Category Archives: 46th Senate District

Albany County to Celebrate 100 Years of Corruption

How Time Flies When Your Screwing the People! And doing it for 100 years!

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Albany’s Democratic Politics: A Machine that Keeps Cranking out the Same Old Business As Usual.

In 2021 Albany County Democratic Machine Will Celebrate 100 Years of Corruption. Now isn’t that something special? Only if you’re one of the bosses!

What the
Riley Kern and Joshua Abood
“Death Investigations” Teach Us About the
Albany County Democratic Machine

Well, that appears to be the mantra, the cult chant of Albany County elected officials and employees. According to the Albany history posted on the Albany County Internet site, the County is apparently proud of it’s 100 years of corruption, because on that site we read:

In 1921, Democrat William S. Hackett defeated Republican William Van Rensselaer in the mayor race. This marked the rise of the famous Albany Democratic “machine” headed by Dan O’Connell; the city has remained a Democratic stronghold to this day.

The corruption is so deeply rooted residents take it for granted, and apparently live happily with the cronyism, nepotism, political patronage, crookedness, injustice, and general depravity of a system gone rotten.

While most Americans wander asleep dreaming of the myths and slogans fed to them by their political keepers, some few awaken to the harsh reality that this is not a country governed by the rule of law nor is it classless nor is it “of the people for the people, and by the people,” neither is it a leader, unless it’s the world leader in chaos and lawlessness and paranoia. You don’t have to go to Washington, D.C., nor do you have to read the misinformation and disinformation provided to the masses by politically polarized media, both local and national. All you have to do is take a hard close look at Albany County for a mini-version of the entire country.

The Hypocrisy & Glaring Lies of the Albany County Democratic Machine

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Are you nauseous yet? It’s that Albany County Democratic Committee desecration of the flag with lies like “Love Wins.” Or have you already puked your guts out? Sorry, but that’s exactly what these political slogans cause in any reasonably thinking, awake human being to react, anyone who is familiar with what’s going on in Albany County has to start gagging. Anyone who swallows that political poison deserves to swallow their own vomit!

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Whole families are reacting to the Albany County Democratic Committee’s Message.

The Hypocrisy & Glaring Lies of the Albany County Democratic Machine

  • All people are equal – That’s why certain people are better than others in Albany County. All people are equal until it comes to services. But what’s important to the Albany County Democratic Machine is that all people are equal to one vote, even if you’re dead (If you take into consideration how the Albany County Coroners work and how Bernard T. Ng determines a cause of death, it would take some time for you to realize you’re actually dead. You’ll know after Election Day, after they count the absentee ballots. How many voters gave their address as Albany Rural Cemetery?)

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  • Love wins – Albany County makes “love” sound like a four-letter word. Maybe at Albany County Office parties but not when it comes to citizens. Albany County Dems LOVE to win, love to rule, love to control! So, when a prostitute tells you s/he loves you, you of course believe her, don’t you?
  • Black lives matter – This is how they get the Black vote; pull out the Soul Train ticket, and ride the Soul Train to the polls! Listen, dumbasses, ALL LIVES MATTER!!! Every life under the sun matters. But if you play the race ticket, some lives matter more. Hello! White Lives! Blue Lives! Old Lives! Young Lives! Stop the bullshit pandering to Blacks! Let them grow up and act like adults, and then their lives will matter to them, and to everyone else! Our mealy mouthed pabulum puking slogan slinging snake-oil salesmen have purchased black votes real cheap. Just sling a slogan and the Black vote is yours. Could it get any easier?
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They can say anything, use any word, any slogan. If you’re not Black, you get to keep silent. Buying the Black vote. While voices matter! So do white votes.

  • Immigrants & refugees are welcome – There’s that buy a minority vote with a slogan, again. So far, “Black lives matter” will get you the Black dumbasses to vote for the Machine, now they go after the Immigrants and Refugees, Hispanics and others.  OK. Here’s the Albany County Machine deal: We’ll make Albany a sanctuary city, draw all the illegals, and then they’ll owe us. But then there’s the law: If you want to enter and remain in this county do so according to our laws. Agree. Otherwise, you’re out! No free lunch! No exceptions. But the Machine has the perfect solution: Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares, he’ll pick and choose how to enforce the law; he’ll pick and choose whom to prosecute; he’ll frustrate law-enforcement until they do his bidding.
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Sí! Sí! Sancuary Sítee!

Soares and the Machine will reduce law enforcement in Albany and Albany County to a silly, asinine, impotent stereotype.

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  • Disabilities are respected – Is that why our veterans are given lip service and not much more? Is that why we look the other way when we see a disabled person or a homeless person? Poverty is as much a disability as leglessness. Albany County loves disabilities, especially mental ones; easier to control the stupid ones. Crack baby? Alcoholic mother? Dems will take care of you and your mom’s drug habit. If you lose a leg or an arm in one of the corporations’ wars, forgetaboutit! Get a job or a paper cup, you’ll need it. Not much left for veterans or the working poor once the Dems in Albany hand out everything to the rioting Blacks, the illegal immigrants, and pay their puppets’ pensions.

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  • Women are in charge of their bodiesThe mothers in the group will love this one! Translation: If you are irresponsible, of-color, a whore or a slut, and you refuse to use contraceptive while plying your trade, or too drunk to realize what or who you’re doing, Dems will fund your abortion, crush your baby’s skull, suck your baby’s brain out, and put you back on the street in 24 hours. Ask Albany Democrats. The Machine works for you. Forget t if you respect your body, and respect the life you might carry. If you’re a woman who takes responsibility and acts responsibly and not like dogs in heat, Sure! they’re in charge. Otherwise, someone else has to be in charge. What’s this crapola anyway? We’re all in charge of our bodies! Dems love to make gender an issue; weak minds can also vote. And some readers will know exactly which demographic were talking about.
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Women are in charge in the Albany County Democratic Machine.

  • People and planet are valued over profitReally? Is that the message they sent in the Riley Kern case? How about the Joshua Aboood case? OK, tell us more about this little nugget, we’re all ears. Give me a break! Get real! Albany County is one of the biggest greed, thievery, corruption games around. People are used and abused! Is that why the run for office? The love people, Blacks, immigrants and refugees, people with disabilities, diversity? Gee, if that’s true, they hate capitalism, condemn greed, want to stop economic growth! Hmmm. Where have I been…?

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  • Diversity is celebrated – OK. We know where this one is going. So far they’ve hit on Blacks, immigrants, refugess, women, the disabled, now they’re going after the LGBT group. It’s one big Love Fest; one big “Whatever-you-are, we’ll-celebrate-you, just feed the Machine!” Only if it means votes. The Democraps in Albany will celebrate anything if it keeps them in office and in power. Well, they’ll celebrate diversity until the morning after Election Day; then they celebrate having duped voters again!
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Yeah! It’s indistinct chatter, and they love diversity. You’d better like the back door, too.

The Albany County Democratic Committee chose ACDC as their acronym. But doesn’t ACDC mean going both ways? Isn’t ACDC alternating current? But don’t we call that waffling? It’s just inconsistent and unbelievable when somebody can look you in the face and say black is white and white is black?

Well, that’s how the Albany County Machine and all of its parts work. They tell you one thing, do another, and expect you to stand there and say, “Oh, yeah! You’re doing really good! I believe every lie you’re telling me! Thank you, sir! Thank you, ma’m!” It’s like they’re telling you, “You look stupid so I can tell you anything!” NOT! Big Mistake!


Time to Name and Shame

We’ve been looking at the Albany Democratic Machine in Albany New York, a county-wide political machine that specializes in corruption, abuse, pandering to ignorant or vulnerable groups for votes, cronyism, nepotism, political patronage. Basically a machine that keeps pumping out corruption and more corruption at the expense of taxpayers, human dignity, law and order, and self-respect. It’s a group of bosses and their puppets who have been using and abusing Albany County for generations, almost 100 years, to be exact.

