Category Archives: Education Commissioner

Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Board of Education Disses 911 Remembrance!!!

All over the United States, in schools, churches, government offices, courtrooms the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, were being remembered by observing a moment of silence.

The Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Board of Education Disses 911 Remembrance

It’s all over the place in the RCS school district: The schools of the RCS Central School District refused to remember the victims of the 911 terror attacks with a moment of silence. Even the students are outraged as we receive reports of Facebook posts posted by RCS students and expressing their outrage that there was no moment of silence on Monday, September 11, 2017. We find this disgraceful but are very impressed that kids who weren’t even born yet or were infants at the time of the attacks express such compassion and sensitivity to be outraged by their adult handlers’ lack of compassion and sensitivity to a national tragedy that resulted in multiple wars that are still causing misery and suffering at home and abroad.

What’s next?
Will RCS start flying the Saudi flag?

What’s next parents, residents, taxpayers? Do we start pledging allegiance to the flag of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Will we next see the Saudi flag raised at the high school?

Most of us will remember 911 with a certain disbelief even today, years after the attack. We all know that the terrorists who planned and executed the attacks were from Saudi Arabia, a country with a long record of anti-West sentiments and whose human rights crimes are legendary. That’s Osama bin Laden’s home country and his family are affluent citizens of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia where Sharia or Islamic law requires women to be completely covered and still features public beheadings as their preferred capital punishment.

SABIC’s Flag Flies in Selkirk!

Right in our midst we have SABIC is a global leader in diversified chemicals and whose headquarters are in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Arabian government owns 70 percent of SABIC shares, with the remainder held by private investors in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Cooperation Council countries.Check out their website and tell us it’s not scary! SABIC is located in Selkiirk/Feura Bush and has recently been granted substantial school tax incentives locally. The plot thickens!

According to a 2014 Times Union report by Brian Nearing, “Selkirk plastics plant hit with third environmental fine in three years,” the Saudi company was fined $16,000 for those violations but in 2011 and 2013 paid $241,000.00 in fines for environmental violations. But then that’s mere pocket change to the Saudis. More improtantly, apparently the Saudis are not happy just killing Americans and destroying American property, they aim to destroy American environment, too, starting right in our own backyards. The plot thickens even more!

So why are we so concerned about a Saudi chemicals company in Selkirk who, like so many American companies, is intent on destroying our environment and our health? After all, it’s just a country several thousands of miles away with terrorist ties and human rights violations. Not much unlike so many of America’s “friends”. So what you might be thinking.

So what? Here’s why:

The property owners in the RCS Central School District pay millions in taxes to support the now more than $46 million school budget for the district, while local towns are giving companies like Sabic and Selkirk Cogen tax breaks. The residents of the RCS Central School District vote for the members of the RCS Central School District Board of Education. According to the RCS CD Board of Education website, the board is:

“A local board of education is an agency of New York State that is governed by state law and the regulations of the commissioner of education.”

The BoE website also states the five main responsibilities of the RCS BoE to be:

  • to establish all school district policies;
  • to develop an annual budget for public approval;
  • to approve or disapprove the superintendent’s recommendations regarding personnel matters and the many contracts the district must enter;
  • to review courses of study and textbooks;
  • to act as a two-way communications link between residents and the superintendent

The site also states that: “The decisions of your elected board of education affect your child, your child’s future, your tax rate, and the well-being of your community.

RCS BoE President James Latter is a SABIC Employee; Jason Hyslop, a BoE member is a SABIC Employee!!!

In 2013, we published two articles on this blog with very serious warnings: James Latter: Why He’s A Bad Choice and Latter-Hyslop-Brown: The VERY WRONG Choice! but somehow Latter and Hyslop got elected to the board, and it’s been downhill ever since. You see, both James Latter, RCS BoE president, and Jason Hyslop are employees of SABIC. Where do you think their loyalties lie? In their paychecks or in the interests of the school district?

So now you have two RCS Central School District Board of Education members, its president, James Latter, and a sitting board member, Jason Hyslop, both employees of Saudi-owned SABIC, “establishing school district polices” and to “review courses of study and textbooks“, and keep in mind that, according to the Board’s own statement, “the decisions of your elected board of education affect your child, your child’s future, your tax rate, and the well-being of your community.

So now that we have informed you AGAIN that you have two SABIC lackies on your board of education and you put them there, we hope that at the next meeting you will propose that courses for conversational Arabic be offered the elementary, middle and high school curriculums, because you’re going to need it to pledge allegiance to the Saudi flag. After all, the RCS CD Board of Education does establish all school district policies and their decisions affect your children, your child’s future, and the well-being of your community.

So why do you think there was no moment of silence in RCS schools on September 11, 2017? Do we really have to answer that question?

Here you go, we’ll get you stared. Repeat after Mr Latter:

لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله
lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh, muhammadun rasūlu-llāh
“There is no god but God: Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”

Get the Saudi Companies off our Board of Education!!!

The Editor

Let your RCS Central School District Board of Ed members know what you think!
James Latter, President of the RCS-CD BoE and SABIC Employee
Teddy Reville
Bray Engel
Tina Furst-Hotaling
Kristin Hill-Burns
Jason Hyslop, BoE member and SABIC Employee
William McFerran
William McFerran
Peter Ross

Email all board members


Wow! McCartney-DiAcetis’ Stupidity Goes National, International

The Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District Has Done It Again but this Time It’s Gone Absolutely Viral!

BANG! DiAcetis and McCartney Loose the Battle in the National Media! The Students Win the Support of the Media.

BANG! DiAcetis and McCartney Loose the Battle in the National Media!The Students Win the Support of the Media.

News Media Unanimous: DiAcetis and McCartney Were Wrong!

Several national news media have picked up the McCartney-DiAcetis scandal involving the banning of a t-shirt handed out at the high-school by a National Guard recruiter. Not a single one of the reports paints McCartney or DiAcetis in very pretty colors, in fact, they almost unanimously condemn DiAcetis’ action and McCartney’s ridiculous defenses.

One commentator on Fox’s “Outnumbered” asked whether DiAcetis and McCartney were going to black out all the muskets and weapons in the history books used at the schools.

We almost think the media plagiarized this blog—You know, just like RCS CSD interim superintendent Alan R. McCartney plagiarizes his graduation speeches—because many of the words used in the television discussions and the print media echo our own choices of words. “Disgraceful”, “scandalous”, “silly”, “unpatriotic”, “childish”, etc. Some even suggested that RCS high-school principal Tom DiAcetis has an “anti-military bias.” The reporters and the panel on Fox News “Outnumbered” even suggested that DiAcetis and McCartney are sending a completely wrong message and that they were excessively heavy-handed and too extreme. We, of course, agree entirely. One commentator on Fox’s “Outnumbered” asked whether DiAcetis and McCartney were going to black out all the muskets and weapons in the history books used at the schools.

This one's for you two, DiAcetis and McCartney

This one’s for you two, DiAcetis and McCartney

We warned you but you ignored us! Now, AGAIN, you’re in the news AGAIN and it’s not because you’re so good; your choices are still bad and they’ve come back AGAIN to bite you in the butts.

We have in the past written about the wrong messages being sent to the community and to students by school administrators, the district offices and the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk board of education. We warned that they were not leaders and that disaster was just around the corner. We warned that the likes of James Latter, who has a record of abuses, including violations of confidentiality. We warned of the problems looming with the unbalanced composition of the RCS board of education and that it was biased in favor of the teachers and the teachers union, NYSUT. We warned that Mary Partridge-Brown, a close friend of RCS union representative Matt Miller, the teacher who was double-dipping as so-called energy manager at the high-school, and who was teaching only a partial load so that he could do his union work on school time and still draw his teacher’s salary and all benefits. Mary Partidge-Brown’s husband is Patrick Brown, a sitting RCS board of education member. We warned about Alan McCartney’s self-serving pattern of kissing up to anyone who will keep him in his part-time, on-his-own-schedule, interim superintendent’s job where he’s collecting more than $100,000 of RCS Central School District money. We warned that the RCS board of education was no longer representing the community but was now an extension of the special interests of the teachers and of the teachers union. We warned of the abysmal graduation rates and the student abuse by coaches and teachers. We warned you but you ignored us! Now, AGAIN, you’re in the news and it’s not because you’re so good.

We’ve written volumes on the goings-on in the schools but especially the RCS high school. Everything from bullying to the local Coeymans cop who was assigned as the security liason, the RSO, Danielle Crosier, who according to students was doing a wrestling coach on school grounds, riding a school bus with the football team to away games, and wrecking patrol cars. Did you listen? Did you protest? No! She’s still there. Why? Oh, by the way, she carries her service weapon, a gun, around the school but that doesn’t seem to bother DiAcetis or McCartney. They’re too busy messing around with National Guard t-shirts.

How can DiAcetis and McCartney continue in leadership positions and how can they govern the district and the students now that they have lost the battle?

Enjoying the crow?

Enjoying the crow?

When a leader loses face vis-a-vis those he’s supposed to be leading, the only thing left to do is to resign.

We warned that there is no leadership in the RCS CSD. In fact, Tom DiAcetis and McCartney are non-leaders, who operate best when they can be heavy-handed and vindictive. If they were non-leaders before, what are they now that they’ve made complete asses of themselves not only with the students, the community, but now with the entire nation!?! Now that the situation and the story has gone wildfire on the national media, complete with discussions of quotes from McCartney’s defenses, the kids are actually in the lead. The kids are winning the battle. DiAcetis and McCartney have lost face because the kids have trumped them. This creates a very difficult position in the RCS central school district: How can DiAcetis and McCartney continue in leadership positions and how can they govern the district and the students now that they have lost the battle? Just imagine the situation now with the kids looking at them as losers!

When a leader loses face vis-a-vis those he’s supposed to be leading, the only thing left to do is to resign, to turn in the keys. A leader who is made to eat crow by those he’s supposed to be leading is incapable of leading; he’s tainted. DiAcetis has no other choice but to resign and let someone who has half a brain take the reins. McCartney was given a chance, despite his tainted background, he showed promise in the beginning but then his true colors came through: he’s an opportunist, he can’t be trusted, he’s using this school district to pad is pockets while still collecting his pension, and he’s lost the ability to lead, he’s lost students’ and our confidence. McCartney has to go.

The Vermin Must Go! The Editor

The Vermin Must Go!
They are killing us!

The vermin on the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk board of education have been very quiet. That’s exactly what we’d expect from them when the cat hits the fan. Latter and his band of scoundrels have balls only when they can ambush; when the lights go on they scurry fast for their holes. They’re good rats and know when to come out and when to hide. But you need to go after them and force them to do what you elected them to do.

