Category Archives: Bryan Rowzee

Reporter for the Ravena News Herald, employee of the RCS Community Library and husband of an employee in the Ravena building office

Why You Should Avoid Ravena-Coeymans and New Baltimore, New York

Among so many other scandals and secrets, we now learn thru the media that the depressed village Ravena in the depraved Town of Coeymans (New York) may be getting garbage from Connecticut. Long-time polluter and environmental disaster LaFarge cement may be accepting tons of Connecticut garbage for burning in Ravena! According to an article in Hudson Valley 360, the online version of the Register Start and the Daily Mail, “A proposal is under consideration in the state of Connecticut that if enacted, could bring 116,000 tons of trash to the LafargeHolcim cement plant for burning each year.” Of course, everyone from the Lafarge spokesperson to corrupt Coeymans Town Supervisor Phil Crandall and his lackey, town board member Tom Dolan, plead ignorant, “We are not informed.” But the plan, according to the media, means that the Ravena plant could be burning 116,000 tons of solid waste every year in the near future. But local officials know nothing about this, of course. Aren’t they supposed to be aware of what’s going on in the town? (When the construction of the new kilns was announced nothing was said about burning garbage!)

[Read more at: Connecticut’s trash may be headed to Lafarge (Hudson Valley 360), and at Proposed solid waste removal plan could mean Conn. waste comes to Ravena (News 10 online)]

Infrastructure is crumbling. Real estate is plummeting and deteriorating. Tax base is dwindling. The ignorant still elect the ignorant…

Coeymans has a disgraced former town justice (Phil Crandall (D), Coeymans Town Supervisor), at least two former prison guards (guess what their attitude is to dissent or opinions), and a known bully used car salesman (Jim Youmans (D)), plus their cronies and friends (Cindy Rowzee (D), Crandall’s former “confidential secretary,” as Town Clerk, in key town government positions. Coeymans Town Hall has become the backwater, hill town version of corrupt Tamany Hall.

 New Baltimore has an illiterate, barely high-school educated, but highly paid dolt, Denis Jordan (D), with no formal training training  and no continuing education course, serving as Town Superintendent of Highways (Denis Jordan). Jordan ignores the New Baltimore Town Board and the New Baltimore Town Board — even though they have a Repubican majority on the board –— takes it up the bottom and does nothing to discipline Jordan or to protect residents and their property from Jordan’s incompetence.

When the New Baltimore Town Supervisor complained of anal irritation, this x-ray showed what appears to be Denis Jordan’s foot.

There’s little or no hope for justice in these backwater towns, either. It’s no wonder, though. The New York State Unified Court System (everything but unified) and New York state law requires a town justice to have only a high-school equivalency education and does not require legal training to be a town or village justice. The fact that town and village justices are elected locally, and because the standards for education and training of the judges are so abysmally low, the courts in the area are just as corrupt as the town boards, and local law enforcement. In the Greene County town of Cairo, one town justice, Leland Miller, takes his orders from the attorneys appearing in the court. So much for judicial impartiality. And New Baltimore has two incompetent town justices (Joseph A. Farrell Jr and Thomas J. Meacham, highly questionable ethics and courtroom conduct). Coeymans town supervisor Phillip Crandall, was removed from the bench and forced to resign from his elected position as a town justice and had to promise never to run for judicial office again! A judge disgraced for doing illegal favors for friends. But he then ran for the office of Coeymans town supervisor and was elected! And in 2017 re-elected by Coeymans voters!!! So Coeymans thinks that a dishonest town justice makes a great Town Supervisor? Apparently!

Incest may be illegal everywhere but in Ravena-Coeymans, shyster Michael Biscone can fix it for you.

Ravena doesn’t fare much better when it comes to a village court. Harold “Hal” Warner, a former Albany cop who was taken off the street because of civil rights abuses, and put behind a desk until he could collect his pension — That’s how they do it locally: We take our criminals out of the public’s eye, put them somewhere until they can collect their pensions! There’s a lot of local incest and Ravena, apart from its inbred native population, practices incest in public office, too. Old judge “civil rights abuser” Hal Warner’s wife, Nancy Warner, is a “village trustee” — we wouldn’t trust her with a bowl of cat food; she’d probably want to sell it — The village court is supervised by Mrs Hal, who, by the way would hyphenate her name as Biscone-Warner; she’s a member of a local incest tribe, the Biscones, who appear in public either as crooked real estate agents (Josephine Bruno) selling you local dump properties or as corrupt lawyers (Michael Biscone) who do your real estate work for you with their cousins, the real estate agents. Incest may be illegal everywhere but in Ravena-Coeymans, Michael Biscone can fix it for you. (Michael Biscone’s claim to partial masculinity, — he hasn’t seen that part of his anatomy in decades — is the fact that he claims to drive a “Bentley,” a fact he won’t let locals forget. He’s apparently on everyone’s payroll both over the table and under the table.)

When Coeymans Town Supervisor Phil Crandall complained of similar anal irritation, the x-ray showed his head inserted into his rectum!

Elected government? Forget about it. Where Coeymans has a pack of crooks on their board, New Baltimore has a one-party system for supervisor, and other elected offices: The No-Balls Party. Houses are going up for sale in unbelievable numbers in Ravena, Coeymans and New Baltimore. Property owners can’t get out of these backwater towns fast enough. What doesn’t sell gets either burned down or demolished. It’s a ghost town in the making.

Infrastructure is crumbling. Real estate is plummeting and deteriorating. Tax base is dwindling and the tax burden is falling on the few who are attempting to ride out the storm of mismanagement, corruption, and general incompetence in local government. And you wonder why?

Ravena’s mayor, William “Mouse” Misuraca, was elected by his bar room buddies and bar customers.

What can we say about the village of Ravena? Well, not much. What applies to the Town of New Baltimore and the Town of Coeymans applies equally well to the village of Ravena and the Hamlet of Coeymans. Incompetence, apathy, ignorance, anxiety, crumbling infrastructure, corruption, croneyism, empty storefronts, hemorrhaging businesses and population. Absolutely no vision in village hall. Ravena’s mayor, William “Mouse” Misuraca, was elected by his bar room buddies and customers — the mayor owns one of the local bars — and previously had tax problems so he qualified for local elected office. He’s done nothing for Ravena but plenty for his bar business: Everyone likes to have the mayor pouring his liquor, opening his bottle of beer. His honor William “Mouse” Misuraca! You can’t make this stuff up, people!

Vote for Mayor Mouse Misuraca (or buy 10 beers) and get a Mouse shirt!

Law enforcement in the Town of Coeymans and the Town of New Baltimore can easily be called “Cold Case Criminal Investigation” because you can hand the Coeymans Police Department and the Greene County Sheriff the hottest of evidence and they’ll let it chill until it goes cold. Chilling a case takes less effort and is less expensive than working it, maybe even prosecuting it. But then, the Albany County District Attorney, racist P. David Soares, and the Greene County District Attorney, Joe “Stagnant” Stanzione, as the chief law-enforcement officers in their counties, play the party game, they’re logrollers, country-club members in their respective parties. Don’t rock the boat! Don’t go after friends of “friends.” And you’ll likely be elected for life. Same thing for Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple and Green County Sheriff Greg Seeley, who both play by the party’s rules and stay in office. Corruption? Do ya think so?

Search this blog. For more than five (5) years we’ve been investigating and reporting on the craziness in Ravena, Coeymans, New Baltimore. We have hundreds of thousands of readers. State and local government officials, even the FBI, read this blog, yet the situation gets worse and worse with each election! Why is that we have to ask?

“I don’t get involved in local politics.”

The ignorance is staggering. When discussing — rather attempting to discuss — the local situation with a fairly evolved local (We know that because he was walking on his hind legs, upright!), he responded: “I don’t get involved in local politics.” Well that explains a lot!

It’s a pitiful situation but no one wants to admit the fact that we are in a crumbling, corrupt and indifferent vicious cycle of political parties, NO!, not parties, one political party the Self-Serving Party (or in the service of the Corporations, who then show their “appreciation”). Our politicians, or more accurately, our local wannabe politicians hold carrots on a stick dangling in front of the dumbass sheep (local residents, “potential” voters), and the dumbass sheep (We repeat: local residents, “potential” voters), follow the carrot wherever the lying sacks of dung (= our local wannabe politicians) want them to move. The fascist political party committees pick the candidates and the voters can make their choice between two or more evils, the final choice being evil by default. That’s what our democracy has become. And you sing your stupid carols and shout Happy Holidays, ringing in a New Year with depravity and debauchery, making resolutions you have no intention of keeping — and you try to deny that the coming year, the New Year, will be different from the Old Year. You’ve been deceived so often for so long that you’ve gotten to the point of deceiving yourself, and you don’t even know it. Business as usual in 2018. And Town Hall butters their bread while telling the starving masses, “Eat cake!”

Can you find yourself in this group photo?

The mob has control of the entire floor of Town Hall

When you look back on 2017, do I have to spell it out for you? What do you see? Well, in 2015 Coeymans elected a bunch of recycled losers to occupy Coeymans town hall. Phil Crandall and his mob of morons, Jim Youmans, Tom Dolan, all losers, made life miserable for the decent public servants, Coeymans Police Chief P.J. McKenna and Town Clerk Diane Millious. In 2017, Crandall was re-elected (or was he?) by the Coeymans villain voters. Crandall’s “confidential secretary,” Cindy Rowzee,  was elected by those same villainous voters to take over the Town Clerk’s office. Diane Millious after more than a quarter century serving the Coeymans community had had enough, had suffered enough abuse from Crandall and Youmans, two scurrilous bullies, and had shed enough tears.So they drove an honest town clerk out and installed a fixture from the corrupt supervisor’s office. Now the mob has control of the entire floor of Town Hall.

The Coeymanites handed their community over to the Coeymanazis!

The Hamlet of Coeymans is a social welfare slum. Run down buildings, abandoned buildings. Buildings being demolished at an alarming rate. Lost tax base; overtaxing those who are stupid enough to remain in what is a textbook example of the American third world in the making. Corrupt Town Hall, abuse of power, and a cowering community. Guess who’s to blame? The Coeymanites handed their community over to the Coeymanazis!

New Baltimore is just as bad. The Democrats served themselves and their friends for years. Now it’s the Republican’s turn. We say Democrats and Republicans but they are the same. For the past 4 years New Baltimore has been the Republican’s sandbox and they’ve done absolutely nothing to benefit taxpayers. The New Baltimore Town Board has proven that the fish stinks from the head down. New Baltimorons can pay their taxes to pay the freaks in the Highway Department to ruin their property, to devalue their real estate, even to create dangerous situations and then refuse to correct their defective work. The New Baltimore Town Board has the wherewithal to correct the situation — New York State Town Law actually gives the Board considerable power over the Highway Department — but when you got no balls and you have an incompetent town attorney advising you, the community suffers, that is, what’s left of the community.

Editor’s Note: In our article New Baltimore Elections: No Choice. The Sequel.(Nov. 4, 2017) We called on New Baltimore voters to protest all unopposed candidates by withholding their votes for unopposed candidates. Again on November 6, 2017, we repeated our call for New Baltimore voters to withhold their votes for unopposed candidates (Election Day Recommendations. This is the moment of Truth!); we advised New Baltimore voters simply not to give unopposed candidates the numbers. On November 7, 2017, we published the election results for New Baltimore (Congratulations, New Baltimore! You did good!). Those results showed more than one-third of ballots cast did not vote for an unopposed candidate. Those numbers sent a very strong protest message to those candidates. It was a great response to our call to withhold votes from unopposed candidates and not to give them the numbers! One third of New Baltimore residents who voted did not vote for an unopposed candidate! Bravo for those voters! Then, in our article, Complacency is a Bad Thing…Especially in Local Government, published on November 10, 2017, we put local, county, and state officials on notice that we would be watching and reporting, warning that complacency and indifference would not be accepted, warning them to be on their guard. This article is to show that we have not let our guard down; we still have your back, neighbors!

New Baltimore Town Board Meeting

New Baltimore would rather sit back and let their insurance company attorneys f**k with New Baltimore taxpayers

Even the higher state courts expect the Town Boards to take care of their own dirty laundry and to keep their incompetence out of the court system but New Baltimore would rather sit back and let their insurance company attorneys f**k with New Baltimore taxpayers — unless you’re a friend of New Baltimore Highway Superintendent Denis Jordan or, as the incumbent Republicans like to say, “Republicans take care of Republicans” — You pay your taxes and the town of New Baltimore uses the money to screw you, while taking their salaries, and padding their pensions. You get to pay attorneys until your money runs out and your home collapses around you. They’ll ruin your property but they’ll still send you a hefty tax bill. And you’ll still be liable for their debt service. Complain? Sure. They’ll send a letter telling you you have to appear before some board months later! But you’d better not be late paying your taxes! Or your dog license, they’ll hit you with a $5 surcharge or threaten you with court action. Small town government at its best!

Don’t give Coeymans Police trainee Amanda L. Mueller any attitude! Hooters in Coeymans PD!

A bunch of kids in uniform with too much power (little authority), and a bunch of bored, ignorant geezers “supervising” them…

Local Coeymans police department rookies go for the quick and the easy: traffic passing through their territories, while a blind eye is given to criminals and obstruction of justice within the department. Serious cases go cold because of indifference and incompetence in the police department. But seriously, can we expect more of boys and girls who are barely out of puberty, still have identity problems, have barely an education, no life experience, no real ability to make good decisions, and you put them in a uniform, pin a badge on them, give them a gun and IT’S PARTY TIME BACK IN HIGHSCHOOL BULLY LAND!!! That’s what we have in Coeymans right now: a bunch of kids in uniform with too much power (little authority), and a bunch of bored, ignorant geezers “supervising” them. Lord save us from ourselves…and our police!!! (See our article on Amanda L. Mueller, local rookie bully cop, at Coeymans Police Turning Into Coeymans Gestapo Again?)

Coeymans: Save money. Put children in uniform, turn them loose on the community.

The antiqaited, obsolete and incompetent town and village court system is a collection of ignorant, just barely high-school educated hicks in black robes, elected by their friends until they are sanctioned, censured, or removed by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct.

Mayor “Mouse” Misuraca
Village of Ravene, NY

Ravena is run by a local bar tender/gin mill owner, so-called mayor Bill “Mouse” Misuraca. Coeymans is run by a disgraced town justice, Phil Crandall, and several recycled politicians. Crandall, Coeymans town supervisor, was removed from his elected judgeship for ethics violations and doing favors for his friends. New Baltimore is a shambles, run by a bunch of balless board members, who can’t even get the town highway superintendent to keep reasonable records. New Baltimore has become a one-party town, where several elected officials, including the town supervisor, were “voted” into office this past election; the problem is that they were unopposed! There was no other candidate to choose! Local democratic process at work. (BTW, it was the Democratic party that was unable to cough up an opponent to the Republican incumbents.) Misuraca’s campaign slogan was lifted directly from the GOP (Republican) National Committee’s slogan, “Committed to Community,” but his administration is more committed to Misuraca’s bar room ego than to any notion of “community.” His campaign couldn’t even come up with a decent campaign slogan.

In the meanwhile, the infrastructure is crumbling and corruption abounds. New Baltimore Highway Superintendent Denis Jordan is doing favors for his friends using town equipment, but refusing to correct deficient and defective sewers and roads in the National Historic District.

Local Town Justice Presiding in Coeymans.
(George Dardiani or Thomas Frese (Dem))

Roads are shit, transportation is shit, local elected officials are shitheads and dumbasses, law enforcement are bullies or worse, judges are ignorant and the courts run by the lawyers. Ravena, Coeymans, New Baltimore have descended to below third world quality of life.

Local Town Justice Presiding in New Baltimore.
(Joseph Farrell or Thomas Meacham)

What left of families and what’s not “brown trash” or “white trash” is quickly vanishing as the children grow up, go on to their fake higher education, go deeply into debt for a third-rate education but can’t find jobs, struggle to pay back their student loans accrued for their third-rate education (generally because the academic standards in the RCS Central School District are so low, and the RCS CD Board of Education know nothing about education but love to spend money). Once the kids experience what it’s like in the outside world, no one has any plans to go back to their backwater hill-town home towns. They go elsewhere.

Local Village Justice in Ravena deciding a case.
(The notorious former Albany cop taken off the street and assigned a desk job for civil rights abuses, Harold Warner.)

As the children leave the area, what’s left are the parents, aging, miserable, and heavily taxed. Property taxes are some of the highest in the state and with the wild spending practices in the RCS school system — plenty of money for AstroTurf and sports field renovations, seasonal refreshment stand construction, and tennis courts but none for books — aging parents question the value of paying school taxes in a community where there are no children and for the third-world education for “brown” and “white” trash, or for snooty, “me-first” part-time parents (parents who split their time between their personal interests and parenting). The obvious solution: people are selling their homes and moving to areas where, if they must pay high taxes or taxes at all, they will at least get a reasonable quality of life and some public services in return.

The situation in the village of Ravena-, and the towns of Coeymans and New Baltimore merely reflect the general decline and the depressed atmosphere of the New York Capital Region. The whole region is, and has been for generations, rife with thievery and corruption. The corruption starts in the state capital, Albany, and from that nest of depravity, extends its loathesome tentacles out to surrounding communities, even crossing county lines into Schenectady, Rensselaer, Greene counties. It’s a mess.

The entire area has turned into a hippo farm

The unfortunate fact that the Ravenese, the Coeymanites, and the New Baltimorons (a term coined to describe their neighbors by Ghoul’s Gulch denizen, Joan Ross a.k.a. “Cut-and-Paste” Joan and her partner in vileness, “Bitter Bob” Ross, imports from depraved Albany) have to admit is that they owe all their problems and misfortunes to their ignorance and apathy. They could have it much better if they’d simply take an interest in their community instead of complaining and turning into ugly hippos. Yes, dear readers, The entire area has turned into a hippo farm. Depression leads to many things and one of them is a lousy diet, lack of ambition, and obesity.

Two locals having a chat

Ravena and Coeymans is a veritable hippo farm, a breeding ground for every ailment, mental and physical, that accompanies a depressed and apathetic community. And Albany Medical Center is right there to open up yet another EmUrgent Care location, the Walmart of the American healthcare system, where you can go and sit and wait to be seen by an incompetent physician’s assistant who will give you what you are looking for, a fake diagnosis and a prescription, you’ll pay and be on your way. Everyone’s happy: you got your fake diagnosis and prescription, the EmUrgent Care staff got their numbers and are rid of you until your condition worsens and you return for the ambulance ride to the Albany Medical Center emergency department where you will wait 14-20 hours to get a bed and, if you don’t die there, you’ll be dumped out on the street in a couple of days with another fake diagnosis and another useless prescription. Best healthcare system in the world — or so they tell us.

