Category Archives: Andrew Vale

They Publicize Their Ignorance: RCS Does It Again!

The Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District and the Community of Ravena-Coeymans Has the Uncanny Ability to Continuously Prove Our Claim that They are COMPLETE DUMBASSES!

RCS Grad: Sponcer. S-P-0-N-C-E-R. Sponcer

RCS Grad: Sponcer. S-P-0-N-C-E-R. Sponcer

  • The voters in the RCS Central School District approved a school budget of more than $42 million and it’s still failing

  • The RCS Central School District Interim Superintendent of Schools, Mr Alan McCartney, has been accused of plagiarizing all or part of his commencement speech given at the recent RCS graduation ceremonies, and he has offered no defense, explanation or apology

  • The RCS Central School District Board of Education is bought and paid for, wholly owned now by the teachers union, New York State United Teachers, NYSUT, and taxpayers have lost all input in the operation of the schools.

In Ravena Coeymans there’s not a single village idiot; they’re all village idiots!

And still, again, something new comes up that convinces you that there’s just no end to the stupidity, the bare-faced craziness in this community. Small wonder that it’s hemorrhaging residents and businesses. Small wonder it’s the laughing stock of the entire region! If it isn’t creating special village fitness clubs for its political friends and handing them fitness centers together with salaries and benefits, if the judges aren’t violating the United States Constitution, if the Coeymans police department isn’t harassing, retaliating, intimidating residents and violating their civil rights, and if the village and town boards aren’t poisoning the air we breathe or the water we drink while playing Russian roulette with our lives and property, they find some stupidity to keep us on our toes. In Ravena-Coeymans there’s not a single village idiot; they’re all village idiots! But you’d think that RCS residents would smarten up!

Not Gonna Happen! Instead, residents just roll their eyes, shake their heads, and sometimes even show enough interest to shake their fists in the dusty Coeymans aire, when they read what we have to say and the facts we uncover. Truth hurts only when it ought to. Well here’s another one for you; read and weep:

On Monday, July 14, 2014, while driving along Route 9W we noticed a very large sign posted at the intersection of Rt 143 and Rt 9W in Ravena, probably the busiest intersection in the entire area. The sign is right in front of the now empty Crossroads garage, across from the RiteAid plaza. Now you know the sign is in a very, very visible position and can be easily seen by countless commuters, visitors, tradespersons, students, parents, etc. traveling both South and North on 9w and East and West on Rt 143. The sign is announcing a Brooks Bar-B-Q event and is embarrassing:

Show the entire world how ignorant you are, RCS! And you wonder why you're a laughing stock? You ask for it!

Show the entire world how ignorant you are, RCS!
And you wonder why you’re a laughing stock? You ask for it!

Hasn”t anyone seen this sign? Hasn’t anyone said anything to the people posting it? Where is the Ravena Village Board, the Coeymans Town Board, ANYONE? Where are the teachers, the board of education members on this one? Where are the parents? Don’t the students even notice? Maybe that’s why this RCS district is such a failure! Plenty of money to throw at the schools, plenty of corruption to fill the seats of the board of education, plenty of money to pay a superintendent to plagiarise a commencement speech but not a peep when the Ravena Grange “sponcers” Brooks Bar-B-Q. Let’s just hope they don’t “sponcer” a spelling bee any time soon! And who is the illiterate bumpkin at the Ravena Grange Hall who posted the announcement?

Now which of you geniuses wrote the text for the sign?

Now which of you geniuses wrote the text for the sign?

The fact that the sign is even there, still there and has been there for all to see proves one thing: You’re all ignorant and brain-dead, and you want the entire world to know it! You should be mortified that no-one until now has come forward to demand that the sign be corrected or removed!

Enjoy your Brooks Bar-B-Q. Or maybe you should invest what you’d spend on toxic food on a cheap dictionary. But then the Brooks Bar-B-Q fundraiser might be to raise funds to teach standard English spelling in RCS schools. Perhaps we’ve been too hasty?

Needs No Words The Editor

Needs No Words
The Editor


Posted by on July 14, 2014 in, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Chamber of Commerce, Albany County Civil Service, Alice Whalen, Andrew Cuomo, Andrew Vale, Arlene McKeon, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Barbara Finke, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Carver Construction, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Industrial Park, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Court, Columbia-Greene Media, Conspiracy, Corruption, Danielle Crosier, David Wukitsch, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Eric Barnes, Eric T. Schneiderman, Father James Kane, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Fr James Kane, Fred Lebrun, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Government, Governor Mario Cuomo, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hearst Corporation, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hypocrisy, Intimidation, Investigation, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Hyslop, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. Johnson, John Luckacovic, Johnson Newspaper Group, Joseph C. Teresi, Joseph Teresi, Kenneth Burns, Kristine Biernacki, Larry Conrad, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Laverne Conrad, Lazlo Polyak, Marjorie Loux, Mark Vinciguerra, Marlene McTigue, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New Baltimore town council, New York, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Education Department, New York State Unified Court System, New York State United Teachers, Nick Dellisanti, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Patrick E. Brown, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Grange Hall, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena News Herald, Ravena Village Board, RCS Board of Education, Reubenville, Robert Fisk, Robert J. Freeman, Sarah Berchtold Engel, Sarah Engel, Scott Giroux, Selkirk, Shame On You, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Stupidity, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tkaczyk, Tom Dolan, Town Justice, Transparency, Village Justice, William Bailey, William Misuraca


The Epilogue You’ve All Been Waiting For: “Common Cents”– the Final Word


Before we launch our commentaries on the continuing corruption of the Ravena – Coeymans – Selkirk Central School District and its union – made – and – owned candidates for board of education, and before we launch our feature article on the Town of Coeymans town council’s own babbling boobie, Mr Peter Masti, and Masti’s Morbid Mentality and Blue – collar Hallucinations for the Town of Coeymans. We’ll also be publishing facts and figures on why the Town of New Baltimore has to leave the RCS CSD and join the Coxsackie school system. But first, we’d like to publish Mr Laszlo Polyak’s Epilogue to his analyses of the Ravena Village 2014 – 15 budget. So stay tuned for the RCS and Masti pieces, and the New Baltimore report. You’re gonna love’m!

Epilogue — Common Cents

Or the Eptitaph — In a State of General Confusion



Mr Polyak: I enjoy comments feedback and other points of view because the best solutions come to light from those discussions. One comment suggested that was I‘m “confused:” one, however. Well that’s an understatement if there ever was one! Every time I read the Village of Ravena’s 2014 – 15 budget I get more and more confused.

In Part One of my budget analysis I addressed only telephone expenses as an example of the waste and incompetence exhibited in the Ravena village budget. In that discussion I put out some questions regarding several other confusing budget line items. In order to understand those expenses you would have to see the actual bill voucher or receipt. Like the Village of Ravena is going to let you see that? Good luck!

In Part Two, I broke it all down and put some names on the numbers, while discussing just the facts as printed black–and–white in the Village of Ravena budget. Noting things like postage and gas (fuel) line Items. I also noted that the Water and Sewer funds are by law separate taxation entities (your water bill is “a tax”, and your sewer bill is “a tax”. Those monies are to be used only on sewer or water expenses, that is, the cost to bring us water and take away our sewerage. Water and sewer assessments are NOT part of our general Village of Ravena taxes or Town of Coeymans taxes.

budget-cuts animI also looked at the discrepancies in billing practices to the residents of both communities the amounts billed should be equal—but are far, far from equal, fair or even legal! We all should pay the same rates for water and the same rates for sewer in both the town and village. And rates should be consistent  in different categories such as, an industrial user or residential user etc. based on the actual cost to bring them water and sewer services. Right? Not in Ravena-Coeymans, not in the Twilight Zone!

It’s really great to see and hear so many folk’s comments on items of the VoR budget, it’s a welcomed refreshment compared to the groans and moans of the past. We need discussion and thinking like that! What is your solution to the many confusing discrepancies in the Village of Ravena budget? As I pointed out in Part 1 and in more detail in Part 2 no one questioned the gross (and unexplained, probably illegal) $36,400 in “unclassified” expenses, or “outside services” to the tune of about $50,000. Or what about the “CHIPS acct” where we have $62,000, in revenue. Wouldn’t you question an “unclassified” amount on your cable television or your power bill even if it was a couple of dollars? Why let tens of thousands in “unclassified” spending get swept under the carpet? It’s your money, people!

Here’s one for ya: In the “CHIPS” expense acct (and if you don’t know yet what the CHIPS account is, maybe you should ask!) we have spent only $40,000 (it’s also for road repair). Where did the other $22,000 go? Why didn’t the commenters point that little nugget out to us? Not a peep but Yeah! Henry and Fritz have to respond to emergencies. Too bad! But really, Where’s the $22 grand? We want to know!

Mayor Misuracs's Private Shitter in Ravena Village Hall

Mayor Misuraca’s Private Shitter in Ravena Village Hall

As soon as I attached a name to the village foreman’s job figures in the budget I felt I was in the middle of the Salem witch trials. But that’s OK because as an auditor I know ways to find out if they were “working hard or hardly working”: an auditor demands the records on the spot. (Wonder how the auditors from the Office of the New York State Comptroller missed all of this? Or did they?). We also ask for the names of all personnel employed by the Village of Ravena department in which Fritz/Henry “work” as well as their time/effort allocations (F/T, P/T, number of hours worked per week, on-call, etc.). We’d like to see copies of job descriptions for all personnel employed by the VoR department in which Fritz/Henry “work”. We’d then like to see copies of the call logs, emergency response logs, snow emergency dispatch logs or any written records or documents showing the dates and times of emergency response for water/sewerage emergencies, snow removal emergencies, storm emergencies to which the VoR (department where Fritz/Henry are employed) responded in the period of June 1, 2013 to May 31, 2014. After all, wouldn’t you expect records like that to be available, even if only for insurance purposes? Where do you think ex–mayor John T. Bruno or hatchet-woman Nancy Warner or ex-mayor Bruno’s pet toad, hot–shot dithering Bill Bailey keep those records? Guess again!

It’s those kind of records that are normally and routinely kept by legit and honest departments that tell the real story of whether they are working hard or hardly working, or even if they show up for work! These are questions and records that any auditor worth his salt could and would demand before jumping to any conclusions. (And on – the – spot impose fines of up to $25,000 for every “What do you mean you don’t have a mandated public record for inspection?) Tell it to the hearing judge, the auditor could say.


In the budget all departments should be sub-totaled so department heads can defend their requests for funding for the upcoming year, and taxpayers can clearly seen what’s being requested and for what. As for combining some department jobs, expenditures, allocations, personnel in another department or rolling personnel over into another department without adequate justification is just asking to get beat up by an auditor!
I didn’t even discuss the question of sales tax revenue and the corruption that has been going down over the years. Ravena is expected to receive $625,000.00 (↓↓↓ from a previous $640,000.00) so when I read or hear some fool say that we will punish local business with his checkbook, I see the loss of sales-tax revenues. Chew on this, why don’t ya: We in the village lost a few $100,000.00 in sales tax revenues over the years that Ravena – Coeymans has been hemorrhaging small businesses. And, friends and neighbors, that’s money that the Village and Town have to make up via our general taxes going up. The point is that it pays to spend our money locally; provided we can attract and keep businesses. And I mean businesses who don’t come to Ravena – Coeymans for a tax holiday or a kick – back, and who don’t destroy our town and village character, poison our air, hide our river, destroy our streets. You all know what I’m talking about. If you don’t, just open your tired eyes.

crooked-politician-III also didn’t say anything about village insurance. Because of the many potential lawsuits brought about by the village’s and town’s mismanagement, and outright illegal activities resulting in claims, the Village of Ravena has had to roughly doubled its insurance coverages: it went from 50,000 to 100,000. Illegal activities, fines, misconduct and complaints that can result in millions in settlements or judgments have to be covered. It wouldn’t surprise me that due to all the pending law suits from some form of violation of civil and constitutional righrts, discrimination, the gazebo incidents, and the Ravena Health and Fitness Center employee misconduct (Cathy Deluca got the village slammed with at least two Notices of Claims that are likely to turn into lawsuits very soon. Those will demand several millions in compensation to the complainant! The Town of Coeymans, too, has dozens of pending lawsuits because of the misconduct of the Coeymans police alone!) etc. Then there are the criminal charges in the complaints against village and town officials for such things as obstruction of justice and falsely reporting an incident (Cathy Deluca). Between the town and village, there are roughly two dozen pending law suits (This is public record; go look it up! Ask the village clerk or the town clerk for the information!).

So we taxpayers don’t even know how much the lawsuits will cost us, and we have to pay for it all in the long run. It’s like “Islip” garbage barge; it ended up costing the property owners 20 million! It’s like your property taxes going up from $1,000 to $ 5,000 to cover the cost. Juries don’t care who you think you are; they award tens of millions for discrimination every day without giving it a second thought! After all, your elected officials should know better. Shouldn’t the?

