Category Archives: Pudenda David Soares

News Herald Still Tries to Polish a Turd

For our readers’ convenience we have inserted links to articles on this blog that are referenced in this article. Just click on the links and read the article.

The Ravena News Herald never seems to miss a chance to impress us—negatively, of course—and this latest issue (Ravena News Herald, October 9, 2024) is not an exception. In fact, start sockpuppet Bryan Rowzee again betrays local readers with an unusually slanted and biased report—even for lackey Rowzee— on the town of Coeymans discussion on eliminating another duplication of services that is eating up taxpayer dollars in Coeymans: the outdated dispatcher services. But Rowzee simply repeats what some of RCS’s star hypocrites and liars dribbled at a Coeymans town board meeting two weeks ago. Yes, readers, Rowzee’s report is two weeks old! The devious Rowzee and his editors make readers think the information is recent by not giving the date of the meeting, making it appear that it’s more recent. Don’t be deceived, readers, you’re paying your $1 for local news that’s two weeks old. Rowzee and the morons he quotes in his “report” don’t provide any facts or figures, just pure speculation and unfounded opinion—most of which is quoted from the turdy lips of local elected officials, public servants, and former board members, the very people you’d expect to get up and talk facts and figures. But, Hold on! Have we forgotted where we are? This is RCS. Not exactly the land of truth, reality, facts and figures.

Don’t be deceived, readers, you’re paying your $1 for local news that’s two weeks old.

So how do you, some of you readers of the rag, Ravena News Herald, and stupid enough to pay $1 to do it, know what they’re talking about? When you get no facts or truth, it’s like climbing stairs to nowhere. You can’t get to the second floor without steps or a ladder, and they’re keeping you from getting the stairs or ladder.

Here’s another example many of you might be more familiar with. It’s in the town of Bethlehem, just about halfway between Ravena and Albany, very visibly positioned to be seen and read by people traveling on 9W towards Albany.

No Mr Ratmeyer, this is not God's handwork?"

No Mr Ratmeyer, this is not God’s handiwork?”

What this is, really is:

  • A distraction from the real awesomeness of God’s handiwork (which the sign is obliterating)
  • A poor quality, computer generated, enhanced, artificial excuse for the real thing (which if you weren’t reading Ratmeyer’s signboard, you’d actually see God’s handiwork!)
  • An example of the incomplete and flawed theology that local churches are feeding the famished faithful (Do they really know what it’s all about ?)
  • A very good example of the general misinformation and dysinformation that the American people are getting from their elected officials, their media, and—as our example shows—even from their churches! (Misinformation overload!)
  • A silly and feeble attempt to inspire a materialistic and individualistic mass of flesh passing by to come to their senses and recover, to salvage what’s left of their inheritance.

What it is, really is: A Lie.

In fact, it is a gross perversion of Calvin’s two-book theology of revelation: The book of Holy Scripture and the Book of Creation. The Reformed Church of America, an offshoot of Calvinism, like so many of our local churches, especially those of the minor and miniscule denominations, preach a misguided and misinformed theology to a very badly spiritually and religiously ignorant community. Ratmeyer’s Bethlehem Reformed Church isn’t the only one on the path to hell. We reported on this blog the demise of the New Baltimore Reformed Church under the misdirection of Ms Susan Kerr (read the article at: New Baltimore Reformed Church: Slow Agonizing Death).  But Ratmeyer’s signboard is nothing more than a feeble attempt to send a message, a very poorly thought message, to an audience who haven’t a clue what he’s driving at. In fact, it’s such an offensive perversion because Ratmeyer appears to have fallen victim to the very thing that is destroying the soul of the very humanity he is so impotently attempting to reach: the electronic video screen. How many souls has the electronic video screen already destroyed by drawing the observer’s attention into its nothingness while at the same time distracting the victim from reality, from the real world, from the real beauty around him or her. What was said of television a decade or two ago was that had torn families apart; today it’s the home computer, the iPads and so-called smart phones (that are smarter than their victim users) that are finishing what television started: the destruction of a social, family-oriented, community-conscious society. And the misnamed, insidious so-called social media like Facebook (Pink Obama” Sean Eldridge’s same-sex hubby Chris Hughes’ contribution to the decay of America—and now Eldridge wants your vote to make him a national lawmaker, a US congressman! No gay way!) which is in fact asocial, antisocial media that has disabled interpersonal communications and relationship building to new levels.

Now let’s get to our point, polishing turds.

Brian Rowzee and the Ravena News Herald Use a Lot of this.

Brian Rowzee and the Ravena News Herald Use a Lot of this.

So let’s get back to the News Herald and it’s misinformation and lies. While Rowzee makes very certain all of his friends get quoted, he conspicuously avoids any facts like:

  • How many dispatchers are concerned
  • How much money is being spent on the dispatchers and the dispatch office(s)
  • How much money will be saved if the dispatchers are eliminated
  • How many calls the dispatchers handle in a week, a month, a year
  • What kind of calls are they handling (life-and-death, car doesn’t start, cat-in-a-tree, etc.)
  • The fact that Albany County has a very sophisticated network of 911 dispatchers who can handle just about every emergency
  • That most of the dispatchers are family members of town and village employees (No surprise, right?)
  • That if Coeymans keeps the dispatchers, they will necessarily have to spend a bundle to update their outdated equipment and more money to train the dispatchers, something that you’re already paying for in your tax dollars because Albany County provides the dispatching service.
  • That if the dispatchers are eliminated, the town of Coeymans can save more than $350,000 in the budget.
  • That now that do-do cop Gregory Darlington has finally left the Coeymans p.d., the town can leave that position unfilled and save another more than $100,000 (Darlington was paid more than $100,000 if you include his benefits, pension, and town vehicle he drove around).
  • How does that pan out in terms of eliminating the Coeymans police department overall and letting the Albany County Sheriff and the New York State police do what they’re being paid to do. (Read our article at: Supervisor Flach: On Eliminating the Coeymans P.D.)
  • And finally, What brand of turd polish are you using to make local shit shine, Mr Rowzee?

So let’s ask Mr Rowzee and his editors, and his bosses Mark Vinciguerra and John B. Johnson of the Johnson Newspapers Corp., the corporation that owns the Ravena News Herald and Mr Bryan Rowzee, who is also part-owned by the village of Ravena: Where are the facts, the figures, the real meat and potatoes of the issue?

Looking at Rowzee’s so-called report:

Nothing you're likely to get from Bryan Rowzee or the Ravena News Herald!

Nothing you’re likely to get from Bryan Rowzee or the
Ravena News Herald

It seems that Mr Tom Dolan, local democrap party official and sitting town of Coeymans board member, didn’t attend the information-gathering meetings with the other board members, when they met with Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple. Why doesn’t Mr Rowzee dig a bit deeper into the reasons why Dolan fell short of his obligations to this community to do everything possible to be as well informed as possible?

Rowzee reports that “two visiting village [of Ravena] trustees” attended the meeting and commented. Wait a minute, wasn’t it the village of Ravena who a couple of years back told the town of Coeymans that town employees could not address the village board meetings? And didn’t Michael Biscone, village attorney at the time, put that in a formal letter to the town? (Read the article at: Business as Usual in Ravena: Violation of Constitutional Rights!) And of all people from the village to make any comments on anything, we have Ravena’s Bill Bailey and Nancy Warner making statements!

That’s the same Bill Bailey who was told a couple of months back by town code enforcement officer Laverne Conrad in a public meeting on water delivery that Bailey was “telling the board a load of crap” (Read the article at: Conrad to Bailey: “You’re telling this board a load of crap!”). While we have little regard for that snake Laverne Conrad and his crooked deals and illegal land development projects (Rea our article at: Got Creek? The Case of the Missing Stream…,  , he’s right Bailey does talk crap. He’s known far and wide to talk crap. He never has any solid facts and mumbles any shite that happens to make its way into his muddled head. But Rowzee quotes him voicing his concern about New Scotland and Rensselaer, Westerlo, says Bailey, “I don’t believe…pay for dispatch and receive the service.” Duh! What’s your point Bozo? And, excuse us, isn’t Rensselaer a city and a county on the other side of the river? What in hell does Rensselaer have to to with Coeymans? How does Rensselaer compare to that hovel New Scotland or Westerlo? Any answers Mr Bailey, Mr Rowzee? Oops, they’re talking a load of crap AGAIN!

Typical Rat Response

Typical Rat Response

Both Mr Bill Bailey and Mr Tom Boehm, who lost the public’s confidence in the last elections when he was voted out, were apparently concerned with “timing,” and that the town’s inquiry is being made around budget time. Duh No. 2. This is a question, Mr Bailey and Mr Boehm, of trimming a considerable amount of money from the town budget. When in hell else should it be considered you two morons? Are you suggesting that dead wood should be kept in the budget and the budget approved, then the dead wood discussed and possibly eliminated. Sounds like the way Bailey runs Ravena and Boehm used to run Coeymans: put the cart before the horse and wonder why nothing happens.

And of all people to be talking about behind-the-scenes meetings, and decisions made in secret, sounds like Mr Boehm is losing it. He was voted out of office because of his secret meetings, his fake press releases and conferences, his general dishonesty. But now that Boehm is out, he’s got a lot to say. Well, who would know better than Tom Boehm about sneaking around and leaving the public out of the loop. Answer: Ravena sitting trustee-who-can’t-be-trusted, none other than Nancy Warner. That’s who!

Nancy Warner should know all there is to know about making decisions behind closed doors and secret meetings. Just about two years ago she conspired with Cathy Deluca and insider Robert Fisk to purchase more than $40,000 in used fitness equipment from Fisk. The equipment was used in a health club under Cathy Deluca’s management that failed. The club and its contents were owned by Ravena insider Bob Fisk. That purchase was made behind closed doors but the history gets even more scandalous.

pack of liesNancy Warner and others on the Ravena village board met secretly with Cathy Deluca and decided that Cathy Deluca would get a health club in the space occupied at the time by the RCS Community Library. So Nancy Warner and the Ravena village board made life as miserable as possible for the library and even raised the library’s rent by more than $600 a month, punishing them for not moving out. But nothing was said that the premises into which they were to move was not yet ready because the cousin, Don Persico, of sitting Ravena board member, Rocco Persico (voted out of office in the last elections but still employed by the RCS school district as a school psychologist), because Persico was waiting for the bank to approve a loan so he could continue the work. Smell a rat yet? If you do it’s called a Nancy Warner!

It gets better. Well, the village of Ravena board under Warner and Bailey, then create the Ravena Health and Fitness Center, without public input and go on to budget more than $100, 000 to support it in its first year in the Ravena budget. $40,000 for used equipment, no public input, secret meetings. $100,000 for an unnecessary health club, no public input, secret meetings.

Coconspirators & Losers: Nancy'Warner's Team.

Co-conspirators & Losers: Nancy Warner’s Team.
Rocco Persico, John Bruno, Martin Case

Then, they appoint Cathy Deluca to be the director of the Ravena Health and Fitness Center—by this time she’s already managed two previous health clubs into oblivion and failure—, she has no qualifications at all—except that she’d previously managed two health clubs into oblivion—, and then fraudulently push through her position as a civil service position, non-competitive, with associated benefits–the director of the Albany County Civil Service Department who approved the application lost his job shortly after we started investigating the misuse of the process— (Read our article at: Ravena Laws Unconstitutional! Violation of Protected First Amendment Rights AGAIN!), and Warner pushed to pay Deluca more than $30,000 plus benefits. $40,000 for used equipment, no public input, secret meetings. $100,000 for an unnecessary health club, no public input, secret meetings. $30,000 for an unqualified insider, Cathy Deluca, to manage the illegal Ravena Health and Fitness Center, using the illegally purchased used fitness equipment. No public input, no public meetings, all behind closed doors.

But Rowzee quotes Nancy Warner as saying, “If this is going to involve the entire town and include the village, I think we need to just be made aware of what is going on.” Really, Nancy? You thieving hypocrite!

Shame on you, Nancy Warner.

Shame on you, Nancy Warner.

You’ll remember last year when Nancy Warner and former mummy-mayor John Bruno were targeting the kids in Ravena, getting ex-Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington to harass them with his patrols. That stopped abruptly when we reported on the situation and filed a notice of claim against Ravena and the town of Coeymans police department for violation of civil and protected rights. Have you all forgotten Nancy Warner’s involvement in the misdemeanor and civil right violations charges against Cathy Deluca and the obstruction of justice complaints brought against the Coeymans police department when Cathy Deluca filed a false report and lied to the Coeymans police, trying to bring a harassment charge against a local resident who was visiting the Ravena Health and Fitness Club. Even though the resident recorded the entire visit, from the point of leaving his car to the point of driving off, completely proving that Cathy Deluca had lied, she was kept employed. (Read the article at: Criminal Complaint: Catherine M. Deluca a.k.a. Cathy Deluca, Claude A. Wheeles, Ravena Health and Fitness Center) Then officer Jason Albert, now “detective” Jason Albert, investigated but like a good little soldier obeyed when told to drop it, was rewarded for his obstruction of justice and playing the favorites, insiders game with that promotion to detective. (Read the article at: Criminal Obstruction of Justice & Official Misconduct: Gregory Darlington, Coeymans PD)Isn’t that enough on its own to eliminate the Gestapo Coeymans police department and fire all of the thugs employed there? Wouldn’t that be enough to fire Cathy Deluca? They fired a village employee for using a village postage stamp but kept criminal Deluca on? (Reade the article at:Village of Ravena Served: Cathy Deluca and Ravena Health and Fitness Center under Fire and Bruno, Deluca, Warner Squirming to Cover It Up) Go figure!

Oh! Did we mention that Nancy Warner “supervises” the village of Ravena court? It just so happens that her husband, the corrupt, civil-rights abuser ex-Albany cop, Harold “Hal” Warner is the Village of Ravena justice. Pretty cozy, isn’t it? But the notion of conflict of interests, abuse of public office, and public corruption hasn’t yet entered Ravena’s vocabulary, and, if what we’ve been able to observe in Ravena mayor William “Moose” Misuraca’s performance, it’s not likely those words will be used very soon either.

