Category Archives: Bully Gang

Beware: Matt Miller’s and Tavia Rauch’s Change.Org Petition Seriously Flawed!

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Not Only Does Change.Org Automatically Create An Account for You When You Sign the Miller-Rauch Petition You Can Sign As Many Times As You Like Under Different Names!

Like Your Petition!

Tavia Rauch:
This Just Ain’t Gonna Work!
Like Your Petition!

Some People Think They’re Such Hot Shots But In Reality They’re Just Ignorant. This Applies to Matt Miller’s and Tavia Rauch’s Joint Conspiracy to Fake a Community Petition to  Oust a Sitting Board of Education Member.

Actually, after I visited the petition page and poked around a bit, and then decided to test whether it was secured against multiple signings, I was a bit miffed when I found that Change.Org was creating a user account for me without my authorization. There was no warning, I just got an account with a profile containing my name and address. Just by signing in. I’m wondering who would get to use that information and for what? Luckily I know how to access my profile(s) and mess with them. So, all you stupids that are hurrying off to join the DumbAss club, be warned.

But here’s the real scoop: I know something about these freebie polling and petition scams and that is: They’re Useless! The information they collect from people who sign is absolutely unreliable and can’t be trusted to represent the real numbers. In fact, one of our subscribers signed that petition three times using his/her real names and real e-mails. Even his/her dog signed using his real name and one of the subscriber’s e-mails. That makes for really reliable petition work, doesn’t it? The Miller Rauch team really does good work, don’t they? (I can personally confirm that it is possible to sign the petition multiple times using different names.)

Aptly Named

Aptly Named

Just after signing on, I received a welcome e-mail from the founder, Ben Rattray (that’s Ben (wasn’t that a rat’s name in some 70’s horror flick? Ben and Willard? ) Rat-tray? Nice! Says a lot and aptly describes the types signing the Miller-Rauch petition!) saying, “Anyone can start a petition. lets anyone, anywhere start a petition. It’s free and can be about anything you want to change.” Now if that doesn’t say it all, right from the founder’s mouth!

How embarassing it will be for Miller and Rauch when  Commissioner of Education, Dr John B. King, Jr., gets a petition signed by a Pembroke Corgi! Well, at least the WowBow! has more smarts than Miller and Rauch, combined!

The Petition on Change.Org is a Scam!

And Anyone Who Participates is Being Scammed! 

Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch Are Scamming Voters!

Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch Are Scamming Voters!

But that’s not all, friends. Not only are you getting snookered when you sign and not only can you sign as many times as you might like,  Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch either don’t know what they’re talking about…or they’re simply lying. Here’s some of the crap Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch are writing on the petition page:

“Rodney Krzykowski refuses to pay school or property taxes. It is estimated that the amount owed to the school district and to the town is over one hundred thousand dollars.” That’s not true! Mr Krzkowski has not refused to do anything of the sort! He’s appealing his assessment, just like you or I have every right to do. And who is estimating what Mr Krzykoski owes? I certainly hope it’s not one of the brainiacs who started this scam petition, Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch.

Tavia Rauch

Tavia Rauch

Miller and Rauch write in their so-called petition, “Mr. Krzykowski has proclaimed in several legal documents that he is a sovereign citizen.” Well, if Matt Miller or Tavia Rauch knew anything about American history or read the Constitution of the United States, they’d know that we are all “sovereign” citizens…at least until the Supreme Court and your elected officials manage to take away all of your sovereign rights and hand them to the corporations. In fact, the anti-slavery movement, the women’s suffrage movement, the civil rights movement all did what Rodney Kryzkowski is doing and what Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch are saying is wrong: using their thought process they would probably say slavery, refusing the right to vote to women, that civil rights movements were wrong and refused to submit to the deranged authorities who said that slaves, women, and blacks were not entitled to civil rights! Most of the leaders of antislavery, women’s suffrage, and civil rights movements were considered terrorists and would be today!  Is that what we’re paying teacher Matt Miller almost $90,000 a year to teach?

The Miller-Rauch Petition

The Miller-Rauch Petition

Those two demented zombies, Miller and Rauch, write also:

“This petition needs to be signed to ensure that those with the responsibility of protecting the legitimacy of a school board, hear your voice.”

Miller and Rauch have missed some very important facts along the way to their total depravity: YOU, the voters, have the responsibility for protecting the legitimacy of the school board. No one else. Mr Krzykowski is on the board of education specifically because the majority of voters put him there. The voters legitimized Mr Krzykowski! Get real, Miller, Rauch! Miller and Rauch, the DumbAss Duo of RCS appear to be more anti-American than Sadam Hussein was!

What’s more, is that Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch are such dumbasses, they really have no clue that they are actually contradicting themselves by simply putting up a petition. In fact, they’re allowing people to vote twice! Yes, dear readers, vote twice. I do realize that that’s not all that uncommon in the RCS school district and it has happened before, as we all know. But Miller and Rauch don’t seem to have caught on that it’s not supposed to be that way.

In fact, according to the official voter registration rolls there are 4449 registered voters in this district. Some of those voters are property owners and pay school taxes, some are not. The board of education manages the school budget on behalf of the taxpayers, the property owners, and the non-property owners benefit from their prudent decisions. But Miller and Rauch are trying to step all over voters’ rights. Here are some very valid questions we should be asking about their petition:

  • How many of these voters votes do Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch want to throw out in their little conspiracy?
  • How many of the individuals signing the Change.Org petition are voters who are voting twice against Mr Krzykowski by signing the petition? (Of course, that wouldn’t bother Miller or Rauch, given their histories.)
  • How many of the signers are really residents of the district?
  • How many of the people signing the petition are real people?
  • How many of the people are signing the petition multiple times? (I did three times and my dog did once! But I do intend to request that my signatures and my dog’s paw print be removed from the list.)
  • What right does Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch have to step on the voters of this district?
  • Who is checking and verifying who is signing the petition and how many times?
  • Because the petition is online, it excludes a large number of people in the district (some don’t have computers, some don’t know how to use them, etc.)
  • A large number of people don’t even know about the petition or how to find it.
  • Petitions are generally unreliable for testing the mood of a community and the information collected is hard to verify. That’s why they’re not used in academic or scientific work, surveys and polls are.

One of our subscribers has actually posted a comment identifying a person who signed the petition but is not even from this RCS district!

People, is this the kind of idiocy we want going on in this district? It’s fuel for the Times Useless to make us look like a bunch of backwoods lunatics AGAIN!

You see, what Miller and Rauch–and I seriously hope that Dr John B. King Jr., our NYSED Commissioner,  caught this, too–is that in the elections that put Mr Krzykowski on the board of education, a majority wanted him there and a minority wanted someone else there. The majority won and the minority lost. But now, Miller and Rauch are giving the losers a second chance by saying, “Sign our petition and you can have a second vote.” Pretty stupid, right?

So, not only are Miller and Rauch trying to overrule the majority, they’re trying to give the losers club a second vote…so if a large number of the people who voted for Mr Krzykowski’s opponent in the election now sign the petition, it looks like a lot of people support Miller and Rauch. But that’s not so, as I hope is clear to you now. That’s another reason why the Miller-Rauch petition is and should be declared nonsense.

Just a bit of humor, though: Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch also have a bit of difficulty with the language. They write: “A statue can be defined as legislative authority that governs a state, city or town.” Really, Matt and Tavia, is that what a statue is? Seriously, you two bobo’s look stupider and stupider as time wears on! ‘Nuf said.

A Couple of Gratuitous, Opinions by Way of Comment:

RCS Suckers Club

RCS Suckers Club

Here are some of the suckers who have already signed (you can see a short list of people who have signed on the Change.Org site (We’ll FOIL the actual final submission from the NYSED and publish all the names in due course.):

  • Donald Gillen RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Diana Perrine RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Anne Babcock RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Robert Williams RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Kathleen Shortell SELKIRK, NY NEW YORK
  • Londa VanDerzee RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Tony Ricciardi RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Jerry Perrine RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Richard Orsi SELKIRK, NY NEW YORK
  • Meredith Gerdeman GLENMONT, NY NEW YORK

Finally, just to illustrate the stupidity of the gang, I’d like to share several examples of what so-called Supporters of the petition wrote and just briefly comment on what they write:

cluckElyse Kunz COEYMANS, NY I don’t think the community was fully aware of this man’s positions on government and taxation when he was elected. Someone who refuses to pay taxes should not have the authority to levy taxes on the rest of us or to determine how that money is spent.

That has to be stupidity on a par with Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch! You don’t think voters were aware of his positions? You CLUCK! Why not? Who are you to say? “The authority to levy taxes?” You are a cluck! I certainly hope you have not been bringing children into the world! What a tragedy if your ignorance is hereditary!

chickenEilleen Vosburgh NEW BALTIMORE, NY  It’s about responsibility. It’s about paying it forward. It’s about our future. Why would anyone expect that they do not have to pay their school and property taxes but expect to represent good citizens that do pay their taxes? It’s hypocritical.

You’re in the Cluck’s Club, too! Ever hear of the 1%? Ever hear of GE? Ever hear of churches? No, I suppose you wouldn’t have. You know what’s hypocritical, really? Clucks like you! Betcha you signed the petition, didn’t you? Thought so!

Eleanor Oldham-Luckacovic CANAAN, NY   I own property in the RCS district and am concerned that such blatant disregard of the tax law by a member of the board reflects badly on the school and therefore on the whole area. It is apalling.

What’s apalling, Eleanor is your hypocrisy and your indifference to your snobbery and to the damage you caused with your co-vipers Bitter  Bob and Spiteful Joan. Your total lack of any sense of neighborliness, community or decency made quite the impact on New Baltimore for the entire time you and your hunched hubby polluted our otherwise pristine community. Luckily the air cleared and humanity gained some well-earned respite when you and hunched hubby jumped ship to join the other pseudo-sophisticates in Canaan. Good ridance! You and your fraud husband have quite the nerve discussing anything akin to ethics or morality. How ever did you finagle your homeowners to cover your court costs? You two were the worst reflections imaginable on the whole community! Even your partners in crime, Bitter Bob and Spiteful Joan, had little nice to say of either of you. Remember the e-mails?

turkey buzzard

Robert and Joan Ross NEW BALTIMORE, NY  If he lived in New Baltimore, he would have lost his house for non payment of property taxes. It is farcical that a scofflaw should be on a school board.

Yes, indeed, we know all about you two. Aren’t you the two who used and abused local New Baltimore residents in your agendas some time ago. A campaign of lies, abuse and slander, wasn’t it. And your community spirit brought you, Joan Ross, to dub the locals “Newbaltimorons,” out of your respect for local people and community. Yup! And now you are both known as Bitter Bob and Spiteful Joan because you’re so community spirited. Nothing but negative. You’ve found the right group on Birds of a feather….You have quite the nerve calling anyone else a “scofflaw!”

Carol Melewski NEW BALTIMORE, NY  A person who refuses recognize the government’s right to collect taxes should not be permitted to serve on the board of a school district. Schools require taxes to function, and having a board member who flaunts the requirement that citizens pay taxes undermines the authority of that board. It is especially ironic that he serves as the head of the finance committee; making determinations regarding the use of taxpayers’ dollars, to which he contributes nothing.

It never ceases to amaze me that people who were at one minute at each other’s throat and slandering and disparaging each other tend to find each other when there’s blood in the water. Again, Luckacovic, Ross, Malewski all seem to gravitate towards each other. Just don’t meet in a dark alley…there’ll be a terrible mess. So, you’ve found another agenda to mutilate. But your statement makes no sense. It’s not logical. Not that that ever mattered to you and your ilk. Well, knock yourselves out, you have nothing to lose, that’s for sure. You’ve lost it all already.

And of course we have the ever present, always something to say King and Queen of Thuggery and HypocrisyJerry “Dirty-Hands” Deluca and his female poster madam of Coeymanazism, Cathy Deluca. They never miss a chance to grandstand.

Gerald DeLuca RAVENA, NY  The future of our community and the education of our children need to be guided by people who abide by and believe in the laws of this state and nation.

Cathleen DeLuca RAVENA, a school board member signs an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States and the State of New York, but as a “sovereign citizen” Mr. Krzykowski does not recognize either. Therefore his oath is invalid.

Yes, they come in pairs!

Yes, they come in pairs!

There are no words to describe the nausea induced by anything Dirty-Hands Jerry or that hypocrite Cluck Cathy Deluca could projectile from their putrid carrion stained beaks. Both ignorant but both with so much scatology to eructate from their caprophagic innards. Their nonsensical statements definitively label the entire initiative as totally lacking in any credibility whatsoever.