Now let me bring you full circle back to the VoR budget. To be fair, the new mayor of Ravena William “Moose” Misuraca, took office (No sympathy! He begged for the opportunity to run for mayor! Now deal with it!) and now has a mountain of rotting old garbage on his desk to deal with. (Thanks to ex–mayor John Bruno and his other losers, Marty Case (defeated), Rocco Persico (lost), Nancy Warner (to be defeated) and Bill Bailey (already lost but doesn’t know it)) When Misuraca comes up for air, he’ll have to find his own way around.

One of the reasons I’m so confused (and you can’t make this crap up) is that just last Friday 5/2/14 I called the village clerk to get a certified copy of few documents, the deputy clerk said OK, and then made a comment about the Smalbany blog, “Common Cents”, Part 1 and Part 2. She went on to say, “… but Laszlo you’re not sure we do the billing for the water etc. as stated in the blog. A few seconds later, she called me back and refused to provide the certified documents! I asked Why? The deputy village clerk told me that Bill Bailey—You remember him. He’s the dithering boob who pissed himself every time ex – mayor Bruno asked him a question. The one on the village council who stutters and mumbles a lot.—said not to certify them !. OK, I then told them put that in writing. I get off the phone and I’m beyond confused because in Part 2 I spell out the job mandates of any village clerk and one of them is “to certify“ records to be true copies etc.—as mandated by law, so with my head spinning, I’m thinking Bill Bailey instructs the village clerk to commit a crime? And where does Bill Bailey get the authority to tell the village clerk to do or not to do anything, anyway? That’s simply not his job! But now think about this: Nancy Warner, a key conspirator in the old Bruno regime, was the clerk for over 25 years and she’s now overseeing the village office. If something needs to disappear, Nancy Warner knows what it is and can make it disappear. Next election watch Nancy Warner disappear! Like I said you can’t make this stuff up. But the real question is this: When will Misuraca and his majority get the balls to take charge and start making things happen…LEGALLY. Does anyone in the village have or know their job descriptions? Do they ever think of what questions a federal judge or a prosecutor is going to ask them before the judge determines how much of their 401k, their pensions, and their social security will go to pay punitive damages or fines for abuse of public office, violations of protected rights, discrimination and or before removing them from public office and making a retirement reservation in Coxsackie corrections.



So let’s walk a mile in our new mayor’s shoes (I mean wading boots. He’ll need them to get past all of the bull shit and still get anything done in the Village of Ravena). Where does he go from here?

So YES! Virgil you’re right, I’m very confused!!!! BUT know what Phil Crandall has on the ongoing corruption that is going on in the Village of Ravena and the Town of Coeymans. (For those of you with short memories, Phil Crandall was the town of Coeymans judge who got railroaded into resigning because he didn’t approve of the goings on between the Coeymans town board and the Coeymanazi police department. Click here to read the Smalbany article on this link: From the Judge Himself: Coeymans Judge Resigns, Insider Exposes Corruption.) I like our new mayor so far—but he hasn’t done anything yet so what’s not to like—Oh well! When the judges asked why records are not certified I’ll just say it’s a great question, and that he should ask the likes of Bill Bailey and Nancy Warner and the clerks Biernacki and Demitrazek, I’m just a confused retired auditor. So much for co-mingling funds your federal Honor; welcome to Ravena they have their own set of hubris rules and laws.

 I had a meeting with the mayor, handed him a water bill from a PUD (No, not a village employee; it’s Planned Urban Development ) of 100 homes in Westchester the water bills are less than ours, they’re billed quarterly, and all are metered and the meters are changed out every 5 years, their water comes from Greenwich CT, two wealthy and I mean wealthy places and their water bills are cheaper! Can Bill Bailey explain that? And you don’t have to pay the whole bill at once, and the taste is thousand times better than Ravena water. Cheaper, fairer, better tasting, more convenient billing. Would that ever work in Ravena? Wishful thinking 😉

Here’s a suggestion: It would be great if the new mayor would post all incoming vouchers and bills, and receipts. Maybe even on weekly basis Then we can see who’s doing what with our tax dollars.

Laszlo Polyak a.k.a. the “Confused Auditor“

Editorial Note

Mr Polyak’s comments do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this blog (and, due to editing, not even Mr Polyak’s own). We’d be much more direct and not so nice to the incompetents! Mr Polyak’s original submission has been extensively edited for form, grammar, and at times for content for the sake of clarity. Mr Polyak is solely responsible for the facts contained in this article and for their accuracy. The Smalbany editorial staff assumes no responsibility for any factual errors. Readers are cordially invited to submit a rebuttal article or to comment on this article using the comment feature of this blog.

Coming up next: New Baltimore’s Turn. Are you ready for this?

Peter Masti gets Lampooned, or Harpooned. You decide!

But firs, A Closer Look at the RCS CSD Board of Education, Just Before the Elections. It’s FIXED…AGAIN!!!

Yeah! Baby! We feel the same way! The Editor

Yeah! Baby! We feel the same way!
The Editor

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance.

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Posted by on May 10, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony,, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, AFL-CIO, Albany, Albany County Chamber of Commerce, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Alice Whalen, Andrew Vale, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Barbara Finke, Bill Bailey, Bill McFerran, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bray Engel, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carmen Warner, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Conspiracy, Corrupt Police, Corruption, David Soares, David Wukitsch, DEC, Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of State, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Falsely reporting an incident, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, George Langdon, Gerald Deluca, Government, Gregory Darlington, H Andres Jimenez Uribe, Harold Warner, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Ignorance, Incompetence, Investigation, Irresponsibility, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Albert, Jason Hyslop, Jeff Lukens, Jeff Stambaugh, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Josephine P. Dority née Biscone, Josie Biscone-Bruno, Karen Miller, Kenneth Burns, Kristine Biernacki, Larry Conrad, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Laverne Conrad, Lazlo Polyak, Marlene McTigue, Martin Case, Marty Case, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Meprision of Felony, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misinformation, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nepotism, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Democratic Committee, New Baltimore Reformed Church, New Baltimore Town Budget, New Baltimore town council, New York, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Education Department, New York State Police, New York State United Teachers, News Herald, Nick Dellisanti, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, NYSAFC, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Patrick E. Brown, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena News Herald, Ravena Village Board, RCS Athletic Association, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS School Superintendant, Robert Fisk, Rocco Persico, Rodney Krzykowski, School Budget, Selkirk, Smalbany, Small Town, Stephen Flach, Stephen Prokrym, Superintendent of Schools, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas E. Dolan, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Town Clerk, Town Council, Town Supervisor, Transparency, VanEtten, Village Clerk, Village Council, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Common “Cents” Part II: “Figures don’t lie, but liars sure can figure!”

Ravena Resident and Taxpayer, Mr Laszlo Polyak, Continues His Analysis of Past and Current Village of Ravena Budgets. Here’s What He Has To Say in Continuing Part I, Common Cents:

Common “Cents” Part II:

“Figures don’t lie, but liars sure can figure!” (Mark Twain)

Local Analyst, Former Auditor Scrutinizes Ravena Budget

Local Analyst, Former Auditor Scrutinizes Ravena Budget

In Part One I didn’t mention any names or the RCS CSD (as the RCS school budget controversy came around and continues to waste money but that’s a novel in itself). I had only one issue: “bullying” and I stayed with the bullying issue.

The editing of Part I by Smalbany blog staff is a part of life. I stay with numbers not personalities. I’m not sure what “wingnuts” means, I don’t do “drumstick bolts”, “dirty-feet cops “, dumb-dumb police chiefs, poop-poop police, or towel-painted-blond–fitness-tubby, etc. True, the pictures do help with the boring bean counting budget reading. I also didn’t state the village court must go. I would have to look at many facts and factors then say it’s got to go.

In Part II, however, I will mention names as they relate to the budget and which are of public record, so you can address, seek or ask your own questions of department heads or the individuals themselves, and you can draw your own conclusions. Actually, only two sitting members of the Ravena Village counsel are actually responsible for the 2014–15 budget, Nancy Warner and Bill Bailey, but their political lives are nearing an end, too. As in that cop TV show, Dragnet, Sergeant Joe Friday wants just the financial facts ma’am! The financial facts! Dull and dry but color may or not be, but usually is, added by the Smalbany editors.

Some commenter’s and the editors have asked for a comparison between the village of Ravena, town of Coeymans and / or New Baltimore. It’s like comparing apples to oranges; it’s not easy to do because there are different mandates that apply to towns and villages; towns have far more responsibilities than villages do, so most bookkeepers/CPA/auditors whether local, state or federal will tell you that you really can’t compare them. Maybe you could compare office by office, or you might compare building departments or the clerk’s offices, such as a comparison of the town of Coeymans clerk’s office vs the Village of Ravena clerk’s office. However when 1500 folks move out, we do need to consolidate services. Plenty of little Indian chiefs but not enough Indians in our town (A grand total of 7300 folks combined in town of Coeymans, including the Village of Ravena!) The town clerk is elected but the village clerk is appointed. The town clerk has ten times more work than the village clerk. The town clerk is responsible for added mandates such as marriage, hunting, fishing, dog, licenses, recording deaths, overseeing cemeteries, collecting taxes and fees from all other departments (except for the court fees /fines), sending out tax, water, sewer bills, recording town, zoning, planning, special and regular meetings, public notices, F.O.I.L. requests, certificates of residences, stamp into the record notices of claims and letters to other departments even copies of the budgets and all history requests, etc.

Says it all!>/big>

Says it all!

The town clerk also oversees elections every year and certifies election results for registered voters. And the town clerk is the registrar of vital statistics and does the town banking, too. Let’s not forget she handing out free Arby meal cards, too, when Coeymans was Reubenville! The town clerk does all of this on a $41,000.00 year salary with staff salaries of $64,000; that’s one full time clerk and 2 part time helpers. Under the New York law, the general municipality law as relates to villages, there are two distinct offices or positions: a village clerk and village treasurer. Under mayor John T. Bruno Ravena bizarrely combined both separate positions into one clerk-treasurer, and then added a deputy clerk-treasurer position. Nancy Warner needed control over everything and her friends needed jobs, too. All other villages have a clerk and a treasurer with clear responsibilities separate from each other, as spelled out in village law.

However, when we the compare the village office to the town, the village clerks’ responsibilities don’t include marriage, hunting, fishing dog licensing or death certificates;-they only record village meeting minutes, they don’t record planning or zoning minutes. The village of Ravena administers to at most 3,000 residents instead of 7,300, which are the responsibility of the Coeymans town clerk; The village clerk also collects village taxes. I think they collect water and sewer rents too? It’s not clear if they collect water/sewer rents. They do F.O.I.L. (New York State Freedom of Information) requests. They issue pool passes.

Ravena will need one of these when cooking the budget!>/big>

Ravena will need one of these when cooking the budget!

The Village of Ravena’s Clerk/Treasurer gets $29,500 according to acct # 1325.14 and the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer gets $ 39,955.76. According to acct# 1325.15 (The superior apparently gets paid less than the subordinate so there must be something going on behind the scenes!). The part time Ravena clerk-treasurer is paid $12,360.00. and here’s where it gets really tricky: There is an “outside service” budget line item # 1325.48 showing $9,500.00; is that a “bonus” for an employee or is it another person? There is another budget line item for “payroll contractual expense” acct # 1325.43, it went from zero for the year 2012/2013 to $6000.00 in 2013/2014. Is that “training” or another person, or is it another phantom employee? In acct #1325.47 “conferences” another $2,500.00 what’s that for?

The total spent on the salaries varied from $81,855.76 to $100,000.76 for doing about one third the work of the town of Coeymans clerks. Why is the payroll for the Ravena village clerk more than that of the Coeymans town clerk who does 3 – times the work and does it for more than twice the number of residents?

An auditor’s job can be so dull with so many colorful questions. So you can see it’s hard to compare until you review the actual bills, vouchers, and actual records (if any are kept). Trustee Nancy Biscone – Warner, the former deputy clerk-treasurer for about 25 years is on the committees to over-see the village offices (clerks), the police (Dirty – Hands Jerry Deluca), the fitness center (Cathy Deluca), the central garage and the streets. Perhaps she can answer some of the questions to clear up the salaries and expenses for these offices and accounts.

According to official village paperwork, postage account #1325.41 in 2012/2013 was $3,500; in 2013/2014 it was $3,199.00; in 2013/2014 it was $7,100.00 then $8,000.00 in 2014/2015. Postage more than doubled between 2012 and 2014. But in that period, more folks moved out of the village and town. Why the doubling of the postage? Was someone running the political campaigns from the village of Ravena offices?