By the way, the Ravena Health and Fitness Center pays no rent, does not pay for the facilities, is failing to attract enough members to even come close to paying Cathy Deluca’s salary, let alone the $100,000 budgeted for the money pit, but Ravena mayor William “Moose” Misuraca and his village board have not made a single step towards eliminating Cathy Deluca’s playpen and wasting Ravena tax dollars. Why is that Mr Misuraca? Why is it, Mr Rowzee, that you never utter a peep about these issues that are so important to residents and this community?

Bryan Rowzee has been reporting for the Ravena News Herald at least for as long as all of this has been going on. He works in the RCS Community Library (see the photo on the same page of the October 9, 2014 Ravena News Herald, where he’s posing with other library employees). But Rowzee, whose wife is employed by the village of Ravena as a secretary in the building department, is very careful to report just the right things and quote the right people, isn’t he. Bryan Rowzee is just as guilty as the crooks he paints in such rosy colors in his so called reports. Why? Because the village of Ravena employs his wife!

Another insignificant loser to take the speakers podium was former town of Coeymans board member, Dawn Rogers, voted out in the last elections, and a close collaborator of Guess who? You got it, Tom Boehm and Tom Dolan. She makes up the third in the Coeymans Three Stooges Losers’ Club. Dawn Rogers never had much to say while on the board but she’s pretty perky when it comes to joining in with the crooks’ choir, isn’t she? Rogers couldn’t be heard or when heard, believed while on the board, why should she now have such credibility? Maybe Mr Rowzee can answer that question.

The others, other than Jolene Hopkins, who was staged together with her prop-child to tear at some heart strings and support the other phoneys, was not an Oscar-winning performance. It was too easy to see through her and her story. Why is it these crooks always get the kids involved? That should be a form of abuse of a child!

Coeymans ex- police chief, Gregory Darlingon, did what all good rats do.

Coeymans ex- police chief, Gregory Darlington, did what all good rats do.

The other speakers are really insignificant because their statements were made only to protect their own turf, their own jobs, the jobs they got with the town for their relatives. Fire chief Travis Whitbeck, former Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington (who announced his abrupt resignation later that very night) really had their own pockets in mind and had nothing, really, to say about facts and figures or anything constructive. Even Darlington, the coward, chose to resign rather than stand his ground and fight for his dispatchers and his department. Like a rat, he abandoned ship. (Our guess is that race-ticket-carrier Albany County district Attorney, another corrupt rat-keeper, P. David Soares, is expected to take Darlington in. Darlington will then be able to sit next to his wife, who already works for “Pudenda” Soares.) Albany will never change as the capital of corruption. But did we expect anything else?

Maybe if local residents boycott the Ravena News Herald and the other newspapers owned by the Johnson Newspaper Corp. (like the The Daily Mail • Chatham Courier • Windham Journal • The Mountain Eagle • Ravena News-HeraldGreene County NewsRiver Chronicle) and its officers like Mark Vinciguerra and John B. Johnson, they might give Mr Bryan Rowzee some guidance on how to report real news, true facts, and genuine figures so that the community is informed and educated, not just fed gossip and propaganda! Hell! We might even be able to get recent news honestly reported and not reports on events that are more than 2 weeks old!

extraAnd We Thought the Village of Ravena Couldn’t Stoop Any Lower
They Can!

There’s one other story that needs to be covered here. That’s the one where Ravena resident Regina Palmer has had to appear before the Ravena village board to be humiliated into asking to make installment payments for charges levied by the village of Ravena for “discovering” a water leak in the delivery line from the water mains. Maybe Ms Palmer should inquire with the village authorities about the village’s offer in the late 90’s to foot the bill for residential service lines from the village mains to the resident and to foot the bill for the digging! It’s in the public record! Dozens of homes got it done, and it’s still done for insiders ‘quietly’. Doesn’t that make better sense? Do you think Palmer should have had to pay twice for the digging? We think NOT! Not while they’re paying crooks like Cathy Deluca $30,000 a year for What? And more than $100,000 a year for an illegal health club? And how many tens of thousands on botched up roadwork? It’s no wonder there’s no business in Ravena-Coeymans. It’s no wonder half of Ravena-Coeymans’ properties are either distressed, vacant, or up for sale. Way to go Ravena! Just try that on our property and learn what a good ass-kicking feels like!

Ms Palmer has kindly provided more specific details on the situation. Please see the comments for more information: We would like to correct the report we posted on the Palmer property and water line leak between the main and the Palmer home.Property where Gina Palmer resides in is not in Ravena. The location that the digging occurred was not on Ms Palmer’s property, it was in fact under the road. When they discovered the leak, they did indeed show me where it was and told me it was my responsibility since the leak was in the residential line not at the main. After inquiring about how I would go about fixing a leak that was under a state road, Henry did provide Ms Palmer with the names of local contractors who could do the work; however, Ms Palmer suggested that since it was already dug up that they should go ahead and fix it. Palmer was told that there would be a charge and she agreed to have them do the work. Palmer reports that she personally thought the fee they charged was more than reasonable compared to what other contractors may have charged for this same work. Palmer says she appreciates that the Ravena board accepted her request to make payments.

Our response: It was improper for Henry Traver to have recommended local contractors to Ms Palmer. That should have resulted in a complaint to the village Board. If the leak was under a state road, we don’t understand why Ms Palmer agreed to pay for the repair. Why didn’t she inquire further how Traver and his crew of dunces established the property lines. If they were digging under a state road, how could they know that the leak was on Palmer’s property? Why  would Palmer agree to pay for the digging before a proper investigation had been conducted? Seems to us that Palmer falls in to the general category of Ravena self-made victims. We think that what Palmer did in this instance is like handing a drug addict a joint. Palmer actually enabled these crooks to continue their unlawful and crooked games with Ravena residents.

Nevertheless, Ms Palmer is an adult and can do whatever she likes. We consider what she does in its effects on the general community, however.

It's A Shame We Can't Get Good FactsYour Editor

It’s A Shame We Can’t Get Good Facts
Your Editor



Posted by on October 9, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District,, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany Police, Albany Regional Synod, Andrew Cuomo, Arlene McKeon, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Barbara Finke, Bethlehem Reformed Church, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carmen Warner, Carver Laraway, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Gibson, Chris Gibson, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans Bulding Inspector, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Board Meeting, Columbia-Greene Media, Craig D. Apple Sr., Daily Mail, Danielle Crosier, David Soares, David Wukitsch, Dawn Dolan, Don Persico, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Endangering a Minor, Eric T. Schneiderman, FBI, FBI Public Corruption Squad, George Acker, George Amedore, Gerald Deluca, Government, Governor Mario Cuomo, Greene County News, Gregory Darlington, Harlan Ratmeyer, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Incompetence, Inspector General, Intimidation, Irresponsibility, Jason Albert, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. Johnson, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Johnson Newspaper Group, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Larry Conrad, Laverne Conrad, Law Enforcement, Mark Vinciguerra, Martin Case, Marty Case, Mayor Bruno, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misdemeanor, Misdemeanor, Misinformation, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nepotism, New Baltimore, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Civil Service Department, New York State Police, News Herald, Nick Dellisanti, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, P. David Soares, Paul Tonko, Perjury and related offenses, Pete Lopez, Police State, Public Corruption, Public Office, Public Safety, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena News Herald, RCA, Reformed Church of America, RegisterStar, Rocco Persico, Selkirk, Shame On You, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Synod of Albany, The Daily Mail, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Town Board Meeting, William Bailey, William Misuraca


The Warners: A Family Tradition of Misconduct

Misconduct Must be in the Warners’ Genes

Will All Those Rotten Apples in Village Hall Taint the New Mayor and Trustees? Time Will Tell

Will All Those Rotten Apples in Village Hall Taint the New Mayor and Trustees?
Time Will Tell

Harold “Hal” WarnerCurrently Village of Ravena Court justice. A former Albany cop who had some pretty seedy credentials while in uniform; now Ravena Village court justice. This is the same Hal Warner who should have been disbarred or at least censured by the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct for unethical conduct vis-a-vis another candidate running for judicial office. But Albany connections kept him on the bench. This is the same Hal Warner who allegedly stabbed former Coeymans town justice and acting Ravena village justice Phillip Crandall in the back and led to Crandall’s resignation. Seems Crandall criticized the corruption in the Coeymans police department a bit too much. After getting screwed by Warner and the CJC, Crandall opened up and blew the whistle on the corruption in Ravena and Coeymans courts and in the Coeymans p.d. as well as on the Coeymans town board. Seems Crandall did the public a bigger service after being stabbed by Warner than while a judge.


Nancy Warner works out regularly at Cathy Deluca’s Playpen! Lookin’ good, Nan!

Nancy Biscone-WarnerCurrently Ravena Village trustee. Former Ravena village mayor John T. Bruno’s biatch and a long-time village employee, now trustee (but not for long). Nancy Biscone-Warner was a key figure in creating the illegal Ravena Health and Fitness Center for Cathy Deluca (A reward for some favors done in the Coeymans police department by bottle-blond-bimbo Cathy Deluca’s husband, former Coeymans cop Gerald “Jerry Dirty-Hands” Deluca?) Nancy Warner’s corruption and nastiness is common knowledge but her part in purchasing the more than $40,000 in used fitness equipment from a Ravena insider, Bob Fisk, that was laying dormant in the very fitness club Deluca managed to run to failure, is a classic in Ravena insider corruption. Warner and her Ravena insider cronies then created Cathy Deluca’s money pit playpen and further allocated $105,000 in the village budget to fund the Fitness Center! Warner’s campaign to evict the RCS Community Library from the premises now occupied rent-free by Cathy Deluca’s money pit fitness center, Warner, Deluca and ex-mayor John Bruno claimed for Deluca’s playpen was a major scandal. Nancy Warner’s real vileness and evil surfaced when she and ex-mayor John Bruno started their persecution of local youth and teens — with the willing assistance of the Coeymans police department and its chief, Gregory Darlington, a friend of Dirty-Hands Jerry and the bottle-blond-bimbo — and their sabotaging the Ravena Coeymans Teen and Youth Activities Center. Nancy Warner currently is Ravena Village trustee overseeing her friend Cathy Deluca’s taxpayer funded money pit the Ravena Health and Fitness Center and Warner also oversees her own husband’s court activities. How’s that for cozy conflict of interest?

Question now is: Will Ravena mayor William “Moose” Misuraca and his new trustees Keith Mahler (deputy mayor) and Joel Coye continue to waste Ravena taxpayer dollars on the Ravena Health and Fitness Center, an illegal money pit that can’t support itself and brings in no revenues to the village of Ravena? The Ravena Health and Fitness Center can’t survive unless the village of Ravena pays for it from taxpayer dollars but isn’t there a better use for the more than $100,000 that the proposed budget wants to spend on the fitness center, AGAIN?!?

brian puking animated gif

Makes ya just wanna …

And then there’s Nancy and Hal Warner’s daughter, Carmen M. Warner. Yes, readers, that’s the same Carmen Warner who was suspended by the Albany County District Attorney’s Office for misconduct on the Internet, on FaceBook. As reported in the Albany Times Union (click here to read the report, Warner Misconduct), she and another prosecutor in the Pudenda David Soares’ corrupt Albany County DA’s Office were suspended for posting inappropriate photos on FaceBook. The report tells us that Warner’s partner-in-crime, Chantelle Cleary, “were working out at a local gym when they pretended, as a joke, to punch each other in sensitive areas of their bodies,” Warner was suspended with Cleary, and later “resigned.” The real incest element comes when we find out that Carmen M. Warner, after having left the Albany County D.A.’s  office in disgrace, was hired by Ravena insider Michael Biscone to work in his lawfirm. All we can say is “dirty birds of a feather fluck together.”

Hal, Nancy, Carmen The Warners Together

Hal, Nancy, Carmen
The Warners Together

Now that you see the connections Harold “Hal” Warner is a Ravena Village judge whose wife, Nancy Biscone-Warner is a Ravena village trustee and is in cohoots with Cathy Deluca, who is now running the Ravena Health and Fitness Center to ruin (after having done the same thing to at least two previous fitness centers she managed!), and who (Nancy Warner) oversees not only the Ravena Health and Fitness Center but also her own husband’s (Hal Warner) court operations. Hal and Nancy Warner’s daughter, Carmen M. Warner, got a job with corrupt democrap Albany District Attorney Pudenda David Soares but had to resign after she got involved in some unacceptable behavior on FaceBook by posting inappropriate pictures of herself and another employee, Chantelle Cleary.  After all is said and done, local Ravena insider and on-again-off-again village attorney Michael Biscone hires the village employees’ wayward daughter and gives Camen Warner a job in his law firm.

Now doesn’t that little cozy story really give you a warm and fuzzy feeling all over? Remember it when you go to the polls next time an Nancy Warner or Hal Warner are on the ballot.

LOSERS! The Editor

The Editor


Posted by on April 15, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony,, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County District Attorney, Andrew Vale, Appellate Division 3rd Departmentt, Barbara Cumm, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Dorrance, Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Carmen Warner, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Civil Right Violation, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Committee on Professional Standards, Conspiracy, Corrupt Police, Corruption, Danielle Crosier, David Wukitsch, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Falsely reporting an incident, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, George Langdon, Gerald Deluca, Gregory Darlington, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Inspector General, Investigation, Jason Albert, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Joseph C. Teresi, Joseph Teresi, Judicial Misconduct, Kevin Reilly, Mayor Bruno, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New York, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Civil Service Department, New York State Police, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, P. David Soares, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Public Corruption, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena Village Board, Robert Fisk, Ryan Johnson, Scott Giroux, Selkirk, Stephen Flach, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Coeymanazis Use Gestapo Tactics at RCS Schools

Coeymans Police Are Going Too Far: Students Report Their Lockers Being Searched By Police Using Dogs While Students are In Class!

lacey-searchParents allowing their kids to be victimized in this manner is sending a clear and unmistakable message to our young people: We don’t trust you! We can’t control you! You can’t be trusted! We’ll let law enforcement intimidate and harass you while we have some time for ourselves! We had fun making you but now we need to have some time on our own. Sure, we’ll let the Coeymanazis baby sit. Why not?


Superintendent Allen McCarney is obviously in league and working with or for the Albany County District Attorney, Pudenda David Soares or some other moron in the Albany County DA’s office and local police in planning the search. McCartney is turning into a real company boy now that he’s in the pockets of the teacher-union-owned-and-taxpayer-paid-for RCS CSD board of education.

WHAT'S NEXT, MCCARTNEY, DARLINGTON?!?! is your next trick feeding the kids to the dogs?