It's the only moral, decent, honorable thing to do. DiAcetis and McCartney Must Go! The RCS BoE is on the carpet to act on this scandal. Let them show their colors!

It’s the only moral, decent, honorable thing to do. DiAcetis and McCartney Must Go!
The RCS BoE is on the carpet to act on this scandal. Let them show their colors: Black and Blue, Feces Brown?

We understand that the students are organizing. Support them.

Make your demands known. Here is their contact information:

Give’m Hell Now!
And Remember What They’re Doing When You Vote!

Alan R. McCartney, Interim Superintendent
Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central Schools
District Office
P.O. Box 100
15 Mountain Rd.
Ravena, NY 12143
(518) 756.5200

Tom DiAcetis, Principal
RCS High School
2025 Rt. 9W
Ravena, NY 12143
(518) 756.5200 ext. 2000

The Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Board of Education
Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk CSD
Board of Education
P.O. Box 100
15 Mountain Road
Ravena, NY 12143

RCS Board of Education
James Latter, President
E. Revile, Vice-president
Patrick Brown
Howard “Bray” Engel
Jason Hyslop
Michael Jones
William McFerran
Alice Whalen
Tina Furst-Hotaling

Leave a comment

Posted by on September 25, 2014 in Albany, Albany County District Attorney, Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Bill McFerran, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Dorrance, Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, Bray Engel, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Bullying, Burning the Constitution, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Coercion, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Constitution, Corruption, D. M. Crosier, Danielle Crosier, Danielle M. Crosier, Discrimination, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Education Commissioner, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Eric T. Schneiderman, FBI, FBI Public Corruption Squad, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Greene County, Gregory Darlington, Harassment, Hudson Valley, Intimidation, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Hyslop, Joan Ross, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Misinformation, Mismanagement, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, New York State United Teachers, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Patrick E. Brown, Pete Lopez, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Retaliation, Robert Dorrance, Sarah Berchtold Engel, Sarah Engel, Selkirk, Student Abuse, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Unamerican Activity


Did RCS CSD Superintendent Alan McCartney Plagiarize 2014 Grad Speech?

Amid a small flurry of FaceBook exchanges it appears some parents believe that Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District interim Superintendent, Alan R. McCartney, may have plagiarized all or part of his RCS Class of 2014 commencement speech. Some even suggest that the 2014 graduation speech is substantially a repeat of McCarney’s 2013 graduation speech; that would mean that this is the second incident of plagiarism by the superintendent with an already stormy and shady past. What will the school district parents do? What will his special-interest-loaded board of education do? What will the Commissioner of Education do?

jay perrotte-mccartney plagiarized speech

RCS CSD Superintendent McCartney Steals Yoda’s Laurels!

RCS CSD Superintendent Alan R. McCartney Receives an Very Generous Salary from the Taxpayers of this District. Wouldn’t you think he’d take the time to at least write an original graduation speech to send off the new graduates? Do RCS graduates now have to deal with the stigma of having their superintendent steal his material for their rites of passage into the adult world? There’s an old saying that the “Fish rots from the head down.” We re-live that saying every day in the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School Districts, don’t we?


What is plagiarism? Plagiarism is defined as “To take and use as one’s own the thoughts, writings or inventions of another” (Oxford English Dictionary). Plagiarism therefore has two elements: (1) taking another’s work and (2)using the work as your own.

Several local residents have asked McCartney’s office for any recordings of the suspect speech and we have made a direct request to McCartney himself, putting a deadline for his response at close-of-business on July 3, 2014. The McCartney speech, it is alleged, used material from a speech published by one Jonathan E. Martin entitled “Yoda’s Teachings.” A parent attending the Class of 2014 graduation event felt there was something odd about McCartney’s speech and investigated further (see the extract from the parent’s FaceBook post on RCS Friends and More). In response to Mr Perrotte’s observations and conclusions other parents chimed in with their comments.

We have demanded a response from Mr McCartney and have notified all members of the RCS CSD board of education. We want this clarified NOW! Here’s what we wrote (Susan Starr is the clerk of the RCS CSD; McCartney’s e-mail address is not published):

Dear Ms Starr:
Please advise Mr McCartney urgently of this matter.
We urge you to respond immediately with any recordings of Mr McCartney’s 2014 graduation speech. It seems that a number of parents have expressed the concern that Mr McCartney may have purloined all or a substantial part of his graduation speech from an Internet source on the same subject, Yoda.
Unless we receive Mr McCartney’s explicit and express denial of such plagiarism together with a copy of any recording of the actual speech delivered at the 2014 RCS graduation event by no later than close of business (5 p.m. EST), we intend to publish the allegations and to prosecute Mr McCartney’s resignation.
Our interim publication of the allegations will note that we have made this demand; our final publication will reflect your response to this demand.
Please confirm receipt of this communication.
Assuring you of our best intentions,
The Editor
Smalbany Blog

We’d like to clear this up once and for all but to do that we need Mr McCarntney to either deny the allegations and to provide a recording of the speech he delivered at the RCS Class of 2014 graduation event OR to show convincing evidence that he gave credits for the allegedly purloined material used in his speech. We’d also like to remind our readers that such conduct by a person in McCartney’s position has resulted in resignation by the school official.

This is a preliminary report of the facts as of 10 a.m. on July 3, 2014. This report will be updated as we receive more information. If you have any information or a recording of the McCarney speech delivered on June 28, 2014, on the occasion of the RCS Class of 2014 graduation, please provide a copy to as soon as possible.


The Clock's Ticking Time for Action The Editor

The Clock’s Ticking
Time for Action
The Editor

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance.
Graphics and Images Disclosure: Unless otherwise noted and credited, all graphics used in this article are the result of a Google image search, and at the time the images were collected and used in this article, no conspicuous or visible copyright notice or other proprietary mark was shown. Please communicate any claim or corrections to All images are used in good faith for non-profit, public information and public service purposes.




A Weasel on the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Board of Education: William McFerran?!?!

 As if there weren’t already too many weasels in the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District administrative offices, employed by the RCS schools as teachers and non-instruction staff; as if the RCS board of education were not already overrun by ratlike weasels, now one of the arch-weasels, William “Bill” McFerran has his eye on a seat on the RCS board of education. Does it get any sleazier? Well, the answer to that question, dear readers is: Yes! It does get sleazier because the RCS school central district and its board of education are the sleaze champs of central New York State.

RCS: Home of the Weasel Board of Education!

Owned and Operated by the New York State United Teachers — A special-interest union!

McFerret a.k.a. McWeasel Bill McFerran Running for RCS BoE? No way, José!

McFerret a.k.a. McWeasel: Bill McFerran Running for RCS BoE? No way, José!

Not only did the Fiends of RCS wait until the 11th hour to announce the names of the sleaze candidates they are attempting to push on the public,  The fact that the three candidates supported by the teachers union, New York State United Teachers, Tina Furst-Hotaling, Michael Jones, and William “Bill” McFerret. Once again the Fiends of RCS, a loud-mouthed group of insiders, has put their candidates—Correction: the teachers union’s candidates—all on one ticket and plastering the entire district with the arrogant three stooges:Tina Furst-Hotaling, Michael Jones, and McFerret himself!

The ferret (Mustela putorius furo) is the domesticated form of the European Polecat, a mammal belonging to the weasel genus of the family Mustelidae.Ferrets are sexually dimorphic predators…[B]eing so closely related to polecats, ferrets are quite easily able to hybridize with them, and this has occasionally resulted in feral colonies of polecat-ferret hybrids that have caused damage to native fauna. (Source:

It’s a scandal that the candidates were publically announced not even a week before the scheduled school board and school budget elections. Meet the candidates was published only on May 25, 2014, in the Ravena News Herald for the elections to take place on May 20th!!!! Is that a joke or what?



We reported on McFerret’s shady and sleazy operations while he was associated with the RCS Sports Association. You remember, the sports association with the phony registrations and non-profit status? The same RCS Sports Association that when the water was getting a little too hot to handle, all of a sudden disappeared in a puff of ‘we’re outa here’ and then miraculously reappeared as the “new” RCS Sports Association will real status and a whole new board of crooks. Well, if you remember all that you’ll also remember that McFerran, yes, the very William McFerran who’s running for the board of education was behind all that and mixed up in the skullduggery, right up to his furry neck! And now he’s asking RCS voters to put him on the board that is already lousy with insiders.

Well, if you think the RCS board of education has been lousy with teachers and teachers’ spouses, and if you feel you’ve been left out in the cold by the Latter-Hyslop-Brown mob (all of their discussions take place behind closed doors, the BoE meetings are so insubstantial most people don’t even attend any more (except for those who have something to gain), and the public has been all but shut out of any serious decision-making process).

What’s even worse is that once the Latter-Hyslop-Brown gang got on the board, no one had a chance. But let’s face the truth, people. You made your beds and now you have to sleep in them. Good for you, RCS school district voters, you now have failing schools and are spending another $42 million to keep those responsible for the failure in the decision-making positions. Congratulate yourselves, RCS voters! You’re filling the pockets of RCS employees and their unions to the tune of 75% of the $42+ million they want you to approve on May 20th! Go ahead! Add McFerret, Jones and Furst-Hotaling to the BoE and shoot yourselves in the other foot.

Just do a search of this blog to learn about the ape that your BoE almost immediately put in the president’s chair: James Latter! He works for the Saudi-Arabian plastics manufacturer Sabic. Yeah, the same Sabic (formerly G.E. Plastics) who has so poisoned the environment in and around Feura Bush/Selkirk that the land is dead! And Latter’s the president of your board of education. Thanks, RCS voters! While you’re at it, search for McFerran and read about that scoundrel!

Mr Fozzie Jones

Mr Fozzie Jones

But the worst was still to come. Your very Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Teachers Association, led by your very own crook and double-dipper teacher, Matthew Miller a.k.a. Matt the Mutt Miller, who just about a year ago was told he was no longer going to get the $18,000 he was being paid on top of his full teacher’s salary and for what? For being “energy manager.” But Miller’s crimes against the school district didn’t stop there and still don’t. He’s the teacher’s union rep at RCS. Yes, he’s the union rep for New York State United Teachers, NYSUT, at RCS, and works a reduced teaching load so he can dedicate time to union work….And yes, he does get his full teacher’s salary, too.

predatorsBut as a teacher and as a union rep, representing the special interests of the teacher, he crosses many, too many boundaries. Not even considering his double- even triple dipping into your tax dollars, he uses his positions as teacher and union rep to unfairly influence the voting when it comes to the BoE and the school budget. His boss, Alan McCartney, has turned wimp when it comes to keeping Miller under control, and so Miller and his associates Elyse Loughlin, are improperly attempting to influence the elections.