Let’s take a real look at one of the departments phone bills, the Ravena Building Department in the budget is known as Public Safety, acct #’s 3620.11 through 3620.49. Its telephone budget is $1,500.00, that could be real after all our village of Ravena is booming….take a stroll down Main Street or 9W. We are building senior housing left and right. The numbers of family homes are going up all over too. Never mind businesses going into the store fronts. Sorry! I was only trying to be funny. Sure, the deterioration of the Bruno – Warner ghost town does requir the building inspector to be at 10 places at once to inspect all this activity of the economic boom in Ravena (hint: sarcasm). With 500 telephone messages to return too! (Only kidding we are the regional ghost town at this time, while Bethlehem assessors refer to the RCS school district as a “failure.”)

Even with the latest population loss of 500 folks in the village it is not easy to see how the phone bill went from $989.52 in 2012 (actual) to $1,500 in 2014-15 (budget).

Now, looking at employee employment I will walk you through this, it may be bizarre but it is their record. First you have budget line item # 3620.11 where the part time clerk goes from $6,960.49 (actual in 2012-13), and then in 2013-14 jumps to $20,000, and then in 2013-14 to $21,600 part time. Look at line item # 3620.12 “assistant building inspector (part time)” Santa $10,300.00 (Yeah! Santa Claus is generous to himself!). Then it really gets weird the Building Inspector budget line item # 3620.13, Joe Burns gets $27,254.16 then in the back pages of the budget you see Joe Burns gets $54,508.32/year, the other (27,254.16 comes from building-Mountain Rd. acct 1623.12 custodians or hourly employee 27,254.16) but when look at that account the budget is 33,990.00 or 30,900.00 are you confused yet? But when you add the 2 accts in “Mountain Rd accts”, together 1623.12 and 1623.15 you get $64,890.00 for the cleaning of the building/maintaince. Our question is this: Is Joe Burns the janitor too?

Now, let’s go back to so – called building inspector budget line item # 3620.15. This is still another hourly employee at $8, 755, for what? What do they do? Filing all those new building permits, blueprints? Then we have motor vehicle that’s $1,000 a year but no gas expense. We see them driving all around the village all day long all the time! They must run on air? Where are the figures for vehicle fuel expenses? The outside service for budget line item # 3620.48, is $ 6,024 .44 (actual) for whom or what is that expense? What’s it for, financial braniacs? Then we have “unclassified expenses”? Are “unclassifieds” really legal? For the year 2012 – 13 we had an expenditure of $78,049.73 (actual). Is that the cost of taking down the building on the corner of Main St and Orchard Ave.? Remember DEC got involved in that fiasco because the oil tank wasn’t removed first, causing an oil spill in the basement all in front of Nancy Warner’s property! Now there’s an example of Warner’s performance as trustee in charge of buildings and streets! And where was the building inspector in all this? Contact the DEC to find out the fine amount for that one, and then you might find the fine amount under one of the many unclassified expenses. Pretty clever move that one! Hiding the fines for incompetence under the “unclassifieds” in the budget. What’s worse still, is that they include the fines for incompetence in proposed budgeting! I never heard of “UN – ” classified expenses. Any bill received by a municipality (Ravena seems to be the exception) goes into a specific account or you create an expense account for it.

cicero on the budget

Let’s go back to Mountain Rd. where we find an unclassified expense of actual $41,407.93 is that the hidden cost of taking down the building at Main Street and Orchard Ave.? The outside services 2012 – 13 budget line item # 1623.48 for $ 14,735.67 (actual amount), was that to cover up the cost to the removal of the building too? What are they hiding at $18,000 for 2014-15? An expense before there’s a classification for it, like putting the cart before the horse?

The zoning and planning attorney gets $6,300 for the planning board and $6,300 for zoning board each, totaling $12,600.00. To be fair the building department under budget line item # 2555 brings apparently brings revenue into the village of Ravena to the tune of $1,852 in 2012-13 in building permits. Wow! Now we’re talking some real money! Almost $2,000 in revenues. Don’t get too excited. Just do the math.

The Public works administration, village foreman salary for Fritz, who drove around Ravena all day long for over $60,000.00 a year (see budget line item # 1490.11), now it’s Henry’s position so he gets to drive around for $60,000.

Laszlo Polyak
Ravena Resident and Taxpayer

It seems the more folks move out of Ravena the more the village hires and pays for overtime but that’s another story. I hope the new mayor demands written competitive proposals for goods and services provided from outside sources to the village, requires justification in advance from his department heads on weekly basis for any overtime, insists on a description and justification for any unclassified expense and then requires them to be classified, and reviews all job descriptions against requirements for village employees. He could start with the Village of Ravena clerk’s office, then move on to the building inspector, and finish up with the Ravena Health and Fitness Center and the Village of Ravena (kangaroo) Court. That should save at least nearly a cool million and how do you think that will affect your tax bill?

The Editor

The Editor

Editorial Disclaimer. Mr Polyak’s article was reviewed and edited, at times extensively, not necessarily for content but for style and language considerations. Mr Polyak’s comments and analysis do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this blog. The layout and illustrations are the work of the Smalbany editorial staff.

Any resident wishing to comment or rebut any Smalbany article, or submit his or her opinion for publication may do so on any relevant topic. Comments may be posted using the comment feature on this blog. Artcles should be sumitted to for review. All submissions become the property of this blog and the blog owner without exception and are published or not published at the sole discretion of the blog editor. This blog reserves to edit any submission prior to publication.

The apron illustration and other similar products can be found on the Zazzle novelties site.

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance.
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Posted by on April 30, 2014 in, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Board of Elections, Albany County Chamber of Commerce, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Andrew Vale, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Bullying, Capital District, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Conspiracy, Corruption, DEC, Department of Environmental Conservation, Double Dipping, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, F.O.I.L., FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Freedom of Information Law, George Langdon, Government, Greg Teresi, Gregory Teresi, Investigation, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Hyslop, Jeff Lukens, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Joseph C. Teresi, Josephine P. Dority née Biscone, Josie Biscone-Bruno, Kristine Biernacki, Larry Conrad, Laverne Conrad, Lazlo Polyak, Martin Case, Marty Case, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Michael Biscone, Michael Fisher, Michael J. Biscone, Misinformation, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Town Budget, New Baltimore town council, New York, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State, New York State United Teachers, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Patrick E. Brown, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena News Herald, Ravena Village Budget, RCS Central School District, Reubenville, Robert Fisk, Rocco Persico, School Budget, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Susan K. O'Rorke, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Town Clerk, Transparency, Village Clerk, Wild Spending, William Bailey, William Misuraca


aww, you aren’t even close.

 FireGeezer, A Blog Dedicated to the First Responder/Firefighter Community, Recently Reposted Part of Our Article “Share Our Shock” on the Unbelievable Stupidity of the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs and Their Decision to Hire Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry Deluca” to be the Association’s CEO/Executive Director. We posted a link the FireGeezer’s web site. No sooner had we done that than the rats left their dark holes and started their rants. Well, it didn’t take long for FireGeezer to figure out their agenda and POOF! all of their posts suddenly got deleted. That’s happening more and more to them lately and so it should.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “taunt” as “a reproach in a mocking or insulting style. This is a taunt.

Joke's On Sicko! BANNED AGAIN!

Joke’s On Sicko!

 It’s ironic that as soon as the lunatic rants got deleted, so did Sicko’s identity. He’s* a nobody again!

[* We are using the pronoun “he” not because we think the Sicko is a male but because traditionally the grammatical “he” is used to mean both genders; today, thanks to the feminist agenda, the pronoun “she” is frequently used in the same way.]


One of the sickos who apparently is desperate for attention wrote in a comment: “aww, you aren’t even close. Guess those close to you are going to betray you sooner than later.” That sicko is responding to our “UPDATE” on this blog in which we finger a local whacko as the one who posted the crazy rants on FireGeezer. But what the sicko doesn’t realize is that he or she is actually identifying with the psychopath we suspect to have written the stupidity on FireGeezer. It’s ironic that as soon as the lunatic rants got deleted, so did Sicko’s identity. He’s a lonely nobody again!

But to set the record straight, the sick minds who are so desperately trying to put a face on this blog, who are so desperately trying to vent their frustration about not being able to spew their venom, and hurt the community-spirited people reading and contributing to this blog, those same sociopathic personalities are actually shooting themselves in the foot. Here’s why:

First of all, those sickos are ignorant of the content of this blog. If they knew anything about this blog, they would know that on May 5, 2012, in the article a “A Little History Lesson“, everything they think that they are exposing was already thrown out there for everyone to read. Even the owner of the blog was identified. Yes! No guessing required. That article identified the blog owner! No secrets, readers. Everything was up on the front page since May 5, 2012—until they started getting really nasty.  But that article, “A little History Lesson” was there for everyone to read, and was until this morning (we password protected the page but you can request a password to view it. Just write us at rcs.confidential (a) That was done because it was all made up in sick minds, meaningless, already shown to be garbage, and the Editor wanted to get it out of the way, knowing that some dumbasses would want to drag it out and use it stupidly. That’s exactly what they did and are trying to do. But they failed, miserably.

Secondly, if they think that they have some special, secret information that they can use to discredit and destroy someone they repeat it over and over again, until they believe their own lies, and then attacking more and more innocent people. Apparently, they think that by doing that someone’s going to lose their cool and react. Not gonna happen. You see, those lies have been around so long and the stories, the tales have been told again and again that everyone, and we mean EVERYONE is sick of hearing them. So our advice to Sicko and his friends is: Get a life and a brain, stupid! You’ve tried this all before and it didn’t work then so why do you think it’s going to work now? It’s all old and uninteresting. People knew your agenda years ago and it didn’t work!

The most reliable sign of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. You’re a pitiful idiot!

The third point we’d like to make is this: You can’t fight hard facts by trying to kill the messenger, stupid! This blog goes to incredible lengths to get hard facts and information, and only then publishes the hard, true facts. You can deny them all you like but they are still there. Call us what you like but it doesn’t change the truth or the facts. But there is something you can do:

  • If you don’t like the Deluca stories, check out the facts and if you have a defense, send us the facts. We’ll be happy to print them.
  • If you don’t like the facts we publish on the Warners, send us facts that prove us wrong and we’ll publish them.
  • If you don’t like the facts about the Coeymans police department, send us the facts that refute our conclusions.
  • If you don’t like what we publish about the Village of Ravena and the Village of Ravena budget, show us in the budget what we got wrong.
  • If you feel that Ravena needs Cathy Deluca’s playpen to the tune of $105,000 a year when the Ravena Health and Fitness Center generates no revenues for the Village of Ravena, show us the facts and figures that say that Ravena needs the RHFC and that it’s worth the taxpayer dollars being wasted on it.
  • If you don’t like our exposés of the failing Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk schools or the teachers union or the board of education, leave a comment complete with facts and figures to rebut what we write. We’ll publish your comment.

You can’t fight hard facts by trying to kill the messenger, stupid!

You can’t do any of that and so you try again and again to kill the messenger by repeating your fairy tales and attacking even his/her family. Isn’t that a real cowardly way to try to prove your point? Well, it’s not working, stupid! All you do is get your ass kicked again and again. All you manage to do is get yourself banned from just another blog or website. Are you such a dumbass that you keep doing the same thing over and over again and get the same results? (Answer: YES!) See above for the “most reliable sign of stupidity.”

As we mentioned above, back on May 5, 2012, when we first published this blog, we actually published the very same things you continue to think are so important. In one of our first articles, “A Little History Lesson,” we went public with all of that slander and libel—by its very definition unfactual and false—; in the first week that this blog was published we had already published your stupid lies ourselves. Why? Because we wanted the world to know what stupids like you would probably come up with, thinking it was so significant, but we tripped you up by having put it out there right from the start. We beat you to the punch you idiot but you don’t even know that! And you think that because you post the same crapola and put one of your many fake names on it or use one of your many fake e-mails, that it’s going to be news. Please see above for the “most reliable sign of stupidity.”

Accept the Fact that you and your kind are losers! And in denial!

Accept the Fact that you and your kind are losers! And in denial!

Look, Stupid, we have established ourselves as highly reliable, strongly factual, reality-based, journalism-quality reporting. We publish only reliable and verifiable information, most often getting the facts under the provisions of the New York State Freedom of Information Law directly from the very public entities we are reporting on. If you think you can do better, please do. We’d love to see what you come up with.

We get more than 10,000 readers a month and in the next couple of weeks we’ll have a quarter of a million readers (250,000 readers). And that’s not even counting the readers from FaceBook and other social media, or the visitors referred to the site by email or by our many registered followers! People trust us and believe in us. We earned that trust by being honest and factual. We risked a lot by publishing this blog and going after the powers-to-be but the information was too important not to get it out to the community. Instead of hiding in some dark place away from the retaliation and intimidation that was part of our neighbors’ day-to-day life we came out and went on the counter-attack. We sent the real rats scurrying for their holes but smoked the bastards out again. We’re still doing that and will continue to do it until they’re all in a cage. The community is grateful and says so repeatedly. We have changed elections and changed the way our friends, neighbors and readers think. What have YOU done, stupid?