Is your next trick feeding the kids to the dogs?

Of course, McCartney and his NYSUT and Coeymanazi keepers would tell us that they don’t not see the search as a violation of Fourth Amendment constitutional rights protecting citizens against unlawful or unreasonable searches. Of course, in our drug-ridden, Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirt ghetto schools the searches are to protect the students from themselves and the many drug dealers in a and around the RCS high-school, and to staunch the epidemic of drug-overdose deaths that have been occurring in Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk schools. Of course the searches are not animposition and in fact, the students, teachers and parents welcomed law enforcement efforts to harass and intimidate the students. Must make the Coeymanazis feel real good to give the rest of the world the impression our schools are packed with drug pushers and drug users. Makes the Coeymanazi p.d. really look good now, doesn’t it?

This, dear readers, is another cowardly and scandalous attempt by the Coeymans police department and their Nazi friends to harass and intimidate the local community through the students. How dare they go into our schools with police and dogs and execute searches. Where are you parents, anyway? Do the students have to take matters into their own hands to get justice and fairness and not continue to be treated like inmates instead of young adults?

First it was putting a Coeymans police officer who turned out to be the school harlot after a short time, carousing with a wrestling coach and causing a break-up of the coach and his girlfriend. That same RSO officer ended up copping a DUI. Of course, nobody in the RCS CSD Administration foresaw the potential for the female police officer to give every male student an erection but the wrestling coach got her first, we think. But on school property, in his office. Well, that’s the rumor around the school.

So, what’s the deal McCartney, RCS CSD school board a.k.a. New York State United Teachers board at RCS? Find anything you liked?

Intimidation of Students Now Makes Better Zombies for Tomorrow


How to make the kids like the parents

dog and lockersIn an article printed in the Times Union, “Supreme Court: Drug dog sniff is unconstitutional search” (by Jesse J. Hollan of the Associated Press (AP), Tuesday, March 26, 2013) the author writes:

“The Supreme Court ruled…that police cannot bring drug-sniffing police dogs onto a suspect’s property to look for evidence without first getting a warrant for a search, a decision which may limit how investigators use dogs’ sensitive noses to search out drugs, explosives and other items hidden from human sight, sound and smell.
Justice Antonin Scalia said a person has the Fourth Amendment right to be free from the government’s gaze inside their home and in the area surrounding it, which is called the curtilage.”

Shouldn’t our students and schools enjoy these same constitutional rights? Shouldn’t a warrant be required based on good solid probable cause that a search is necessary? Maybe, but not in Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk, where the US Constitution has been suspended and is not applicable to residents and citizens in Ravena-Coeymans Selkirk!

If this happend anywhere else, somewhere where the residents aren’t pussy-whipped by local Coeymanazis, all hell would have broken loose. And it has happened elsewhere and all hell did break loose (hence the Supreme Court decision). But not here in RCS! Anyone care to speculate why we bend over and ask for the joy stick?

These bobo-crime stoppers are real heros; they go after cripples, old ladies and kids. Balless wonders that they are! At a cost of more than $1 million a year to Coeymans taxpayers, we think that money should be spent more responsibly. Don’t you? Eliminate the Coeymans Police department and all of the dingbat vampires hiding there!

We also have received reports that Coeymans polic e officer and RCS CSD RSO Danielle Crosier, you know the Coeymanazi who wrecks patrol cars, can’t pick a lane and stay in it, DUI/DWI copette, the one who’s allegedly carrying on with the RCS wresting coach in his office (she’s apparently not getting enough down at the station). Yeah, the same Danielle Crosier who is pulling kids out of the halls and searching them at the school. Here we have the hot-to-trot harlot, the Coeymanazi p.d.’s kitten in uniform, demonstrating firsthand how a police state operates and what it feels like to be publicly humiliated for nothing. She’s also the Coeymanazi p.d.’s example of morality, too. Yes, RCS parents, that’s the word on the street and in the halls of RCS about your fine RSO and your fine Coeymanazi p.d. What do you have to say about that? Want an investigation? An investigation will either get her fired or jailed (depending on who’s she doing and where), will get the wrestling coach fired, or an investigation will clear both. We think an investigation is the way to go. Don’t you?

We are expecting updated information and documents and will post the updates as soon as we receive them.

To Serve and Protect Intimidation of Students Makes Better Future Zombies The Editor

To Serve and Protect
Intimidation of Students Makes Better Future Zombies
The Editor

UPDATE on the Eliminate the Coeymans P.D. Poll
Here are the latest figures on voters in our poll (Status: April 4, 2014):

  • 85% want to see the Coeymans P.D. eliminated and the community served by the County Sheriff or the State Police
  • 73% would support a referendum to eliminate the Coeymans P.D.
  • 58% of participants are concerned about the coziness between the Coeymans Judges and the Coeymans Police
  • 37% of participants want to eliminate the Coeymans police department “NOW!!”
  • 34%, or more than 1 out of 3 poll participants, feel that their rights were violated by the Coeymans police

Cast your vote at Eliminate the Coeymans P.D.


“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

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Posted by on April 4, 2014 in A.W. Becker Elementary School, A.W. Becker PTA, Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Department of Children, Youth, and Families, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany Police, Albany Schenectady BOCES, Andrew Vale, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Bill Bailey, Bob Ross, BOCES, Brown and Weinraub, Bully, Bully Cops, Bullying, Bullyism, Burning the Constitution, Capital District, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Columbia-Greene Media, Conspiracy, Corrupt Police, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center, Daily Mail, Danielle Crosier, David Soares, David Wukitsch, Dignity Act, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Endangering a Minor, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Fourth Amendment, George Langdon, Government, Greene County News, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hearst Corporation, Hudson Valley, Human Rights, Illegal Search and Seizure, Intimidation, Investigation, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Hyslop, Jeff Lukens, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. Johnson, John T. Bruno, Johnson Newspaper Group, Kenneth Burns, Kerry Thompson, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Law, Law Enforcement, Mark Vinciguerra, Martin Case, Marty Case, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, New York State Police, New York State United Teachers, News Herald, Notice of Claim, NYCLU, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, P. David Soares, Pam Black, Patrick E. Brown, Perp Patrol, Perv Patrol, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Police State, Police Thugs, Public Corruption, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena News Herald, RCS Central School District, RCS Teachers Association, RegisterStar, Retaliation, Rodney Krzykowski, Ryan Johnson, School Budget, School Security, Schools, Scott Giroux, Search Warrant, Search Warrant, Secret Police, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Student Abuse, Student Endangerment, Teachers, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, The Daily Mail, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tkaczyk, Tom Dolan, Transparency, Vindictive Justice, William Bailey


Coeymans: Tom Boehm Tries to Save His Political Ass, Holds “Press Conference”

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This just in: Capital District news media have expressed an interest in the recent Notice of Claims served on the Village of Ravena and the Town of Coeymans. We have agreed to provide them with the documents, recordings, videos, etc. Things are moving fast!
The Albany County District Attorney, P. David Soares or his office spends an incredible amount of time on this blog! An upcoming article will discuss Albany County DA P. David Soares’ obsession with this blog and the question of what are the taxpayers of Albany County him to do? Read this blog?
Doesn’t he sleep? Well, fear, anxiety, bad conscience does keep him awake at night.
Are you wondering how Tom Boehm and Gregory Darlington are sleeping lately?

Normally a “Conference” Includes All of the Media Available to Cover an Important Breaking Story. There was no story but there was deception. Tom Boehm’s Press Conference* Drew Only His Moles at the Times Useless a.k.a. Albany Times Union and the Backwoods Albany Media; A Minute of Airtime. Not Quite a Press Conference Tommy and It Won’t Help the Dying Democrats in Coeymans, Either. But Nice Try, Tommy! Even Channel 13 News Couldn’t Put a Convincing Spin on the Amateurish Attempt to Garner Support by Destroying a Working Family!!!

*According to TV 13 News, Boehm and Darlington connived to call the press to come out to the so-called “conference.”

A Handful of Pot Plants and A Made-up Display of Guns Don't Make A Case for $1,000,000 Money-pit Police Department Get Smart Coeymans!

A Handful of Pot Plants and A Made-up Display of Guns
Don’t Make A Case for $1,000,000 Money-pit Police Department
Get Smart Coeymans!

 Well, if you have a weak stomach and wanted to up-chuck your breakfast, you could have been at the Coeymans Town Hall at 11:00 a.m., on Thursday, October 24, when Thomas “Tom” Boehm, Thomas “Tom” Dolan, and the Coeymans police thugs did a song-and-dance for invited press only—NO! Wait a minute, for the only press interested, the Albany Times Useless and TV 13. Of course the local “official” rag was there to do some propaganda work, the News Herald. All said and done, the Times Useless and TV 13 were presented with the accumulated drugs and weapons seized by the Coeymans police in recent “raids.” What they didn’t mention is that most of the crapola on display was seized on illegal search warrants and probably was what was left after the Coeymans police picked thru it to see what they could sniff, inject, smoke, or shoot.

So Why? Out of the blue, does Tom BOEHM (pronounced “Bum”), running on the Democrat ticket for election to the Coeymans town council, and Tom DOLAN, also a Dem on the Coeymans town council, who lost his bid for state senate in a crushing defeat last year, and now the Coeymans democrats are sucking in the upcoming town elections, want a “press conference” attended only by the failing democrats in Coeymans, Boehm and Dolan? And why the big [snigger] “press conference” about the “drug busts” in Coeymans, of all places. Coeymans when the TU and TV13 have Albany, Rensslaer, and Troy with their drug houses. The Answer, if you haven’t already guessed: Boehm is LOSING! The Coeymans police are scared shitless! Darlington can almost taste his pension (unless he’s charged soon). They’ve gotten so much negative attention in recent months the whole Coeymans police department has advance reservations for cells in Federal Prison! Rumor is that Coeymans police chief Darlington has already gotten a visit from the feds. Another rumor is that Darlington and Deluca are on their way out.loser game

Darlington is A Parasite Fraud!
What’s Worse is He’s a Liar and Liars are Worse than Pot Growers!

Kerry Thompson and his criminal kids have been outed but not by the Times Union or the Ravena Herald. Wonder why?

Tom Dolan’s kid’s drugs  and Dawn Rogers’ daughter, a three-time loser on DWI’s, recently helped out of ditch by town of Coeymans workers, but no report no charges made for Ms Rogers—the third strike would likely mean she’d go to jail to sober up.  How’d those crimes just evaporate you’d like to ask? Ask the Coeymans police department why the Times Useless or the News Herald didn’t pick up on them. Ask why there’s no report or charges. Isn’t that news? Coeymans town board members’ kids picked up on crimal charges.

And how about the deals made with the Albany DA P. David Soares, another useless democrat,  to get local druggies, friends of the Coeymans cops, off the hook. No jail time just rehab; that’s so they’re in really good shape to jump right back into business in lower Coeymans Hamlet.  Deluca, Prokrym, Johnson, Darlington know where the dealers are in Coeymans, they know who’s doing the selling, they know when they bring in the weekend shipment of prostitutes. So why doesn’t the Times Useless and the News Herald do those stories? Why doesn’t TV 13 and News Channel 6 or WTEN News or the Times Useless ask to be shown the notorious Coeymans Hamlet drug ghetto, talk to some of the dealers, etc.? Wonder why?

The Darlinton Media Snow Job Tom BOEHM, Tom DOLAN, DARLINGTON taking Coeymans down with them.Only 3 Albany News Media Show UpObviously Big News

The Darlington Media Snow Job
Tom BOEHM, Tom DOLAN, DARLINGTON taking Coeymans down on their knees with them, pleasuring the media.
News Media Can’t Even Put A Postive Spin on It!Obviously Big News…NOT!

It Was Nothing Less Than a Piece of Political Sabotage to Distract Attention from Tom Boehm’s Failing Campaign, and Darlington’s darling Michelle Maddage’s Totally Unqualified Inexperienced and Ridiculous Bid for Town Clerk. It Was also a Poorly Organized Attempt to Assasinate Supervisor Flach, Who Makes a Good Case for Eliminating the Coeymans Police Department.  A Handful of Pot Plants and A Made-up Gun Display Can’t Justify $1,000,000 being Spent on a Small-town Police Department! This isn’t the Bronx, Mr Darlington!

Why did the Coeymans police desperately try to get the security for Carver’s port/marina in Coeymans?  We have our theories: You know all those ships and boats coming up from the City? Do you ever wonder what they’re bringing up? And who’s making sure the deliveries are made? Has anyone thought to ask Mr Darlington, Mr Deluca, Mr Johnson? We’re asking now.

So, Tom Boehm, your press conference was a complete flop, a failure. Just like your compaign to get back on the Coeymans town board to do another 4 years of nothing, except to harass the ladies in the Clerk’s office, who are just about the only ones with any integrity and honesty in the whole doublewide.

you cant fix stupid vote out 2

Coeymans Supervisor Stephen Flach, a good and honest man, who truly wants to do the best for Coeymans but, like so many well-intentioned public servants in Coeymans town hall, has been tripped up at every step by the likes of the democrats-in-name-only, the DINOs, like Tom BOEHM and Tom DOLAN, and the silent ones, Peter MASTI and Dawn ROGERS (not the drunk, that’s her daughter). But then, maybe if the BOEHMS and the DOLANS were not around, the FLACHS, MASTIS, and ROGERS would actually be able to get something done. Think about that, won’t you?

And once BOEHM and DOLAN are gone or outnumbered, what chance do you think that money-pit, the Coeymans police department would have? A snowflake in hell would have a better chance. And while you’re thinking about how much money you’d be saving if the money-pit Coeymans police department were eliminated, think about what you could do with the more than $million$ in taxpayer dollars  now being spent on the Delucas and the Darlingtons, who drive around in top-of-the-line vehicles paid for by Coeymans taxpayers, who are saving their lunch money to buy gas!

What could Coeymans accomplish with the more than $1,000,000 (that’s every year and increasing!) being spent on a useless, money-pit, self-serving, corrupt Coeymans police department? Street lights, upgraded sewer systems, rejuventated slum area, recreation?

One last thought: BOEHM and DOLAN have the local media in Coeymans town hall to show off Coeymans’ drug problem. Now that’s a great bit of news for property values in Coeymans, isn’t it? Come to Coeymans and experience our drug problem, live with the drug dealers and junkies!  What a great message from Mr BOEHM and Mr DOLAN! And to think that Tom BOEHM works for the Albany County Chamber of Commerce! No wonder Albany’s such a dumpt!