Key Figures Who Illustrate Political Dysfunction in the Albany County Democratic Machine. Shame on them!

  • County Executive Daniel P. McCoy
  • Albany County Court Judge Andra L. Ackerman
  • Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares
  • Albany County Legislature as a group, but especially Andrew Joyce, chairman and Wanda Wittingham, cochair.
  • Albany County Sheriff, Craig D. Apple
  • John T. McDonald III, NYS Assemblyman 108th (Cohoes)
  • NYS Police Investigator Thomas L. Burns
  • Albany County Coroners Lotterle, Cavanaugh, Marra, Keegan, Sturges
  • Albany County Coroner’s Physician, Bernard T. Ng
  • Albany Medical Center, Albany
  • Ellis Hospital, Schenectady
  • Matilda Cuomo, mother of NYS governor Andrew “Give-it-Away” Cuomo
  • (This list will be expanded. Stay tuned.)

One of the worst offenders in Albany County is Albany County District imageedit_10_2141145492Attorney P. David Soares. He’s used his office to pander to people-of-color, he’s used his office to persecute and selectively prosecute, depending on the whims of his keepers, he’s misused and abused his office as the County’s chief law-enforcement officer to foster mistrust of law and loss of confidence in law enforcement. He’s got to go!

The machine has spoken! In July, the Democratic Machine held  a primary to decide who would be on the Dem ticket for DA in November. Matthew “Matt” Toporowski, a 34-year-old private attorney and former prosecutor for Soares — what stories could he share, we wonder —, conceded to Soares after absentee ballots (How many were cast by residents of local cemeteries?) conceded the primary to Soares.  Monday, the Times Union reported that Soares’ election lawyer, James Long, said “for all intents and purposes, it is over.” But it’s not all over until the fat lady sings, Davey Boy!

imageedit_19_4680373449Matt Toporowski’s campaign opposing Soares was actually backed by Albany Mayor, the Honorable Mayor Kathy Sheehan and national celebrities. There’s no winning in Albany County unless the bosses and the Machine are backing you! That’s gotta stop! NOW!

According to a report appearing in the Albany Times Union (July 7, 2020):

Toporowski was supported by some of the city’s top Black leaders, including activist Barbara Smith and Albany County Legislator Carolyn McLaughlin, as well as Sheehan and some top national figures, such as U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders and musician John Legend. Toporowski had the support of the county’s Working Families Party, which strongly backed Soares in 2004, when Soares challenged incumbent Paul Clyne and won.

Even the Working Families Party shunned Soares this time, So how does a professional like Toporowski with that kind of backing lose to an incumbent hypocrite and racist like Soares?

The Machine!

Some Related Smalbany Articles

Politics, Power, Patronage and Conflicts of Interest: The Albany County Coroners Office
A Response to Lorin Marra. re: Office of the Albany County Coroners
The Cover-up Continues… A Mother’s Despair
Riley’s Mom Responds: A Mother’s Perspective

You can’t make this sh*t up!
This is the Twilight Zone!
( NYS Assemblyman John T. McDonald III )


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Posted by on October 6, 2020 in * Sick Community, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 46th District, 46th Senate District, Albany County Coroner, Albany County Court Judge Ackerman, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County EMT, Albany County Executive, Albany County Legislature, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany County Supervisor, Albany Medical Center, Albany Police, American Board of Pathology, Antonio Delgado, Assemblyman John McDonald, Ben Sturges, Capital District, Capital Region Independent Media, Chief Todd Waldin, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center, D. W. Contento, Dan McCoy, Daniel McCoy, David Soares, Death, Death Certificate, Death Investigation, Deceit, District Attorney, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Ellis Hospital, Emily Kern, FBI, Friends of Coeymans, George A. Amedore, George Amedore, George McHugh, Giovanni Ortiz, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Hearst Corporation, Hudson Valley, Incompetence, Investigation, John Keegan, Joshua Abood, Judge Andra Ackerman, Kathy Sheehan, Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement Arrogance, Magin & Keegan Funeral Home, Malpractice, Marcus Ford, Mayor Keeler, Mayor of Albany, Mayor William Keeler, Mayor William T. Keeler, New York State, New York State Police, New York State Police, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, P. David Soares, Police Incompetence, Professional Misconduct, Riley Kern, Riley P. Kern, Schenectady District Attorney, Senate District 46, Smalbany, Times Union, Tits on a Bull


The Mothers’ Speak Out!

The next time you sit watching and smiling as your little boy or girl sits playing with the new toy, or you’re cheering for your strong, young son on the ball field, or you look in on your child before going to bed, and you feel those special feelings welling up inside you that only the one who created that new life can have. Now think of the toy with no one to share it, the empty space on the players bench, the empty bed, the mother’s day or father’s day card you’ll never get. Do we have your attention now?

Emily Kern, Riley’s mom, and Michele Campione, Joshua’s mom, have a message for our Readers. Here’s their letter, a plea from two mothers who have to live with the loss of their sons, every day living the pain, the doubt, the loss, and much, so much more.

Remembering when…

Dear Readers:

This is a long overdue, much needed and well deserved statement that I should’ve written long before now.

Since my son Joshua’s death on June 9, 2020, at Peebles Island State Park in Cohoes, I have learned a tough lesson: Grief does weird things to people who lose loved ones but losing your child, your son, is such a heart-wrenching pain there are no words that I have that can describe it.

In the 80s, when I was growing up in the Albany area, we were always taught to respect and sometimes, to fear law enforcement. We learned that the police had and held the power to treat people any way they chose. They could lie, they could cherry pick who gets away with things, who would get justice, who wouldn’t, who would get held accountable for wrong doings involving breaking/violating laws and who would go Scot free. It was always about who you were and who you knew. The poor, broken and less educated about their rights and the laws were always left at the bottom of the list. It’s sad, but most people didn’t, and still don’t know their rights. You would think after all these years our justice system, which was is put in place and should be available to serve and protect the people would’ve made great strides, and that the nepotism would have diminished at least to SOME EXTENT. But it’s only gotten worse.

Most people still fear even questioning law enforcement, much less call them out for their wrongdoings, lies, or even to point out mistakes. When it comes to blatant disregard, negligence, misconduct, abuse of power, lack of integrity and professionalism, Who is there for the people of Albany county? Who can you go to for help? As citizens, the same people who either voted for these officials and pay their salaries and, as human beings who have rights under the same moral and Constitutional laws that they as public servants swore upon solemn oath to uphold.. Who is there to protect us? Who do we go to when we are treated unjustly and unfairly, or with abusive indifference? Who is there to hold these county officials accountable?

As two mothers who just lost their young, promising, healthy sons, both Emily Kern (Riley Kern’s mother) and I found out the hard way.. NO ONE!

Emily and I both came forward and questioned the circumstances involving our sons’ deaths, the circumstances surrounding their deaths, the hasty and careless investigations, the incompetent and misleading rulings by the coroners, and causes of our sons deaths determined by an uncertified pathologist. The “ongoing investigations” into their deaths that provide no answers, no closure, and then get quietly closed. And there’s so much more to be told.

Both Riley Kerns mother, Emily, and I wrote pleading to Albany County officials, Senators, Assemblymen, Judges, the DA, and all local media. We were lucky to get a canned response, if any at all. Do you know how discouraging that is? Do you know how it feels to be treated as if you’re invisible, a nothing?

You start to feel despair, you feel defeated and the thoughts of stopping your fight cross your mind all the time. It would be easier just to curl up in a ball and give up.

This could happen to ANY ONE of you, your loved ones and/or even you, yourself, so don’t sit there thinking you’re not vulnerable. We thought we’d always have our sons but we learned the hard way.