People like you make us all feel like geniuses.

People like you make us all feel like geniuses.

The very site on which you tried but failed to discredit us independently picked up on our article and asked many of the same questions: Who is Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca? That first-responder/firefighters website asked the same questions we did and agreed that there were questions, even rebuttals that had to be made. Did anyone rebut the real facts or refute them? No! Deluca didn’t and the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs didn’t either. Why? Because they couldn’t rebut or refute the truth, the facts.

Neither can you so you resorted to your old tricks. Whether you’re a Joan Ross, a Cathy Deluca, a Jerry Deluca, a Nancy Warner, a Tim Houghtaling, a Scott Horne you’re all the one and the same: cockroaches. And your methods are all the same. Please see above for the “most reliable sign of stupidity.”

So, that’s that. Save your energy. What you think is an ace is from an old marked deck, a very old, very worn out cheat’s deck. No one’s interested in your puffed up fantasy stories, your half-truths, your slanders or your libels. You get banned every time and you’re only building a case against yourself.

Why you don’t just accept our good advice to stay on topic, be truthful, state true facts, and stop wasting everyone’s time trying to put a face on this blog. You won’t be able to do it and it’s totally unnecessary. No matter who is writing this blog it won’t change the facts. The truth will continue to be true no matter who writes it.

Instead of hiding in some dark place away from the retaliation and intimidation that was part of our neighbors’ day-to-day life we came out and went on the counter-attack. We sent the real rats scurrying for their holes but smoked the bastards out. We’re still doing that and will continue to do it until they’re all in a cage.  What have YOU done, stupid?

Like rats driven by the bait in a trap, you are driven by your greed and hypocrisy to take another step into your depravity, until, like the unfortunate rat, you snatch at the bait and SNAP! … you know the rest of the story.

Join Your Friends

Join Your Friends

[Rats in traps (left to right): Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington; Bottle-Blond-Bimbo Cathy Deluca (“Director” of the Ravena Health and Fitness Center and Dirty-Hands Jerry’s partner); Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca (former Coeymans thug now CEO of the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs); John T. Bruno (former mummy-mayor of Ravena); Nancy Warner (mummy-mayor’s biatch, wife of corrupt Ravena Village judge Hal Warner); Matt Miller (RCS teacher on reduced class load for NYSUT rep business, double-dipper energy manager, student-abuser); the “Pink-PimpTim Houghtaling (graduate of the failing RCS high-school and Internet Troll); Joan Ross (the Weasel Witch of New Baltimore, wife of Bitter Bob of New Baltimore); Other Nameless Rats]

And finally, we don’t really care who you are. We really don’t care. Why? Because you are no longer a real person. You have become a cliché and a negative symbol. It doesn’t matter who you are because it’s what you represent that counts. You represent all that is false, crooked, corrupt, dishonest, insecure, immature, and evil that is in our communities, in our government, even in our churches. You are a symbol like satan is a symbol. We don’t want to be around your kind and we don’t want your kind in our communities.

You speak of betrayal? Look, there’s nothing to betray except ourselves and our principles of truth, integrity, and service. We won’t do that, ever. And no one’s going to betray us so don’t get your hopes up. We are clean, squeaky clean and nothing you or your kind can conjure up can stick. We’re going to keep it that way. You and your kind are dirty and you don’t even realize it. But we do.

Your Face Belongs Here You're Stupid THE EDITOR

Your Face Belongs Here
You’re Stupid

 You have been properly taunted.

Leave a comment

Posted by on April 26, 2014 in, Abuse of Public Office, Albany, Albany County Chamber of Commerce, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Alice Whalen, Andrew Cuomo, Andrew Vale, Annette Demitraszek, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Blog, Bob Dorrance, Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, Bray Engel, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carmen Warner, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Justice, Columbia-Greene Media, Committee on Open Government, Conflict of Interest, D. M. Crosier, Daily Mail, Danielle Crosier, Danielle M. Crosier, David Soares, David Wukitsch, Diane Lewis, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Eric Barnes, Extramarital Affairs, Father James Kane, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, FireGeezer, Fr James Kane, George Langdon, Gerald Deluca, Government, Governor Mario Cuomo, Greene County News, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, H Andres Jimenez Uribe, Harold Warner, Hearst Corporation, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Intimidation, James Kane, James Latter, James Latter II, Janet Brooks, Jason Albert, Jason Hyslop, Jeff Lukens, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. Johnson, John B. King, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Johnson Newspaper Group, Joseph C. Teresi, Joseph Farrell, Josephine P. Dority née Biscone, Josie Biscone-Bruno, Karen Miller, Kenneth Burns, Kevin Reilly, Kristine Biernacki, Kyle Smith, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Lazlo Polyak, Lisa Benway, Marjorie Loux, Marjorie Loux, Mark Vinciguerra, Martin Case, Marty Case, Mary Partridge-Brown, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Michael Biscone, Michael Fisher, Michael J. Biscone, MidHudson Cable, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, National Bank of Coxsackie, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Conservancy, New Baltimore Democratic Committee, New Baltimore Democrats, New Baltimore Reformed Church, New York, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Civil Service Department, New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, New York State Police, New York State Supreme Court, New York State Unified Court System, New York State United Teachers, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, News Herald, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, NYSAFC, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, PriceChopper, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Fitness Center, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena News Herald, RegisterStar, Retaliation, Robert Dorrance, Robert Fisk, Robert J. Freeman, Rocco Persico, Rodney Krzykowski, Ronald K. Houghtaling, Ryan Johnson, SABIC Innovative Plastics, Selkirk, Sharon Bradbury, Shop'n Save, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Stephen Prokrym, Susan K. O'Rorke, Susan Kerr, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, The Daily Mail, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Tim Houghtaling, Tim Houghtaling at SUNY Plattsburg, Times Union Blogs, Times Useless, Timothy Houghtaling, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Uncategorized, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Common “Cents”: A Resident Looks at the Village of Ravena’s 2014-15 Budget…And Barfs!

 I know most folks don’t understand government’s budgets or even their own taxes, never mind the IRS! All we do know is that we are getting screwed, and screwed royally. Whether it’s the village or the RCS CSD, we’re getting screwed. Most of us hate or don’t much care for math so budgets and auditing is boring at best! 

Not in the Ravena Budget A Resident Reports

Not in the Ravena Budget
A Resident Reports

So I will try to break it down simple like, and relate the unbelievable incompetence and waste that we can plainly see in the Village of Ravena 2014 – 2015 budget. This incompetence and waste is simply mismanagement of your local tax dollars. Your money is being crazily mismanaged by a bunch of amateurs who know only one word: SPEND. So you can see the stupidity and wasteful costs!! Let’s forget about the Ravena Health & Fitness Center for a moment. Let’s look at some things we all understand such as, telephone expenses. We all have them and can understand them! Right?! I’m picking the phone bills in the Village of Ravena budget even the new board members can understand and should have questioned it themselves; they had 2 months ! But no. They just rubber – stamped the budget and that’s that. Same old, same old, monkey business as usual! A bunch of wingnuts at work.


Description       (VOR = Village of Ravena) Budget Line Amount  
V O R justice court 1110.41 $ 2,000.00  
V O R clerk treasure office 1325.41 $ 4,500.00  
V O R Mayor’s office 1210.11 $ 500.00  
Subtotal   $ 7,000.00  
These telephones are within 30 feet of each other in same building too!  
Moving along VOR public safety 3620.41 $ 1,500.00  
VOR Fitness Center (down stairs) 7180.41 $ 1,100.00  
Subtotal   $ 2,600.00  
Other VOR other buildings / services  
V O R Central Garage (highway) 1640.41 $ 1,000.00
V O R Fire department 3410.41 $ 3,800.00
V O R Recreational Complex (pool) 7140.41 $ 300.00
V O R Park grounds (Mosher) 7110.41 $ 425.00
Subtotal   $ 5,525.00
VOR water plant* 8330.41 $2,350.00  
Grand Total for VOR telephones $ 17,475.00  
*The Ravena Water Plant is a separate fund and tax account and you can’t co-mingle those expenditures with the Ravena village administration and services; however I’m adding that expense too:  
Are You in Phone Bill Shock?

Are You in Phone Bill Shock?

So there you have it. A “magic jack” costs $19.95. a year. You can’t help but wonder: Are they calling 1-900 sex talk or something like that, or are they just plain stupid. Are they on the phone for advice from state or federal officials all the time or explaining themselves after Times Union or local TV news scandals? The costs are way OFF THE MAP! Just look at the water plant budget for phones! Who can they possibly be calling for that kind of money? Or Mosher Park where’s that telephone located? In a tree under or under some rocks, maybe? Or the fire department? Doesn’t the Ravena Fire Department usually get incoming calls? But their budget is a whopping $ 3,800.00! Who are they calling for that kind of money? It’s a freakin’ village fire department for dang sake! You would think the court would be OK for around $2000.00 (the Ravena court’s got to go!) but the clerk’s and mayor’s office for $5,000.00 when do they get their work done? And we have to consider that you’re billed for outgoing calls…

Oops I forget those Times Union Quotes of village officials when they’re caught with their panties down: “I didn’t know”. The clerk’s office must have an open line for the past 30 years to the NYS Comptroller and NYS Department of State offices or the Committee on Open Government (so that Bob Freeman can tell them not to respond to F.O.I.L. demands for information. That’s “Open Government” in NYS!) Yeah, that would explain it! But out of hundreds of telephone carriers out there and all the different discount deals, we’d like to know which one is robbing us blind? Where/when did the bidding take place?

What I find odd is there’s no postage for the court clerk’s office and water and sewer funds but there’s $8,000.00 for the village clerks alone. But that’s another story.

Or look at office supplies in the budget: the village clerk is $2,000.00 and the Ravena Health & Fitness Center office supply budget is 5000.00! What in hell is Cathy Deluca doing with office supplies? Eating them? Again, these are questions for the Office of the NYS Comptroller’s Office examiners and auditors.

Good News for Cathy D. Bad News for Ravena Taxpayers

Good News for Cathy D.
Bad News for Ravena Taxpayers

The fitness center is another horror story in itself, $28,700.00 for equipment repairs? Is that repairs to the junk equipment Bruno, Warner and Deluca paid more than $40,000 to Bob Fisk? Used equipment that cost us more than $40,000.00, and now another $28,000 on top of that? But although the Ravena Health and Fitness Center doesn’t have members to justify its existence, and despite the fact that it’s costing Ravena taxpayers more that $105,000 a year and bringing in no revenues, Cathy Deluca has plenty of time to sit in front of her computer all day long and still collect her $30,900 a year plus full benefits. Now that’s responsible stewardship of public money, isn’t it?

But the one I love is Hospitalization general fund account # 9060.88, $ 417,219.00 alone. And/also the water fund acct# 9060.88 (Yes! It’s the same account!) but money is coming out of water fund in the additional amount of $44,880.00. Again this is only hospitalization benefits! And who’s getting these benefits for almost a half – million dollars? Is this Obamacare at work or just the local crooks?

Retirement, social security , workmen’s comp, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, vacation, holidays, sick time! It’s enough to make you barf! Then there’s another $400,000.00, give or take $ 50,000 depending on “overtime”. Maybe I should start a blog and post the vouchers as they come in. and explain how you and I are getting screwed as tax payers.

$8,000 for "Towels"?!?!

$8,000 for “Towels”?!?!

Also acct # 9189.80 located under hospitalizations is $8000 for towels. TOWELS!?! YES! TOWELS!!! Eight grand for TOWELS! In the retirement fund accts area?? Are those hidden costs??? To the Fitness Center??

$54,000.00 for street lights????? Ravena I guess never heard of this invention back in the 12th century it’s “very green”, it’s called solar powered street lights, they been around a very long time and will save a penny or two.

So much for common cents.

Ravena Resident & Property Owner

Ravena's Got It To Burn

Ravena’s Got It To Burn

Editor’s Comment: What we’d like to see is this: We’d like to see Mr Polyak or someone else put together a comparison of the Ravena Village figures with those of the Town of Coeymans and the Town of New Baltimore. A comparison like that would really show the stupidity and the wastefulness and irresponsibility of the Ravena 2014-15 village budget!

One thing is very clear from Mr Polyak’s analysis: Residents, taxpayers must pay more attention to these local budgets and how they’re passed without adequate diligence on the part of local elected officials and without appropriate scrutiny of the line items by the public. Judging from Mr Polyak’s analysis, the waste of taxpayer money and fiscal irresponsibility and incompetence is scandalous. It’s almost comparable to the waste and fiscal irresponsibility of the RCS Central School District budget!

Mr Polyak’s original submission was edited for publication.