The Bigger Picture

How we got here; where we’re going from here.

Life in the United States has become highly confused and superficial. Confused because the population is bombarded with conflicting and contradicting information from all sides, particularly the media. A general atmosphere of fear and anxiety is foisted upon the American people by everyone from the POTUS on down. Fear of North Korea. Fear of guns. Fear of shooters. Fear of aging. Fear of the cold and flu season. Fear of this or that product. Fear of the weather. Fear of fear.

The anxiety actually starts with fear of failure. Parents and the education system has failed to teach the value of failure as a learning tool. The result has been a downward spiral of expectations and standards to the extent that the education lie has become a reality. The young people graduating from our schools are dirt dumb. But they do know how to thumb-type and how to conceal a weapon so they can shake things up at school.

Albany High School. Once a place of learning the largely minority high school has become a place of violence, criminality, and police presence!

Take as an example the recent student fight phenomenon (See: Update: Albany High will close Friday after fights spilled into street) or weapons in school (See: Student with gun is arrested), as happened recently in Albany High School (Albany,, New York), a huge collection of kids of color (a fancy term for blacks and mixed-race youth) coming from disordered and angry homes, mostly single parent households, if that, who bring their anger and loneliness to school and start shooting or brutalizing each other. Once the shooting starts, the stampedes start. It was all caught on film and broadcast for all to see a week ago. The new entertainment, it seems. The new United States it is. Soon, the government’s first phase of destroying American values will have been concluded: those poorly educated, angry, young people will be churned out into a world that disparages them, a jobless world, a world full of the wrong passions and addictions, and they will likely perpetuate their anger and misery. They will all be churned out not with competencies and confidence but a sense of arrogance and entitlement; self-destructive and depleting.

George Orwell painted a very accurate picture of the world back in 1948, when he penned his prophetic novel, “1984.” It’s all coming true. Then there was Aldous Huxley’s novel “Brave New World,” and  the film “Soylent Green.”

Editor’s Note: Since our schools do not teach literature any longer, and people don’t read real books, being too wrapped up with Facebook and Twitter, truncated, abbreviated virtuality, I’m going to proved a brief synopsis of these novels for our readers:

Brave New World (Aldous Huxley, 1932). The author describes a world, in which citizens are engineered through artificial wombs and childhood indoctrination programs into predetermined classes (or castes) based on intelligence and labor. Lenina Crowne, a hatchery worker, is popular and sexually desirable, but Bernard Marx, a psychologist, is not. He is shorter in stature than the average member of his high caste, which gives him an inferiority complex. His work with sleep-learning allows him to understand, and disapprove of, his society’s methods of keeping its citizens peaceful, which includes their constant consumption of a soothing drug called soma. Courting disaster, Bernard is vocal and arrogant about his criticisms, and his boss contemplates exiling him to Iceland because of his nonconformity. His only friend is Helmholtz Watson, a gifted writer who finds it difficult to use his talents creatively in their pain-free society.

Nineteen-Eighty-Four (“1984”) (George Orwell, 1948).  As literary political fiction and dystopian science-fiction, Nineteen Eighty-Four is a classic novel in content, plot, and style. Many of its terms and concepts, such as Big Brother, doublethink, thoughtcrime, Newspeak, Room 101, telescreen, 2 + 2 = 5, and memory hole, have entered into common use since its publication in 1949 (A complete glossary of “Newspeak“can be found at Newspeak. Nineteen Eighty-Four popularized the adjective Orwellian, which describes official deception, secret surveillance, brazenly misleading terminology, and manipulation of recorded history by a totalitarian or authoritarian state. There’s a great online study guide for “1984” but we think it might be interesting for our readers to first check out the Themes page. It’s an interesting read.

Soylent Green (Film directed by Richard Fleischer, 1973). The 20th century’s industrialization led to overcrowding, pollution and global warming due to the greenhouse effect. In 2022, 40 million people live in New York City; housing is dilapidated; homeless people fill the streets; many are unemployed; those few with jobs are only barely scraping by and food and working technology are scarce with most of the population surviving on rations produced by the Soylent Corporation. Their latest product is Soylent Green, a green wafer advertised to contain “high-energy plankton” from the World Ocean, more nutritious and palatable than its predecessors “Red” and “Yellow” but in short supply. The main characters are New York City Police Department detective Frank Thorn, who lives with his aged friend and police analyst, Solomon “Sol” Roth. Fast foward to the end: Roth is so disgusted with his degraded life in a degraded world that he seeks assisted suicide at a government clinic. Thorn rushes to stop him, but arrives too late. Roth is mesmerized by the euthanasia process’ visual and musical montage – extinct forests, wild animals, rivers and ocean life. Before dying, he tells Thorn his discovery (that Soylent Green is made from human beings) and begs him to expose the truth. Thorn boards a human disposal truck to the disposal center, where he sees the human corpses converted into Soylent Green, but is spotted and has to flee. Returning to make his report, he is ambushed by Fielding and others. In the ensuing firefight, Thorn kills his attackers but is himself wounded. When Hatcher (Thorn’s supervisor) arrives, Thorn tells him what he has discovered and urges him to tell the researchers so that they can make a case against Soylent and to spread the truth about Soylent Green. Hatcher promises that he will. Thorn is taken away by paramedics, shouting out: “Soylent Green is people!”

The apathy and anxiety are fatal to the community. The root cause is that people see so much wrong and wrong-doing, and our elected officials and office holders don’t seem to care, they are indifferent and for the most part incompetent due to inexperience or lack of education and training. Elected office has become an ego enhancement or a way to acquire power and influence and is even used against the voters, taxpayers and property owners. It seem that our elected officials quickly become the enemy and the oppressors, not the promised benefactors we speak to when they’re campaigning.

You’re drowning and you don’t get out of the water? That’s malfunction!

Over the passage of time, just as any disease process, the sufferer becomes tolerant of the pain and discomfort and learns to live with it for better or for worse. That’s what’s happened in our communities and that’s what’s happening across the nation.

You allow your kids to play violent games and shed virtual blood, they become tolerant and insensitive to violence. You allow yourself to spend hours a day on Facebook while you avoid doing more worthwhile things or even necessary things, and you become tolerant to being irresponsible and inefficient; in fact, you become addicted. You allow your elected officials to take you, the voter for granted, you allow them to do as they please while in office with no accountability or transparency, you allow them to treat you with disrespect, you soon become tolerant of it and you get more of the same. Business as usual. But the effect on you is fatal: you lose your dignity, you become apathetic, and your self-esteem plummets. Same things happen to entire communities, to entire nations. It’s happening right now.

The women’s answer to being unable to cope in a “men’s world:” sexual harassment.

The confusion is infiltrating every space in our lives. One example is the confusion we now face regarding the once clearly defined question of gender, and the acceptable behavior between the genders. When the male-female roles were clearer, that is, in the generations where men were men and women were women, there was respect and certainty. The man was the provider and protector, the woman was the nurturer and the educator. Now men are still expected to be men, but women have insisted on invading the previously men’s world, but the women don’t want a level playing field. They want the rules changed: they want to assume male roles but want to keep the advantages associated with being a woman. They want to enter the male world but can’t play the game by the same rules. We now have the women’s answer to being unable to cope in a men’s world: sexual harassment. Whenever a woman feels inadequate or unable to cope, she bounces back with a claim of sexual harassment. If you can’t cope or play by the rules, then just be a victim. Victim is in. But this scenario causes a great deal of confusion because no one feels trusted or safe any more; the result is anxiety everywhere. And that’s just one example of the myriad confusion and anxiety situations. The mistrust of women and the feminist agenda has even affected some men’s desire to even get involved with women, who are now perceived as adversaries, unnatural, predators, opportunists, freaks. Those men might very well be right in their diagnosis of such confused gender benders as many women have become. The Orwellian stigma attached to any charge of “sexual harassment” by any psycho no matter when the alleged event may have occurred, has reached a troubling peak at this writing. A defense is nearly impossible; the merest allegation is politically annihilating. It’s just one of the many diseases of our current culture.

So now you know the facts. What are you going to do about it? How are you going to improve your life, your community, the nation in 2018?


Got any Answers?
The Editor


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Posted by on December 28, 2017 in 2018 Elections, 46th District, 46th Senate District, Abuse of Power, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Albany, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Elections, Albany County Sheriff Department, Amedore Homes, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Bully biatch cop, Bully Cop, Cairo Justice Court, Capital District, Carver Companies, Carver Companies, Carver Construction, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Cindy Rowzee, Civil Right Violation, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Elections, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Justice, Columbia-Greene Media, Conflict of Interest, Craig D. Apple Sr., Crystal R. Peck Esq., Daily Mail, David Soares, Denis Jordan, Denis Jordan, Deputy Superintendent of Highways, Elected Official, Elections and Voting, Facebook, Government, Greene County, Greene County Attorney, Greene County District Attorney, Greene County Elections, Greene County Sheriff, Gregory R. Seeley, Guns at School, Hal Warner, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Jason Albert, Jeff Ruso, Joan Ross, Joe Stanzione, Joseph Farrell, Joseph Stanzione, Josephine P. Dority née Biscone, Josie Biscone-Bruno, Kerry Thompson, Kirsten Gillibrand, Lafarge, Lafarge-Holcim, LafargeHolcim, Law Enforcement, Leland Miller, Marshall & Sterling, Marshall Sterling Insurance, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Mueller Automotive, Mueller's Automotive, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Elections, New Baltimore Town Board, New York, New York State, New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, New York State Police, New York State Unified Court System, News Channel 10, Nick Delisanti, Nick Dellisanti, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, P. David Soares, Peter J. McKenna, Peter McKenna, Phil Crandall, Phillip Crandall, Port of Coeymans, Property Taxes, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Elections, RCS Board of Education, Selkirk Cogen, Senate District 46, Shelly VanEtten, Terrorism at Home, The Daily Mail, Tom Dolan, Tom Dolan, Town Justice, Town of Coeymans, Town of New Baltimore, Town Supervisor, Transparency, William Misuraca


Crandall Board Puts Spin on Budget Error — Uses Censorship to Suppress Truth!

  • Urgent Correction and Apology: Back in November 2015, we wrote that Coeymans voters, having elected disgraced former town justice Phillip Crandal to be Coeymans Town Supervisor, and after having elected several local recycled politicos back into public office after having rejected them just four years ago, we must make the urgent correction to what we then wrote as well as extending an apology to town of Coeymans voters: We were in error when we wrote that the town of Coeymans deserves what they voted for; that was the error. The correction is: Not even Coeymans deserves what they now have sitting on the town board headed by disgraced ex – judge Phillip Crandal and his partners in crimes Tom Dolan, Jim Youmans, and that backstabbling sneaky arse, Dick [as in dork] Touchette, who you elected to the Albany County legislature. No, not even the ignorant and the corrupt of the town of Coeymans deserves that load of raw sewerage. And so we apologize for the error, and correct it.

Crandall Censors Flach Letter, Covers Crandall-Mob’s Back

Crooks and corruption covering for each other at the expense of honest employees and taxpayers

Phil Crandall's Truth Requires Censorship

Phil Crandall’s Version of Truth Requires Censorship

The most recent flood of misinformation that Phil Crandall and his mob are drowning the community in was discussed at the April 21, 2016, Coeymans town board meeting. The rather lengthy discussion focused on an alleged overpayment to about 8 town employees, allegedly all elected officials, and the majority of those being attacked are the opposition party. But guess What? In order to backstab the Republican elected officials, Crandall had to throw his two democrap town justices Kevin Reilly and George Dardiani and boardmember Tom Dolan under the bus, too. Crandall doesn’t even mention his pet judges in the minutes, and he makes certain to shower croney Dolan with thanks and gratitude to soften the blow. Crooks and corruption covering for each other at the expense of honest employees and taxpayers.

We have acquired papers that will shed some truth and light on the subject, something residents and taxpayers didn’t get at the town board meeting nor will they be likely to get anywhere but here.

Crandall and his co–conspirators wanted to make it pay–back time

First of all, let’s just say that the way Mr Crandall handled the issue was improper and simply not right. This is an internal matter that should have been handled internally, not thrown out into the public arena to be misinterpreted and to promote a scandal. But that’s apparently what Crandall and his co–conspirators wanted to make it pay–back time and to punish anyone not in their pockets or in bed with them.

Here’s why we say that:

pay-period leap year sidebarThe Officially Approved Minutes of the April 21, 2016 Coeymans Town Board Meeting are the only record available to the public to document what occurred at the town board meeting. The minutes were approved by the majority of the board, even if those minutes are nonsense and themselves reveal their own lack of credibility.

We have acquired the officially approved minutes of the Coeymans town board meeting, approved by Crandall, Dolan, Youmans, and Burns — Mr Langdon was excused and absent. In those minutes, Mr Crandall announces that “there was a mistake made in the town’s pay periods…last year [2015] here were 27 pay periods instead of 26, which happens every 11 years.” So far he’s being truthful but it stops there. You see, Coeymans town supervisor Phil Crandall and his cronies Tom Dolan and Jim Youmans are very uncomfortable with the truth—that is, if it’s not their specially cooked version of the truth.

Crandall reports information he had known some 5 weeks earlier but didn’t say anything. The information turned up after Sara Morrison, a CPA working “weekends” and being paid big bucks by voucher by Crandall’s administration, “audited” the 2015 budget, finding that the payroll for that period was divided by 26 rather than by 27; the result was that there was an “extra” pay period (two – week’s pay). Crandall says that Morrison brought this mistake to the former town supervisor’s attention back in April 2015 (Note the date!). But what Crandall is ignorant of is the fact that it’s not an “extra” pay period, and doesn’t represent an actual “overpayment” but is rather a normal calendar phenomenon that occurs every 11 years! It’s as natural as sunshine!

Let me stop here for a minute and tell you that the town of Coeymans uses an automated payroll software from BAS (Business Automation Services; to see what their municipal government package includes, go to Municipal Accounting, a business solutions provider in Clifton Park. The problem, it appears, was in the software being used, and how well it was doing what it was purchased to do. It wasn’t!

Not only was the BSA software to blame but the CPA, Sarah Morrison, and the other accounting/bookkeeping/payroll employees were apparently oblivious to the so-called “payroll leap year”, and failed to notify town employees that it was going to occur; not that that fact should have changed anything. The employees would still be entitled to the additional pay period, truth be told.

But here’s another failure in Crandall’s attempt to blacken Coeymans employees: The 2015 town budget was created and approved in late 2014, on November 19, 2014.That budget went into effect on January 1, 2015. Crandall was elected together with Youmans and Dolan in November 2015, and the Coeymans town budget was finalized in that same month (Tom Dolan actually worked on the 2015 and 2016 budgets) so we’d expect the incoming board, especially the incoming chief fiscal officer of the town, the supervisor, Mr Crandall, to be very well informed on the previous budget and the present budget. The current budget went into effect on January 1, 2016, the day Mr Crandall was sworn in to be Coeymans town supervisor.

You can read more about pay – period leap years at:
The Pay Period Leap Year: Handling an Extra Pay Period in 2015
Pay Period Leap Year: Handling 27 Pay Periods
Unusual Wage Payment Issue in 2015 for Many Employers: 27 Bi-Weekly Pay Periods, Not 26

Mr “Corruption” Crandall and his scheister minion David Wukitsch are using unfair intimidation tactics to scare employees into making good on the town accountants’ mistakes.

So, loyal readers, this whole hullabaloo about being overpaid is a big smoke and mirrors performance, a dog and pony act staged by Phil Crandall and his band of halfwits! According to the sidebar and the links above, 81% of employers just go with the flow every 11 years. So why all the publicity? In fact, if the town employees, whether exempt or non-exempt, hourly or salary, were not notified of the pay-period leap year effects and the possibility of a lower paycheck due to the 27 pay period cycle, and it was not spelled out in their contracts we don’t think that the town of Coeymans has any right to demand a reimbursement! It’s the town of Coeymans error, not the fault of the employees. Mr Corruption Crandall and his Scheister minion David Wukitsch are using unfair intimidation tactics to scare employees into making good on the towns accountants’ mistakes. Furthermore, they’re misusing their pubic office to misinform residents and taxpayers about the situation and trying to shift the blame to the innocent employees, while causing many of the unnecessary stress and anxiety not only by demanding that the employees pay back what 81% of normal employers would just accept as an 11-year rarity but also by tarnishing the employees’ images as public and elected officials. In our opinion, that’s tantamount to actionable defamation! How about a tort suit for defamation among other tort causes! Tuck that in your Depends® Mr Crandall and Mr Wukitsch! We say the affected employees should bring a lawsuit against the Crandall administration and their overpaid CPA, Sarah Morrison, and BAS!

What also irks us is the fact that while Crandall and his lackies are pointing fingers at innocent town employees who are only getting paid normally, Crandall, Youmans and Dolan are bringing back their cronies and hiring them, putting them on the town payroll. What about that cost to the town and taxpayers? Why did Crandall and his cronies increase the town planning board to 7 members, 2 more than Mr Flach felt was needed when he reduced the board to 5 members? Why does the town need to pay a high-priced CPA, Sarah Morrison, PLUS anonther overpaid dingo, Darryl Puritan (at more than $100/hr), plus Nita Chmielewski as town bookkeeper, PLUS Cindy Rowzee as an assistant bookkeeper?!?!?

We also think the affected employees who received Mr Wukitsch’s intimidation letter should file a formal complaint with the bar association because of Mr Wukitsch’s unprofessional conduct to the bar association and professional ethics enforcers. Misusing his position to wrongfully intimidate may result in disciplinary action being taken against him.

Yet another person comes on the stage with one Cathy Hanley, an employee of BAS, who allegedly prepares the W2 forms for Coeymans employees, who, Crandall claims, brought the error to former Coeymans bookkeeper, Matthew Weidman, who was replaced by Nita J. Chmielewski, former Coeymans town supervisor for a very short time before she had to resign because of math mistakes in the town budget that led back to her. She can’t do math but now she’s the town of Coeymans bookkeeper. Go figure! Only in Coeymans!

And so are the Coeymans town board!

And so are the Coeymans town board!