So, dear readers and neighbors, that’s what we found out for you about the Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch petition on Change.Org that is supported by the New York State United Teachers union, the union Matt Miller represents in this district, and who will do anything to give the majority on the RCS Central School District board of education, and once the teachers clique is in control, so is the teachers union. God Help US!

In Other Words, Citizens, Residents, Neighbors, Parents, Taxpayers, the Miller-Rauch Petition is a Scam. Beware!

Even Babies Will Hate You!The Editor

Even Babies Will Hate You!
The Editor

P.s. I just had to share this. It’s too precious to keep private. Tavia Rauch just sent my dog the following message:

Dear WowBow!,

Thanks for signing my petition, “Dr. John B. King Jr., Commissioner of Education: Remove Rodney Krzykowski from the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk School Board.”
Can you help this petition win by asking your friends to sign too? It’s easy to share with your friends on Facebook – just click here to share the petition on Facebook.
There’s also a sample email below that you can forward to your friends.

Thanks again — together we’re making change happen,

Tavia Rauch
Note to forward to your friends:

I just signed the petition “Dr. John B. King Jr., Commissioner of Education: Remove Rodney Krzykowski from the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk School Board” on
It’s important. Will you sign it too? Here’s the link:


 My Dog's Reaction

My Dog’s Reaction

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!

Posted by on December 22, 2012 in, Abuse of Public Office, Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families, AFL-CIO, Albany, Albany Schenectady BOCES, Alice Whalen, Ben Rattray, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, BOCES, Bray Engel, Bully Gang, Burning the Constitution, Cathy Deluca, Cathy's Coeymanazi Clucks Club, Change.Org, Children of Dysfunctional Families, Civil Rights, Clowns, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Conspiracy, Corruption, Demand for Removal, Demand for Resignation, Demand for Termination, Diana Perrine, Donald Gillen, Donna Leput Hommel, Dr Alan McCartney, Education Commissioner, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eilleen Vosburgh, Eleanor Oldham, Election Fraud, Elizabeth Smith, Elyse Kunz, Gary Van DerZee, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Humor, Hypocrisy, Ignorance, Irregularities, Voting, James Latter, James Latter II, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Jerry Perrine, Joan Ross, John B. King, John Luckacovic, Kangaroo Court, Karen Miller, Liberty Weeping, Londa VanDerzee, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Misconduct, Misinformation, Moose Misuraca, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSUT, Office of the Attorney General, Person of Interest, R J DEsposito, Rats, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS Community, Richard Orsi, Robert Williams, Rodney Krzykowski, Selkirk, Smalbany, Small Town, Tavia Rauch, Teacher Misconduct, Teachers, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Times Union Blogs, Times Useless Blogs, Tom Dolan, Tony Ricciardi, United Federation of Teachers, Voting Fraud, Voting Irregularities


A Parent’s Plea…Help Me! My Child’s Been Bullied

Warning: We are not attorneys. We are not offering legal advice. We ae providing good faith information.
Please see the disclaimer at the end of this article.
If you are a student or a minor, please stay on this page and get an education in ethics and civics!

Parents Can Come Out Kicking and Punching Now. You Don’t Have to be Afraid Anymore!
If They Retaliate, Sue Them and Take Their Jobs!

The New York State Anti-Bullying Law, the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA), Went Into Full Effect on July 1, 2012.
The Law Now Makes Teachers, Principals, Administrators, School Districts Responsible and Liable for Acts of Bullying that Take Place on School Property or in the Context of School Activities. Now, In Addition to their Civil Liabilities for the Welfare of School Children, the Law Makes the Schools Co-Liable for Bullying of Students on Students,  or Teachers, TA’s, or Coaches on Students. But It’s Up to YOU, It’s YOUR Responsibility as Parents, to be Proactive and Public in Protecting Your Children!

Make the School District Accountable
It’s the Law Now!

We just received another request from a concerned RCS parent with a child or children in the RCS schools who writes [names redacted to protect the individual’s identity and to ensure confidentiality]:

The Parent’s Plea:

“Hello Im another concerned parent of RCS children …I was hoping you assist me. Simply what I am Looking for is…What lawyer is representing the [redacted] family in their suit against the RCS district? I ask since I am in the process of seeking my own legal advice for bullying. If you don’t know or feel uncomfortable disclosing that information hopefully you can suggest an attorney who isn’t so-called “corrupted”.
“Also would you be able to direct me to any other possible resources out there that may be able to help me?
“I have followed the “chain of command” regarding the bullying since October 2011, teacher- guidance – principal – superintendent – CSE – teacher- principal -superintendent &  recently a email to the board (no replies to the email).
“Simply put .. I’m at a large brick wall of a dead end- and need direction, to insure the safety of my child.”

Our Response:

Your original message was forwarded to us by one of our contributors whom you contacted with your request but did not have the information you needed. We hope we can offer you some help in this response.

No child deserves to be hurt socially, emotionally or psychologically, least of all in our schools!

First of all, any concerned parent would be well advised to seek out other concerned parents and to join together to seek representation as a group. First of all, a group has more backbone to pursue such a campaign, there’s “power in numbers.” Secondly, in a group, you can all share your experiences and establish a pattern of abuse and indifference by the administration, essential probative items for a good case. Thirdly, in a group you can share not only stories but also expenses. Getting individual representation might be difficult but if a group of you approach an attorney, s/he’ll have a better feel for the situation and can put together a better strategy. Fourthly, the District would be more intimidated and more prone to settle if confronted by a group of parents represented by an attorney who is ready to kick ass.

One of the problems you parents who contact us have is that you say you want to protect your children but are willing only to go half way. You want to do what you’ve been doing for years–not only you but so many others–creeping around in the shadows, trying to stay invisible, yet saying you want to stop the bullying or solve the problems. But you’ve got to stand up and come out into the light to do that.

You parents are not going to get anything done by skulking around in the shadows, not wanting your names mentioned, not wanting to tell your stories to the public, wanting to assert your rights but wanting also for someone else to carry the load for you. Sorry, that doesn’t work.

Individually, your lovely school district is going to eat you up one-by-one when you come with your complaint. You think your tax dollars are going to the children in your schools, do you? Just wait until you have an issue with the school district, that same school district who is always telling the voters, “We’re here for the kids.” But not your kids. You may have already experienced how concerned they are for the kids: did you get any response to your complaints or inquiries about the incidents you are talking about? Probably not. The RCS CSD turns into an entirely different animal when it comes to having to deal with a problem, especially when it might make them look bad. And it’s an ugly beast when it comes to responding to a complaint about a child’s welfare in the schools; that really makes them look bad. Don’t you think you should be telling the world about that?

It’s usually very unlikely that the District will respond to e-mails, they’re too dangerous. But what I do and always suggest first and foremost is that you document everything in writing in a notebook or some other way as soon as possible after an event or incident or contact. That’s very important when it comes to evidence and any hearings or court appearances. If it’s written down as soon as possible after it happens it’s 1000x better than plain old memory. Second, put all your requests into letter form, clearly stating the problem (no emotions, just the facts, please), times, dates, names, and what you want answered. Always include a reasonable request for something to be done that will make you happy or satisfy you. Then mail it to the school principal, the RCS CSD superintendent, and to the president of the board of education. Send the copy to the RCS CSD superintendent by certified mail, return receipt requested. Then you have proof you made the inquiry, proof they received it, and then proof they didn’t bother to respond.

As for sharing information about someone else’s representation or case, I’m afraid I”m not in the position to to do that. But what I would suggest is that you call the individual or drop by that individual’s home, they’re very welcoming and helpful, and talk to them about your needs and concerns. Talking directly to persons with similar problems is immensely helpful and healing. It’s worked well with many types of problems.

If you still want to go at it alone, I would suggest you contact the New York State Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service at 1 (800) 342-3661, or Department for Children, Youth and Families Programs & Services at the Child Protective Services (CPS) Hotline: 1 (800) 342-3720, tell them what you need, a ask for a recommendation for assistance in moving forward with your case.

I’d also suggest that you get out of that Democrat cesspool of political party machinery and give Pete Lopez, your NYS Assemblyman for the 127nd Assembly District (but running for the newly formed 102nd district that includes Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk, New Baltimore are part of his district), tell him about the problems you’re having, about the response you’re getting from the District, ask for his help. Tell him this bullying problem is big here and obviously big everywhere if the legislatures of a large number of states have actually passed laws like the the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA),  New York’s “Dignity Act“! That’s why he’s there. Besides, if you hadn’t already heard, it’s an election year and the candidates will be chomping at the bit for sensitive issues to toy with.” In fact, call everyone who’s running and not part of the local political machine (that would exclude Tom Dolan who has done NOTHING with regard to helping parents with the bullying problem–he’s part of the political gang that’s part of the problem!). And you haven’t heard a peep out of the Delucas, the Bartletts, the Whalens, Engels, Revilles, Latters, Misuracas, Leput-Hommels or any of the other Coeymanazi bunch about the bullying problem. Of course not! They’re part of the system and you don’t buck your own system. And besides, they’re all out doing something ultra-important: collecting bottles. Do you get it? If it’s easy and gets them brownie points they’ll do it; if it involves getting their hands dirty and being prophets, Forget it! Just give them glory and they’ll love you for it but don’t expect much in return.

So, what I’d recommend first of all is to find like-minded allies, especially parents whose children were bullied in the past and may have graduated or left the RCS school district. They may be very willing to step out with you. Then, contact parents with children still in the RCS school district and get together, explaining how important it is to join up and step out. You’ll get nothing done if you and others like you keep hiding. You’ll never be able to say that you actually did sometihing to protect your children and some day they might actually ask you, “Why didn’t you, mom, dad? What will you answer?

Of course I will respect your request to keep our conversations private but I would also ask you to please continue to keep us updated on what you are doing and how it’s working for you. It helps us to help others in your situation or in similar situations to know how our advice is working for them.

Good luck!
The Editor, Smalbany

Teacher- and Coach-on-Student Bully

Keep in mind the types of bullying that go on in our schools includes student-on-student, teacher-on-student, coach-on-student (sometimes even teacher-on-teacher, and student-on-teacher, believe it or not)! We can talk about various types of bullying that often appear simultaneously:

  • Physical: pushing, kicking, assault with objects, etc. It occurs more frequently in primary than in secondary. But don’t be led astray by this generalization, as student’s get older, physical abuse becomes more covert, more calculated, more dangerous and symptomatic of bigger problems ahead! Research shows that bully teachers and coaches have a history of being bullied. There’s also evidence of a bullied-connection withviolent, sociopathic behavior in adults.
  • Verbal abuse and name-calling, slurs in public, highlighting physical defects, etc.. It is the most common and can leave very deep scars. Words do harm and harm deeply.  Teachers be especially aware of this in yourselves.
  • Psychological: undermine the individual’s self-esteem and foster their sense of fear. The psychological harm is really a common feature of any bullying but it is a standalone form of bullying, too.
  • Social: attempts to isolate the members of other groups, or to exclude certain persons or classmate as members of a group. Scarring. Can produce problems further down the road in the young adult and the mature adult (true for all of the bullying types!).

So, In Summary, Our Advice Is:

  • You need to be parents to your children. That’s more than just providing them with a cellphone, junk food, and a ride to the mall! You need to be a positive role model, a source of nurture and protection. Not a friend, a parent!
  • Have open, honest dialogue with your children about the reality of bullying and that there is a law against it.
  • Encourage your children to bring their concerns to you immediately, not to wait, not to be afraid.
  • Get names of other children who have been bullied (your own children will probably be the best sources for this information, believe it or not). Kids see and hear a lot at the school and that makes them great sources of information. Contact the parents of other children who have been bullied or abused in your district. Get together to form an action committee. There’s power in numbers and the more people you have with similar experiences, the more credible your own case. This will become very important later at hearings or in court!
  • Document all incidents, conversations, contacts, etc. in a written record with dates, times, incendent description, names of those involved, names of those contacted, outcome (always with dates and times!).
  • Confront principals, administrators, superintendent, board of education immediately with your concerns. Don’t wait! They’ll use that against you! And do it in writing(not by e-mail), and what you expect to be done to fix the situation. The best way is a copy of the letter of notice or inquiry to each of the levels (principal, administrators, superintendent, BoE) with the copy to the superintent by certified mail, return receipt requested. Remember: Stick to the facts, admit nothing, don’t get emotional, assume you are always the victim! Don’t let them use anything against you later! Don’t believe any promises! Get it in writing!
  • Follow up on each of your inquiries or complaints by telephone call (note date, time, who spoken to, and substance of the call), and then with a written confirmation of the follow-up and brief details of the conversation. Send a copy to the other party and to the superintendent.
  • If you still don’t get a response. Contact the local police, make a complaint. Send a copy of the complaint to the Albany County District Attorney’s Office referring to the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA), send a copy to your Assemblyman and to your state Senator. Do this by regular mail, not by e-mail. You can follow up or confirm by e-mail and attach a scanned copy of the hard copy letter or complaint.
  • Contact the  New York State Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service at 1 (800) 342-3661 for a referral to an attorney specializing in lawsuits against school districts, even specializing in cases under the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA). Under the law you are entitled to an initial free consultation with an attorney. If s/she decides to take the case, get him or her to provide you with a written letter of representation that states the approximate cost of the case in fees etc. and the approximate length of time s/he expects the case to take to resolution. Do not ask for promises that you will win; that’s unreasonable.
  • From that point on, let the attorney do his/her magic, but follow-up regularly, never trust or think that they’re on top of it, they’re probably not and will likely need some high-voltage prodding to get them to move their asses. Stay out of the way but stay informed!
  • Be  active! Be very active! It’s your children at risk, not theirs. Your children will thank you some day…or curse you if you’don’t act now!