This is not just a fluke, something rare that happens once every ice age, and to only 2 mothers whose sons died tragically for no good reason, for no important cause. They died suspiciously!

These are frightening issues that need to be addressed and resolved so they aren’t brushed over and ignored for tomorrow or in months or years to come. The possibility of something like this happening to you — or it has already happened to you, and you were lost as to what to do — should be frightening, astonishing and very, very real; it’s not just a possibility, it’s likely to happen

The only people that were willing and able to immediately help both Emily Kern and myself were the Editor and bloggers here on this SMALBANY site. Immediately, they sprung into action. They made it clear from the very beginning that they will not publish hearsay. They firmly stated that I had to provide FACTS AND PROOF OF THESE FACTS. The SMALBANY Editor and bloggers are well educated, diligent, and extremely thorough, and provided both Riley Kern’s mother Emily and me, Joshua Abood’s mother, with the guidance and knowledge about our rights. Sadly and thankfully they have conducted more of an investigation in both of our son’s deaths than ANY AND ALL “trusted” elected county officials, so-called public servants, and law enforcement.

They have not only been the Guardian Angels in Albany County against corruption and darkness. they have been the ONLY ones to put time and effort into all aspects surrounding our two sons’ untimely deaths and the circumstances, including all aspects of the so-called “ongoing investigations” that are going on in somebody’s inbox.

What happens when we lose our loved one’s and realize “facts” just aren’t adding up from the information provided by the officials in whom we place our trust and even our very lives, on whom we relied for their knowledge and training and expertise? We get nothing short of indifference, negligence, and sometimes even abuse. What do you do when there is no one willing to help you? (I pray this never happens to you). When you are treated like you are invisible and made to feel like your son or loved one’s death meant nothing; when he’s treated just like so much road kill?

Why wait until you, your children, your grandchildren or ANY family member has to endure the unbearable pain and suffering that penetrates your very heart and soul, numbing you, avoidable suffering that is caused by the long standing corruption in Albany County and the self-serving elected officials, public self-servants, and lazy law-enforcement

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WE AS PARENTS, MOTHERS, FATHERS, GRANDPARENTS, BROTHERS, SISTERS, FRIENDS NEED TO STAND UP FOR OURSELVES AND EACH OTHER! We need to educate ourselves and our loved ones on what we are entitled to, deserve and what our rights are as citizens of not only Albany County, but as citizens of the United States. Where is our greatness when we act like frightened chickens? We need to show support by subscribing (FOR FREE), following and sharing this site, whose only goal is to help us and bring hope to the hopeless.

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I on behalf of myself, my family, Joshua’s loved ones and friends, and my deceased son, Joshua, or at least in his memory, want to personally thank the EDITOR and bloggers here at SMALBANY for all of their hard work, time, effort and compassion. Since my son was killed or died — no one is quite sure which — I have not even briefly encountered the genuineness that SMALBANY has shown not only in my son’s case and in Riley’s, but also in so many others as well. The simple fact that their goal has always been to educate and restore hope in people like myself, who have fallen victim to our damaged and corrupt system, all for FREE with no ulterior motives, give me strength and hope.

We’re not asking for special treatment. We’re not asking for something you can’t give. We’re just asking you to show some compassion and do what’s right. We raised our sons to be good human beings, good men. Our sons deserve better than being treated like a case number.

As Joshua’s mother and someone who almost gave up several times, and was thrown a life line by people with sincerity, values, and a mission, I am eternally grateful, and I want you to know that I wouldn’t have been able to come this far without your help as readers and subscribers, as followers of this site.


Michele Campione, Joshua’s Mother
Emily Kern, Riley’s Mother

[Editor’s Note: Michele and Emily have graciously consented to allow us to publish their contact emails, should any of our readers like to contact them privately. Just click the links above.]

… The message remains unfinished, incomplete.

Some Related Smalbany Articles

Riley’s Mom Responds: A Mother’s Perspective
Politics, Power, Patronage and Conflicts of Interest: The Albany County Coroners Office
A Response to Lorin Marra. re: Office of the Albany County Coroners
The Cover-up Continues… A Mother’s Despair


Posted by on October 4, 2020 in * Sick Community, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 46th District, 46th Senate District, Albany County Coroner, Albany County Court Judge Ackerman, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County EMT, Albany County Executive, Albany County Legislature, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany County Supervisor, Albany Medical Center, Albany Police, American Board of Pathology, Antonio Delgado, Assemblyman John McDonald, Ben Sturges, Capital District, Capital Region Independent Media, Chief Todd Waldin, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center, D. W. Contento, Dan McCoy, Daniel McCoy, David Soares, Death, Death Certificate, Death Investigation, Deceit, District Attorney, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Ellis Hospital, Emily Kern, FBI, Friends of Coeymans, George A. Amedore, George Amedore, George McHugh, Giovanni Ortiz, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Hearst Corporation, Hudson Valley, Incompetence, Investigation, John Keegan, Joshua Abood, Judge Andra Ackerman, Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement Arrogance, Magin & Keegan Funeral Home, Malpractice, Marcus Ford, Mayor Keeler, Mayor William Keeler, Mayor William T. Keeler, New York State, New York State Police, New York State Police, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, P. David Soares, Police Incompetence, Professional Misconduct, Riley Kern, Riley P. Kern, Schenectady District Attorney, Senate District 46, Smalbany, Times Union, Tits on a Bull


The Joshua Abood Case: How to Perform an Autopsy; How to Complete a Death Certificate…NOT!

Bernard T. Ng, MD, and the Albany County Coroners, are just the tip of the corruption iceberg. The problem is a worse pandemic can CoVid-19, and probably more real, affecting far more people, both dead and alive. It boils down to a question of people not doing what they’re supposed to do, not doing their job, not doing what they’re being paid for, and getting away with it while elected officials OK it.

Even more importantly, it’s a question of people like Bernard T. Ng, MD, Albany County Coroners Antonio Sturges, John Keegan, Timothy Cavanaugh, Paul Mara, and Greene, Columbia and other county coroners, the county District Attorneys like David Soares, the County Executives and Councils, the County Legislatures, the New York State Health Department, even the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, every level where deaths are reported, investigated, and certified.

It’s not just about the two scandalous and incompetent responses to and investigations of the deaths of two young men that we have been asked by their families to investigate. Riley Kern and Joshua Abood, too, are just the tips of a huge iceberg of incompetently reported, investigated, and certified deaths numbering possibly in the thousands in Albany County alone!

Perhaps you’re not the emotional, warm-hearted type who is really interested in the dignity and respectful handling of grandma’s death, after all, she was “old” and was going to die anyway — as if your son or daughter, husband or wife, or you weren’t going to have to grin back at the Grim Reaper some day. Perhaps you aren’t the type to feel the call of social justice or accountability in the professions or in public servants. Maybe you’re just a cold-hearted bastard, who is interested only in the insurance money or the death benefits, or in the estate. If you are that cold-hearted bastard, just imagine the scenario when the insurance company, or Social Security, or probate court starts looking more closely at the death certificate and find it bogus or not valid! What then, after you took the cheapie way out, trying to hoard as much money as possible, and had the body cremated and there’s nothing left to investigate. What then, when the cause of death is questioned? Wouldn’t you have liked to have been able to trust the autopsy report or the death certificate as being properly done, the death properly and thoroughly investigated, the information being correct, your interests as a survivor safeguarded and assured? Of course you do!

Well, you may be in trouble if Bernard T. Ng’s autopsy is questioned or if the Death Certificate prepared by one of the Albany County Coroners is questioned. Ng’s autopsy reports, even if they were done according to professional standards, but they are not, apparently are not considered in the Albany County Coroners’ certifications.