Editor’s note: As far as we have been able to discover, the town of Coeymans has quite a number of people involved in bookkeeping and payroll other than BAS. In addition to Sarah Morrison who bills by voucher and gets paid megabucks, there’s Darrell Puritan who, as a “weekend worker” — whatever that is — gets at least $100/hour, then there’s Nita Chmielewski, who is clerk to the supervisor, and also replaced M. Weidman as town bookkeeper despite her dubious math skills, and then there’s Cindy Rowzee who was hired to be Crandall’s part-time confidential secretary but also works as an assistant bookkeeper. Sounds like financial overkill to us. But after all this financial talent is taken into consideration, we are still dealing with a phony “payroll mistake.” How does that work, anyway? We’d like to ask who’s getting the kickbacks from all of this financial overkill?

This boils down to several important facts, which Mr Crandall conveniently fails to observe. First of all, how could Morrison audit a budget that was not yet fully implemented for 2015. You see, the budget for the fiscal year 2015 was proposed and finalized in November 2014, and went into effect on January 1, 2015. That budget was not yet fully implemented by April 2015 and so really couldn’t have been “audited”. Moreover, if Cathy Hanley, an employee of BSA allegedly brought her observations to the attention of the then town bookkeeper, Matthew Weidman, Mr Weidman certainly would have made a note of the “error” then. But what puzzles us is that Mr Crandall says that a contract employee of the town of Coeymans, CPA Sarah Morrison informed former supervisor Stephen Flach of the “error.” Certainly, anyone who knows Flach would have to admit that this is not the sort of thing Mr Flach would have pooh – poohed and swept under the carpet; truth be told, Stephen Flach was honest to a flaw and as ethical as can be, which probably led to his downfall to the scoundrels. But there was no mistake, no error, in reality no overpayment at all! It’s all a fraud cooked up by Crandall and his minions!

No! Our analysis of the facts and the documents tells a completely different story

No! Our analysis of the facts tells a completely different story than what Mr Crandall and his hoodlums would have the public believe. You see, BSA and their software are the real culprits. BSA apparently failed to take into account the gremlin that occurred every 11 years, and as a company providing business solutions they should have known of this occurrence! Think of it this way: When you buy income – tax filing software you expect it to be correct and accurate and your tend to trust it. Right? You don’t expect to have to check their formulas and figures against the tax code do you? Same thing applies to business solutions software like BSA’s. They claim their product does something and does it right; it’s not up to Mr Flach or Mr Weidmann to go back and check their software codes and algorithms to ensure that the BSA software works properly. Wouldn’t that be something Darryl Puritan — Oh! Puritan is another financial braniac who gets paid more than $100/hr as a weekend employee by the town of Coeymans — or Ms Sarah Morrison, another one who’s billing Coeymans megabucks for financial advice, should have caught and fixed? And does Mr Crandall expect that the affected town employees should have gone back to the software to check that it caught the 11 – year gizmo? Hell no! So why would Mr Crandall, in a public meeting, make it all sound like he was a hero and found this horrible misconduct, that is, Mr Flach and the affected employees had attempted to hide the fact that they had been overpaid — the so-called “overpayment” was spread out over 11 years that it amounted to less than 4%! In fact, it wasn’t an overpayment at all but a normal payment in a payroll leap year! Furthermore, it would not have become apparent until the end of the fiscal year, not in April 2015, not even halfway into the budget year! What’s the disgraced judge trying to pull here? Whatever it is he’s trying to feed us he was much better at fixing tickets for Tom Dolan and Dick Touchette. We were safer when he was a crooked judge; it’s hopeless now that he’s a crooked town supervisor.

Crandall's Snow Job

Crandall’s Snow Job

What’s more telling is that if you look at the political affiliations of the employees who allegedly were “overpaid” we find that 2/3 of the affected employees are Republicans! And guess What? The other third are Democrats but it gets even better. Two of the Democrats are sitting Coeymans town justices, Kevin Reilly and George Dardiani (tell you something about our judges? Are they all in bed with Crandall?) and the most scandalous is that the third Democrat is no less than Tom Dolan!!!! Dolan was on the board when the alleged payroll “error” in the 2015 budget was made!!! So say what you like, it seems to us that Crandall is taking pot shots at the opposition and, while thanking Tom Dolan profusely at the public meeting, doesn’t breath a word about the Democrap town justices who were “overpaid” as well!

It’s important to note that Coeymans Police Chief, Peter J. McKenna, was mentioned in the discussion but it must be made absolutely clear that the Chief was not overpaid; he actually took a pay cut!!! But Crandall never clarified that during the discussions and it’s not clear in the minutes either.Was the “oversight” intended to include the chief in the overpayment scandal without doing so directly and falsely? Now that’s pretty underhanded, isn’t it? But it’s Crandall all the way.

Former Coeymans supervisor’s Letter was to be read into the record but was censored by a dishonest and disgraced former judge…Phil Crandall

And what’s this about Phil Crandall refusing to let Mr Stephen Flach’s letter be read by town board member Kenneth Burns?!? The letter was addressed to the people of the town of Coeymans thru their town council! So we’re going to reproduce the text Mr Flach’s letter below. It was written to be read at the meeting into the official record but was censored by a dishonest and disgraced former judge who was forbidden ever to run for judicial office again but was elected to be town supervisor. Phil Crandall may be able to silence a Ken Burns but Crandall can’t silence this blog!!!

In a letter dated May 3, 2016, Mr Flach writes, verbatim:

Dear Town Board.

I received a letter from the attorney to the Town about an overpayment to me from December 2015. There was a pay periods that ended on 12 / 23 / 2015 [December 23,2015]. I paid that out on 12 / 30 / 2015 [December 30, 2015] I I thought that the last week of December and going into January was the 27th pay period, thus Peter Masti and I did not get paid for the last week of December, not realizing that it was already the 27th pay period the week before. I have enclosed a check back to the Town for the amount that was overpaid to me on December 30th. I made a mistake and I apologize to the board, the taxpayers, and those who were overpaid. I have encouraged those who were overpaid to reimburse the Town as soon as possible. I would hope that the town officials would give [redacted], [redacted], and anyone else affected, the time they need to pay this back.

I have not been involved with the Town since I left on December 31st and continue to hope that the current board does a great job as the elected officials in running the Town and doing what is best for the residents. Working for the Town is about serving the people with character and integrity, and I thank you for your service. It is unfortunate that some of the employees that are working for you are only interested in vengeance and not just doing their job. I pray that you five men continue to do your best for our town, and move our town forward.

/  / signature/ /
Stephen Flach

Mr Flach enclosed his check in reimbursement of the alleged overpayment.

David Wukitsch, Coeymans town attorney, who, by the way was fired by the town of New Baltimore because he was allegedly a jerk

Several town employees addressed a joint letter to Phil Crandall as town supervisor and chief fiscal officer protesting how ineptly the matter was being handled and how it cast innocent employees in a false light. We think the letter is much too weak, but then we don’t have to work with Crandall and his mob on a day – to – day basis. The employees object to the ultimatum letter sent by David Wukitsch, town attorney, who, by the way was fired by the town of New Baltimore because he was a jerk. The employees complain that they were not properly notified of the overpayment and were never met with to discuss the amount allegedly owed. It must be said, though, that even Wukitsch’s letter states that it was a “payroll error”, that is, not the fault of the employees if the payroll people did not make the adjustment. It is unconscionable that Wukitsch tells the employees that they should reimburse the town “within the next 30 days.” How would you feel if in 30 days you would have to cough up more than $1,000.00 for something not your fault, even beyond your control?

Mr Burns really needs to get a pair of balls…He doesn’t need Phil Crandall’s blessing.

Now, we ask you, Why? wouldn’t Mr Crandall want this to be read into the record by Mr Kenneth Burns? What right does Mr Crandall have to censor this letter? Well, knowing Mr Crandall, Mr Dolan, and Mr Youmans, it’s clear that if this letter were read into the record, it would certainly have taken the edge off of their underhanded attack! But Mr Burns really needs to get a pair of balls; he doesn’t need Phil Crandall’s blessing to read a letter into the record if he so wishes.

Here’s another fact for our readers to ponder when thinking about Mr Crandall’s unscrupulous and dishonest tactics: Mr Crandall and Mr Youmans were campaigning for public office well in advance of November 2015. In fact, Jim “Bully” Youmans is a former town supervisor and should have been familiar with the 11–year issue, so why didn’t he catch it. He had an awful lot to say while he was campaigning! He should have at least acknowledged that it could easily be missed. But Tom “Dithering” Dolan has been on the board through several, at least 5 town budget proceedings, and he’s been blundering around town hall for even longer. In fact, he was involved in drafting, presenting and finalizing the 2015 town budget. Why didn’t he catch it back then? You see, it would be terribly inconvenient for Mr Crandall to have to admit that he and his cronies are just as much at fault as anyone else for not catching the so-called “mistake”. But they should have.

Mr Flach’s letter emphasizes Mr Flach’s integrity and honesty, and casts a very dark shadow on the Crandall administration

As to why he wouldn’t want Mr Flach’s letter read publically we can only say that Mr Flach’s letter emphasizes Mr Flach’s integrity and honesty and casts a very dark shadow on the Crandall administration. Yes, as Mr Flach writes, “it is unfortunate that some of the employees that are working for you are only interested in vengeance and not [in] just doing their job.” It’s non Crandall’s watch and under his questionable leadership that this is all happening, and it’s Mr Crandall and his cronies Youmans and Dolan who are dropping the ball and true to form, they’re trying to paint someone black for it. You can’t change them but you’re stuck with them for at least another 3 years or until someone sends them to jail. We do wonder, however, that Mr Flach was so quick to reimburse an overpayment that never was. We think he should have consulted an accountant before having done that.

Crandall is trying to scapegoat innocent, hard-working civil servants to bolster his own sick ego and to cover up his administration’s total lack of credibility and focus. Don’t take his bait; don’t fall into his trap!

There’s more and we’ll report on it in an upcoming article. Stay tuned we’ve got some dirt on Nita J. Chmielewski, the town planning board padding by Phil Crandall, and some really good stuff on the Coeymans – Carver Companies asbestos battle. It seems that it’s going to go to court…and you’re going to pay the tab for Crandall’s vendettas. But we now have names and we’re going to go public with them. Enjoy your town board, Coeymans. You asked for it.

Editor’s Note: Residents and taxpayers in other surrounding towns should be asking these same questions. Has New Baltimore missed the 11-year gremlin? Can New Baltimore residents and taxpayers be expecting their elected officials and public servants to be writing reimbursement checks to the town? More on this later.

Phil Crandall Crooked Judge = Crooked Politician = Bad for Coeymans

Phil Crandall

Crooked Judge = Crooked Politician = Bad for Coeymans
What does that schmuck puss tell you about the guy wearing it?

Upcoming Stories

  • Comparing Local Restaurants’ Hospitality vs. Prices: Marco’s Higher Prices, Poorer Hospitality?
  • Is the Crandall Administration Padding Personnel with Cronies? Using the public domain for paybacks à la Tom Dolan?
  • Has the Touchette-Ross-Crandall Vendetta become the Coeymans-Carver Vendetta? Abuse of public office and conspiracy?



High Marks for the RCS Community Library

The RCS Community Library under the direction of Judith Wines is doing a pretty fantastic job of getting some really interesting programs out to the community. In fact, when requested, we published the public information on an unusual but apparently very interesting and needed program that’s found a home at the RCS Community Library, Thanatology Café, a program that offers the opportunity to talk about death, dying, grief, mourning and death-related subjects.

We’ve read a pretty nice post on the Thanatology Café blog that is complimentary of the RCS Community Library and it’s staff, and we really think RCS should take note of the fine work the RCS Community Library is doing for the community.

Our more than 300,000 readers know well that we have no qualms about being outspoken when it comes to our community and the Ravena News Herald, but truth be told the Ravena News Herald and editor Melanie Lekocevic apparently have been generously supportive of the library and the Thanatology Café program, if our observations are correct. Fair is fair and when the News Herald is on the up and up, we want to be the first to say Nice job! Thank you!


Churches, Funeral Homes, First Responders

Churches, Funeral Homes, First Responders

We do have some disturbing information though and we have verified it factually. Here we have an innovative program, Thanatology Café, sponsored by a reputable and highly-respected community organization, the RCS Community Library, and even getting the support of the Ravena News Herald but WTF!!!!! We have information that about 100 information packets were sent out to local churches and public service organizations, including fire departments, EMS, first responders, and police departments, including the Coeymans fire and rescue squad, the Ravena Hose Company, and the Coeymans Police Department, just to name a few, and it appears none of those organizations responded.

Local churches have their hands out for stipends whenever a local dies but almost every church in the area does not offer a bereavement education, a death awareness, or death education program…

no handoutsWhat’s even worse is that the organizers (for the record the RCS Community Library hosts the program but does not organize it) invited local churches and pastors to announce the program and to post the attractive flyers to inform their congregations of the availability of the thanatology program, yet, according to the spokesperson for Thanatology Café, not a single one responded and there is no evidence that anyone from any of the local RCS churches bothered to attend the inaugural event. That does seem a bit strange to us and we’d like to hear from members of the congregations of local churches whether they even heard about the program from their so-called pastors. We find that strange because local churches have their hands out for stipends whenever a local dies but almost every church in the area does not offer a bereavement education, a death awareness, or death education program. We would think they’d jump at the opportunity to learn more about the program from the get go!

Why didn’t the local death businesses — Babcock Funeral Home, A.J. Cunningham Funeral Homes, W.C. Brady’s Sons Funeral Home respond?

death-its-a-livingAnd you’d think that the local businesses that make a bundle of money from local deaths, Babcock Funeral Home and A.J. Cunningham Funeral Homes, both right down the street from the library, would seize the unique opportunity to join in the death education opportunities offered by a program like Thanatology Café but apparently Sharon Babcock and the A.J. Cunningham staff had better things to do than join in a community educational program. We’ll be keeping an eye on our local death industry, you can be assured of that. Both Babcock Funeral Home and A.J. Cunningham Funeral Homes were provided with special packets along with W.C. Brady’s Sons Funeral Home (Coxsackie) and several other regional funeral homes were provided with special packets and invitations. We have the documents and we have the questions, too, Why didn’t the local death businesses respond?

People are more aware, more interested and willing to discuss the subject, the options and the choices…death and dying, living wills, advance directives, and funeral and memorial options

We’ve done the online research and find that Death Cafes, Death Salons, discussion groups about death and dying, hospice and palliative care organizations, healthcare organizations, special interest groups dealing with infant death, suicide, traumatic death, etc. are thriving and growing because people are more aware, more interested and willing to discuss the subject, the options and the choices, and are not waiting til the last minute to learn as much as they can about death and dying, living wills, advance directives, and funeral and memorial options.

Are they scared that Thanatolgy Café might rock their comfy little boats…get people to ask the important questions?

Can our churches, first responders, funeral homes be so petty as to get involved in small-minded turf wars at your expense?

Petty, stupid turf wars?

Petty, stupid turf wars?

So we’re getting interested now, too, but especially why local churches, who are constantly preaching about death and whatnot, and local first responders and rescue squads, who frequently have to deal with death, and in particular, why the three main death businesses, Babcock Funeral Home, A.J. Cunningham Funeral Homes, and W.C. Brady’s Sons Funeral Home are so silent when an important program comes to the area. Are they scared that Thanatolgy Café might rock their comfy little boats, stir up some good and reliable information in the community, get people to ask the important questions? Maybe. We have learned that the Thanatology Café program will be providing a lot of information on pre-arrangements, available options and choices, how to go about creating your living will or Advance directive, funeral and memorial choices and recommendations, and much, much more. Stuff you need to know no matter what your age and information you’re not likely to get anywhere else.

we know where your head isDon’t you think you’d be getting a better deal from church, rescue squad, senior center and funeral home if they were better informed about death, dying, surviving, and the choices and options you should have? Can our churches and so-called pastors, our community funded first responders, local funeral homes, who cash in on the community’s ignorance and lack of information, be so petty as to get involved in small-minded turf wars at your expense? Looks like it. But keeping their heads tucked up a dark, wet spot won’t do them any good. Let’s hear from them. Let’s hear from our readers.

Town of Coeymans and Town of New Baltimore

Town of Coeymans and
Town of New Baltimore

Town of Coeymans

No, we haven’t gone AWOL on our watch. We’re working on a story about how the Phil Crandall/Youmans/Dolan mob are screwing town of Coeymans taxpayers. Didn’t we hear Phil Crandall say something about cutting the costs of local government, blah, blah, blah?

Well, apparently disgraced former village justice Phil Crandall, Psycho-bully Youmans and Dithering-Tom Dolan don’t think that cost containment applies to their cronies they imported when they took office. We’re talking specifically about the alleged overtime Crandall’s administrative clerk Nita Chmielewski is collecting hand-over-fist. It seems that old Nita is incompetent and doesn’t know what she’s doing — as if she ever did; nothing seems to change in the in-crowd in Coeymans — and she’s collecting a bundle for her incompetence and ignorance. Wonder if Mr Crandall, Mr Youmans or Mr Dolan can explain why their cronies get the overtime, while the Coeymans Police Department is consistently saving on costs, economizing, and coming in under budget under the professional supervision of a competent chief?

A contributor has demanded the production of certain documents that will prove the corruption in Coeymans town hall and the hypocrisy of Mr Crandall and his cronies

Stay tuned for the fireworks!

Town of New Baltimore

There’s word out that something’s cooking in New Baltimore about the New Baltimore Supervisor of Highways and the Highways Department and indifference, negligence and dereliction of duty and responsibility.

Thanks to the double-dealing of the Greene County Independence Party Committee chairman George Ackerman and co-chairperson, Irene Beede, and their mismanagement of a very worthy candidate, Mr Alan vanWormer in the elections last November, Denis Jordan was re-elected by a single — Yes! 1 vote! — and despite the known corruption, crookedness, incompetence and ignorance that is the hallmark of his department, he didn’t go to jail but kept his office. But that’s New Baltimore and screwy-Louie politics run by incompetent political committees.

Do you actually think YOU elect these bozos?

We have information that a pretty big law suit is in the brewing that will be brought against the town of New Baltimore, the New Baltimore Highway Department and Denis Jordan for incompetence, negligence, and indifference by dereliction of duty and violation of applicable state laws. Seems Jordan’s friends get all the highway department services while others get the finger, and can watch their property values collapse because of poor road and drainage maintenance.

A collaborator is getting the information together and talking to the aggrieved parties and we’ll be the first to release the information.

One crook is going to cost an entire town a bundle. Go figure!

