Bruno Wants a Fifth “Last and Final” Term

14 Mar

You can understand why Ravena constantly gets reamed on audits: Mayor John T. Bruno just can’t count!

Residents of Ravena Have Had the Pleasure of Having a Good Laugh

A Face You Can't Trust Ravena Mayor John T. Bruno

A Face You Can’t Trust
Ravena Mayor John T. Bruno

The laugh comes when you go to your mailbox and found that the mummy fairy has left a bit of really junk mail: A personal letter from the Mummy Mayor himself!

Here are some excerpts and our comments:

“”I am seeking one final term so that I can see through a number of projects and programs that the Village Board and I have initiated for the benefit of our Village”

We’ve been hearing about Bruno’s last and “final” term for the last three or four elections already. When is the “final term” finally going to come. We hope this is his final term and that he’s out on the street on March 18th; that’s what we all hope. Bruno has a “number of projects and programs” that he wants to see through, but he doesn’t tell us what they are. Damned, his next project must be to finish the job of destroying the village of Ravena. Anybody know of any missing nukes? What’s his next project, poisoning the water supply?

I ask that you look at my record and that of my colleagues. When you look at our accomplishments, I am confident that you will decide that I have worked hard to improve our community while minimizing the cost of village government and keeping taxes low. I hope you will give me the opportunity to finish what I have started.

This guy is either psychotic or has entered the terminal stages of senile dementia! He’s starting to really scare us now! He’s asking us to look at his record,  his accomplishments?!? Is he referring to Main Street, Ravena, and the ghost town he and his “colleagues” have created? The empty Teen Center building? The ruined streets? What are his “accomplishments”? We know about the “Black Mamba” and his record of corruption and bullying. And where’s all of the improvements? Anyone know or see something we’re missing in Ravena? The biggest fright is when you read, “I hope you will give me the opportunity to finish what I have started.” That is really scary…and we’re worried about terrorist attacks? We feel threatened by Russia? The biggest threat to Ravena’s future is John Bruno!

Wonder where Bruno got the nickname, "Black Mamba"?

Wonder where Bruno got the nickname, “Black Mamba”?

Bruno admits to having raised village taxes but then goes on to say, “I want to continue to improve our infrastructure so that development can continue to occur in the Village.” We’re really confused when Bruno writes, “so that development can continue to occur in the Village.” Bruno must be hallucinating. He must have found the cache of Coeymans police officers’ pot and has been helping them to dispose of it….damned fool is smoking it! Dear Bimbo Bruno: THERE IS NO DEVELOPMENT IN RAVENA! YOU KILLED THAT YEARS AGO, when you still had a badly impaired but still almost functioning brain!

The man has lost it completely when he writes:

 “I am especially pleased with the improvements and increase in services we are providing to youth and seniors in particular.”

Bruno's got'em

Bruno’s got’em

Wasn’t it John Bruno who was persecuting the young people in Ravena when they were hanging out around the aazebo on Pulver and Main Street. Wasn’t it Bruno and Warner who were patrolling the gazebo and sending the Coeymans police to harass the kids? Wasn’t it John Bruno and his lackeys Warner, Case and Persico who harassed the Ravena-Coeymans Youth and Teen Activities Center until it had to close down? Bruno and his lackeys Warner, Case and Persico didn’t offer a dime to support youth in Ravena-Coeymans; in fact, they did everything they could to throw Ravena-Coeymans youth out on the streets again! Excuse us, Mr Mayor, but you are full of proverbial bullshit!

Bruno has the old-man’s balls to actually bring up the Ravena Health and Fitness Center, his personal gift of a playpen to bottle-blond bimbo Cathy Deluca. The bet is that she can manage Ravena taxpayers’ money into a third fitness club failure. Everybody in village hall gets a little of the Ravena taxpayers’ sugar: Bob Fisk gets to sell his scrap equipment after Cathy Deluca closed his fitness center ($40,000 of taxpayer money. Thank you, Mr Mayor.) Then they evict the RCS Community Library after raising their rent an outrageous additional $600 a month to force the library out. Then Bruno and his lackeys Warner, Bailey and YES! Martin Case and Rocco Persico allocated another $105,000.00 in taxpayer money to finance Cathy Deluca’s playpen for 2014. The Ravena Health and Fitness Center doesn’t pay rent for the space like the community library did. Doesn’t pay for utilities, either! But it’s spending tax dollars and Cathy Deluca is cashing in to the tune of $30,000 plus full benefits. The membership numbers just aren’t there to break even. Bruno’s money pit; Deluca’s cash cow. Ravena’s open sore.

“The new fitness center is serving as a place to improve the health of residents from 16-95.”

A STEAMING PILE OF BULLSHIT!!! That's what your letter amounts to, Mr Bruno!

That’s what your letter amounts to, Mr Bruno!

“We have reached out to building owners and I want to work with to find new tenants and opportunities for Main Street. I am also working with Senator Tkaczyk and Assemblyman Lopez to ensure that CSX Rail replants trees along Magnolia Circle and operates as safely as possible when passing through Ravena.”

We are really at a loss for words when reading this pile of bullshit. Is Bruno so far gone, so out of it, so out of touch with reality that he actually thinks that anyone who lives in or near Ravena believes this blather he’s writing? “Reaching out to building owners?” “New tenants and opportunities for Main Street?” But anyone who has been following the CSX conspiracy, especially the residents along Magnolia Circle, those residents who are already living on top of a railroad toxic waste dump (Know about the transformer waste buried there? Ask Mr Bruno about it.), who woke up one morning to find that CSX had done some landscaping for them. Bruno claimed he knew nothing about it? If you believe that, neighbors, I’ve got a bridge you might want to buy. Cheap.


Seniors have had enough, too, Bruno! The Editor

Seniors have had enough, too, Bruno!
The Editor

 If you haven’t received a copy of Bruno’s junk mail (stuffed into your mailbox), you can download or read it here: Bruno Junk Mail

Do your part to save Ravena on March 18. Vote Row B Misuraca, Mahler, and write in Laszlo Polyak for trustee (or vote for Joel Coye).







2 responses to “Bruno Wants a Fifth “Last and Final” Term

  1. Tina

    March 17, 2014 at 10:58 am

    I have only one thing to say…..Bruno, U need to get your ass out of that position and stop ruining our community. You and your cronies have did NOTHING good for the RCS Community in the 20 years that I’ve lived in the community except for run it into the gutter…LOOK AROUND THE DOOMED TOWN/VILLAGE OF RAVENA COEYMANS…WHAT HAVE YOU DONE BRUNO (Inquiring minds wanna know)…AGAIN…ABSOLUTELY NOTHING EXCEPT RUINED A VERY NICE VILLAGE/TOWN!! You should have been out of there many many years ago!! Nothing but cheating, lying and stealing from you and your cronies…You and your cronies are an embarrassement…not an asset!! GET OUT BRUNO…we need honest people in your and your cronies’ positions!!


    • RCS Confidential

      March 17, 2014 at 11:02 am

      AGREE! Tomorrow will tell whether Ravena stays on the map of living communities or prefers to stay in Zombiland.

      Thanks, Tina!

      The Editor



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