, and all members of veterans committees in local government (Did you hear that, New Baltimore? Mr Guthrie and others?) should have attended the RCS board of education meeting on Tuesday October 14, at 7 p.m. at the A.W. Becker elementary school. You didn’t! You should have put Mr Tom DiAcetis, Mr Alan McCartney and the entire board of education on notice that their scandalous conduct concerning the National Guard and our Armed Forces would not be tolerated and they shamed this commuity. You didn’t! You should have demanded the resignation of Tom DiAcetis and Alan McCartney. You didn’t! You should have denounces the RCS board of education for their anti- military bias. Did you? NO! You didn’t! You not only didn’t take any prisoners you threw down your guns and ran! You swallowed their mealy-mouthed, pablum-puking lies and stupid excuses…hook, line and sinker. You let them off the hook this time—AGAIN! They’re accountable but you make them immune. AGAIN! RCS is DISGUSTING!

Colonel Chris Gibson United States Congressman

Colonel Chris Gibson

Mr Chris Gibson, Congressman for the 19th Congressional District, and Mr Paul Tonko, Congressman for the 20th Congressional District represent us in this RCS Central School District. Both needed to be held accountable and both needed to proactively investigate the RCS scandal perps, DiAcetis and McCartney, and both needed to reprimand the RCS board of education for the RCS anti-military scandal that embarrassed this community nationwide! Gibson and Tonko are up for re-election and Gibson, at a recent New Baltimore Republican Club meeting assured residents and voters that he would have his office investigate immediately. He assigned his top aid, Kevin Cumm, to head the investigation. UPDATE: He apparently didn’t do what he promised to do. We ask you: Did Chris Gibson dishonor his office, his district and his uniform? Same should be asked of Paul Tonko!

The Town of Coeymans town board was meeting at the same time, on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 7 p.m., in the Coeymans town hall. Anyone who was not at the RCS board of education meeting should have made every effort to be at the Coeymans town board meeting. You needed to find out about the pending lawsuits challenging the half-baked re-zoning done by the town of Coeymans (started when Tom Dolan, Tom Boehm and Dawn Rogers had the majority on the town board. Did you let them fool you into thinking it was all done by Flach and his new majority, like they’re trying to do! Looks like you did. A New York state court judge found the re-zoning to be illegal but that hasn’t stopped the Coeymanazis from doing what they please and ignoring YOUR VOICES!

 "DoDo Cop" Darlington sharing some misinformation.

“DoDo Cop” Darlington sharing some misinformation.

Former Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington abruptly jumped ship like the rat he is. He abandoned his department, his staff, the town of Coeymans and us! Gregory Darlington shouldn’t have been honored by the town of Coeymans for his dishonorable conduct and his selfish, irresponsible abandonment of his post. Darlington cowardly abandoned his post and his community! If Darlington didn’t have enough respect for this community, who paid for his fat ass, to tell us directly of his plans, this community doesn’t owe him a thing! (While we’re paying him a fat pension check, we think he’s going to be moonlighting in a second job, hired by our impotent race-card flasher Albany County District Attorney Pudenda David Soares. Then DoDo Darlington can sit next to his wife, who is a secretary in Soares’ office. Nice and cozy!) If Darlington could do that to the Coeymans police department, this community had a responsibility to itself and to its children to seriously reassess the situation and seriously consider eliminating the Coeymans police department, and turning over law enforcement to the professionals, the Albany County Sheriff’s department and to the New York State Police. Save Coeymans more than $a million$ in tax money that can be invested in things we really need in this community. You’re paying twice, three times for law enforcement in Coeymans. Let’s see if we can get some leadership and pay only twice. (Let the Albany County Sheriff’s department or the New York State Police rehire the Coeymans police department staff, retrain them, deploy them if they’re really needed.)

But you allowed the ball-less wonders on the Coeymans town board to pay homage to the ineffective, cowardly Darlington and you allowed them to present him with a retirement badge so he can continue flaunting the law, so he can continue to be the scofflaw out of uniform that he was in uniform at your expense. Why didn’t you raise the roof when they did that, Coeymans? Sorry! We overlooked the fact that you’re a town of sheeple. Sorreeee!

Albany County has a highly sophisticated 911 emergency response system in place, and it’s paid for with your tax dollars! Coeymans has a bunch of insiders using antique equipment that has to be updated. Ask the Coeymans town board how much the equipment update is going to cast you?!?  Be smart and tell the Coeymans town board to eliminate the dispatchers and save almost a $half-million dollars$. We’re paying twice for the same service. We’re duplicating services. There are some who want to continue this stupidity and they come out to give their idiotic reasons why. But the voice of reason shouts out for them to shut up and get the facts. Tom Dolan, Tom Boehm, Mary Driscoll and others are blowing misinformation out their butts. Tell the town board of Coeymans to eliminate the dispatchers (Let Albany County re-hire them if they’re really needed.) Weasel Peter Masti is pandering again and talking about getting facts. You’re eating that up to like a bunch of starving dogs. Read the facts on this blog because you’re not going to get them from the Coeymans town board and least of all from that rodent Masti!