The Fickle Finger is Pointing to YOU, Dumbass! The Editor

The Fickle Finger is Pointing to YOU, Dumbass!
The Editor

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Posted by on April 10, 2016 in 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, A.J. Cunningham Funeral Homes, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, Alan van Wormer, Albany County Board of Elections, Albany County District Attorney, Arlene McKeon, Babcock Funeral Home, Barbara Finke, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carmen Warner, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Chris Gibson, Chris Gibson, Chris Norris, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Elections, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Budget, Conflict of Interest, Conspiracy, Cornell Hook and Ladder, Cornell Hook and Ladder Auxiliary, Corruption, Craig Youmans, David Soares, David Wukitsch, Death Awareness, Death Education, DEC, Denis Jordan, Denis Jordan, Department of Environmental Conservation, Diane Jordan, Dick Touchette, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, EMR, Eric T. Schneiderman, FOIL, Fraud, Freedom of Information Law, George Acker, George Langdon, Government, Greene County Independence Party, Hal Warner, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Independence Party, Irregularities, Voting, Jean Horne, Jeff Ruso, Jenna Crandall, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, Joel Coye, John Cashin, John Luckacovic, Josephine Bruno, Judicial Misconduct, Kathy Rundberg, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Kevin Reilly, Kurt Froehlich, Larry Conrad, Laverne Conrad, Law Enforcement, Marjorie Loux, Mark S. Jordan, Mayor "Mouse", Mayor "Mouse" Misuraca, Melanie Lekocevic, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Elections, New Baltimore Highway Department, New Baltimore Town Budget, New York, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State, News Herald, Nick Delisanti, Nick Dellisanti, Nita Chmielewski, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, NYSAFC, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Peter J. McKenna, Peter McKenna, Phil Crandall, Phillip Crandall, Poll Misconduct, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Fire Department, Ravena News Herald, Ravena Rescue Squad, RCS Community Library, Richard Touchette, Robert Fisk, Robert J. Freeman, Robert Krug, Scott VanWormer, Selkirk, Smalbany, Thanatology Café, Thomas E. Dolan, Tom Dolan, Tom Dolan, Town of Bethlehem, Town of Coeymans, Town of New Baltimore, William Bailey, William Bailey, William Misuraca


News Shorts to Keep You Updated…Briefly

Who Owns 84 Main Street in Coeymans Hamlet?

Update on our story Give them enough rope and the Coeymans Board expose themselves

That’s a pretty sticky question in Coeymans town hall these days. You see, as usual the facts are pretty illusive and vague, the Times Useless prints one thing, Coeymans town hall says another thing, the Coeymans town board just seems to be in a ping-pong match bouncing the question back and forth until they finally decide to call in Guess who? — the lawyers. The Coeymans town board has handed the question over to scheister David Wukitsch and Donald Zee to answer this burning question.

It seems that no one in Coeymans town hall can agree on who owns the property that was the subject recently of a New York State Department of Labor intervention and the town stopping Carver Laraway’s efforts to tear down a derelict building — but only after it was leveled to the ground — at 84 Main Street in the Hamlet of Coeymans.

This entire question of Who owns No. 84 Main Street? raises a number of questions about the competence of the Crandall town board, John Cashin’s and Santee Debacco’s competence as code enforcement officers for the town of Coeymans, and Who’s the rat in Coeymans town hall?

So we went to the assessment rolls to find out who owns No. 84. The SBL (section block number) for the property is 168.12-2-3 and it’s listed under Tax Exempt Properties and clearly shows the owner to be the town of Coeymans! Imaging that! The Coeymans Assessor lists the property as tax exempt and owned by the town of Coeymans. Now WHY? didn’t Mr Phil Crandall, supervisor of the town of Coeymans, or any of his board know that? And where was the town assessor and the two code enforcement officers while the meeting was going on? Your guess is as good as mine!

That raises other questions, too. First of all, Why was Carver Laraway demolishing a building that officially is owned by the town of Coeymans? That would make the town of Coeymans responsible as the owners for the demolition, wouldn’t it? And then it would make the town of Coeymans responsible for any contractors involved in tearing down the building. Right? So that leaves Carver Laraway out of the liability picture. But it also creates problems for the town of Coeymans like: The rat is in town hall and reported the demolition to the New York State Department of Labor, throwing in the town of Coeymans instead of Laraway. That would make the town of Coeymans responsible for any violations issued by the state and gets Laraway off the hook. That’s the doctrine of respondeat superior where the employer is liable for any unlawful conduct of an employee, including contractors. The only ones stupid enough to do something like this are Phil Crandall, Jim Youmans, Tom Dolan or even Rick “the Dick” Touchette, they all have a woody for Carver Laraway. But our guess would be that it was Tom Dolan; he’s the only one vile enough to do something that stupid and have it backfire on the town. 

And guess what?!? The violation is all about asbestos containment and the town of Coeymans has no local laws, rules or guidelines relating to asbestos!!! Now doesn’t that come as a surprise? Decades of asbestos in the news and Coeymans has nothing on the books about asbestos. 

We’ve asked for demolition permits issued for the past year, any Coeymans codes on asbestos, and any stipulations connected with sales of local derelict properties. We’ll keep you informed because the Ravena News Herald won’t and you can’t expect any truth coming from the town board.

New Program May be Coming to the RCS Community Library 

With the A.J. Cunningham Funeral Homes moving into expansion facilities at 9 Main Street in Ravena, Ravena residents and residents in the greater Coeymans and northeastern Greene county have finally a choice, at least in death. The A.J. Cunningham operation has occupied the former Pero Memorial Chapel and have posted an A.J. Cunningham Funeral Homes sign outside but they’ve done little else. Not even a holiday wreath on the place. They’ve made the effort to elbow in on Sharon Babcock’s little captive empire of death but are they serious about succeeding in Ravena? We won’t waste space telling you about A.J. Cunningham Funeral Homes because they have a website at Read about them for yourselves.

thanatology café logo framed

A New Trend in Death Awareness

A new death awareness is taking larger cities in Europe and the US by storm and they’re called death cafés. Death cafés began in about 2004, when Swiss sociologist Bernard Crettaz started hosting impromptu pop-up meetings called cafes mortals in Switzerland. Crettaz studies death in his research but the popular events spread like wildfire in Europe. In 2011, the events started in the United Kingdom and popped up all over London. North American death cafés began in Ohio, and are organized in New Mexico, Michigan, Vancouver, B.C., California, Illinois, New York, and elsewhere. The popularity of the events is a clear indicator that people want, need to discuss dying, death, and living in a safe environment where they can openly talk about life’s greatest mystery, death.

Well, discussions are underway between the organizer of Thanatology Café and the RCS Community Library to start the Capital District’s first death discussion group right here in Ravena. The RCS Community Library has been doing a tremendous job in creating new programs for the RCS community under the leadership of Judith Wines, library director, Carol Malewsky, specialist research librarian, and Bryan Rowzee, IT guru for the library, so the time is right to bring in a new program. So why not one as controversial and interesting as death itself.

The program is slated to start in early to mid-March 2016 and discussions are in their early stages but very encouraging and positive. We’d suggest that anyone in the greater capital district visit the Thanatology Café blog to learn more about the program. Once you find you are interested in joining the program, just let the facilitator know by leaving your contact information and your specific death interests in an email to Of course, all communications are confidential.

Click on this link to read or download a brief summary of what Thanatology Café is, and is not. Click Here: Thanatology Café Announcement Post

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Coeymans Court Shuts Down for Two Weeks!
Justice in Coeymans ‘On Hold’

Court on Hold

Sign appearing in Coeymans town hall town court office window. Justice suspended!

Who ever heard of such a thing? Coeymans court with two full-time (G. Dardiani) town justices George Dardiani and Kevin Reilly have suspended justice in the town of Coeymans for two full weeks! 

We don’t get it. Does that mean that pleas and tickets are suspended, too? We have a question also about conflicts of interest with the town justice, Kevin Reilly, who is being paid both as a full-time town justice and as a part-time court clerk. Sounds like that should be just wrong, doesn’t it? Well, suspending justice in the town of Coeymans is nothing new; but how can you suspend something that never was in the first place? We might well ask whether they suspended their paychecks too?

The only worse place is in Ravena village court where they make their own rules. Now who is running against that old pervert Harold “Hal” Warner — the same Hal Warner who stabbed his fellow village justice Phil Crandall, now Coeymans town supervisor, in the back — and his village supervisor, his wife, Nancy Warner. We see they’re both trying to get re-elected this coming March. Old Justice-bender Hal Warner is just a cash generator at your expense for the village. The prosecutor may want to propose a fine of $200 but old Hal wants to raise some money for the village so he ups the fine — at your expense — to $300 or so, unless, of course, you’re one of the insiders and then it’s a parking ticket. Could old Justice-bender Hal be out to embarrass anyone from David Soares office since Hal and Nancy’s daughter, Carmen Warner, was fired from Soares office for posting lewd images of herself and another female on Facebook? Carmen was later hired by the Biscone law firm. Part of the Ravena Incest Club. That’s a Ravena mindset: I’m gonna get you but I’m gonna make Ravena residents pay for it. Perish the thought! Would vendetta, revenge ever enter into a village official’s empty little pinhead? Answer: You bet your ass it does! Ask any Ravena resident whose name doesn’t end in a vowel!

Bill Bailey Running Again?!?

Warner pair, Nancy & Hal, running again!

Warner pair, Nancy & Hal, running again!

Unbelievable! The freak show continues in Ravena. Not only are we seeing two fossils, two major freaks, Nancy Warner and hubby Harold “Hal” Warner asking Ravena voters to show how stupid they can be and re-elect the vampire pair, we also have dithering dumbo Bill Bailey running again! But just to show how useless and ineffective he really is, both the Democraps and the Retardicans have cross endorsed Bailey! If you can read between the lines, that means that they can’t find anyone less threatening than Bill Bailey to be on the Ravena village board and neither the Democraps nor the Retardicans want to risk anyone with even half a rat’s brain to possibly get on the board to shake things up!


Bill Bailey Running Again

Local Dentist May Have a Big Toothache

Update on our story Local Dentists. Are you being abused, taken for a ride in the chair?

You may have seen the glaring banner advertisement across the front page of the Ravena News Herald —not especially known for its ethics or its facts— placed by Coxsackie Dental Arts. Well, after all is said and done, Mr Kurt David Froehlich, the dentist operating Coxsackie Dental Arts, PLLC, may have a toothache of his own.

Coxsackie dentist Kurt D. Froehlich and Coxsackie Dental Arts may have a toothache of their own.

Coxsackie dentist Kurt D. Froehlich and Coxsackie Dental Arts may have a toothache of their own.

A local resident who visited Froehlich’s practice last year has filed a multi-allegation complaint for fraud, abuse, professional misconduct against Froehlich and Coxsackie Dental Arts with the NYS Department of Education, Professional Misconduct Enforcement, the NYS Attorney General’s Office, and the Greene County District Attorney, and the resident’s dental insurance company.

The resident has produced pretty convincing evidence that Ole Yanker Froehlich has been playing loose and crooked in his billing practices and his so-called care provided to patients.

Froehlich advertises a 15% discount for seniors and veterans but may charge up to 3-times what other local dentists charge for the same procedure. Pretty slick and shady if you ask us.

The complaint also alleges violations of professional licensing standards not only by Froehlich but also by two dental assistants employed by Coxsackie Dental Arts.

Coxsackie Dental Arts, PLLC is located on Route 9W in the town of Coxsackie. Our advice: Fraud and misconduct is rampant in the dental professions if the media coverage and the journal articles are to be believed. Even the American Dental Association, the ADA, has to admit that fraud in the dental office is a big problem and they have even published a manual on the subject. Be very careful selecting a dentist, insist on knowing what your dental care is going to cost and how much your dental plan covers; you are likely to be held liable for whatever your plan doesn’t cover. Ask questions, lots of questions. At the first sign of suspect conduct, contact the NYS Professional Misconduct Enforcement unit at the NYS Department of Education, Office of the Professions: New York’s Professional Misconduct Enforcement System.



For your continuing support!
The Editor



Our Picks for Local Elections on Tuesday, November 3rd

Who can argue the fact that we tell you what you need to know, not what the politicians and crooks want you to know so that they can live large at your expense.

Our readers know very well that we are not beholding to any political party; we hit them all pretty hard when they mess up. They hate us for our honesty and for the truth but Hey! Somebody’s gotta do it! You also know that we look very closely at experience, potential and job performance, not the circus performance we’ve all been seeing performed by the wannabe’s. We’ve already spilled a hell of a lot of ink telling you why some of the candidates are a definite NO! for our town halls and Albany County legislature. That’s why we are letting you know our picks for local government.

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Here are our recommendations:


For the Albany County Legislature:

YES! for Richard W. Mendick Albany County Legislator, District 36. ABSOLUTELY NO! for Matt-the-Mutt Miller (Click here to know  Why?)

Matt-the-Mutt Miller

NO! Matt-the-Mutt Miller!

For Town of Coeymans:

NO Youmans, NO Crandall,<br>NO Dolan, NO Touchette!

NO Youmans, NO Crandall,
NO Dolan, NO Touchette!

YES! for Stephen Flach Coeymans town supervisor. NO! for his dishonor dumbocrap Phil Crandall (Click here to Why?)

YES! for Bill Tryon Coeymans town board member. HELL NO! for dumbocrap Jim Youmans (Click here to know Why?)
YES! for Stephanie Hamilton Coeymans town board member. NO! for dumbocrap Dithering-Tom Dolan (Click here to know Why?)
YES! for Peter Masti Albany County Legislator, District 37. NO! for dumbocrap Rick Touchette (Click here to know Why? We also think Mr Touchette’s record of corruption and dishonesty knocks him off right from the start, that even despite the fact that Peter Masti is a dud, better a dud than a scoundrel in the Albany County legislative brothel! Masti’s a nurse so he should be able to wangle some Viagra to keep things up and going.)
YES! for Francis “Joe” Vitollo Albany County Executive. NO! for dumbocrap Dan McCoy (Click here to know Why? Democrap Swindle: Dan McCoy, Craig Apple, Tom Dolan do the Democrap Thing.)

For the Town of New Baltimore:

We’d like to note for our New Baltimore friends and Neighbors that the local rag, the Ravena News Herald, has again snubbed the town of New Baltimore and has not published a whit of information for NB residents on who’s running for what! Time to boycott the News Herald and the Johnson Newspaper mob! (We found only one short article on Dellisanti and Fullerton in the October 28, 2015, Daily Mail). Talk with your wallet and checkbooks! Stop buying the Ravena News Herald and stop advertising in the rags of the Johnson Newspaper mob!

Arthur Fullerton's Campaign Slogan

Arthur Fullerton’s
Campaign Slogan

YES! for Nick Delisanti  for New Baltimore Town Supervisor. DEFINITELY NO! for dumbocrap Arthur Fullerton (Click here to know Why?)

YES! for Alan VanWormer for New Baltimore Highway Superintendent, District 36. ABSOLUTELY NO! for dumbocrap Denis Jordan (Click here to know Why?)

YES! for Pat Linger Greene County Legislator, District 36. NO! for dumbocrap James “Jim” vanSlyke (Click here to know Why?)

Persson and Dunn are out of the race as far as we’re concerned. They have nothing to offer New Baltimore (they’re Chris Norris and Lisa Benway in Dunn and Persson suits. Persson is dull-dull-dull and hasn’t got the chance of a snowflake in hell! Dunn is done! Too many character issues and totally caca. The other candidates By the way, Norris and Benway have been conspicuously absent from NB board meetings for quite a while. Is that how the dumbocraps represent the people who vote for them?)

We sincerely hope that the information we publish on this blog helps you, our friends and neighbors, to make wiser and more informed choices when going to the polls. It’s our community and we have to serve it in whatever way we can. Please vote whichever way your heads and hearts point you but vote and vote conscientiously for the good of us all!

Please Vote Wisely The Editor

Please Vote Wisely
The Editor


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Posted by on October 31, 2015 in, Abuse of Public Office, AFL-CIO, Alan van Wormer, Albany, Albany County Elections, Albany County Executive, Albany County Executive, Albany County Legislature, Arlene McKeon, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Dorrance, Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carver Companies, Carver Companies, Carver Construction, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Catskill-Hudson Newspapers, Chris Gibson, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Church of St Patrick Ravena, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Elections, Coeymans Industrial Park, Coeymans Town Board, Columbia-Greene Media, Conflict of Interest, Conspiracy, Corruption, Craig Youmans, Daily Mail, Dan McCoy, Daniel McCoy, David Louis, David Wukitsch, Denis Jordan, Diane Jordan, Diane Louis, Dick Touchette, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, Elections and Voting, Endangering a Minor, Freedom, George Acker, George Amedore, George Langdon, Government, Greene County News, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, indifference to the safety and welfare of a child, Jean Horne, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John B. Johnson, John Luckacovic, Johnson Newspaper Group, Joseph Farrell, Judicial Misconduct, Kathy Rundberg, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Larry Conrad, Laverne Conrad, Lisa Benway, Marjorie Loux, Marjorie Loux, Mark Vinciguerra, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Mayor "Mouse" Misuraca, Media Bias, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Conservancy, New Baltimore Democratic Committee, New Baltimore Democrats, New Baltimore Elections, New Baltimore Elections, New Baltimore Republican Club, New Baltimore Town Budget, New York, New York State, New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, New York State United Teachers, News Herald, Nick Dellisanti, Nita Chmielewski, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, NYSUT, Obstruction of Justice, Peckham Materials, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phil Crandall, Phillip Crandall, Port of Coeymans, Public Corruption, Public Office, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena News Herald, RCS Central School District, RegisterStar, Reubenville, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Susan K. O'Rorke, Tainted Judge, Teacher Misconduct, Teachers Union, The Daily Mail, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Tom Dolan, Town Supervisor, Union Representative, United Federation of Teachers, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Think Before You Vote. Or Pay the Price Later!

loser poster

Jim Youmans and Tom Dolan are Losers!

WOW! This just in: We’ve acquired a copy of the October 26, 2015, Coeymans town board meeting. We will be publishing extracts of that meeting so that you can be aware of the stupidity of Youmans and Dolan, and you can hear for yourself what idiotic scoundrels they are. Or, you can go to Coeymans town hall and ask to listen to the recording, and decide for yourself! You be the judge! You’ll also hear residents telling Youmans and Dolan off for being such jerks, and for misleading the community. Tom Dolan, especially, gets a good whoop’n from one resident. You gotta hear the tape!

We’re Here to Tell You What They Don’t Want You to Know!

Politics is all about character, or should be. But all we, as voters, get to see is the big smiles, hear the big promises, and get the nice-guy treatment. But what you see is not what you get. Let’s take a deeper look at what’s available next week in the voting booths. And you thought the Walking Dead was scary? Read on!

