Category Archives: Howard “Bray” Engel

RCS Communities Mourn a Special Son

On July 20, 2015, suddenly, unexpectedly a special son of the RCS community for more than 75 years was summoned home; a colorful, memorable, well-liked, loved and respected member of the RCS community, Rodney A. Krzykowski, died but he left an American legacy and true meaning for those of us who are still able to know the American pioneer spirit when we see it. Rodney will be truly missed by many of us. He should be missed by all of us.

In fact, you can thank Rodney Krzykowski for this Blog! This very blog owes its existence to Rodney Kryzkowski. Think back to 2012, when the crooks, conspirators and special-interest lackies (James Latter, Howard Engel, Alice Whalen, Joe Tracey, Josephine O’Connor, Matt Miller, the RCS Sports Association, and the nefarious Delucas, Cathy and Dirty-Hands Jerry) were ambushing and backstabbing, and lying their way into controlling the RCS school board and the $42,000,000+ budget. This blog was started to defend Rodney and to expose the crooks and conspirators for what they were. That was three years ago and we’re still going strong, thanks to Rodney and the raw deal the crooks were handing him.

RodneyK_FrameRodney Krzykowski was a man of few words but those words held incredible meaning. He was an honest man, a man who shot from the hip with deadly accuracy, as many of the members of the RCS board of education, like Mr James Latter, Mr Howard “Bray” Engel, Ms Alice Whalen and others too numerous to name, learned very quickly and have the scars to prove it. Rodney was intelligent and did the math before he opened his mouth, unlike the current Latter board, and when he spoke, he made sense; he never learned double-speak.

Rodney embodied a very rare pioneer spirit and didn’t have very much use for government or the crooks government seems to attract and feed. He was brilliant when it came to researching even arcane subjects and doing his homework. Unlike most of our elected officials and public employees, Rodney thrived on intellectual challenges;if it was out there, he’d find it, and when he did Watch out! Town of Coeymans. Most of the local sheeple tended to condemn him on unsubstantiated misinformation spread by the local incest clubs. Surprised? Unlike Rodney, everyone else had something to say about his politics but none of them really knew anything at all about him or his politics. We did, though, and we must admit that he was on to something, not a fanatic or an anarchist, but a true crusader, a man whose principles guided him, and a man who thumbed his nose to ass-kissers and clique-members. When you spoke to Rodney, you had an instinctual perception that the man was special, honest, had a pioneer integrity that is almost extinct these days.

dove with olive branch

Rodney was a mechanical genius. He loved his cars and he loved racing them. Yes, Rodney raced stock and modified his cars himself, frequently creating machinery to get a job done. If something needed customizing he could conjure up an apparatus to do it. Makes you wonder that he never went the patent route with his creations; the man could have been a millionaire.

Yes, he could have been very comfortable but he preferred to remain simple and work for what he had. If you knew Rodney, you would have to agree with us that you would find it very difficult to find anyone who was a harder worker than he. The man never stopped.

Whether with friends — he was always welcome in many local homes — hanging out in local automotive shops, or at the Medway Café, where you could find hm regularly, he was quiet, minded his own business, but was always available if you wanted to chat. In fact, there was no one still living who knew more about local property histories, businesses, families, and government than Rodney Krzykowski. If you needed to know anything about the property that is now the Port of Coeymans or Don Trickie’s escapades, you’d ask Rodney. He could tell you what was there, what’s still there, who put it there and, if it’s not there anymore, where it went.

tail between legs_looking rightRodney was also an avid history buff and could talk your ear off about the Constitution, the developmental history of taxation, property laws, and the list goes on. He scared the living bejeebers out of local officials, lawyers, judges, because they were ignorant of most of what Rodney had spent years researching. Most local officials rely on an ignorant community and they have their way with the poor bastards; Not with Rodney K! He’d send those dirty dogs packing with their cruddy tails between their legs. We need more Rodneys to keep things kosher in town and village halls.

Rodney owned a tavern and most recently RAK Tire Recovery and the former R.K. Winners Circle. He was not only a businessman and entrepreneur but active in community organizations, too. He was a member of the Ravena Grange and the County Grange and was elected to serve on the RCS board of education. He even raced stock cars at Lebanon Valley for many years.

Rodney was a self-made man, a good man, a generous friend. We are deeply saddened by the way his death was hushed by his family, and how his community was deprived of the opportunity to grieve his death, how Rodney’s friends and admirers were deprived of the opportunity to mourn the loss of a friend and model citizen. We were outraged by the pitifully scant obituary that was tucked away, almost invisible, in a Sunday Times Union. Rodney deserved better, much better. In fact, quite a number of Rodney’s friends and acquaintances were shocked and offended that he was disposed of like a box of old newspapers. A number of those friends and acquaintances even offered to chip in a couple of hundred dollars each to cover a proper viewing and funeral but Rodney’s daughters allegedly wanted to make quick work of it all — the Babcock Funeral Home of Ravena (NY) — a real monopoly in the Ravena area, big prices small productions — , known for its sloppy service, probably didn’t do much to help the general situation.

But the well-hidden, cheapo obituary did announce that Rodney’s memorial service was to be held on

Saturday, August 1, 2015
at 11:00 a.m. at the
Trinity United Methodist Church
Coeymans Hollow

We hope that everyone who knew Rodney will be there to show their support for this fine man, and to show that true American pioneer spirit still has a place in our decrepit culture. Let’s see how Trinity United Methodist will manage to appropriately and fittingly celebrate Rodney’s life; are they up to the task? (See Editor’s Note.)

Editor’s Note: The turnout at Trinity United Methodist Church for Rodney’s memorial service was standing room only. Rev. Meager rushed the actual service a bit and the hymns could have been a bit more energetic but overall the event was a fine tribute. The Grange did a beautiful tribute, and the eulogies spoke only well of Rodney and his contributions to the community. It was a proper tribute to a fine man, and we’d like to thank the community for showing up and doing Rodney proud.

You grew in wisdom, age, and grace and learned through suffering.
May the Lord bless and keep you.
May choirs of angels welcome you and lead you into paradise,
May the martyrs come to welcome you
and take you to the holy city,
the new and eternal Jerusalem,
where you may find respite in the bosom of Abraham;
where Lazarus is poor no longer,
where every tear is wiped away.

There may you find eternal peace.


We’ll remember you, Rodney.
The Editor


New Baltimore Taxpayers Sucked In Again by Teachers-Union-Owned-and-Operated RCS Board of Education

The Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District and its Board of Education manipulated the timing and the vote to again shortchange RCS taxpayers and deprive them of their votes when, on Tuesday, January 13, 2015, they pushed the vote on two proposals totaling and additional $30 million in tax burden on an already faltering tax base. So, Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Social Services Recipients and Friends of New York State United Teachers, the Teachers-Union-Owned-and-Operated Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District approved an additional $30 Million dollars in indirect tax assessment they’re calling “Capital Improvement” for the RCS Schools. Let’s watch and see who gets the contracts for the so-called “capital improvements.”

New Baltimore Taxpayers Sucked In Again

taxation without representation

May be business as usual in Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk but New Baltimore doesn’t have to put up with it! Or do we?

We have just one question: When will the Town of New Baltimore smarten up and leave the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District, a failing group of schools with a corrupt board of education under a corrupt superintendent and move on to join the Greene County success story? When will the Town of New Baltimore town board finally get its act together and take the necessary steps to ensure that New Baltimore taxpayers are not playing the fool for a failing district that knows no bounds when it comes to spending and taxation. The RCS district is losing tax base a mile-a-minute and attracting non-taxpaying population. More properties are either going up for sale, being abandoned, or vacant in the case of commercial properties with more of the tax burden falling on Guess Who?!?!

Ravena has enough money to allow Cathy Deluca’s unlawful and failing Ravena Health and Fitness Center to continue losing taxpayer dollars to the tune of more than $6000 a month, and the town of Coeymans can give half the town away in concessions to carpetbagger business with nothing in return. But can New Baltimore continue to pay for Raven-Coeyman’s debauchery and free-wheeling spending addictions? We say NO!


Don’t be a Newbaltimoron
(First used by Joan Ross, pseudosophisticate of New Baltimore, to describe her neighbors.)
The Editor


 Articles in Press

Stay Tuned and Stay Informed!

Retaliation in Local Government: Ravena Village council/board Violates Law & Dismisses Planning Board Member without Due Process or Public Hearing! and New Baltimore Highway Superintendent Denis Jordan removes Deputy Highway Superintendent vanWormer Because vanWormer admits he’s planning to run against Jordan. Ethics violations and retaliative human resources action = lawsuit!

Ravena-Coeymans Taxation and Water-Sewer Rates: Continuing indifference and unlawful billing! Should the NYS Attorney General, Comptroller, Inspector General get involved to straighten out residents’ dilemma? Another resident writes to this blog for help.