Albany County must hold the world record for deaths whose primary cause is cardiopulmonary arrest, an ambiguous term that most accurately translates to “heart attack.” But it’s quick, easy, gets under the radar, closes the case, and any idiot can use it, even an idiot elected to be an Albany County Coroner or appointed to be a coroner by the Albany County Legislature.

Ellis Hospital, Schenectady, in a Storm?

It’s a sick community we live in, and you really don’t want to die here.

Problems at the Albany County Coroners Office?

We’ve done the research and we’ve reported our findings to the authorities with the responsibility to the public to investigate the situation. Here are just a few of the agencies we’ve contacted to report our findings and refer them to the relevant articles for more information:

Editor’s Note: An autopsy done at Ellis Hospital by Bernard T. Ng costs the County about $1000. If the autopsy is done by our “friends” at Albany Medical Center, it can cost twice that, or more than $2,000! Shouldn’t that taxpayer money be spent more wisely than on botched autopsies and incorrect death certifications.

In Albany County the four elected part-time coroners Timothy J. Cavanaugh, John G. Keegan, Paul L. Marra, III,  and Antonio Sturges each receive $22,443.00 annual compensation plus benefits. The total budget for the Albany County Coroners Office in 2020 was $1,029,224.00, of which $445,000 was for laboratory fees and services and $205,000 was for medical services. Money well-spent? Not according to our analysis and investigations!

There is no reasonable explanation for these lapses, the irresponsibility, the misrepresentation, the incompetence! The public health authorities from the New York State Department of Health, professional organizations like the National Association of Medical Examiners and the American Board of Pathology, national agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Center for Health Statistics, international organizations such as World Health Organization, publisher of the International Classification of Disease reference manuals, used by the CDC and other major public health agencies, numerous medicolegal, forensics, pathology journals and reference works, all available and accessible to pubic health agencies like the Coroners Office, medicolegal and forensic investigators, need to be standard reading for these incompetents, but it’s easier to ignore their responsibilities and to deceive the public, while ruining the reliability of public health and vital statistics at the state and national, even international level.

This isn’t Yemen or Afghanistan, people, this is New York State, the United States of America! We claim to be the best, to have the best. It’s a myth, a lie, judging from what we have found in Albany County, NY! Don’t we deserve better than deception, incompetence, lies? Don’t our dead deserve better than deception, incompetence, lies?

Joshua proudly showing his skydiving certificate.

Neither Reily Kern’s Cause of Death nor Joshua Abood’s Cause of Death was “cardiopulmonary arrest.” The autopsy reports are a sham and the deaths were hastily and prematurely certified, even before the autopsy reports were available. At least in these two cases, the autopsy and the death certificates deserve to be thoroughly investigated by independent authorities, and the deaths re-certified to reflect and report the correct information.

We would go even further and demand that ALL autopsies done by Bernard T. Ng, MD, or any other coroner’s pathologist who is not properly board-certified in forensic pathology, and ALL deaths certified by the Albany County Coroners be thoroughly investigated and, if necessary, recertified.

In closing this section and moving on to our semi-final report on Bernard T. Ng, and his statements on the autopsy of Joshua Abood, we’d like to inform our readers that most, if not all, of the scientific, forensic, and medical journals and references consider “drowning” to be a process, not a cause of death. “Drowning” as a cause of death is incorrect whether it appears on an autopsy report or on a death certificate. Drowning is defined as “asphyxiation due to submersion [or immersion] in a fluid,” any fluid, and involves a complex cascade of physiological events leading to death. Even if drowning were listed as a circumstance of the incident, it is not the cause of death.

Riley enjoying life with family.

The CDC has published a great deal of information on how death certificates should be completed using an accurate International Classification of Disease (ICD) code and description for the Immediate Cause of Death and for the Underlying Cause(s) of Death that can be used not only nationally by the National Center for Health Statistics but compared internationally with reports of deaths for research purposes and for developing public health programs. There are lists for causes of death only that can be used to standardize and simplify accurately reporting deaths and certifying deaths. Our question is: Why are these not being used by the coroner’s pathologist, death investigators, or the Coroners Office? Wouldn’t it be easier to enter the ICD code W65-W74 accidental drowning and submersion ( case than the incorrect and idiotic causes as “cardiopulmonary arrest,” “drowning,” “fall into water,” “intoxication” (Intoxication with what? Cobra venom, heroin, sleeping pills, propane gas, alcohol (methyl, isopropyl, ethanol, etc.???). Garbage! Rubbish! Ignorance!!!

Furthermore, Bernard T. Ng, MD, claims to be a board-certified pathologist in the specialty of anatomical/clinical pathology, and that his autopsies and his autopsy reports comply with accepted standards of practice for autopsies and autopsy reports. We disagree! And we disagree based on the very standards that Ng claims he observes in his practice. Mind you, we are not even considering the rigid standards of the forensic autopsy, which Ng is not certified to perform.

We have thoroughly reviewed at least two digital conversations made by Bernie Ng or the Albany County Coroner John Keegan, and have reported on them in previous segments of this series. Here are some excerpts that really caused us to gag:

The first is Ng’s statement on how he takes notes during an autopsy. He lists the presence of an autopsy assistant/technician, James Schaeffer, on both of the autopsy reports, so there’s really no excuse for Ng’s statement on how he takes notes for preparation of an autopsy report. Here’s how Ng responds to a question by a next-of-kin:

NOK:        Where are the measurements of depth, the length, etc. I don’t see in the autopsy report. Are there any other notes?

BNg:        No. Those are…[be]cause I tend to just jot down, the only way, and… on a dirty piece of, a bloody piece of paper, it does get bloody, and then I translate, jot it down for the report.

Nice, accurate, professional, reliable. He just jots it down on a bloody piece of paper and then translates it for the autopsy report. The ABP and professional pathologists should have some fun with that one! Rather than jotting notes down on a bloody piece of paper, Why doesn’t Mr. Schaeffer take the notes as dictated by Ng? Why doesn’t Ng have a voice recorder for dictating his notes as he progresses in the autopsy? Is Ellis Hospital/Ellis Medicine too cheap to equip the autopsy room with a sound recording system? This is totally unacceptable by any fourth world standard! How can that be acceptable in New York State, in the United States, in a hospital serving the public, Ellis Hospital? It’s not acceptable; it’s criminal.

Normally, anyone can reasonably expect that if there are wounds on a body that goes to autopsy because of suspicious circumstances, that at least some of the wounds would be accurately described, some of them measured, even probed for foreign material to identify where the wounds occurred, and this information would appear on the autopsy report. No, wrong again. Not when Bernard T. Ng does the autopsy. There are no measurements or descriptions, only silly excuses. Failure to interpret any unnatural marks or wounds on the body is a grossly negligent and unprofessional circumstance that should subject Ng to investigation and censure not only by the American Board of Pathology, but by the New York State licensing authority, the Department of Education, and Ellis Hospital should be held accountable for putting him in the position he holds at the Hospital. We feel such errors and omissions are tantamount to malpractice, at least, and should be prosecuted.

Who’s to blame? Bernard Ng or the Albany County Coroners?

KOK:        Why they were not individually described?

BNg:        Why were they not individually described? Because it was patch. It was an abrasion over a patch; it was not a particular, identifiable mark. OK? So When we start doing individual measurement and description of injury it is usually very distinct, discrete injury that points to a particular type of instrument. For example, a cut, a laceration. Those will be [inaudible] and measured. A bullet wound…would [interruption]…Again, it’s a matter of experience that we can recognize…the mark doesn’t match the hypothesis.