Not on my lawn and
The Editor

Special Notice & Legal Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations will differ and should be discussed with an expert and/or lawyer. This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. Persons accessing this site are encouraged to seek independent counsel for advice regarding their individual legal issues. For specific technical or legal advice on the information provided and related topics, please contact the author.
1 Comment

Posted by on August 31, 2012 in Abuse, Accountability, ACLU, Aggression, Albany County District Attorney, Albany Schenectady BOCES, Alice Whalen, American Civil Liberties Union, Assault and Battery, BOCES, Bray Engel, Brian Bailey, Bridget Engelhardt, Building Community, Bully Gang, Bullying, Cathy Deluca, Civil Lawsuit, Civil Rights, Coeymans, Community Support, Complaint, Conflict, Criminal Prosecution, Crisis, Cyberbully, Cyberbullying, Donna Leput Hommel, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Elizabeth Smith, Endangering a Minor, Fair Play, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Formal Written Complaint, Frustration, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Gregory Teresi, Hakim Jones, Harassment, Hudson Valley, Investigation, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Jerry Perrine, John B. King, Justice and Courts, Law, Law Enforcement, Lazlo Polyak, Misconduct, Misinformation, Mismanagement, Monitoring, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, New York State Police, Notice of Claim, NYCLU, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSED Office of Counsel, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Order of Protection, Pam Black, Paranoia, R J DEsposito, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS School Superintendant, Role Model, Sarah Berchtold Engel, School Security, Schools, Selkirk, Smalbany, Stop the Bullying, Student Endangerment, Student Health, Student Supervision, Teacher Misconduct, Teacher Negligence, Teachers, Teddy Reville, Teen Deaths, Teen Pregnancy, Thomas E. Dolan, Tom Dolan, Verbal Abuse


Boycott the Times Union (a.k.a. Times Useless)

Warning: If you are a student or a minor, please leave this blog NOW!

Of Penises and Post-Its
How Long is the Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Community, or Any Community With Any Self-Respect, Going to Put Up with the Turdy Times Union (a.k.a. Times Useless) and Its Pulp-Fiction Journalists?

Scott Waldman & Dayelin Roman
Times Union Turd Journalists

The Only Use the Times Useless and it’s Turdy Journalists Have for Ravena, Coeymans, or Selkirk Is to Dig Up Some Sleeze or Smear, Or Create One to Sell Their Rag! People! Wake Up! The Times Union and Its Turd Journalists Show Up In This Community Only To Make Asses of It and Its Residents! All The Times Useless Prints About Us is NEGATIVE! Or Weeks Old! They’re too stupid to do any real investigative journalism to cover the reall news! Or are they silent for other more sinister reasons?

Scott Waldman and Dayelin Roman or any of the other illiterates they send out know nothing about the community, nothing about its history, nothing about its people and saunter in whenever they need someone or something to smear or slime, do their damage and run back to their pig pens. They smeared some local person or event, they sold their rag, they collect their 30 pieces of silver. That’s American journalism? Well, it is in the Albany and Capital District region. If they’re such hot shot journalists what the hell are they doing of all places at the Times Union, in Albany, and stuck with covering not news but what they fondly refer to as the “hill towns“…I guess that makes us all the hill people, then. Sounds like a title for a cheap horror flick. Don’t know if I can deal with that label! Can you? How about Pursuit of the Post-It People or Penal Penalty of the Penis Painter? Nah! Don’t do much for me either. Let’s get back to the real business before it gets really silly.

Beat it! Times Union! (Waldman’s probably beating it as we write!)

In better days when people like that showed up in our towns they’d be sent packing…or our local constable would make their lives uncomfortable. As it is, locals welcome them and their smear as if they were covering the prom queen’s first dance with her prince. No! Too positive. Are you people nutz? Do you like being made asses of? Do you hate yourselves that much? And our local protectors, our Coeymans Police are too busy harassing and intimidating local residents to give a whit about the carpetbaggers as they roll in. Maggots!

The report on the senior’s prank distracted me from Part II of the Geneology of Corruption, Residents Complain. But when I read the benign events at the high school when compared to some of the other high schools, I breathed a sigh of relief until…

I read RCS Superintendant of schools remark (as quoted by the Times Useless’ Scott Waldman, who we all know has a little trouble with facts, truth, and correct quotes):

“In an email, Superintendent Elisabeth Smith referred to the Post-It note prank as vandalism. She said the spray-painting was “most likely” a separate incident than what happened inside the school and student access to the building being investigated. She said police are looking into the spray-paint vandalism.

“As adults in this learning community, we are not willing to sacrifice the health and safety of ourselves or our students, we are not willing to sacrifice the integrity of our school building, and we will not tolerate the loss of valuable planning or instructional time,” she wrote. “These acts and any similar acts will be dealt with in accordance with our disciplinary code of conduct, and with the assistance of local law enforcement.” (“RCS seniors suspended over Post-It prank. School administrators identify 29 students by watching YouTube video,”  Times Union by Scott Waldman, Friday, June 8, 2012.)

Vandalism?” Any other place would call it art! Where are you MOMA?

Get a grip, Ms Smith! Senior pranking as benign as this should suffice with a simple single-day suspension and the commitment of the seniors to remove the penis paint! Law enforcement!?! Are you totally nutz? Who? The Coeymans Police. Don’t make me pee myself laughing! Maybe the FBI or the State Police? Yeah! That’ll be a priority case for them. Right after they arrest the entire Coeymans Police department! My guess is that it probably was a Coeymans cop, or one of your perv teachers or coaches that did the porno artwork!

I don’t doubt for a minute that you need law enforcement to control your rabid teachers and coaches, and your bullying problem, Ms Smith, or to control the lunatics on the RCS board of education in their backstabbing and conspiracy operations, but against the seniors for a prank? You really need to get some rest and reassess your policies!

If you feel like getting heavy-handed with your disciplinary and code of conduct policies, and involving law enforcement, try doing so in handling the budget vote irregularities and fraud, your looney-toon teachers and your bullies, getting the Coeymanazis off the PTO and off the board of education*! Try those for starters and application of code of conduct policies.

*There’s little hope of enforcing policies against teachers or teachers on the BoE because the Superintendant is a former teacher and principal at the elementary school; she’s in the thick of the cliques! But give her a chance and some time. Let her prove us wrong.

Goes to the Times Union

And is Shared by Collaborators
Turd Reporters Scott Waldman, Dayelin Roman, and
Superintendant of Schools Elizabeth Smith!

And let them attend their senior picnic! That’s an event that marks an important transition for them. No one has a right to deprive them of their moments…they’re entering a horrible world and need some fond memories to look back on. It ain’t been no picnic growing up in this community!

Boycott the Times Union, Cancel Your Subscription, Tell the Times Union What You Think of Their Coverage and Performance in a Letter or E-mail! Tell Superintendant Smith what you think of her public condemnation of RCS seniors, and about her handling of the scandalous situations at the RCS high school!


Elisabeth R. Smith, Interim Superintendant
RCS Central School District Office
15 Mountain Rd.
Ravena, NY 12143
Telephone: (518) 756.5200

The Times Union
Box 15000
News Plaza,
Albany, NY 12212.
Telephone: (518) 454-5694

Vice President and Editor: Rex Smith,
Online Executive Producer: Paul Block,
Associate Editor: Michael V. Spain,
Editorial Page Editor: Jay Jochnowitz,
Senior Editor, Local News: Teresa Buckley,

 I have to get back to our exposé Part II: Geneology of Corruption, Residents Complain. Stay tuned!

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!

Atheist Teachers, Criminal Athletic Association, Neonazi Students

Warning: If you are a student or a minor, please leave this blog NOW!

Atheist Teachers, Criminal Athletic Association, Neonazi Students…Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk High School Has It ALL!

Bully Assault & Battery at
RCS High School

With the New York State Dignity Act, an important anti-bullying law going into effect this month, it is baffling, especially in view of Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk schools’ very poor record in curtailing and preventing school bullying –teacher-on-student, teacher-on-teacher, and student-on-student bullying– how it is possible that a particularly brutal attack could happen in the RCS high school only last week!

Here’s what happened and what was caught on video:

A male ninth-grade student is attempting to pass through a door. Another male student appears to be making way for the first student to pass but then jumps the first student from behind. The attacker brutally hits the first student in the head and then claws his neck, leaving numerous lacerations and fingernail marks on the first student’s neck.

The first student was able to free himself from the attacker’s grip but not without injuries.

The entire incident was caught on video tape. The parents of the injured student demanded that the New York State Police be called; the Coeymans Police responded but were allegedly sent away by the school principal, who was instructed by the parents to allow only the State Police to investigate.

Because of fears of retaliation against the injured student that were expected on the basis of previous bullying incidents at the high school, several of which were directly attributed to the instigation of teachers having made imprudent and inappropriate remarks relating to a student, the parent of the injured student had earlier called the school to advise administration and teachers to be vigilant that day. A lot of good that precaution did!

We have previously reported on the bullying problems at the RCS high school, the reports of a teacher, Matt Miller, proclaiming himself to students to be an atheist when not reciting the “one nation under God” part of the pledge of allegiance (see  “One Nation Under God”…Maybe not.)  (Miller is president of the RCS teachers association/union), two teachers at least are known to have made inappropriate remarks about students or student’s family members which led directly to bullying incidents (see Stop the Presses…EXTRA! Bully Gangs at RCS and  Real Bullying at School is By the Teachers), school administration has either been slow to respond or totally non-responsive to incidents, including even a gun on school grounds (see Gun at School & Budget Vote Irregularities…Did you see… ), and the attacker in the most recent incident, a 15-year-old minor and resident of the Ravena community, Oakbrook Manor, is a self-proclaimed neo-nazi!

Because the attacker is a minor, the New York State Police have allegedly informed the parents of the injured student that no charges can be made against the attacking student! This was clearly a premeditated violent assault and battery on another student without provocation whatsoever! What’s this shite about not being able to charge the attacker? That’s utter nonsense! Charge the juvenile criminal and do it now or expect to see more bold attacks…and more lawsuits, including criminal charges against administrators and teachers! (On top of everything else, the RCS district is plagued with a corrupt and tainted police department and a serious retaliation problem. See Corrupt Coeymans Police Effectiveness Compromised!!!, Can You Explain This, Jerry?, This Is Your Town, Coeymans! Do you like it?).

Teachers are mandated reporters of such violence under the Dignity Act but at RCS they’re involved with the bullying! Many of the teachers don’t have the brains or the training to know the difference between opening their mouths and letting crap fly out and keeping their manure chutes shut!

And Brian Bailey, principal of the RCS high school, allegedly responds that he “Will take care of it [?]” (RCS has a record of non-response (see Schools, Superintendent:  No Response to Allegations of Bullying…)  Idiots! Brian Bailey is barely able to cross the street unassisted (see INCREDIBLE!!!)…what in hell is he going to do about this violent assault and battery on a student on school grounds? A neo-nazi, no less! Bailey can’t even be relied on to implement emergency security procedures when there’s a gun on school grounds! Who cares WHY the gun’s there! It’s there! You ask WHY? after you implement the security procedures, you DORK!