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance.
Graphics and Images Disclosure: Unless otherwise noted and credited, all graphics used in this article are the result of a Google image search, and at the time the images were collected and used in this article, no conspicuous or visible copyright notice or other proprietary mark was shown. Please communicate any claim or corrections to All images are used in good faith for non-profit, public information and public service purposes.



49 Other States, A National Website Question Deluca’s Hiring?


Gotcha, Ross!
Gotcha, Ross!

UPDATE: Some psychopath  recently started posting idiotic and off-topic rants using multiple pseudonyms on FireGeezer. (Our guess is that it was that lunatic Joan Ross, Bitter Bob’s partner-in-crime, in New Baltimore. She’s the only one we know of who is so vile and has so much time on her hands that she would waste it so stupidly. Bitter Bob’s still looking for a muzzle big enough to fit over her mouth.) To FireGeezer’s credit and keeping the integrity of the FireGeezer site, those crazy posts were summarily removed on the request of one of our reader/contributors. The assinine insanity of some people never seems to get a rest and they’re constantly being banned, exiled, embarassed, sued, etc. But they’re so damned stupid they never learn. Well, FireGeezer’s another site that they’re banned from posting on. Looks like Sibyll has to take her mental illness and her multiple personalities back to the Times Union blogs; that’s the only place she can post anymore. Another victory for us!

FireGeezer, a Website that Caters for the First Responder Community Worldwide, has taken interest in our article on the New York State Association of Fire Chief’s Faux Pas in Hiring Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca to be their CEO!

It looks like our article “Share Our Shock: State Fire Chiefs’ Association Hires Dirty-Hands Jerry Deluca! may be going viral in the first-responder/firefighters community…NATIONWIDE! We’d like to thank FireGeezer for linking to our article, and we’d like to express our special thanks to the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs (NYSAFC) for providing us with this opportunity to make them look like a bunch of dingleberries for hiring Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca to be their Executive Director and CEO!

The Deluca Scandal Has Been Picked Up by the First-Responder/Firefighters Media The Big Question is:  How will the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs Save Face?

The Deluca Scandal Has Been Picked Up by the First-Responder/Firefighters Media
The Big Question is:
How will the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs Save Face?

Even as the Johnson Newspaper Group and the Ravena News Herald are desperately trying to continue the propaganda, to gloss over the sea changes that need to take place in Ravena-Coeymans, and paint happy faces on evil bloodsuckers, the whole world is reading this blog and taking an interest. Bill Schumm, a.k.a. FIREGEEZER, is a retired fire captain and co-author of the FireGeezer web site. Schumm, who claims 32 years of active firefighting service and who has responded to more than 30,000 emergency incidents, has been involved with the fire and rescue service in one form or another for 50 years. In the April 20 “Morning LIneup” on the FIREGEEZER website Bill reviews our article and writes:

“Can anybody in upstate New York tell us what is going on with the State Fire Chiefs Association?  According to a citizen’s political blog based in Albany, Smalbany, the association has hired an imposter/fabulist to be their Executive Director and CEO…The Smalbany guy obviously doesn’t like Deluca and if you’ll read the ENTIRE ESSAY HERE [FireGeezer provides a link to our article], you’ll get the same impression after viewing the lengthy charges of fraudulent activities against Deluca and his wife.  Firegeezer likes balanced reporting and I haven’t yet seen any rebuttal of these claims, and there certainly should be.

“We’ll see if anything develops from this and let you know what pops up. If any of our readers in the Empire State have anything to add or clarify on this, please email me and let me know.”

FireGeezer posts this picture of Dirty-Hands Jerry and asks the question:



This is a great development, because it shows that a specialty website like FIREGEEZER is following our reports and is disseminating the stories to their specialty field readers, the firefighter and first-responder community. Once the word gets out the firefighter and first-responder community through their own media, the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs is going to have to answer some pretty sticky questions to its members and their personnel. Like “What in hell were you thinking when you hired Deluca?!?” or “Didn’t you check any of his claims?

Maybe this is the chance we’ve been waiting for these two years and the chance that the Town of Coeymans and its Coeymanazi police department have been trying to avoid all these years. Maybe this is the beginning of the end for the Dirty-Hands Jerry and Bottle-Blond-Bimbo Cathy Deluca that the entire community has been hoping for.

BOTTLE BLONDZILLA A Rare Species of Dwarf Blonde Hippo found only in Ravena-Coeymans

A Rare Species of Dwarf Blonde Hippo found only in Ravena-Coeymans

The Plot Thickens

We know that the Ravena Health and Fitness Center’s days are numbered now that the Bruno mob has been decimated; Cathy Deluca is just days away from getting evicted from her playpen, and when that happens, we’ll be on the scene to file the lawsuits to get her, Nancy Warner and John Bruno thoroughly investigated for their conspiracy and misuse of public office and more. The Village of Ravena is going to have to negotiate with a local resident in the coming week to try to defuse the federal lawsuits that are pending against the Village of Ravena and Cathy Deluca and the late Bruno administration for their violation of the resident’s protected rights, and for misdemeanor criminal charges against Deluca for falsely reporting an incident, conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

Meanwhile, the Town of Coeymans should be preparing itself for similar negotiations to avoid the filing of a federal lawsuit for their involvement in the Cathy Deluca case and Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca’s role in several instances of conspiracy, abuse of public office, and obstruction of justice in several cases but most especially in the conspiracy with the Coeymans police department to can the investigation against his wife, Cathy Deluca, and her keepers in the Bruno-Warner run village of Ravena.

The long history of the Village of Ravena and the Town of Coeymans ignoring citizens’ complaints and the misconduct of its law enforcement and elected officials is obviously coming to an end with this increased visibility of their abuses and the publication of the criminal activity by this blog and other media following the articles that appear on this blog.

Needless to say, we were very pleased to see the specialist website, FIREGEEZER, republishing our article and drawing its readers’, the first-responder and firefighter community’s attention to this despicable situation. We’re also very pleased to note that FIREGEEZER also feels that there should be rebuttals of these reports by those concerned. So far, just silence, as usual and apparently the hope that the attention will fade. Obviously it’s not going to fade but only get brighter thanks to the interest shown by sites like FIREGEEZER and others.

Amid the scandals of Coeymans police officer Danielle Crosier, assigned to the RCS high-school as security officer, doing the high-school wrestling coach; Ravena judge Hal Warner stabbing fellow-judge police critic Phillip Crandall in the back; Ravena Judge Hal Warner and Ravena village trustee Nancy Warner’s daughter, Carmen Warner, getting suspended from Albany County D.A. Pudenda David Soares office for improper conduct and then local Ravena insider shyster Michael Biscone hiring her; Cathy Deluca’s involving both the Village of Ravena and the Town of Coeymans in potentially devastating lawsuits, in addition to her scandalous greed and conspiracy to profit from Ravena taxpayers, we now have Dirty-Hands Jerry Deluca getting extensive attention along with the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs. Somebody’s gotta write a book about this tiny nest of corruption and scandal we call Ravena-Coeymans!

The obvious fact is that either the Village of Ravena and the Town of Coeymans make serious efforts to distance themselves as much as possible from Dirty-Hands Jerry Deluca and BBB Cathy Deluca, Gregory Darlington and the Coeymans p.d., the likes of Tom Dolan and Nancy and Hal Warner or the Village of Ravena and the Town of Coeymans can answer for having to spend taxpayer dollars to defend their abuse of pubic office, obstruction of justice, and other criminal activities. The choice is now in the hands of Ravena and Coeymans elected officials, your village and town governments.

On fact also remains: Once the lawsuits are filed the Village of Ravena and the Town of Coeymans won’t have a choice what records to produce in response to subpoenas and demands for discovery, and the testimony will be under oath or compelled. Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

Change is in the air:  The End Times for the Coeymanazis is drawing nigh!

Change is in the air:
The End Times for the Coeymanazis is drawing near!

1 Comment

Posted by on April 21, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony, Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Andrew Cuomo, Andrew Vale, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carmen Warner, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Civil Lawsuit, Civil Right Violation, Coeymanazis, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Columbia-Greene Media, Conspiracy, Corruption, Criminal Prosecution, Daily Mail, Danielle M. Crosier, David Soares, David Wukitsch, DEC, Department of Environmental Conservation, Double Dipping, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Falsely reporting an incident, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, FireGeezer, Fraud, Gerald Deluca, Government, Greene County News, Gregory Darlington, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Indifference, Intimidation, Investigation, Jason Albert, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, John B. Johnson, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Johnson Newspaper Group, Josephine P. Dority née Biscone, Josie Biscone-Bruno, Judicial Misconduct, Kenneth Burns, Kevin Reilly, Larry Conrad, Laverne Conrad, Law Enforcement, Lazlo Polyak, Making an apparently sworn false statement, Mark Vinciguerra, Meprision of Felony, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New York, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Civil Service Department, New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, New York State Police, New York State Unified Court System, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, NYSAFC, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Police State, Public Corruption, Public Office, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena News Herald, RegisterStar, Retaliation, Ryan Johnson, Scott Giroux, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Tainted Judge, The Daily Mail, William Bailey, William Misuraca


The Warners: A Family Tradition of Misconduct

Misconduct Must be in the Warners’ Genes

Will All Those Rotten Apples in Village Hall Taint the New Mayor and Trustees? Time Will Tell

Will All Those Rotten Apples in Village Hall Taint the New Mayor and Trustees?
Time Will Tell

Harold “Hal” WarnerCurrently Village of Ravena Court justice. A former Albany cop who had some pretty seedy credentials while in uniform; now Ravena Village court justice. This is the same Hal Warner who should have been disbarred or at least censured by the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct for unethical conduct vis-a-vis another candidate running for judicial office. But Albany connections kept him on the bench. This is the same Hal Warner who allegedly stabbed former Coeymans town justice and acting Ravena village justice Phillip Crandall in the back and led to Crandall’s resignation. Seems Crandall criticized the corruption in the Coeymans police department a bit too much. After getting screwed by Warner and the CJC, Crandall opened up and blew the whistle on the corruption in Ravena and Coeymans courts and in the Coeymans p.d. as well as on the Coeymans town board. Seems Crandall did the public a bigger service after being stabbed by Warner than while a judge.


Nancy Warner works out regularly at Cathy Deluca’s Playpen! Lookin’ good, Nan!

Nancy Biscone-WarnerCurrently Ravena Village trustee. Former Ravena village mayor John T. Bruno’s biatch and a long-time village employee, now trustee (but not for long). Nancy Biscone-Warner was a key figure in creating the illegal Ravena Health and Fitness Center for Cathy Deluca (A reward for some favors done in the Coeymans police department by bottle-blond-bimbo Cathy Deluca’s husband, former Coeymans cop Gerald “Jerry Dirty-Hands” Deluca?) Nancy Warner’s corruption and nastiness is common knowledge but her part in purchasing the more than $40,000 in used fitness equipment from a Ravena insider, Bob Fisk, that was laying dormant in the very fitness club Deluca managed to run to failure, is a classic in Ravena insider corruption. Warner and her Ravena insider cronies then created Cathy Deluca’s money pit playpen and further allocated $105,000 in the village budget to fund the Fitness Center! Warner’s campaign to evict the RCS Community Library from the premises now occupied rent-free by Cathy Deluca’s money pit fitness center, Warner, Deluca and ex-mayor John Bruno claimed for Deluca’s playpen was a major scandal. Nancy Warner’s real vileness and evil surfaced when she and ex-mayor John Bruno started their persecution of local youth and teens — with the willing assistance of the Coeymans police department and its chief, Gregory Darlington, a friend of Dirty-Hands Jerry and the bottle-blond-bimbo — and their sabotaging the Ravena Coeymans Teen and Youth Activities Center. Nancy Warner currently is Ravena Village trustee overseeing her friend Cathy Deluca’s taxpayer funded money pit the Ravena Health and Fitness Center and Warner also oversees her own husband’s court activities. How’s that for cozy conflict of interest?

Question now is: Will Ravena mayor William “Moose” Misuraca and his new trustees Keith Mahler (deputy mayor) and Joel Coye continue to waste Ravena taxpayer dollars on the Ravena Health and Fitness Center, an illegal money pit that can’t support itself and brings in no revenues to the village of Ravena? The Ravena Health and Fitness Center can’t survive unless the village of Ravena pays for it from taxpayer dollars but isn’t there a better use for the more than $100,000 that the proposed budget wants to spend on the fitness center, AGAIN?!?

brian puking animated gif

Makes ya just wanna …

And then there’s Nancy and Hal Warner’s daughter, Carmen M. Warner. Yes, readers, that’s the same Carmen Warner who was suspended by the Albany County District Attorney’s Office for misconduct on the Internet, on FaceBook. As reported in the Albany Times Union (click here to read the report, Warner Misconduct), she and another prosecutor in the Pudenda David Soares’ corrupt Albany County DA’s Office were suspended for posting inappropriate photos on FaceBook. The report tells us that Warner’s partner-in-crime, Chantelle Cleary, “were working out at a local gym when they pretended, as a joke, to punch each other in sensitive areas of their bodies,” Warner was suspended with Cleary, and later “resigned.” The real incest element comes when we find out that Carmen M. Warner, after having left the Albany County D.A.’s  office in disgrace, was hired by Ravena insider Michael Biscone to work in his lawfirm. All we can say is “dirty birds of a feather fluck together.”