We discussed the Albany County Coroners incompetence and ignorance above but in all fairness, we have to say that three of the four coroners are funeral directors with no medical training, and one, Antonio Sturges runs a diabetic supplies business, and also has some funeral home experience. But when it comes to a physician licensed to practice medicine in New York State, a physician employed by a major area Hospital, a physician who runs a business providing medical pathology services, and a man who claim to be “double-boarded,” that is, board-certified in anatomic/clinical pathology by the American Board of Pathology, does not properly record the immediate cause and underlying causes of death according to the standards for autopsy reports, and further, stumbles trying to explain a death certificate, we have to really wonder how deeply the incompetence and corruption goes in the Capital Region of New York State. We know, and will report on the connections we found in the Riley Kern and Joshua Abood cases, but first, Bernard Ng’s take on death certification:

NOK:        [Referring to the Death Certificate] Let’s move down to, let’s start to answer some of the questions on here…If you go down to…let’s see…ummm

The Death Section, parts A, B, and C, which gives the Cause of Death as “cardiopulmonary arrest,” as a consequence of drowning, as a consequence of fall into water as a consequence of intoxication. Can you explain that?

BNg:        That is the death certificate, the mechanism of death, is a sequence of events. OK. So we are asked to put down what are the sequences…

NOK:        You are asked by who[m]? You’re asked by who[m] to put it down?

BNg:        That is how the form is constructed. That is how the death certificate is. OK? As opposed to the autopsy report; the autopsy report does not always mirror that, because sometimes the autopsy report gives a little bit more of a…uhh…room to describe what happened. So, under the death certification because it is in a form, we are limited by how much we can put in there. So, it’s really kind of truncated but if you compare it to…the autopsy report, it gives a little bit more detail. OK. It gives a detail as to explain.

NOK:        Our autopsy report didn’t give much detail at all, so I’d have to disagree with you there.

We can confirm that the autopsy reports in both the Riley Kern and the Joshua Abood cases are inconsistent, deficient, ambiguous, and certainly do not “mirror” the death certificates. In fact, if we didn’t know they were the same cases, we’d think that the death certificates and the autopsy reports were for totally different cases. That’s a BIG problem.

Ng continues to ramble on and on, babbling, and grasping at straws to save his butt. He’s already “dead in the water,” if you’ll pardon the pun.

BNg:        No. The autopsy report, you know…uhhh…uhh…can address certain things…ummm…you know, sometimes it matches right up. You know. For example, a gunshot wound to the head is a gunshot wound to the head. So…a gunshot wound to the head, massive head trauma. So in this case, the finding is that he was incapacitated, the toxicology showed that he is at an intoxication level beyond legal, well beyond, several times beyond legal limits…[interruption]…but alcohol, even to an alcoholic that has a tremendous amount of tolerance, that will still have an absolute neurologic effect on the body…[Ng states several effects of alcohol]…all of these, and it’s well documented, will increase an individual’s likelihood of drowning if they get into the water.

Ng continues but gets off track, and no longer addresses the question of the death certificate. But we also have to note that Ng is making a lot of statements for which he has not a shred of evidence. This unwarranted and unprofessional speculation occurs at a number of places in this one conversation, which further supports our doubts about Ng’s competence. Ng has no evidence to show that the victim was “incapacitated,” even if his blood alcohol was above legal limits. What do the legal limits have to do with a suspected drowning? He wasn’t operating a motorized boat! He wasn’t driving down Peeble’s Island expressway! Besides, the blood alcohol concentration was determined using a sample taken from the heart, which is reported in the forensic literature to be a site that provides unreliable results for BAC (blood alcohol concentration); the recommended site is the femoral vein! Doesn’t Ng know this? Besides, the victim was not an alcohol-virgin, so he had a tolerance for alcohol; alcohol would probably not have had the same effect on him as on someone who only occasionally drinks. He might even have been a “sloppy drunk” but certainly not as sloppy drunk as our Editor [Oops! Did we write that?] would be or someone who doesn’t drink at all! But Ng doesn’t know this and can only guess; his statement can be made only after “translating” his “sloppy” notes made on a “bloody piece of paper,” and only after the toxicology results are reported by an outside lab in Pennsylvania using the non-standard specimen sent for testing. We also don’t know some critical information about the specimen such as, how it was collected, in what, under what conditions, and how it was prepared and shipped. Very sloppy. Very sloppy pathology work, indeed.[1]

NOK:        Was he alive when he entered the water? Or was he dead when he hit the water?

BNg:        He was alive…He is definitely alive…and the reason I know that he was definitely alive was that there’s a large amount of congestion and edema in his lung. That means that during that time he was…he might have aspirated a small amount of water but not to the extent of inhaling a lot of water. That points…that indicates that he had a laryngospasm, which is very common…I’ve done many…many examinations of many drownings, and most people actually have not that much water in their lung. There is fluid in the lung — the investigator is correct — at the time of autopsy there was fluid in the lung but that fluid appears to be…[interruption…]

NOK:        Edema. I know. I read the Autopsy Report. I saw that.

BNg:        So that is not an inconsistency between what the investigator told you and what the autopsy report show.

We have to take issue with Ng’s description and his statement that the investigator’s statement was not inconsistent with the autopsy report. Was it water or edema, Bernie? The investigator, Burns, repeatedly said there was water in the lungs. He also said the the body floated because the lungs were full of air! Do we want to rely on NYSP Investigator Burns statements. We think NOT! NYSP Investigator Burns also suggested that Joshua had a heart problem, probably based on what coroner Antonio Sturges called “cardiopulmonary arrest” in the Death Certificate. Dumbasses! One or the other, or both? You don’t say in the autopsy report, and yet you seem to agree with the non-medical opinion of the law-enforcement investigator.

Furthermore, if Ng doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and we get that impression from his discussion of both Riley Kern’s case and Joshua Abood’s case, it really makes no difference to the objective investigator (US!) whether Ng has done “many examinations of many drownings,” at all, because if he did those examinations like he did Joshua Abood’s, they were all incompetent: he would have applied the same misguided, incompetent practices in all those cases, too!

From a careful review and examination of the available documents, various statements made by an Albany County Coroner and coroner’s pathologist (not a forensic pathologist) Bernard T. Ng, MD, and a thorough review of the scientific literature and government guidelines, the only reasonable conclusions that can be drawn are:

  • The Albany County Coroners have no clue how to certify a death, and
  • Coroner’s pathologist Bernard T. Ng (Ellis Hospital, Schenectady, and Schenectady Pathology Associates, P.C.), who is not a forensic pathologist, does has no clue how to do a forensic autopsy or forensic investigation.

We further conclude that the Albany County Coroners are civilly if not criminally incompetent, and have caused severe, irreparable damage to the public health system through incompetent certifications of deaths in their jurisdiction.

Furthermore, we charge Bernard T. Ng, MD, with overreaching his professional qualifications, misrepresenting his professional qualifications, violating the terms of his certification in anatomic/clinical pathology by the American Board of Pathology, and is consequently liable to civil, criminal, and professional disciplinary actions by the New York State Department of Education, Professional Misconduct Enforcement, the American Board of Pathology, and to civil suit or criminal prosecution. Bernard T. Ng’s unlawful practice of forensic pathology without board-certification or the required specialist training has compromised the death reporting and certification system

Our next segments will examine the relationships between and among the various elected officials, the public servants, the public services involved, and how that corruption and incompetence is fed and cultivated in the Albany Democratic Machine, where corruption and cronyism, and political patronage rules supreme. We’ll be revisiting Albany County Court Judge Andra Ackerman (D), New York State Assemblyman John T. McDonald III (D), New York State Police Investigator Thomas Burns, the City of Cohoes (D), Cohoes Police Department — in all fairness, Chief Todd Wardin has been trying very hard to help —, County Coroners Antonio Sturges (D) and John Keegan (D), Bernard T. Ng, MD, Ellis Hospital/Ellis Medicine, Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy (D), and the operations of the Albany County Legislature under the chairmanship of Andrew Joyce (D) and co-chair Wanda Willingham (D), and we’ll look at a number of minor-league players involved. Stay tuned!