Posted by on January 14, 2015 in 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District,, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, AFL-CIO, Albany, Albany Schenectady BOCES, Alice Whalen, Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Bill Bailey, Bill McFerran, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Burning the Constitution, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Chris Gibson, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Town Board, Corrupt Legislature, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eric T. Schneiderman, George Amedore, Greene County, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Inspector General, Interim Superintendent, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Hyslop, Jean Horne, Jeff Ruso, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John Luckacovic, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, McFerret, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New Baltimore town council, New York, New York State Education Department, New York State United Teachers, Nick Dellisanti, NYSED, NYSUT, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Patrick E. Brown, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Politics, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Village Board, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS School Superintendant, Sarah Berchtold Engel, Sarah Engel, Selkirk, Shelly VanEtten, Stephen Flach, Tax Cap, Taxation, Teachers, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas E. Dolan, Tom Dolan, Wild Spending, William Bailey, William Misuraca


News Shorts: Coeymans p.d. Fires Crosier

progress-reportCoeymans Town Board Terminates Coeymans Police Officer Danielle Crosier

We have received a confirmed report that the Coeymans town board has terminated Coeymans police officer Danielle Crosier.

Crosier has been an item of ongoing scandal and controversy since former Coeymans police chief Gregory “Dumplington” Darlington added the blond bimbo to his trophy shelf about two years ago. Her major claim to fame was her notorious bad driving; she was such a bad driver that the RCS high school put her on as a road safety instructor. Go figure.

Crosier was so bad behind the wheel of a motor vehicle that she recently rammed a parked NYS vehicle in the South Pearl Street NYS motor vehicles parking lot while allegedly transporting a minor to Family Services. Yup! And the RCS central school district, your board of education, turned her loose to be a road safety instructor. Say! Anyone know what happened to that investigation?

Crosier was also installed at the RCS high school as RSO (Resource Safety Officer) where she wasted no time harassing the students, doing illegal searches, and doing one of the wrestling coaches too!

We’ve been pressing to get rid of that blond bimbo for some time now; Crosier was a useless piece of baggage.

The Coeymans town board also accepted the resignation of Coeymans police officer Scott Kline.

On the Street: Ravena to Eliminate the Ravena Fire Department. Fact or Fiction?

There’s another breaking story but is still unconfirmed that the village of Ravena is considering eliminating the Ravena Fire Department and entering into an agreement with the town of Coeymans for firefighting services. This would be a very smart move on Ravena’s part and would save Ravena a couple of hundred grand, more if they sell off the existing equipment. Such a move, if done right, would also help the town of Coeymans utilize its resources to capacity, while setting the stage for more advanced training and possibly some more grant money. Let’s see if this one pans out.

If anyone has any info to share, please let us know at

Don’t Miss our Recent Hit Articles

(Just click the links below or use the links in the right margin.)

Ravena Village Board Admits It: Fitness Center Hemorrhaging $6000 a Month!

Coeymans Has a New Police Chief: Peter J. McKenna

Why Ravena Village Hall Thumbs Their Noses at the Pubic Officers Law…

Dispatchers Distribute Misleading Flyer! Lies in Print…AGAIN!

We're Providing the Missing Pieces for Our Readers The Editor

We’re Providing the Missing Pieces for Our Readers
The Editor

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Posted by on October 30, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, Accountability, AFSCME, Albany, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany Police, Alicia Nieves, Annette Demitraszek, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Barbara McMullen, Bill Bailey, Bill McFerran, Bray Engel, Brian Dunnegan, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carver Companies, Carver Construction, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Gibson, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Committee on Open Government, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., Craig Youmans, D. M. Crosier, Danielle Crosier, Danielle M. Crosier, David Debacco, David Soares, David Wukitsch, Department of State, Dorothy Rock, DOT, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Emergency Dispatch, Eric T. Schneiderman, Ethel Hotaling, FOIL, Formal Written Complaint, Freedom of Information Law, Gregory Darlington, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Inspector General, Investigation, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Albert, Jason Hyslop, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Joel Coye, John T. Bruno, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Kristine Biernacki, Kyle Kearney, Law Enforcement, Leah Darlington, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Meprision of Felony, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misdemeanor, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Department of Transportation, New York State Police, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, NYSAFC, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Patrick E. Brown, Paul Courcelle, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Police Dispatch, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Fire Department, Robert J. Freeman, Selkirk, Stephen Flach, Teddy Reville, Termination, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Town Board Meeting, Transparency, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Ravena Village Board Admits It: Fitness Center Hemorrhaging $6000 a Month!

We’ve been writing about it for almost two years. Cathy Deluca’s playpen, the Ravena Health and Fitness Center is hemorraging taxpayer dollars to the tune of $6,000 a month, according to statements made by Ravena village board officials and published in the October 30, 2014, issue of the Ravena News Herald. We been telling you so for the past year! Now it’s official!

Well now it's official!

Well now it’s official!
The Ravena Village Board, Mayor Misuraca admit it; the Ravena News Herald publishes it!
Ravena Health and Fitness Center is on the Block!

Good for you, Mayor Misuraca! You really do have a pair!

Nice pair, Mayor Moose

Nice pair, Mayor Moose

According to the report published in the October 30, 2014, issue of the Ravena News Herald, in an article with the misleading title of “Fitness center members rally against rumored shutdown” by Bryan Rowzee, local kiss-ass sockpuppet wannabe reporter (any surprise), at their regular meeting on October 21, the village of Ravena mayor and village board met and discussed the closing of the Ravena Health and Fitness Center. The discussion of the closing was not the focal item but was only one of the items of business to be discussed at that meeting.

And it was no “rally” as Rowzee misleadingly reports. It was more of a gaggle of village idiots with their own small-world interests at heart and no common sense at all. Some people need to get a life and stop embarrassing themselves and this community. It seems the loudest ones at village and town meetings are the local lunatics shouting their stupidity. It’s no wonder the intelligent ones just sit there and shake their heads!

Actually, it really wan’t a “rally” and the place wasn’t packed, Mr Rowzee. It was more like 4-10 supporters, wasn’t it. Plus a paltry petition. Is that reason enough to continue “hemorraging more than $6,000 a month” of taxpayer dollars?

Brainless-animatedOne such village idiot, Alicia Nieves, seems to think that the Ravena Health and Fitness Center benefits the community. Yeah, a community of ONE, named Alicia Nieves? Nieves wants to stay local and doesn’t want to drive “up towards Albany.” So is that a reason why the village has to continue bleeding losses of $6,000 a month? So that Alicia Nieves and her kind don’t have to drive “up towards Albany”? Not a very good argument in our opinion so let’s move on to another genius.

Dorothy Rock, sharing a partial brain with Alicia Nieves, mentions “the camaraderie she has built at the facility,” and “that for your dollar you are getting a lot of good stuff here.” So Ms Rock has made some friends at the Fitness Center. Can’t be many because there are so few members at the Ravena Fitness Center. There’s no interest in the dump. But Dorothy might be right, “you are getting a lot of good stuff here” like cooties? Dermatitis? Again, it’s not much of an argument to support losing $6,000 a month of taxpayer money!

And another freak brought along a petition with 109 names on it, about half of the total members of the fitness flop. So it seems that the Ravena Health and Fitness Center can’t even get all of its members, all 200 of them to sign a petition to keep its doors open. By the way, in order to break even, the Ravena Health and Fitness Center has to have about 500-600 PAYING members. We’d say in the two years it’s been sucking down taxpayer dollars it hasn’t even come close to that figure!

Ethyl H. shoots herself in the foot.

Ethyl H. shoots herself in the foot.

Dear Ethyl Hotaling says it all when she tells the Ravena Village officials that between 2013 to 2014, the membership has grown (?) from 80 members in 2013 to 203 currently. But dear Ethyl then shoots herself in the foot when she says that 63 of those members are retirees using the Silver Sneakers program to cover their membership fees. Silver Sneakers may cover Ethyl’s membership fees but it’s not doing much for the bottom line! The fitness center, under Cathy Deluca’s incompetent management—she has already “managed” two previous fitness centers to failure, even before former mayor John Bruno and Nancy Warner appointed her to manage the Ravena fitness club—is still losing public money to the tune of $6,000 a month, according to Ravena officials. That’s more than many local residents make in a month working full time!

Craig Youmans, who claims to have battled cancer and lung disease for years, uses the Ravena Health and Fitness Center. Youmans says “it’s a place to go.” Well, Mr Youmans, in your fragile physical condition, perhaps you should keep to the Senior Citizens Center or the RCS Community Library. It seems you need to get some professional exercise and fitness assistance geared to your fragile condition. You can’t use the argument that the Ravena Health and Fitness Center can justify its losses just to provide local seniors with a hangout at community expense. That’s why there’s a Senior Center and a community library. Besides, why isn’t Silver Sneakers hosted by the Seniors Center? That would make more sense, wouldn’t it? But then, Ravena-Coeymans specializes in duplicated services at taxpayer expense, and double- even triple-dipping—we won’t mention the Coeymans dispatchers club or the RCS central school district and Matthew “Matt” Miller!

Then the Voice of Reason Chimes in…

Village trustee Kieth Mahler, a local business person and a member of the Misuraca majority on the village board countered, “I don’t want to see anything close, but if you owned a business that was losing $6000 a month, how long would you keep it open?” Now that’s a good question Mr Mahler. Can you tell us how long you’d keep it open? Can you tell us how long you’ll keep the Ravena Health and Fitness Center open now that it’s out that it’s losing $6000 a month?