We have acquired a letter dated April 25, 2014, signed by both Matthew J. Miller as Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Teachers Association “president”, and Elyse Loughlin, PAC (Political Action Committee) chairperson, in which Miller and Loughlin announce the union’s support of the budget passed by the teacher-loaded RCS board of education. But Miller and Loughlin mention cuts in that letter, cuts that never were made! Lie Number One!

Matt-the-Mutt Miller as NYSUT Rep

Matt-the-Mutt Miller as NYSUT Rep

In that same letter, Miller and Loughlin announce their support of Bill McFerran (the RCS Sports Association goon), Furst-Hotaling, another insider and former member of the notorious private club known as the Pieter B. Coeymans PTO, and Michael Jones, whose wife is a teacher. Need we say more? But there is more.

Miller and Loughlin AGAIN start a smear campaign against the only candidate who is not closely associated with the teachers or the teachers union, NYSUT, Rodney Krzykowski. Matt Miller and Elyse Loughlin continue their failed attempts to discredit Mr Krzykowski based on their misinformed and ignorant propaganda that Mr Krzykowski is somehow unfit to be on the board of education! Would that be because he’s the only one not a card-carrying member of the teachers clique and the only one who truly represents the working class of this district? It gets even worse when Miller and Loughlin accuse the State Education Department  and the Commissioner of Education as being “weak kneed” for not removing Mr Krzykowski from office. Miller and Loughlin seem to think they know better than the entire New York State Education Department!!!

Mr Beaker "Weasel" McFerran

Mr Beaker “Weasel” McFerran

Dear readers, that letter says it all. Here we have individuals receiving outlandish salaries and benefits, the very ones to whom you entrust your children’s’ education, defying an individual’s rights to political freedom and to challenge an unjust system. These people, Miller and Laughlin, represent the teachers union, NYSUT, not YOU! Yet they are asking you to deprive a fellow citizen, sovereign or not, of his rights to represent you. Miller, Laughlin and their friends Latter, Engel, Hyslop, Brown all attempted to VOID YOUR VOTES by using their trickery to remove a man elected by YOU from his seat on the BoE.

It’s really disgusting that Miller, Laughlin and their cronies not only wanted to VOID YOUR VOTES but they want also to deprive a citizen of his protected rights of free political speech and association. Now that’s a message you really want your kids getting in the schools you are paying for. That’s the equivalent of intellectual sabotage and abuse of trust!

What’s really disgusting is that Miller, Laughlin and the people they want on the RCS CSD school board like James Latter (accused several times of ethical violations and violation of student and family confidentiality, a violation of the FERPA law), Engel, Hyslop, Brown (husband of Mary Partridge-Brown, the woman who almost gives Matt Miller a lap dance at school board meetings, she’s so close), now want to foist more insiders to do their union’s bidding, like Tina Furst-Hotaling and Michael Jones and worse still, Bill McFerran.

At the very least in the last elections the Fiends of RCS supported Patrick Brown and Jason Hyslop on the same board as the unethical James Latter; now they’re putting Furst-Hotaling and Jones on the same board as the tax-avoider Bill McFerran of the “old” RCS Sports Association, while crying Wolf! and pointing the finger at Mr Krzkowski. Will the hypocrisy never end in this RCS school district?

Matt Miller and Elyse Laughlin and their kind are not only traitors to their community and to their students, they advocate different constitutional rights for different groups! That in itself is a violation of the United States Constitution! They are attacking the system of laws as well, saying that the laws do not work (after all, if Mr Krzkowski were guilty of any crime other than exercising his constitutional rights, would he still be free?). Hell Miller and Laughlin even attack their own New York State Department of Education and its Commissioner when they don’t get their way and the Department of Education and its Commissioner don’t break the law for them.

Those are the types of teachers you have in the RCS Central School District. Those are the types of teachers that you have teaching your kids. Those are the types of people your are throwing $42 million at and letting them have their way with it. YOUR SCHOOLS ARE STILL FAILING RCS AND YOUR TEACHERS UNION IS STILL RUNNING YOUR BOARD OF EDUCATION. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO SMARTEN UP? WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO WAKE UP! (Did you know that in a recent official appraisal done in the town of Bethlehem couldn’t find any comparables in the RCS school district and wrote “the RCS schools are failing” and cannot be compared with the Bethlehem properties!)

Everybody Pays Failing SchoolsOne final word: Remember the RCS Sports Association’s big plan to “donate” a refreshment stand to the RCS school district? Well, that’s stagnated for some time now. Just watch the thermometer on the RCS high-school grounds: It’s not moving! The fundraising is all but dead! But here’s the plan you don’t know about: McFerret is running for a seat on the RCS board of education along with two other supporters. What would you think if once they’re on the board they don’t get together with the other insiders and divert budget funds to the refreshment stand fund? Another bit of trickery you can bitch about. Right?

Rodney Krzykowsky is the only person left on that RCS central school district board of education who is not infected. Rodney Krzykowski is one of the only ones in this entire RCS district who has the balls to say out loud what the rest of you only say under your breath. Rodney Krzykowski is the only one on the RCS BoE who has the guts to represent the blue collars in this community. Rodney Krzykowski stands alone but has the guts to do so; the rest of your lousy RCS BoE are hypocrites and cowards. It’s about time someone said that, and it’s about time you readers start doing something about it.

They're doing it down your leg and telling you it's ice-water! The Editor

They’re doing it down your leg and telling you it’s ice-water!
The Editor

New Baltimore Needs to Opt OUT of the Failing RCS CSD and Join the Thriving Coxsackie Team in Our Own Greene County Schools! New Baltimore has to wake up and realize that it has no representation in the RCS CSD; furthermore, the RCS CSD and the RCS board of education are so far gone, so corrupt, there’s no saving it! So save yourselves, New Baltimore!

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance.
Graphics and Images Disclosure: Unless otherwise noted and credited, all graphics used in this article are the result of a Google image search, and at the time the images were collected and used in this article, no conspicuous or visible copyright notice or other proprietary mark was shown. Please communicate any claim or corrections to All images are used in good faith for non-profit, public information and public service purposes.



Posted by on May 18, 2014 in, Accountability, AFL-CIO, Albany, Albany Schenectady BOCES, Alice Whalen, Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Bill McFerran, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Brown and Weinraub, Burning the Constitution, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claudia Verga, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Conspiracy, Corruption, Danielle Crosier, Double Dipping, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Education Commissioner, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elections and Voting, Elyse Loughlin, Eric Barnes, Failing Schools, First Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Fundraising, Howard "Bray" Engel, indifference to the safety and welfare of a child, Interim Superintendent, Intimidation, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Hyslop, Jeff Lukens, Jeff Stambaugh, Joan Ross, John Luckacovic, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, McFerret, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, New York State United Teachers, News Herald, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSUT, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Pam Black, Patrick E. Brown, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Pieter B Coeymans Elementary School, Pieter B. Coeymans PTO, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena News Herald, RCS Athletic Association, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS School Board, RCS Sports Association, RCS Sports Events Concessions, RCS Teachers Association, Rodney Krzykowski, SABIC Innovative Plastics, Sarah Berchtold Engel, Sarah Engel, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Teachers, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas E. Dolan, Tom Dolan, Unamerican Activity, Union Representative, United Federation of Teachers, William Misuraca


A Resident’s Letter

Protest Letter RCS CSD 2013-14 Budget

Some Local Residents Would Sell Their Souls Based on Dysinformation

Careful what you sign on for!

Careful what you sign on for!

Some Will Even Abuse their Privileges and Commit A Serious Violation of HIPAA and FERPA Laws Governing Privacy and Confidentiality of Information!

Parents are being flooded with emails urging them to contact the BoE for a higher tax levy! The e-mail campaign is selective—some parents and familes are being excluded from the mailing—and is spreading misinformation! So we’re asking where did the senders get all those specific, target e-mails? Are you wondering, too?

Electronic health-care transactions:

Since the Central New York Regional Information Center (CNYRIC) submits all Medicaid claim data to the electronic Medicaid system in New York State (eMedNY) for processing; it is a covered entity under this act. The electronic transmission of Medicaid data is now HIPAA compliant.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act-Buckley Amendment (FERPA a.k.a. Buckley Amendment) is more restrictive than HIPAA with respect to the protection of privacy and security of all health related services. Since all school districts /§4201 schools/counties (and any other educational entities that have access to student data) are obligated to be in compliance with FERPA, they are also HIPAA compliant.

That Excuse Won't Work!

That Excuse Won’t Work!

We call for an investigation by the Interim Superintendent Dr Alan McCartney and the RCS Central School District Board of Education! Is your privacy and household information being abused? Find out before it’s too late!

If Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca can make a public statement to the board of education that he is aware of how they voted in their private voting at the polls, are you safe from scoundrels like him? Deluca recently made a very disturbing remark at a school board meeting when he stated that he knew how people voted. (Board of Education Meeting of 3/26/13. Deluca: “Last year there was a number of people on the board that voted for the budget here at the meeting. I am concerned that some of those who voted for it at the meeting went out and voted against it.”) Now how and where would he have access to such information. Isn’t our vote supposed to be secret? Is Deluca misusing police information resources? Isn’t anything safe from these villains?

We posted the facts about the tax levy at More Dysinformation Misinformation by the Ignorant Pundits and we warned you all of the Deluca-Coeymanazi propaganda at Deluca, Miller, Teachers Clique Want More Money!!!!. You need to click those links and read those articles if you haven’t done so already.

A Resident’s Letter
To Superintendent MCartney and to the
RCS Board of Education

A resident has addressed a letter of protest to Dr McCartney and to the RCS Central School District Board of Education. We are reprinting it here.

Dr Alan R. McCartney, Interim Superintendent
RavenaCoeymansSelkirkCentralSchool District Office
15 Mountain Rd.
Ravena, NY12143
e – mail:

Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk CSD
Board of Education
P.O. Box 100
Ravena, NY12143
e – mail:

Dear Superintendent Dr McCartney, Board of Education Members:

First of all I and my family would like to thank you for your fine efforts at navigating the RCSCentralSchool District back on course. Your untiring study and analysis and your leadership together with a team spirit when working with the RCS board of education to arrive at some level of collaboration is truly appreciated.

The purpose of this letter is not to give you a big head nor to second – guess results, however.

I am sending you this letter to expressly state that I object to any tax levy that exceeds 2 % and urge you to even further reduce the tax levy to 0 % and make appropriate adjustments to the 2012 – 13 RCS Central School District budget.