If they really had the best interests of Coeymans in mind, wouldn’t Mr BOEHM and Mr DOLAN be showing off economic development and progress in Coeymans and leave the drug enforcement to the Sheriff and the feds, who are much better at getting legal search warrants than the Coeymans cops are?

Is that all that BOEHM and DOLAN can get the Times Useless, TV 13 and Channel 6 to show up for? A handful of pot and a couple of guns (thanks to Cuomo’s violation of the Second Amendment and his unconstitutional SAFE Act). Mr BOEHM and MR DOLAN want to paint Coeymans as the drug capital of the Northeast, apparently. In the meantime, kids are being beaten up and traumatized in the RCS CSD schools. Isn’t the Times Useless, TV 13 and Channel 6 interested in that news? Apparently, the News Herald isn’t either.

No, thank you! Mr Thomas BOEHM, Mr Thomas DOLAN, Mr Gregory DARLINGTON. Your silly smoke-and-mirrors show is a dud. You failed. You lose!

We smell a coupleof skunks, don't you? The Editor

We smell a couple of skunks, don’t you?
The Editor

Read Our Recent Articles on the Coeymans Police Department
(Click on the Links)

Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple: Has the Apple Gone Rotten?
More Coeymans Police Misconduct: We Want Answers
Ravena-Coeymans Police State + Ignorant Town Justice = Treason!
Police State in Ravena-Coeymans? You’re kidding. Right?


Posted by on October 24, 2013 in Abuse of Public Office, Albany, Albany County Chamber of Commerce, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, All the Justice You Can Buy, Andrew Cuomo, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Civil Right Violation, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Court, Conspiracy, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., D. M. Crosier, David Soares, David Wukitsch, Dawn Rogers, DINO, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Greene County District Attorney, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, Harold Warner, Incompetence, Intimidation, Investigation, Jason Albert, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Kerry Thompson, Law Enforcement, Lazlo Polyak, Mayor Bruno, Meprision of Felony, Michael J. Biscone, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New York State Police, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, News Herald, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, P. David Soares, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Police State, Politics, Public Corruption, Public Office, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, RCS Central School District, Ryan Johnson, SAFE Law, Scott Giroux, Scott Lendin, Scott M. Lendin, Self-Gratification, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Stephen Prokrym, Stupidity, Susan K. O'Rorke, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Times Useless Blogs, Tits on a Bull, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, William Bailey


Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple: Has the Apple Gone Rotten?

On Monday, October 21, 2013, the first day of this post, the Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares, visited this blog a total of 24 times, spending a total of 3 hours 29 minutes and 35 seconds getting an education. Do you think we have them worried? It seems that not only Kerry Thompson, Jason Albert have nothing to do. The Albany County District Attorney, P. David Soares spends almost half of his day on this blog! Can the bastid!

A reader recently advised us that Kerry Thompson, administrative assistant to Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington, was promoted to be deputy chief. We couldn’t believe what we were reading after all that was going on in the Coeymans police department involving Kerry Thompson, Gerald Deluca, Jason Albert and, of course, Gregory Darlington. We questioned how Coeymans would dare do something like that and the reader replied that she had read it on the Albany County Sheriff Department Facebook page. That was an irresistible bit of intelligence so we visited the Albany County Sheriff’s Department Facebook page and almost fell off our chair.

A Little History Lesson: Scott Giroux was a Albany County Sheriff’s Department captain at the same time Craig Apple was a lieutenant.  Scott Giroux was police chief when there was a Ravena-Coeymans joint police department, and Giroux was brought in to clean up the law enforcement mess in Ravena-Coyemans and to merge the two dysfunctional police departments. Having done that and proved his mettal, Giroux then went on to accept a position with the Federal Bureau of Investitation (FBI). When cleaning up the Coeymans police department Giroux fired a number of decrepit officers, inluding Gerald “Dirty-Hands Deluca,” but when Do-Do cop Gregory Darlington was elevated from useless sargeant to become Coeymans police chief, Darlington hired all the junko cops back, who Giroux fired during his cleanup. That’s the situation we have now. Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple is a local boy, from the RCS area, and rumor is that there is no love lost between him and the Coeymans police department. That raises some sticky questions: (1) What’s Apple doing with Kerry Thompson now? and (2) Now that Scott Giroux is with the FBI, why isn’t he — or is he — keeping tabs on the goings on in the Coeymans p.d., maybe waiting for the right moment to pounce? Could that be the reason Apple is calling Thompson back into the Albany County Sheriff’s Department with an “apparent” promotion. We say “apparent” because it might be the only way to get Thompson under control without excessive embarassment to the Sheriff’s Department.

Has Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple Gone Apple Sauce in the Brain?

Can't Thompson get a uniform that fits?

Can’t Thompson get a uniform that fits?
Thompson being congratulated by Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple

Has Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple Gone Rotten?

Doesn’t Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple Know What Thompson has been Doing in Coeymans?

Maybe Apple has forgotten that the position he holds as Albany County Sheriff is an elected position. Maybe he wants a very short career as an elected official. Maybe he’s been spending too much time around the likes of Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares. Whatever it is, Apple has probably made the worst decision of his career by giving Kerry Thompson any semblance of credibility. Or is it really as dumb as it first appears? Maybe Craig is not as stupid as this makes him look. Maybe there’s a strategy behind all of this to keep Thompson more closely under surveillance by putting him under Chief Deputy Courcelle, who can keep the mutt on a short leash?


Three Stooges or Monkey-in-the-Middle?
Are Apple and Courcelle Boxing Thompson Up to Keep Closer Tabs on Him?
And why’s everybody smiling but Apple? What’s up Craig? Having a bad day?

If Thompson is being assigned to this new position for any other reason than to keep closer tabs on his rogue activities at taxpayer expense, it certainly isn’t because he’s such a great cop or because he has any ethics. We know that from his performance in Coeymans. He sucks.

But what we don’t understand is how Thompson, now employed at least part-time by the Coeymans police department as Coeymans police chief Darlington’s “administrative assistant,” is going to be able to give the Albany County Sheriff’s Department its money’s worth while doing the same for the taxpayers of the town of Coeymans. Seems like it’s an impossibility from where we’re sitting.

Thompson’s performance in Coeymans has been far from stellar…

Thompson’s performance in Coeymans has been far from stellar. Just count how many raids were botched up and how many search warrants were defective on his watch. And now he’s supposed to assist Chief Deputy Courcelle to manage law enforcement in Albany County? Just like that moron P. David Soares seems to manage to screw up everything he gets his idiotic hands on. All we can say is that Albany County Law enforcement is in as very sorry state, indeed, if Thompson’s going to manage in Albany like he’s managed in Coeymans.

Coeymans police department has really come under fire for its mismanagement…All on Thompson’s Watch

Perhaps it’s gotten too hot in Coeymans with all the scandal surrounding his hire in the first place. That was a bad move by the Coeymans town board and appears even worse now that the Coeymans police department has really come under fire for its mismanagement, its violations of civil rights, its botched up raids, the many scandals surrounding its employment of law enforcement dregs like Ryan Johnson, Gerald Deluca, Danielle Crosier, the botched up investigations and claims of obstruction of justice, and the list goes on and on and on. All on Thompson’s watch.

Moral Questions like his alleged toying around with Coeymans police department Barbie doll, Daniele Crosier

Conflicts of interest, like his marriage to Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington’s sister, and moral questions like his alleged toying around with Coeymans police department Barbie doll, Daniele Crosier, certainly haven’t helped the already very drab image of the Coeymans police department on his watch.

And speaking of conflicts of interest: Word on the street is that alleged Thompson squeeze, Daniele Crosier, was placed in her new FT position with the Coeymans police department on the conditioin that she pass an physical agility test (required by civil service).  She took the test the other day and guess who administered/oversaw it — Yes! You guessed it!  Kerry ThompsonThompson is allegedly not certified or qualified to administer the test so it should not have been authorized. On top of that fact this is yet another blatant conflict of interest.  And the big question is: Did she really pass the test? 

All of that information that would get someone canned in a New-York-minute if it happened in private sector doesn’t seem to faze Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple, though.

Kerry Thompson can’t even seem to manage law enforcement when it comes to his own kids. We’ve reported on his one son’s recent reckless driving on Route 143 and destruction of a mailbox and damage to another care and how that was all kept quiet by Thompson (His kid’s a police dispatcher now in the Coeymans police department!). And we’re still hot on the trail of his other son’s escapades stealing and destroying candidates’ campaign signs, a crime caught on video by at least two neighbors. But all that means nothing to Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple or Chief Deputy Courcelle.

Or is Thompson raiding the evidence room? He looks like a cocaine addict with a heroin habit!

Has anyone noticed how much weight Thompson has lost in the past couple of months? Is the alleged fun-on-the-farm with officer Crosier that hot? Or is Thompson raiding the evidence room? He looks like a cocaine addict with a heroin habit! Or is he just plain sick? Is his new assignment a sympathy assignment? Don’t you think we taxpayers and public should some answers to these questions?

Whatever is the reason, we think it’s SCANDALOUS that Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple is making Kerry Thompson look like a saint! If the Coeymans town supervisor and town board continue to pay Thompson to be Do-Do cop Gregory Darlington’s office-boy-toy, then the entire Coeymans town board should be tarred, feathered, and shipped downriver on a leaky barge!

Now Kerry Thompson is going to help “manage law enforcement” in the Albany County Sheriff’s Department. Are we the only one’s who smell the stink?

We smell a coupleof skunks, don't you? The Editor

We smell a couple of skunks, don’t you?
The Editor

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance!


Posted by on October 20, 2013 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony, Abuse of Public Office, Albany, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Executive, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany County Supervisor, Albany Police, Bill Bailey, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chief Deputy, Civil Right Violation, Coercion, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Conspiracy, Corrupt Police, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., D. M. Crosier, David Soares, David Wukitsch, Dawn Rogers, DoDo Cop, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Falsely reporting an incident, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory R. Seeley, Gregory Teresi, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Indifference, Intimidation, Investigation, Jason Albert, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, John T. Bruno, Kerry Thompson, Law Enforcement, Making an apparently sworn false statement, Martin Case, Marty Case, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Meprision of Felony, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nepotism, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Police, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, P. David Soares, Paul Courcelle, Perjury and related offenses, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Public Corruption, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Retaliation, Rocco Persico, Ryan Johnson, Scott Giroux, Selkirk, Skunks, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Stephen Prokrym, Susan K. O'Rorke, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, William Bailey


Ravena and Coeymans Officials on Social Services? Double & Triple-Dipping Your Tax Dollars!!!

In Most Socialist Countries the Mentally Ill, the Physically Challenged, the Socio-Economically Marginalized Sub-Populations Receive Welfare from the Public Treasury. Here We Give Crooked PoliTurds the Pay and Benefits We Have to Do Without. They’re Double- and Triple Dipping!

Something for you to think about.

Something for you to think about.

Why are we paying to be abused and to have our rights violated?

Are we nutz or just plain stupid?!?

Why do we have to support them and carry them until they retire and then continue to support and carry them. Why do we reward incompetence and stupidity? We control the purse strings so let’s cut them off, get rid of them!

What does this mean to you, the gainfully employed? To you, the taxpayer? The resident who is paying a mortgage, putting food on the table for your family, working a second job, coping with gas prices, etc.

We’ve been writing for some time now about abuses, criminal conduct, crookedness, violation of constitutional rights, etc. done by local public servants and local elected officials. Maybe we’re not getting through to our readers so we decided to put it a different way for you all. Here it is:

You may or may not know that the very people who are sitting on the Ravena village board and the town of Coeymans board members and supervisor, are all elected officials. The mayor and supervisor are elected officials. They are all receiving salaries, benefits, and pension payments from your taxes. The director of the illegal Ravena Health and Fitness Center—which is costing Ravena taxpayers more than $105,000 this year alone—, Cathy Deluca, is receiving $30,000 a year salary from taxpayer money, for example.

They're Cashing In and You're Paying Thru the Nose in Blood!

They’re Cashing In and You’re Paying Thru the Nose in Blood!

Ravena mayor John Bruno and Ravena board member Nancy Biscone-Warner (Nancy Warner is also collecting a pension for being village of Ravena clerk/treasurer and Warner’s husband, ex-Albany cop, Harold “Hal” Warner, is cashing in as a village of Ravena justice and receiving a police pension), two lunatics in the Ravena village offices, are now picking on local kids but are receiving salaries, benefits, and pension payments out of the public treasury. Everyone hates John Bruno and he’s transformed Ravena into a ghost town over the past 30 years but you keep the mummy mayor in office and in spending money in addition to his pension from the cement plant. Pretty cozy. Bruno and his mob are some of the biggest abusers of your rights and the biggest crooks around but you’re paying them! Why is that?

Why not just burn it?

Why not just burn it?

Let’s go over to the Coeymans Police Department for a minute. Pretty much everyone in the Coeymans Police Department and the Coeymans town offices can’t stand Coeymans police chief DoDo-cop Gregory Darlington; he’s useless, ignorant, and incompetent. And most of the cops hate BoBo-cop Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca; he’s arrogant, dumb as dirt, and wants a piece of every action (he’s got Cathy Deluca, hauling in $30-grand from Ravena, besides). Kerry Thompson has a job with the Sheriff’s office but has been hired to do Darlington’s work for him  (but still can’t keep a search warrant straight or take a resident’s complaint). We have Ryan Johnson who was dumped by another police department only to be hired by Coeymans’s Darlington; Ryan Johnson has earned the reputation as “Psycho cop,” in fact.

The latest is the bizarre coöperation between Ravena mayor John Bruno, his hatchet-woman Nancy Biscone-Warner, and the Coeymans Police Department to enforce a conspicuously unconstitutional loitering law and harass local kids who may, as kids do, congregate around the gazebo in the center of the village. Way to go, public leeches, criminalize innocent behavior!