If school violence is not enough for your tax dollars, RCS residents and taxpayers, we also have our greedy little friend Matt Miller double-dipping and getting a stipend on top of his teacher salary (see A Fable of a Swimming Pool and Acquatic Sports and other Horror Stories). We have a RCS Athletic Association that’s come under fire for alleged criminal activity like misrepresenting itself as a non-profit, failing to file the required tax disclosures, illegally misusing Association funds for political purposes (see Sports Scandal Quiz: RCS Sports Association? and James Latter). There’s also the sociopath wanabe teacher, Josephine O’Connor, who does a “He called me fat!” dance for voters (see Josephine O’Connor: A Role Model of Maturity and Mental Stability…NOT!) and then gets a village idiot, her estranged father, Joseph “Joe” Tracey,  to harass and intimidate and then to file a false charge against the president of the Board of Education, getting the innocent man arrested! (see This Is Your Town, Coeymans! Criminals Gone Wild, Part II) And then we have the reall perp and pervs, over and above Josephine O’Connor, who go unscathed despite egregious violations of confidentiality in violation of the federal FERPA law, like James Latter  (see James Latter: Why Is He Still On the Board of Education?).

The Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District Recently Put to The Vote and Approved a $41,729,185 budget for the 2012-13 school year. While the proposed budget allegedly reduces spending by $708,681, or 1.7 percent compared with the current school year it increased the tax levy on property owning residents by an additional 6.8 percent! The final total was 1797 Yes votes to 1602 No votes (53 percent to 47 percent). The very close, almost a tie, provides a clear clue as to the sharp division in the community regarding this highly charged and controversial issue, not to mention the brutality and nastiness of the Yes! supporters in the campaigning leading to this vote. A large number of voting irregularities are currently under investigation by various authorities. (See More Irregularities in the Voting?, Gun at School & Budget Vote Irregularities…Did you see…,, Secret Meetings on Budget at Public School?)

Your Tax Dollars Working For You and Your Children!

Bullies are Pussies!

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!

Posted by on June 4, 2012 in Abuse, ACLU, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Executive, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany County Supervisor, Albany Police, Albany Police Rejects, Albany Schenectady BOCES, American Civil Liberties Union, ARANY, Assault, Assault and Battery, Battery, Board of Regents, BOCES, Brian Bailey, Bully, Bully Cops, Bully Gang, Bullying, Capital District, Coercion, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Justice, Complaint, Conspiracy, Corrupt Police, D. M. Crosier, Daily Mail, Daniel P. McCoy, David M. Steiner, David Soares, Dawn Dolan, Dayelin Roman, DEC, DeLuca Public Affairs, Department of Environmental Conservation, Donna Leput Hommel, Double Dipping, Education Commissioner, Elizabeth Smith, Emergency Procedures, Endangering a Minor, Ethics and Morality, Ethics in Schools, Failing Schools, False Instrument, Fat Bastard, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Freedom of Speech, Frustration, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Guns, Guns at School, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Incompetence, Innocent Bystander, Intimidation, Irregularities, Voting, IRS 990 Tax Filing, Jeff Stambaugh, Jerry Deluca, Joe Tracey, John B. King, Joseph Edward Tracey, Joseph Teresi, Josephine O'Connor, Kerry Thompson, Law Enforcement, Liberty Weeping, Main Street Small Business Coalition, Marlene McTigue, Matt Miller, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Misdemeanor, Misfits, MSSBC, New Baltimore, New York, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, News Herald, NYCLU, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSED Office of Counsel, Office of the Attorney General, Order of Protection, P. David Soares, Pam Black, Perp Patrol, Person of Interest, Perv Patrol, Peter Masti, Pieter B Coeymans Elementary School, Pieter B. Coeymanazis, Pieter B. Coeymans PTO, Police Rejects, Police State, Police Thugs, PTO, R J DEsposito, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Village Justice, RCS Athletic Association, RCS Board of Education, RCS Business Group, RCS Central School District, RCS Community, RCS School Board, RCS School Superintendant, RCS Sports Association, RCS Sportsman Association, RCS Teachers Association, Sarah Berchtold Engel, Schizoid, Schizophrenic, School Violence, Secret Meetings, Secret Police, Security, Selkirk, Senate Committee on NYC School Governance, Smalbany, Small Town, Sports Association, Stephen Flach, Student Endangerment, Student Health, Student Supervision, Students and Guns, Sucker Punch, Superintendent of Schools, Surveillance, Teacher Misconduct, Teacher Negligence, Terrorism at Home, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Voting Irregularities


An Open Letter to the Albany County Sheriff and the Albany County DA

Warning: If you are a student or a minor, please leave this blog NOW!

An Open Letter of Concern and Demand for Investigation


Mr Daniel P. McCoy
Albany County Executive
112 State Street, Room 200
Albany, NY 12207
Mr Craig D. Apple Sr.
Albany County Sheriff
Albany County Sheriff’s Office
16 Eagle Street
Albany, NY 12207
Mr P. David Soares
Albany County District Attorney
County Judicial Center
6 Lodge Street
Albany, NY 12207


It is sometimes remarkable that situations and circumstances that most of us clearly acknowledge as common-knowledge, because of their persistence and perfidiousness, and other situations and circumstances are assumed to be conspicuously demanding of the attention of our elected public officials, assuming that they are even minimally conscious, lucid, and interested.

We naturally do not expect any serious and intelligent human being to rely in major part, much less wholly, on the reporting in the local rags, the Times Union, and other media, such as the local news comedy hours, but we do expect that one of the most effective means of public discourse, the Internet, cannot possibly have failed to capture your attention–especially in view of the fact that we have placed the publications directly under your noses– at least in matters concerning your region of responsibility and your particular and specific offices and operations.

Sadly, we find either that you are ignorant of what is going on right under your noses, or even more sadly, you are uninterested. In either case, please accept this letter as a public wake-up call.

This blog has closely scrutinized the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk central school district and the situation in the town of Coeymans, both in your jurisdictions of Albany County, New York. What this blog, its writers, and its contributors have revealed is scandalous, criminal, and in desperate need of investigation and prosecution. We shall not misuse valuable space in this letter to rehash what has been discussed extensively and in detail in the numerous postings on this blog but we will cite two disturbing situations that require investigation within the purview of the Office of the District Attorney and of the Albany County Sheriff, two eminently important offices on which a great many residents, citizens, and visitors in Albany County depend for their safety and security, physical, psychological, and spiritual.

On the example of the town of Coeymans, this blog has reported numerous instances of apparent corruption in the Coeymans Police Department, managed by one Gerald Darlington. The Coeymans Police Department enjoys an unenviable reputation, and has had the reputation for many years of inefficiency, corruption, retaliation, and conflicts of interest. Nothing has changed but it has become unimaginably worse; it is the duty and obligation of the hierarchy in law enforcement and the executive, under which law enforcement falls in terms of governance, to investigate, audit, correct, and if required, to prosecute in these situations.

But how can the citizens of Coeymans or anywhere else expect or even hope for this necessary clean-up to be in any way successful if the very executive and law enforcement offices, whose mandate it is to investigate and to prosecute, are themselves compromised and tainted?

As mentioned above, the Coeymans Police Department is managed by a so-called chief, Gregory Darlington. The executive law enforcement office in the county, the office of the District Attorney P. David Soares, employs at least two very close relatives of Mr Darlington: Darlington’s wife is secretary to DA P. David Soares, and Darlington’s daughter is a prosecutor in Mr Soares’ office. This begs the question, Mr Soares, of how you can possibly maintain any level of security and confidentiality in your office and, should the occasion arise, how you can ensure that any complaints arriving in your office will receive impartial attention and, if necessary, investigation, when two close relatives of one of the very individuals you are being asked to investigate are in key positions in your office? Such an incredible situation does nothing to inspire confidence in the ethical operations of the Albany County District Attorney’s Office.

Some time ago, during the very vitriolic and savage school budget campaigns that ravaged this community, which continue with vendettas being satisfied and retaliation by those who cannot accept the nature of the community and get on with business, we made clear recommendations, having identified the nepotism, the conflicts of interest, and the corruption rampant in the Coeymans Police Department, that residents who do not feel safe calling the Coeymans Police for assistance, should instead call the Albany County Sheriff or the New York State Police. We published a Complaints Contact Sheet to assist those anxious residents. This lack of confidence in the Coeymans Police Department is longstanding, as is the common-knowledge practice of retaliation and coercion practiced by the Coeymans police officers against residents.

Since our recommendation, we have received disturbing reports from several residents that having called the Albany County Sheriff for assistance, they found that the Albany County Sheriff personnel, instead of responding directly, forwarded to the call without the residents’ knowledge to the Coeymans police, who appeared at the rather surprised residents’ homes and, in one instance, at the RCS High School. Why would the Albany County Sheriff’s department personnel refuse to respond? We may have the answer to this question (see below).

A further disturbing incident occurred last week when a local business owner, a woman, attempted file an harassment complaint with the Coeymans Police Department, and the officer on duty there, one Kerry Thompson, refused to take the complaint. Officer Thompson is married to Gregory Darlington’s sister, and Kerry Thompson is also a law enforcement employee of the Albany County Sheriff. The same questions put to Mr Soares are here put to Mr Apple, Albany County Sheriff: Given this situation in which the Albany County Sheriff is a recourse for residents and citizens fearful of the local Coeymans police, and given the situation that the Albany County Sheriff is necessarily involved in confidential investigations that have been taken out of the hands of the Coeymans Police Department for reasons of retaliation by the Coeymans Police Department, how can the Albany County Sheriff, Mr Apple, ensure that those investigations are secure and confidential and that the interests and privacy of the citizen resident are safeguarded, when you have on your staff an individual, Kerry Thompson, who is so closely associated not only with the Coeymans Police Department as an employee of that department, but also is married to the sister of the Coeymans police chief, Gregory Darlington. How, Mr Apple, can you ensure any security and confidentiality at all under these circumstances? How, Mr Apple, is it that you can reconcile the obvious ethical discrepancies between Kerry Thompson’s employment with the Albany County Sheriff’s department and his intimate association with the corrupt and tainted Coeymans Police Department?

Moreover, we have on this blog reported on the multiple conflicts of interest and have alleged other misconduct of one of the employees on the Coeymans Police Department, one Gerald Deluca. Deluca is intimately involved with a number of individuals and activities in the county and in the community that, under normal circumstances, would raise serious ethical if not legal questions, and would likely lead to at least ethical, if not criminal criminal, investigation of the myriad conflicts of interest. Deluca is employed by a number of special interest and lobbying entities including but not limited to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Automotive Recyclers Association of New York (ARANY), the Main Street Small Business Coalition (MSSBC), Deluca Public Affairs, all of which serve to compromise any appearance of impartiality and objectivity in Deluca’s police investigative work at the Coeymans police department. We wonder very seriously how this has for so long, sirs, successfully escaped your attentions, and whether that circumstance was intentional or accidental? We now bring these matters to your attention by way of this blog.

We would like to mention also Deluca’s inappropriate associations with highly politically charged groups in the RCS community and his retaliative conduct in delaying important criminal investigations, one of which after six (6) months delay, had to be turned over by the resident to the County Sheriff’s department, intimidation of political opponents, failure to investigate criminal campaign sign investigations, undue influence and conspiracy with one close friend and board of education associate, Josephine O’Connor, and the conspiratorial arrest and abuse of due process of the RCS board of education president (with the collaboration of Kerry Thompson acting as a Coeymans police officer)!

Naturally, a properly conducted investigation of these circumstance is likely to uncover much, much more by way of impropriety and criminality, not the least in terms of multiple conflicts of interest, corruption, breaches of due process, abuse of police power, and much more in the Coeymans administration. We would expect that a complete audit of law enforcement records and activities, as well as interviewing of those residents and citizens who have served the town of Coeymans, the Coeymans Police Department, and the Coeymans courts with complaints would further serve the purposes of a good faith investigation of the widespread misconduct and corruption in both town governance and in law enforcement in this community. We would also expect that the backgrounds of the current employees of the Coeymans Police Department be carefully scrutinized for prior conduct and convictions that would make them unfit or at least undesirable for law enforcement work.

So, Mr County Executive, Mr District Attorney, and Mr County Sheriff, we hereby serve notice upon you all of our well-founded concern for security and confidentiality in your departments, of our concern for the ability of your offices to operate impartially and objectively, of our concern that your offices are, by virtue of the inappropriate and unethical degrees of relationship between key members of your staff and key persons of interest in the Coeymans Police Department and others in the administration and governance of the town of Coeymans, and demand that you appropriately audit, investigate, and if necessary to prosecute.