No fatalities. YET!

No fatalities. YET!

Again, we STILL have to address the dangerous situation existing with the Port of Coeymans heavy truck traffic, and we need some real facts and explanations about the Carver Companies bridge and what the town is doing to ensure our safety and the safe movement of traffic into and out of the hamlet of Coeymans on Rt 144. AND we STILL have to get some honest answers from the Coeymans town board. Not the lies and smoke and mirrors response they gave to one resident who asked some burning questions on October 14th. Where were the rest of you complainers? (Don’t tell us you were at the BoE meeting, because you’d be lying!)

We also wanted to know about all the jobs that were promised. We STILL want an answer to that one. Did you ask? How many have been created so far? How many are actually going to be created?

We want to know why our quality of life is all of a sudden declining with the added truck traffic, the dust, the increase in noise pollution in our community as the result of the re-zoning and the increased activity in the Port and the surrounding area. Mr Peter Masti, who is neither a native of the area nor a blue collar worker, has published his desire to keep Coeymans blue collar. Why is that? (Masti and his kind have to go!) But these are questions Ravena-Coeymans residents have to ask. Masti’s a blow hard and goes wherever the wind blows him. He’s a jellyfish! But has anyone confronted him and his vomit publicly? Where were you all on October 14th?

That’s why you had to make every effort to attend the Coeymans town board meeting on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 7 p.m. in the Coeymans town hall! Our local elected officials don’t seem to be able to make good decisions on their own. They needed your help. You needed to tell them them what you want! You needed to tell them to stop the lies and you needed to get the true facts! You failed us, your community and yourselves!

We suggested you make a couple of phone calls, send a couple of e-mails. You needed to get your family, friends, neighbors activated and organize yourselves so that some of you could have attended one of the meetings and the others attended the other meeting. Did you show your elected officials that you could shake things up and put their feet to the fire, so they do what’s best for US! Did you? We think NOT! There’s still time and opportunity to pick up the pieces. Start now and make your preparations to organize your and your family’s, your neighbors’ and friends’ participation in the upcoming village of Ravena and town of Coeymans board meetings, and the RCS board of education meetings.

It's A Shame RCS Residents Can't Stand Up for Themselves!!!The Editor

It’s A Shame RCS Residents Can’t Stand Up for Themselves!!!
And You Shamed Yourselves In Front of More than 250,000 Readers!

The Editor


Posted by on October 18, 2014 in 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District,, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, ACLU, Albany, Albany County Board of Elections, Albany County Chamber of Commerce, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Alice Whalen, American Civil Liberties Union, Arlene McKeon, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Barbara Finke, Bill Bailey, Bill McFerran, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Dorrance, Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, Bray Engel, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Carmen Warner, Carver Companies, Carver Construction, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Gibson, Chris Gibson, Chris Hughes, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Columbia-Greene Media, Conspiracy, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., D. M. Crosier, Daniel Contento, Danielle Crosier, Danielle M. Crosier, David Soares, David Wukitsch, DEC, Denis Jordan, Department of Environmental Conservation, Dignity Act, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elections and Voting, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Eric T. Schneiderman, Freedom of Information Law, George Acker, George Amedore, George Langdon, George McHugh, Greene County, Greene County District Attorney, Greene County Sheriff, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, Harold Warner, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Incompetence, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Albert, Jason Hyslop, Jeff Ruso, Jena Misuraca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. Johnson, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Johnson Newspaper Group, Joseph A. Farrell Jr, Joseph Teresi, Josephine P. Dority née Biscone, Josie Biscone-Bruno, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Larry Conrad, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Laverne Conrad, Mark Vinciguerra, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, McFerret, Melanie Lekocevic, Michael Biscone, Michael Fisher, Michael J. Biscone, Misdemeanor, Misinformation, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Democrats, New Baltimore Elections, New York, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Education Department, New York State Police, New York State United Teachers, Nick Dellisanti, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Patrick E. Brown, Paul Courcelle, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Pink Obama, Port of Coeymans, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena News Herald, Ravena Village Board, RCS Central School District, Robert Dorrance, Robert Fisk, Robert J. Freeman, Sarah Berchtold Engel, Sarah Engel, Sean Eldridge, Selkirk, Shame On You, Shelly VanEtten, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom DiAcetis, Tom Dolan, Town Board Meeting, Transparency, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Tuesday, October 14: Let Your Voices Be Heard!

He Died So You Could Speak, Participate in Your Democracy! Don't Waste His Sacrifice! Don't Waste Your Freedoms!

He Died So You Could Speak, Participate in Your Democracy!
Don’t Waste His Sacrifice! Don’t Waste Your Freedoms!


Your Elected Officials Try To Exclude You From Participation

They do this in many subtle and sometimes unlawful ways: They hold secret meetings, they quietly (very quietly) invite the public to “public” hearings, they sometimes lie outright. But Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk’s elected officials have found a far better way to do their mischief: They schedule important meetings on the same day at the same time but in different places far from each other to ensure that you can’t make both, even though you have a civic obligation, or a personal interest in attending both. Pretty clever, right?