The fat in the budget not only hurts the property owner and business base in this RCS district, it has far – reaching secondary effects on our local economy, including a negative effect on our property values. Those effects are not restricted to this community alone but adversely affect the entire region and beyond.

I am aware that such abuse and misuse is a criminal violation of both the HIPAA and the FERPA.

I realize that there are elements in this RCS community who are using or misusing resources, very likely RCS CSD resources, such as parents’ e – mail addresses, that should not be used for political purposes, to get their partisan message out to the community. Most of us do not have access to those resources and, even if we had such access, would probably not misuse or abuse them for the purpose of propagandizing the community. That having been said, we also urge you to investigate whether such RCS CSD resources are being abused and misused for such purposes.

Once again, I wish to make very clear that I do not support a tax levy in excess of 2 % and would urge you to reduce the levy to 0 %, if possible, and to make appropriate adjustments to the budget, and to further sanitize RCS CSD programs and services.

Thank you for your efforts!
 [Names Withheld by Request]
Concerned RCS Resident

We have processed the letter, which we feel is very good and says what it has to say clearly and briefly, and we are providing that processed letter for your use as a pdf and as a word document. All you have to do is click the links below print or download the letter, fill in the personal information at the top, sign it and mail it. Make your voice heard!

 And please don’t forget to read the facts about assessments, tax levies, and tax rates at our recent article: More Dysinformation Misinformation by the Ignorant Pundits and Deluca, Miller, Teachers Clique Want More Money!!!!

not for sale

And Tell Them So!
Invest a Stamp and Save Your Community!
The Editor


Posted by on April 22, 2013 in Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, AFL-CIO, Albany County District Attorney, Albany Schenectady BOCES, Alice Whalen, Andrew Cuomo, Assessment, Bill McFerran, Board of Regents, Bob Ross, BOCES, Bray Engel, Brian Bailey, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Cathy Long, Civil Right Violation, Claudia Verga, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Conspiracy, Corruption, Donna Leput Hommel, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Education Commissioner, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elizabeth A. Varney, Elizabeth Smith, F.O.I.L., FERPA, FOIL, Fraud, Freedom of Information Law, Gerald Deluca, Government, Greater Coeymans Ravena Area Community Business Group, Greene County, Hakim Jones, HIPAA, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Irresponsibility, James Latter, James Latter II, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, John B. King, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Karen Miller, Lorraine Misuraca, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Mike Varney, Misconduct, Misdemeanor, Misinformation, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, NYSED, NYSED Office of Counsel, NYSUT, Office of the Attorney General, Pam Black, Pete Lopez, Property Taxes, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS School Board, Richard Ianuzzi, Rocco Persico, School Budget, Selkirk, Smalbany, Susan K. O'Rorke, Tavia Rauch, Taxation, Teachers Association, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tom Dolan, Transparency, United Federation of Teachers, Vote NO!, Voting Irregularities, Wild Spending


Miscellaneous Manias…More than 100,000 Readers & Matt Miller Petition

We’ve Topped 100,000 Readers! Thank you!


That’s a clean accounting of one-count readers. That means that a reader is counted only once, no matter how many times he or she logs on, so we have a very reliable and accurate idea of how many readers have enjoyed this site.

 Thank you all!

Community is Fed Up with Constant Rehashing of Krzykowski Story

Coeymans Town Board Member Peter Masti Comments “Privately” in Ravena News Herald

fed up pissed off express

The abuse of freedom of expression has reached a high point in this district when a Coeymans town board member, Mr Peter E. Masti, an elected official in this town, has to come out publicly and remind this community that the voters, when they speak through their votes, speak in one voice.

Jackass Journalism

Jackass Journalism
News Herald Trademark

In the Ravena News Herald (January 17, 2013, page 3) writer Melanie Lekocevic rehashes the already stale news of Mr Rodney Krzykowski and his exercise of his Constitutional rights. The story, already almost a year since the Albany Times Union picked up on it through the local Coeymanazis, is ancient history–ironically it appeared alongside the column, “News from the Past“. But apparently the News Herald found it newsworthy and printed it. Well, we all know that the Ravena News Herald, like the Albany Times Union specializes in Jackass Journalism, but we did expect that the News Herald would be a bit more sensitive and less indifferent to the community it allegedly serves!

Well, in that same rag, the Ravena News Herald (January 24, 2013, page 10), Coeymans town board member Peter E. Masti, comes out in a letter to the editor saying, “It is sad to see the matter being brought up again.” Yes, Mr Masti, it is “sad.”

Mr Masti correctly observes that the rehashing over and over again of this issue “gives the town of Coeymans another black eye.” And notes further that “[t]he fact of the matter had to have been known…before he was elected, if anyone sought to find out.” Again, Mr Masti, you are right on target.

Mr Masti raises the point that this has gone far beyone “a personal feud,” and although Matt Miller is taking advantage of his right, Mr Masti questions whether it is “helping out the school and the town?” Mr Masti writes that it is not and is adversely affecting this community and adds: “All the publicity only hurts a lot of innocent people.

Mr Masti, himself and elected official on the town board of Coeymans, he correctly observes that “with with every election good or bad results are due to the people who vote or fail to vote…that is how America works.”

We agree 101% with Mr Masti’s reasoning and wisdom. We, too, feel that Mr Matthew J. Miller’s ill-thought scheme to pursue his personal agenda and ignite a personal feud brought ridicule and scandal to this community. Miller’s feud and personal vendetta’s were open and undisguised; they couldn’t possibly be mistaken for community spirited action.

Come Up for Air, Matt

Come Up for Air, Matt

We would go further to say that far from Mr Masti’s words of wisdom, Matthew Miller’s example is very poor indeed and reflects only his lack of character and his ulterior motives of self-enrichment, egomania, and his clear loyalty to New York State Teachers United, his union, and his disregard, insensitivity and indifference to what matters in this community. Matthew Miller’s message to this community is clear: Miller, Tavia Rauch, and the so-called “Unidentified Resident” a.k.a. “Cowardly Rat Turd”, don’t give a rat’s butt about the voice of the community, the democratic process, the voters. Miller’s conduct is purely selfish and motivated by a damaged ego and loss of an ill-gotten paid position that was eliminated in the community’s best interests.

Matthew Miller, although he does claim to be an atheist, as a biology teacher, even an atheistic one, can and should be aware that community, whether human or otherwise, means interrelatedness. As Martin Luther King, Jr. famously and prophetically argued, “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.”  Those are wise words that we should all heed and heed well!

Mr Krzykowski was elected by the RCS district and community, he was not appointed by Matthew Miller. Mr Krzykowski should be allowed to complete his term of office and to do the work he was elected to do without these stupid distractions. If and when Mr Krzykowski decides to run again in this outrageously ungrateful district, the voters will decide, not Matthew Miller, NYSUT’s local lackey.

The Editor

The Editor

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!
Leave a comment

Posted by on January 23, 2013 in, Abuse, Accountability, AFL-CIO, Alice Whalen, Atheist, Bad Role Model, Bill Bailey, Bob Dorrance, Bob Ross, Bray Engel, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Cathy's Coeymanazi Clucks Club, Claudia Verga, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Town Board, Conflict of Interest, Dawn Rogers, Denial, Diane Malecki, Donna Leput Hommel, Education Commissioner, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Oldham, Elizabeth Smith, Ethics and Morality, Ethics in Schools, Fair Play, Frustration, Gary Van DerZee, Gerald Deluca, Greed, Greene County, Harassment, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Intimidation, Irresponsibility, James Latter, James Latter II, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, John B. King, John Luckacovic, Marlene McTigue, Marty Case, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Melanie Lekocevic, Michael Fisher, Michael Huber, Michael J. Biscone, Misinformation, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, News Herald, Newspaper Bullying, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSED Office of Counsel, NYSUT, Perv Patrol, Peter Masti, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Retaliation, Rodney Krzykowski, Self-Gratification, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Tavia Rauch, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tom Dolan, Unamerican Activity, United Federation of Teachers


Throw the Jew Down the Well…

Update: We Scooped the Times Union AGAIN! After we published this article the Times Union published “Reply made in RCS tussle. School board member says claims in petition for removal are off-base.” (Kristen V. Brown) Read their follow-up article at RCS Tussle. Looks like the Times Union can’t even get something published on the Internet before we do! And the Times Union is still twisting the facts beyond recognition!

Borat Sings “Throw the Jew down the well so my country can be free…” Bigotry is Alive And Well in the USA and In Our Own Communities, and We Need A Brit To Tell Us!

You all have your own jews!

You all have your own jews!

Matt Miller, Activist-Atheist Teacher & NYSUT union rep at RCS, Submitted 107 pages of Total Nonsense to the NYSED Commissioner, Dr John B. King, Jr., and Makes Us All Look Ridiculous!

I’m not writing this blog to malign anyone or to defend anyone. I’m writing this blog because I’m so disgusted with what people like the Coeymanazis, the Unionazis, the corporations, and our crooks in government are doing to solidly good citizens. And I’m totally disgusted that those same solidly good citizens are letting themselves be victimized and submit to the abuse, misuse and lies. I’m further disgusted by the fact that when another solidly good citizen stands up and screams, “I’ve had enough of this shite!” that scoundrels like the Millers, Delucas, Biscones, BrunosDarlingtonsDolans, Ross’, Luckacovics, Coeymanazis, Unionazis, RCnaziS, and others come out and slander and libel him, and willfully misinform the public! In other words:



“Throw the Jew down the well!
So my country can be free.
You must grab him by his horns,
Then we have a big party.”

(Click throw the jew down the well for the entire lyrics!)

"Throw the Jew Down the Well!"

“Throw the Jew Down the Well!”

(I’m also asking myself who the next Jew will be to go down the well? Will it be you, your neighbor, me?)

Well, Unionazi Matt “the Mutt” Miller has found some other bigots to join him and Selkirk resident Tavia Rauch, and some cowardly unidentified Cow-eymanazi, calling itself A.B.,  to join in Miller’s campaign of libel and retaliation against the RCS school board!

We see at least three obvious  reasons for his cowardly campaign:

  1. Revenge for having been given the boot as energy manager and losing his $18,000 dollars a year extra plus travel expenses paid by YOU taxpayers in addition to his $80,000 plus teacher salary. Greed is alive and well in RCS!the boot
  2. A desperate attempt by recruiting all the Coeymanazis and local lunatic RCnaziS to oust a duely elected board member so that the teachers clique and the teachers union, New York State United Teachers, can have a majority on the board and control your tax dollars and the school budget.
  3. An ego trip to get brownie points with his union and to keep stirring dissent and scandal in the RCS community. That’s the kind of person your darling teacher and union rep Matt Miller is! If things are peaceful, Matt’s right there to stir things up and keep your blood pressure up there!
  4. Actually, but he hasn’t caught on yet, stupid mutt that he is, he’s giving the district more rope to hang him…no one’s happy with him, he’s turned into a lone wolf, and the district will be very happy when he goes…one way or another but simply that he goes!