Now here’s where it gets confusing. Nancy Warner, arch-hypocrite that she is, was one of the ones who created the fitness center in the first place—she and Cathy Deluca and a couple of others met behind closed doors to agree to pay insider Robert Fisk more than $40,000 for used fitness equipment and it was Nancy Warner who was relentless in running the RCS Community Library out of its former location (The library, at least, paying rent! The fitness center isn’t!)—now that two-faced witch is agreeing with Kieth Mahler: “if you owned a business that was losing $6000 a month, how long would you keep it open?” Or is she? Who knows? Who cares? Nancy Warner is can’t be trusted even to back her so-called friend, Cathy Deluca! When the water starts getting hot the worms start squirming, right Nancy?

ass is grass cup

Nancy Warner’s slitting her own pet project’s throat along with her bosom girlfriend’s, Cathy Deluca’s

It’s odd that Warner should mention a private gym that charged only $35.00 a month and went out of business. Why would residents pay more than $200.00 a month for a gym? And that gym, the Ravena fitness center, is hemorrhaging at the rate of $6000 a month. Sounds like a bunch of double-talk as usual from Nancy Warner. As usual, she’s not making any sense at all. And it sounds like she’s slitting her own pet project’s throat along with her bosom girlfriend’s, Cathy Deluca’s. It was only a matter of time. As the saying goes, “There’s no honor among thieves.” How true!

Annette Demitraszek, Ravena village clerk, seems to be jumping on the kill the fitness center bandwagon, too. She’s a Nancy-Warner-brand-sockpuppet and seems to be supporting the closure when she publicly states “the village population is about 3,200”. Do the math! The fitness center has tried to recruit members from around the region and from neighboring communities. Take a tour of the Glenmont Planet Fitness between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. and you’ll see where the majority of locals are going to get themselves in shape! It’s not the Ravena fitness center, you’ll see that! Ravena and the surrounding area can’t compete and aren’t competing! The Ravena fitness center was a very, very bad move and it’s now out there, straight from Ravena officials’ mouths.

turkey talkBravo for Ravena Mayor Bill “Moose” Misuraca who put it very clearly: “Is it morally or financially responsible for 100% of the taxpayers to support less than 3% of the population who use this [the Ravena Health and Fitness Center]?  Mayor Misuraca goes on to confirm, “Right now this gym is hemorrhaging over $6,000 a month. We can not make payroll.” And Misuraca goes even further by confirming what we’ve been saying for almost 2 years: “It’s a burden to taxpayers and…villages and towns should not be in the business of being in business.” We agree 200%, Mr Mayor!

Nancy Warner’s apparently thrown in the towel, and at the same time has thrown her bosom girlfriend, Cathy Deluca…

Annette Demitraszek and Kris Biernacki may be on the hot seat soon for their conspiracies with Nancy Warner.

But we didn’t know! Yes you did!

Well, there may be justice in the air in Ravena. Maybe the time has come where the crooks are going to have to eat their own feces and get their walking papers. The rats eventually jump ship. Dirty-Hands Jerry Deluca, Cathy Deluca‘s partner, when he read the writing on the wall (the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs picked up that piece of garbage). Deluca’s buddy, former Coeymans police chief, Gregory “Dumplington” Darlington, abandoned his post and deserted his department and the community (destination: Albany DA David Soares’ office?). Nancy Warner’s apparently thrown in the towel, and at the same time has thrown her bosom girlfriend, Cathy Deluca in as well. Annette Demitraszek, kissing Warners broad butt as usual, adds her two cents. (But where are Demitraszek and Biernacki going to hide when they are charged with obstruction of justice and accessory after the fact, when they’re named in civil and criminal lawsuits in preparation as we write? Nancy Warner gonna take the bullet for ya, Demitraszek? How about for you, Biernacki? Bob Freeman’s going to deny he told you anything?)  And the Ravena village board has finally woken up. To paraphrase Cathy Deluca‘s statement made to a visitor at the Ravena Health and Fitness Center open house, before it even opened, “Time to go! You’re not welcome here!” Well Cathy, looks like what goes around comes around. Time to go, Cathy, and don’t let the slamming door jiggle your cellulite on your waddle out!

(And maybe the new Coeymans police chief, Peter J. McKenna, will be waiting outside with a warrant for your arrest for your lies to law enforcement and obstruction of justice! No more insiders at Coeymanazi p.d. to cover your ass, Cathy. Your bulbous butt is grass—Biatch!)

 R U Ready, Cathy? What goes around comes around!  The Editor

R U Ready, Cathy?
What goes around comes around!
The Editor


Posted by on October 29, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District,, Abuse of Public Office, Albany, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Alicia Nieves, Annette Demitraszek, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Bill Bailey, Bill McFerran, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bray Engel, Brian Dunnegan, Bryan Rowzee, Carmen Warner, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Chris Gibson, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Corruption, Craig Youmans, D. Darlington, D. M. Crosier, Danielle Crosier, Danielle M. Crosier, David Debacco, David Soares, David Wukitsch, Dawn LaMountain, Dorothy Rock, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eric T. Schneiderman, Ethel Hotaling, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Formal Written Complaint, George Acker, George Amedore, George LaMountain, George Langdon, Gerald Deluca, Greed, Gregory Darlington, Harold Warner, Howard "Bray" Engel, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Albert, Jason Hyslop, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Kevin Reilly, Kristine Biernacki, Kyle Kearney, Law Enforcement, Leah Darlington, Making an apparently sworn false statement, Martin Case, Marty Case, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Meprision of Felony, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misdemeanor, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State, New York State Civil Service Department, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSAFC, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Patrick E. Brown, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS School Board, Robert Fisk, Robert J. Freeman, Sean Eldridge, Selkirk, Stephen Flach, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom DiAcetis, Tom Dolan, Village Clerk, William Bailey, William Misuraca


RCS is Disgusting! Good only to complain but no balls to do something about the liars and cheats!

RCS and Its Elected Officials Shame Themselves Before More Than 250,000 Readers! Right here on the Smalbany Blog. Even on national media!

GaGa Gibson

GaGa Gibson

Chris Gibson, asking for relection votes and opposing the “Pink Obama” Sean Eldridge, Shamed His 19th Congressional District and Himself by not Fully Investigating the RCS Anti-Military Bias and Disrespect for the National Guard. The RCS scandal made Fox News and other National Media but Gibson didn’t catch it. He promised to investigate fully. Did he? And what about Paul Tonko of the 20th Congressional District, also representing part of the RCS school district? Are they all Pinko’s? If that’s the choice we have for leaders we ought to all be suicidal!

He Died So You Could Speak, Participate in Your Democracy! Don't Waste His Sacrifice! Don't Waste Your Freedoms!

He Died So You Could Speak!
Did You Participate in Your Democracy?

RCS Wasted His Sacrifice! You Wasted Your Freedoms!
RCS Showed Itself to Be Ungrateful and Cowardly on October 14th! What do you all plan to do now? In future?

Your Elected Officials Have Successfully Excluded You From Participation—
And You Sit Back and Let It Happen!

They do this in many subtle and sometimes unlawful ways: They hold secret meetings, they quietly (very quietly) invite the public to “public” hearings, they sometimes lie outright. But Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk’s elected officials have found a far better way to do their mischief: They schedule important meetings on the same day at the same time but in different places far from each other to ensure that you can’t make both, even though you have a civic obligation, or a personal interest in attending both. Pretty clever, right?

Well, it’s up to you, citizens, residents to stop that despicable violation of your rights! Tell them to coordinate village of Ravena, town of Coeymans, and RCS Central School District board of education meetings so that you can attend all or any of them, if you’d like. They must be on different days, at least! But do any of you have the balls to bring this to the public meetings and demand fairness? Apparently not.

On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Both the Ravena Coeymans Selkirk board of education meeting and the Coeymans town board meeting both held at 7:00 p.m. Pretty stupid, right. And YOU were effectively prevented by your elected officials from attending two very important public meetings, or forced to attend one while missing the other. But most of you decided to do something other than exercise your rights…Can you even remember what that was? Probably not.

Why you needed to be there, and why you should have been there but you lost the opportunity to be at both. Why? Because you allowed them to exclude you and you still do nothing about it!


RCS high-school principal Tom DiAcetis, Superintendant Alan McCartney's Education

RCS high-school principal Tom DiAcetis, Superintendant Alan McCartney’s
Idea of Education

First of all, ALL VETERANS, PARENTS OF VETERANS, SUPPORTERS OF VETERANS, and all members of veterans committees in local government (Did you hear that, New Baltimore? Mr Guthrie and others?) should have attended the RCS board of education meeting on Tuesday October 14, at 7 p.m. at the A.W. Becker elementary school. You didn’t! You should have put Mr Tom DiAcetis, Mr Alan McCartney and the entire board of education on notice that their scandalous conduct concerning the National Guard and our Armed Forces would not be tolerated and they shamed this commuity. You didn’t! You should have demanded the resignation of Tom DiAcetis and Alan McCartney. You didn’t! You should have denounces the RCS board of education for their anti- military bias. Did you? NO! You didn’t! You not only didn’t take any prisoners you threw down your guns and ran! You swallowed their mealy-mouthed, pablum-puking lies and stupid excuses…hook, line and sinker. You let them off the hook this time—AGAIN! They’re accountable but you make them immune. AGAIN! RCS is DISGUSTING!