Well, it’s up to you, citizens, residents to stop that despicable violation of your rights! Tell them to coordinate village of Ravena, town of Coeymans, and RCS Central School District board of education meetings so that you can attend all or any of them, if you’d like. They must be on different days, at least!

On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Both the Ravena Coeymans Selkirk board of education meeting and the Coeymans town board meeting are both taking place at 7:00 p.m. Pretty stupid, right.

Why you need to be there, and you should have the opportunity to be at both:

RCS high-school principal Tom DiAcetis, Superintendant Alan McCartney's Education

RCS high-school principal Tom DiAcetis, Superintendant Alan McCartney’s Education

First of all, ALL VETERANS, PARENTS OF VETERANS, SUPPORTERS OF VETERANS, and all members of veterans committees in local government (Did you hear that, New Baltimore? Mr Guthrie and others?) must attend the RCS board of education meeting on Tuesday October 14, at 7 p.m. at the A.W. Becker elementary school. You must put Mr Tom DiAcetis, Mr Alan McCartney and the entire board of education on notice that their scandalous conduct concerning the National Guard and our Armed Forces will not be tolerated. Demand the resignation of Tom DiAcetis and Alan McCartney. Denounce the RCS board of education for their anti- military bias. Don’t take any prisoners and don’t accept their mealy-mouthed, pablum-puking lies and stupid excuses. Don’t let them off the hook this time. They’re accountable so make them accountable. NOW!

Colonel Chris Gibson United States Congressman

Colonel Chris Gibson

Mr Chris Gibson, Congressman for the 19th Congressional District, and Mr Paul Tonko, Congressman for the 20th Congressional District represent us in this RCS Central School District. Both need to be held accountable and both need to proactively investigate the RCS scandal perps, DiAcetis and McCarntney, and both need to reprimand the RCS board of education for the RCS anti-military scandal that embarrassed this community nationwide! Gibson and Tonko are up for re-election and Gibson, at a recent New Baltimore Republican Club meeting assured residents and voters that he would have his office investigate immediately. He assigned his top aid, Kevin Cumm, to head the investigation. Question: Did he do what he promised to do, or did he dishonor his office, his district and his uniform? Same should be asked of Paul Tonko!

The Town of Coeymans town board is meeting at the same time, on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 7 p.m., in the Coeymans town hall. Anyone who is not at the RCS board of education meeting should make every effort to be at the Coeymans town hall meeting. You need to find out about the pending lawsuits challenging the half-baked rezoning done by the town of Coeymans (started when Tom Dolan, Tom Boehm and Dawn Rogers had the majority on the town board. Don’t let them fool you into thinking it was all done by Flach and his new majority, like they’re trying to do!)

 "DoDo Cop" Darlington sharing some misinformation.

“DoDo Cop” Darlington sharing some misinformation.

Former Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington abruptly jumped ship like the rat he is. He abandoned his department, his staff, the town of Coeymans and us! Gregory Darlington should not be honored by the town of Coeymans for his dishonorable conduct and his selfish, irresponsible abandonment of his post. If Darlington didn’t have enough respect for this community, who paid for his fat ass, to tell us directly of his plans, this community doesn’t owe him a thing! (While we’re paying him a fat pension check, we think he’s going to be moonlighting in a second job,  hired by our impotent race-card flasher Albany County District Attorney Pudenda David Soares. Then DoDo Darlington can sit next to his wife, who is a secretary in Soares’ office. Nice and cozy!)  If Darlington could do that to the Coeymans police department, this community has to seriously reassess the situation and seriously consider eliminating the Coeymans police department and turning over law enforcement to the professionals, the Albany County Sheriff’s department and to the New York State Police. Save Coeymans more than $a million$ in tax money that can be invested in things we really need in this community. You’re paying twice, three times for law enforcement in Coeymans. Let’s see if we can get some leadership and pay only twice. (Let the Albany County Sheriff’s department or the New York State Police rehire the Coeymans police department staff, retrain them, deploy them if they’re really needed.)

Albany County has a highly sophisticated 911 emergency response system in place, and it’s paid for with your tax dollars! Coeymans has a bunch of insiders using antique equipment that has to be updated. Be smart and tell the Coeymans town board to eliminate the dispatchers and save almost a $half-million dollars$. We’re paying twice for the same service. We’re duplicating services. There are some who want to continue this stupidity and they come out to give their idiotic reasons why. But the voice of reason shouts out for them to shut up and get the facts. Tom Dolan, Tom Boehm, Mary Driscoll and others are blowing misinformation out their butts. Tell the town board of Coeymans to eliminate the dispatchers (Let Albany County re-hire them if they’re really needed.)

No fatalities. YET!

No fatalities. YET!