We urge, No! we demand that you respond affirmatively to our call for investigations and audit of the Coeymans law enforcement machine, and for correction of these scandalous circumstances of grave concern, and for the prosecution of any criminal conduct found.

For and on behalf of concerned citizen residents,

The Editor

Blog Posts of Particular Relevance:

Similar letters will be sent to state and federal law enforcement hierarchy, state and federal legislators, and to state and federal oversight and investigation entities. Separate letters will be sent to state and federal education officials, state and federal legislators, state and federal investigative agencies for schools. Of course, the ACLU and the NYCLU will be informed. We invite public comment to this blog by any citizen who has information or evidence to provide in terms of the concerns expressed in this letter. Thank you!

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!

Posted by on June 2, 2012 in Abuse, Albany, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Executive, Albany County Supervisor, American Civil Liberties Union, ARANY, Bethlehem Police, Big Brother, Bully Gang, Bullying, Burning the Constitution, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Cathy Long, cathy@policeaffairs, CJC, Coercion, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Court, Coeymans Town Justice, Commission on Judicial Conduct, Complaint, Conflict of Interest, Conspiracy, Corrupt Legislature, Corruption, Craig D. Apple Sr., Crooked Cop, D. M. Crosier, Daily Mail, Daniel P. McCoy, David Soares, Dawn Dolan, DEC, DeLuca Public Affairs, Department of Environmental Conservation, Elizabeth Smith, False Instrument, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Freedom of Speech, Frustration, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Greater Coeymans Ravena Area Community Business Group, Greene County, Greg Teresi, Gregory Darlington, Harassment, Illegal Lobbying, Incompetence, Innocent Bystander, Investigation, Irregularities, Voting, Jeff Stambaugh, Jerry Deluca, Joe Tracey, Joseph Teresi, Josephine O'Connor, Judicial Misconduct, Law Enforcement, Liberty Weeping, Main Street Small Business Coalition, Marlene McTigue, Matt Miller, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Monitoring, New Baltimore, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, NYCLU, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSED Office of Counsel, Office of the Attorney General, Order of Protection, P. David Soares, Perv Patrol, Peter Masti, Police Rejects, Police State, Police Thugs, R J DEsposito, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, RCS Athletic Association, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS Community, RCS School Board, RCS Sports Association, RCS Sportsman Association, RCS Teachers Association, School Security, Security Procedures, Selkirk, Senate Committee on NYC School Governance, Sign Vandalism, Smalbany, Small Town, Sports Association, Superintendent of Schools, Surveillance, Teacher Misconduct, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Times Union Blogs, Tom Dolan, Uncategorized


This Is Your Town, Coeymans! Criminals Gone Wild, Part II

Warning: If you are a student or a minor, please leave this blog NOW!

 I Recently Started A Discussion in  a Chaplains Discussion Group on Forgiveness and Reconciliation, and I’ve Just Reviewed Some of the Discussion From the Participants. So, Forgive Me But I’m Waxing Pastoral, Theological, So-to-Speak.

Criminals Gone Wild, Part II

I’m Sitting Here at My Desk, Thinking About Coeymans, the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk District and Wondering: Does the Place Make the People Evil, Or Do the People Make the Place Evil?

Does the Place Make the People Evil, Or Do the People Make the Place Evil?” That’s the question that is preoccupying me this evening as I read through some legal papers and police reports relating to a recent incident in Coeymans. I also wondered while reading how a country that wants to make same-sex marriages legal and liberalize immigration laws can be so hateful towards its neighbors? There’s something schizoid about the whole thing; it’s really sicko!

It seems the television and local press media have been spoon fed some blood so they’re in a feeding frenzy this evening, as only the media can do, whole facts, half facts, they don’t give a damned. As long as they can beat the others to the punch!

But the question that still comes up, even after I ponder the question of: “Why are they going after the good citizen and not the crooked, corrupt cops? Why are they not going after the deranged, depraved drug addled Neanderthal who actually menaced a lone woman, vomiting profanity and threats to harm her entire family?”

But then that haunting question resurfaces: “Is it the Place that Makes the People Evil, or the People that Make the Place Evil?

On about Thursday, May 24, 2012, Mr Joseph E. TRACEY, the father of RCS board of education member Josephine O’Connor, entered a local business premises and launched into a tirade of obscenities, profanities and threats on the lone woman in the office, who happened to be a local busness woman and the sister of the sitting RCS board of education president. Here we have what is tantamount to Fat Bastard accosting Tinkerbell! That’s a real match, isn’t it?

Do You Recognize This Man?

Well, luckily, the lady’s brother (not John Vadney but another brother) was watching and called on her cell phone to ensure everything was all right and later physically appeared to make certain TRACEY was behaving (he was not); by that time, it appears, the lady had things under control, but TRACEY continued his attacks, now in the presence of not two but three witnesses!

The reason for TRACEY’s appearance was that the BoE president, Mr John Vadney,  allegedly called his daughter, Josephine O’Connor fat.” We reported on the incident on this blog and, it appears, the BoE president did no such thing and there are at least four, FOUR witnesses to testify to that fact. Nevertheless, TRACEY was convinced that someone called his adult married daughter, for quite a number of years estranged from TRACEY and not on friendly terms with him, “fat”  but now all of a sudden he’s being protective (?). Fact is, TRACEY was set up to be a tool and was being used to set up BoE president…something TRACEY doesn’t have the smarts to do alone, having allegedly fried his brain years ago, and only recently on legal prescription meds. Mr Joseph Edward Tracey was being used as a pawn in the depraved games his daughter and her depraved pervert friends are playing; get control of the RCS board of education and its authorities. It’s all about divvying up the $41 million they deceptively got voters to accept in the 2012-13 RCS CSD school budget. The Teachers association/union wants control of all that and without the majority on the Board of Education, they’ll never have full control. So, it’s obvious, with the help of Gerald “Jerry” Deluca on the Coeymans Police Department and his bully cops–Deluca is very good friends with Josephine O’Connor–they could make a frame-up look legit but only with a Dumbo, a fall guy. Enter Joseph Edward TRACEY. After all, TRACEY has a “reputation,” a big mouth, and a brain that makes a chicken’s look like Einstein’s, and is expendible. Right, Josephine?


So TRACEY makes his appearance, does his thing, and leaves promising to call the board president, which, as we see, he does on Friday, May 25, 2012. (It should be noted here for completeness that the woman initially accosted by TRACEY feared for her own safety and that of her family and attempted to file a complaint with Officer Thompson of the Coeymans Police, but Coeymans Officer Kerry Thompson, also a Lieutenant with the Albany County Sheriff and married to Darlington’s Sister refused to take the complaint!  Wonder why?)

On informatin and belief TRACEY called the president of the board at his home on Friday evening, May 25, 2012, and left a voicemail message at about 4:30 p.m.; Mr Vadney returned TRACEY’s call that evening at about 8:30 p.m.  TRACEY again alleged that Mr Vadney called his daughter “fat,” which Mr Vadney denied. TRACEY again  launched into a tirade of profanity and obscenities, threatening to harm Mr Vadney. Mr Vadney terminated the call and immediately reported the incident to the Bethlehem police. The Bethlehem police contacted TRACEY, located him at his home, arrested him, transported him to the station. The honorable Jordon, Bethlehem town justice, arraigned TRACEY on misdemeanor aggravated harassment, and ordered him to appear in court at a later date. Judge Jordon also issued an order of protection in favor of Mr Vadney, prohibiting Tracey from contacting Mr Vadney.

Were the Coeymans Police actually violating the Order of Protection issued by Judge Jordon? We think YES! They were actually acting after the Judge issued the Order of Protection and on the express behalf of Joe TRACEY to continue TRACEY’s intimidation and threats when Joe TRACEY was prohibited from contacting Mr Vadney! Joe TRACEY was arrested and arrested for good cause; he couldn’t accept that and made good his threats against Mr Vadney, this time with the help of the Coeymanazis, the Coeymans Police, who ignored the Judge’s order and continued to harass and intimidate Mr Vadney, even sham arresting him! Of course the general public and the media missed the finer points of this criminal activity but you now know! Fancy that! The Coeymans Police doing something illegal…AGAIN!

Apparently, after TRACEY’s arrest, TRACEY filed a complaint with Coeymans police alleging that Mr Vadney threatend TRACEY with bodily harm, and that he stated “I know where you live” and “You’d better watch out.” TRACEY states that he was “alarmed” by these threats. Our question, naturally is: TRACEY, if you were so alarmed by these alleged words, Why didn’t you report them immediately or when you were arrested? There’s no mention of that in the police reports. Why did you wait til the next day, after you had been arrested and an order of protection issued against you?

Well, at about 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 26, 2012, the Coeymans police arrive at the home of sitting RCS board of education president, John Vadney, and arrest him on the charge of Guess what? Aggravated harrassment.

Now, who’s our little sock-puppet, Officer Crosier?

But reading the Coeymans police report, we note that it is not Joseph Edward TRACEY who is complainant, but Officer D.M. Crosier shield No. 128, of the Coeymans Police Department. Our first impression is that this Crosier character is either ignorant or totally incompetent ,or more probably still, just a sockpuppet following orders. (S)he was not present when the alleged threats were made, was (s)he? Neither is the complaint/report signed by TRACEY. Nor is there a jurat or sworn deposition by TRACEY in support of the complaint–at least not in the report we have. Mr Vadney was not mirandized upon his arrest and he was not arraigned before a judge at the time of being charged. All of these irregularities–did we expect different in Coeymans–are glaring in terms of law enforcement! What does this spell out for us:


This entire series of events perfectly illustrates what we have been reporting and saying all along! The players are all the same:  The Coeymans Police Department (representing Gerald “Jerry” Deluca and the Coeymanazis), Josephine O’Connor and dear ole demented Dad  (representing the teachers union members on the RCS board of education), and the residents and people of the RCS community and central school district (represented by Mr John Vadney).

As for the circumstances at large in the RCS community and in the schools in the RCS central school district, all you have to do is page through this blog to get a good idea of what that’s all about. I won’t waste space here repeating it all.

When interpreting the facts, we look at the events, the circumstances, the individuals involved. Here we have the image of Josephine O’Connor, an adult married woman, calling herself inaccurately a teacher (making her a liar), alleging that the president of the RCS board of education called her “fat,” and, in the presence of voters waiting to hear the results of the presumably  fraudulent budget vote, in her own words published on FaceBook, Josephine O’Connor writes:

“In that hot hallway full of people waiting for election results, I raised my voice and said “hey everyone: Member of the Board X just said I look like I put on weight, anyone else want to chime in?” I yelled the insult up and down the hallway.” (See our article: Josephine O’Connor: A Role Model of Maturity and Mental Stability…NOT!)

And then, not to let the matter rest, and to use it to the max for her depraved and lunatic purposes, she enlists her burnt-out father as her Dumbo! and sets out with the collusion of the Coeymans Police (Deluca, her “good friend”) to frame Mr Vadney! This woman claims to be a teacher; is that the sort of person you want in your school?

Our advice: Get over it Josephine! Get some counseling, some therapy! But stay away from the children!!!! You’re really BAD news!

Then we have that poor bastid Joseph Edward TRACEY, who fathered our lunatic wannabe teacher, Josephine O’Connor, who on information and belief has quite a history of his own, which explains much of his behavior, and who, for whatever reason, gets sucked into this undercurrent by his newly re-found Josephine–and gets his ass arrested for his idiotic behavior and then, stupidly, perjurs himself in retaliation!

As for the corrupt and tainted thugs at the Coeymans Police Department, they are beyond any criticism we could unleash on them here. They are thugs, bullies, Coeymanazis; what can you expect with the leaders they have and the types of recruits they bring in: rejects. Unfortunately, the good apples in the barrel have to carry the stench of their rotten colleagues. 

Mr John Vadney
Gold Star Rated

As for Mr Vadney: He was elected on his merits. He’s a hard-working family man, he and his wife have two beautiful children and have provided wonderfully for them. His children are smart, talented, respectful, handsome. He is honest, honorable, and respectful. Godfearing, moral, ethical  and good. Having observed him many times in the videotapes of the RCS board of education meetings, he is always professional, cheerful, and respectful. Mr Vadney and his family are hospitable and generous; their home and table are open to all. It’s a family tradition.  Mr Vadney is a good listener and mediator; he treats everyone with respect. Mr Vadney has worked long and hard for the RCS central school district and has made many personal sacrifices for the sake of the district, its students and residents. It’s an abomnation what the sicko’s in this community have done to them! There’s a special p;lace in hell for those asocial perverts and they’ll reap the rewards of their evildoings none to soon! A curse be upon them and those who support them! Amen!  The man described by the LIARS Joseph Edward TRACEY and his estranged, strange adult daughter, Josephine O’CONNOR is a fiction, a fabrication of their sick minds. Those who know Mr Vadney and work with him can confirm the observation that he is good, honorable, and a victim of the perverts; you can judge for yourself: Watch the tapes, they’re available on the RCS board of education website.