They’re also attacking the Ravena-Coeymans Youth and Teen Activity Center, the one place in Bruno’s ghost town where the kid’s can go and enjoy socializing and other kids.  Did the village of Ravena provide a youth center to get the kids off the street? NO!!! Did the Town of Coeymans provide a youth center to get the kids off the street? NO!!! Did a local resident, out of concern for the welfare of local youth invest his savings, take additional jobs, invest his personal time and money to create a beautiful place for the kids to hang out under supervision? YES!!! Is village of Ravena mayor John Bruno and hatchet-woman Nancy Biscone-Warner making life miserable for the resident as well as the kids. YES!!!  Why are you RCS residents paying for these lunatics?

The village of Ravena and the town of Coeymans don’t provide a place for the kids to congregate, they harass and prosecute them. Harassing and prosecuting them costs nothing and is an indirect source of revenue for the leeches. It also provides one of their most potent weapons against the community: anxiety and fear. All dictators use anxiety and fear to control the people.

How Politics Work in Ravena-Coeymans Checks-and-Balances System Just like you learned in school, right?

How Politics Work in Ravena-Coeymans
The RCS Checks-and-Balances System
Just like you learned in school, right?
As endorsed by Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares.

Far from providing a place for kids between 12 and 17 to congregate, the village of Ravena through mayor John Bruno, Nancy Biscone Warner, Martin “Marty” Case, William “Bill” Bailey, Rocco Persico all joined up and all elected officials being paid by the public to spend $40,000 of taxpayer money on used fitness equipment from an insider and then rent/lease the property where Cathy Deluca’s failed fitness center was located to the operator and philanthropist who created the Teen Center there. The village of Ravena pays Bob [Persico] Fisk (Fisk’s mother was a Persico and does he have a history with the insider club in Ravena village hall!!!)  $40,000 for fitness equipment. Then insider Josie Bruno of Prudential Real Estate (Marty Case also works part-time there as a real estate sales person as well as being a full-time teacher in the RCS Central School District; he now wants to run for the full-time position as Coeymans town supervisor. Talk about greedy!). Then Bruno, Warner, Case, and Cathy Deluca hold closed-door meetings to conjure up the Ravena Health and Fitness Center while conniving to evict the RCS Community Library and ups the library’s rent by $600 a month while Ravena board member Rocco Persico’s cousin, Don Persico, is taking his time renovating the old Knights of Columbus hall on Main Street, so he can lease it to the RCS Community Library. Once the library leaves its premises at the Ravena village hall building, the Ravena Health and Fitness Center moves in, Bruno, Warner, Case, Bailey and Persico allocate more than $105, 000 to fund the first year of the Fitness Center, and then proceed to hire, NO! appoint Cathy Deluca to be the Fitness center director at a salary of $30,000 plus benes and pension, while fraudulently getting the democrat Albany County Civil Service Department Michael Cummings to create a new civil service job title for Deluca—all fraudulently, since no mention is made of her murdering the previously failed health and fitness center she managed where the Teen Center is now located and she had no qualifications—and the nitwit director of the Albany County Civil Service Department approved the village of Ravena’s application for exempt status for Deluca’s position. That means she didn’t have to take a test to get the position like anyone else would have to do. Do you smell corruption here? That’s all been uncovered by this blog and is or should be under investigation by the Albany County Executive’s Office and the NYS Civil Service Commissioner.


This just in!

We’ve just received a note from one of our correspondents regarding the Albany County Civil Service Department manager Mr Michael Cummings. The note reads:

“I recently filed several F.O.I.L.s with the Albany County Civil Service Department and was concerned that my cc’s to the director of the department, Mr Michael Cummings, were being bounced back as ‘undeliverable.’ I wondered if he might have gotten really peeved for my inquiries into the village of Ravena’s request for creation of a civil service title for Cathy Deluca and that he was blocking my emails. I found out he was really on the hot seat about what he let slide by regarding Ravena’s request. So I contacted the F.O.I.L. officer at the County Exec’s office who wrote back: “Michael Cummings is no longer employed at Albany County Civil Service” and “Michael Cummings does not work for the county any longer.” I’m just wondering if Mr Cummings got canned once the cat hit the fan about the Ravena application and Deluca’s questionable position.”

We think Cummings got canned for the flack they received and the fact that there was no good reason for the Albany County Civil Service Department approving the request when they didn’t have any of the documents required by the law. They really came out of the fray with faces covered in rotten egg and Cummings probably got canned in the process or “resigned.”

It looks like making noise and asking the right questions is having its effects…maybe they got cold feet anticipating an investigation by the State Attorney General and the State Civil Service Commission. Ravena, of course, is really tight-lipped about the entire affair. Wonder Why?

Now, where is that sleazy Albany County District Attorney, P. David Soares, the polititurd this county elected to oversee law enforcement and to prosecute criminal behavior in Albany County? Wait a minute, he has his own problems, doesn’t he?

The Ravena-Coeymans Youth Program As developed by Ravena Mayor John Bruno and trustee Nancy Warner with the Cooperation of the Coeymans Police Department

The Village of Ravena-Town of Coeymans Youth Program
As developed by Ravena Mayor John Bruno and trustee Nancy Warner with the Cooperation of the Coeymans Police Department
As endorsed by Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares.
(And Where’s the Albany County Department of Children, Youth and families in all this?)

And what’s the first thing Cathy Deluca achieves in her new plum job, even before the Ravena Health and Fitness Center is officially opened? She opens her big mouth and gets the village of Ravena served with a Notice of Claim and a lawsuit for at least $1,000, 000 (Yes! That’s one million dollars at least). She then opens herself up to criminal charges by lying to the Coeymans Police about an incident that never happened. Another Notice of Claim, another lawsuit, another $1,000,000.

Are you following all of this? It gets better and this is just one item!

But does the village of Ravena have any money for a youth center or to support the RC Teen and Youth Activity Center— after spending more than $40,000 of taxpayer money to Bob Fisk for used fitness equipment and then allocating more than $105,000 to support the Ravena Health and Fitness Center in its 2013-2014 budget—NO!!!  But it does have the money to put up cameras to monitor local kids hanging around the village gazebo. By the way, the village gazebo with its “No Loitering by Order of the Village Board” sign is on private property and the village pays rent to an insider, Don Persico (Yes. The same Persico who owns the new Library location!)  to have the gazebo on his property. Is the smell getting stronger, we ask you?

IMAGINE Ravena Village Hall & Coeymans Police Department

Ravena Village Hall & Coeymans Police Department
As supported by Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares.

OK. So now we have all of the village of Ravena’s priorities lined up. Now let’s get back to Coeymans.

Catherine M. Deluca a.k.a. Cathy Deluca—that’s her full name but the village of Ravena still thinks it’s just Cathy Deluca—has a long history of salacious behavior before she became socialite and Ravena Health and Fitness Center director. (Her extramarital fun-on-the-farm with her now spouse Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca, Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington‘s darling and a so-called police investigator with the Coeymans Police Department is a legend in these parts.) But the connection with the Coeymans P.D. is what we want to look at here. It’s an example of what you’re paying for.

The criminal complaint against Cathy Deluca goes to the Coeymans Police Department for criminally falsely reporting an incident and conspiracy, both misdemeanors. Disappears! POOF! How’d that happen?

Coeymans Police Chief Gregory Darlington, former garbage collector, later Coeymans police officer, then—after taking the civil service exam at least three times before he passed it—through some administrative brain fart hired to be Coeymans Police Chief, once in the job, rehired all the duds his predecessor had fired, including Guess who? YUP! Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca. So now you have an incompetent Deluca (Jerry) on the Coeymans police force and an incompetent Deluca i(Cathy) in a director’s position at the village of Ravena. Now, remember Cathy’s first accomplishments as director of the Ravena Health and Fitness Center? The lawsuits? The criminal complaint goes to the Coeymans Police Department for criminally falsely reporting an incident and conspiracy, both misdemeanors. Disappear! POOF! How’d that happen, you may well ask, given the solid evidence provided? You  should ask Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington (Don’t bother. He doesn’t answer calls, he doesn’t respond to emails, he doesn’t answer letters.) Or ask Officer Jason Albert, the investigating officer (Don’t bother. He wants to keep his job. He has only about 5 years til retirement and he wants his pension.) Or ask Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca, police investigator, if he has any hand in getting the charges to disappear or leaking the evidence against his wife to the village of Ravena’s insurance company’s attorney? You’re also paying that dud David Wukitsch to be the Coeymans town attorney—should we ask him?

Criminal charges, even felonies, tend to disappear in Ravena-Coeymans if you’re the son of a board member (Right, Tom Dolan?) or the daughter of a board member (Right Dawn Rogers?), of if you have “friends in the police department” (Right,  Scott Lendin?) or if you’re married to an employee of the Coeymans Police Department (Right, Cathy Deluca?). But watch out if you’re a kid congregating with other kids on the village of Ravena gazebo—you’re being videoed and a Coeymans patrol car is on it’s way to getcha!

 One Thing is Certain: You won't get out of the web if you just lie there; they'll eat you alive!

One Thing is Certain: You won’t get out of the web if you just lie there; they’ll eat you alive!
Made Possible by the Fine Law Enforcement Efforts of Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares.

Now we have to move on to who gets jobs in the village offices and in the town of Coeymans offices and now that we have exposed the spider’s web of incest and favoritism at work at your expense in Ravena-Coeymans, we’ll turn our attention to the candidates the dems have nominated for pubic office in the upcoming elections. Better take an anti-puke pill before reading the next article, you’ll need one.

You Need to Get Out of this Web!!!The Editor

You Need to Get Out of this Web!!!
The Editor

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance!

Leave a comment

Posted by on September 5, 2013 in, Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, ACLU, Albany, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County Department of Children, Youth, and Families, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Executive, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany County Supervisor, All the Justice You Can Buy, American Civil Liberties Union, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Black Mamba, Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Child Abuse, Christopher Norris, Civil Lawsuit, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Conflict of Interest, Conspiracy, Corrupt Police, Corruption, Daniel Contento, David Soares, Dawn LaMountain, Dawn Rogers, Department of Environmental Conservation, Don Persico, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Extramarital Affairs, Falsely reporting an incident, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Fraud, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Government, Greed, Greene County, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Indifference, indifference to the safety and welfare of a child, Intimidation, Investigation, Jason Albert, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Jerry Perrine, Joan Ross, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Joseph C. Teresi, Josephine P. Dority née Biscone, Josie Biscone-Bruno, Justice and Courts, Karen Miller, Kerry Thompson, Larry Conrad, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Laverne Conrad, Law, Law Enforcement, Marlene McTigue, Martin Case, Marty Case, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misdemeanor, Misdemeanor, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Napierski, Napierski & O'Connor, Nepotism, New Baltimore, New York, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State, New York State Police, News Herald, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, P. David Soares, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Public Corruption, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Fitness Center, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena Village Board, Ravena-Coeymans Teen Center, RC Teen Activities Center, Rick Reith, Rocco Persico, Ryan Johnson, Scott Lendin, Scott M. Lendin, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Susan K. O'Rorke, Teachers Union, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tom Dolan, Town Board Meeting, Transparency, Violation, William Bailey


Ravena Loitering Law is Unconstitutional: Violates First, Fourth, Fourteenth Amendments!

Our Advice: Drive a Crook Crazeee Wear a Wire. Get yourself a small digital voice recorder and keep it handy. Protect yourself when you talk to the Ravenazis or the Coeymanazis, when you enter their dens, when they approach you. New York State is a “one-party state” which means that if you are a party to a conversation you can tape the conversation without having to tell anyone. They’re crazy-paranoid now that they know we know they can be taped. If they behave themselves—which is highly unlikely—they have nothing to fear; if they don’t behave—which is very likely—you’ve got evidence and they have a problem. Ask mayor John Bruno and Cathy Deluca…they know!

Get Wired!

Get Wired!

Ravena Law Is Unconstitutional: Violates Citizens’ Protected Constitutional Rights

Absolutely Stupid!!! And Unconstitutional

Absolutely Stupid!!!
And Unconstitutional

Village of Ravena Posts a “No Loitering” Sign on Main Street Gazebo.

Part Two: Ravena’s Laws Are Unconstitutional—No Loitering? How the village of Ravena, the Coeymans Police Department, and a Jerky-Boy District Attorney, P. David Soares cooperate to violate your rights! It’s all in violation of the United States Constitution and your rights!

The elected members of the Ravena, New York, village board have again demonstrated their profound ignorance of basic constitutional rights that every person in the United States of America is guaranteed. Ignorant elected officials make vague and illegal laws that invite discriminatory and retaliatory enfocement by a biased police department.

First of all, it’s absolutely ridiculous to put up a gazebo in a highly visible place right in the middle of the village and then to post a warning sign that prohibits its use! Think of it this way: By definition a gazebo is “a roofed structure that offers an open view of the surrounding area, typically used for relaxation or entertainment” and is usually situated in a spot that provides a pleasant view while offering shelter from the sun. shelter from the elements, a place to meet, or simply a place to relax. So why would the village of Ravena erect a gazebo and then post a warning tantamount to forbidding its use based on a local nonsense law?

In Article II “Rules of Conduct” [Adopted on May 28, 1934 by Ord. No. 1 [footnote omitted]] includes § 83 – 10. Riotous assembly, § Obscene language or conduct, and especially § 83 – 13 Unnecessary congregation, the village law that is referenced in the sign placed on the Main Street gazebo.  § 83 – 13 reads in its entirety:

vor no loitering sign detail

§ 83 – 13. Unnecessary congregation???

§ 83 – 13. Unnecessary congregation.

No persons shall unnecessarily congregate upon the sidewalks or streets or street corners in the vicinity of any church or other public place. [footnote omitted]

So what would the person of average intelligence make of this idiotic verbage? The words “unnecessarily” immediately caught my attention. Isn’t “unnecessarily” subject to a really broad and vague interpretation? “Congregate” is another troublesome word in this constitutionally unenforceable law. What does congregate mean, anyway, as used in the law. And if you can’t “congregate” on sidewalks or streets or street corners, that leaves very few other places to “congregate.” Well, that leaves alleyways, abandoned buildings, parks, vacant lots, any other public area that is not a “sidewalk,” “street,” or “street corner.” In fact, where you can congregate is just about anywhere mischief can be done ‘safely.’ And according to this Ravena law you’d better watch out for the Coeymans cops after church when you “congregate” “unnecessarily” on the street in front of the church or in the church parking lot. According to the Ravena law, you will be loitering and subject to a ticket (depending on who you are, of course; law enforcement in Ravena-Coeymans is highly biased).

 “A person is guilty of loitering when he/she…loiters.”