Again, we have to address the dangerous situation existing with the Port of Coeymans heavy truck traffic, and we need some real facts and explanations about the Carver Companies bridge and what the town is doing to ensure our safety and the safe movement of traffic into and out of the hamlet of Coeymans on Rt 144.

We also want to know about all the jobs that were promised. How many have been created so far? How many are actually going to be created?

We want to know why our quality of life is all of a sudden declining with the added truck traffic, the dust, the increase in noise pollution in our community as the result of the re-zoning and the increased activity in the Port and the surrounding area. Mr Masti, who is neither a native of the area nor a blue collar worker, has published his desire to keep Coeymans blue collar. Why is that? (Masti and his kind have to go!) But these are questions Ravena-Coeymans residents have to ask.

That’s why you have to make every effort to attend the Coeymans town board meeting on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 7 p.m. in the Coeymans town hall! Our local elected officials don’t seem to be able to make good decisions on their own. They need your help. Tell them what you want and Get the Facts!

We suggest you make a couple of phone calls, send a couple of e-mails. Get your family, friends, neighbors activated and attend one of the meetings or organize yourselves so that some of you attend one and the others attend the other meeting. Show your elected officials that you can shake things up and put their feet to the fire, so they do what’s best for US!

But Only If You Speak Up! We deserve better! The Editor

But Only If You Speak Up! We deserve better!

The Editor


Posted by on October 14, 2014 in 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District,, Abuse of Public Office, Albany, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Alice Whalen, Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Finke, Bill Bailey, Bill McFerran, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carmen Warner, Carver Construction, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Gibson, Chris Gibson, Chris Hughes, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Elections, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Board Meeting, Craig D. Apple Sr., Daniel Contento, Daniel Contento, Danielle M. Crosier, David Wukitsch, Dawn Rogers, DEC, Department of Environmental Conservation, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Elyse Kunz, Elyse Loughlin, Eric T. Schneiderman, Favoritism, George Acker, George Amedore, George Langdon, George McHugh, Greed, Greene County, Greene County Board of Elections, Greene County District Attorney, Greene County Sheriff, Gregory Darlington, Gregory R. Seeley, Harlan Ratmeyer, Harold Warner, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Impeach Cuomo, Independence Party, James Latter II, Jason Albert, Jason Hyslop, Jeff Ruso, Jena Misuraca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John Luckacovic, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Larry Conrad, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Laverne Conrad, Law Enforcement, Lazlo Polyak, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misinformation, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nepotism, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Conservancy, New Baltimore Democratic Committee, New Baltimore Elections, New Baltimore Elections, New Baltimore Republican Club, New York, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Civil Service Department, New York State Education Department, New York State Police, New York State United Teachers, Nick Dellisanti, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Patrick E. Brown, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Phillip Crandall, Pink Obama, Port of Coeymans, Public Office, Public Safety, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Elections, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena Village Board, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, Sean Eldridge, Secret Meetings, Selkirk, Shelly VanEtten, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Town Board Meeting, Unamerican Activity, Uncategorized, William Bailey, William Misuraca


News Herald Still Tries to Polish a Turd

For our readers’ convenience we have inserted links to articles on this blog that are referenced in this article. Just click on the links and read the article.

The Ravena News Herald never seems to miss a chance to impress us—negatively, of course—and this latest issue (Ravena News Herald, October 9, 2024) is not an exception. In fact, start sockpuppet Bryan Rowzee again betrays local readers with an unusually slanted and biased report—even for lackey Rowzee— on the town of Coeymans discussion on eliminating another duplication of services that is eating up taxpayer dollars in Coeymans: the outdated dispatcher services. But Rowzee simply repeats what some of RCS’s star hypocrites and liars dribbled at a Coeymans town board meeting two weeks ago. Yes, readers, Rowzee’s report is two weeks old! The devious Rowzee and his editors make readers think the information is recent by not giving the date of the meeting, making it appear that it’s more recent. Don’t be deceived, readers, you’re paying your $1 for local news that’s two weeks old. Rowzee and the morons he quotes in his “report” don’t provide any facts or figures, just pure speculation and unfounded opinion—most of which is quoted from the turdy lips of local elected officials, public servants, and former board members, the very people you’d expect to get up and talk facts and figures. But, Hold on! Have we forgotted where we are? This is RCS. Not exactly the land of truth, reality, facts and figures.

Don’t be deceived, readers, you’re paying your $1 for local news that’s two weeks old.

So how do you, some of you readers of the rag, Ravena News Herald, and stupid enough to pay $1 to do it, know what they’re talking about? When you get no facts or truth, it’s like climbing stairs to nowhere. You can’t get to the second floor without steps or a ladder, and they’re keeping you from getting the stairs or ladder.

Here’s another example many of you might be more familiar with. It’s in the town of Bethlehem, just about halfway between Ravena and Albany, very visibly positioned to be seen and read by people traveling on 9W towards Albany.

No Mr Ratmeyer, this is not God's handwork?"

No Mr Ratmeyer, this is not God’s handiwork?”