Give me your (brain) vote!

Give me [your brain, and then] your vote!

We’ve already covered the Coeymanazi bunch of recycled politicians running for election or re-election in the town of Coeymans. Anyone with the memory of a cockroach would steer far away from these accidents looking for a place to happen:

We’ve already reported in considerable detail on the terrible choices the Coeymans Dumbocraps under Tom Dolan have this November 3. If you missed the article, you can read it at   Go to the article link above for The Crandall, Dolan, Touchette Connection: Wanna Be Sick?

croneyismPhil Crandall: We’ve already pointed out his problems — we’ve already written about them — so we won’t go into that again here. Just go to the article link above for details.

Rick Touchette: A charter member of the Crandall “do-me-a-favor” club. He’s a loser, too. Ran last election time and lost. Why would you want to have him again? Check out the link above.

Jim Youmans: This guy is the proverbial “used car salesman” with a lousy personality. He’s mean, nasty, and most people in Coeymans town hall want nothing to do with him. He joined the losers’ club when he lost his bid for re-election to town supervisor a couple of years ago. And didn’t Youmans show his true colors when he stomped out of the October 26th town board meeting. Jim Youmans is now publishing CONFIDENTIAL town information on FACEBOOK (obviously Tom Dolan is leaking this CONFIDENTIAL town information DESPITE the town attorney’s (a Democrat!) caution not to publish it yet. Youmans received a copy of the confidential draft document from Tom Dolan, and now Youmans is wrongfully publishing the information on FaceBook, in order to sabotage the town and to take advantage of the Dolan leaks. Youmans lifted the copy of the CONFIDENTIAL document from Tom Dolan’s table at the October 26th town meeting. Isn’t that theft?

While Jim Youmans is a bully, he did a lot of his damage using his tool, Touchette. Was Touchette willing to be Youmans’ tool or was it just that Touchette was easy to use. Either way, it doesn’t speak too highly of Touchette, not that anyone or anything would.

And Why? hasn’t anyone yet asked about Jim Youmans arrest record. He’s a well known bully but hasn’t anyone but a very few, including his victims, questioned his fitness for public office with an arrest record for harassment? Our information and reliable sources indicate that he and perhaps his wife also, were arrested for harassment. Sort of goes along with the reputation as a bully, doesn’t it?

Tom Dolan: This dimwit has kept the lights in Coeymans town hall dimmed for years now. He has a long history of scandal and questionable behavior regarding votes and voting, and misusing his position with the Choices program in Ravena-Coeymans. He’s Dithering Dolan, the political failure who, when he’s not exchanging benefits for votes from ghetto residents, he’s renaming the town. This guy is useless and a member of the Crandall “do-me-a-favor” club, and one of the crooks who got Crandall canned from his job as Coeymans town justice and part-time Ravena village justice for violating the NYS Judicial Laws Check out the link above. And didn’t Tom Dolan leak a confidential draft from the Comptroller’s report on the audit done this year, clearly labeled “CONFIDENTIAL“? Can’t Dithering-Dolan read? And you can thank Dithering-Dolan for the fine choices he’s provided in terms of unelectables on the Dumbocrap ticket; Old Tom Dithering-Dolan is the Coeymans Dumbocrap chairman and picks the Dumbocrap candidates. Just buddies helping buddies out –it’s called political cronyism a.k.a. corruption!

If you don’t think Touchette and Youmans are losers, ask anyone in Coeymans town hall who were unlucky enough to have had to work with them when they were in office before! Ask people like former Coeymans town supervisor Henry Traver, who was so abused by Youmans and Touchette, that he had to ask the Coeymans police to be present to prevent mahem at town executive sessions. Traver was terrified of Youmans, and Touchette, sneak that he is, backed Youmans’ lousy and cowardly behaviour. Youmans was a bully and nothing has changed. Just what we need back in Coeymans town hall and the county legislature, more thugs.


We don’t want to mention the dirty politics that went on when the Coeymans democraps were collecting signatures or the scandal about the absentee ballots. How can a Dumbocrap sign a Conservative petition and have the signature witnessed? Ask his dishonor, Phil Crandall and his son-in-law, Anthony “Tony” Walsh.  We won’t mention the fact that Crandall’s son-in-law Anthony “Tony” Walsh, Jenna Crandall’s husband, falsely witnessed the illegal signatures on Crandall’s petitions. Basically the same ethical violations for which Crandall was brought up on charges. How can Crandall’s son-in-law witness his father-in-law’s petition signatures — without being present when the petition was signed? Walsh signed as a witness but, according to reliable witnesses, allegedly wasn’t with the candidate, his father-in-law, when going door-to-door; you have to be either a notary or member of the party, but Walsh, a registered Conservative, just let Crandall go off and do what he wanted. Van Buren Street in Ravena, absentee-ballot capitol of the world, seems to be home base for these crooks.

Mike Albano: Me Retard!

The Phil Youmans mutant. If you see this, go Republican!

Now here’s another juicy bit of news: Mike Albano was caught red-handed by Joe Vitello, candidate for Albany County Executive, tearing down Vitello’s campaign signs;  Mike Albano is Phil Crandall’s father-in-law! Albano was caught red-handed by Vitello himself! We’ll be interested to see if any charges are pressed. Go figure.

Phil Youmans, a Phil Crandall–Jim Youmans mutant, goes around putting his signs right in front of Stephen Flach’s signs so that Flach’s are not visible. Seems that Dan McCoy Supporters are doing the same thing to Joe Vitello’s signs, so that they can’t be seen. Doesn’t the RCS school district have places for retards like Youmans and Albano? Yeah, it’s called special ed kindergarten. Or Albany County Jail. You choose.

And we don’t want to mention insider Nita Chmielewski, former failed town supervisor,she’s hot for Crandall. Wonder if she’s got her beady crossed eyes on a job as “confidential” secretary? Well, if she does you know one thing for certain: With Crandall’s record of unethical conduct and Chmielewski’s character, nothing will be safe, much less confidential! Or maybe Nutty Nita has her eye on the budget office. Be careful here! Remember Nita Chmielewski resigned as town supervisor over the flack she got for publishing a 10% budget increase. But do we have to mention that that 10% was an error resulting from Nitas problem doing simple math? Maybe it’s just best to keep Nutty Nita and her buddy disgraced ex-judge Phil Crandall as far away from Coeymans  town hall as possible. What do you think?

Peter Masti: Masti’s been taking up space on the Coeymans town council and that’s all he’s been doing. No, wait a minute, he likes to write letters to the editor of the Troy Record. Troy Record! Why doesn’t he put his opinions in the local rag, the Ravena News Herald? Well, Coeymans voters, if you haven’t figured it out yet, this California-transplant unbeliever-turned-bible-thumper from Hippyville-California doesn’t have much use for you, unless it’s as a stepping stone. Maybe he’s trying to keep his crazy ideas away from the local voters because they’re too “California-crazy” and wants to have his say but far and away.

Learn more about these characters and why you need to stay clear of them in the voting booth by visiting our article at The Crandall, Dolan, Touchette Connection: Wanna Be Sick?

Matt-the-Mutt Miller Has His Beady Eyes on a County Legislature Seat

Don’t Let that Happen!!!

Break the chain of corruption!

This blog has alerted the RCS school district, RCS taxpayers and RCS parents a number of times about Matthew J. Miller’s a.k.a. “Matt-the-Mutt’s” questionable morals and conduct. Matt Miller is a CROOK! We alerted RCS taxpayers about Miller’s deal with certain now extinct members of a former Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk board of education (under the Deluca mob) to be paid tens of thousands of tax dollars as “energy manager” for the school district. In other words, he told people to turn off the lights. This wouldn’t have been so bad if he weren’t DOUBLE-DIPPING! You see, he was also being paid FULL-TIME to teach, which he wasn’t doing either (see below). We guess that makes him a TRIPLE-DIPPING CROOK.

Matt-The-Mutt Miler 's a Loser!

Matt-the-Mutt Miller is a Loser!

If that’s not bad enough Matt-the-Mutt Miller allegedly told his RCS students that he’s an ATHEIST. Being an atheist is not big deal but telling impressionable and sensitive young people about your problem is a big deal. Parents: Do you want your teachers telling your kids about their personal beliefs? You’re trying to teach your kids to have values, morals, maybe even be good Christians, Jews, or Muslims, and their teacher is telling them he’s an atheist. So, Mr Miller, what do you do when it comes to the pledge of allegiance? Remember “One nation under God”? Do you refuse to pledge? Or do you make believe and pledge? Or the US dollar, “In God we trust.” Do you get paid double-dipper dollars or in rubles? You’re worse than a simple hypocrite, you’re a crooked hypocrite.

Iff you check out Miller’s LinkedIn page at Matt Miller you’ll have to wonder if his campaign head shot isn’t 25 years old at least. Compare Miller’s LinkedIn photo with the photo from 2014 and you’ll have to ask when he got his facelift? But Matt-the-Mutt’s face really isn’t the issue here. The issue is whether he’s fit for elected office and that is a no-brainer: He’s not. He arrogantly lists on his LInkedIn page that he’s been 14 years Local Union president, 3 years Union Treasurer/PAC chair (PAC is the RCS “political action committee”), 6 years District Energy Manager he means the RCS school district, during which time he was double- or even triple dipping for at an average rate of $8,000 a year, stealing tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars!). He seems to be real proud of his teachers union connection; he says more about that than he does about the RCS central school district. But that makes sense; he’s probably used the district as much as he can and now wants to move on. Like now we thinks he’s going to get a seat on the county legislature for the 39th district. Only if real fools vote, and only then.


Matt-the-Mutt (2014)

Matt Miller(2015)

Matt Miller (2015)

Matt-the-mutt wrongfully and improperly, Yes! cowardly, encouraged students to be uncivil and disrespectful when sending comments to a local blog, this blog, when he didn’t have the balls to comment himself. That’s what your tax dollars are paying for with Miller: an education in how to be  uncivil, disrespectful and deviant. Just like Matt Miller.

For years Matt Miller has been the local NYSUT (New York State United Teachers) sockpuppet in the RCS school district. He’s the teachers union representative in the district. But here’s where he gets he dubious distinction of being a triple-dipper at taxpayer expense: He is paid a full-time teacher salary but has a reduced teaching load so he can do his union work! So, do you think his union work is in your interests or the kids’ interest? Guess again! He works for the union and you’re paying for it! Triple-dipping crook Miller.

So, now Matt-the-Mutt Miller wants you, the town of Bethlehem, to elect him to be an Albany County Legislator. That’s just what the already crooked, corrupt Albany political machine needs like a hole in the head: another corrupt crook! So, go ahead, put the atheist, double-triple-dipper, union lackey Matt Miller in a legislator’s chair in Albany. You don’t have to be a nuclear physicist to guess whose interests he’ll be serving there: the union’s and his own!

Church of St Patrick RavenaPope Paul VI: “The smoke of Satan has entered the church through a small crack.” In Ravena’s St Pat’s RC, that’s a mighty big crack

And then we have Saint Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Ravena, the favorite watering hole for the Ravena-Coeymans Incest Club and the Coemanazi Coalition. St Pat’s is where “Dirty Hands Jerry” Deluca and Bottle-blond fitness club failure Cathy Deluca hang out. It’s where Phil Crandall, Rich Touchette and other “good Catholics” go to collect political capital and play the hypocrite in saint’s robes. It’s where Crandal, Touchette, Dolan and their kind go to hand out holiday turkeys as if they were their own, and getting credit for the generous gifts. Pope Paul VI made the famous statement that “The smoke of Satan has entered the church through a small crack.” In Ravena’s St Pat’s, that’s a mighty big crack that lets in the likes of the Crandalls, Touchettes and Delucas. And you wonder why churches are avoided by the honest and good people of the community?

New Baltimore

Does anyone know any of these people running for office in New Baltimore? Does anyone know anything about these people who

Who are they?

Who are they?

are asking for your votes? We’ve lived here practically our entire lives and those names might as well be from Kansas! Well, pretty close: Arthur Fullerton is from Arkansas. Really!!!
Let’s start with the candidates for New Baltimore supervisor. We have the incumbent, Nick Delisanti. Delisanti is a pussy-cat in a business suit but is doing a sincere,  honest and decent job in town hall. Actually, the worst thing he has done since voted into the supervisor’s office is make the stupid statement, “Republicans appoint republicans.” We think he’s paid enough for that stupid remark, and if he’s smart he’ll be grateful for the non-Republicans who put him where he is.

Delisanti team finalizes a balanced budget for New Baltimore!

This just in: At the October 26, 2015, town council meeting Mr Delisanti and his team passed the preliminary New Baltimore town budget with no net increase and no more deficit; it’s balanced! (There is no longer an operating deficit as there was in 2012, 2013, 2014!). Only 1% pay increase to hourly-wage town employees. A slight increase in health benefits for employees and retirees, which was due to the insurer, not to any action by the board. Again, Delisanti and his team have kept the town budget under control. The final budget is slated for discussion and for final approval at the November 9, 2015, town board meeting.  Thank you!

But Delisanti and his team have cleaned up New Baltimore Town Hall and have put policies in place to ensure transparency and accountability. Some people don’t like that. They call themselves New Baltimore Dumbocraps and they take their orders from witch-on-a-stick Diane Louis.

What Delisanti has done together with his team is clean up the crooked and incompetent mess left by two dumbocraps, Louis and O’Rorke, and their dumbocrap friends. Remember when the most recent dumbocrap, Susan O’Rorke, left town hall, all the computers were wiped clean of data, records either disappeared or were locked up tight and no one seemed to have a key. (We still wonder why those responsible for that didn’t end up in jail.) That’s an example New Baltimore dumbocrap transparency and accountability with town dumbocrap chairman Diane Louis’ clique. Those of us who watch the New Baltimore dumbocraps know what sneaks and crooks they are. New Baltimore Dumbocraps don’t do their business in New Baltimore town hall, they do it at (or under) the bar at the Boat House (the New Baltimore Dumbocrap HQ and town hall).

Fullerton's a Loser!

Arthur Fullerton is a Loser!

This is a good place to deal with another phoney running for public office: New Baltimore’s answer to Coeyman’s Jim Youmans: Arthur Fullerton. Some character with a mega-ego, Arthur Fullerton, another unknown, has been put up for New Baltimore town supervisor by the New Baltimore Dumbocraps, and is another Louis sockpuppet. Fullerton is from Arkansas (Bill Clinton’s state) and is a recent implant, a carpetbagger as they were called in years past, in New Baltimore. Fullertons’s big on stealing credit from others and using it to make himself look real pretty. Just look at his gimme-your-vote card we all got in the mail. Nothing about Fullerton just about his ancestors. Big deal!

Fullerton’s website is just as big a pile of bullshit as Fullerton is; full of rhetoric and lies and little real information for voters. Did you expect anything else from a Diane Louis lackey?

We said earlier that Fullerton doesn’t really represent anything substantial and his website says it all: He has a tab, a section on “Issues.” (click here to read Fullerton’s “issues“). The self-proclaimed communicator and consultant Arthur Fullerton apparently has no understanding of what issues are but he has enough issues of his own. His issues page is about as empty as Fullerton’s credibility chest! And if we rely on Fullerton’s press releases (go to “Press Releases“) to get some idea about Fullerton and his plans for New Baltimore, all we get is Fullterton’s concerns for cell phone reception and the New Baltimore town newsletter. Are those the biggest issues facing this town, Mr Fullerrton? Well maybe in Fullerton’s empty dumbocrap head. Some of us have bigger fish to fry (right now it’s keeping corruption and idiots out of New Baltimore town hall, starting with Arthur Fullerton!).

The problem with Arthur Fullerton is that he can’t get his facts straight or is an outright liar. Probably both. One example is the propaganda he’s been putting out about the New Baltimore town newsletter. Fart-face Fullerton claims on the website “Bring Back the New Baltimore Town Newsletter” but incorrectly and inaccurately that, “New Baltimore had a great informative town newsletter for many years. The current administration choose to kill it.” WRONG! That’s an example of Fullerton’s version of incorrect facts. It was actually the O’Rorke administration that eliminated the New Baltimore town newsletter, not the Dellisanti administration. It was Fullerton’s own party-partners, Diane Louis and Susan O’Rorke and their cronies who eliminated the New Baltimore town newsletter. So let’s get that little bit of misinformation corrected like yesterday!

Fullerton is not strong on issues. Actually, Fullerton hasn’t really said much about issues in the town of New Baltimore, has he? Well, except for the bid lie about the newsletter and that’s got to be one of the biggies we all are losing sleep over. Isn’t it? What’s Fullerton’s stand on getting Mr Denis Jordan to comply with the law and with town policies about spending and approvals for contracts? How about that one? But it’s unlikely Mr Fullerton will be much interested in stuff like that since Mr Denis Jordan is a party-pal.

Mr Fullerton is really a big bag of wind blowing warmly from Diane Louis’sagging butt. Fullerton is a paid-in-full, dyed in the wool member of the misinformation party, the give-it-all away party, the me-mine-it’s mine party, the New Baltimore Dumbocraps. So, if you like being misused, left out, and if you want to give away what little you have left to the New Baltimore incest club, Fullerton’s your man. Can you live with that?

Denis Jordan

Driving through New Baltimore you can almost guess where you’ll see a “Denis Jordan for Highway Superintendent” campaign sign.

corrupt official

And you can pretty much assume that where you see a Denis Jordan campaign sign that the property owner is on the Denis Jordan gift list; that’s the gift list that Denis Jordan has for people he likes to do special favors for at taxpayer expense. Most of us are on the Denis Jordan blacklist; the list of residents that Denis Jordan refuses services to despite the fact we pay taxes.

If you have a Denis Jordan sign on your lawn, you’re probably getting favors from him for your vote!

Favors? Bribes?Denis Jordan has been a Dumbocrap fixture for years and has been misusing and wasting New Baltimore money and resources since he’s been superintendent. He refuses to obey the law when he makes purchases for the highway department. He makes deals with his friends. It’s easy to be a dumbocrap fixture if you’re stone ignorant and corrupt.

Jordan flatly refuses to comply with town of New Baltimore purchasing and contracts policies, which were put into place to provide voters and residents as well as auditors with transparency and accountability. These policies were put into place by the Dellisanti team when, to their horror, they found that previous administrations didn’t have any, ignored them if they had them, or just looked the other way when Jordan played his unlawful games with taxpayer money. After all, how was Louis and O’Rorke going to get their driveways plowed? And wasn’t it Jordan who refused to plow out the fire department’s driveways and parking lots? What does that tell you about Jordan?