Even the New York Penal Law § 240.35 Loitering, despite its redundant phrasing “A person is guilty of loitering when he…loiters.” Brilliant language skills of the New York State legislators. Makes sense, doesn’t it? But in a law that kind of language can cause problems on an appeal or constitutional challenge, as we’ll see below.

Nevertheless, the New York loitering law is somewhat specific but not immune from challenge in that it notifies the citizen that he or she is guilty of loitering if he or she “wanders about in a public place for the purpose of begging…or gambling…or sexual conduct…or sexual behavior of a deviant nature;” or if a person is in a place and “masked…or disguised…or in unusual or unnatural attire.” The NY law also defines loitering as when a person is on “or remains in or about school grounds…with no legitimate reason for being there,” or is present a transportation facility “for the purpose of soliciting or sale of merchandise or services…or for the purpose of entertaining,” or is “in a transportation facility…and is unable to give a satisfactory explanation of his presence.” Loitering is a violation.

Loitering is a Violation. Sign on Ravena Gazebo

Loitering is a Violation.
Sign on Ravena Gazebo

Reading this law anyone of average intelligence will be able to understand the behavior that might earn him or her a ticket in New York state but anyone of average intelligence will also recognize that the terms of the law are so vague and ambiguous that the can cause any prosecutor really big problems when confronted with a smart defendant or defense attorney…most likely the prosecutor will opt not to prosecute –  – as is often the case –  – and just drop the charge or make a deal.

But back to the Ravena so – called “loitering” law. The Ravena law is conspicuously unconstitutional for the reasons we discuss below and the United States Supreme Court agrees. Here’s why (without going into the details of the individual cases, which we have studied for this article):

Your Rights Ignored Criminals: Bruno, Warner, Bailey, Case, Persico, Darlington!

Your Rights Ignored
Criminals: Bruno, Warner, Bailey, Case, Persico, Darlington!

The Supreme Court has held that such ordinances violate the First Amendment of the United States Constitution because they offend the protected rights and freedoms of association, assembly, and expression. The Court has also held that such ordinances are unconstitutionally vague in violation of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment because they arbitrarily restrict personal liberties.  Such ordinances as the Ravena law are unconstitutionally vague because the law fails “to establish standards for the police and public that are sufficient to guard against the arbitrary deprivation of liberty interests” by biased police officers. The Court also found that such ordinances are unconstitutional because they violate the Fourth Amendment by allowing a law enforcement officer to arrest a citizen suspect without probable cause. The Supreme Court held that “the freedom to loiter for innocent purposes is part of the ‘liberty’ protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

Here’s a bit of history for you: The legal background of loitering laws go back way before the American Constitution. In fact, laws criminalizing vagrancy and loitering go back to the time of the Black Plague in England more than 500 years ago. Back then the laws had an economic purpose: preventing laborers from traveling to neighboring communities where labor was scarce, where they could demand a higher wage. As time went on and poor populations increased and the unemployed filled English roads to rob those who traveled them, loitering laws became a tool for crime prevention and criminal punishment.

The loitering law allows police to “control persons who, although not traditionally considered criminals, were nonetheless considered undesirable.”

Today loitering laws still focus on crime prevention. The most common reasons for passing loitering laws include stopping drug dealers and prostitutes from frequenting an area, preventing obstruction in public passageways, and of course allowing police to “control persons who, although not traditionally considered criminals, were nonetheless considered undesirable.”  In fact, the Supreme Court held in a landmark case, Thornhill v. Alabama, that the statute in question was too broad and “prohibited otherwise lawful conduct that would otherwise be protected by the First Amendment. The Court also believed that the statute violated due process by granting the police too much discretion and “readily lent itself to harsh and discriminatory enforcement by local prosecuting officials, against particular groups deemed to merit their displeasure.” Sound familiar RCS residents?

This type of law, the United States Supreme Court believes, “bears the hallmark of a police state.”

In another case, the Supreme Court ruled that “cities and states could not pass loitering laws simply as a way of increasing their power to arrest, and required that the state narrowly define who fell within the ordinance and ensure that the person’s actual conduct at least in some way constituted a recognizable offense.

A municipality’s anti-loitering ordinance criminalized innocent conduct and that was the downfall of the ordinance

In another important case the Supreme court ruled that the ordinance was “unconstitutionally vague because it subjected the exercise of a right of assembly to an unascertainable standard, and is unconstitutionally broad because it authorized the punishment of constitutionally protected conduct.” In other words, the court again found that a municipality’s anti-loitering ordinance criminalized innocent conduct and that was the downfall of the ordinance.

The Supreme Court in its rulings on the loitering laws has consistently held that loitering laws without a separate criminal element are overly vague and thus invalid.

In a recent landmark decision that buttressed and emphasized the Supreme Court’s attitude against loitering laws the Court stuck with the presumption that “the freedom to loiter for innocent purposes is part of the ‘liberty’ protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.” With those words the highest court of the land placed the freedom to loiter within the greater “liberty” concept of “life, liberty, or property” within the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. A further effect of this is that it the Supreme Court recognized that discriminatory enforcement is the product of vague laws and the rulings prevent biased police from discriminating or retaliating against innocent persons. In other words, a law like the Ravena nonsense code would leave the police free to act out their biases, by unfairly targeting, dispersing, and arresting anyone or any group they disfavor. Sound familiar?

And by the way: The fact of being a young person doesn’t mean that you don’t have constitutional rights. You receive those rights at birth!

This should come as a very clear warning to the village of Ravena and its bunch of ignorant and useless fixtures called the village board (mayor John Bruno, Nancy Warner, William Bailey, Martin Case, Rocco Persico) to the town of Coeymans and its town board (supervisor Stephen Flach, Peter E. Masti, Thomas E. Dolan, Dawn Rogers, Thomas A. Boehm), and especially puts the Coeymans Police Department on particular notice to watch their steps because we’re watching and we’re ready to take action to clean up their acts if they can’t do it themselves. So listen up Bruno, Flach, Darlington. You’ve been served!

And village of Ravena mayor John Bruno and village board members Nancy Warner, William Bailey, Martin Case, Rocco Persico: Take the damned sign off the gazebo. It’s mere presence is proof of your ignorance!

The Editor

The Editor

Cases cited in this article:

  • City of Chicago v. Morales, 687 N.E.2d 53, 58-59 (Ill. 1997), 119 S.Ct. 1849 (1999)
  • Thornhill v. Albama, 310 U.S. 88 (1940)
  • Shuttlesworth v. City of Birmingham, 382 U.S. 87 (1965)
  • Papachristou v. City of Jacksonville, 405 U.S. 156 (1972)
  • Coates v. City of Cincinnati, 402 U.S. 611 (1971)
  • Nevada v. Richard, 836 P.2d 622 (Nev. 1992)


  • Farrar, Jared. “Just Hangin’ Around: Gangs and Due Process Vagueness in City of Chicago v. Morales,” Mercer Law Review, v. 51:973-986.
  • Leipold, Andrew D. “Targeted Loitering Laws,” Journal of Constitutional Law, February v.  3:1. 2001:474-502.
  • Letter, Attorney General McMaster  S.W. White, January 28, 2010, Opinion on Constitutionality of Union, So. Carolina Loitering Ordinance
  • District Court of Prince William County (Va), Commonwealth of Virginia v. M.I. Hernandez et al., GC04009123-00, Motion to Dismiss (undated)
  • N.Y Pen. Law § 240.35 Loitering

Stay tuned for:

Part Three: The Coeymans Police Department—Scoff-laws in Uniform. How Indifference and Bias Denies You Your Constitutional Rights. (This is a must-read for Coeymans police chief Gregory “DoDo-Cop” Darlington, Gerald “Dirty Hands Jerry” BoBo-Cop-Deluca, and Officers Jason “what investigation” Albert, Ryan “Psychocop” Johnson, Kerry “it’s hearsay” Thompson)

Part Four: Suing the Town of Coeymans Coeymans Police Department for Obstruction of Justice and Misuse of Public Office. How Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington is going to lose his job and his crooked cops may find themselves doing jail time. So you want to make misdemeanors and felonies disappear, Mr Tom Dolan (Ask Tommy about his son’s escapades and where the charges went) and Dawn Rogers (Ask Dawn about her daughter’s friend the bottle and where the alleged DUI charges went). You might want to ask about how evidence is safeguarded in the Coeymans Police Department or their recipe for hitting parents through their kids. Or you might want to ask how to frame a resident or how to screw up a drug raid for a thimble full of marijuana while the real druggies are in the Ravena offices or the Coeymans PD evidence room (just speculating on this one). Of course, the Coeymans Police would rather hassle a bunch of kids congregating on a public gazebo than go after real criminals like Scott Lenden and his helpers (theft, possession of stolen goods, criminal tresspass). But then Dirty-Hands Jerry Deluca was investigator on that case and didn’t move his fat arse on it for six months until the victims called in the Albany County Sheriff’s team. Or how about arresting a kid for possessing his own prescription drugs and having him jailed for 45 days…on the information provided by a known, convicted druggie? An what about the recent botched up drug raids? Any comment, chief Darlington or admin assistant Kerry Thompson? And what happend to the investigations of Cathy Deluca and Claude Wheeles on falsely reporting an incident—one that never happened but Deluca and Wheeles collaborated and lied about it—maybe Officer Jason Albert, chief Gregory Darlington, or maybe Dirty-Hands Jerry Deluca can provide some answers. How does evidence leak out, Mr Deluca, Mr Darlington, Officer Albert?

Part Five: Going after the Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District Board of Education, a Turncoat Superintendent of Schools, and the Teachers Union Lackeys Voted to the RCS Board of Education. How’d that all happen? We’ve got some information and facts that are going to knock your socks off and have some people soiling their undies. The real facts behind what cooking on the BoE and what a suicidal, ignorant school district has done to itself by handing over $40 million to crooks!

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!
Special Notice & Legal Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations will differ and should be discussed with an expert and/or lawyer. This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. Persons accessing this site are encouraged to seek independent counsel for advice regarding their individual legal issues. For specific technical or legal advice on the information provided and related topics, please contact the author.

Posted by on August 30, 2013 in Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Department of Children, Youth, and Families, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Alice Whalen, Annette Demitraszek, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Black Mamba, Bob Dorrance, Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, BoBo Cop, Bray Engel, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Bullying, Burning the Constitution, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Court, Corrupt Police, Corruption, David Soares, Dawn LaMountain, Dawn Rogers, Diane Malecki, DoDo Cop, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eilleen Vosburgh, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Elizabeth A. Varney, Entrapment, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Felony, First Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, Harold Warner, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Ignorance, Incompetence, Investigation, Jason Hyslop, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Jerry Perrine, Joan Ross, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Joseph C. Teresi, Joseph Teresi, Josie Biscone-Bruno, Larry Conrad, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Laverne Conrad, Law, Law Enforcement, Loitering, Marlene McTigue, Martin Case, Marty Case, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Michael Biscone, Misconduct, Misdemeanor, Monitoring, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Police, NYCLU, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, P. David Soares, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Police State, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Village Attorney, Ravena Village Board, Retaliation, Rocco Persico, Sarah Berchtold Engel, Sarah Engel, Scott Lendin, Scott M. Lendin, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Stifling Freedom, Surveillance, Susan K. O'Rorke, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tom Dolan, Unamerican Activity, Violation, William Bailey


Ravena Laws Unconstitutional! Violation of Protected First Amendment Rights AGAIN!

Our Advice: Wear a Wire. Protect yourself when you talk to the Ravenazis or the Coeymanazis, when you enter their dens, when they approach you. New York State is a “one-party state” which means that if you are a party to a conversation you can tape the conversation without having to tell anyone. They’re crazy-paranoid now that they know we know they can be taped. If they behave themselves—which is highly unlikely—they have nothing to fear; if they don’t behave—which is very likely—you’ve got evidence and they have a problem. Ask mayor John Bruno and Cathy Deluca…they know!

Get Wired!

Get Wired!

Part One of a Multipart Exposé

All About Ravena, the Coeymans Police Department, Un-American Activities, Rights Violations, and Criminality Right Under Your Noses!

The Village of Ravena is Probably One of the Most Corrupt and Criminal Organizations Existing in The United States!

Mayor John "Black Mamba" Bruno and His Hand-Picked Hatchet-Heads Nancy Warner, Martin Case, Rocco Persico, William Bailey, Annette Demitraszek Burn the Constitution Daily

Mayor John “Black Mamba” Bruno and His Hand-Picked Hatchet-Heads
Nancy Warner, Martin Case, Rocco Persico, William Bailey, Annette Demitraszek
Burn the Constitution Daily

Or the Village of Ravena is the Perfect Example of What Can Go Horribly Wrong in a Community and its Government!

Mayor John “Black Mamba”*  Bruno of the village of Ravena, New York, a small backwater ghetto suppressed by a gang of leftovers of the once flourishing Albany Democrat Machine is the godfather of a bunch of hooligan hatchet-heads who make up his royal court: village council members Nancy Warner, William “Bill” BaileyMartin “Marty” Case, and Rocco Persico, and hand-picked appointee village clerk, Annette Demitraszek. The Ravena village board members call themselves erroenously “trustees” but they can be trusted only to screw local residents and taxpayers, to discriminate against anyone who disagrees with them, to richly reward anyone as crooked as they are (example: the Ravena Health and Fitness Club a.k.a. Cathy Deluca’s playpen).

* As the legend goes, Bruno, once a shiff supervisor at the local cement plant, got his nickname back when he was sleeping on the job at the cement plant and due to his negligence, he burnt up one of the kilns. His coworkers have since called him the “Black Mamba.” At the cement plant he was also known for his unfair practices when it came to promoting his favorites over the qualified. Nothing has changed.

We are uncovering just how criminal and un-American Bruno and his hatchet-heads really are. We recently published an exposé on how Bruno, the village of Ravena village board, and local shyster Michael Biscone, one of the most unethical and sleezy lawyers in the area, attempted to suppress residents’ First Amendment rights of free speech and expression when they wanted to censor the right to speak at public meetings. If you missed that article you can read it at (Click the links!):  Business as Usual in Ravena: Violation of Constitutional Rights! (read our article also on how the Coeymans Police Department suppresses freedom of speech at Coeymans Police Suppress Freedom of Speech!).