What this is, really is:

  • A distraction from the real awesomeness of God’s handiwork (which the sign is obliterating)
  • A poor quality, computer generated, enhanced, artificial excuse for the real thing (which if you weren’t reading Ratmeyer’s signboard, you’d actually see God’s handiwork!)
  • An example of the incomplete and flawed theology that local churches are feeding the famished faithful (Do they really know what it’s all about ?)
  • A very good example of the general misinformation and dysinformation that the American people are getting from their elected officials, their media, and—as our example shows—even from their churches! (Misinformation overload!)
  • A silly and feeble attempt to inspire a materialistic and individualistic mass of flesh passing by to come to their senses and recover, to salvage what’s left of their inheritance.

What it is, really is: A Lie.

In fact, it is a gross perversion of Calvin’s two-book theology of revelation: The book of Holy Scripture and the Book of Creation. The Reformed Church of America, an offshoot of Calvinism, like so many of our local churches, especially those of the minor and miniscule denominations, preach a misguided and misinformed theology to a very badly spiritually and religiously ignorant community. Ratmeyer’s Bethlehem Reformed Church isn’t the only one on the path to hell. We reported on this blog the demise of the New Baltimore Reformed Church under the misdirection of Ms Susan Kerr (read the article at: New Baltimore Reformed Church: Slow Agonizing Death).  But Ratmeyer’s signboard is nothing more than a feeble attempt to send a message, a very poorly thought message, to an audience who haven’t a clue what he’s driving at. In fact, it’s such an offensive perversion because Ratmeyer appears to have fallen victim to the very thing that is destroying the soul of the very humanity he is so impotently attempting to reach: the electronic video screen. How many souls has the electronic video screen already destroyed by drawing the observer’s attention into its nothingness while at the same time distracting the victim from reality, from the real world, from the real beauty around him or her. What was said of television a decade or two ago was that had torn families apart; today it’s the home computer, the iPads and so-called smart phones (that are smarter than their victim users) that are finishing what television started: the destruction of a social, family-oriented, community-conscious society. And the misnamed, insidious so-called social media like Facebook (Pink Obama” Sean Eldridge’s same-sex hubby Chris Hughes’ contribution to the decay of America—and now Eldridge wants your vote to make him a national lawmaker, a US congressman! No gay way!) which is in fact asocial, antisocial media that has disabled interpersonal communications and relationship building to new levels.

Now let’s get to our point, polishing turds.

Brian Rowzee and the Ravena News Herald Use a Lot of this.

Brian Rowzee and the Ravena News Herald Use a Lot of this.

So let’s get back to the News Herald and it’s misinformation and lies. While Rowzee makes very certain all of his friends get quoted, he conspicuously avoids any facts like:

  • How many dispatchers are concerned
  • How much money is being spent on the dispatchers and the dispatch office(s)
  • How much money will be saved if the dispatchers are eliminated
  • How many calls the dispatchers handle in a week, a month, a year
  • What kind of calls are they handling (life-and-death, car doesn’t start, cat-in-a-tree, etc.)
  • The fact that Albany County has a very sophisticated network of 911 dispatchers who can handle just about every emergency
  • That most of the dispatchers are family members of town and village employees (No surprise, right?)
  • That if Coeymans keeps the dispatchers, they will necessarily have to spend a bundle to update their outdated equipment and more money to train the dispatchers, something that you’re already paying for in your tax dollars because Albany County provides the dispatching service.
  • That if the dispatchers are eliminated, the town of Coeymans can save more than $350,000 in the budget.
  • That now that do-do cop Gregory Darlington has finally left the Coeymans p.d., the town can leave that position unfilled and save another more than $100,000 (Darlington was paid more than $100,000 if you include his benefits, pension, and town vehicle he drove around).
  • How does that pan out in terms of eliminating the Coeymans police department overall and letting the Albany County Sheriff and the New York State police do what they’re being paid to do. (Read our article at: Supervisor Flach: On Eliminating the Coeymans P.D.)
  • And finally, What brand of turd polish are you using to make local shit shine, Mr Rowzee?

So let’s ask Mr Rowzee and his editors, and his bosses Mark Vinciguerra and John B. Johnson of the Johnson Newspapers Corp., the corporation that owns the Ravena News Herald and Mr Bryan Rowzee, who is also part-owned by the village of Ravena: Where are the facts, the figures, the real meat and potatoes of the issue?

Looking at Rowzee’s so-called report:

Nothing you're likely to get from Bryan Rowzee or the Ravena News Herald!

Nothing you’re likely to get from Bryan Rowzee or the
Ravena News Herald

It seems that Mr Tom Dolan, local democrap party official and sitting town of Coeymans board member, didn’t attend the information-gathering meetings with the other board members, when they met with Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple. Why doesn’t Mr Rowzee dig a bit deeper into the reasons why Dolan fell short of his obligations to this community to do everything possible to be as well informed as possible?