    Miller, Now.

    Miller, Now.

So, Matthew J. Miller a.k.a Matt “the Mutt”, official Unionazi of the RCS school district, has mad an ass of himself twice with his failed petition with Selkirk resident Tavia Rauch, which has sputtered out, and his complaint filed with the New York State Education Commissioner, Dr John B. King, Jr.

So the Brit tells us to throw the Jew down the well and our local Twit wants us to throw his “Jew” down the well!

Unionazi Matt Miller

Unionazi Matt Miller

Has Mr Miller a different set of standards that apply to himself and his friends and another that apply to people not in Mr Miller’s clique? For example, where was Matthew J. Miller when:

  • the polling and voting irregularities were happening?
  • the athletics coaches were abusing the athletes?
  • the bus drivers were refusing to transport students home?
  • all the bullying was happening (Oops! We know one of the answers to this one, don’t we? Matt Miller was inciting the bullying naming children of board of education members who opposed the school budget!)
  • students were being attacked by other students in the high school?
  • parents complain about teachers and athletics coaches’ misconduct? (We know the answer to this one, too! Matt Miller, as NYSUT teachers union rep, must protect the interests of the teachers and other members of his union, not students or students parents!)
  • multiple instances of overpayment in the tens of thousands of dollars to RCS CSD employees were discovered by auditors, in addition to other discrepancies? Did Miller step up to make a statement about that? (No, of course not! He actually was a double-dipper until the board of education canned him!)
  • And where was Miller when the wrestling team had to forfeit a match because of the foul mouthed comments of the coach?

Yup! We have some real classy role models in the RCS schools and Miller’s right on top of keeping the worst of the worst, including himself, sitting pretty.

Matt Miller and NYSUT at Work

Matt Miller and NYSUT at Work

Is being a so-called “sovereign citizen” worse than

  • Matt Miller, when he declares himself to be an atheist in the presence of students?
  • Matt Miller, when he incites students to abuse other students?
  • Matt Miller, when he abuses his position and violates sound ethical principles that apply to polling places and voting?
  • Matt Miller, when he unethically collects untold thousands of taxpayer dollars, in addition to his teacher salary, during the same time he’s supposed to be teaching? (That’s called double-dipping! The rest is triple-dipping (see next bullet)!)
  • Matt Miller, when he accepts a full teachers salary while doing only part-time teaching, and taxpayers are paying for his time to do NYSUT union work?

Is the fact that a citizen-resident is appealing and aggrieving your tax assesments in the courts, exercising a right we all have (or should have), and doing something we can (or should be able to) do under the Constition. Is that worse than:

  • What’s going on in the village of Ravena and the scandalous abuse of public interests in the matter of the Ravena Fitness Center?
  • What’s going on in the village of Ravena and the scandalous abuse of the public good in the matter of the RCS Community Library relocation?

    triad of terror

    The Terror Triad

  • What’s been going on in the town of Coeymans police department and the Coeymanazis’ abuse of residents’civil rights?
  • What’s going on in the village and town courts with the unethical conduct of the village and town justices, constantly under investigation for ethics violations?
  • What’s going on with the Biscone and Teresi law practices in the village of Ravena and the town of Coeymans? Conflicts of interest and billings as private attorneys doubling as village and town attorneys?
  • The favoritism and nepotism that has been going on for decades in the village of Ravena village government?
  • The bizarre financial mismanagement in the village of Ravena and the glaring silence that followed the audit scandals, when mayor John T. Bruno’s response was, “I didn’t know that!“? Good Lord! John T Bruno has been on the Ravena village board since 1976 and has been mayor for the past 20 years! And he “doesn’t know” what’s going on in village finances? Has he been braindead or in a coma for the past 20-30 years?!?
  • The fact that Sabic, a Saudi Arabian corporation is deeply entrenched in the RCS district and is on the RCS school board! Sabic! SABIC (Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corporation) (Arabic: الشركة السعودية للصناعات الأساسية ، سابك‎ ) is a manufacturing company, active in chemicals and intermediates, industrial polymers, fertilizers and metals. It is the largest public company in Saudi Arabia and the Saudi government still owns 70% of its shares. SABIC is the largest company in the Middle East. By the way, Saudi Arabia is Osama bin Laden’s country of origin and where his family still lives! But where money is concerned people seem to go blind unless it’s a “sovereign citizen”! (Editor’s Note, this fact is not important to Matt Miller or to NYSUT because James Latter is married to teacher Amanda Latter; in order for Miller to go after you, apparently  you have to be a non-teacher, a kid, or black!)
  • The fact that another RCS CSD board of education member, James Latter is a financial analyst at SABIC? That’s what I meant when I said Sabic is on the RCS board of education! Does that mean James Latter has terrorist connections, too, Mr Miller?
  • What about when one of Matt Millers co-Coeymanazis Donna Leput-Hommel made the statement on Facebook that residents should punish businesses with their checkbooks if they don’t support the Yes! vote in the last school budget elections. So, with the economic situation the way it is in this country, with the district hemorrhaging jobs, residents, and businesses, Matt Miller’s gang and the Coeymanazis want to punish the businesses that are left! Nice agenda! (P.s. Anybody punishing Sabic? Or is it just the American small businesses and residents that Donna Leput-Hommel and the Coeymanazis want to “punish”? ) And you’re worried sick about some self-declared “sovereign citizen” who’s fighting his tax bill?!? Asshats!

    The Real Terrorists

    The Real Terrorists
    at our board of education meetings

Matt Miller’s petition to the NYSED commissioner includes a large  number of Internet pages in which we get to read the word “terrorist.” Matt Miller is trying, albeit unsuccessfully, to use unverified, lunatic, propaganda sources to support his petition. This is nothing new, though. Miller and the Albany Times Union have been calling a peaceful, quite, unassuming citizen a “terrorist,” since day one.  (By the way, according to a National Safety Council report you are 8x more likely to be killed by a policeman than by a terrorist attack!)

The bulk of the petition recites tax claims and tax codes. Tell us, Matt Miller, since when have you started working for the IRS, the Department of Taxation and Finance, or the local tax collector? Have you earned a CPA no one yet knows about. Fact is, you, Matt Miller,  have absolutely no standing whatsoever to argue tax questions or issues in your complaint. None, Mr Miller. You’re totally out of order! Not that that is news to anyone. But you seem to insist on pointing out your stupidity and ignorance to the world. Why is that, Mr Miller? (SearchAdult Children of Dysfunctional Families” for the answer.)

The term “terrorism” has become highly emotionally  charged.  Government and government agencies take advantage of that fact when they want to manipulate public opinion; so do Matt Miller and NYSUT! Furthermore, its indiscriminate and careless use misinforms the public and creates an unnecessary state of anxiety, rouses suspicion and incites hate mongers. That’s exactly what Matt Miller, Unionazi, and his mob want to do when they play up the fictional association between “sovereign citizen” and “terrorist”! Totally misleading, totally misinforming, and totally w-r-o-n-g!

By definition, a terrorist is not peaceful, does not act on his own behalf, does not support the community in which he lives. A terrorist incites and attempts to change entire groups and countries to political change and revolution. A terrorist incites his followers and others to violence to bring about change and to spread his ideologies. A terrorist uses any means possible to manipulate public opinion in favor of his group or movement.

Don’t these methods sound an awful lot like the methods being used by Matt Miller and the Coeymanazis? Well, most common definitions of terrorism refer only to:

  •  violent acts or inciting violent acts
  • acts that are intended to create anxiety or fear (“terror”)
  • acts that are perpetrated for a religious, political or, ideological goal
  • acts that deliberately target or disregard the physical or psychological sense of  safety or security, well-being of  civilians.

Sounds an awful lot like what Matt Miller and the Coeymanazis are doing. But it doesn’t sound much like what Mr Rodney Krzykowski is doing. So, given the above points, who are the terrorists?

In November 2004, a United Nations Secretary General report described terrorism as any act “intended to cause … serious … harm to civilians … with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or … an organization to do or abstain from doing any act.” The serious harm does not have to be physical injury or death; it can be psychological or economic, it can be intended to cause anxiety or distrust in a community, it can be intended to intimidate citizens or residents, or for wrongful reasons to compel a government or organization to act or not to act.

Moreover, since 1994, the United Nations General Assembly has repeatedly condemned terrorist acts using the following political description of terrorism (paraphrased):  “Malicious acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of fear and anxiety in the general public, a group of persons, or particular ersons for political purpose are under any circumstances unjustifiable, no matter what the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them.”

Terrorist or terrorism as a word can be summed up in the saying, “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.Imagine, Martin Luther King or Malcolm X, Mahatma Ghandi, Jesus Christ could all be called terrorists by Matt Miller’s definition.

Matt Miller doesn’t seem to have much use for the democratic process, especially the process of democratic voting by residents. His latest shenanigans and attempts to deprive voters of their rights by attempting to libel a sitting board member out of office is not the only time Miller thought the majority of local voters were dumbasses and didn’t know what they were doing. Miller and his RCnaziS and Coeymanazi friends seem to think that if it isn’t their way or their mob’s way, it’s the wrong way. (Editor’s Note: We’ve already written about Matt Miller’s comments on FaceBook criticizing the democratic voting process when the candidates he and his NYSUT teachers union lost the board of elections in 2011!)

And wasn’t it Matt Miller who was quoted by the Times Union, “Matthew Miller, president of the RCS Teachers Association, said the hiring of McCartney would bring ridicule to the district.” The only thing that brings ridicule to this district is asshat teachers like Matt Miller. In fact, hiring Dr Alan R. McCartney looks like the best thing to have happened to this RCS school district in decades! Really, how many of you readers would now agree with Miller’s statement?

Racist-Dog-Granny-CartoonAnd wasn’t it Matt Miller who was involved in the retaliatory, racist, and scandalous conspiracy to harrass and remove principal Hakim Jones, an African American, and to get the job for Miller’s wife, Karen Miller? Only after Jones filed a complaint and grievance was that plan foiled! Nice role model, Miller. I wonder, how does a racist, atheist, union rep stack up against a so-called “sovereign citizen” who minds his own business and volunteers his time to improve the school district?