Colonel Chris Gibson United States Congressman

Colonel Chris Gibson

Mr Chris Gibson, Congressman for the 19th Congressional District, and Mr Paul Tonko, Congressman for the 20th Congressional District represent us in this RCS Central School District. Both needed to be held accountable and both needed to proactively investigate the RCS scandal perps, DiAcetis and McCartney, and both needed to reprimand the RCS board of education for the RCS anti-military scandal that embarrassed this community nationwide! Gibson and Tonko are up for re-election and Gibson, at a recent New Baltimore Republican Club meeting assured residents and voters that he would have his office investigate immediately. He assigned his top aid, Kevin Cumm, to head the investigation. UPDATE: He apparently didn’t do what he promised to do. We ask you: Did Chris Gibson dishonor his office, his district and his uniform? Same should be asked of Paul Tonko!

The Town of Coeymans town board was meeting at the same time, on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 7 p.m., in the Coeymans town hall. Anyone who was not at the RCS board of education meeting should have made every effort to be at the Coeymans town board meeting. You needed to find out about the pending lawsuits challenging the half-baked re-zoning done by the town of Coeymans (started when Tom Dolan, Tom Boehm and Dawn Rogers had the majority on the town board. Did you let them fool you into thinking it was all done by Flach and his new majority, like they’re trying to do! Looks like you did. A New York state court judge found the re-zoning to be illegal but that hasn’t stopped the Coeymanazis from doing what they please and ignoring YOUR VOICES!

 "DoDo Cop" Darlington sharing some misinformation.

“DoDo Cop” Darlington sharing some misinformation.

Former Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington abruptly jumped ship like the rat he is. He abandoned his department, his staff, the town of Coeymans and us! Gregory Darlington shouldn’t have been honored by the town of Coeymans for his dishonorable conduct and his selfish, irresponsible abandonment of his post. Darlington cowardly abandoned his post and his community! If Darlington didn’t have enough respect for this community, who paid for his fat ass, to tell us directly of his plans, this community doesn’t owe him a thing! (While we’re paying him a fat pension check, we think he’s going to be moonlighting in a second job, hired by our impotent race-card flasher Albany County District Attorney Pudenda David Soares. Then DoDo Darlington can sit next to his wife, who is a secretary in Soares’ office. Nice and cozy!) If Darlington could do that to the Coeymans police department, this community had a responsibility to itself and to its children to seriously reassess the situation and seriously consider eliminating the Coeymans police department, and turning over law enforcement to the professionals, the Albany County Sheriff’s department and to the New York State Police. Save Coeymans more than $a million$ in tax money that can be invested in things we really need in this community. You’re paying twice, three times for law enforcement in Coeymans. Let’s see if we can get some leadership and pay only twice. (Let the Albany County Sheriff’s department or the New York State Police rehire the Coeymans police department staff, retrain them, deploy them if they’re really needed.)

But you allowed the ball-less wonders on the Coeymans town board to pay homage to the ineffective, cowardly Darlington and you allowed them to present him with a retirement badge so he can continue flaunting the law, so he can continue to be the scofflaw out of uniform that he was in uniform at your expense. Why didn’t you raise the roof when they did that, Coeymans? Sorry! We overlooked the fact that you’re a town of sheeple. Sorreeee!

Albany County has a highly sophisticated 911 emergency response system in place, and it’s paid for with your tax dollars! Coeymans has a bunch of insiders using antique equipment that has to be updated. Ask the Coeymans town board how much the equipment update is going to cast you?!?  Be smart and tell the Coeymans town board to eliminate the dispatchers and save almost a $half-million dollars$. We’re paying twice for the same service. We’re duplicating services. There are some who want to continue this stupidity and they come out to give their idiotic reasons why. But the voice of reason shouts out for them to shut up and get the facts. Tom Dolan, Tom Boehm, Mary Driscoll and others are blowing misinformation out their butts. Tell the town board of Coeymans to eliminate the dispatchers (Let Albany County re-hire them if they’re really needed.) Weasel Peter Masti is pandering again and talking about getting facts. You’re eating that up to like a bunch of starving dogs. Read the facts on this blog because you’re not going to get them from the Coeymans town board and least of all from that rodent Masti!

No fatalities. YET!

No fatalities. YET!

Again, we STILL have to address the dangerous situation existing with the Port of Coeymans heavy truck traffic, and we need some real facts and explanations about the Carver Companies bridge and what the town is doing to ensure our safety and the safe movement of traffic into and out of the hamlet of Coeymans on Rt 144. AND we STILL have to get some honest answers from the Coeymans town board. Not the lies and smoke and mirrors response they gave to one resident who asked some burning questions on October 14th. Where were the rest of you complainers? (Don’t tell us you were at the BoE meeting, because you’d be lying!)

We also wanted to know about all the jobs that were promised. We STILL want an answer to that one. Did you ask? How many have been created so far? How many are actually going to be created?

We want to know why our quality of life is all of a sudden declining with the added truck traffic, the dust, the increase in noise pollution in our community as the result of the re-zoning and the increased activity in the Port and the surrounding area. Mr Peter Masti, who is neither a native of the area nor a blue collar worker, has published his desire to keep Coeymans blue collar. Why is that? (Masti and his kind have to go!) But these are questions Ravena-Coeymans residents have to ask. Masti’s a blow hard and goes wherever the wind blows him. He’s a jellyfish! But has anyone confronted him and his vomit publicly? Where were you all on October 14th?

That’s why you had to make every effort to attend the Coeymans town board meeting on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 7 p.m. in the Coeymans town hall! Our local elected officials don’t seem to be able to make good decisions on their own. They needed your help. You needed to tell them them what you want! You needed to tell them to stop the lies and you needed to get the true facts! You failed us, your community and yourselves!

We suggested you make a couple of phone calls, send a couple of e-mails. You needed to get your family, friends, neighbors activated and organize yourselves so that some of you could have attended one of the meetings and the others attended the other meeting. Did you show your elected officials that you could shake things up and put their feet to the fire, so they do what’s best for US! Did you? We think NOT! There’s still time and opportunity to pick up the pieces. Start now and make your preparations to organize your and your family’s, your neighbors’ and friends’ participation in the upcoming village of Ravena and town of Coeymans board meetings, and the RCS board of education meetings.

It's A Shame RCS Residents Can't Stand Up for Themselves!!!The Editor

It’s A Shame RCS Residents Can’t Stand Up for Themselves!!!
And You Shamed Yourselves In Front of More than 250,000 Readers!

The Editor


Posted by on October 18, 2014 in 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District,, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, ACLU, Albany, Albany County Board of Elections, Albany County Chamber of Commerce, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Alice Whalen, American Civil Liberties Union, Arlene McKeon, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Barbara Finke, Bill Bailey, Bill McFerran, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Dorrance, Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, Bray Engel, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Carmen Warner, Carver Companies, Carver Construction, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Gibson, Chris Gibson, Chris Hughes, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Columbia-Greene Media, Conspiracy, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., D. M. Crosier, Daniel Contento, Danielle Crosier, Danielle M. Crosier, David Soares, David Wukitsch, DEC, Denis Jordan, Department of Environmental Conservation, Dignity Act, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elections and Voting, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Eric T. Schneiderman, Freedom of Information Law, George Acker, George Amedore, George Langdon, George McHugh, Greene County, Greene County District Attorney, Greene County Sheriff, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, Harold Warner, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Incompetence, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Albert, Jason Hyslop, Jeff Ruso, Jena Misuraca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. Johnson, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Johnson Newspaper Group, Joseph A. Farrell Jr, Joseph Teresi, Josephine P. Dority née Biscone, Josie Biscone-Bruno, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Larry Conrad, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Laverne Conrad, Mark Vinciguerra, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, McFerret, Melanie Lekocevic, Michael Biscone, Michael Fisher, Michael J. Biscone, Misdemeanor, Misinformation, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Democrats, New Baltimore Elections, New York, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Education Department, New York State Police, New York State United Teachers, Nick Dellisanti, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Patrick E. Brown, Paul Courcelle, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Pink Obama, Port of Coeymans, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena News Herald, Ravena Village Board, RCS Central School District, Robert Dorrance, Robert Fisk, Robert J. Freeman, Sarah Berchtold Engel, Sarah Engel, Sean Eldridge, Selkirk, Shame On You, Shelly VanEtten, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom DiAcetis, Tom Dolan, Town Board Meeting, Transparency, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Tuesday, October 14: Let Your Voices Be Heard!

He Died So You Could Speak, Participate in Your Democracy! Don't Waste His Sacrifice! Don't Waste Your Freedoms!

He Died So You Could Speak, Participate in Your Democracy!
Don’t Waste His Sacrifice! Don’t Waste Your Freedoms!


Your Elected Officials Try To Exclude You From Participation

They do this in many subtle and sometimes unlawful ways: They hold secret meetings, they quietly (very quietly) invite the public to “public” hearings, they sometimes lie outright. But Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk’s elected officials have found a far better way to do their mischief: They schedule important meetings on the same day at the same time but in different places far from each other to ensure that you can’t make both, even though you have a civic obligation, or a personal interest in attending both. Pretty clever, right?

Well, it’s up to you, citizens, residents to stop that despicable violation of your rights! Tell them to coordinate village of Ravena, town of Coeymans, and RCS Central School District board of education meetings so that you can attend all or any of them, if you’d like. They must be on different days, at least!