Rowzee reports that “two visiting village [of Ravena] trustees” attended the meeting and commented. Wait a minute, wasn’t it the village of Ravena who a couple of years back told the town of Coeymans that town employees could not address the village board meetings? And didn’t Michael Biscone, village attorney at the time, put that in a formal letter to the town? (Read the article at: Business as Usual in Ravena: Violation of Constitutional Rights!) And of all people from the village to make any comments on anything, we have Ravena’s Bill Bailey and Nancy Warner making statements!

That’s the same Bill Bailey who was told a couple of months back by town code enforcement officer Laverne Conrad in a public meeting on water delivery that Bailey was “telling the board a load of crap” (Read the article at: Conrad to Bailey: “You’re telling this board a load of crap!”). While we have little regard for that snake Laverne Conrad and his crooked deals and illegal land development projects (Rea our article at: Got Creek? The Case of the Missing Stream…,  , he’s right Bailey does talk crap. He’s known far and wide to talk crap. He never has any solid facts and mumbles any shite that happens to make its way into his muddled head. But Rowzee quotes him voicing his concern about New Scotland and Rensselaer, Westerlo, says Bailey, “I don’t believe…pay for dispatch and receive the service.” Duh! What’s your point Bozo? And, excuse us, isn’t Rensselaer a city and a county on the other side of the river? What in hell does Rensselaer have to to with Coeymans? How does Rensselaer compare to that hovel New Scotland or Westerlo? Any answers Mr Bailey, Mr Rowzee? Oops, they’re talking a load of crap AGAIN!

Typical Rat Response

Typical Rat Response

Both Mr Bill Bailey and Mr Tom Boehm, who lost the public’s confidence in the last elections when he was voted out, were apparently concerned with “timing,” and that the town’s inquiry is being made around budget time. Duh No. 2. This is a question, Mr Bailey and Mr Boehm, of trimming a considerable amount of money from the town budget. When in hell else should it be considered you two morons? Are you suggesting that dead wood should be kept in the budget and the budget approved, then the dead wood discussed and possibly eliminated. Sounds like the way Bailey runs Ravena and Boehm used to run Coeymans: put the cart before the horse and wonder why nothing happens.

And of all people to be talking about behind-the-scenes meetings, and decisions made in secret, sounds like Mr Boehm is losing it. He was voted out of office because of his secret meetings, his fake press releases and conferences, his general dishonesty. But now that Boehm is out, he’s got a lot to say. Well, who would know better than Tom Boehm about sneaking around and leaving the public out of the loop. Answer: Ravena sitting trustee-who-can’t-be-trusted, none other than Nancy Warner. That’s who!

Nancy Warner should know all there is to know about making decisions behind closed doors and secret meetings. Just about two years ago she conspired with Cathy Deluca and insider Robert Fisk to purchase more than $40,000 in used fitness equipment from Fisk. The equipment was used in a health club under Cathy Deluca’s management that failed. The club and its contents were owned by Ravena insider Bob Fisk. That purchase was made behind closed doors but the history gets even more scandalous.

pack of liesNancy Warner and others on the Ravena village board met secretly with Cathy Deluca and decided that Cathy Deluca would get a health club in the space occupied at the time by the RCS Community Library. So Nancy Warner and the Ravena village board made life as miserable as possible for the library and even raised the library’s rent by more than $600 a month, punishing them for not moving out. But nothing was said that the premises into which they were to move was not yet ready because the cousin, Don Persico, of sitting Ravena board member, Rocco Persico (voted out of office in the last elections but still employed by the RCS school district as a school psychologist), because Persico was waiting for the bank to approve a loan so he could continue the work. Smell a rat yet? If you do it’s called a Nancy Warner!

It gets better. Well, the village of Ravena board under Warner and Bailey, then create the Ravena Health and Fitness Center, without public input and go on to budget more than $100, 000 to support it in its first year in the Ravena budget. $40,000 for used equipment, no public input, secret meetings. $100,000 for an unnecessary health club, no public input, secret meetings.

Coconspirators & Losers: Nancy'Warner's Team.

Co-conspirators & Losers: Nancy Warner’s Team.
Rocco Persico, John Bruno, Martin Case

Then, they appoint Cathy Deluca to be the director of the Ravena Health and Fitness Center—by this time she’s already managed two previous health clubs into oblivion and failure—, she has no qualifications at all—except that she’d previously managed two health clubs into oblivion—, and then fraudulently push through her position as a civil service position, non-competitive, with associated benefits–the director of the Albany County Civil Service Department who approved the application lost his job shortly after we started investigating the misuse of the process— (Read our article at: Ravena Laws Unconstitutional! Violation of Protected First Amendment Rights AGAIN!), and Warner pushed to pay Deluca more than $30,000 plus benefits. $40,000 for used equipment, no public input, secret meetings. $100,000 for an unnecessary health club, no public input, secret meetings. $30,000 for an unqualified insider, Cathy Deluca, to manage the illegal Ravena Health and Fitness Center, using the illegally purchased used fitness equipment. No public input, no public meetings, all behind closed doors.