We’ve demanded the petition that Matt Miller sent to Dr John B. King, Jr., New York State Commissioner of Education. The petition was filed by Miller and an unidentified party, A.B., and the New York State United Teachers union, the union that Miller represents in the RCS district. The fizzled out idiots’ petition signed by a handful of local loonies and a number of people outside the district, including multiple signatures, and even a dog signed it, is yet another example of the kind of crap this moron Matt Miller is cramming down peoples’ throats.

The Miller petition to Dr King is 107 pages long and consists of 83 numbered statements or allegations. It’s Miller’s idea but was drawn up by the NYSUT teachers union lawyers. Now, do you think the NYSUT teachers union is pursuing this for YOUR benefit? If you do, I have a bridge I’d like to sell you!

ignoranceThe petition is totally nonsense! And, guess what: Miller and his co-conspirators includes about 92 pages of “exhibits,” mostly printouts of tax receipts and a number of Internet downloads that are obviously included to convince some half-wit that there’s a terrorist loose and serving on the RCS school board! All the Miller complaint to Dr King says is: “I agreed with my tax bill and I paid my taxes. Mr K. didn’t agree with his tax bill and so went to court.” The name-calling in the petitions and the rest of the lunatic documents are simply distractions from the fact that there is no case or legal basis for Miller wasting time and money on all of this. Miller is being paid by this district to teach and he’s just being a union nuisance. Is this why you’re paying him more almost $90,000 a year? Is this why he’s given a reduced teaching load at the RCS high school? He’s the terrorist by definition and we’re paying him! What does that make us?????

cryng libertyYes, I read the whole thing, I’m sorry to say. All I can say is this: Lady Liberty, after tossing her cookies, is still weeping bitterly. Lady Liberty is weeping because people like Miller and his Coeymanazis, and the NYSUT teachers union, have thrown the United States Constitution on a garbage pile and have set it aflame! Miller and his Coeymanazis and the NYSUT teachers union are misusing and abusing the grievance and complaint process for wrongful purposes, for purposes for which it was not intended. What’s worse is the fact that we have a person, Matt Miller, who is playing both sides of the fence from a trusted position, and has consistently abused that trust. That, people, is common knowledge in this district. We also have a union doing the same thing. Unions were once the champions of the working class; now they’re self-centered, lobbying, power brokers with multi-million dollar budgets, who trample the working class! And NYSUT is one of the worst because it represents the interests of a group that considers itself to be superior, to be an elite class; to hell with working parents and the underclasses, in other words. Yes, Lady Liberty is crying her eyes out right now, watching her children suffer abuse and lies at the hands of the elite!

From where I’m watching, dear readers, it’s not the so-called “sovereign citizen” who is the terrorist in this community, in this school district, its Matt Miller, his Coeymanazi supporters, and the NYSUT teachers union! That bunch of terrorists have to GO! not the “sovereign citizen!” 

You can watch the Borat “Throw the Jew Down the Well” clip here. We’d like to note, however, that the irony is that Borat is a Jew and he’s actually poking fun at all the bigots of the world who are singing the same tune but for their own “jews”. Just look at the audience’s faces in the beginning and at the end. The change is diabolical! Now, think about who your “Jew” is!

Update: Some readers have asked to see the documents filed by Matthew J. Miller and the RCS CSD answer. You can view them at the links below:


Ali G. Say:
“Dat Matt da Mutt Gotta Go, Baby!”
Bling, Bling! The Editor

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!

Posted by on January 7, 2013 in, Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, AFL-CIO, Albany, Alice Whalen, ARANY, Bad Role Model, Ben Rattray, Besiyata Dishmaya, Bill Bailey, Bill McFerran, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, BoBo Cop, Bray Engel, Brian Bailey, BULLSHIT, Bully, Cathy Deluca, Chain Letter, Change.Org, Children of Dysfunctional Families, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claudia Verga, Coercion, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Conspiracy, Dawn Rogers, DeLuca Public Affairs, Diane Malecki, Donna Leput Hommel, Double Dipping, Dr Alan McCartney, Dumb Ass, Education Commissioner, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elizabeth Smith, Gary Van DerZee, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Greed, Greene County, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, H Andres Jimenez Uribe, Harassment, Harold Warner, Head-up-his-Ass, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Ignorance, Incompetence, Intimidation, Irregularities, Voting, James Latter, James Latter II, Jeff Stambaugh, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Jerry Perrine, Joan Ross, Joe Teresi, John B. King, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Joseph C. Teresi, Joseph Edward Tracey, Josephine O'Connor, Judith Felsten, Kangaroo Court, Karen Miller, Lies, Lorraine Misuraca, Main Street Small Business Coalition, Marty Case, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Michael Fisher, Michael Huber, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misinformation, Moose Misuraca, MSSBC, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSED Office of Counsel, NYSUT, Pam Black, Person of Interest, Peter Masti, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, RCS Board of Education, Retaliation, Retaliative Justice, Rocco Persico, Rodney Krzykowski, Ron Racey, Secure Party Creditor, Self-Gratification, Selkirk, Shame On You, Smalbany, Sucker Punch, Tavia Rauch, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Times Union Blogs, Times Useless Blogs, Tom Dolan, Transparency, United Federation of Teachers, Vindictive Justice, Voting Irregularities


Beware: Matt Miller’s and Tavia Rauch’s Change.Org Petition Seriously Flawed!

For Quips About Persons of Interest Scroll Down
JL of 2Luck of Chatham (Canaan, NY) hosted by Taconic Technology Corp. Logged on More than 14 Itmes in the Past 24 Hours! You must love this Blog, John!
How was Key West, Bob & Joan? 
Did JW Really Mess Up the Silk Coverings at 2Luck's Housewarming?
Did R.J. D'Esposito Offer to Hug H.W. Vadney on FaceBook?
Don't forget to join us at RCS Champions on FaceBook!

Not Only Does Change.Org Automatically Create An Account for You When You Sign the Miller-Rauch Petition You Can Sign As Many Times As You Like Under Different Names!

Like Your Petition!

Tavia Rauch:
This Just Ain’t Gonna Work!
Like Your Petition!

Some People Think They’re Such Hot Shots But In Reality They’re Just Ignorant. This Applies to Matt Miller’s and Tavia Rauch’s Joint Conspiracy to Fake a Community Petition to  Oust a Sitting Board of Education Member.

Actually, after I visited the petition page and poked around a bit, and then decided to test whether it was secured against multiple signings, I was a bit miffed when I found that Change.Org was creating a user account for me without my authorization. There was no warning, I just got an account with a profile containing my name and address. Just by signing in. I’m wondering who would get to use that information and for what? Luckily I know how to access my profile(s) and mess with them. So, all you stupids that are hurrying off to join the DumbAss club, be warned.

But here’s the real scoop: I know something about these freebie polling and petition scams and that is: They’re Useless! The information they collect from people who sign is absolutely unreliable and can’t be trusted to represent the real numbers. In fact, one of our subscribers signed that petition three times using his/her real names and real e-mails. Even his/her dog signed using his real name and one of the subscriber’s e-mails. That makes for really reliable petition work, doesn’t it? The Miller Rauch team really does good work, don’t they? (I can personally confirm that it is possible to sign the petition multiple times using different names.)

Aptly Named

Aptly Named

Just after signing on, I received a welcome e-mail from the founder, Ben Rattray (that’s Ben (wasn’t that a rat’s name in some 70’s horror flick? Ben and Willard? ) Rat-tray? Nice! Says a lot and aptly describes the types signing the Miller-Rauch petition!) saying, “Anyone can start a petition. lets anyone, anywhere start a petition. It’s free and can be about anything you want to change.” Now if that doesn’t say it all, right from the founder’s mouth!

How embarassing it will be for Miller and Rauch when  Commissioner of Education, Dr John B. King, Jr., gets a petition signed by a Pembroke Corgi! Well, at least the WowBow! has more smarts than Miller and Rauch, combined!

The Petition on Change.Org is a Scam!

And Anyone Who Participates is Being Scammed! 

Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch Are Scamming Voters!

Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch Are Scamming Voters!

But that’s not all, friends. Not only are you getting snookered when you sign and not only can you sign as many times as you might like,  Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch either don’t know what they’re talking about…or they’re simply lying. Here’s some of the crap Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch are writing on the petition page:

“Rodney Krzykowski refuses to pay school or property taxes. It is estimated that the amount owed to the school district and to the town is over one hundred thousand dollars.” That’s not true! Mr Krzkowski has not refused to do anything of the sort! He’s appealing his assessment, just like you or I have every right to do. And who is estimating what Mr Krzykoski owes? I certainly hope it’s not one of the brainiacs who started this scam petition, Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch.

Tavia Rauch

Tavia Rauch

Miller and Rauch write in their so-called petition, “Mr. Krzykowski has proclaimed in several legal documents that he is a sovereign citizen.” Well, if Matt Miller or Tavia Rauch knew anything about American history or read the Constitution of the United States, they’d know that we are all “sovereign” citizens…at least until the Supreme Court and your elected officials manage to take away all of your sovereign rights and hand them to the corporations. In fact, the anti-slavery movement, the women’s suffrage movement, the civil rights movement all did what Rodney Kryzkowski is doing and what Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch are saying is wrong: using their thought process they would probably say slavery, refusing the right to vote to women, that civil rights movements were wrong and refused to submit to the deranged authorities who said that slaves, women, and blacks were not entitled to civil rights! Most of the leaders of antislavery, women’s suffrage, and civil rights movements were considered terrorists and would be today!  Is that what we’re paying teacher Matt Miller almost $90,000 a year to teach?

The Miller-Rauch Petition

The Miller-Rauch Petition

Those two demented zombies, Miller and Rauch, write also:

“This petition needs to be signed to ensure that those with the responsibility of protecting the legitimacy of a school board, hear your voice.”

Miller and Rauch have missed some very important facts along the way to their total depravity: YOU, the voters, have the responsibility for protecting the legitimacy of the school board. No one else. Mr Krzykowski is on the board of education specifically because the majority of voters put him there. The voters legitimized Mr Krzykowski! Get real, Miller, Rauch! Miller and Rauch, the DumbAss Duo of RCS appear to be more anti-American than Sadam Hussein was!

What’s more, is that Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch are such dumbasses, they really have no clue that they are actually contradicting themselves by simply putting up a petition. In fact, they’re allowing people to vote twice! Yes, dear readers, vote twice. I do realize that that’s not all that uncommon in the RCS school district and it has happened before, as we all know. But Miller and Rauch don’t seem to have caught on that it’s not supposed to be that way.