[1] The victims BAC was in fact 206 mg/dL which means it was about 2x the “legal limit,” which doesn’t say very much in terms of forensic death investigation because a legal limit is the limit used by law enforcement as a reference for writing tickets, not by scientific medicolegal death investigators as a reference for determining cause of death or the circumstances leading to the cause of death (the “manner of death”).

The **it’s hit the fan, dudes!

Our next Segment will discuss the Albany County Democratic Machine and how it creates, feeds, and continues the corruption in Albany County, NY, and affects the surrounding regions.


Payne-James, Jason, and Roger W. Byard. Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine. Elsevier, (2016). Print.

Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting. Hyattsville, MD: Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, 2003. Print.

Some Related Smalbany Articles

Politics, Power, Patronage and Conflicts of Interest: The Albany County Coroners Office
A Response to Lorin Marra. re: Office of the Albany County Coroners
The Cover-up Continues… A Mother’s Despair
Riley’s Mom Responds: A Mother’s Perspective

You can’t make this sh*t up!
This is the Twilight Zone!
( NYS Assemblyman John T. McDonald III )


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Posted by on October 2, 2020 in * Sick Community, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 46th District, 46th Senate District, Albany County Coroner, Albany County Court Judge Ackerman, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County EMT, Albany County Executive, Albany County Legislature, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany County Supervisor, Albany Medical Center, Albany Police, American Board of Pathology, Antonio Delgado, Assemblyman John McDonald, Ben Sturges, Capital District, Capital Region Independent Media, Chief Todd Waldin, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center, D. W. Contento, Dan McCoy, Daniel McCoy, David Soares, Death, Death Certificate, Death Investigation, Deceit, District Attorney, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Ellis Hospital, Emily Kern, FBI, Friends of Coeymans, George A. Amedore, George Amedore, George McHugh, Giovanni Ortiz, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Hearst Corporation, Hudson Valley, Incompetence, Investigation, John Keegan, Joshua Abood, Judge Andra Ackerman, Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement Arrogance, Magin & Keegan Funeral Home, Malpractice, Marcus Ford, Mayor William Keeler, Mayor William T. Keeler, New York State, New York State Police, New York State Police, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, P. David Soares, Police Incompetence, Professional Misconduct, Riley Kern, Riley P. Kern, Schenectady District Attorney, Senate District 46, Smalbany, Times Union, Tits on a Bull


The Joshua Abood Case: The Right Questions, the Wrong Answers: Bernard T. Ng MD

We had planned to publish our segment on how political corruption and the Albany Democratic Machine and control by the Democratic party in Albany, NY, has bred and fed a system of corruption, cronyism, nepotism, and political patronage, and how that is adversely affecting everything from elections to public health and criminal investigation and prosecution. That scheduled publication has been put on a side-burner because we have obtained some very derogatory information on Bernard T. Ng, MD, which may lead to serious consequences for the fake forensic pathologist.

We think that the New York State Police Investigators, the Albany County Coroners, and Bernard T. Ng need to spend more time watching Sherlock Holmes films; they’d probably be able to do a better job of investigation rather than dancing in the dark with factoids.

“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
– Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, stated by Sherlock Holmes

What does that mean? This is all about logic, and using facts to establish truth. If you start with brainstorming every possible scenario you can think of, and then eliminate those that are clearly impossible, you are well on your way to a solution or at least a reasonable conclusion. That that isn’t the way it happens in Albany County when you put law-enforcement, the Albany County Coroners, and a wannabe forensic pathologist, Bernard T. Ng, MD, on the same case. Where the three of them should be free to do their jobs — or at least honest or qualified for the job —, they are also expected to be on the same page, or at least in the same book! They are not.

That’s the first step in solving any mystery, whether it’s a murder mystery in a book (or TV, or movie, or…CSI) or something you expected to work — like a death investigation, but didn’t. You have to eliminate all the things that it couldn’t possibly be, or you will have too many distractions, and then, once we’ve cleared out all the flotsam and jetsam, we can focus on what remains, which is usually something believable, even if it has to be cleaned up a bit. Sometimes what is left is easy to believe, other times it can seem unlikely but still possible. However, with the impossible eliminated, what remains are the only possible solutions. And one of them must be the truth.

Why is clearing out the impossible solutions important? Once we clear the clutter by removing all that is impossible, the questions become clearer, and we are left with a more plausible situation.  What is left can be gone over more quickly, and evaluated for probability or even likelihood.

But when you’re talking to an Albany County Coroner, State Police Investigator Thomas Burns or other law enforcement, or pathologist Bernard T. Ng, logic and plausibility don’t seem to be in their script, nor does collaboration. In fact, one of the most frequently heard questions asked by them is: Who told you that? Actually, who cares who told me that? Is it TRUE? Did you check that?

That’s where education, training, experience, and an open mind come into play. A hefty dose of good communications skills and a willingness to engage in team work is a big plus. But, again, our trio of clowns seem to have cut that class.

It’s a clown act!
Police Investigators, Coroners, Pathologist Bernie Ng, and Albany County DA Soares (top right corner, hiding, as usual).

The investigations into the deaths of Riley Kern and Joshua Abood clearly show that Albany County, law-enforcement — New York State Police, Cohoes Police —, the Albany County Coroners, coroner’s pathologist Bernie Ng, and the medical and forensic institutions (Albany Medical Center, Ellis Hospital) have failed the public continuously, consistently, and repeatedly.

But let’s first look at what the American Board of Pathology says about board certification, and the certification that Bernard T. Ng, MD, cannot claim he has, but he thinks he has. We have evidence in Ng’s own words, of Ng stating, and we quote:

” I am a board-certified pathologist in anatomic and clinical pathology. Within that, in that double-boarded status that I hold, anatomic pathology includes the practice of forensic autopsy and forensic investigation.”

Really, Bernie? You really think so? That statement alone should get him censured by the American Board of Pathology, if not prosecuted by the DAs in several New York counties, where Bernard T. Ng MD has been providing forensic pathology services but is not certified to do so.

With that in mind, let’s now have a look at what the American Board of Pathology has to say about certifications and how they are to be used, that is, used ethically:

CERTIFICATION BY THE ABPath The ABPath issues primary certificates in Anatomic Pathology and/or Clinical Pathology and Anatomic Pathology/Neuropathology.

We do not dispute the fact that Bernard T. Ng, MD, is, as he claims, board certified in anatomic/clinical pathology, and, if his résumé is correct, it appears he was granted the combined certification, rather than the individual anatomic and clinical pathology credentials separately.

The ABP then describes the requirements for subspecialty certification, of interest to us here is the subspecialty of forensic pathology. Here’s what the ABP has to say:

Subspecialty certificates are issued in:

Forensic Pathology

Subspecialty Certification. Pathology is a broad discipline; therefore, it is appropriate that some certified pathologists seek greater knowledge and expertise in one or more of the subspecialties of pathology. The achievement of subspecialty certification does not reflect on the ability of other pathologists to practice in that specialty area.

Forensic Pathology a. Candidates must be certified in AP/CP or AP and must complete 12 months of training in an ACGME accredited forensic pathology program.

The last sentence in the first paragraph may need some clarification by the ABP, but we’ll make a stab at it. What it means is that “other pathologists”, that is, pathologists who are not certified  MAY practice in the”specialty” (note, the language does not say “subspecialty“); accordingly, the statement does not apply to the subspecialty of forensic pathology. It could also mean that “other pathologists” may practice forensic pathology without board-certification but their abilities are not credentialed or certified, so what good are they doing? Answer: Not much!