Hal, Nancy, Carmen The Warners Together

Hal, Nancy, Carmen
The Warners Together

Now that you see the connections Harold “Hal” Warner is a Ravena Village judge whose wife, Nancy Biscone-Warner is a Ravena village trustee and is in cohoots with Cathy Deluca, who is now running the Ravena Health and Fitness Center to ruin (after having done the same thing to at least two previous fitness centers she managed!), and who (Nancy Warner) oversees not only the Ravena Health and Fitness Center but also her own husband’s (Hal Warner) court operations. Hal and Nancy Warner’s daughter, Carmen M. Warner, got a job with corrupt democrap Albany District Attorney Pudenda David Soares but had to resign after she got involved in some unacceptable behavior on FaceBook by posting inappropriate pictures of herself and another employee, Chantelle Cleary.  After all is said and done, local Ravena insider and on-again-off-again village attorney Michael Biscone hires the village employees’ wayward daughter and gives Camen Warner a job in his law firm.

Now doesn’t that little cozy story really give you a warm and fuzzy feeling all over? Remember it when you go to the polls next time an Nancy Warner or Hal Warner are on the ballot.

LOSERS! The Editor

The Editor


Posted by on April 15, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony,, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County District Attorney, Andrew Vale, Appellate Division 3rd Departmentt, Barbara Cumm, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Dorrance, Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Carmen Warner, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Civil Right Violation, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Committee on Professional Standards, Conspiracy, Corrupt Police, Corruption, Danielle Crosier, David Wukitsch, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Falsely reporting an incident, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, George Langdon, Gerald Deluca, Gregory Darlington, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Inspector General, Investigation, Jason Albert, Jena Misuraca, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Joseph C. Teresi, Joseph Teresi, Judicial Misconduct, Kevin Reilly, Mayor Bruno, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New York, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Civil Service Department, New York State Police, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, P. David Soares, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Public Corruption, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena Village Board, Robert Fisk, Ryan Johnson, Scott Giroux, Selkirk, Stephen Flach, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Coeymans Is Disgusting!

UPDATE on the Eliminate the Coeymans P.D. Poll
Here are the latest figures on voters in our poll (Status: April 4, 2014):

  • 85% want to see the Coeymans P.D. eliminated and the community served by the County Sheriff or the State Police
  • 73% would support a referendum to eliminate the Coeymans P.D.
  • 58% of participants are concerned about the coziness between the Coeymans Judges and the Coeymans Police
  • 37% of participants want to eliminate the Coeymans police department “NOW!!”
  • 34%, or more than 1 out of 3 poll participants, feel that their rights were violated by the Coeymans police

Cast your vote at Eliminate the Coeymans P.D.

 So Why is the Coeymans Town Board Still Sinking Taxpayer Dollars in the Coeymans P.D.?
Why is the Coeymans Town Board Still Approving Hiring New Employees for the Coeymans P.D.?

As we quickly approach the historic quarter-of-a-million readers mark — YES! We’ve almost reached 250,000 readers! — We can look back with pride on the many accomplishments and community improvements that this blog has instigated by providing the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk community with factual information on what’s going on in their communities. And Yes! while we have contributed to many improvements in local life, we are still flabbergasted by the ignorance and insensitivity of local elected officials to the dire straits in local government and their total lack of vision and competency.

Coeymans Today

Coeymans Today

 In the past we made the excuses for them saying that the Coeymanazis had the majority on the board, or that a senile and corrupt mayor was bullying his programs through, and putting his friends and supporters into power and cushy local jobs. But that excuse seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur since the recent elections when local Republicans won the majority over local democraps in the Town of Coeymans, the Town of New Baltimore and the Village of Ravena. We also recently examined the first six months of the new Coeymans town board in our article: New Coeymans Town Board: First six months…Same old same old. The picture is not a pretty one.

Coeymans Town Board Visions of Dumps

Coeymans Town Board
Visions of Dumps

 The Town of New Baltimore has already made considerable headway to replacing corrupt and incompetent local government with accountability and transparency. Only time will tell whether the new elected officials will allow their authority to go to their heads and become one of the villains they replaced.

But Coeymans is Still Disgusting!

The Town of Coeymans, however, doesn’t seem to have caught on. The Town of Coeymans, it appears, has replaced one set of dolts with another set of widgets. The Town of Coeymans, it seems, hasn’t learned a damned thing in the past 4-8 years about good local government. The elections last November that brought so much hope to the residents and citizens of Coeymans was apparently a sham. The new majority on  the Town of Coeymans town council is not only continuing the pitiful stupidity of the past administrations but is showing even less courage, less vision, and is following the backward track of business-as-usual. Here’s what we have observed in the past six months:

 Two years ago, when we started this blog, we published one of our first articles, the third one, actually, on March 3, 2012, with the title: “Coeymans, New York: A Nest of Hypocrisy” (click on that link to read the article). Since then we’ve published a total of 336 articles that report on local life and politics, informing local residents, citizens and taxpayers about everything they won’t get to read in the Albany Times Union a.k.a. the Albany Times Useless, or any of the Johnson Newspaper Group’s rags, especially the local love-fest rag, the Ravena News Herald a.k.a. the Ravena Nosey Hick. The Ravena-Coeymans community has been the epicenter of ridicule and scandalous reporting by the Times Union, another liberal-democrap rag that has perpetuated the downward spiral of the Albany area.

same old

Looking back on our 336 articles, we published facts on everything from the misconduct of RCS Central School District teachers, bullying in our schools, the inability of the RCS Central School District administration to achieve even a mediocre standard of education while paying ineffectual teachers outrageous salaries, and getting abysmal test scores and graduation rates. Our schools, ladies and gentlemen, are failing and so are our students. Our costs, however, are skyrocketing. The salaries make up more than 75% of the school budget, Coeymans police are harassing our students on school grounds, sports coaches are making six-figure salaries while a large proportion of residents are working two or more jobs just to make ends meet and pay their property taxes. Go figure!

Local Coeymanazi police and Village of Ravena elected officials harass and persecute local teens and youth, while doing everything they possibly could to kill the local Ravena-Coeymans Youth and Teen Activities Center. Ex-mayor John Bruno, “trustee” Nancy Warner, and Cathy Deluca, after having paid a local insider more than $40,000 for used fitness equipment, and Josephine “Josie” Biscone-Bruno got a local man to sign a lease for premises, owned by Bob Fisk, a local insider, for the property finally killed the Teen Center. The Teen Center sold its furnishing to the Athens teen center, which has the support of the village of Athens. After all was said and done, the kids were back on the street and Ravena had another empty building, another distressed property on Main Street. Ex-mayor John T. Bruno was ousted with two of his lackeys, Martin Case, an RCS social studies teacher on reduced teaching load (but receiving a full teacher salary), and Rocco Persico, a RCS CSD school psychologist, in the March 2014 elections. Tell you a lot about RCS schools, doesn’t it?

The RCS CSD board of education has been a hot topic since day one. The spending is outrageous as are the salaries. The board of education is controlled by the teachers who are controlled by the New York State United Teachers, a division of the AFL, both unions. We have reported on incredible misconduct and conflicts of interest in the schools by the teachers and on the board of education. We’ve reported on election and poll misconduct and a number of citizens have complained directly to the New York State Department of Education and have demanded investigations. Too little too late. We’re stuck with special interests running both the schools and the board of education.
same old story

Unfortunately, most local residents get their local information and news only from the Ravena News Herald, which is a rag that reports only what’s approved and positive to the local powers to be. Almost always a week late and always saying ‘just the right thing the right way’ to paint a rosy, but false picture of what’s going on in Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk, always 3/4 packed with news from everywhere else, and complete with at least 8 full pages of legal notices. The Ravena News Herald, yours for a mere $1, and not fit to wipe your butt with.
In the meantime, the propaganda and misinformation fills the pages of local media. The lies abound and the frame-ups continue. Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk continues to earn its reputation as a “Nest of Hypocrisy.”

The Coeymans police department has been a subject of particular interest. Of all the local nests of corruption and misconduct, the Coeymans police department takes the first prize. When the Coeymans town board was dominated by the likes of Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan and Dawn Rogers, all recipients of special favors by the Coeymans police department and the local town justices (see our article, “From the Judge Himself: Coeymans Judge Resigns, Insider Exposes Corruption” of March 24, 2014), we demanded that Boehm, Rogers and Dolan get the boot. Boehm and Rogers were ousted last November. Dolan’s life expectancy on the Coeymans town board is very likely to end in the next elections. But the Coeymans town board is still as ineffectual as the last one! Why is that, we have to ask.

Despite public outcry to eliminate the Coeymans police department (see our article and poll at “Eliminate the Coeymans Police Department: Your Vote“, where 85% of participants demand that the Coeymans p.d. be eliminated!). Despite Coeymans town supervisor’s previous efforts to replace the Coeymans p.d. with services provided by the Albany County Sheriff’s Department that would save Coeymans more than $500,000 a year over the first four years and a projected $700,000 a year in the fifth year for law enforcement with no reduction in services! and maintaining a local presence, with local officers, and local equipment the Coeymans town board, still under the now disputed leadership of Stephen Flach, is still pouring money out of town coffers to placate the always hungry and always needy Coeymans police department. Far from eliminating it, the current Coeymans town board is approving more spending and approving more new hires to the already bloated and mismanaged Coeymans police department. All dodo-cop Darlington has to do is ask and the Coeymans town board rubber stamps the expenditure. Why is that, Coeymans?

Coeymans Town Board Congregation

Coeymans Town Board Congregation

With four alleged “Christians” on the Coeymans town board: Town supervisor Stephen Flach is allegedly a pastor to a local congregation of a Christian sect. Town councilman Peter Masti is an outspoken “Christian,” and the other two members of the majority, Burns and Langdon, also have some distinct “Christian” leanings, you’d expect them to be at least a little more ethical, less hypocritical, more responsible given the unmistakable condemnation of Pharisees and hypocrites in the New Testament, the guiding sacred text for most “Christians.” But somehow all that New Testament stuff has been swept under the carpet by the “Christians” on the Town of Coeymans board. We find it very interesting that four elected officials can forget their Christian ethics once they enter town hall. Be not mistaken, dear readers, we support the non-establishment clause of the US Constitution — properly interpreted and properly understood — but ethics is ethics and hypocrisy is hypocrisy, and hypocrisy is universally despised. So why is it so popular in Coeymans town hall?

Why is it that the four “Christians” entrusted with governing this town are blind to the corruption of the Coeymans police department. One of the worst villains was the adulterer (Yes! Readers! Adultery is a capital sin in the Old Testament and the New Testament; it is also a crime under New York State law!) Gerald “Dirty-Hands Jerry” Deluca, who recently “retired” or “resigned” from the Coeymans police department to become the CEO of the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs. Deluca has been a favorite subject together with his bimbo-bandit wife, Cathy Deluca, who was installed by the former Ravena village mob to be “director” of the illegal Ravena Health and Fitness Center (Search this blog for the poop on that one!). Supervisor Flach calls Deluca a “faithful and loyal employee” and town councilman Kevin Langdon calls Deluca a “father figure.”  Deluca, in fact, not even considering his wife’s corruption, was one of the most despicable scoundrels and liars in recent Coeymans history!!! A lousy cop, a nasty piece of work, and a virtual pig in a suit, Deluca made wild claims of working for a number of special interest organizations while at the same time working for the Coeymans police department. It seems his “Christian” friends on the Coeymans town board — aided apparently by Deluca’s access to confidential and privileged police database information on residents and citizens — was reason enough for Coeymans town elected officials to ignore citizen complaints of abuse and to “turn the other cheek.”  And the résumé and outrageous employment claims discrepancies? It appears the Coeymans town board “Christians” made a special deal with God to give Deluca the capacity to be in several places at the same time; that’s the only way to explain his résumé and his employment claims.

What is most distressing and irking to most local residents and citizens is the fact that the Coeymans town board simply bends over for the Coeymans police department. The Coeymans town board ignores the numbers and simply obeys. A Ravena village justice, Hal Warner, husband of Ravena village trustee Nancy Biscone-Warner (Old Nancy, formerly mayor Bruno’s bitch, supervises her own husband’s court! How’s that for corruption!), recently stabbed a part-time village judge and Coeymans town justice in the back, forcing the Coeymans town justice, whom Warner had trained, to resign from his position. The reason: former Coeymans town justice Phillip Crandall spoke out against the illegal and unfair practices of the Coeymans police department and the favors being shown by Coeymans town courts to special people (like members of the Coeymans town board, for example). Honesty? Integrity? Justice? Fairness? Can’t have a judge like that! So force him to resign. Coeymans living up to its reputation as “a nest of hypocrisy.”