In fact, according to the official voter registration rolls there are 4449 registered voters in this district. Some of those voters are property owners and pay school taxes, some are not. The board of education manages the school budget on behalf of the taxpayers, the property owners, and the non-property owners benefit from their prudent decisions. But Miller and Rauch are trying to step all over voters’ rights. Here are some very valid questions we should be asking about their petition:

  • How many of these voters votes do Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch want to throw out in their little conspiracy?
  • How many of the individuals signing the Change.Org petition are voters who are voting twice against Mr Krzykowski by signing the petition? (Of course, that wouldn’t bother Miller or Rauch, given their histories.)
  • How many of the signers are really residents of the district?
  • How many of the people signing the petition are real people?
  • How many of the people are signing the petition multiple times? (I did three times and my dog did once! But I do intend to request that my signatures and my dog’s paw print be removed from the list.)
  • What right does Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch have to step on the voters of this district?
  • Who is checking and verifying who is signing the petition and how many times?
  • Because the petition is online, it excludes a large number of people in the district (some don’t have computers, some don’t know how to use them, etc.)
  • A large number of people don’t even know about the petition or how to find it.
  • Petitions are generally unreliable for testing the mood of a community and the information collected is hard to verify. That’s why they’re not used in academic or scientific work, surveys and polls are.

One of our subscribers has actually posted a comment identifying a person who signed the petition but is not even from this RCS district!

People, is this the kind of idiocy we want going on in this district? It’s fuel for the Times Useless to make us look like a bunch of backwoods lunatics AGAIN!

You see, what Miller and Rauch–and I seriously hope that Dr John B. King Jr., our NYSED Commissioner,  caught this, too–is that in the elections that put Mr Krzykowski on the board of education, a majority wanted him there and a minority wanted someone else there. The majority won and the minority lost. But now, Miller and Rauch are giving the losers a second chance by saying, “Sign our petition and you can have a second vote.” Pretty stupid, right?

So, not only are Miller and Rauch trying to overrule the majority, they’re trying to give the losers club a second vote…so if a large number of the people who voted for Mr Krzykowski’s opponent in the election now sign the petition, it looks like a lot of people support Miller and Rauch. But that’s not so, as I hope is clear to you now. That’s another reason why the Miller-Rauch petition is and should be declared nonsense.

Just a bit of humor, though: Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch also have a bit of difficulty with the language. They write: “A statue can be defined as legislative authority that governs a state, city or town.” Really, Matt and Tavia, is that what a statue is? Seriously, you two bobo’s look stupider and stupider as time wears on! ‘Nuf said.

A Couple of Gratuitous, Opinions by Way of Comment:

RCS Suckers Club

RCS Suckers Club

Here are some of the suckers who have already signed (you can see a short list of people who have signed on the Change.Org site (We’ll FOIL the actual final submission from the NYSED and publish all the names in due course.):

  • Donald Gillen RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Diana Perrine RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Anne Babcock RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Robert Williams RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Kathleen Shortell SELKIRK, NY NEW YORK
  • Londa VanDerzee RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Tony Ricciardi RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Jerry Perrine RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Richard Orsi SELKIRK, NY NEW YORK
  • Meredith Gerdeman GLENMONT, NY NEW YORK

Finally, just to illustrate the stupidity of the gang, I’d like to share several examples of what so-called Supporters of the petition wrote and just briefly comment on what they write:

cluckElyse Kunz COEYMANS, NY I don’t think the community was fully aware of this man’s positions on government and taxation when he was elected. Someone who refuses to pay taxes should not have the authority to levy taxes on the rest of us or to determine how that money is spent.

That has to be stupidity on a par with Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch! You don’t think voters were aware of his positions? You CLUCK! Why not? Who are you to say? “The authority to levy taxes?” You are a cluck! I certainly hope you have not been bringing children into the world! What a tragedy if your ignorance is hereditary!

chickenEilleen Vosburgh NEW BALTIMORE, NY  It’s about responsibility. It’s about paying it forward. It’s about our future. Why would anyone expect that they do not have to pay their school and property taxes but expect to represent good citizens that do pay their taxes? It’s hypocritical.

You’re in the Cluck’s Club, too! Ever hear of the 1%? Ever hear of GE? Ever hear of churches? No, I suppose you wouldn’t have. You know what’s hypocritical, really? Clucks like you! Betcha you signed the petition, didn’t you? Thought so!

Eleanor Oldham-Luckacovic CANAAN, NY   I own property in the RCS district and am concerned that such blatant disregard of the tax law by a member of the board reflects badly on the school and therefore on the whole area. It is apalling.

What’s apalling, Eleanor is your hypocrisy and your indifference to your snobbery and to the damage you caused with your co-vipers Bitter  Bob and Spiteful Joan. Your total lack of any sense of neighborliness, community or decency made quite the impact on New Baltimore for the entire time you and your hunched hubby polluted our otherwise pristine community. Luckily the air cleared and humanity gained some well-earned respite when you and hunched hubby jumped ship to join the other pseudo-sophisticates in Canaan. Good ridance! You and your fraud husband have quite the nerve discussing anything akin to ethics or morality. How ever did you finagle your homeowners to cover your court costs? You two were the worst reflections imaginable on the whole community! Even your partners in crime, Bitter Bob and Spiteful Joan, had little nice to say of either of you. Remember the e-mails?

turkey buzzard

Robert and Joan Ross NEW BALTIMORE, NY  If he lived in New Baltimore, he would have lost his house for non payment of property taxes. It is farcical that a scofflaw should be on a school board.

Yes, indeed, we know all about you two. Aren’t you the two who used and abused local New Baltimore residents in your agendas some time ago. A campaign of lies, abuse and slander, wasn’t it. And your community spirit brought you, Joan Ross, to dub the locals “Newbaltimorons,” out of your respect for local people and community. Yup! And now you are both known as Bitter Bob and Spiteful Joan because you’re so community spirited. Nothing but negative. You’ve found the right group on Birds of a feather….You have quite the nerve calling anyone else a “scofflaw!”

Carol Melewski NEW BALTIMORE, NY  A person who refuses recognize the government’s right to collect taxes should not be permitted to serve on the board of a school district. Schools require taxes to function, and having a board member who flaunts the requirement that citizens pay taxes undermines the authority of that board. It is especially ironic that he serves as the head of the finance committee; making determinations regarding the use of taxpayers’ dollars, to which he contributes nothing.

It never ceases to amaze me that people who were at one minute at each other’s throat and slandering and disparaging each other tend to find each other when there’s blood in the water. Again, Luckacovic, Ross, Malewski all seem to gravitate towards each other. Just don’t meet in a dark alley…there’ll be a terrible mess. So, you’ve found another agenda to mutilate. But your statement makes no sense. It’s not logical. Not that that ever mattered to you and your ilk. Well, knock yourselves out, you have nothing to lose, that’s for sure. You’ve lost it all already.

And of course we have the ever present, always something to say King and Queen of Thuggery and HypocrisyJerry “Dirty-Hands” Deluca and his female poster madam of Coeymanazism, Cathy Deluca. They never miss a chance to grandstand.

Gerald DeLuca RAVENA, NY  The future of our community and the education of our children need to be guided by people who abide by and believe in the laws of this state and nation.

Cathleen DeLuca RAVENA, a school board member signs an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States and the State of New York, but as a “sovereign citizen” Mr. Krzykowski does not recognize either. Therefore his oath is invalid.

Yes, they come in pairs!

Yes, they come in pairs!

There are no words to describe the nausea induced by anything Dirty-Hands Jerry or that hypocrite Cluck Cathy Deluca could projectile from their putrid carrion stained beaks. Both ignorant but both with so much scatology to eructate from their caprophagic innards. Their nonsensical statements definitively label the entire initiative as totally lacking in any credibility whatsoever.

So, dear readers and neighbors, that’s what we found out for you about the Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch petition on Change.Org that is supported by the New York State United Teachers union, the union Matt Miller represents in this district, and who will do anything to give the majority on the RCS Central School District board of education, and once the teachers clique is in control, so is the teachers union. God Help US!

In Other Words, Citizens, Residents, Neighbors, Parents, Taxpayers, the Miller-Rauch Petition is a Scam. Beware!

Even Babies Will Hate You!The Editor

Even Babies Will Hate You!
The Editor

P.s. I just had to share this. It’s too precious to keep private. Tavia Rauch just sent my dog the following message:

Dear WowBow!,

Thanks for signing my petition, “Dr. John B. King Jr., Commissioner of Education: Remove Rodney Krzykowski from the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk School Board.”
Can you help this petition win by asking your friends to sign too? It’s easy to share with your friends on Facebook – just click here to share the petition on Facebook.
There’s also a sample email below that you can forward to your friends.

Thanks again — together we’re making change happen,

Tavia Rauch
Note to forward to your friends:

I just signed the petition “Dr. John B. King Jr., Commissioner of Education: Remove Rodney Krzykowski from the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk School Board” on
It’s important. Will you sign it too? Here’s the link:


 My Dog's Reaction

My Dog’s Reaction

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!

Posted by on December 22, 2012 in, Abuse of Public Office, Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families, AFL-CIO, Albany, Albany Schenectady BOCES, Alice Whalen, Ben Rattray, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, BOCES, Bray Engel, Bully Gang, Burning the Constitution, Cathy Deluca, Cathy's Coeymanazi Clucks Club, Change.Org, Children of Dysfunctional Families, Civil Rights, Clowns, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Conspiracy, Corruption, Demand for Removal, Demand for Resignation, Demand for Termination, Diana Perrine, Donald Gillen, Donna Leput Hommel, Dr Alan McCartney, Education Commissioner, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eilleen Vosburgh, Eleanor Oldham, Election Fraud, Elizabeth Smith, Elyse Kunz, Gary Van DerZee, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Humor, Hypocrisy, Ignorance, Irregularities, Voting, James Latter, James Latter II, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Jerry Perrine, Joan Ross, John B. King, John Luckacovic, Kangaroo Court, Karen Miller, Liberty Weeping, Londa VanDerzee, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Misconduct, Misinformation, Moose Misuraca, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSUT, Office of the Attorney General, Person of Interest, R J DEsposito, Rats, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS Community, Richard Orsi, Robert Williams, Rodney Krzykowski, Selkirk, Smalbany, Small Town, Tavia Rauch, Teacher Misconduct, Teachers, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Times Union Blogs, Times Useless Blogs, Tom Dolan, Tony Ricciardi, United Federation of Teachers, Voting Fraud, Voting Irregularities


Resignation or Termination: Matt Miller’s Choice


The Buzz Is That There is a Letter Out and Circulating that Demands that the Commissioner of the NYS Education Department Accept Matthew J. Miller’s Voluntary Resignation or, in the alternative, Proceed with a Termination Process.

Is Matt Miller Almost Out the Door>

Is Matt Miller Almost Out the Door?