One final word on the media: This blog, to its credit, deals in facts. We could have commented on these events sooner but we waited until we had all of the reports and could quote facts. Unfortunately, that is not the case for Channel 6 News and Channel 10 News; they hadn’t even seen the police reports and were hounding Mr Vadney and his neighbors. Channel 6 News and Channel 10 News had the opportunity to establish credibility but BLEW IT! Their editors have to answer for that; hopefully their shareholders and their advertisers will take those faux pas and the ignorance in consideration. Don’t be mistaken, we’ll make sure they know about it! Sorry stupids…you made your beds, now sleeep in them!

Is this Dayelin Roman?

Of course, the Times Useless and the sleeze reporter Dayelin Roman were on the phone trying to scrape up some of the pooled blood before it could even clot! Dayelin Roman, star pornographic reporter! Makes you wonder who’s doing what for her, she’s so hot on destroying the decent people in Coeymans and ignores the crooks and criminals! What’s up, Day’, you and Jerry gettin’ kinda “close?”  Who’s leaking information to you from  Coeymans (that’s an old problem, common knowledge that someone in the Coeymans P.D. leaks information)? Or do you suck up anything put in front of you?

But credit where credit is due: At least Channel 13, I’m told, was reasonably balanced in its reporting and at least gave both sides of the story. Earlier today, WNYT Channel 13 spent more than 51 minutes on this blog. Eric Hoppel was notified of the problems in Coeymans some time ago. Do you think WNYT or Hoppel will get to the bottom of the real problems in Coeymans, like Deluca and the Coeymanazis? Time will tell.

People of Ravena, Coeymans, Selkirk! How can you have the stomach to let this go on any longer?

Enough said on that subject. The Law and Justice will have the last word! But that question is still bothering me:

“Is it the Place that Makes the People Evil, or Is it the People that Make the Place Evil?

The Editor

A Couple of Afterthoughts…

“It’s for the kids!”

Remember that slogan abused by the Yes! people during the budget battle. Wielded so many times by teachers and teacher minions to tug at your heart strings and to get you to give them their money?  Well, apparently Josephine O’Connor and Joe TRACEY “did it all for the kids.” Was it for the kids that Mr Vadney’s children had to hear Joe TRACEY’s filth coming over the speaker phone? Was it for the kids that Mr Vadney’s children had to witness their innocent father arrested and carted off like the Coemanazi criminals instigating the fraud? Was it for the kids that they now have to face their schoolmates and bear the stigma of what Josephine O’Connor, Joe TRACEY, and the Coeymanazis conjured up? Yeah! It’s for the the kids…and I just saw a pig (I won’t mention any names) fly by my window!We can only speculate why this evil has been done…

But here are some ideas:

  • The Coeymanazis are lashing out wildly at anything or anyone that is associated, in reality or only in their small minds, with this blog. They think they know who the blogger is and will do anything to “punish” her/him or anyone associated with him/her. They seem to see her/him everywhere (see our article Matt Miller: “I Seen The BLOGGER!!!!” — his grammar, not ours!). And have even used the school children to do their dirty work (see Schools, Superintendent:  No Response to Allegations of Bullying… and Stop the Presses…EXTRA! Bully Gangs at RCS).
  • The word is that some members of the RCS board of education were going to vote to deny RCS teachers association/union president Matt Miller (the self-professed atheist teacher) the $10K he’s receiving on top of his teacher salary (he has a reduced teaching load of 2 periods a day so that he can do his union finagling at the school, and then they pay him an additional stipend of $10K to act as energy watchdog at the school!). Is it worth $10K to frame an innocent person? You betcha it is in Coeymans. The solution: Do anything to prevent the vote! Create a distraction…ANYTHING!
  • It could be revenge for the fact that so many residents in the RCS central school district saw and reported numerous irregularities leading up to and in the May 15 budget voting and the election of board of education members. Revenge for the fact that the teacher’s lost their majority on the board so some non-supporters had to go! They had already tried before and failed. It looks like they really go desperate.
  • And then there’s Josephine O’Connor. She appears to have anger and self-esteem issues that probably go way back in her personal history. A lot of trauma there. Maybe it was one of the many voices in her head that called her fat and she tried to pin reality on it by lashing out at someone in the crowd, maybe a father figure? Maybe the father figure represented in the president of the RCS board of education? It really makes no difference which voice it was she heard. What does matter is that she’s held on to the thought for so long and has actually kept the rage in her until she could vent it. Now that in itself is nutz! Josephine O’Connor has some serious psychological issues, it seems, and she’s not someone I’d want around my kids…in school or anywhere!

 Well, those are the facts; obviously nothing seems to change in the Coeymans freak show.

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!
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Posted by on May 31, 2012 in Abuse, ACLU, Albany Police Rejects, American Civil Liberties Union, Amy Bartlett, ARANY, Bethlehem Police, Bill McFerran, Blogger, Board of Regents, BOCES, Bully Gang, Bullying, Bullyism, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Cathy Long, Coercion, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Justice, Conspiracy, Crooked Cop, D. M. Crosier, Daily Mail, David Soares, Dawn Dolan, Dayelin Roman, DEC, DeLuca Public Affairs, Department of Environmental Conservation, Donna Leput Hommel, Elizabeth Smith, Ethics and Morality, Extramarital Affairs, FaceBook, False Instrument, Fat Bastard, Fat Momma, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, Fraud, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Gregory Darlington, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Immorality, Incompetence, Innocent Bystander, Intimidation, Investigation, Irregularities, Voting, Jeff Stambaugh, Jerry Deluca, Joe Tracey, John B. King, Joseph Edward Tracey, Josephine O'Connor, Judicial Misconduct, Law Enforcement, Liberty Weeping, Lies, Main Street Small Business Coalition, Marlene McTigue, Matt Miller, Mayor Bruno, Misdemeanor, Misfits, MSSBC, New Baltimore, New York, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, News Herald, NYCLU, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSED Office of Counsel, Office of the Attorney General, Order of Protection, Perp Patrol, Person of Interest, Perv Patrol, Peter Masti, Pieter B Coeymans Elementary School, Pieter B. Coeymanazis, Pieter B. Coeymans PTO, Police Rejects, Police State, Police Thugs, Pulp Fiction Journalism, Pulp Journalist, R J DEsposito, Rats, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, RCS Athletic Association, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS Community, RCS School Board, RCS School Superintendant, RCS Sports Association, RCS Sportsman Association, RCS Teachers Association, Sarah Berchtold Engel, Secret Meetings, Secret Police, Selkirk, Senate Committee on NYC School Governance, Small Town, Snakes, Sports Association, Stephen Flach, Stop the Bullying, Student Endangerment, Superintendent of Schools, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Times Union Blogs, Times Useless Blogs, Town Justice, Vampire Teachers, Village Justice, Voting Fraud, Voting Irregularities


This Is Your Town, Coeymans! Do you like it?

Warning: If you are a student or a minor, please leave this blog NOW!

Sometimes You Just Need To Sit Down and Write Things Out to Get a Real Feel for What’s Going On Around You. We Did And Here’s What We Came Up With…

Coeymans at Work

For about two months now we’ve been reporting on what’s going on right under your noses. It’s all stuff that you are not hearing about in the newspapers, the News Herald, the Daily Mail, the Times Union, who should be reporting and investigating this scandalous situation. We’ve encouraged you to complain, to fight back, to call the New York State Education Department, the FBI, the County Sheriff, and others. To stand up, speak out, fight back, take back your town, and peace of mind. Well, here are some thoughts and facts for you to chew on and to think about:


See our accompanying letter,  An Open Letter to the Albany County Sheriff and the Albany County DA.