On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Both the Ravena Coeymans Selkirk board of education meeting and the Coeymans town board meeting are both taking place at 7:00 p.m. Pretty stupid, right.

Why you need to be there, and you should have the opportunity to be at both:

RCS high-school principal Tom DiAcetis, Superintendant Alan McCartney's Education

RCS high-school principal Tom DiAcetis, Superintendant Alan McCartney’s Education

First of all, ALL VETERANS, PARENTS OF VETERANS, SUPPORTERS OF VETERANS, and all members of veterans committees in local government (Did you hear that, New Baltimore? Mr Guthrie and others?) must attend the RCS board of education meeting on Tuesday October 14, at 7 p.m. at the A.W. Becker elementary school. You must put Mr Tom DiAcetis, Mr Alan McCartney and the entire board of education on notice that their scandalous conduct concerning the National Guard and our Armed Forces will not be tolerated. Demand the resignation of Tom DiAcetis and Alan McCartney. Denounce the RCS board of education for their anti- military bias. Don’t take any prisoners and don’t accept their mealy-mouthed, pablum-puking lies and stupid excuses. Don’t let them off the hook this time. They’re accountable so make them accountable. NOW!

Colonel Chris Gibson United States Congressman

Colonel Chris Gibson

Mr Chris Gibson, Congressman for the 19th Congressional District, and Mr Paul Tonko, Congressman for the 20th Congressional District represent us in this RCS Central School District. Both need to be held accountable and both need to proactively investigate the RCS scandal perps, DiAcetis and McCarntney, and both need to reprimand the RCS board of education for the RCS anti-military scandal that embarrassed this community nationwide! Gibson and Tonko are up for re-election and Gibson, at a recent New Baltimore Republican Club meeting assured residents and voters that he would have his office investigate immediately. He assigned his top aid, Kevin Cumm, to head the investigation. Question: Did he do what he promised to do, or did he dishonor his office, his district and his uniform? Same should be asked of Paul Tonko!

The Town of Coeymans town board is meeting at the same time, on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 7 p.m., in the Coeymans town hall. Anyone who is not at the RCS board of education meeting should make every effort to be at the Coeymans town hall meeting. You need to find out about the pending lawsuits challenging the half-baked rezoning done by the town of Coeymans (started when Tom Dolan, Tom Boehm and Dawn Rogers had the majority on the town board. Don’t let them fool you into thinking it was all done by Flach and his new majority, like they’re trying to do!)

 "DoDo Cop" Darlington sharing some misinformation.

“DoDo Cop” Darlington sharing some misinformation.

Former Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington abruptly jumped ship like the rat he is. He abandoned his department, his staff, the town of Coeymans and us! Gregory Darlington should not be honored by the town of Coeymans for his dishonorable conduct and his selfish, irresponsible abandonment of his post. If Darlington didn’t have enough respect for this community, who paid for his fat ass, to tell us directly of his plans, this community doesn’t owe him a thing! (While we’re paying him a fat pension check, we think he’s going to be moonlighting in a second job,  hired by our impotent race-card flasher Albany County District Attorney Pudenda David Soares. Then DoDo Darlington can sit next to his wife, who is a secretary in Soares’ office. Nice and cozy!)  If Darlington could do that to the Coeymans police department, this community has to seriously reassess the situation and seriously consider eliminating the Coeymans police department and turning over law enforcement to the professionals, the Albany County Sheriff’s department and to the New York State Police. Save Coeymans more than $a million$ in tax money that can be invested in things we really need in this community. You’re paying twice, three times for law enforcement in Coeymans. Let’s see if we can get some leadership and pay only twice. (Let the Albany County Sheriff’s department or the New York State Police rehire the Coeymans police department staff, retrain them, deploy them if they’re really needed.)

Albany County has a highly sophisticated 911 emergency response system in place, and it’s paid for with your tax dollars! Coeymans has a bunch of insiders using antique equipment that has to be updated. Be smart and tell the Coeymans town board to eliminate the dispatchers and save almost a $half-million dollars$. We’re paying twice for the same service. We’re duplicating services. There are some who want to continue this stupidity and they come out to give their idiotic reasons why. But the voice of reason shouts out for them to shut up and get the facts. Tom Dolan, Tom Boehm, Mary Driscoll and others are blowing misinformation out their butts. Tell the town board of Coeymans to eliminate the dispatchers (Let Albany County re-hire them if they’re really needed.)

No fatalities. YET!

No fatalities. YET!

Again, we have to address the dangerous situation existing with the Port of Coeymans heavy truck traffic, and we need some real facts and explanations about the Carver Companies bridge and what the town is doing to ensure our safety and the safe movement of traffic into and out of the hamlet of Coeymans on Rt 144.

We also want to know about all the jobs that were promised. How many have been created so far? How many are actually going to be created?

We want to know why our quality of life is all of a sudden declining with the added truck traffic, the dust, the increase in noise pollution in our community as the result of the re-zoning and the increased activity in the Port and the surrounding area. Mr Masti, who is neither a native of the area nor a blue collar worker, has published his desire to keep Coeymans blue collar. Why is that? (Masti and his kind have to go!) But these are questions Ravena-Coeymans residents have to ask.

That’s why you have to make every effort to attend the Coeymans town board meeting on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 7 p.m. in the Coeymans town hall! Our local elected officials don’t seem to be able to make good decisions on their own. They need your help. Tell them what you want and Get the Facts!

We suggest you make a couple of phone calls, send a couple of e-mails. Get your family, friends, neighbors activated and attend one of the meetings or organize yourselves so that some of you attend one and the others attend the other meeting. Show your elected officials that you can shake things up and put their feet to the fire, so they do what’s best for US!

But Only If You Speak Up! We deserve better! The Editor

But Only If You Speak Up! We deserve better!

The Editor


Posted by on October 14, 2014 in 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District,, Abuse of Public Office, Albany, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Alice Whalen, Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Finke, Bill Bailey, Bill McFerran, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carmen Warner, Carver Construction, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Gibson, Chris Gibson, Chris Hughes, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Elections, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Board Meeting, Craig D. Apple Sr., Daniel Contento, Daniel Contento, Danielle M. Crosier, David Wukitsch, Dawn Rogers, DEC, Department of Environmental Conservation, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Elyse Kunz, Elyse Loughlin, Eric T. Schneiderman, Favoritism, George Acker, George Amedore, George Langdon, George McHugh, Greed, Greene County, Greene County Board of Elections, Greene County District Attorney, Greene County Sheriff, Gregory Darlington, Gregory R. Seeley, Harlan Ratmeyer, Harold Warner, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Impeach Cuomo, Independence Party, James Latter II, Jason Albert, Jason Hyslop, Jeff Ruso, Jena Misuraca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John Luckacovic, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Larry Conrad, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Laverne Conrad, Law Enforcement, Lazlo Polyak, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misinformation, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nepotism, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Conservancy, New Baltimore Democratic Committee, New Baltimore Elections, New Baltimore Elections, New Baltimore Republican Club, New York, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Civil Service Department, New York State Education Department, New York State Police, New York State United Teachers, Nick Dellisanti, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Patrick E. Brown, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Phillip Crandall, Pink Obama, Port of Coeymans, Public Office, Public Safety, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Elections, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena Village Board, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, Sean Eldridge, Secret Meetings, Selkirk, Shelly VanEtten, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Town Board Meeting, Unamerican Activity, Uncategorized, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Congressman Chris Gibson Here on October 2, 2014! Be there!

Your United States Congressman Chris Gibson will be in our area on October 2, 2014, we are advised by New Baltimore Republican Club president, Jeff Ruso.

american spirit
Congressman Chris Gibson Here on October 2nd!

“I received confirmation that Chris Gibson will be at the New Baltimore Republican Club meeting of Oct. 2nd.  This will be at Pegasus’ Restaurant. We start at 7:00, but the Congressman is not expected until about 7:45.  George Amedore, Peter Lopez and others also are confirmed.” *
 * Editor’s note: There may be a donation at the door but there is usually food, door prizes,
and a 50-50, which make it a bit more fun.

 This might be a great time to take an evening, have a little bite to eat at one of our area’s leading eateries, the famous Pegasus Restaurant, to meet your neighbors, and to grill your legislators.
Colonel Chris Gibson United States Congressman

Colonel Chris Gibson
United States Congressman

The New Baltimore Republican Club is a very welcoming, friendly group of neighbors, and we’re sure they’d be more than delighted to welcome anyone of any party affiliation from the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk communities, as well as neighbors in Greene County.