But Rowzee quotes Nancy Warner as saying, “If this is going to involve the entire town and include the village, I think we need to just be made aware of what is going on.” Really, Nancy? You thieving hypocrite!

Shame on you, Nancy Warner.

Shame on you, Nancy Warner.

You’ll remember last year when Nancy Warner and former mummy-mayor John Bruno were targeting the kids in Ravena, getting ex-Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington to harass them with his patrols. That stopped abruptly when we reported on the situation and filed a notice of claim against Ravena and the town of Coeymans police department for violation of civil and protected rights. Have you all forgotten Nancy Warner’s involvement in the misdemeanor and civil right violations charges against Cathy Deluca and the obstruction of justice complaints brought against the Coeymans police department when Cathy Deluca filed a false report and lied to the Coeymans police, trying to bring a harassment charge against a local resident who was visiting the Ravena Health and Fitness Club. Even though the resident recorded the entire visit, from the point of leaving his car to the point of driving off, completely proving that Cathy Deluca had lied, she was kept employed. (Read the article at: Criminal Complaint: Catherine M. Deluca a.k.a. Cathy Deluca, Claude A. Wheeles, Ravena Health and Fitness Center) Then officer Jason Albert, now “detective” Jason Albert, investigated but like a good little soldier obeyed when told to drop it, was rewarded for his obstruction of justice and playing the favorites, insiders game with that promotion to detective. (Read the article at: Criminal Obstruction of Justice & Official Misconduct: Gregory Darlington, Coeymans PD)Isn’t that enough on its own to eliminate the Gestapo Coeymans police department and fire all of the thugs employed there? Wouldn’t that be enough to fire Cathy Deluca? They fired a village employee for using a village postage stamp but kept criminal Deluca on? (Reade the article at:Village of Ravena Served: Cathy Deluca and Ravena Health and Fitness Center under Fire and Bruno, Deluca, Warner Squirming to Cover It Up) Go figure!

Oh! Did we mention that Nancy Warner “supervises” the village of Ravena court? It just so happens that her husband, the corrupt, civil-rights abuser ex-Albany cop, Harold “Hal” Warner is the Village of Ravena justice. Pretty cozy, isn’t it? But the notion of conflict of interests, abuse of public office, and public corruption hasn’t yet entered Ravena’s vocabulary, and, if what we’ve been able to observe in Ravena mayor William “Moose” Misuraca’s performance, it’s not likely those words will be used very soon either.

By the way, the Ravena Health and Fitness Center pays no rent, does not pay for the facilities, is failing to attract enough members to even come close to paying Cathy Deluca’s salary, let alone the $100,000 budgeted for the money pit, but Ravena mayor William “Moose” Misuraca and his village board have not made a single step towards eliminating Cathy Deluca’s playpen and wasting Ravena tax dollars. Why is that Mr Misuraca? Why is it, Mr Rowzee, that you never utter a peep about these issues that are so important to residents and this community?

Bryan Rowzee has been reporting for the Ravena News Herald at least for as long as all of this has been going on. He works in the RCS Community Library (see the photo on the same page of the October 9, 2014 Ravena News Herald, where he’s posing with other library employees). But Rowzee, whose wife is employed by the village of Ravena as a secretary in the building department, is very careful to report just the right things and quote the right people, isn’t he. Bryan Rowzee is just as guilty as the crooks he paints in such rosy colors in his so called reports. Why? Because the village of Ravena employs his wife!

Another insignificant loser to take the speakers podium was former town of Coeymans board member, Dawn Rogers, voted out in the last elections, and a close collaborator of Guess who? You got it, Tom Boehm and Tom Dolan. She makes up the third in the Coeymans Three Stooges Losers’ Club. Dawn Rogers never had much to say while on the board but she’s pretty perky when it comes to joining in with the crooks’ choir, isn’t she? Rogers couldn’t be heard or when heard, believed while on the board, why should she now have such credibility? Maybe Mr Rowzee can answer that question.

The others, other than Jolene Hopkins, who was staged together with her prop-child to tear at some heart strings and support the other phoneys, was not an Oscar-winning performance. It was too easy to see through her and her story. Why is it these crooks always get the kids involved? That should be a form of abuse of a child!

Coeymans ex- police chief, Gregory Darlingon, did what all good rats do.

Coeymans ex- police chief, Gregory Darlington, did what all good rats do.

The other speakers are really insignificant because their statements were made only to protect their own turf, their own jobs, the jobs they got with the town for their relatives. Fire chief Travis Whitbeck, former Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington (who announced his abrupt resignation later that very night) really had their own pockets in mind and had nothing, really, to say about facts and figures or anything constructive. Even Darlington, the coward, chose to resign rather than stand his ground and fight for his dispatchers and his department. Like a rat, he abandoned ship. (Our guess is that race-ticket-carrier Albany County district Attorney, another corrupt rat-keeper, P. David Soares, is expected to take Darlington in. Darlington will then be able to sit next to his wife, who already works for “Pudenda” Soares.) Albany will never change as the capital of corruption. But did we expect anything else?