  • Gerald “Jerry” Deluca is employed by the Town of Coeymans in the Coeymans Police Department
  • Gerald “Jerry” Deluca works very intimately with Gregory Darlington (“manager” of the Coeymans Police Department)
  • Gerald “Jerry” Deluca involved with Yes! side in budget debates (see our article, Secret Meetings on Budget at Public School?)
  • Gerald “Jerry” Deluca involved with teachers side on BoE
  • Gerald “Jerry” Deluca has conspicuous influence with Coeymans Police Department and with its members
  • Gerald “Jerry” Deluca is a former member of the RCS board of education and served as president for a time. After the scandal of his adulterous affair with his now partner Cathy (Long) Deluca, he was not re-elected and his partner, Cathy (Long) Deluca, lost her bid for relection. The Deluca legacy to the RCS central school district was the money-pit swimming pool (which was slipped in on the residents in the budget after failing to pass several times; a Deluca sneak job).
  • Gerald “Jerry” Deluca and the other loser candidates (most of his public following is made up of people who ran for office but lost) making up his entourage has been on a merciless campaign of misinformation and abuse of the present non-teacher supporters on the RCS board of education. Delucal heads the so-called Coemanazis [the Losers Club].
  • Gerald “Jerry” Deluca is a so-called police investigator and investigates local requests for law enforcement assistance (which raises many questions, considering he receives a check from the State of New York, and has quite a number of other jobs, some raising questions of conflict of interest and worse. See below for more details. And see our article on this blog,  Can You Explain This, Jerry?) There is apparently considerable evidence for Deluca’s involvement in criminal retaliation and coercion. (The Albany County Sheriff’s Department finall got involved and kicked some Coeymans ass; the investigation is now underway. Lost again, Jerry!)
  • Gerald “Jerry” Deluca directly involved in retaliation and coercion, but has not yet been charged!
  • Gregory Darlington (“manager” of the Coeymans Police Department) apparently works for Gerald “Jerry” Deluca, which may explain why the rogue Jerry Deluca and his accomplices has free hand in Coeymans.
  • Gregory Darlington, before he was hired to the Coeymans Police Department, was a garbage collector! He’s still collecting garbage and putting it in police uniforms. Most of the derelicts and refuse that was thrown off the Coeymans P.D. by former chief Scott Giroux, including on information and belief, Gerald “Jerry” Deluca and others, were hired back by Darlington!
  • Ryan Johnson, another rogue at the Coeymans Police Department, was previously in the military and deployed to the Mid East. He never adapted to civilian law enforcement and still thinks he’s in the military. Heavy handed, abusive. But on information and belief he was charged at least 4 times for perjury. Has this man ever undergone psychological evaluation for fitness to be in law enforcement, we wonder? Could he have been adversely affected by his military experiences?
  • Officer Kerry Thompson of the Coeymans Police Department is married to Darlington’s sister; this is the same Officer Thompson who, in retaliation, refused to take a woman’s harassment complaint against Joseph Edward Tracey, father of Deluca’s close friend and board of education member, Josephine O’Connor! Thompson is also with the Albany County Sheriff’s Department. Cozy, eh?
  • Gregory Teresi, a lawyer who is serving as both Village of Ravena and Town of Coeymans attorney, is the son of the notoriously infamous Joseph Teresi (NYS Supreme Court, Albany County). Read more about good ol’ dad’s escapades at Teresi: Part I. Fear the worst: Like father, like son! A dynasty of corruption!
  • The Coeymans town justice, George Dardiani, violated just about every section of the New York State Rules of Judicial Conduct, and broadcasted his bias and prejudice by publically displaying his political support for the Yes! side in the 2012-13 budget battle by displaying a Vote Yes! (ít’s for the kids) sign on his front lawn!  A complaint has been filed.
  • Between the activities of Gerald “Jerry” Deluca and Gregory Darlington (“manager” of the Coeymans Police Department) in the budget controversy and the attempts to remove board of education members tainted and compromised Coeymans Police Department, and the public announcement of bias and prejudice by a judge on the Coeymans town court (George Dardiani), there cannot be any reasonable expectation whatsoever of justice in the town of Coeymans (no convicting any No! sign vandals or anyone involved in criminal activity against anyone openly opposing the budget or the teachers union can continue their criminal activities in Coeymans with no fear of apprehension!)
  • Because of the collaboration and conspiracy between members of the Coeymans Police Department and the Ravena village and Coeymans town court, and the seeding of the Coeymans Police Department with known criminals and delinquents (McKenna, Johnson) protecting them on the Coeymans Police Department who, because of the favors and protection and support they are receiving from key members in the Coeymans Police Department, and the support received from the Ravena village and Coeymans town court, are key instruments in the campaign of retaliation and coercion by the Coeymans Police Department and abetted by the Ravena village and the Coeymans town court. (See our article on this blog, Corrupt Coeymans Police Effectiveness Compromised!!!)
  • The Coeymans Town Court with it’s tainted and corrupt justice George Dardiani (former cafeteria manager, completely ga-ga about the Rules of Judicial Conduct), and the tainted and corrupt Ravena village court with its jugdge Harold Warner (ex-cop, still-cop-at-heart so-called judge, TAINTED & COMPROMISED); Crandell, a Town of Coeymans town justice is still under scrutiny and had better behave for now, unless something comes up to show he’s in bed with the rest! (In fact, George Dardiani did not recuse himself from the Krzykowski actions, despite the fact that Dardiani was in bed with Deluca and Co. The fact that Dardiani issued a bench arrest warrant for a local resident but the resident was never served with the summons in the first place! (Despite repeated requests by the resident, the Coeymans court was unable to come up with the original summons! Isn’t that odd?) Odd that this should be a controversial board of education member and a local businessperson, who was cited by the DEC! That is “odd,” isn’t it, Jerry? You want to tell us something, Jerry?)
  • Deluca is closely involved with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the DEC, activities and has been working with them (How? He has no background in environment! He’s supposed to be working as a police investigator since about 1982!) and lists himself as “executive director” of a special interest automotive scrap organization called ARANYAutomotive Recyclers of New York–(Now, how did he qualify for that one?). He’s also running Deluca Public Affairs (no not his usual affairs) and an entity called the Main Street Small Business Corporation. Do you wonder why local business people are experiencing so many problems with the DEC, and why local scrapyard operators and others are having problems with the DEC? Shouldn’t we ask Gerald “Jerry” Deluca about his relationships with the DEC and ARANY why there are so many problems? (O.K., Jerry, we’re asking now!) (See our article on this blog, Can You Explain This, Jerry?)
  • Complaints about Coeymans Police Department likely to be handled by AlbanyCountyD.A. David Soares’ office…but Darlington’s wife works there…Gregory Darlington’s wife works forAlbany County D.A. as secretary to Soares!
  • If that isn’t enough for you try this on for size: Coeymans town justice Harold Warner’s daughter also works in Soares’ office! Remember Hal Warner, the ex-cop playing at town justice–and if you think teachers stick together like shite to a show, you don’t don’t know how tight cops are…or how close they are to the DA’s office! Does it get any more incestuous?!?
  • Albany County D.A. David Soares’ office is compromised and tainted by conflict of interest between the best interests of the public and gatekeeper Mrs Darlington; what does that mean when disciplining Gerald “Jerry” Deluca, Gregory Darlington, and the Coeymans P.D.
  • Investigations of criminal activity in Coeymans by Coeymans Police Department compromised by the fact of political involvements of Gerald “Jerry” Deluca, Gregory Darlington (“manager” of the Coeymans Police Department) (e.g. harassment and intimidation of local business owners, harassment and intimidations of board of education members and their families, retaliation and coercion, non-investigation of sign vandalism to No! vote signs)
  • Investigations of criminal activity in Coeymans by Coeymans Police Department compromised by the fact of Gerald “Jerry” Deluca’s involvement with teachers and support of Yes! group…(e.g. arrest of BoE president connected with father of BoE member falsely claiming an abusive phone call; Coeymans police “chief” Darlington can’t seem to get the incident report together. Imagine that!)
  • Gerald “Jerry” Deluca’s and Coeyman’s P.D. involvement in retaliation against BoE members and others to coerce silence or collaboration (e.g. violation of the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act-ADA,  arrest of BoE president; various delaying tactics in police investigations; harassment and intimidation of residents (numerous complaints of police misconduct; we have at least four (4) formal complaints in our possession!))
  • Questionable integrity of Coeymans Police Department members (e.g. Johnson, Gerald “Jerry” Deluca, Gregory Darlington (“manager” of the Coeymans Police Department), Laviano, and others). Are they faithfully and impartially serving and protecting YOU?
  • Attempts by Gerald “Jerry” and Cathy (Long) Deluca, David and Amy Bartlett, Donna Leput Hommel, Josephine O’connor, James Latter, and others to unsuccessfully remove RCS board of education members leads to secret meetings and attempts to “discipline or remove” board members. (Search our blog for articles on any of these perps and read about their mischiefmaking!) (See our articles on this blog, Can You Explain This, Jerry?, James Latter: Why Is He Still On the Board of Education?, We Asked…You Responded: Thank You!, Josephine O’Connor: A Role Model of Maturity and Mental Stability…NOT!)
  • Loss of majority of teachers’ supporters on RCS CSD board of education continues with heightened clear and palpable increase in clandestine retaliation and coercion methods to achieve same purpose of removing non-teacher supporters from the RCS board of education by other methods: conspiracy and retaliation (the most conspicuous and underhanded conspiracy was to use Joe TRACEY (father of board of education member Josephine O’Connor) to falsely accuse the BoE president of misconduct, resulting in the BoE president’s arrest, and then the retaliatory tactics of the Coeymans Police Department in refusing to promptly provide a copy of the police report on the arrest)
  • The Coeymans Police Department is clearly conspiring with certain elements of the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk district, including certain members of the current board of education, unsuccessful bidders for seats on the board of education, elements supporting certain controversial and political agendas in the district, most notably the 2012-13 RCS school budget in support of certain special interest groups, notably the teachers association, and teacher-related members of the BoE
  • The Coeymans Police Department is retaliating against family members of the feared blogger in the idiotic hope that reports such as this one will stop and the blogger will disappear (Sorry, Jerry, it’s not going to happen!)
  • And not the least of the corrupt and unlawful practices in the RCS district, do we really have to remind any of you of the gross and scandalous irregularities in the recent voting? If we do, please visit our article More Irregularities in the Voting? The RCS Central School District was served with papers on May 29th demaning an investigation; we’re waiting to see where the NYSED is going to go with all of this!

Time to Start Writing–Right NOW!

So, now that you have some facts to fill in any blanks, don’t you think it’s time to start using the Complaints Contact Sheet we provided (you can view or download the sheef from the blog article, Retaliation Is A CRIME! Let’s Go After the Criminals!)? Start sending letters, e-mails, complaint forms, demands to everyone and anyone on or off the list! Get those criminal bastids out of government, investicated, in jail where they belong. They’re crooks and criminals and shouldn’t be in your back yard. (Don’t bother calling the local Coeymans police, though, they’re the criminals!)

It’s time to do YOUR part in cleaning up RCS!

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!
1 Comment

Posted by on May 31, 2012 in Abuse, ACLU, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany Police Rejects, American Civil Liberties Union, Amy Bartlett, ARANY, Bethlehem Police, Big Brother, Bill McFerran, Blogger, Board of Regents, BOCES, Brian Bailey, Bridget Engelhardt, Bully Gang, Bullying, Burning the Constitution, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Cathy Long, CJC, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Justice, Commission on Judicial Conduct, Complaint, Conflict of Interest, Conspiracy, Corruption, Crooked Cop, Daily Mail, David M. Steiner, David Soares, Dawn Dolan, DEC, DeLuca Public Affairs, Department of Environmental Conservation, Donna Leput Hommel, Double Dipping, Election Fraud, Elizabeth Smith, Ethics and Morality, F.O.I.L., FaceBook, False Instrument, Fat Bastard, Fat Momma, Fat People, FBI, FBI Criminal Information System, FBI Public Corruption Squad, FOIL, Freedom of Information Law, Freedom of Speech, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Incompetence, Intimidation, Investigation, Irregularities, Voting, James Kane, Jeff Stambaugh, Jerry Deluca, John B. King, Josephine O'Connor, Judge, Judicial Ethics, Judicial Misconduct, Kerry Thompson, Law Enforcement, Liberty Weeping, Losers Club, Main Street Small Business Coalition, Marlene McTigue, Matt Miller, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Misdemeanor, Misfits, MSSBC, New Baltimore, New York, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, News Herald, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSED Office of Counsel, Office of the Attorney General, Parent Negligence, Perp Patrol, Person of Interest, Perv Patrol, Peter Masti, Pieter B Coeymans Elementary School, Pieter B. Coeymanazis, Pieter B. Coeymans PTO, Police Rejects, Police State, Police Thugs, Poll Misconduct, R J DEsposito, Rats, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Village Justice, RCS Athletic Association, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS School Superintendant, RCS Sports Association, RCS Sportsman Association, RCS Teachers Association, Rodney Krzykowski, Sarah Berchtold Engel, SeeThroughNY, Selkirk, Senate Committee on NYC School Governance, Sign Vandalism, Skunks, Smalbany, Small Town, Snakes, Sports Association, Stephen Flach, Stop the Bullying, Superintendent of Schools, Teacher Misconduct, Teacher Negligence, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Times Union Blogs, Times Useless Blogs, Tom Dolan, Transparency, Vampire Teachers, Village Justice, Voting Fraud, Voting Irregularities


Retaliation is a Crime: Part II

Warning: If you are a student or a minor, please leave this blog NOW!

If you haven’t read Part I, Please go to Part I.

Retaliation Is A Crime! You Need to Run the Criminals Out of the Community! Only Then Will You Be Able To Walk the Streets, Drive Your Car, Speak Your Mind, Send Your Children to School with Peace of Mind! Get Rid of Retaliation in Coeymans and Live Your Lives In Peace! Learn What Retaliation Is and Complain!

Fight Back…NOW!

When you think “retaliation” you must think of it in terms of how the law defines it. If you don’t use that standard definition, anyone you speak to or complain to won’t know whether you are talking about what the law protects you against. That’s the way it works. If you use the right terms and understand what they mean, you gain credibility; if you don’t, well, the criminals will rule.

So, when you talk or write about, or when you file a claim against a public official or department about retaliation, here is a good definition to work by:

 A definition: Retaliation is defined and prohibited by a number of laws and is illegal, it is a crime. We are provinding a good working best definitions of retaliations as itis expressed in most lawas against retaliation and coercion:

(a) No private or public entity shall discriminate against any individual because that individual has opposed any act or practice made unlawful by the Constitution of the United States, state or federal law, local law or custom , or because that individual made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under the United States Constitution or any of its Amendments, the Bill of Rights, state or federal law, local law or custom or any part thereof.

(b) No private or public entity shall coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with any individual in the exercise or enjoyment of, or on account of his or her having exercised or enjoyed, or on account of his or her having aided or encouraged any other individual in the exercise or enjoyment of, any right granted or protected by the the  United States Constitution or any of its Amendments, the Bill of Rights,, state or federal law, local law or custom.

(c) Illustrations of conduct prohibited by the laws against retaliation or coersion include, but are not limited to:

(1) Coercing an individual to deny or limit the benefits, services, or advantages to which he or she is entitled as a resident or citizen;
(2) Threatening, intimidating, or interfering with an individual who is seeking to obtain or use the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of a public accommodation;
(3) Intimidating or threatening any person because that person is assisting or encouraging an individual or group entitled to claim the rights granted or protected by the the  United States Constitution or any of its Amendments, the Bill of Rights, federal or local laws, custom to exercise those rights; or
(4) Retaliating against any person because that person has participated in any investigation or action to enforce civil or constitutional, natural  or human rights.

The dictionary definition of retaliation is misleading: “retaliation, n. -Syn. vengeance, reprisal, punishment; see revenge,” and that’s why it’s so important for you to use the legal definitions of retaliation and to provide details and facts that show that the misconduct is a violation of the legal definition of retaliation or coercion.

Retaliation happens against students by teachers, against parents through their children, government through police or other agencies against citizens, landlords against tenants, employers against employee. Because people live in fear of retaliation and ignorance of the law protecting them, no one really knows how widespread retaliation and coercion is in communities, or how often it occurs; but the people experiencing it know it exists and how it affects them. You, reader, may be one of them so pay attention. You don’t have to put up with it anymore!

 Yet, wherever parents or citizens gather and whenever they talk among themselves, the topic of retaliation receives lively attention.

Anyone who advocates for children  or for justice and fairness in the community or for freedom of speech or freedom of association as guaranteed under the United States Constitution can become the target of retaliation. (Individuals across the country are winning million-dollar lawsuits against schools, teachers, government, police for illegal retaliation and coercion.)

Retaliation or coercion is the act of using official power or authority or resources to illegally “punish” residents. The causes of retaliation are no mystery and there are two key ingredients: power and accountability – too much power and not enough accountabilty.