Not enough for you to consider Alan VanWormer to replace Jordan? Read on…

Here are some snippets you’re probably unaware of about Mr Jordan:

  • Denis Jordan has about 17 years with the New Baltimore highway department (Alan VanWormer has 25+).
  • Jordan demoted Alan VanWormer from his position as deputy superintendent as soon as Jordan found out VanWormer wanted to run against him. We guess that Jordan is a big fan of fair play. NOT!
  • George Acker, Independence Party county chairman, gave Alan VanWormer a promise of support and backing from the Independence Party; Denis Jordan’s signatures were thrown out. Denis Jordan failed miserably in the primaries.
  • Denis Jordan has no respect for highway department employees (ask them!). For example, one employee had a heart attack, was transported to the hospital by ambulance, in hospital and Jordan throws a fit because the employee can’t come in. Another employee is diagnosed with thyroid cancer, on chemotherapy, has side effects and can’t come back to work as planned. Jordan asks him if he wants to keep his job. Is that the kind of guy you’d like to work for?
  • Jordan orders highway department employees not to speak to a certain community leader if they see him. Jordan obviously never heard of the First Amendment or of common courtesy. We’re not surprised, he’s a dumbocrap.
  • The famous Jordan-Halstead truck deal: A couple of years ago (during the Louis administration), Halstead bought some trucks from Denis Jordan. Halstead then sold the trucks back to the town. Smell any corruption here?
  • According to the Office of the New York State Comptroller, in an audit the Comptroller found that Jordan’s department was in violation of the New York State General Municipal Law regarding highway spending, contracts and quotes required for purchases. According to our information, Jordan is pulling some illegal tricks and is still not complying with state laws.
  • When summoned by the New Baltimore town council to answer questions on his spending and purchasing practices, Denis Jordan fails to appear but sends his attorney, Maeve Tooher, recently resigned (August 24, 2015) from the NB planning board, to respond for him. Tooher, in an outrageous display of ignorance and defensiveness, defends Jordan’s violations!
  • Jordan submits to the New Baltimore town council a bogus corrective action plan.
  • Jordan, together with former Dumbocrap Louis-lackey Susan O’Rorke decide that they are not going to plow the Medway Grapeville fire department property. Marylyn Woodhall, a close friend of Denis Jordan, together with Jeane Horne are on the Fire Board. The fire departments have had to get outside companies to plow. Fire district funds down the chute!
  • Denis Jordan, while refusing to plow fire department property, still plows New Baltimore Conservancy dumbocraps’ parking lot for $1. (Still Wondering why the New Baltimore Conservancy is supporting Arthur Fullerton and Denis Jordan? The Conservancy is on the Jordan gift-list!)
  • When we talk about Denis Jordan’s gift-list friends you might want to ask some residents on Washington Avenue why their buildings are collapsing because of poor roadway and drainage maintenance! Or ask a couple of New Baltimore residents why they still don’t have the collapsed culverts repaired (Ask Bernie Jones or Patty Hildebrandt, for example, what the response has been from Mr Jordan and his department).
  • Since the 2013 Comptroller’s audit, the O’Rorke administration provided Mr Jordan with a computer so that he could comply with the New York state purchasing and contracts laws, look up bids, etc. (See the O’Rorke administration’s bogus Corrective Action Plan in response to the Comptroller’s audit. The Comptroller’s 2010 audit found the same issues as the 2013 audit. Nothing changed!). But Mr Jordan is still 100% computer illiterate. Why is that?
  • We have foiled public access information from Denis Jordan’s highway department and have found that Jordan does not keep complete records! No records for drain or drainage work on Madison Avenue East or New Street in the National Historic District. None at all!
  • Mr Jordan has a very special relationship with Peckham Materials (road paving materials etc.), but they’re not even in Greene County! But why would Jordan pay more for materials from Peckham than he would have to pay locally? Why does Jordan refuse to get bids and quotes for the materials? Answer: Because Jordan is incompetent, corrupt, and doesn’t know the first thing about contracts!
  • Finally, even though the New Baltimore town council under Nick Delisanti has purchasing policies in place to ensure compliance with the law and to provide responsible management of taxpayer dollars and to provide taxpayers with transparency and accountability, Jordan is fighting them tooth and claw. He refuses to comply with the law and with policy. He’s even breaking down purchases into multiple orders and invoices to avoid having to get approval for the amount of the whole purchase. What’s the problem Mr Jordan? Got something to hide?
Denis Jordan's a Loser!

Denis Jordan is a Major Loser!

That’s why Denis Jordan needs to go on November 3. Jordan needs to be replaced by Alan VanWormer, who has more experience, has been with the New Baltimore Highway Department longer, knows the business, and will provide the  transparency and accountability we all fairly expect from an elected official but can’t seem to get from Denis Jordan.

We may never be able to uncover all of Denis Jordan’s corruption — there’s just too much and it’s been going on for far too long —  but at least with someone new in the job, we can keep an eye on what the new guy does in the highway department right from the start..

VanSlyke vs Linger for Greene County Legislature:

Mr Jim VanSlyke is running for re-election to the Greene county legislature. Mr Pat Linger is opposing him. We think a statement made by Mr vanSlyke at a recent New Baltimore town board meeting sums up Mr vanSlyke: “As a county legislator we get some money that we can give away. I have to give mine to Catskill, Cairo and Windham, because there aren’t enough organizations in New Baltimore who ask for it.” (paraphrased by informant). We expect Mr vanSlyke to have his finger on the pulses of the communities in his territory and that he should know who they are and if they need support; vanSlyke should announce the availability of the funds and organizations could then apply for them. What’s wrong with you, Mr vanSlyke? What in hell are you doing, anyway?

You can stop corruption! The Editor

You can stop corruption! The Editor


Posted by on October 27, 2015 in AFL-CIO, Alan van Wormer, Albany, Albany County Executive, Albany County Executive, Albany County Legislature, Albany County Sheriff Department, Arlene McKeon, Barbara Finke, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, BOCES, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carver Companies, Carver Companies, Carver Construction, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Catholic, Catholic Church, Cathy Deluca, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Church of St Patrick Ravena, Civil Right Violation, Coeymans, Coeymans Elections, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Board Meeting, Conflict of Interest, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., Dan McCoy, Daniel McCoy, Daniel P. McCoy, David Lewis, David Louis, David Soares, Democrap, Denis Jordan, Diane Jordan, Diane Lewis, Diane Louis, Dick Touchette, Dumbocrap, Edward B. Scharfenberger, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elections and Voting, Fr James Kane, George Acker, George Amedore, George Dardiani, George Langdon, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Greene County Elections, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Independence Party, Jean Horne, Jeff Ruso, Jenna Crandall, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Joan Ross, John B. Johnson, John Luckacovic, Johnson Newspaper Group, Kathy Rundberg, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Kevin Reilly, Larry Conrad, Laverne Conrad, Lisa Benway, Marjorie Loux, Mark Vinciguerra, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Misconduct, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Conservancy, New Baltimore Democratic Committee, New Baltimore Democrats, New Baltimore Elections, New Baltimore Elections, New Baltimore Highway Department, New Baltimore Republican Club, New Baltimore Town Budget, New Baltimore town council, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State United Teachers, Nick Dellisanti, Nita Chmielewski, NYS Senate, NYSUT, Paul Courcelle, Peckham Materials, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phil Crandall, Phillip Crandall, Port of Coeymans, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena News Herald, RCS Central School District, Richard Touchette, Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, Selkirk, Sharon Bradbury, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, Susan K. O'Rorke, Teachers Association, Teachers Union, Thomas E. Dolan, Tom Dolan, Town Board Meeting, Town of Bethlehem, Town Supervisor, Transparency, Uncategorized, William Bailey, William Bailey, William Misuraca, William Misuraca


Resident SLAMS!!! Ravena Trustless Nancy Warner

We recently published an email sent by Nancy Warner to a local resident unlawfully denying him his rights to access information under the New York State Freedom of Information Law, and telling him he’s “wasting taxpayer money.” We pointed out in our article that Warner was way out of line and was the last one who should be telling anyone they’re wasting taxpayer money. Maybe Warner feels that stealing taxpayer money is better than wasting it, after all Nancy Warner knows how to do both. But back to the subject of this article:



Ravena Resident Pokes Nancy Warner in the Eye. OUCH!

Far from being a trustee, Nancy Warner should be a “Trustless” but you can trust Warner to grab any moment to act like she’s mayor of Ravena. She’s not and this resident tells her so. Read on…

Dear Trustee Warner:

Thank you for your kind but inappropriate email response of 4/29/15. While you are entitled to your personal opinions, you would be well advised to avoid abrogating authorities to yourself that are not yours to exercise. You do not have the implied or explicit authority in your present purview to respond to or to deliberate unilaterally and independently of the Village Board on matters concerning the instant subject matter. Furthermore, you are egregiously overreaching any implicit or explicit authorities when you attempt to limit or to deny me the rights clearly established under the provisions of the New York State Pubic Officers Law (a.k.a. the NYS Freedom of Information Law or “F.O.I.L.”) and any such attempt, implicit or worse still explicit, as represented by your e-mail, may expose you and the Village of Ravena to investigation or even prosecution. Need I remind you at this point of the current investigation relating to the Village Board’s unlawful abuse of power in the [name redacted but it concerns the Ravena Planning Board] case? You need to learn to put a lid on it and to control your megalomaniac ego, Ms. Warner.

At the risk of repeating myself, you had no business whatsoever and no authority whatsoever to arrogantly assume a position not yours by responding unilaterally and without mandate to an inquiry not in your purview. You have repeatedly failed to provide any documentation on how my building went from four to five units. You have never provided documentation with my signature (since none exists), I have repeatedly questioned how and when I went to from four to five units, which is your (Village of Ravena) basis for my water/sewer billing. One has to wonder who you think you are. Better still, one has to remind you who you are; you tend to forget. You are an elected officer of the Village of Ravena and a servant of the residents and community of Ravena. You are nothing more but may be much less, depending on one’s perspective.

You were way out of line in your response to my email. (I was simply requesting who and when will the village attorney contact me from a previous e-mail sent from the village to me six weeks ago; in short a follow up).   The Mayor, and Mr. Mahler and Mr. Coye are the trustees overseeing the water/sewer/building departments, and the zoning/planning  boards respectively.  When it is time to discuss any issue, I will contact them first. Obviously, you are not on those committees or boards and accordingly you have no business injecting yourself into matters concerning them unless explicitly invited to do so; you have not been so invited to my knowledge.

You appear to need a reminder that village elected officers and village staff have obligations and duties to the public under their oaths of office. This is undisputed fact and has been laid down clearly in town and village law, public officers law, administrative law, and yes, in criminal law.  As you are aware, “misprision”  requires one to report crime or a violation of law; you, especially as a public servant, are obligated to report unlawful or illegal activity or or risk prosecution yourself, even if that illegal or unlawful activity is your own. I realize that’s a very regrettable situation you may find yourself in but you yourself are to blame. Your history and record of abuse of office and abuse of citizens’ protected rights is long and documented. You would be well advised to cease and desist with immediate effect your unlawful interference and obstruction of other village employees in their diligent, even if it is somewhat clumsy, execution of their duties and responsibilities under the law. In other words, Ms. Warner, back off and butt out. Should I have an issue with village staff, I shall take it up with them on an informal amicable basis; as I have for the past 25 years.  Should that approach fail,  I shall address and discuss any such issues with the Chief Executive Officer of the Village of Ravena, the Mayor, who I believe continues to be Mr. William Misuraca, not YOU.

Should you have any questions regarding this communication, please do not hesitate to appropriately, that is, within the limits of your authority, to contact me. I shall be pleased to discuss anything you may find difficult to understand or impossible to grasp; simply send me a courteous, civil e-mail.

In the meantime, please accept my sincere appreciation of your most recent communication; I indeed appreciate it for what it is.

[Name withheld by request]

OUCH!!! You been had, Nancy Warner!!!

And BRAVO for you, Ravena resident and taxpayer!!! More of your neighbors should follow your example. Their lives might improve dramatically!

Bravo for You! Sock It to her The Editor

Bravo for You!
Sock It to her!
The Editor

Stay Tuned

We might be about to bust the Ravena Incest Club wide open!

We’re not done yet with the scandal behind the Ravena Health and Fitness Center and some of the unlawful finagling that went on using Ravena taxpayer money, public funds. We have a village of Ravena document that appears to split the village payment of $40,000 for the used fitness equipment for Cathy DELUCA’s pigpen. It appears that one check was made out to the NATIONAL BANK OF COXSACKIE in the amount of $18,000.00 and the other check was made out to Bob Fisk’s wife/concubine, Deborah FARHRBACH.  But the Bill of Sale signed by Deborah FAHRBACH and notarized by Michael Biscone’s secretary, Sharon E. DEWSBURY, clearly states that Fahrbach and Fisk are the “legal owners of the equipment” and that there are “no liens or encumbrances” on the equipment. If all that is true and Deborah FAHRBACH wasn’t perjuring herself by making a false oath, something simply doesn’t add up here. Question is: if . was the seller of the used fitness equipment, why did two checks have to be made out? One was a check made out to the National Bank of Coxsackie and the other to Fahrbach? Michael BISCONE is the attorney for National Bank of Coxsackie (Ravena) and acts also as Ravena village attorney. Was Michael BISCONE Bob Fisk’s or Fahrbach’s attorney, too? Is that why Biscone’s secretary notarized the Bill of Sale for the used equipment? Could it be that Robert FISK (a Persico on his mother’s side) owed the NATIONAL BANK OF COXSACKIE a note on the equipment the bank manager — at the time, Donna BISCONE —, would look bad if there were a bad debt? If that were so, then Fahrbach did perjure herself when she stated that Fahrbach and Fisk were the legal owners and that there were no liens or encumbrances on the equipment. What if Fisk had IRS tax liens in 2000 and bad credit, and had to get out from and under what was owed? So they went to the “cookie jar” (Ravena taxpayers money) to get some honey-money? So  do we have the PERSICO and BISCONE clans working together. Former mayor John T. BRUNO was hot on getting the RCS Community Library out of the building and in correspondence notes that his cousin, Josephine BRUNO (Prudential Realty), was brokering the deal. and was pushing to get the village of Ravena to get the equipment out of the building on 172 Main Street, Ravena. Nancy WARNER is a BISCONE, in addition to Donna BISCONE (retired); a National Bank of Coxsackie manager/director, Donald PERSICO, is apparently one of the PERSICO clan. Add Michael BISCONE, who is attorney for the village of Ravena AND for the National Bank of Coxsackie, and may have represented Bob FISK, too. But Fisk is related through is mother to the Persicos of Ravena, too. Looks like we might be on to something here. This is HOT! So stay tuned! We might be about to bust the Ravena Incest Club wide open! (Don’t relax yet, Jerry PERRINE, Larry CONRAD. We’re not done with you yet, either.)


Posted by on May 4, 2015 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, Abuse, Abuse of Power, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, ACLU, Albany, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, American Civil Liberties Union, Annette Demitraszek, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Burning the Constitution, Carver Companies, Carver Construction, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Chris Gibson, Civil Right Violation, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Committee on Open Government, Conspiracy, Corruption, County & Municipal Employees, Craig D. Apple Sr., David Soares, David Wukitsch, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Elected Official, Eric T. Schneiderman, F.O.I.L., Fitness Center, Freedom of Information Law, George Amedore, Government, Hudson Valley, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, Joel Coye, John Luckacovic, Keith Mahler, Keith Mahler, Kris Biernacki, Kristine Biernacki, Kristine Biernacki, Larry Conrad, Laverne Conrad, Lazlo Polyak, Mary Ellen Rosato, Mayor "Mouse", Mayor "Mouse" Misuraca, Mayor Bruno, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Official Misconduct, P. David Soares, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Building Inspector, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Elections, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena Village Board, Ravena Village Budget, SaxBST, Stephen Flach, Stifling Freedom, Thomas E. Dolan, Tom Dolan, Transparency, Verbal Abuse, William Bailey, William Misuraca


Ravena gives Clerk-Treasurer Private Lessons @ $310/hour!!!

The Village of Ravena, that is, Nancy Warner, has hired an Albany accounting consulting firm, SaxBST, to provide Quickbooks training to Ravena Clerk-Treasurer Annette  Demitraszek paying the consultant doing the training, Lynda P. Smith, $175.00/hour and the other consultant, a SaxBST partner, Willard G. Reynolds, $310.00/hour. Question is: Why isn’t the village of Ravena using some of the less expensive training available? Question is: Why does the village of Ravena have to spend $18,000 for the first year fee to have SaxBST train Demitraszek when someone already with the knowledge should have been hired? Question is: Why hasn’t Nancy Warner, who claims to have 30 years in Ravena village hall training her so-called clerk-treasurers? Question is: If Nancy Warner is so damned concerned about “wasting taxpayer dollars” why is she hiring SaxBST at the rate of $300.00/hour?

Village of Ravena Accounting Principal

Village of Ravena Accounting Principle

Why is Ravena Paying $310.00/hour or $18,000 a Year to Provide Private Lessons for the Clerk-Treasurer?

Nancy Warner, the Ravena village trustee, who is so concerned about wasting taxpayer money when responding to residents’ requests or problems, despite her gung-ho support of the money pit Ravena Health and Fitness Center that devoured more than $200,000 of taxpayer money, while paying fitness-center virus Cathy Deluca more than $60,000 of that money to run yet another fitness center into oblivion, has done it again!

We have received paperwork that shows that Nancy Warner has contracted an outside consultant firm to train her two sockpuppets, Annette Demitraszek and Kristine Biernacki, how to use  Quickbooks accounting software. That’s all well and good but here’s where it gets to be a scandal:

Nancy Warner and her cronies on the Ravena village board headed by Ravena mayor Bill “Mouse” Misuraca, Joel Coye, Keith Mahler and Bill Bailey, are spending what looks like $18,000 at a rate of $300.00/hour to the consultant firm to train the gals on site at the Ravena Village Hall.

We’re not only questioning the wisdom and the logic behind spending that kind of money on consultant fees, we’ve got an even better question for Nancy Warner: If you’ve been on board at Ravena village hall for more than 30 years, earlier as village clerk and then as village trustee, this “training” should have been done way back then. What this means is that until now, village accounting and bookkeeping was not being done correctly (the Comptroller’s audits have already pointed this fact out on several occasions). Why is it that village staff are being trained now and at such great cost to taxpayers? Accounting practices and laws don’t change over night; if the state does change practices and laws for villages and towns, they send out bulletins and advisories announcing the pending changes. Where was Ravena village administration when all of this was happening, Nancy? Bill Bailey? Were you asleep on watch? Wasn’t this your responsibility, Nancy Warner?