Incest, too, has been a popular them on this blog. Just search the term “incest” on this blog and your stomach will start to turn almost immediately. Count how many times the name “Deluca” turns up. Search the word corruption and see how many times the name “Matt Miller,” “Deluca“, “Warner“, “Darlington” comes up. Enough said.

So, Coeymans, you’ve come a long way to proving how disgusting you can be and how you just love being pissed on by your elected officials. Your town board is there to ensure that your civil rights are abused by your corrupt Coeymanazi police department. Your Coeymans town board is there to ensure that your tax dollars are wasted to the max. Your town board is there to turn Coeyman’s share of the historic and beautiful Hudson valley into everyone’s dump, industrial site, and transfer station. “Coeymans: the Hudson Valley’s Dump.” Coeymans is there to change its name for a handful of coupons for a disgusting and heart-toxic sandwich: “Reubenville.” Coeymans is there for your heavy truck traffic and features some of the best and deepest potholes in the county! The Coeymans town board is right there when a local money-bags wants to put in a bridge and cross Route 144, destroying local environment and putting every driver and his family at increased risk to life and limb with heavy trucks crossing a heavily travelled road, at a poorly visible point! Coeymans again living up to its reputation as “a nest of hypocrisy.”

Well, Coeymans residents and visitors will soon see and experience what we are talking about:  You’ll soon be trying to enjoy the air, the weather, the scenery of the Hudson Valley. But you won’t be able to breathe because of the stench of the dumps and the transfer stations, and the dust the heavy  trucks will be raising on the heavily damaged local roads. If you are out for a ride or your kids are out cruising, the Coeymans police will be hiding, ready to pounce on you or them, cuffing them because they “smell pot” in their cars. And there’ll be some local putting up a dirt bank to hide the Hudson from view. Be ready. Coeymans, the home of “same ol’ same ol’.”  Ain’t life grand in Coeymans?

Anyone and everyone in the Town of Coeymans should be asking the Coeymans town board about the studies and statistics they used to decide to continue paying more than $1,000,000 a year of Coeymans taxpayer dollars on the Coeymans police department when the town could be saving at least $500,000 a year by going with the Sheriff’s Department plan to establish a satellite station in Coeymans. We might also ask what is being done in terms of investigating the many claims and complaints against the Coeymans police department to avoid costly lawsuits against the town. We can ask what the Coeymans town board is doing about the civil rights abuses and obstruction of justice charges against the Coeymans police department. Never mind. We’ll tell you: No investigation. The Coeymans town board is approving more spending and approving more hiring. That’s what. Coeymans, the Police State.

And what about your roads, water, sewerage and waste water treatment? Youth and teens? Senior citizens housing and projects? Culture and history? Civil rights and family values. Vision and planning?  Quality of life in Coeymans? Your Coeymans elected officials, all church-going “Christians”, have their own ideas of the concept of “stewardship” and ethics in Coeymans. Your “Christian” elected officials in the Town of Coeymans have a legacy to protect: Hypocrisy.


While they’re taking your firearms and preventing firearm noise in the Town of Coeymans; while they’re arresting your kids because the Coeymanazi cops smell pot (probably on their own clothes), and then demand that they provide information they don’t have (Aren’t you outraged, parents? They’re your kids!); while youre busting your axles in local potholes or risking your lives trying to avoid them; Your lungs are being treated to clouds of toxic dust and toxic fumes, not to mention what they’ve buried in your back yard or the sewerage in your basement! If the dust doesn’t get you, the heavy trucks pulling out in front of you will. Wasting your tax dollars paying for harassment and retaliation by bully-police, crooked attorneys and judges — rewarding the criminals and punishing the inocent citizen. That’s your town at work.



Posted by on April 10, 2014 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony,, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, ACLU, AFL-CIO, Albany, Albany County Board of Elections, Albany County Chamber of Commerce, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County Department of Children, Youth, and Families, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, American Civil Liberties Union, Andrew Vale, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Dorrance, Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, Bray Engel, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Bullying, Capital District, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coercion, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Court, Coeymans Town Justice, Columbia-Greene Media, Conflict of Interest, Conspiracy, Corrupt Police, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., D. M. Crosier, Daily Mail, Danielle Crosier, Danielle M. Crosier, David Wukitsch, Dawn LaMountain, Dignity Act, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, F.O.I.L., Falsely reporting an incident, Favoritism, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Fourth Amendment, George Langdon, Gerald Deluca, Greene County News, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hearst Corporation, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hypocrisy, Illegal Search and Seizure, Incompetence, Intimidation, Investigation, Irresponsibility, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Albert, Jason Hyslop, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. Johnson, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Johnson Newspaper Group, Joseph C. Teresi, Joseph Teresi, Josephine P. Dority née Biscone, Josie Biscone-Bruno, Kenneth Burns, Kerry Thompson, Kevin Reilly, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Law Enforcement, Marjorie Loux, Mark Vinciguerra, Martin Case, Marty Case, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Meprision of Felony, Michael Biscone, Michael Fisher, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Conservancy, New Baltimore town council, New York, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Board of Elections, New York State Civil Service Department, New York State Education Department, New York State Police, New York State United Teachers, News Herald, Nick Dellisanti, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSAFC, NYSED, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, P. David Soares, Patrick E. Brown, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Police State, Poll Misconduct, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena News Herald, Ravena-Coeymans Teen Center, RegisterStar, Retaliation, Reubenville, Robert Dorrance, Robert Fisk, Rocco Persico, Ryan Johnson, Scott Giroux, Search Warrant, Selkirk, Smalbany, Small Town, Stephen Flach, Susan K. O'Rorke, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, The Daily Mail, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Times Useless, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Transparency, Voting Irregularities, William Bailey


New Coeymans Town Board: First six months…Same old same old

Town of Coeymans Voters Thought They were Shifting the Power Balance in Favor of Positive Change last November



Given the chance for freedom, to escape from its confinement in a fishbowl, Coeymans opts to go back to where it was.

The basic problem with the candidates running for local elected office who are available to choose from whether we are voting for the members on the board of education or the town board, or even our judges, is the fact that they are ignorant or just plain uneducated. They have little or no vision because they, well, are popular because they are, simply put, local yokals (townie, local hick, hillbilly). The other group of local candidates come from the self-invented sophisticated upper class in local society: this means, simply put, the suits in the town or the village. These are the locals who are yokals but walk and talk like they’re not. They prance around like they’re better educated, have better jobs, bigger houses, etc. They’re the ones who run the committees and create the cliques. But the local yokals and the pseudo-sophistates are all one and the same stuff where the rubber hits the road, when you scrutinize performance. They have no vision, they get really nasty when criticized, and all they can do is reinvent wheels. And you wonder why nothing changes.

The local communities of Ravena, Coeymans, Selkirk, New Baltimore and beyond have no excuse for accepting the rubbish being offered by the RCS CSD board of education, by the village councils and the town boards, by the Coeymanazi police department. Why?  Because this blog has kept you all informed of what’s going on behind the scenes. We have not spoon fed you lies and propaganda like the local media and rags have done. We are not beholden to the crooks and the conspirators, the corrupt officials and police. We tell it like it really is and you get the information you deserve. But you have to participate, too. You have to comment, you have to start seeing beyond the smoke screens, you have to start attending the village, town and board of education meetings. You can’t continue to leave it to a few who have carried the burden for you for so long in the past. You have to get off your flat asses and participate if you want to see things change.

progress in coeymans

Our recent polls forecast the outcomes of three local elections that promised to usher in postitive change in our communities: Coeymans, New Baltimore, and Ravena. We didn’t run a poll on the last RCS CSD board of education because we thought it was a shoe in: the Latter-Hyslop-Brown gang was so obviously partisan and in cahoots with the teachers union that we didn’t imagine that voters would be so stupid to vote them in. But they were that stupid and we misjudged them. Now RCS is stuck with a special interest packed board of education that is loyal to the union and has all but eliminated the public from its decision-making process. The decisions are made in closed sessions and the public meetings may last 20 minutes, if that. Most people interested in attending refuse to spend more time traveling to the meetings than the meetings last. The big problem then is this: The RCS CSD board of education has fixed it so that they can do what they want and when there’s an uproar they can say “You had the chance to attend the public meetings but didn’t.” Pretty underhanded way to eliminate public participation in their scandalous and underhanded practices. But it seems to be working. You’ve handed it over to them and now you are paying and your kids are the victims, suffering, geting a substandard education in failing schools while the teachers are getting enhancements and outrageous salaries for doing everything but effective teaching. More than three quarters of the multi-million dollar school budget goes to salaries. Did you know that?

screwed1And now we not only have police in our schools disguised as necessary security (where were the teachers, teachers aids, etc.). Well, apparently the police officer assigned to the high-school is also providing sexual favors to a wrestling coach. And now we also have the Police State entering RCS CSD schools with police and police dogs searching students’ lockers while the kids are in class. What’s the effect on all of this on the students? What do they think about all of this? Do you think this sort of treatment is having a positive effect on them? Or is it part of a larger plan to zombify them in preparation for adulthood. Yes, parents, give them electronic toys, de-parent them, turn them over to failing schools, and let local law enforcement deal lthe death blow to their self-respect and dignity. And you go and do your own thing; you deserve your perosnal time because, after all, you’re paying your taxes and you expect that your kids will get what you’re paying for. Guess what? They are. Just like YOU: SCREWED!

Here’s an example: Our polls indicate that 85% of local residents want to see the Coeymans police department eliminated. That’s the best information we have because there’s no other information available. The Coeymans town board has no clue what is going on in the town or what YOU or anyone ouside of the town hall wants. George Langdon, a newly elected Coeymans town board member, appears to be a clone of the outgoing Tom Boehm and Dawn Rogers. Langdon, Flach and the rest of the sitting Coeymans town board are actually listening to Coeymanazi p.d. chief Gregory Darlington proposing increasing full-time Coeymans police officers and increasing his useless police department’s police power in Coeymans. They want to upgrade equipment, they want to hire new cops, the want to replace part-timers with full-timers, they want new vehicles. The taxpayers in the town of Coeymans, a town of less than 8,000 residents, is paying more than $1million to support a police department that is as corrupt as they come, and the town of Coeymans board is actually listening to arch-crook Darlington ask for more personnel and more money and equipment!

Here’s what the News Herald reports them to have said in a recent budget meeting (“Police chief looking to shift focus to full-time officers,” Ravena News Herald, April 3, 2014):

“Police chief Gregory Darlington wants to trim overtime expenses and improve service…by shifting focus to more full-time rather than part-time officers, and investing in technology for long-term benefits.”

But Darlington doesn’t explain how this will happen nor does the News Herald explain How? That’s because it’s all baloney! Or in plain English, bullshit!

Darlington then goes on to say, “we are already down three part-time positions ans we are anticipatient two more openings very soon (in the communications division).”

Dawn LaMountain, Darlington’s “confidential secretary” also has input on how to spend taxpayer money. LaMountain says, “I would like to canvas and hire five so that we hit the ground running. It keeps the overtime down.” Who in hell is LaMountain to be talking about hiring “five” (five what?). Since when is Darlington’s secretary making hiring decisions, determining how to keep costs down, influencing budgeting decisions. Where are the numbers? Where are  the data?

Here’s the clincher, though: Our study indicates that 85% of residents want to eliminate the Coeymans police department; word on the street is even higher. Our study indicates a very high majority want to turn over law enforcement to the Albany County Sheriff and the New York State Police, who already have responsibility for the town of Coeymans and are already being paid for. Yet we’re still discussing funding the Coeymans police department to the tune of more than $1million, hiring new full-time personnel, updating technology, etc. Town board member George Langdon (who is apparently a democrat dressed up as a Republican) apparently suppports the Coeymans police department depite popular outrage and notes that “funding was already available” (From where, may we ask, Mr Langdon?) and “There is a net zeo impact to the budget.” This means that Mr Langdon doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about. It makes not sense logically and there are not fixed and firm numbers to substantiate Langdon’s outrageous misstatement. The bill to Town of Coeymans taxapayers for another year of Coeymanazi p.d. is at least $1million. That’s $1million that could and should be invested in something that is not duplicated expense, and the Coeymans police department is a duplicated expense.