The mechanism that seems to trigger retaliation is effective advocacy. Retaliation occurs in an environment where officials view any opinions differing from their own or any questioning of their power as an unwanted imposition or as a way to develop an alternative power base or community action. When school officials or public servants translate their responsibilities and duties to citizens, residents, children and families into unquestioned, absolute decision making power over them. The profile of such officials can take two forms: openly hostile or smoothly deceptive, the latter preferring passive aggressive resistance.

Hostile officials on the other hand use their position as an instrument of power to openly intimidate and even punish citizens, students, parents, even groups. (Without what is called due process, this is a violation of the provisions of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights!)

Most people never encounter retaliation because they are “sheeple,” people who unquestioningly and stupidly accept anything they get fed. Those who do experience retaliation and coercion however, are usually strong advocates for citizens’ rights, the betterment of the community (advocates for cleaning up politics, change), special disadvantaged or marginalized people without power such as the poor, the elderly, children. Regardless, retaliation does occur and the fear of retaliation inhibits many citizens. This gives school and government officials and the police wide latitude to become dictators, tyrants, to do what they damned well please.

Patterns of retaliation can be classified into three levels. Level I, the most frequent, is low-level passive activity, with the goal of delaying the process. Level II is more overt; the goal is to scare parents. Level III is the form of open hostility and the goal is to punish you. Level III retaliation is rare, but costly, dramatic, and damaging. After you read the descriptions below, you’ll probably have no doubts that you have been the victim of retaliation and coercion!

Level I – Delay. The goal at this level of retaliation is to reduce your effectiveness as citizens, residents, or as parents effectiveness by passive resistance, such as the introduction of delays and obstacles in the many processes involved in responding to problems or to complaints. There are numerous ways officials can achieve this result. One is simply playing dumb. This allows officials to effectively ignore the law and your rights under the law. Another is “forgetting” to do things. An official may repeatedly forget to follow-up on a commitment, such as getting back to parents with further information, or fail to schedule further meetings without several reminders. Being “away from the phone,” so often that parents give up on some important issue is also effective. Yet another technique is overly technical interpretations of laws and regulations. Level I does not appear hostile, but it can be extremely effective.

 Level II – Fear. Level II retaliation is not hidden. At this stage officials may appear to be openly frustrated and hostile. They will state that they won’t for example, allow you to have records or observe a process, or a class, or won’t permit certain kinds of activities. The list of “can’t do’s” is quite long. Most of it however, is bluff.

Level II retaliation is based on putting up a tough front in an effort to scare citizens or parents and reduce their advocacy. It is is all based on their expectation that you are ignorant of your rights and of the law. While it can be very effective, you can break through this barrier by learning more about the laws and regulations and simply insisting on compliance. Once past the obstacles, you will usually find that resistance is eliminated, because you will probably know more than they do (this is especially true when faced with ignorant village and town justices!).

Level III – Punishment. At this level, retaliation can get ugly, with officials or police openly threatening and actively trying to punish you. In this war-like situation, officials and police have a variety of weapons to choose from. One is the fair hearing (due process hearing) process. Government, and schools, too, (because YOU give them the money by accepting their budget!) have vast financial resources to transform hearings into major trial-like proceedings. Since there is no accountability to taxpayers for the large sums spent in such legal adventures, officials have free rein to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars (HamiltonCounty TN v. Zachary Deal is a case, where the school district spent at least 2.8 million dollars on attorneys’ fees to fight parents of a child with autism), and you have no say in it! You gave them a budget!

Aiding and abetting this practice is a network of attorneys who specialize in fighting citizens and parents. These attorneys are organized into a professional group which holds national conferences and training programs at the local level. School and government officials are invited to attend these conferences where they are tutored in the finer points of “aggressive action,” in the form of strategies to be used before a due process meeting or at the pre-hearing conference of a due process or fair hearing. There have been recent reports of a menacing new form of retaliation involving the fabrication of child abuse charges against the target parent. Such allegations can trigger an investigation by Child Protective Services which has police-like powers. Pending the outcome of their investigation, they may choose to remove children from the home. Level III is so serious that most people need an attorney to protect themselves.

Therefore, it’s extremely important to nip retaliation and coercion in the bud; to tell government, police, and schools they have their power and authority because YOU allow it…YOU give it to them and YOU can take it back.

But as you can see in the patterns of retaliation and coercion, the longer you let it go, the more difficult it is to get rid of. It’s like any disease: you neglect it and it’s going to kill you!

 Only YOU can put a stop to retaliation in the community. The Coeymans Police Department, certain members of the RCS CSD Board of Education, certain members of the RCS teachers association, and the village idiots that they recruit to do their dirty work are all agents of retaliation and coercion. Those people are interested in hanging on to their criminal power and will retaliate and coerce to keep that power. You know who they are and it’s time you stand up, speak up, and fight back. We’re providing you with the information and the tools to do just that! Fight Back! Take back your freedoms, your peace of mind, your lives!

Stop Being Pushed Around!

Here are some useful links:

And Remember….

A strong community represents the residents in the trenches and not the interests of the people in power”.

An administration that allows its members to be disrespected, is an administration that no longer deserves the respect of its residents.

When our educational leaders ignore input from the community, the programs they push are destined to fail.

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!
1 Comment

Posted by on May 30, 2012 in Abuse, ACLU, Albany, Albany Police, Albany Police Rejects, Albany Schenectady BOCES, American Civil Liberties Union, Bad Role Model, Bethlehem Police, Big Brother, BOCES, Brian Bailey, Bridget Engelhardt, Bully, Bully Gang, Burning the Constitution, Capital District, Cathy Deluca, Coercion, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Justice, Commission on Judicial Conduct, Complaint, Conspiracy, Constitution, Corruption, Daily Mail, David Dykeman, David M. Steiner, David Soares, Dawn Dolan, Dayelin Roman, DEC, DeLuca Public Affairs, Donna Leput Hommel, Education Commissioner, Elizabeth Smith, Endangering a Minor, Ethics and Morality, Ethics in Schools, F.O.I.L., FaceBook, Fair Play, FOIL, Freedom of Information Law, Freedom of Speech, Frustration, George Dardiani, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Gregory Darlington, Harassment, Harold Warner, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Ignorance, Innocent Bystander, Intimidation, Investigation, Jeff Stambaugh, Jerry Deluca, John B. King, Judicial Misconduct, Main Street Small Business Coalition, Marlene McTigue, Matt Miller, Mayor Bruno, Melanie Lekocevic, Misdemeanor, Misfits, MSSBC, New Baltimore, New York, News Herald, NYCLU, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSED Office of Counsel, Office of the Attorney General, Pam Black, Parent Negligence, Parents, Perp Patrol, Perv Patrol, Peter Masti, Pieter B Coeymans Elementary School, Pieter B. Coeymanazis, Pieter B. Coeymans PTO, Police Rejects, Police State, Police Thugs, R J DEsposito, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Village Justice, RCS Athletic Association, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS School Board, RCS School Superintendant, RCS Sports Association, RCS Sportsman Association, RCS Teachers Association, Sarah Berchtold Engel, Secret Police, Selkirk, Smalbany, Small Town, Sports Association, Stephen Flach, Stop the Bullying, Superintendent of Schools, Taxation, Teacher Misconduct, Teacher Negligence, Thomas A. Boehm, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Times Union Blogs, Times Useless Blogs, Tom Dolan, Town Justice, Transparency, Uncategorized, Village Justice


Retaliation Is A CRIME! Let’s Go After the Criminals!

Warning: If you are a student or a minor, please leave this blog NOW!

We’ve Been Hearing About and Receiving Information About an Unusually Large Number of Allegations of Retaliation in the RCS Community!

Not Any More, Sucka!

Because of the many allegations we’ve been informed of and the number of actual complaints provided, mostly against the RCS schools and teachers and especially against the Coeymanazis in the Coeymans Police Department, we’ve been making some inquiries and doing some research. We’d like to share what we’ve found with you.

First of all, many of you don’t know how to get  information or how to make a complaint. So, before we get started, we’d like to provide you with a Complaint Contacts List that you can use immediately. We’re also providing a model Freedom of Information Law (F.O.I.L.) letter that you can use to request information from public and government offices and departments about public employees, their activities or the activities of the government or public offices or departments, and much more. There’s a lot of information available to you but you have to ask for it, and you have to ask for it properly. We can help.

  • To View or Download the Contact Sheet for Complaints (government agencies for investigation of citizens complaints against government, police, judges, schools, teachers, etc.)
  • To View or Download the Model F.O.I.L. Letter Click FOIL Model.
  • To View of Download the Complaint Form for a Complaint Against a Judge click CJC Complaint Form.

Click here to go to Part II of Retaliation is a Crime: Part II. (This page provides information on how the law defines retaliation and some good reading links. When making a complaint, you have to properly define the grounds, so use the official definitions!)

Click here to go to Coeymans Rule: Lie! Part II. (This page is still under construction. We’re waiting for some official documents so that we can provide accurate information. We’ll post a Special Notice when it’s ready!)

The Editor

To go to Part II click here: Retaliation is a Crime: Part II.


Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!

Circus in Town! May 29 Coeymans Town Board Meeting!

Warning: If you are a student or a minor, please leave this blog NOW!

The Coeymans Clowns Are Meeting!

Here is the Agenda for the Coeymans Town Board Meeting for Tuesday, May 29, 2012. The Circus Starts…OOPS! The Board Meeting Starts at 7 p.m.

The Town Board Meeting is YOUR opportunity to stand up and make your public statement on what’s going on in the town of Coeymans. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the clowns at work ruining your community. We REPORT it, You need to DO SOMETHING about it! It’s YOUR community and they’re YOUR children watching!

Somebody please ask about the Coeymans P.D.!

  • Are they employees of the town of Coeymans? The State of New York? Are they supervised and managed by the Town of Coeymans?
  • Is Gerald “Jerry” Deluca a full-time employee of the town of Coeymans, of the State of New York, of Deluca Public Affairs? Or any one of the other four or five employers he currently lists? Who’s paying his salary?
  • Who’s supervising Gregory Darlington? Who’s supervising rogue cop Johnson, Laviano, McKenna as they abuse residents?
  • Can Darlington publish a résumé? How about Deluca’s current résumé?


of the


May 29, 2012 7:00 P.M.



(1) Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance (Supervisor)

(2) Members Present and Overview of Agenda Topics (Supervisor)

(3) Public Announcements

(4) Public Comment Period

(5) Approval of Minutes of Meetings

  • Public Hearing – May 14, 2012
  • Town Board Meeting – May 14, 2012

(6) Supervisors Report – April 2012

(7) Department Report Review (Board Members)

Building Department Monthly Report – April 2012

  • Highway Department
  • Sewer Department Monthly Report – April 2012
  • Town Clerk Monthly Report – April 2012

(8) Old Business Update and Discussion (Board Members)

  • Proposed Local Law #1 for 2012 (Amendment to 138) vs Revised Proposed LL# 2 (Repeal of 138 & replacement of Chapter 109)

(9) New Business Topics for Discussion and/or Action (Board Members)

  • Evening on the Green Schedule
  • Request for Planning & ZBA Members to Attend Local
  • Government Planning & Zoning Workshop by Capital District Regional Planning Commission – June 20, 2012
  • RC Sportsmen’s Club Fishing Derby

(10) Resolutions (Board Members)

  • Appointment of Confidential Secretary (Cirillo)
  • Appointment of Summer Recreation Program Recreation Leader (Norris)
  • Establish Public Hearing to Obtain Public Comment on Revised Proposed Local Law #2 (Landfill Law)
  • Approval of Abstract – May 2012

(11) Correspondence (Board Members)

  • NYS Department of Transportation

(12) Town Board Workshops/Meetings

  • Public Hearing – June 19, 2012 – 6:00 PM
  • Town Board Workshop – June 19, 2012 – 7:00 PM
  • Town Board Meeting – June 25, 2012 – 7:00 PM

(13) Adjournment


Cast of Characters
of the
Coeymans Town Circus

Stephen D. Flach

Animal Trainer
Gregory Darlington

Performing Apes
Harold Warner
George Dardiani
Philip A. Crandall, Sr.

Special Appearance
Jerry the Talking Gorilla
(Gerald “Jerry” Deluca)

Star Clown
Thomas E. Dolan

Supporting Clowns
Peter E. Masti
Dawn Rogers
Thomas A. Boehm

Those Clowns Are Really Scary!

Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment. It’s very important to us that we don’t fall into the same category as those whom this blog is intended to expose. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and assistance!