Maybe if local residents boycott the Ravena News Herald and the other newspapers owned by the Johnson Newspaper Corp. (like the The Daily Mail • Chatham Courier • Windham Journal • The Mountain Eagle • Ravena News-HeraldGreene County NewsRiver Chronicle) and its officers like Mark Vinciguerra and John B. Johnson, they might give Mr Bryan Rowzee some guidance on how to report real news, true facts, and genuine figures so that the community is informed and educated, not just fed gossip and propaganda! Hell! We might even be able to get recent news honestly reported and not reports on events that are more than 2 weeks old!

extraAnd We Thought the Village of Ravena Couldn’t Stoop Any Lower
They Can!

There’s one other story that needs to be covered here. That’s the one where Ravena resident Regina Palmer has had to appear before the Ravena village board to be humiliated into asking to make installment payments for charges levied by the village of Ravena for “discovering” a water leak in the delivery line from the water mains. Maybe Ms Palmer should inquire with the village authorities about the village’s offer in the late 90’s to foot the bill for residential service lines from the village mains to the resident and to foot the bill for the digging! It’s in the public record! Dozens of homes got it done, and it’s still done for insiders ‘quietly’. Doesn’t that make better sense? Do you think Palmer should have had to pay twice for the digging? We think NOT! Not while they’re paying crooks like Cathy Deluca $30,000 a year for What? And more than $100,000 a year for an illegal health club? And how many tens of thousands on botched up roadwork? It’s no wonder there’s no business in Ravena-Coeymans. It’s no wonder half of Ravena-Coeymans’ properties are either distressed, vacant, or up for sale. Way to go Ravena! Just try that on our property and learn what a good ass-kicking feels like!

Ms Palmer has kindly provided more specific details on the situation. Please see the comments for more information: We would like to correct the report we posted on the Palmer property and water line leak between the main and the Palmer home.Property where Gina Palmer resides in is not in Ravena. The location that the digging occurred was not on Ms Palmer’s property, it was in fact under the road. When they discovered the leak, they did indeed show me where it was and told me it was my responsibility since the leak was in the residential line not at the main. After inquiring about how I would go about fixing a leak that was under a state road, Henry did provide Ms Palmer with the names of local contractors who could do the work; however, Ms Palmer suggested that since it was already dug up that they should go ahead and fix it. Palmer was told that there would be a charge and she agreed to have them do the work. Palmer reports that she personally thought the fee they charged was more than reasonable compared to what other contractors may have charged for this same work. Palmer says she appreciates that the Ravena board accepted her request to make payments.

Our response: It was improper for Henry Traver to have recommended local contractors to Ms Palmer. That should have resulted in a complaint to the village Board. If the leak was under a state road, we don’t understand why Ms Palmer agreed to pay for the repair. Why didn’t she inquire further how Traver and his crew of dunces established the property lines. If they were digging under a state road, how could they know that the leak was on Palmer’s property? Why  would Palmer agree to pay for the digging before a proper investigation had been conducted? Seems to us that Palmer falls in to the general category of Ravena self-made victims. We think that what Palmer did in this instance is like handing a drug addict a joint. Palmer actually enabled these crooks to continue their unlawful and crooked games with Ravena residents.

Nevertheless, Ms Palmer is an adult and can do whatever she likes. We consider what she does in its effects on the general community, however.

It's A Shame We Can't Get Good FactsYour Editor

It’s A Shame We Can’t Get Good Facts
Your Editor



Posted by on October 9, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District,, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany Police, Albany Regional Synod, Andrew Cuomo, Arlene McKeon, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Barbara Finke, Bethlehem Reformed Church, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carmen Warner, Carver Laraway, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Gibson, Chris Gibson, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans Bulding Inspector, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Board Meeting, Columbia-Greene Media, Craig D. Apple Sr., Daily Mail, Danielle Crosier, David Soares, David Wukitsch, Dawn Dolan, Don Persico, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Endangering a Minor, Eric T. Schneiderman, FBI, FBI Public Corruption Squad, George Acker, George Amedore, Gerald Deluca, Government, Governor Mario Cuomo, Greene County News, Gregory Darlington, Harlan Ratmeyer, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Incompetence, Inspector General, Intimidation, Irresponsibility, Jason Albert, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. Johnson, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Johnson Newspaper Group, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Larry Conrad, Laverne Conrad, Law Enforcement, Mark Vinciguerra, Martin Case, Marty Case, Mayor Bruno, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misdemeanor, Misdemeanor, Misinformation, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nepotism, New Baltimore, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Civil Service Department, New York State Police, News Herald, Nick Dellisanti, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, P. David Soares, Paul Tonko, Perjury and related offenses, Pete Lopez, Police State, Public Corruption, Public Office, Public Safety, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena News Herald, RCA, Reformed Church of America, RegisterStar, Rocco Persico, Selkirk, Shame On You, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Synod of Albany, The Daily Mail, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Town Board Meeting, William Bailey, William Misuraca