Yeah! Nancy. That's what we thought your answer would be!

Yeah! Nancy. That’s what we thought your answer would be!

Now, we know you’re just dying to know where the money for this irresponsible and insane spending spree is coming from, so we’d like to tell you.

The firm providing the training is the Albany accounting, taxation, and advisory firm, SaxBST, located on Computer Drive. They don’t necessarily provide “training” but are providing their services as consultants (consultants are astronomically more expensive than mere “trainers”). One of the partners, Willard J. Reynolds, who is providing “services” bills at the rate of $310.00/hour. The other “trainer”, Lynda P. Smith, who isn’t even listed on the SaxBST site, bills at a rate of $170.00/hour.
According to the papers we have received, per a document stamped “Received” by the “Town Clerk” on April 24, 2015, the Village of Ravena was billed $5,550.00 on November 30, 2014 for a meeting with “the mayor, 2 board members, Annette.” That invoice shows the proposed first year fee of $18,000 (less the $5,550 billed, leaving a balance of $12,450). The village of Ravena was billed $2,867.00 on December 31, 2014 for “meetings with Annette” and “in-office discussions and research” by Smith (15 hours) and Reynolds (3/4 of an hour). The balance of the first year fee on December 31, 2014 was $9,583.00. We can’t seem to locate the line item for these expenses in the 2015-16 Ravena Village Budget, so where’s the balance supposed to coming from?

Back to where the money was coming from to pay this extravagance. The SaxBST invoice for $5550.00 was vouchered and processed for payment on or around December 15, 2014. The SaxBST invoice for $2867.00 was received by the Village of Ravena on January 12, 2006, and approved for payment.

So where is the village of Ravena, Nancy Warner, finding the cash to pay for all of this. Well, we didn’t have to look far. All we had to do is look on the payment vouchers and then at the line items in the Village of Ravena budget, and match them up. You see, Nancy Warner and the village of Ravena board are tapping several other accounts to get their hands on the money. For example, to pay the $5550.00 they used $3885.00 from line item A1320.426 (Auditor-Contractual Services), $832.00 from line item F1320.426 (Auditor-Contractual Services), and $832.00 from line item G1320.426 (Auditor-Contractual Services). To pay the $2867.00 they used $2006.90 from line item A1320.426 (Auditor-Contractual Services), $430.00 from line item F1320.426 (Auditor-Contractual Services), and $430.00 from line item G1320.426 (Auditor-Contractual Services). They just barely made it in the 2014-15 budget but it doesn’t appear that they will in the 2015-16 budget because two of the line items: F1320.426 (Auditor-Contractual Services) and G1320.426 (Auditor-Contractual Services) don’t appear in that budget. So our question is: Where are they going to get the balance of more than $9,000 to cover the outstanding balance for the year’s SaxBST fees?

Click on this link to download the actual documents we are referring to: FOILed Ravena Vouchers

Now get this: Nancy Warner is the contact person shown on the correspondence from SaxBST. Annette Demitraszek, the assistant clerk-treasurer, a Bruno appointee and a Misuraca re-appointee, official Nancy-Warner-sockpuppet, is the village employee, the “authorized official” who is certifying and approving the expenditure. Now isn’t that delicious: Nancy Warner, who is so concerned about wasting taxpayer dollars, is having her cronies privately trained on site, on village time by consultants billing at the rate of $175/h and $310/hour!!! And guess who is certifying and approving the payment of the fat invoices? None other than the very person receiving the training and benefits: Annette Demitraszek, village of Ravena clerk-treasurer! Anybody smell a rat yet?

About $20 from Amazon or Barnes&Noble!

About $20 from Amazon or Barnes&Noble!

So we did a little research on Quickbooks training. You can get a 2-day mastery course for $499.00  and do it on line with Intuit, who has trained more than 2 million government and business clients and for $999.99 you can become a Quickbooks VIP member and enjoy extended benefits . We won’t go into the benefits of these programs but will mention that local community colleges have ongoing courses for Quickbooks in their continuing education programs. Why didn’t the dumbasses in Ravena village hall consider any of these options? Because it’s easier to sit on their fat asses in village hall and spend Ravena taxpayer’s dollars. That’s why.

Better still, buy the Quickbooks for Dummies — if Demitrazek and the Ravena village board can qualify as dumbasses, they’ll ace the dummies course —, available from Amazon or Barnes&Noble for the outrageous price of $20.00. Now why didn’t Nancy Warner think of that?

We’d also like to speculate that there’s something in this wild spending to benefit someone in village hall. Why would Ravena’s elected officials be so irresponsible and expose themselves to such scandalous ridicule if they weren’t getting something big in return. What’s in it for Nancy Warner, we’d like to ask? It just wouldn’t make sense being so irresponsible so openly if they weren’t getting something considerable in return. Kickbacks? Favors? We do know that Annette Demitraszek is walking away with knowledge obtained in private lessons by some pretty pricey tutors, and she’s doing it on your tab. It’ll look good on her résumé when she goes job hunting when Ravena taxpayers demand she be fired, and Nancy Warner’s brought up on charges.

Now don’t you think you should be attending village of Ravena village board meetings and asking some questions about how your money is being spent?

Nancy Warner Managing Ravena Taxpayer DollarsThe Editor

Nancy Warner: How to Manage Ravena Taxpayer Dollars
The Editor


They ran promising transparency and accountability. New Baltimore and Ravena: Check is in the mail.

tyrant_croppedVillage of Ravena

Many of us have experienced the hell of trying to get the village of Ravena to cough up public access information using the so-call F.O.I.L. (Freedom of Information Law) process established under the New York State Public Officers Law. Nancy Warner and her minions, Annette Demitraszek and Kristine Biernacki. It was bad under the Bruno tyranny but not much has changed. They manage to either delay indefinitely, to forget, or to refuse to produce the information requested. Seems it doesn’t bother them that they are violating citizens’ rights to public information or that they are breaking the law.

Our recommendation to the resident who received Nancy Warner’s unprofessional and illicit e-mail: Tell Ms Warner she has no authority to have written any email addressing the resident’s specific inquiry. She is not a sitting member of any committee competent to respond nor is she in any official position to represent the village board on her own. She was out of order and out of bounds when she responded, and the resident should tell her in no uncertain terms that has no authority to have addressed the e-mail to the resident. In other words, the resident should tell Ms Warner to place her broad bottom on the sharp end of a tack; sit on it.

Nancy Warner's Handling of Resident Inquiries How the Village of Ravena Responds to F.O.I.L. Requess

Nancy Warner’s Handling of Resident Inquiries
How the Village of Ravena Responds to F.O.I.L. Requests

Nor does it seem to bother them that they took oaths to serve the public, obey the law and to protect the Constitution. Mayor “Mouse” Misuraca is the village F.O.I.L. appeals officer, which means that he’s the one you have to rely on to overrule Nancy Warner and her sock puppets, Demitraszek and Biernacki, but he’s just a low-key kinda guy, not a hands-on leader. So that means you’re not getting your information.

We are fortunate to have received from one of our readers a recent e-mail received from Nancy Warner that clearly illustrates how she despises citizen’s rights and how she thinks she is servant to no one, least of all a resident of Ravena, and how snotty she responds to a resident’s inquires. Here’s what she writes:

Since I have a Village email address I suggest you use that when you send any emails to me regarding Village matters. I will not respond to any Village emails that come to any other address except that one.

With that said, I will address this one final time. You have had your unit situation for [redacted] Main Street explained to you, both in person & in writing, on several occasions dating back as far as when I was the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer for the Village. The Clerk’s office, the Mayor’s office & the Building Dept have all addressed this issue with you.

As far as I am concerned this matter is closed and no further discussion will be entertained by me. Please stop wasting the taxpayer’s money & the office staff’s valuable time by requesting information via FOIL that you have been given repeatedly.

Nancy Warner's Motto

Nancy Warner’s Motto

Well, Nancy Warner, we have reviewed the documents you and your office produced in response to the resident’s F.O.I.L. demands and what you and your “office staff” produced was rubbish, incomplete, and unintelligible in terms of responsible recordkeeping. While that didn’t surprise us in the least, we do have to remind you that you are a public servant, elected by some strange quirk of fate, and you don’t have choices in most of your duties and responsibilities. It’s not your little playpen, Nancy! (Your little pigpen, the Ravena Health and Fitness Center has been defunded, remember?)

As to your statement that you won’t respond: It is your duty and obligation to respond to any citizen’s or resident’s inquiries. You don’t have a choice, Nancy. If the resident pees his/her request in the snow and you read it it’s your duty and obligation to respond. So stop your arrogant twaddle, biatch! You’ll respond and you’ll like it!

What’s more, you’ll respond as many times as necessary. If a citizen or resident asks the same thing again it’s obvious you didn’t respond adequately in the first place. So you respond until the citizen or resident is satisfied he/she understands your explanation. That’s your duty and responsibility.

You make the big mistake of referring to the time when you were Deputy Clerk-Treasurer for the Village of Ravena

As a matter of fact, you make the big mistake of referring to the time when you were Deputy Clerk-Treasurer for the Village. That was a big mistake because most of the criminal activity and the poor recordkeeping began on YOUR WATCH, Nancy Warner! We’ve seen some of the garbage you have passed off as responses and documentation and it’s would make a third-grader look like a Philadelphia lawyer. Get with the program, Missy! You’re a public servant.

As far as you’re “concerned this matter is closed and no further discussion will be entertained by me” is totally incorrect. The matter isn’t closed because you want it to be. Not by a long shot. It’s closed when the matter is rectified, when the problem resolved. Who in hell do you think you are to tell a citizen or resident that you won’t entertain a citizen’s requests?

Cathy Deluca and her pigpenWhere'd the funding go, little piggies?

Cathy Deluca and her pigpen
Where’d the funding go, little piggies?

But the part of your e-mail, Ms Witch-on-a-Stick Nancy Warner is when you tell the resident to “please stop wasting the taxpayer’s money & the office staff’s valuable time.” That statement alone shows what a vile hypocrite you really are. But it also had to be the funniest statement you’ve made in your entire misspent life, but especially the stupidest statement you could have possibly have made as a trustee of the village of Ravena, a trustee who cannot be trusted to do what’s right for the people of Ravena, and the very trustee of the village of Ravena who ensured that her girlfriend, Cathy Deluca, got her own playpen (the “pigpen“) at taxpayer expense, the very trustee who spearheaded spending more than $40,000 on used fitness equipment from one of your insider friends, and the very untrusworthy trustee who ensured that the failed and now defunded Ravena Health and Fitness Center (a.k.a. Cathy’s pigpen), run into the ground by your girlfriend Cathy Deluca at taxpayer expense, got funded for two years, sending more than $200,000 of Ravena taxpayer dollars down the sewers. You should have thought of not wasting taxpayer money and office staff’s valuable time when you were doing your own damage to the village of Ravena, Nancy Warner!

Resident to Nancy Warner: Follow these directions!

Resident to Nancy Warner: Follow these directions:
Take a walk!

New Baltimore

They ran promising transparency and accountability. What they are delivering is clear as mud and just as helpful.

Saved by the SmartPhone: What the Supervisor, Deputy Supervisor and a Greene County Sheriffs deputy apparently can’t see, the camera can! No denying that town of New Baltimore supervisor Nick Delisanti, sidekick “deputy supervisor” Jeff Ruso and a Greene County sheriff’s deputy really need to get their eyes — and ears — examined. And town of New Baltimore voters need to get their heads examined for electing this bunch of fruitcakes.

The situation: A public street in the National Historic District, Madison Avenue East, was blocked by a private contractor for extended periods on April 24 and 25, preventing access to the one-way street and the one-way streets connecting to it. No early notice of the closure was provided to residents on those streets. No signs were posted indicating safe detours. No flagmen were positioned to ensure safety. Residents had to navigate the one-way streets in the wrong direction to reach their homes. While going the wrong way on one-way streets the residents were at risk of accident and liability, not to mention ticketing should law enforcement have to investigate. Construction trucks were also using the streets. The town of New Baltimore was contacted regarding this unlawful and dangerous situation.

After several back-and-forth emails and several reminders, a New Baltimore Resident finally gets some answers, if you can call them answers. Here’s an example of New Baltimore town Supervisor’s responses to the resident’s questions regarding unlawful blocking of a public street in New Baltimore. These are the questions and Dellisanti’s answers.

Question: Was the town of New Baltimore notified of the tree removal operations?
Delisanti’s answer: No
Question: Is a permit required for such operations when they affect public transit?
Delisanti’s answer: Yes, block parties, parades, & street fairs.
Question: Is a permit required for operations that require closure of a public roadway?
Delisanti’s answer: Yes, block parties, parades, & street fairs.
Question: Is a permit required for redirecting traffic on a public roadway for private purposes?
Delisanti’s answer: Contact the Greene County Sheriffs office
Question: If a permit was required, was one applied for?
Delisanti’s answer: N/A
Question: If a permit was applied for and issued, when will the permit be available for inspection?
Delisanti’s answer: N/A
Question: What safety or monitoring precautions were provided by the town of New Baltimore during this operation?
Delisanti’s answer: Contact the Greene County Sheriffs office.
Question: If a permit were required and none was applied for and, consequently, none issued, what are the intentions of the town of New Baltimore to follow up on this matter?
Delisanti’s answer: N/A
Between those questions and receipt of the answers, the resident sent 4 other questions:
Question: Has anyone from the town visited the concerned area, specifically, has anyone from the town board or the Highway Department visited the area.
Delisanti’s answer: Yes, both Jeff Ruso & I went to the site; Deputy Superintendent Scott VanWormer went there after he finished with a multi – alarm fire on 9W in Coxsackie; he asked the contractor if any residents complained that the road was blocked & he said no; Scott asked him to open the road and he did.
Question: Has anyone from the town made inquiries as to who is doing the work and blocking off the streets, specifically, has anyone from the town board or the Highway Department made such inquiries since my initial notification?
Delisanti’s answer: Contractor was Jay Biel
Question: Has the town undertaken to involve law enforcement to investigate or to provide safety support during the operations going on on Madison Avenue East and in view of the traffic obstructions and diversions?
Delisanti’s answer: I had the Greene County Deputy Sheriff respond to Madison Ave East at 9:10am on 4/25.  The Deputy Sheriff reported back that the trees and limbs were down & the road was open.
Question: What documentation is being kept of any response to any of my questions.
Delisanti’s answer: I have all of your e-mails & my responses on file.
After having received those remarkable responses the resident writes:
I’m sure that you can appreciate that the qualities of diligence, conscientiousness, honesty, integrity, and thoroughness are high on the list of qualities we might seek, expect in leaders. The fact that you state that you have all of my emails on file but manage to respond to a mere fraction of the questions posed does not bode well for your overall score 😉
So, New Baltimore residents, go on out and close your streets down, it’s legal in New Baltimore — at least according to your town of New Baltimore supervisor, Mr Nick Dellisanti. But don’t have all of those street fairs, parades, or block parties without getting a permit. Remember all those New Baltimore street fairs, parades and block parties we have so many of. DUH! And we understand there’s going to be a new local tax in New Baltimore, the Supervisor’s Vision Surcharge, which will be used for the town of New Baltimore supervisor’s and deputy-supervisor’s vision exams and corrective lenses to help them see construction trucks and traffic cones, providing, of course, they go down to inspect during normal work hours, before the workmen take off for the day.


And what’s this crappola about “Contact the Greene County Sheriffs office“? What’s that steaming pile of BS, Mr Dellisanti? Madison Avenue East is a town of New Baltimore roadway, your responsibility first, your highway department’s responsibility first, NOT THE GREENE COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT’S!!! If anyone has to contact the Greene County Sheriff’s office it’s YOU, Mr Dellisanti! Get with the program. If you want to be supervisor and board member, start doing the job!
Speaking of doing the job. We understand New Baltimore Town Clerk Barbara Finke is again out of the office, on vacation for a month in Italy. Wasn’t there some talk about regular business hours for the New Baltimore Town Clerk and availability of the Town Clerk during those business hours? Seems Ms Finke is absent from the TC’s office more than she’s in; she’s taken more time off than she’s spend in the office. But wasn’t that the battle cry of the current New Baltimore town board and supervisor when Ms Brooks was town clerk? Seems the pot was calling the kettle black. But Mr Dellisanti’s motto is “Republicans appoint republicans.” And we’re not very happy when we feel we’ve been lied to. (We’ll be asking for Ms Finke’s attendance records by the FOIL process soon.)

Mr Jordan’s department couldn’t cough up enough documentation to choke a flea

And as for Mr Denis Jordan, New Baltimore town Highway Supervisor. He’s on vacation, too. But some time ago we learned that a laptop computer was purchased by the town of New Baltimore for Mr Jordan, to help him do his work. Well, it’s obviously not being used to keep records because in a recent response to a Freedom of Information Law demand for information, Mr Jordan’s department couldn’t cough up enough to choke a flea. So what’s Jordan using that computer for, anyway. We don’t expect anyone in New Baltimore Town Hall to know the answer to that one; after all, Jordan and town hall aren’t on speaking terms since the town board demanded their versions of transparency and accountability.

welcome-to-new baltimore

The Camera Doesn’t Lie

(but maybe the supervisor, deputy supervisor and a sheriff’s deputy do have a problem with truth-telling)

We’ve done a slideshow of the photos of the situation for your amusement:

For two days, Friday, April 24, 2015, and Saturday, April 25, 2015, a New Baltimore resident in the National Historic District was communicating with town of New Baltimore Supervisor Nick Dellisanti, and attempting to communicate with town of New Baltimore town clerk, Barbara Fink, about the fact that on those two days the one-way street Madison Avenue East was cordoned off with traffic cones, and on Saturday, in addition to the traffic cones, a large dump truck with an equipment trailer was blocking the street. This was obviously not town work being done, and it was not just closing the street for a reasonable time but for most of the day.

It was obvious that some trees were being taken down but what was also obvious was that there were no signs directing traffic, no flagmen, no safety precautions whatsoever. This was private elective work being done by a private contractor, and so the obvious questions that popped up was: Was the town of New Baltimore administration aware of this? Are these people authorized to close a public street and to redirect traffic. If so do they have a permit authorizing them to do so? Why were residents not informed? Who was liable for residents having to travel the wrong way on one-way streets for the two days, that being the only way they could get to their homes? We think it was reasonable to ask such questions and to get some clear, unabiguous answers from town supervisor Dellisanti or one of his minions. We were wrong.