The ABP also makes a clear and unambiguous statement on what physicians certified by the ABP must use the certification:

Certification Status. Physicians with ABPath certificates are designated as Diplomates of the ABPath, and are entitled to so designate themselves in an ethical manner. All Diplomates are governed by policies for use of certification, and for expiration and revocation of certificates as the ABPath may, from time to time, adopt. Diplomates of the ABPath are required to accurately state their certification status in curriculum vitae, publications, directories, letterhead, etc. A diplomate with a time-limited certificate whose certificate has expired must not claim to be board certified, and all descriptions of certification status must be modified accordingly. If an individual represents that they are certified by the ABPath when such is not the case, the ABPath will notify appropriate authorities, including but not limited to hospital, healthcare, and credentialing organizations, licensing boards, and law enforcement agencies.[emphasis provided; ABPath = American Board of Pathology]

Looks like Bernie missed that section. As stated above, we have clear and convincing evidence that Bernard T. Ng, MD, represents himself as a qualified forensic pathologist, and that qualification is included in his ABP certification as an anatomic/clinical pathologist. It is not. We categorically and absolutely call his statements a clear misrepresentation of the scope of his certification credentials and an outright deception! Here is his statement, when asked by a concerned next-of-kin [NOK; name withheld at the request of the provider of the digital recording; in order to protect the provider, we invoke NY Shield Law privilege.]:

NOK:  Are you a forensic pathologist?

Bernard Ng:   No. Nor do I ever claim to be a forensic pathologist. But I do want to state that as a pathologist, I am a board-certified pathologist in anatomic and clinical pathology. Within that, in that double-boarded status that I hold, anatomic pathology includes the practice of forensic autopsy and forensic investigation. A person known as a forensic pathologist is a pathologist that only do [sic] forensic cases. I do…I am double-boarded. I also do clinical pathology; I also do surgical pathology, meaning that I also do examinations of patients, live patient, biopsies. They are in my scope of practice. So a forensic pathologist is clearly somebody that only do[es] that exclusively. I am a clinical and an anatomic pathologist. At no point… [interrupted]

We disagree strongly that Ng’s so-called “double-boarded status” includes the practice of forensic autopsy and forensic investigation. This opinion is supported by the fact that the ABP offers a subspecialty certification in forensic pathology that requires prior certification in anatomic/clinical or anatomic pathology. The very reasonable conclusion we can draw from that fact is that Ng’s statement is a misrepresentation and a deceit. Furthermore, there are many physicians with board certifications in forensic pathology who practice other specialties and clinical pathology and clinical medicine. Being a board-certified forensic pathologist does not mean that they don’t practice clinical medicine as well!

NOK:  But isn’t a forensic pathologist needed when a body is found alone…with no witnesses? Suspiciously?

Bernard Ng:   No. That is not forensic. The practice of forensic autopsy is within my scope of practice, and within the scope of my training and board certification. Do you understand what I am saying? So, for example, a kidney specialist, a nephrologist, has undergone, in order for them to focus just on the kidney, they are trained, in residency training, as an internal medicine doctor first, and then if they choose to focus only on kidney disease, they can then do a fellowship, and they become nephrologists. They are first trained as internal medicine doctors, with the additional focus on nephrology, which means the study and treatment of kidney disease, and that’s all they do is kidney disease. Even though they can still take care of somebody with an ear infection or with pneumonia, they choose to focus only on kidney disease. So they are called nephrologists.

We disagree strongly! It IS forensic. And we further disagree strongly that “[t]he practice of forensic autopsy is within [Ng’s] scope of training and board certification,” and we further suggest that the ABP would agree with us completely. As for Ng’s nephrologist example, see below.

At this point the discussion turns to details that we will discuss later but let’s just focus on Ng’s statements in the above excerpt.

First, let’s just recap: A forensic pathologist is an expert who determines the cause of death of someone who may have died under suspicious circumstances. A forensic pathologist, because he has specialist training in forensics and pathology, is qualified, for example, to determine entrance and exit wounds of bullets; the angles of those bullets or knife wounds; whether someone was poisoned or overdosed; if someone was murdered before being burned or drowned, etc. He is specially trained to interpret details from the scene in conjunction with other information sources to determine the cause and the  manner of death, that is, whether someone died by homicide, suicide or accident; etc. They do a fellowship in the field of forensic pathology, and are certified as forensic pathologists, and can be called upon by prosecutors to discuss their findings and answer questions from those who doubt their findings, such as a defense attorney. All pathologists are trained to do autopsies, but those without forensic training are qualified only to do autopsies to determine a cause of death that is generally medical and does not suggest suspicious circumstances or foul play. To be a forensic pathologist, according to the American Board of Pathology, a pathologist already board certified in anatomical pathology must do an additional year of fellowship training in an approved program and then take the certification examination. Bernard T. Ng, MD, did not do this.

That is the first point. Clear enough and there’s no debating that fact. He is not recognized by a qualified certification organization as a forensic pathologist. If he is not a forensic pathologist, he has no business doing medicolegal autopsies, forensic autopsies, which are exactly the kind of autopsy performed to determine important facts in a coroner’s case.

The second point is that Bernard T. Ng is so arrogant as to attempt to persuade the person that he is qualified to do forensic autopsies and forensics because they are in the scope of his certification as an anatomic/clinical pathologist. This is an outright lie! If it is not a lie, then Ng is very seriously mistaken about his own training and certification. Worse still, Ng appears not to know his limitations, which is a serious matter when we are discussing medical issues and a so-called physician.

According to the American Board of Pathology, forensic pathology is a sub-specialty, that is a specialty requiring additional training and education in an accredited year of additional study plus examination by the ABP. A forensic pathologist is an anatomical pathologist with at least 1 year of additional training in the subspecialty of forensic pathology. Bernard T. Ng does not have that training, much less the necessary certification.

Bernard T. Ng attempts to throw his “double-boarded status” out there as a red herring but it doesn’t work. Forensic pathology is not, as Ng states, within the scope of his practice as an anatomical/clinical pathologist; nor does a forensic pathologist only do exclusively forensic pathology, he is qualified also to do anatomic/clinical, and surgical pathology even more than a pathologist with “double-boarded status.” Furthermore, Ng’s unfortunate example of the “nephrologist” illustrates and confirms exactly what we are saying and contradicts Ng’s own statements. Using the example of the nephrologist was a very poor choice, indeed, because Ng is confused about exactly what he does and what he is qualified to do.

Let’s just have a closer look at Ng’s unfortunate nephrologist example:

Bernard Ng:   …” So, for example, a kidney specialist, a nephrologist, has undergone, in order for them to focus just on the kidney, they are trained, in residency training, as an internal medicine doctor first, and then if they choose to focus only on kidney disease, they can then do a fellowship, and they become nephrologists.” All you have to do is replace nephrologist with “forensic pathologist,” and you will have almost exactly what the ABP says about pathologists. To be clearer, replace “kidney” with “disease/injury.”

Bernard Ng: “They are first trained as internal medicine doctors, with the additional focus on nephrology, which means the study and treatment of kidney disease, and that’s all they do is kidney disease.” While it’s incorrect to say that all a nephrologist does is kidney disease, it’s the training that we’re looking at. Again, just preplace “nephrologist” with “pathologist.”

Bernard Ng: “Even though they can still take care of somebody with an ear infection or with pneumonia, they choose to focus only on kidney disease. So they are called nephrologists.” Make the same substitutions in this statement, too.

Take it a step further and think of Ng’s nephrologist, and let’s look at a real ABP subspecialty, neuropathology. Like forensic pathology, neuropathology is recognized as a sub-specialty of anatomic pathology and requires additional training for certification. According to the American Board of Pathology, to receive certification and to call himself a neuropathologist he must:

be certified in anatomic/clinical pathology or anatomic pathology and must complete 24 months of training in an ACGME accredited neuropathology program.