Math genius Gregory Darlington, the same Gregory Darlington who had to take the police chief examination three times before he passed it, tells the Coeymans town board that his personnel magic will save the town $7,500 annually. Now compare that to the proposal made by the Albany County Sheriff Department to take over Coeymans law enforcement with a local Sheriff’s Department satellite station in Coeymans town hall, with local officers and vehicle presence that would save the town of Coeymans more than $300,000 (Yes! You read right: more than three hundred thousand dollars annually and we’d still have local officers and vehicles but wearing Sheriff’s deputy uniforms and driving sheriff-marked cars.) DUH! Compare an annual law enforcement budget proposed by Darlington of more than $1million to a budget of about $500,000. Compare Darlington’s proposed annual savings of $7,500 to the at least $300,000 in the Sheriff’s proposed plan if the Coeymans p.d. is eliminated.  Does anyone not understand this?

Coeymans police sargeant Ryan Johnson a.k.a. PsychoCop says it all when he explains the benefits of changing to 12-hour shifts. Johnson reasons: “You have a lot more time to do a full patrol…and you get an extra six or seven days off a month.” Now let’s look at that comment. Yes, PsychoC. with a 12 hour shift you do have more time to do a patrol than a 7.5 or 8-hour shift or even a 10-hour shift. We can’t argue that math. But then Johnson’s real interest comes out when he states that they will get “an extra six or seven days off a month.” So who benefits from all of this? Taxpayers? Hell no!

Coeymans Town Supervisor Stephen Flach is a major disappointment and a real jellyfish!

Coeymans Town Supervisor Flach A Jellyfish and a Disappointment

Coeymans Town Supervisor Flach
A Jellyfish and a Disappointment

Supervisor Flach is a real disappointment. We gave him the benefit of doubt for being ineffective as a leader when we theorized that the majority on the board were opponents and stymying his real efforts. It appears he’s just a weak leader and sucks anything you put into his mouth. Previously actively pursuing the plan to eliminate the Coeymans p.d. and entering into active discussions with the Albany County Sheriff’s Department, Flach now seems to be caving to the police-lobby in town hall, apparently led by George Langdon. According to Flach as quoted in the News Herald article, he says, “My only concern is that the police department has enough full timers that we can get rid of the overtime.” Flach, you’re a major disappointment and a real jellyfish! If that’s your only concern regarding the Coeymans police department you need to take a walk!

 And then we have our resident card-carrying Christian who objects to the “X” in Xmas (not being Christian enough to know that the X stands for “Christ” in the Greek Christos) who in his usual ignorant and misguided eloquence is incorrectly described by Bryan Rowzee as working “in the medical profession.” Masti is a freakin’ nurse. Maybe he works in healthcare but he’s not a “medical professional” which would mislead the reader to possibly understand Masti to be a physician. Just say Masti’s a nurse and avoid any misunderstandings. But that’s not the point we’re trying to make here. Masti adds his two cents in the NH article by saying, “Trust me, I am a big fan of 12-hour shifts.” Comparing apples with oranges seems to be a habit on the Coeymans town board (like kissing Coeymans p.d. ass is): A 12-hour shift in nursing is quite different from a 12-hour shift in law enforcement, Mr Masti. Having read Masti’s letters to the editor in the past (He actually gets them published regularly in the News Herald. That should tell you something about Masti.) and reading some of his statements made as a Coeymans town councilman, I would really like to know where he’s a nurse…so I can stay clear of the place and ensure no one in my family is ever treated there. I have serious concerns about Mr Masti’s mental status.

The “C” in Coeymans town council stands for “Caver”. After all is said and done, Coeymans residents, citizens and voters are getting another shafting by their elected officials. This report on the budget and the crazy, idiotic statements made by Coeymanazi police chief Gregory Darlington, PsychoCop Ryan Johnson and others on the Coeymans town board should alert Coeymans that they need to be brought back on track because they have derailed (AGAIN!). They are still in the same rut as a year ago and are spinning their wheels. Watch George Langdon very closely, too, because he’s a slippery snake. Flach is a jellyfish and folds at every opportunity. Masti is an idiot. So there’s a majority on the Coeymans town board. Lord help us!

Coeymans, Your X-rays are In You're being screwed!

Coeymans, Your X-rays are In
You’re being screwed!

“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your coöperation and assistance.

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Posted by on April 5, 2014 in, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany Police Rejects, Andrew Vale, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Dorrance, Bob Knighten, Bob Ross, Brown and Weinraub, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Board Meeting, Columbia-Greene Media, Corrupt Police, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., D. M. Crosier, Daily Mail, Danielle Crosier, Danielle M. Crosier, David Wukitsch, Dawn LaMountain, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Frustration, George Dardiani, George Langdon, Gerald Deluca, Government, Greene County News, Gregory Darlington, Harold Warner, Hearst Corporation, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Incompetence, Investigation, Irresponsibility, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Albert, Jason Hyslop, Jeff Lukens, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Joan Ross, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Johnson Newspaper Group, Kenneth Burns, Kevin Reilly, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Law Enforcement, Mark Vinciguerra, Martin Case, Marty Case, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New York, New York State, New York State Police, News Herald, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Patrick E. Brown, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena News Herald, RegisterStar, Robert Dorrance, Rodney Krzykowski, Ryan Johnson, Scott Giroux, Selkirk, Shame On You, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Teddy Reville, The Daily Mail, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Times Useless, Tkaczyk, Tom Boehm, Tom Dolan, Town Council, Town Supervisor, Village Council, William Bailey


Coeymanazis Use Gestapo Tactics at RCS Schools

Coeymans Police Are Going Too Far: Students Report Their Lockers Being Searched By Police Using Dogs While Students are In Class!

lacey-searchParents allowing their kids to be victimized in this manner is sending a clear and unmistakable message to our young people: We don’t trust you! We can’t control you! You can’t be trusted! We’ll let law enforcement intimidate and harass you while we have some time for ourselves! We had fun making you but now we need to have some time on our own. Sure, we’ll let the Coeymanazis baby sit. Why not?


Superintendent Allen McCarney is obviously in league and working with or for the Albany County District Attorney, Pudenda David Soares or some other moron in the Albany County DA’s office and local police in planning the search. McCartney is turning into a real company boy now that he’s in the pockets of the teacher-union-owned-and-taxpayer-paid-for RCS CSD board of education.

WHAT'S NEXT, MCCARTNEY, DARLINGTON?!?! is your next trick feeding the kids to the dogs?

Is your next trick feeding the kids to the dogs?

Of course, McCartney and his NYSUT and Coeymanazi keepers would tell us that they don’t not see the search as a violation of Fourth Amendment constitutional rights protecting citizens against unlawful or unreasonable searches. Of course, in our drug-ridden, Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirt ghetto schools the searches are to protect the students from themselves and the many drug dealers in a and around the RCS high-school, and to staunch the epidemic of drug-overdose deaths that have been occurring in Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk schools. Of course the searches are not animposition and in fact, the students, teachers and parents welcomed law enforcement efforts to harass and intimidate the students. Must make the Coeymanazis feel real good to give the rest of the world the impression our schools are packed with drug pushers and drug users. Makes the Coeymanazi p.d. really look good now, doesn’t it?

This, dear readers, is another cowardly and scandalous attempt by the Coeymans police department and their Nazi friends to harass and intimidate the local community through the students. How dare they go into our schools with police and dogs and execute searches. Where are you parents, anyway? Do the students have to take matters into their own hands to get justice and fairness and not continue to be treated like inmates instead of young adults?

First it was putting a Coeymans police officer who turned out to be the school harlot after a short time, carousing with a wrestling coach and causing a break-up of the coach and his girlfriend. That same RSO officer ended up copping a DUI. Of course, nobody in the RCS CSD Administration foresaw the potential for the female police officer to give every male student an erection but the wrestling coach got her first, we think. But on school property, in his office. Well, that’s the rumor around the school.

So, what’s the deal McCartney, RCS CSD school board a.k.a. New York State United Teachers board at RCS? Find anything you liked?

Intimidation of Students Now Makes Better Zombies for Tomorrow


How to make the kids like the parents

dog and lockersIn an article printed in the Times Union, “Supreme Court: Drug dog sniff is unconstitutional search” (by Jesse J. Hollan of the Associated Press (AP), Tuesday, March 26, 2013) the author writes:

“The Supreme Court ruled…that police cannot bring drug-sniffing police dogs onto a suspect’s property to look for evidence without first getting a warrant for a search, a decision which may limit how investigators use dogs’ sensitive noses to search out drugs, explosives and other items hidden from human sight, sound and smell.
Justice Antonin Scalia said a person has the Fourth Amendment right to be free from the government’s gaze inside their home and in the area surrounding it, which is called the curtilage.”

Shouldn’t our students and schools enjoy these same constitutional rights? Shouldn’t a warrant be required based on good solid probable cause that a search is necessary? Maybe, but not in Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk, where the US Constitution has been suspended and is not applicable to residents and citizens in Ravena-Coeymans Selkirk!

If this happend anywhere else, somewhere where the residents aren’t pussy-whipped by local Coeymanazis, all hell would have broken loose. And it has happened elsewhere and all hell did break loose (hence the Supreme Court decision). But not here in RCS! Anyone care to speculate why we bend over and ask for the joy stick?

These bobo-crime stoppers are real heros; they go after cripples, old ladies and kids. Balless wonders that they are! At a cost of more than $1 million a year to Coeymans taxpayers, we think that money should be spent more responsibly. Don’t you? Eliminate the Coeymans Police department and all of the dingbat vampires hiding there!

We also have received reports that Coeymans polic e officer and RCS CSD RSO Danielle Crosier, you know the Coeymanazi who wrecks patrol cars, can’t pick a lane and stay in it, DUI/DWI copette, the one who’s allegedly carrying on with the RCS wresting coach in his office (she’s apparently not getting enough down at the station). Yeah, the same Danielle Crosier who is pulling kids out of the halls and searching them at the school. Here we have the hot-to-trot harlot, the Coeymanazi p.d.’s kitten in uniform, demonstrating firsthand how a police state operates and what it feels like to be publicly humiliated for nothing. She’s also the Coeymanazi p.d.’s example of morality, too. Yes, RCS parents, that’s the word on the street and in the halls of RCS about your fine RSO and your fine Coeymanazi p.d. What do you have to say about that? Want an investigation? An investigation will either get her fired or jailed (depending on who’s she doing and where), will get the wrestling coach fired, or an investigation will clear both. We think an investigation is the way to go. Don’t you?

We are expecting updated information and documents and will post the updates as soon as we receive them.

To Serve and Protect Intimidation of Students Makes Better Future Zombies The Editor

To Serve and Protect
Intimidation of Students Makes Better Future Zombies
The Editor

UPDATE on the Eliminate the Coeymans P.D. Poll
Here are the latest figures on voters in our poll (Status: April 4, 2014):

  • 85% want to see the Coeymans P.D. eliminated and the community served by the County Sheriff or the State Police
  • 73% would support a referendum to eliminate the Coeymans P.D.
  • 58% of participants are concerned about the coziness between the Coeymans Judges and the Coeymans Police
  • 37% of participants want to eliminate the Coeymans police department “NOW!!”
  • 34%, or more than 1 out of 3 poll participants, feel that their rights were violated by the Coeymans police

Cast your vote at Eliminate the Coeymans P.D.


“Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.”
“Silence is admission when when the accused ought to have spoken and was able to.”

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Posted by on April 4, 2014 in A.W. Becker Elementary School, A.W. Becker PTA, Abuse, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County Department of Children, Youth, and Families, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany Police, Albany Schenectady BOCES, Andrew Vale, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Bill Bailey, Bob Ross, BOCES, Brown and Weinraub, Bully, Bully Cops, Bullying, Bullyism, Burning the Constitution, Capital District, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Civil Right Violation, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Columbia-Greene Media, Conspiracy, Corrupt Police, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center, Daily Mail, Danielle Crosier, David Soares, David Wukitsch, Dignity Act, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Endangering a Minor, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Fourth Amendment, George Langdon, Government, Greene County News, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hearst Corporation, Hudson Valley, Human Rights, Illegal Search and Seizure, Intimidation, Investigation, James Latter, James Latter II, Jason Hyslop, Jeff Lukens, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. Johnson, John T. Bruno, Johnson Newspaper Group, Kenneth Burns, Kerry Thompson, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Law, Law Enforcement, Mark Vinciguerra, Martin Case, Marty Case, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misuse of Public Office, Monitoring, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, New York State Police, New York State United Teachers, News Herald, Notice of Claim, NYCLU, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, P. David Soares, Pam Black, Patrick E. Brown, Perp Patrol, Perv Patrol, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Police State, Police Thugs, Public Corruption, Pudenda David Soares, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena News Herald, RCS Central School District, RCS Teachers Association, RegisterStar, Retaliation, Rodney Krzykowski, Ryan Johnson, School Budget, School Security, Schools, Scott Giroux, Search Warrant, Search Warrant, Secret Police, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Student Abuse, Student Endangerment, Teachers, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, The Daily Mail, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tkaczyk, Tom Dolan, Transparency, Vindictive Justice, William Bailey