Village of Ravena Makes Misleading Application to the Albany County Civil Service Department to Get Cathy Deluca Non-Competitive Civil Service Job Title as Fitness Center Director

We’ve also published a number of articles on this blog about how Ravena’s mummy mayor John Bruno and girlfriend “trustee” Nancy Warner teamed up with Cathy Deluca, the wife of Coeymans police investigator and local thug, Gerald “Dirty Hands Jerry” Deluca, to illegally spend $40,000 of taxpayer money to buy used fitness equipment, then to create the Ravena Health and Fitness Center (Rats-nest Heap and Fatness Clinic) behind everyone’s back. Then they tried to create a non-competitive civil service position for Cathy Deluca, who has no real qualifications and who’s getting $30,000 of taxpayer money out of the $105,000+ of taxpayer money allocated to fund the RHFC for 2013-2014. By the way, mayor Bruno, Nancy Warner and Cathy Deluca got caught red-handed in their lies to the Albany County Civil Service Department when a local resident obtained their application. Michael Cummings, another local democrat tool and director of the Albany County Civil Service Department had some explaining to do when we caught him with his pants down around his ankles after he approved the application that was incomplete! Ravena had to submit a number of justifications but didn’t and Cummings approved the application anyway! They probably thought they’d never get caught. But we caught them and the cat hit the fan in Albany. We’re still keeping tabs on that little sneaky operation and we’ll continue to report on the local and Albany County Civil Service corruption. Stay tuned!

Cathy Deluca Abuses Local Resident and Tells Him He’s Not Welcome and Gets the Village of Ravena Sued for Her Violation of the Resident’s Protected Constitutional Rights!

Then there’s the happening at the Ravena Health and Fitness Center when a local resident visited the place for a tour and was accosted and abused by Cathy Deluca, who then told him he had to leave, “You’re not welcome here.”  That was a brilliant example of a big mistake and total ignorance by Cathy Deluca and her keepers because it violated a number of constitutionally protected rights and got the village of Ravena and Deluca slaped with a $1,000,000 claim and now they’re facing a lawsuit. Nice going, Cathy.

Cathy Deluca and Accomplice Claude A. Wheeles, a Fitness Center Employee, Lie to Police…Get Criminal Complaint Filed Against them and Another Notice of Claim and Pending Lawsuite against the Village of Ravena!

But that wasn’t enought for Cathy Deluca, greedy tub that she is. Cathy Deluca then made a complaint with the Coeymans Police that the resident “harassed” her—a bare-faced lie—and then told the investigating officer, Jason Albert, that the resident had insulted a patron at the RHFC and that was the reason the resident was thrown out—another bare-faced lie. Based on Cathy Deluca’s lies and the support of one of her employees, Claude A. Wheeles, the Coeymans Police investigated and found nothing. How do we know all of what Deluca and Wheeles told the Coeymans Police was a pack of lies? The whole thing was recorded! Absolutely brilliant! Absolutely delicious! And we have copies of the recordings (both the events during the resident’s visit and Deluca’s performance and Officer Jason Alberts interview of the resident at the Coeymans Police station, where Officer Albert confirms Deluca’s lies.) What a surprise when the resident filed criminal charges against Deluca and Wheels for falsely reporting an incident and conspiracy to commit that crime, both misdemeanors. What a surprise when the village of Ravena’s attorney deposed the resident only to find out that (1) Deluca had lied, (2) that there was a recording of the actual incident, (2) that criminal complaint was filed against Deluca and Wheeles for their lies, (3) that a second Notice of Claim and lawsuit were pending against the village of Ravena, Cathy Deluca, and Claude Wheeles (including also the members of the village of Ravena board) based on Deluca’s and Wheeles’ criminal acts.

Citizen to Mayor John Bruno: Shut up! Or get out!

Ravena mayor John Bruno and hatchet-woman Nancy Warner sat in on the deposition/hearing at which the resident was questioned by the village’s attorney. Mayor Bruno was making wierd noises and being a general jerk and the resident allegedly told him to stop his stupidity or get out. After that, Bruno behaved himself.

Is Mayor Bruno Senile or Just Goofy? The Goofy Godfather

Is Mayor Bruno Senile or Just Goofy?
The Goofy Godfather

This just in: We have a copy of the actual transcript of the 50h hearing. Here’s what the complainant told mayor Bruno:

Complainant (to Bruno): Do you find this funny, Mr Mayor? If you do, please leave. I don’t want you snickering over there. You’ve been doing it several times already. This is not funny.

Attorney: I lost my train of thought.

Complainant (to attorney): I would like to object to Mr Bruno’s snickering and strange little noises that he’s emitting over there.

Attorney: That’s noted on the record.

Complainant: Thank you.

That’s how Ravena’s mayor John Bruno behaves in a legal proceeding, like a two-year old. Is he that senile already?

Ravena Village Clerk Annette Demitraszek Attempts to Avoid Producing Documents in Response to Demands under the New York State Freedom of Information Law and Gets Hit with a Notice of Claim and Possible Lawsuit.

You may have  believed that the village clerk is elected like the town clerk is. But she’s not. She’s appointed by mummy mayor John Bruno. She’s another tool of the un-American, criminal  regime on Mountain Road that calls itself the village of Ravena government. For several months Annette Demitraszek has been receiving demands for documents from residents trying to make sense of the craziness that goes on in the village offices and Demitraszek, apparently under mayor Bruno’s boney thumb and with Nancy Warner breathing down her back, plays the game and does her best to hide what she can and refuse to produce what she can. Well that worked fine for many years UNTIL NOW.

Demitraszek and her keepers had managed for a while to get the executive director of the Committee on Open Government, Robert Freeman, another democrat machine hack in Albany, to listen to their misinformation and then to use Freeman’s words to refuse to respond to F.O.I.L. demands. But when residents demand clarification or an explanation of the silly excuses…DEAD SILENCE. Now Demitraszek, mayor Bruno, the Ravena village board, have been served with a Notice of Claim charging them with obstruction and violation of the provisions of the New York State Freedom of Information Laws. That’s going to be another lawsuit.

The village of Ravena has plenty to hide but those days are gone; now the village of Ravena has to explain their criminality and their un-American activities.

Stay tuned for:

Part Two: Ravena’s Laws Are Unconstitutional—No Loitering? How the village of Ravena, the Coeymans Police Department, and a Jerky-Boy District Attorney, P. David Soares cooperate to violate your rights!

Part Three: The Coeymans Police Department—Scoff-laws in Uniform. How Indifference and Bias Denies You Your Constitutional Rights. (This is a must-read for Coeymans police chief Gregory “DoDo-Cop” Darlington, Gerald “Dirty Hands Jerry” BoBo-Cop-Deluca, and Officers Jason “what investigation” Albert, Ryan “Psychocop” Johnson, Kerry “it’s hearsay” Thompson)

Part Four: Suing the Town of Coeymans Coeymans Police Department for Obstruction of Justice and Misuse of Public Office. How Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington is going to lose his job and his crooked cops may find themselves doing jail time. So you want to make misdemeanors and felonies disappear, Mr Tom Dolan (Ask Tommy about his son’s escapades and where the charges went) and Dawn Rogers (Ask Dawn about her daughter’s friend the bottle and where the alleged DUI charges went). You might want to ask about how evidence is safeguarded in the Coeymans Police Department or their recipe for hitting parents through their kids. Or you might want to ask how to frame a resident or how to screw up a drug raid for a thimble full of marijuana while the real druggies are in the Ravena offices or the Coeymans PD evidence room (just speculating on this one). Of course, the Coeymans Police would rather hassle a bunch of kids congregating on a public gazebo than go after real criminals like Scott Lenden and his helpers (theft, possession of stolen goods, criminal tresspass). But then Dirty-Hands Jerry Deluca was investigator on that case and didn’t move his fat arse on it for six months until the victims called in the Albany County Sheriff’s team. Or how about arresting a kid for possessing his own prescription drugs and having him jailed for 45 days…on the information provided by a known, convicted druggie? An what about the recent botched up drug raids? Any comment, chief Darlington or admin assistant Kerry Thompson? And what happend to the investigations of Cathy Deluca and Claude Wheeles on falsely reporting an incident—one that never happened but Deluca and Wheeles collaborated and lied about it—maybe Officer Jason Albert, chief Gregory Darlington, or maybe Dirty-Hands Jerry Deluca can provide some answers. How does evidence leak out, Mr Deluca, Mr Darlington, Officer Albert?

Part Five: Going after the Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District Board of Education, a Turncoat Superintendent of Schools, and the Teachers Union Lackeys Voted to the RCS Board of Education. How’d that all happen? We’ve got some information and facts that are going to knock your socks off and have some people soiling their undies. The real facts behind what cooking on the BoE and what a suicidal, ignorant school district has done to itself by handing over $40 million to crooks!

Anyone who questions what we write can just ask his or her questions at a public village or town meeting. Mayor John Bruno and the Ravena village trustees Nancy Warner, Bill Bailey, Marty Case, Rocco Persico,or Supervisor Stephen Flach and the town board members Tom Dolan, Dawn Rogers, Peter Masti,  Tom Boehm, or Coeymans Police Department chief Gregory Darlington will be more than pleased to put up a smoke screen and tell you the lies you’d like to hear. Try it. Let us know how you make out.

You Asked For It! We're Going to Give It To You! The Editor

You Asked For It!
We’re Going to Give It To You!
You’ll Be Crying, Too!

The Editor

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance!

1 Comment

Posted by on August 29, 2013 in, Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County Department of Children, Youth, and Families, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Executive, Albany County Sheriff Department, All the Justice You Can Buy, Annette Demitraszek, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Black Mamba, Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, BoBo Cop, Bray Engel, Brian Bailey, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Burning the Constitution, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Court, Coeymans Town Justice, Committee on Open Government, Conspiracy, Corrupt Police, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., David Soares, Dawn LaMountain, Dawn Rogers, DoDo Cop, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Elizabeth A. Varney, F.O.I.L., Falsely reporting an incident, Favoritism, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, First Amendment, Fitness Center, Formal Written Complaint, Fourteenth Amendment, Freedom of Information Law, Freedom of Speech, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, Harold Warner, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Indifference, Intimidation, Investigation, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Albert, Jason Hyslop, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Jerry Perrine, Joan Ross, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Joseph C. Teresi, Joseph Teresi, Josie Biscone-Bruno, Karen Miller, Kerry Thompson, Kristine Biernacki, Larry Conrad, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Laverne Conrad, Law Enforcement, Marlene McTigue, Martin Case, Marty Case, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misdemeanor, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Napierski, Napierski & O'Connor, Nepotism, New York, New York State, New York State Police, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, P. David Soares, Paranoia, Phillip Crandall, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena Village Attorney, Ravena Village Board, Ravena Village Justice, RCS Board of Education, RCS Sports Association, RCS Teachers Association, Retaliation, Richard Ianuzzi, Robert J. Freeman, Rocco Persico, Ron Racey, Ryan Johnson, Sarah Berchtold Engel, Sarah Engel, Scott Lendin, Scott M. Lendin, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Stephen Prokrym, Stifling Freedom, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tom Dolan, Unamerican Activity, Village of Ravena Planning Board, William Bailey


Criminal Obstruction of Justice & Official Misconduct: Gregory Darlington, Coeymans PD

Most Citizens Are Unaware of Laws that Can Be Used in Self-Defense Against Rogue Public Servants and to Bring Public Servants to Justice.


Obstruction of Justice, Official Misconduct, Personal Injury, Violations of Protected Rights BRING THEM TO JUSTICE!!!

Obstruction of Justice, Official Misconduct, Personal Injury, Violations of Protected Rights

That Includes Police Chiefs and Police Officers, Government Elected Officials, Other Public Employees, Too!

New York Penal Law (hereinafter called NYP) § 195.00 Official misconduct. A public servant is guilty of official misconduct when, with intent to obtain a benefit or deprive another person of a benefit…he knowingly refrains from performing a duty which is imposed upon him by law or is clearly inherent in the nature of his office. Official misconduct is a class A misdemeanor.

§195.05 Obstructing governmental administration in the second degree. A person is guilty of obstructing governmental administration when he intentionally obstructs, impairs or perverts the administration of law or other governmental function or prevents or attempts to prevent a public servant from performing an official function, by means of intimidation, physical force or interference. Official misconduct is a class A misdemeanor.

US Code – Chapter 73: Obstruction of justice. Obstruction of justice is a serious federal offense where someone tries to impede the interfere with the legal process. This can include actions that impede the criminal process during the investigation stage or during the trial. There are many different ways that someone can be charged with obstructing justice such as: Attempting to influence a judge, court employee or a jury member; threatening, assaulting, blackmailing, retaliating against or taking other actions against someone for participating in a criminal investigation or prosecution; Lying to law enforcement officials about important information such as Knowingly altering, concealing, or destroying evidence or potential evidence.

Ways to Commit Obstruction of Justice

Obstruction of justice is a crime which can be charged in a number of scenarios. It can be committed by a judicial official, an elected official, attorneys and people obstructing the justice system. The following are ways that the crime of obstruction of justice can be committed:

  • Interfering with the work of prosecutors, government officials, other officials, police, investigators or other professionals doing work to promote or ensure justice can constitute obstruction of justice.
  • When a person who is questioned during an investigation lies to the police, this can result in obstruction of justice charges when the truth is discovered. The right to remain silent protects individuals who do not wish to cooperate with an investigation if it may incriminate them.
  • Altering or destroying physical evidence can bring about obstruction of justice charges. 
  • As a government official, a police chief or district attorney has an increased duty to uphold justice and enforce the laws, and his failure to do so can result in charges of obstruction of justice.
  • Perjury can bring about obstruction of justice charges whether it is committed by an official or anyone in an official investigation.

In new york obstruction of justice is a class “a” misdeamenor.  maximum punishment is up to a year in jail.

So, What Do You Think of When You Think of the Coeymans Police Department? Official Misconduct? Obstruction of Justice? Violation of Protected Constitutional Rights? Personal Injurty (Physical, Reputation, Loss of Income, Property Damage, Medical Expenses, etc.)?

Can You Describe Coeymans Police Department Misconduct?
Can You Describe How has Gregory Darlington Contributed to the Misconduct of Coeymans PD Personnel?
Do You Know How has Gregory Darlington Failed Law Enforcement in this Town?
How has Gregory Darlington and the Coeymans PD Failed YOU?

Abused by Clowns?