It may be a good time to also address the local problem of anti-military bias in our schools, and hear what the national legislators think of the RCS scandal raised by Mr Tom DiAcetis, principal of the RCS high-school, and Mr Alan McCartney, RCS central school district interim supervisor. That scandal united 19 local students to challenge DiAcetis and McCartney, who were shredded on national media, and mobilized parents to hand out National Guard t-shirts at the recent RCS homecoming game. (See the front-page report in the Ravena News Herald, October 2, 2014). DiAcetis and McCartney are desperately backpedaling but it’s doing them no good, except to further mark them as liars and incompetent as leaders. The Ravena News Herald appears to be providing DiAcetis and McCartney with excuses but when Bryan Rowzee of the Ravena News Herald quotes Alan McCartney as saying, “McCartney went on to explain that the recruiter personally ‘apologized for his actions…”! Well, Mr McCartney, the recruiter is not the one who should be offering apologies, you ASS! You should be apologizing all the way to the door, together with Tom DiAcetis, and your special-interest biased RCS board of education! You should be apologizing for your anti-military bias, your double-talk to the taxpayers and parents of this district, and your lax attitude with renegade and maverick school administrators and crooked teachers! No, Mr McCartney, the unnamed recruiter doesn’t have to apologize.

outrageAnd Thank you! James Staats of South Bethlehem for your short but very to-the-point letter-to-the-editor of the News Herald in which you give DiAcetis and McCartney the lashing they deserve! Mr Staats writes: “McCartney went on to explain that the recruiter personally ‘apologized for his actions and agreed to meet with students concerning the shirts.” We’d like to note that the News Herald’s and Rowzee’s attempts in the extensive positive coverage of the RCS school district in the October 2, 2014, issue is an obvious attempt to distract readers from the seriousness of the DiAcetis-McCartney scandal. In fact, it’s insulting to read that McCartney says that the recruiter “personally apologized”! For what? Mr McCartney. It’s not the recruiter who owes us an apology, you ASS! It’s YOU and Tom DiAcetis! Our legislators, Mr Gibson, Mr Lopez and others (Amedore) need to weigh in on this scandal; after all, they can lean heavily on education officials in the state and federal departments of education to discipline such violations of civics and civil rights.

Open Letter to all RCS board members:

While I know many of you, I want to address the full board on a matter of extreme importance.

As a graduate of RCS and an Army veteran, I am outraged by the decision of  Interim Superintendent AlanMcCartney to ban the wearing of tee-shirts handed out by the National Guard to students. This is a graphic of a soldier standing sentinel in defense of our freedoms. This should not be offensive to anybody but should invoke pride that we have courageous men and women to serve our country.

I would like an answer from each one of you; not in political gobbeldygook, whether you agree or disagree with his decision. I would like to remind you that this is not just about budgets but our basic freedoms that our soldiers have fought and died for.

I am calling for an immediate firing of Dr Alan McCartney. We don’t need to pay $600 a day to disrespect our military and further erode our hard fought freedoms.

James S. Staats
South Bethlehem

We’re publishing Mr Staats’ letter in its entirety because we believe he’s right. But the Ravena News Herald reaches less than 3,000 readers each week; we get that many in a day! Published here, it reaches thousands of readers locally, nationally, internationally. It expresses many residents’, voters’ sentiments and sentiments that our legislators like Mr Gibson, Mr Lopez and potentially Mr Amadore are well-advised to keep clearly in mind.

Question: Where is George McHugh, an Army JAG officer, and Terry Kindlon, a marine, on all of this. You’d think they’d be out prosecuting DiAcetis and McCartney as well and the members of the RCS CSD board of education pro bono for their un-American activity! Hello! Guys, where are you?!?

Not only should local veterans and others mobilize and make the October 2 NBRC meeting to meet our legislators, you should appear in support of the United States Armed Forces. Yeah! Ask Mr Gibson, Mr Lopez and Mr Amadore where they stand on these issues.

What does former Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington do while all of this is going on? He throws a sissy-fit and resigns. We think that ex-military law enforcement like former NB constable, the late Don “Squeaky” Tanner and former police chief Frank “Babe” McCabe, two proud veterans, would have gone down there and taken the cowards by the scruff of the neck and kicked some anti-military ass. They were law enforcement who had family values, morality, had the community spirit, watched everyone’s back, and cared for every kid as one of their own! Not like the beasts we have in local law enforcement now who make our young people Public Enemy No. 1 and their ticket to an undeserved pension.

Remember: Candidates need the support of major political parties to get on a ballot and run. That’s the way it is. But once they’re in office, no matter who elected them, they have an obligation to represent the best interests of EVERYONE, not just the ones who supported them, in their district. It’s our responsibility to remind them of that fact.

We hope to see many of our loyal readers at the Pegasus Restaurant (10885 State Route 9W, Coxsackie, NY 12051 Tel. (518) 731-9200),  on October 2, 2014, to meet Mr Gibson, who is running against pretty rich-boy liberal Sean Eldridge (the ‘White Obama’).

October 2nd, at Pegasus Restaurant, promises to be a blockbuster! You may want to phone ahead to make your reservation: (518) 731-9200.

Bring your questions and pet peeves with you for the legislators.

Editor’s Note: As stupid as it may seem, the town of Coeymans is holding its town board meeting on the same evening, October 14, 2014, as the RCS-CSD board of education is holding their meeting. Both the Coeymans town board meeting and the RCS-CSD BoE meeting need your attendance because both have especially important issues on the agenda. Local residents and taxpayers should not have to make a choice which of these meetings to attend. We urge the RCS-CSD BoE and the town of Coeymans to get their empty heads together and stagger their meetings to allow citizens to be involved and to participate in the democratic process.

We also urge all military, ex-military, veterans to make it a special point to attend the RCS-CSD BoE meeting on October 14, 2014, to show support for our military men and women and our veterans, and to tell Mr DiAcetis and Mr McCartney and the nazis on the RCS BoE exactly what you think of their un-American policies and their disrespect for the loyalty and patriotism of their students and the National Guard! Be there!

Be There on October 2nd! And don't forget the BoE meeting on October 14. We won't forget! The Editor

Be There on October 2nd!
And don’t forget the BoE meeting on October 14. We won’t forget!

The Editor


Posted by on October 1, 2014 in Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, ACLU, Albany County Department of Children, Youth, and Families, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Alice Whalen, American Civil Liberties Union, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Barbara Finke, Bill Bailey, Bill McFerran, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bray Engel, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carver Laraway, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Gibson, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Board Meeting, Craig D. Apple Sr., D. M. Crosier, Daniel Contento, Danielle Crosier, Danielle M. Crosier, Department of Environmental Conservation, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Eric T. Schneiderman, First Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Freedom of Speech, George Langdon, George McHugh, Gerald Deluca, Governor Mario Cuomo, Greene County, Greene County District Attorney, Gregory Darlington, Harold Warner, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Hyslop, Jeff Ruso, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. King, John Luckacovic, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Kerry Thompson, Larry Conrad, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Laverne Conrad, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Education Department, New York State Police, New York State United Teachers, Nick Dellisanti, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Patrick E. Brown, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Port of Coeymans, Public Office, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, RCS Central School District, Retaliation, Robert J. Freeman, Sarah Berchtold Engel, Sarah Engel, Second Amendment, Selkirk, Stephen Flach, Student Abuse, Surveillance, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Terrorism at Home, Terry Kindlon, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Town Board Meeting, Transparency, Unamerican Activity, Uncategorized, William Bailey, William Misuraca


McCartney, DiAcetis, RCS Fail at Education

When so – called educators don’t educate and indiscriminately create and enforce knee – jerk policies, and superintendents stupidly announce “Rules are Rules”, that’s not education people, that’s fascism, totalitarianism, extremism. It’s not education it’s automation, creating sheeple out of sensitive and responsive minds. Is that the plan underlying today’s “education”? Is the plan to create either sheeple or criminals? Black or white: “Rules are Rules,” OBEY!

RCS high-school principal Tom DiAcetis, Superintendant Alan McCartney's Education

RCS high-school principal Tom DiAcetis, Superintendant Alan McCartney’s Education

McCartney’s “Rules are rules” mantra simply doesn’t work. Where’s the education in all of this? This sort of model is used to train dogs and monkeys, not adolescent human beings. The overriding policy is: Ban it, Don’t explain it.


With the deterioration of American family systems, the marginalization of religion and churches, the national and local lies and propaganda, the criminal corruption and hypocrisy we have not only in our courts, legislatures and town halls but in many of the homes where many of these young adults live is bad enough. But when we put cowards and fools in executive and administrative positions in our schools, OUR SCHOOLS, and they are contradicting everything of value, ethical, moral and civil, that’s where we have to shout very loudly: WE’VE HAD ENOUGH! GET OUT!



This is one of those times where we have to say: The students are right!

Isn’t it the job of the teachers we pay outrageously high salaries to teach our young people not ways of watching but ways of seeing; not ways of hearing but ways of listening; not ways of simply being but ways of be – ing, experiencing. Using this most recent example of the failure of our teachers, principals, administrators, isn’t this yet another example of the failure of education in our RCS schools? This is exactly what we saw during the Bruno – Warner dictatorship in Ravena when they were openly violating rights protected by the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It’s the very thing we’ve been writing about in our essays about the corruption and obstruction of justice in the Coeymans police department. That same corruption and obstruction of justice, the violation of protected rights has found its way into our schools, people, because we have allowed it to happen by loading our board of education, our district offices, and our school administrative offices and classrooms with individuals who are self – serving and members of an exclusive club –  – exclusive because although they want our tax dollars to pad their pockets, they don’t want anything to do with us or hear from us.

We are a nation of laws. We are NOT a nation of justice.
As RCS Superintendent Alan McCartney says: Rules are Rules.