We have received a final copy of the letter that is allegedly intended to go first to the New York State Education Department Commissioner, with copies to the RCS CSD interim superintendent of schools, to the RCS CSD board of education, and to the New York State Attorney General, with a request for investigation.

To read a copy of the letter to the NYSED Commissioner, click on this link: NYSED Commissioner Letter re Matthew J Miller_redacted We will adapt the letter so that it can be personalized and sent by anyone in the district who would like to join in the effort to remove Matthew J. Miller from this district. We will publish the template letter on this blog over the next couple of days.

It seems that a considerable volume of incriminating evidence has been assembled and is ready to go out that is likely to put our favorite mutt, Matt Miller, in the hot seat.

Whatcha Gonna Do Now, Matt?

Whatcha Gonna Do Now, Matt?

We have received disclosure of documents demanded under New York’s Freedom of Information Law that shows that Matt Miller collected far more than we had originally expected during his profitable stint as double-dipping Energy Educator/Manager in the RCS school district. We’ll publish that information, too, as soon as we can verify it.

Citizen residents are really taking the reins on these issues, we’re pleased to say and we urge them to continue the good fight. Well done, so far.

It’ll be interesting to see just what the New York State United Teachers, NYSUT,  is made of and how far they’ll go to support one of their membership and who is a local teachers union rep,  and who appears to have no morals or ethics at all. Not that unions are the role model for honesty or ethical conduct, but they do tend to be survivors and, as we all know, there’s no honor among thieves.

We’ll also see, if the letter actually does go out to the Commissioner of NYSED, the NYS Attorney General, and to state and federal lawmakers, what the ripple effect  might uncover.

Support your RCS CSD board of education non-teacher citizen-resident members.

Flex Those Muscles, People!

Flex Those Muscles, People!

Sorry, but it’s getting late and I have to head off the the RCS CSD board of education meeting to do some investigative reporting. We’ll continue this later. Thanks for your patience!

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!



Posted by on December 18, 2012 in Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, AFL-CIO, Albany, Albany County District Attorney, Albany Schenectady BOCES, Alice Whalen, ARANY, Bad Role Model, Bill Bailey, BOCES, Bray Engel, Brian Bailey, Bully, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Civil Right Violation, Claudia Verga, Clucks Club, Coeymans, Conflict of Interest, Corruption, Crime and Punishment, DeLuca Public Affairs, Demand for Removal, Demand for Resignation, Demand for Termination, Discrimination, Donna Leput Hommel, Double Dipping, Dr Alan McCartney, Education Commissioner, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Elizabeth Smith, Ethics and Morality, Formal Written Complaint, Freedom of Information Law, Gary Van DerZee, Gerald Deluca, Greed, Greene County, Hakim Jones, Harassment, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, indifference to the safety and welfare of a child, Interim Superintendent, James Latter, James Latter II, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joe Tracey, Karen Miller, Law, Losers Club, Loss of Pension, Main Street Small Business Coalition, Martin Case, Marty Case, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Mayor Bruno, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Mike Varney, Misconduct, Moose Misuraca, MSSBC, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSUT, Office of the Attorney General, Pam Black, Person of Interest, Poll Misconduct, Racism, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS Teachers Association, Removal, Resignation, Retaliation, Rocco Persico, Ron Racey, Selkirk, Shame On You, Smalbany, Student Abuse, Student Endangerment, Tavia Rauch, Teacher Misconduct, Teacher Negligence, Teachers, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Termination, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tom Dolan, Transparency, United Federation of Teachers, Voting Irregularities


Protest NOW! Protect the Democratic Process in RCS!

Matt Miller Is Out of Line Again!

Sure! I Trust Matt Miller!(I'm A Moron!)

Sure! I Trust Matt Miller!
(I’m A Moron!)

This Time Matt Miller Has Taken It Upon Himself to Ask the NY State Education Commissioner to VOID YOUR VOTES! Yes! Matt Miller, the Local Teachers Union Rep, the New York State United Teachers Union Lackey in Our RCS School District Is Going Over Our Heads to Void Our Rights As Voters!

As Promised in An Earlier Article, We Have Created Some Letters and Ask You to Personalize Them and Send Them Out A.S.A.P.

For your convenience we have written three letters that we’d like you to download or print out, personalize with your name, address, and telephone number, and send out to the elected officials whose names and addresses we provide in the list we have prepared for you.

We are providing the letters in both pdf and MS Word format. You can print them out or download them to your computer. You can personalize the letters on your computer or just copy them with your information inserted. Just click the links below to get the letters and the list of addresses.

To view and print the PDF versions of the letters click these links:

  1. Form letter to elected officials: Model Legislator Letter
  2. Letter to Dr John B. King Jr. regarding paying union reps with taxpayer dollars: NYSED Commissioner Letter
  3. Letter to Dr John B. King Jr. objecting to Matt Miller’s attempt to void our votes: NYSED Commissioner King Letter re Rodney Krzykowski

You can download the MS Word files by clicking the links below:

  1. Form letter to elected officials: Model Legislator Letter
  2. Letter to Dr John B. King Jr. regarding paying union reps with taxpayer dollars: NYSED Commissioner Letter
  3. Letter to Dr John B. King Jr. objecting to Matt Miller’s attempt to void our votes: NYSED Commissioner King Letter re Rodney Krzykowski

Click here to download a PDF of the address list: Partial List of Officials + Addresses

A Special Request: Help a Neighbor!

Some of our community friends, neighbors and residents do not have computers or access to the Internet. If you know anyone in that situation be a friend and a good citizen and bring them a copy of these letters and the addresses. Ask them to support this important effort to keep our school tax dollars in our schools and not in teachers union rep’s pockets.

Another concern, and we have provided a model letter that we ask you to send to the New York State Commissioner Education, Dr John B. King, Jr., concerns Matt Miller’s attempt to override the democratic process in this community.

He's trying to steal your rights, too!

He’s trying to steal your rights, too!

That letter demands that Dr King stay out of our local affairs. Matt “the Mutt” Miller recently sent a communication to Dr King asking Dr King to remove sitting board member Rodney Krzykowski from his position on the board, the position this community elected Mr Krzykowski to fill. Matt Miller was really out of line when he pushes you, the voters, aside to get his points with the teachers union. That is a slap in the face of the democratic process in this community and is stepping all over your rights as voters. Matt Miller is way out of line on this one. Let Dr King know how you feel and send the attached letter. Don’t let Matt Miller void your vote!

We’ve also heard that Matt Miller is involved with a local Selkirk lunatic, Tavia Rauch, and an “unnamed resident” (now who could that be?), and they’ve launched — Now Don’t Laugh! — an online petition and hope to get “100 signatures” in support of removing board member Rodney Krzykowski. Of course, the Times Useless, was all over this one — Isn’t it odd that right after we publish our articles about Miller or NYSUT that the Times Useless almost immediately comes out with an article bashing RCS or someone on the board of education? And with the recent scandal that the Times Union Blogs had to admit that commenters on their blogs were using fake names to publish multiple comments to make the impression that they were different people certainly makes this “online petition” really trustworthy. Right? Are they incredibly stupid, or what?  

Matt Miller's Search for Truth

Matt Miller’s Search for Support.

 Actually, Miller and Rauch, and the so-called “unnamed resident” might be able to get the 100 signatures they’re looking for. All they have to do is talk to Coeymans town board member Tom Dolan, you know, they guy who runs Choices…the same guy who caught all the flack for filling out absentee ballots for his customers (was it before or after he got them their social service benefits?).  Sure, Tom Dolan can get you all the signatures you need, just ask…If Tom Dolan can’t get enough at Choices, he’s liaison to the Coeymanazis in the Coeymans Police Department, he could get Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca a.k.a. BoBo Cop or Dumbo Cop Gregory Darlington, or PsychoCop Ryan Johnson, or Kerry “the ToolCop” Thompson to beat some signatures out of some poor bastids they corner. Sure, there’s always a way when you’re Matt Miller.

The Times Useless is really starting to look like a NYSUT teachers union newsletter! Can’t the Times Useless find its own material to write about–the Times Union “editors” seem to have been picking up on our reports and responding to them almost within hours! Thanks, Times Union, but we’d appreciate a byline!

Our next letter will be a community-wide letter to Dr Alan McCartney and to Dr John B. King, Jr., to protest that Matthew “Matt the Mutt” J. Miller has gone too far in this community and to demand that Miller either resign or that he be terminated. He’s killing this community with his union bullshit!


A Matt Miller Supporter in SelkirkGotta luv it!The Editor

A Matt Miller Supporter in Selkirk
Gotta luv it!
The Editor

P.s. And Thank you! all of you who have written in to tell us that you cancelled your Times Union subscription or have stopped buying the Times Union to protest their RCS-bashing! I’m sure your community, your friends and neighbors are grateful to you for taking that step! Happy holidays!

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!

Posted by on December 14, 2012 in, Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, AFL-CIO, Albany, Albany County District Attorney, Albany Schenectady BOCES, Alice Whalen, ARANY, Bill Bailey, Bill McFerran, Bob Ross, BOCES, Bray Engel, Brian Bailey, Bridget Engelhardt, BULLSHIT, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Cathy Long, Cathy's Coeymanazi Clucks Club, Civil Right Violation, Coercion, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Complaint, Conflict of Interest, Conspiracy, Corruption, Crime Confidential, DeLuca Public Affairs, Diane Malecki, Donna Leput Hommel, Dr Alan McCartney, Education Commissioner, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Oldham, Election Fraud, Elections and Voting, Elizabeth Smith, Freedom of Speech, Friends of RCS, Gary Van DerZee, Gerald Deluca, Graduation Rates, Greed, Greene County, Greg Teresi, Hakim Jones, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hearst Corporation, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Incompetence, Intimidation, Investigation, Irregularities, Voting, Irresponsibility, James Latter, James Latter II, Jeff Stambaugh, Jennifer Houck, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, John J. Biscone, John Luckacovic, John T. Biscone, John T. Bruno, Josephine O'Connor, Karen Miller, Lorraine Misuraca, Losers Club, Main Street Small Business Coalition, Marlene McTigue, Marty Case, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Mike Varney, Misconduct, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, MSSBC, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSED Office of Counsel, NYSUT, Office of the Attorney General, Pam Black, Person of Interest, Perv Patrol, Public Corruption, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, RCS Central School District, Removal of Board Member, Retaliation, Rodney Krzykowski, Secret Letters, Selkirk, Tavia Rauch, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Times Union Blogs, Times Useless Blogs, Tom Dolan, Transparency, United Federation of Teachers, Vindictive Justice, Voting Irregularities