Abused by Clowns?

Have you been waiting for local, state, or federal officials to come to your aid? Frustrated?

Please examine the list below and think about the items. Can you provide us with your information by SPECIFIC case, event, incident, dates, times, names of persons directly involved (perp, victim, investigating law enforcement officers’ names), witnesses, any damage or injury you sustained as a result (e.g., physical, social (defamation, public shame, etc.), economic (medical costs, loss of income, additional expenses, etc.), any other details you feel might be important.

Criminal federal and state obstruction of justice charges, state criminal official misconduct charges, and civil violation of protected rights and personal injury (tort) claims against Darlington, the Coeymans PD, the town of Coeymans, the members of the town board of Coeymans, Gregory Darlington, and P. David Soares are supported by the items listed below and, include at least those listed below. Do you have any knowledge of any incident in which Darlington or any employee of the Coeymans Police Department has failed in his performance or by his failure, empowered or facilitated misconduct by employees of the Coeymans Police Department? Be specific and provide the particulars indicated in the previous paragraph.

We, as claimant, allege the following specific instances of Mr Gregory Darlington’s ongoing patterns of obstruction of justice in his capacity as chief of police in the town of Coeymans Police Department, including but not by limitation, the following allegations, which will be described in detail in a further Notice of Claim and lawsuit being prepared as we write. Do any of the following look familiar to you?

  1. Failure to diligently  investigate or to supervise, or interfering with the progress of an on – going investigation of a complaint taken by the town of Coeymans Police Department;
  2. Delaying or otherwise interfering with the timely processing of a good faith complaint, interfering with the inauguration or prosecution of the investigation of such complaint, or otherwise obstructing the reasonable investigative processes involved in the disposition of a complaint made with the Coeymans Police Department;
  3. By indifference, ignorance, or negligence failing to ensure the proper handling, recording, tracking, access to, and security of evidence taken or provided for the purpose of law enforcement, criminal investigation, or other law enforcement activity;
  4. Failing or refusing to respond to a citizen’s or complainant’s diligent inquiry regarding the status or progress of a complaint or investigation;
  5. Obstructing or impairing a citizen’s or complainant’s rights under the law;
  6. Indifference or injury to citizen’s or complainant’s confidence in his or her constitutionally guaranteed protected and guaranteed rights under the United States Constitution and the laws of the United States and the State of New York, to wit: freedom of expression and assembly, equal protection under the law, protection from unlawful search and seizure, discrimination based on sex, age, gender, orientation, faith tradition; profiling by person, vehicle, etc.
  7. Failure to enforce discipline in the case of on- or off – duty misconduct of members of the Coeymans Police Department upon good faith, substantiated, and factual citizen complaint;
  8. Indifference or injury to a citizen’s or complainant’s confidence in the impartiality of the law, and law enforcement, in equal protection under the law;
  9. Creation of the impression by word, conduct, silence, commission, omission of a double – standard system of favoritism or nepotism or simonism or other such pernicious practice based on personal, social, professional, political or economic relationships or associations;
  10. The conditioning of support of the public service resources of the Coeymans Police Department or resources accessible or at the disposal of the Coeymans Police Department upon favor or other conditional consideration or benefit to the staff, organization, image, operations of the Coeymans Police Department;
  11. Indifference to or refusal to respond to citizen’s or complainant’s telephone, e – mail, letter or written communications and inquiries relating to the business and operations of the Coeymans Police Department;
  12. Indifference to or refusal to respond or to comply with the affirmative obligations imposed upon the Coeymans Police Department under the provisions of New York State Public Officers Law Article 6 §§84 – 90, also known as the New York State Freedom of Information Law or the F.O.I.L.;
  13. Refusal to collaborate or to cooperate with other intra – municipal public service personnel, public servants, public employees, agencies, offices or officials to facilitate timely and productive response to citizen or complainant complaints, inquiries, concerns;
  14. Indifference to or refusal to create, implement, update, or observe quality, disciplinary, complaint processing, administrative procedures and policies required or already in place in the Coeymans Police Department or in the town of Coeymans government system to ensure an acceptable and efficacious performance of the Coeymans Police Department as a unit of the government of the town of Coeymans and the intra – departmental operations of the Coeymans Police Department;
  15. Have you been or felt you have been intimidated or subjected to retaliation by Coeymans law enforcement, complained, and have been frustrated by their indifference or non-response? Did you feel abused?
  16. Indifference to or refusal to create or to enhance a positive image of law enforcement in the town of Coeymans.

This list is considered ongoing and may be augmented at any time without notice upon receipt of information not already contained or included in the above list.

Read another document that describes specifically what Gregory Darlington is expected to be doing in his official civil service job description. Do you feel he’s doing his job? Do you know of specific instances to show that he is not competent or qualified ever to have been or to continue to be the chief administrative officer  of the town of Coeymans Police Department? Click here to read/download that document: Where has the Coeymans Police Chief Failed

Send us any information you have to support your contentions to and we’ll include it in our Notice of Claim against the Coeymans Police Department, Town of Coeymans, the members of the town board of the Town of Coeymans, the Coeymans Town Attorney, the Coeymans Police Department, Gregory Darlington, P. David Soares and provide you with fill – in boilerplate forms for your personal Notice of Claim against the Town of Coeymans, the town board of the Town of Coeymans, the Coeymans Town Attorney, the Coeymans Police Department, Gregory Darlington, P. David Soares on charges of federal and state criminal obstruction of justice, state criminal official misconduct charges, and civil charges violation of protected rights, and personal injury (tort).

If you don’t have your own computer or don’t know how to send an e – mail, visit the RCS Community Library on Main Street in Ravena or any community library and ask one of the library employees to help you. Use your community library; it’s good for you and it’s good for the library!

Time for Real Justice Bring Them to Justice The Editor

Time for Real Justice
Bring Them to Justice
The Editor
Ego sum qui sum…


Posted by on August 16, 2013 in Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Executive, Albany County Sheriff Department, American Civil Liberties Union, ARANY, BoBo Cop, Bryan Rowzee, Bully Cops, Burning the Constitution, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Court, Coeymans Town Justice, Come Together, Committee on Open Government, Conspiracy, Corrupt Police, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., Criminal Prosecution, Crooked Cop, David Soares, Dawn LaMountain, Dawn Rogers, DeLuca Public Affairs, Department of State, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, F.O.I.L., FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, First Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Government, Greene County, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory R. Seeley, Gregory Teresi, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Incompetence, Intimidation, Investigation, Irresponsibility, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, Joe Rotello, Joe Teresi, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Joseph A. Farrell Jr, Joseph C Rotello, Joseph C. Teresi, Kerry Thompson, Larry Conrad, Laverne Conrad, Law Enforcement, Main Street Small Business Coalition, Marlene McTigue, Martin Case, Marty Case, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misdemeanor, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, MSSBC, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nepotism, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Police, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, P. David Soares, Perp Patrol, Perv Patrol, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Police Thugs, Public Corruption, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena Village Attorney, Ravena Village Board, Retaliation, Robert J. Freeman, Rocco Persico, Ryan Johnson, Scott Lendin, Scott M. Lendin, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Stephen Prokrym, Stifling Freedom, Surveillance, Susan K. O'Rorke, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tkaczyk, Tom Dolan, Transparency, Unamerican Activity, William Bailey


Criminal Complaint: Catherine M. Deluca a.k.a. Cathy Deluca, Claude A. Wheeles, Ravena Health and Fitness Center

Have the Lies and Criminal Conduct Caught up with Her?

Has She Involved an Innocent Bystander?

We Have the Paperwork and an Incriminating Bit of Evidence. Has the Teflon-Tootsie Lost Her Non-Stick Coating? Looks Like Falsely Reporting an Incident to Law Enforcement and Conspiracy Might be on the Menu for Ravena Health and Fitness Center “Director” Cathy Deluca.

The Heat's On High Will Cathy D. End Up Wearing the Egg or Will Teflon Save Her?

The Heat’s On High
Will Cathy D. End Up Wearing the Egg or Will Teflon Save Her?

Cathy Deluca

Cathy Deluca

The Ravena Health and Fitness Center has been surrounded by controversy and accusations of wrong-doing since Day One. In fact, the place gets deeper and deeper into trouble as time goes on. As you’ve read here—but not in the News Herald or the Times Union, of course—all about the financial misconduct, the administrative misconduct, the hiring misconduct, and the list goes on. So why would the Ravena News Herald or the Times Union pick up on a scandal story abour their cronies? The point is: They wouldn’t and you’d still be in La-La Land thinking everything is just peachy–just like you’ve been doing for decades while village of Ravena mayor John Bruno, village of Ravena trustee Nancy Warner, Coeymans Police Department employee Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca, village of Ravene unlawful employee Cathy Deluca, town of Coeymans “runaway bunny police chief” Gregory Darlington and their mob rub their hands together just so impatient to get their pice of the action. Well, last month, even before the Ravena Health and Fitness Center officially opened its doors, Cathy Deluca opened her big mouth and got herself and the village of Ravena into a bit of a pickle. As a result, a Notice of Claim was filed against the village of Ravena, Cathy Deluca, and the Ravena Health and Fitness Center. It’s the first step before the lawsuits.

Wanna join me at the "club", Mr Mayor?

Wanna join me at the “club”, Mr Mayor?

But the dirt doesn’t stop there. It appears the Cathy Deluca had no sooner blabbed her way into a lawsuit but she then reports an incident to her little friends down at chubby-hubby’s Coeymans Police Department, alleging that she’d been harassed and stating false facts. This is a misdemeanor crime in New York state. Well, her plan to get an innocent party into hot water backfired on her. Sorry, Cathy!

What’s worse is that she apparently managed to get an employee of the Ravena Health and Fitness Center to lie along with her. That’s another felony/misdemeanor called conspiracy. You see when you plan to commit a crime and get someone to help you out, whether that someone knows what you’re doing or not, that person is involved in a conspiracy. So, Cathy D. apparently got an employee of the Ravena Health and Fitness Center under her control and supervision, a Claude A. Wheeles, to allegedly corroborate her lies to the Coeymans Police Department.

Well, the fact that falsely reporting an incident to law enforcement and causing law enforcement to investigate something that never happened is a serious crime. So is getting someone to collaborate with you in that crime. And that’s apparently, or at least according to the papers filed with the Coeymans Police Department allege that Deluca did.

What Cathy D. and her little helper, Claude A. Wheeles,  didn’tknow is that the entire incident was caught on tape and that recording was recently turned over to the Coeymans Police Department as evidence that Cathy D. and her alleged co-conspirator Mr Wheeles lied to the police about the incident they alleged to have happened at the Ravena Health and Fitness Center.

According to the papers we have, that resulted in a second Notice of Claim, in addition to the first one served on the village of Ravena, the second one alleging that Cathy D. committed the crimes of falsely reporting an incident to law enforcement and conspiring to do so. Now the village of Ravena has to answer for a second, now criminal, complaint against the Teflon-Tootsie.

Question is: Do We Go After the town of Coeymans, the Coeymans Police Department, Gregory Darlington on Civil or Criminal Charges Stemming from Indifference and Negligence, and Incompetence to Obstruction of Justice?

Of course, the Coeymans police department, the very place where the Teflon-Tootsie’s chubby-hubby, Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca works as a so-called police investigator, is dragging their dung-stained heels on the investigation. Darlington, the so-called chief of the Coeymans Keystones, hasn’t responded to any of several letters concerning the case. And the Complainant has warned Darlington and his minions that chubby-hubby Jerry Deluca had better be kept far from the investigation of his wife and had better not have access to any investigation information or any of the evidence provided or gathered.

old guy loser

Darlington, himself, because of his mismanagement of the department and his indifference to citizen’s complaints and inquiries has set himself up for disciplinary action and he’s only making it worse for himself by refusing to respond to the Claimant’s requests for updates and callbacks to take the Claimant’s statement.

The village of Ravena and the Albany County Civil Service Department are also under fire because of the way the village of Ravena requested creation of a new civil service job title for Cathy Deluca and saying that the positon should be classified as “exempt“. That means that the village of Ravena claims that the position would not be suitable for classification as a “competitive” position. Does that surprise anyone?

The so-called director of the Albany County Civil Service department, Michael Cummings, is on the hotseat for approving the position without the necessary paperwork or explanations. His last response was that there was “clerical error.” Bullshit, Cummings. You’re incompetent and in cahoots with your crooked friends in Ravena! Well, Cummings and mayor John Bruno with his hatchet-woman Nancy Warner and Cathy Deluca  thought the whole filthy affair would never get discovered and they’d get away with their little conspiracy. They still haven’t learned that things are different now. We find things out and they get published.

Cummings got caught with his pants around his ankles on this one and there will be a lot of questions to be answered when this gets to the New York State Civil Service Department, to the Office of the NYS Comptroller, and to the Office of the NYS Attorney General with all of the exhibits and demands for investigation and prosecution. No Cummings, Bruno, Warner, Deluca, it isn’t over by a longshot.

Stay tuned, readers! As soon as we have had the chance to read all the paperwork and get it prepped for posting, you’ll read it all here. Be patient, it might take a week but we’ll have it up for you. You can make your own decisions once see the documents.

Question is: Who’s going to be willing to take the fall with Cathy D.?

But Will It Really Be Worth the Fall? The Editor

But Will It Really Be
Worth the Fall?

The Editor

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance!


Posted by on July 20, 2013 in Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Executive, Albany County Supervisor, Attorney Misconduct, Bryan Rowzee, Burning the Constitution, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board Meeting, Coeymans Town Court, Committee on Open Government, Conspiracy, Corrupt Police, Corruption, Crime and Punishment, Crooked Cop, David Soares, Dawn Rogers, Deluca-Warner Fitness Center, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, False Instrument, Falsely reporting an incident, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Felony, First Amendment, Fitness Center, Fourteenth Amendment, Fraud, Freedom of Speech, Gerald Deluca, Greed, Gregory Darlington, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Intimidation, Investigation, Jason Albert, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, John T. Bruno, Law Enforcement, Martin Case, Marty Case, Mayor Bruno, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misdemeanor, Misuse of Public Office, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Napierski, Napierski & O'Connor, Nepotism, New York, New York State, News Herald, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, P. David Soares, Peter Masti, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena Village Board, Rocco Persico, Selkirk, Stephen Flach, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tom Dolan, Transparency, William Bailey