The resident first fired off an e-mail to the town of New Baltimore clerk, Ms Barbara Finke, copying town supervisor Nick Dellisanti. The email reads:

Dear Clerk:
 Today, on April 24, 2015, tree removal on the Northeast, corner of Rt 144 and Madison Avenue East, the Boyd property, has been going on since this morning.
 On return from an appointment I found that Madison Avenue East was closed and blocked off with traffic cones, preventing access to New Street. In order to access New Street and home, I had to drive opposite to the direction of one way traffic on either Madison Avenue East or on New Street. There were obvious liability, safety, not to mention legal considerations when doing this.
 I have several questions that require answers immediately:
 (1) Was the town of New Baltimore notified of the tree removal operations?
(2) Is a permit required for such operations when they affect public transit?
(3) Is a permit required for operations that require closure of a public roadway?
(4) Is a permit required for redirecting traffic on a public roadway for private purposes?
(5) If a permit was required, was one applied for?
(6) If a permit was applied for and issued, when will the permit be available for inspection?
(7) What safety or monitoring precautions were provided by the town of New Baltimore during this operation?
(8) If a permit were required and none was applied for and, consequently, none issued, what are the intentions of the town of New Baltimore to follow up on this matter?
Thank you for your a.s.a.p. response.
Please confirm receipt of my below message.
Thank you!
Supervisor Dellisanti wrote back:
“I am in receipt of your e-mail and will get back to you as soon as I get the answers to your questions. Barb Finke is on vacation this week, so I will get back to you.
Nick Dellisanti “
The resident hadn’t heard from Dellisanti but at around 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 25, 2015, reported to Dellisanti:
“Good morning:
“Again, today, on April 25, 2015, at 7:30 a.m. the street is blocked by traffic cones on the Madison Avenue East/Rt 144 one-way end. There are no signs, no flagmen, no indications of detours. The only access to Madison Avenue and New Street is opposite to the posted one-way traffic.
Since I have not heard from you since my timely notification of April 24, 2015, and your response that you would get the answers to the questions I made, I have several additional questions that I would like addressed:
1) Has anyone from the town visited the concerned area, specifically, has anyone from the town board or the Highway Department visited the area.
2) Has anyone from the town made inquiries as to who is doing the work and blocking off the streets, specifically, has anyone from the town board or the Highway Department made such inquiries since my initial notification?
3) Has the town undertaken to involve law enforcement to investigate or to provide safety support during the operations going on on Madison Avenue East and in view of the traffic obstructions and diversions?
4) What documentation is being kept of any response to any of my questions.
I have photographs of the situation if you require them.
I may take the opportunity to have my observations published and to address the New Baltimore town board on this issue after having announced the presentation.
 Looking forward to a satisfactory explanation for this situation.”
Did they or didn't they need a permit to block the street for two days?

Did they or didn’t they need a permit to block the street for two days?

Following that, Dellisanti writes back:

whacky weed necklace
“Good morning. As an update, yesterday I contacted our Highway Department. Superintendent Jordan is out of town, but his deputy, Scott VanWormer said he is not aware of any permits that the homeowner is required to get from the town. I am still waiting for a response from our building inspector , and I’ve contacted the Deputy Sheriff to make an inspection this morning. 
“As soon as I get a report from the Deputy Sheriff, I will get back to you.
“Nick Dellisanti “
“At 9:10am the Deputy Sheriff reported to me that the tree job is complete and the road is open. 
Deputy Supervisor Ruso did stop by last night and he did say that the road was open and wood was piled up on the homeowners lawn.
“Thank you,
“Nick Dellisanti”
To which, the now perturbed, that is, pissed off resident replies:
Well, Nick, it appears the town of New Baltimore administration has fallen flat on its arse…again. You guys operate expecting to see the Easter Bunny and see Santa Claus instead, then concluding that there’s no Easter Bunny. You guys may not get it but it’s a matter of timing! You have to look for the Easter Bunny at Easter; if you look in December, you’re likely to see Santa Claus.
The question is not to investigate after the incident! You investigate when the incident is reported. If that’s how local law enforcement is going to perform, we need some changes, maybe starting with the Greene County Sheriff! Another example: When the burglary is reported we expect law enforcement to respond, not to react the day after and report that they found that no one was in the building, then concluding there was no intruder and hence no burglary. Do you follow this line of reasoning?
The point is that on two days the road was blocked off. I posed some very specific questions that I want answered; not a piss-poor report like “Well the dog was not barking when I drove by on Sunday while inspecting the parks.” (Remember that one?) Or Mr Tanner’s famous one, “I went by x times butt didn’t see a dog or hear any barking when I drove by. You’ll have to sign a complaint.” Well, when Mr Tanner finishes his shift with the DOT and just happens to drive by, it’s likely he may not find the dog outside because the owners are home from their outing!!!!
I’m getting the impression that the current New Baltimore town board elected last year is a one-term group; actually I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a one-term group judging by some of the performance. I can only work with what you hand me, Nick.
Excuses or explanations for not being able to respond like the Highway Super is on vacation or the Clerk is on vacation or ‘The lights are on but nobody’s home” does not speak well for performance. From my office window, I still see people driving up Madison Avenue East the wrong way on the one-way street. Can you tell me what’s wrong with this picture? Give it a shot. I know you can figure it out.
Please answer my specific questions and I’ll take it from there. Or don’t answer my specific questions and I’ll take it from there.
Wishing you all the best,
No sooner had the resident hit the send key than he observed several vehicles moving up Madison Avenue East going the wrong way on the one way street; several of these were residents. The only conclusion to be drawn was that they could not get down Madison Avenue East. So what’s Dellisanti and his sheriff’s deputy talking about one wonders? The resident writes:
“No sooner said than done!
The white stump removal telescope truck just drove the wrong way up Madison Avenue East!!!!
Now, that[‘s] safety in the National Historic District!
I really need better answers from you, Nick.
Thanks very much.
followed by:
“At 1:18 p.m., Madison Avenue East in the National Historic District is still blocked by traffic cones and a large trailer/dump truck apparently used to transport excavation equipment. There are no detour signs, no flagmen. Residents are being observed traveling up the wrong way on the one-way streets. What precautions are being taken to control/monitor this situation and to safeguard the safety and liabilities of residents being forced to find alternate routes, forced to ignore traffic safety postings, and forced into potential liability situations?”
and then by:
“The report you allegedly received from the deputy sheriff is grossly incorrect. This is obvious by the continuing work being done, the heavy equipment blocking Madison Avenue East and the traffic cones. Please provide the name of the deputy sheriff providing you with the grossly inaccurate report and the source of the information he received and reported to you.”
and finally by:
“Did Mr Ruso expect, when he stopped by “last night” that the workmen and the equipment would still be there? A bit idiotic, I’d say. They usually quite at around 4:30 or earlier, similar to most such occupations on a Friday. They returned on Saturday morning at around 8:30.”
This is an example of the kind of runaround a resident gets when there is clearly a problem in the Hamlet. There’s a sort of imbecilic reasoning going on in the heads of members of the town of New Baltimore board members and officers — and these characters were elected to replace the last bunch of fruitcakes — that qualify them for what the pestilence of New Baltimore, Cut-and-Paste Joan R., calls “Newbaltimorons.”
high on whacky weed

Dellisanti, Ruso: No obstruction on Madison Avenue East. Hey, man! Did you see that flying pink bison just go by? Freaky, man!

 So the message the town of New Baltimore supervisor Dellisanti and his “deputy supervisor” Jeff Ruso, together with the statement of “deputy” highway superintendent Scott VanWormer is that you can block hamlet streets whenever you like for as long as you like and you don’t need a permit. Furthermore, you can do it and the New Baltimore town supervisor Nick Dellisanti will send his “deputy supervisor” as some time during the night to verify that there’s no obstruction, and they’ll send a sheriff’s deputy who will report that there’s no work going on and the street’s clear. The real message is that we have either a bunch of pathological liars or psychopaths totally separated from reality occupying New Baltimore town hall and the Greene County Sheriff’s substation in the town hall. Either that or they think that residents in New Baltimore are either abysmally stupid or smoking whacky-weed and hallucinating. Whichever the real situation is, it is grave indeed for New Baltimore.
Give us a freakin' break, Dellisanti!The Editor You know, Nick, the one who's holding your feet to the fire.

Give us a freakin’ break, Dellisanti!
The Editor
You know, Nick, the one who’s holding your feet to the fire.

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Posted by on April 25, 2015 in 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, Abuse of Public Office, AFSCME, Albany, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Annette Demitraszek, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Barbara Finke, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carver Companies, Carver Construction, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Chris Gibson, Chris Gibson, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Civil Right Violation, Coeymans, Coeymans Industrial Park, Coeymans Town Board, Committee on Open Government, Conspiracy, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., David Soares, Denis Jordan, Diane Jordan, Diane Louis, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eric Hoglund, Eric T. Schneiderman, F.O.I.L., Freedom of Information Law, George Amedore, Government, Greene County, Greene County District Attorney, Greene County IDA, Greene County Sheriff, Gregory R. Seeley, Hudson Valley, Incompetence, Irresponsibility, Janet Brooks, Jean Horne, Jeff Ruso, Joan Ross, Joel Coye, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Keith Mahler, Kris Biernacki, Kristine Biernacki, Kristine Biernacki, Larry Conrad, Mary Ellen Rosato, Mayor "Mouse", Mayor "Mouse" Misuraca, Mayor Bruno, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misinformation, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Elections, New Baltimore Republican Club, New York, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, Nick Dellisanti, P. David Soares, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Port of Coeymans, Public Corruption, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Elections, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Robert Fisk, Robert J. Freeman, Selkirk, Smalbany, Small Town, Stephen Flach, Town Supervisor, Transparency, Village Clerk, William Bailey, William Misuraca, William Misuraca


Ravena: The Scandal Continues

Henry Traver’s $11,000 Pay Raise is Scandalous. Here’s Why:

It’s springtime and you’ll be promenading along the dusty streets of Ravena, chatting to the music of passing heavy trucks,  deeply savoring the stench of diesel fuel, while Carver Laraway is hobnobbing with the New York State governor’s aides, trying to cut deals to repair at taxpayer expense the roads, especially Rt 144, damaged by Carver Companies’ trucks, and while Michael Biscone, Jerry Perrine and Larry Conrad are filling in wetlands with toxic fill and burying natural waterways. (Biscone and Conrad invented the boardgame, “Bury the Creek“.)  Where’s the DEC when Biscone, Perrine and Conrad are doing their mischief? Your elected RCS board of education members are spending your tax dollars hand over fist while putting their own homes up for sale to move out of the area. Yes, all you have to do is ask your RCS board of education president, James Latter, and board member Alice Whalen Why? Why did they run for elected board of education office if they were simply going to jump ship after doing their damage. YES! Ravena-Coeymans, you asked for it and you got it.


More smoke and mirrors regarding the failed Ravena Health and Fitness Center…When will we ever get the truth?

Now, it may be true that you weren’t even asked by the Bruno-Warner-Deluca trio whether you needed or even wanted to spend more than $100,000 a year on a substandard fitness center run by an mutiple-failure, Cathy Deluca. But John Bruno, Nancy Warner and Cathy Deluca made the decision for you and you had to live with it for more than two years. Now mayor William “Mouse” Misuraca and his sockpuppet Bill Bailey are telling us that two individuals want to invest private funds in the dump. Well, if there are that many whackos with too much money that they don’t know what to do with it, we can think of dozens of better investments. Asked by a local resident who the so-called interested parties were, the board couldn’t — or wouldn’t say. Why is that? What’s the big secret? What are you giving away now? Shouldn’t we know the name of the “investors“, the heroes who are going to save your political arses? Who may be going to save Ravena taxpayers from abject bankruptcy? Isn’t it our business who is interested and potentially going to take over a dead business in Ravena, a dead business that is still being financed by public tax dollars? We think so, and we want to know who these so-called investors are. Don’t you, residents, neighbors?

Question: If supporters of the Ravena Health and Fitness Center want to claim that the Fatness Center brings business to Ravena, can they explain Why? during the two years the Fatness Center has been operating, at least 4 businesses have closed their doors in Ravena? This includes Mr Aaron Flach closing his drycleaning operation and terminating the staff of the drycleaning business and the laundromat attendants. If that’s how the Fitness Center is attracting business, we’d better expidite closing Cathy Deluca’s playmen before the few remaining businesses pull up stakes!

When asked by a resident at the April 21, 2014, village board meeting: If the unidentified investors don’t take over the Ravena Health and Fitness Center, what will the village do with the equipment that the village of Ravena purchased from Bob Fisk for $40,000? Ravena village board member William “Bill” Bailey simply replies: “We’ll probably auction it.” And likely get ten cents on the dollar for it! Your tax dollars at work, Ravena!

Ravena village trustee Nancy Warner ousted from key positions…No longer supervising her husband’s court operations,  dirty village judge Harold “Hal” Warner. Too bad, Hal, this must mean you might be the one getting a stiff sentence.

But things are looking up when you consider that Nancy Warner is being sidelined and has been demoted. Good news is that she’s no longer supervising her crooked husband’s village court operations. Dirty-Judge Harold “Hal” Warner, Nancy Warner’s husband, will have to deal with another board member supervising his village kangaroo court operations. We’ll be watching to see if there are any improvements or, as we expect, it will be business as usual.

But let’s turn our attention now to the village of Ravena Department of Public Works, the village department that works very hard to avoid working. We recently reported that the village of Ravena Department of Public Works foreman, Henry Traver, has been awarded a more than $11,000 pay raise; he’s now going to make more than $60, 000 a year plus benes! How does the Ravena village board explain that one? Do you have mayor Mouse Misuraca’s telephone number? Give him a call or give one of those talking heads on the village board a call and ask why in hell are they rewarding a dunce?!?

Ravena board to dump more stone on village streets to be washed away …

Well, we also reported how, last year the village of Ravena Department of Public Works under foreman Henry Traver, dumped tons of stone on local Ravena streets, and we warned that it would be washed away or plowed away by spring. Guess what? Central Avenue in Ravena was one of those streets that they covered with the loose stone. Walk along Central Avenue today and you’ll see how our prediction came true. The stone is gone and you can see the old street surface. Your tax dollars at work. But now they’re planning to do the same thing on about a dozen other streets in Ravena. Why are you still reading this? Call Ravena mayor “Mouse” Misuraca and raise some hell!

Ravena storm drains filled to the grill with debris and dirt!

We’ve already reported on the dire condition of the fire hydrants in Ravena-Coeymans and we’re pleased to see that someone’s built a fire under some butts to get them serviced. That’s the good news. But while you’re taking your daily constitutional on the broken streets of Ravena, amuse yourself by the state of the storm drains. We recently surveyed the storm drains on Main Street and a couple of side streets and found that a number of them were filled with debris and dirt to within inches of the grill (see the picture below) !!!

Ravena Storm Drain Filled to the Top with Debris and Dirt!Henry Traver's Supposed to be Maintaining Them

Ravena Storm Drain Filled to the Top with Debris and Dirt!
Henry Traver’s Supposed to be Maintaining Them

We need to ask Ravena mayor “Mouse” Misuraca and his board of sockpuppets Why? are these storm drains in such a deplorable state? These drains must be maintained to keep water from eroding the streets and flooding our homes!!! So, instead of maintaining the storm drains, Henry Traver rides around in circles in the village vehicles, and the Ravena village board gives him an $11, 000 pay raise. Doesn’t Ravena see anything wrong with this picture?

Ravena-Coeymans isn’t alone when it comes to incompetent management of municipal, village and town infrastructure. New Baltimore is on a par or at least running a close second position in terms of incompetence and waste by the Highway Department under the mismanagement of Mr Denis Jordan, who has screwed up the drainage and streets in the Hamlet of New Baltimore to an embarrassing level. If it were Ravena or Coeymans Hamlet we’d be writing that it was a plot by Michael Biscone and Larry Conrad to get the homes condemned so that they could buy them up for a penny. But New Baltimore isn’t that sophisticated; New Baltimore is just incompetent. So if you were to take two dildos, throw them into a bag and shake them up, do you know what you’d get if you emptied the bag? Yup! Two dildos. That’s what we got in Ravena and New Baltimore wrecking our infrastructure and wasting our tax dollars; and they’re dressed up like Henry Traver and Denis Jordan.

Traver and Jordan Dressed as BananasThe Editor

Traver and Jordan Dressed as Bananas
The Editor


Posted by on April 22, 2015 in 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, Abuse of Public Office, Albany, Albany County Chamber of Commerce, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County Civil Service Department, Albany County District Attorney, Alice Whalen, Andrew Cuomo, Annette Demitraszek, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Bill Bailey, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, Bryan Rowzee, Capital District, Carver Companies, Carver Construction, Carver Laraway, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Chris Gibson, Chris Gibson, Civil Right Violation, Claude A. Wheeles, Coercion, Coeymans, Coeymans Building Inspector, Coeymans Industrial Park, Coeymans Town Board, Conflict of Interest, Conspiracy, Corruption, David Soares, DEC, Denis Jordan, Department of Environmental Conservation, Diane Jordan, Diane Louis, Dr Alan McCartney, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Eleanor Luckacovic, Eleanor Oldham, Eric Hoglund, Eric T. Schneiderman, F.O.I.L., George Amedore, Governor Mario Cuomo, Greene County, Greene County District Attorney, Greene County IDA, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Indifference, Inspector General, Intimidation, James Latter, James Latter II, Jena Misuraca, Jerry Perrine, Joan Ross, John B. Johnson, John Luckacovic, John T. Bruno, Judicial Misconduct, Kris Biernacki, Kristine Biernacki, Kristine Biernacki, Larry Conrad, Laverne Conrad, Mark Vinciguerra, Mayor "Mouse", Mayor "Mouse" Misuraca, Mayor Bruno, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misdemeanor, Mismanagement, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Republican Club, New York, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, Nick Dellisanti, Notice of Claim, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, Office of the Attorney General, P. David Soares, Pete Lopez, Port of Coeymans, Ravena, Ravena Building Inspector, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Fitness Center, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Ravena Village Justice, RCS Board of Education, René VanSchaack, Retaliation, Robert Fisk, Selkirk, Sewer and Water, Thomas E. Dolan, Tom Dolan, Village Justice, Village of Ravena Planning Board, William Bailey, William Bailey, William Misuraca, William Misuraca