In our opinion, the RCS school system and its district offices are the homeland enemies, not a bunch of camel – jockeys six thousand or eight thousand miles away! It’s actually principals like Tom DiAcetis, union-lackeys, crook teachers like Matt Miller, superintendents like Allan McCartney who are confusing the hell out of the kids and making them schizoid. Is that the plan? On thtake back americae one hand, we have a president and a congress who just last week were handing out high military honors, the Medal of Honor, to men already dead or nearly so on national television. Then we have the president of the United States announcing (finally) his “strategy” (Strategy? Well, he seems to think it’s a strategy. Sounds more like a smoke screen.)  to weaken alleged terrorists in Syria and in God knows how many other areas. What’s Obama going to use in this battle against terrorism? Chitlins? The ideology taught by our RCS teachers and represented by the RCS board of education and their parasite superintendent, Alan McCartney? We have advertisements for military organizations and military recruitment and careers everywhere you look. We have the National Rifle Association organizing huge rallies. We have “Repeal the Safe Act” everywhere you look. We have a tradition of Rod and Gun Clubs, Sportsmen’s Clubs. One of our traditional activities is hunting. We have a Second Amendment, too. Then we have our educators—and I’m using that term very loosely, indeed—banning T – shirts because they might have a depiction of a firearm on them! WTF! These people in our schools call themselves “educators”?  They’re imbeciles receiving outrageous salaries and benefits. Worse still, most of them are cowards living off the sweat, blood and sacrifices of others!

In fact, aren’t most public meetings opened with a sort of prayer called the Pledge of Allegiance? Don’t we erect monuments at public expense commemorating veterans and past wars? Don’t we have a federal holiday called Veteran’s Day? Aren’t all of these somehow connected with the Armed Forces, or something like that? Where have our so-called “educators” been through all this (probably dodging the draft or living the good life while others are dying the patriotic death). We don’t need or want cowards teaching our kids or running our schools and towns!

They still are required to teach the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights in our public schools, aren’t they?

The feminist pastor of the New Baltimore Reformed Church decided a couple of years ago that the American flag did not have a place in front of the congregation, near the lecterns, and moved the flag to the back of the sanctuary. Some in the congregation raised hell; some even left that congregation because of that action. Several years ago, the pastor of the Roman Catholic Church of St Patrick in Ravena, offended parishioners when he refused to have the coffin of dead veterans draped with the American flag in the church (he was complying with ritual instructions, actually). Again, parishioners raised hell and many went elsewhere. And, dear readers, those are churches; remember separation of church and state. What those so – called pastors failed to recognize is that their congregation members and parishioners are Americans 6 days out of the week and Christians only one day, if that. They live the American way 6 days a week; they worship only one, and many not even that.

It used to be that our schools taught us how to be good citizens while exercising our rights. Our schools and teachers taught us values and morality. Some of those values was loyalty, respect, honesty, integrity, fairness, gratitude and—surprisingly—the notion of patriotism, a form of loyalty and respect, very close to family values, actually.

Our schools and educators are sending mixed messages, the wrong messages. Parents are not carrying their fair share of the load; our local, state and national governments have become so corrupt and dishonest that the only way to cover their tracks is with propaganda, misinformation and control. Our schools, obviously, are following that same evil example.

take it back

DiAcetis’s and McCarney’s Warrior Option: Pee on’em!

Editor’s Comment. It’s obvious to us that there’s a great deal of dishonesty and hypocrisy involved here on both sides: the Ravena – Coeymans – Selkirk Central School District (RCS CSD) and the National Guard. There’s also a very deep and dangerous gap in the RCS CSD’s understanding of proper notice, due process, protected rights, and a large number of other issues of neglect or indifference. On that latter note we really have to ask why we are paying DiAcetis and McCartney salaries of more than $100,000 plus benefits to run such a shoddy show.

helmet pee

DiAcetis: I pee on you! I win!


We also have to ask whether the RCS CSD gives any consideration to the trauma and damage that they cause to adolescents by the principal’s, the school employees’ and the superintendent’s arbitrary and overly discretionary so – called discipline. What if the kid’s wearing the shirt to honor a fallen friend or relative? What if the student is wearing the shirt as an expression of solidarity with the armed forces? What if….? Aren’t these school officials supposed to be trained in some level of psychology? Or are they indifferent to the effects their own conduct is having on these young people?

We’d like to know where the RCS CSD dress code is published. We can’t find it anywhere. And was it at some point subject to public comment at, say, a RCS board of education public meeting? If the RCS CSD dress code is intended to control behavior, to limit free expression, to do anything that might even remotely affect a person’s rights, it should be subject to public comment and should be published. Does anyone know where it is, apart from in DiAcetis’ desk drawer?

What is the RCS CSD position and policy regarding the United States Armed Forces, exactly? We have to assume that the recruiter just didn’t stroll in and hand out shirts…or can we? The RCS CSD is aware that the National Guard and other branches of the US armed forces used weapons from time to time, even deadly force. Aren’t they? What’s the big surprise that a shirt should show a military personnel with a rifle? Does Mr Diacetis or Mr McCartney think that wars and battles are won, that terrorists are subdued by the US military by our men in uniform meandering up to the enemy and threatening to pee on him if he doesn’t give up? Interesting notion but we don’t think that tactic would work on the battlefield. Weapons carried by trained warriors have proved to be effective.

Actually, in these times of US military action in so many places all over the globe, we think it’s disgraceful, scandalous bordering on the treasonous, to show such disrespect for young people’s patriotism not to mention for the efforts of our men and women in uniform. Shame on you you pitiful examples of RCS CSD cowardice!

McCartney's Secret Weapon: Pee on'em!

McCartney’s Secret Weapon: Pee on’em!

We also find it disturbing that the National Guard would even consider pandering to these cowards’ by “sanitizing” their promotional shirts. Does the National Guard really think that if their shirts don’t feature a weapon that anyone is going to think that they are going to use the “pee threat” on terrorists, looters, etc.? It’s shameful that the National Guard is acquiescing to the scandal by superficially denying the use of deadly weapons in their activities. Does the National Guard believe that by caving to the cowards that the kids are so stupid to think that guns are not used in defense activities?

Isn’t denial and hypocrisy already out of all control in our community and in this country? Can’t we just be honest for a change and call a spade a spade?

What will the cowards want next? Do we have to remove all weapons from our military displays, monuments, recruitment advertising. Perhaps a big peeing penis would be more their taste in support of the “pee threat.”

Is it too much to ask parents to know who their children are? To know where they are? To know what they’re doing? Is it too much to ask parents to tear themselves away from their smart phones, their computers, the TV and give some attention to their kids so that they don’t resort to mass murder to be heard? Go figure!

We cannot treat an entire sector of our population, a well – informed, inquisitive, powerful, and activist group like our high – school students, like a bunch of budding criminals, a bunch of retards who as soon as they see a weapon on a T – shirt they become serial killers or mass murders. We have to give them the credit they deserve for having brains and a reasoning process going on in there. We have to stop sending the mixed messages because they will call us on that and we, as adults, lose credibility with them. That’s not a good thing.

Taxpayers, residents, parents of RCS students: You have to take some responsibility for this injustice being done to our young people! We have to get the cowards, the harlots, the adult bullies, the egoists, the crooks and the scoundrels out of our schools. We have to allow our young people to develop good values, ethics, morals and character; when they express good values, ethics, morals and character we must not demoralize, criminalize them. Stop allowing your schools to create sheeple out of thinking human beings or pay the price of Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China, and Obama’s United States: Propaganda, Fascism, Totalitarianism, Rule by the Elite. It’s the another step in poisoning America.

DiAcetis, McCartney. Do it NOW!

DiAcetis, McCartney. Do it NOW!

DiAcetis and McCartney must apologize to the students, to the community, to the Armed Forces of the United States.

DiAcetis and McCartney must then RESIGN.

We believe in Choices. Given DiAcetis and McCartney a choice: RESIGN OR GET FIRED!!!

We believe in Choices.
Give DiAcetis and
McCartney a choice:



“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance.

Graphics and Images Disclosure: Unless otherwise noted and credited, all graphics used in this article are the result of a Google image search, and at the time the images were collected and used in this article, no conspicuous or visible copyright notice or other proprietary mark was shown. Please communicate any claim or corrections to All images are used in good faith for non-profit, public information and public service purposes.


Posted by on September 24, 2014 in, Abuse of Public Office, ACLU, Albany, Albany County District Attorney, Alice Whalen, American Civil Liberties Union, Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Bill Bailey, Bill McFerran, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, Bray Engel, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Bullying, Burning the Constitution, Carver Laraway, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Church, Church of St Patrick Ravena, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Danielle Crosier, Danielle M. Crosier, David Wukitsch, Department of State, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eric T. Schneiderman, Ethics and Morality, Ethics in Schools, Fair Play, Faith and Family Values, First Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Fr James Kane, Freedom of Speech, George Langdon, Government, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, Gun Control, Harold Warner, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hypocrisy, Interim Superintendent, James Kane, James Latter, Jena Misuraca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. King, John Luckacovic, Karen Miller, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Martin Case, Marty Case, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Moose Misuraca, Morality, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, New York State United Teachers, Nick Dellisanti, NYSED, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Patrick E. Brown, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS School Superintendant, Reformed Church of America, Robert J. Freeman, Rocco Persico, Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, Sarah Berchtold Engel, Sarah Engel, School Taxes, Schools, Selkirk, Stephen Flach, Stifling Freedom, Stop the Bullying, Student Abuse, Teachers, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Unamerican Activity, William Bailey, William Misuraca


They Publicize Their Ignorance: RCS Does It Again!

The Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District and the Community of Ravena-Coeymans Has the Uncanny Ability to Continuously Prove Our Claim that They are COMPLETE DUMBASSES!

RCS Grad: Sponcer. S-P-0-N-C-E-R. Sponcer

RCS Grad: Sponcer. S-P-0-N-C-E-R. Sponcer

  • The voters in the RCS Central School District approved a school budget of more than $42 million and it’s still failing

  • The RCS Central School District Interim Superintendent of Schools, Mr Alan McCartney, has been accused of plagiarizing all or part of his commencement speech given at the recent RCS graduation ceremonies, and he has offered no defense, explanation or apology

  • The RCS Central School District Board of Education is bought and paid for, wholly owned now by the teachers union, New York State United Teachers, NYSUT, and taxpayers have lost all input in the operation of the schools.

In Ravena Coeymans there’s not a single village idiot; they’re all village idiots!

And still, again, something new comes up that convinces you that there’s just no end to the stupidity, the bare-faced craziness in this community. Small wonder that it’s hemorrhaging residents and businesses. Small wonder it’s the laughing stock of the entire region! If it isn’t creating special village fitness clubs for its political friends and handing them fitness centers together with salaries and benefits, if the judges aren’t violating the United States Constitution, if the Coeymans police department isn’t harassing, retaliating, intimidating residents and violating their civil rights, and if the village and town boards aren’t poisoning the air we breathe or the water we drink while playing Russian roulette with our lives and property, they find some stupidity to keep us on our toes. In Ravena-Coeymans there’s not a single village idiot; they’re all village idiots! But you’d think that RCS residents would smarten up!

Not Gonna Happen! Instead, residents just roll their eyes, shake their heads, and sometimes even show enough interest to shake their fists in the dusty Coeymans aire, when they read what we have to say and the facts we uncover. Truth hurts only when it ought to. Well here’s another one for you; read and weep:

On Monday, July 14, 2014, while driving along Route 9W we noticed a very large sign posted at the intersection of Rt 143 and Rt 9W in Ravena, probably the busiest intersection in the entire area. The sign is right in front of the now empty Crossroads garage, across from the RiteAid plaza. Now you know the sign is in a very, very visible position and can be easily seen by countless commuters, visitors, tradespersons, students, parents, etc. traveling both South and North on 9w and East and West on Rt 143. The sign is announcing a Brooks Bar-B-Q event and is embarrassing:

Show the entire world how ignorant you are, RCS! And you wonder why you're a laughing stock? You ask for it!

Show the entire world how ignorant you are, RCS!
And you wonder why you’re a laughing stock? You ask for it!

Hasn”t anyone seen this sign? Hasn’t anyone said anything to the people posting it? Where is the Ravena Village Board, the Coeymans Town Board, ANYONE? Where are the teachers, the board of education members on this one? Where are the parents? Don’t the students even notice? Maybe that’s why this RCS district is such a failure! Plenty of money to throw at the schools, plenty of corruption to fill the seats of the board of education, plenty of money to pay a superintendent to plagiarise a commencement speech but not a peep when the Ravena Grange “sponcers” Brooks Bar-B-Q. Let’s just hope they don’t “sponcer” a spelling bee any time soon! And who is the illiterate bumpkin at the Ravena Grange Hall who posted the announcement?

Now which of you geniuses wrote the text for the sign?

Now which of you geniuses wrote the text for the sign?

The fact that the sign is even there, still there and has been there for all to see proves one thing: You’re all ignorant and brain-dead, and you want the entire world to know it! You should be mortified that no-one until now has come forward to demand that the sign be corrected or removed!

Enjoy your Brooks Bar-B-Q. Or maybe you should invest what you’d spend on toxic food on a cheap dictionary. But then the Brooks Bar-B-Q fundraiser might be to raise funds to teach standard English spelling in RCS schools. Perhaps we’ve been too hasty?

Needs No Words The Editor

Needs No Words
The Editor


Posted by on July 14, 2014 in, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Chamber of Commerce, Albany County Civil Service, Alice Whalen, Andrew Cuomo, Andrew Vale, Arlene McKeon, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Barbara Finke, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Carver Construction, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Industrial Park, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Court, Columbia-Greene Media, Conspiracy, Corruption, Danielle Crosier, David Wukitsch, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Eric Barnes, Eric T. Schneiderman, Father James Kane, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Fr James Kane, Fred Lebrun, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Government, Governor Mario Cuomo, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hearst Corporation, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hypocrisy, Intimidation, Investigation, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Hyslop, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. Johnson, John Luckacovic, Johnson Newspaper Group, Joseph C. Teresi, Joseph Teresi, Kenneth Burns, Kristine Biernacki, Larry Conrad, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Laverne Conrad, Lazlo Polyak, Marjorie Loux, Mark Vinciguerra, Marlene McTigue, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New Baltimore town council, New York, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Education Department, New York State Unified Court System, New York State United Teachers, Nick Dellisanti, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Patrick E. Brown, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Grange Hall, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena News Herald, Ravena Village Board, RCS Board of Education, Reubenville, Robert Fisk, Robert J. Freeman, Sarah Berchtold Engel, Sarah Engel, Scott Giroux, Selkirk, Shame On You, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Stupidity, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tkaczyk, Tom Dolan, Town Justice, Transparency, Village Justice, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Did RCS CSD Superintendent Alan McCartney Plagiarize 2014 Grad Speech?

Amid a small flurry of FaceBook exchanges it appears some parents believe that Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District interim Superintendent, Alan R. McCartney, may have plagiarized all or part of his RCS Class of 2014 commencement speech. Some even suggest that the 2014 graduation speech is substantially a repeat of McCarney’s 2013 graduation speech; that would mean that this is the second incident of plagiarism by the superintendent with an already stormy and shady past. What will the school district parents do? What will his special-interest-loaded board of education do? What will the Commissioner of Education do?

jay perrotte-mccartney plagiarized speech

RCS CSD Superintendent McCartney Steals Yoda’s Laurels!

RCS CSD Superintendent Alan R. McCartney Receives an Very Generous Salary from the Taxpayers of this District. Wouldn’t you think he’d take the time to at least write an original graduation speech to send off the new graduates? Do RCS graduates now have to deal with the stigma of having their superintendent steal his material for their rites of passage into the adult world? There’s an old saying that the “Fish rots from the head down.” We re-live that saying every day in the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School Districts, don’t we?


What is plagiarism? Plagiarism is defined as “To take and use as one’s own the thoughts, writings or inventions of another” (Oxford English Dictionary). Plagiarism therefore has two elements: (1) taking another’s work and (2)using the work as your own.

Several local residents have asked McCartney’s office for any recordings of the suspect speech and we have made a direct request to McCartney himself, putting a deadline for his response at close-of-business on July 3, 2014. The McCartney speech, it is alleged, used material from a speech published by one Jonathan E. Martin entitled “Yoda’s Teachings.” A parent attending the Class of 2014 graduation event felt there was something odd about McCartney’s speech and investigated further (see the extract from the parent’s FaceBook post on RCS Friends and More). In response to Mr Perrotte’s observations and conclusions other parents chimed in with their comments.

We have demanded a response from Mr McCartney and have notified all members of the RCS CSD board of education. We want this clarified NOW! Here’s what we wrote (Susan Starr is the clerk of the RCS CSD; McCartney’s e-mail address is not published):

Dear Ms Starr:
Please advise Mr McCartney urgently of this matter.
We urge you to respond immediately with any recordings of Mr McCartney’s 2014 graduation speech. It seems that a number of parents have expressed the concern that Mr McCartney may have purloined all or a substantial part of his graduation speech from an Internet source on the same subject, Yoda.
Unless we receive Mr McCartney’s explicit and express denial of such plagiarism together with a copy of any recording of the actual speech delivered at the 2014 RCS graduation event by no later than close of business (5 p.m. EST), we intend to publish the allegations and to prosecute Mr McCartney’s resignation.
Our interim publication of the allegations will note that we have made this demand; our final publication will reflect your response to this demand.
Please confirm receipt of this communication.
Assuring you of our best intentions,
The Editor
Smalbany Blog

We’d like to clear this up once and for all but to do that we need Mr McCarntney to either deny the allegations and to provide a recording of the speech he delivered at the RCS Class of 2014 graduation event OR to show convincing evidence that he gave credits for the allegedly purloined material used in his speech. We’d also like to remind our readers that such conduct by a person in McCartney’s position has resulted in resignation by the school official.

This is a preliminary report of the facts as of 10 a.m. on July 3, 2014. This report will be updated as we receive more information. If you have any information or a recording of the McCarney speech delivered on June 28, 2014, on the occasion of the RCS Class of 2014 graduation, please provide a copy to as soon as possible.


The Clock's Ticking Time for Action The Editor

The Clock’s Ticking
Time for Action
The Editor

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance.
Graphics and Images Disclosure: Unless otherwise noted and credited, all graphics used in this article are the result of a Google image search, and at the time the images were collected and used in this article, no conspicuous or visible copyright notice or other proprietary mark was shown. Please communicate any claim or corrections to All images are used in good faith for non-profit, public information and public service purposes.