Like neuropathologists, the forensic pathologist must obtain additional qualifications and be examined by the certifying authority before he can be considered certified in the subspecialty.

To practice the subspecialty of forensic pathology, even if he does not “claim to be a forensic pathologist,” as Ng states, by practicing the subspecialty and explicitly claiming that forensic practice within the scope of practice of his board certification in anatomic/clinical pathology, Ng is unethically perpetrating a fraud, misrepresentation, deception, and a malpractice.

We believe he is subject to severe discipline under civil and criminal laws, and to censure by the New York State Department of Education as the licensing authority, and to censure by the American Board of Pathology for misrepresenting his qualifications and scope of practice as including forensic pathology in his “double-boarded status” as an anatomic/clinical pathologist by the American Board of Pathology.

We will elaborate those charges to the competent authorities, and will continue to expose the public services that are complicit in Ng’s misconduct, including Ellis Hospital of Schenectady, Albany Medical College and Albany Medical Center, the Albany County Coroners Office and Albany County, and the offices of the medical examiner or coroner in the counties using Ellis Hospital mortuary services or Bernard T. Ng’s  services as coroner’s physician.

This situation requires a thorough investigation of all parties involved, and prosecution to the fullest extent of civil, professional, and criminal statutes and laws.

Anyone who has had a loved one, a relative, a friend who has been subjected to this systemic misconduct by the Albany County Coroners Office or any office of the medical examiner or coroner in their county must join with us in this effort to expose and to correct this outrageous abuse of the public’s trust and to prevent continuation of this scandalous misconduct!

It’s time to hold the County Executive, Daniel McCoy (Dem), the Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares (Dem), the Albany County Legislature, the Albany County Office of the Coroner, Bernard T. Ng, Ellis Hospital, and Albany Medical Center ACCOUNTABLE and ANSWERABLE to the public. It’s time the Albany County Sheriff’s Department, the Albany City Police, Cohoes Police, the New York State Parks Police, the Coeymans Police Department, and all of the 15 counties using Bernadt T. Ng as their medicolegal death investigation pathologist, are ACCOUNTABLE and ANSWERABLE for cheating the public and the families of the deceased!

As for Bernard T. Ng, Ellis Hospital, Albany Medical Center, it is our intention to file formal complaints together with the families of Riley Kern and Joshua Abood, with the the New York State Department of Health, The American Board of Pathology, the New York State Department of Education, Division of Professional Misconduct Enforcement, and the National Association of Medical Examiners, demanding investigation and disciplinary action. The same formal complaint and demands will be filed with the New York State Department of Health against the funeral directors acting in their capacity as Albany County Coroners. Furthermore, we will demand that the Office of the State Attorney General investigate the Office of the Albany County Executive, the Office of the Albany County District Attorney, New York State Police Criminal Investigators, Troop G, Latham, NY, and other agencies for their abuse of public office in obstructing justice. We will further join with families of deceased who come under the jurisdiction of the Albany County Coroners to demand a thorough investigation of all deaths certified by the Albany County Coroners and the certification of Immediate Cause of Death, autopsies done by Bernard T. Ng MD upon request of the Albany county Coroners, and a thorough review of the investigation and certification procedures of the Albany County Coroners Office.

The **it’s hit the fan, dudes!

Our next Segment will discuss the Autopsies, the Autopsy Reports, and the Albany County Coroners’ Death Certifications.


[1] See: Payne-James, Jason, and Roger W. Byard. Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine. Elsevier, (2016). Print.

[2] Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting. Hyattsville, MD: Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, 2003. Print.

We are back to the Joshua Abood case, and will provide more specifics and detail on the investigation and the weirdos investigating and making decisions in the case. Stay tuned for the upcoming segment that will deal with New York State Police Investigator Thomas Burns, Albany County Coroner Antonio Sturges and the Albany County Legislature and the Albany County Coroners Office, Ellis Hospital (Schenectady) pathologist Bernard Ng, and New York State Assemblyman John T. McDonald III.

Some Related Smalbany Articles

Politics, Power, Patronage and Conflicts of Interest: The Albany County Coroners Office
A Response to Lorin Marra. re: Office of the Albany County Coroners
The Cover-up Continues… A Mother’s Despair
Riley’s Mom Responds: A Mother’s Perspective

You can’t make this sh*t up!
This is the Twilight Zone!
( NYS Assemblyman John T. McDonald III )


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Posted by on September 30, 2020 in * Sick Community, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 46th District, 46th Senate District, Albany County Coroner, Albany County Court Judge Ackerman, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County EMT, Albany County Executive, Albany County Legislature, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany County Supervisor, Albany Medical Center, Albany Police, American Board of Pathology, Antonio Delgado, Assemblyman John McDonald, Capital District, Capital Region Independent Media, Chief Todd Waldin, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center, D. W. Contento, Dan McCoy, Daniel McCoy, David Soares, Death, Death Certificate, Death Investigation, Deceit, District Attorney, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Ellis Hospital, Emily Kern, FBI, Friends of Coeymans, George A. Amedore, George Amedore, George McHugh, Giovanni Ortiz, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Hearst Corporation, Hudson Valley, Incompetence, Investigation, John Keegan, Joshua Abood, Judge Andra Ackerman, Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement Arrogance, Magin & Keegan Funeral Home, Malpractice, Marcus Ford, Mayor William Keeler, Mayor William T. Keeler, New York State, New York State Police, New York State Police, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, P. David Soares, Police Incompetence, Professional Misconduct, Riley Kern, Riley P. Kern, Schenectady District Attorney, Senate District 46, Smalbany, Times Union, Tits on a Bull


The Joshua Abood Case: Condemned by Their Own Statements: Coroners Office & Ng

Way back in the late 1800s, when cremation was a hot issue in Europe, the UK, and in the USA, one of the major objections to cremation was the fact that once the body is incinerated, it is no longer available for further investigation. The major concern of the opponents was that crimes could be concealed if the body were no longer available for further medicolegal investigation. Those concerns are as valid today as they were then.

In the Joshua Abood and in the Riley Kern cases, the bodies were cremated; they are no longer available for continued medicolegal death investigation. This fact may be a speed bump but it does not deter from the egregious misconduct and deficiencies involved in their respective investigations.

A forensic autopsy is a series of tests and examinations performed on the body to determine the presence of an injury or to identify any disease that may have caused or contributed to the death. This internal and external examination is done by a forensic pathologist who has been specially trained to recognize patterns of injury, collect evidence and investigate the circumstances surrounding the death. The results of the death scene investigation, combined with the results of the autopsy, are used to determine the cause and manner of death. Specific autopsy protocols will be discussed in a later segment in this investigative series.[1]

During a forensic autopsy, it is necessary to thoroughly examine the body as well as the internal organs. The incisions needed to weigh and measure the organs are made in a manner that allows the funeral director to conceal them for the viewing service and funeral. Additionally, special tests are performed to check for the presence infectious diseases, alcohol, and/or drugs. A typical forensic autopsy takes approximately 2-4 hours but may require additional time to complete these special tests. If these tests are needed, the death certificate will be issued with “PENDING” as the cause of death while the medicolegal death investigator obtains the test results. This allows the family to make arrangements for moving the body to the funeral home and to schedule the funeral/burial.

Yes, both Riley and Joshua were cremated. That, however, does not detract in any way whatsoever from the facts we are presenting. Yes, the investigation is a sham at this point. No, the autopsy was not conducted by a qualified pathologist. No, the Death Certificates were not properly or correctly completed by the Albany County Coroners. Yes, the families, friends, and the public at large are being cheated, misinformed by their elected officials, and deceived. These facts are clear evidence of fraud, misconduct, and incompetence. These facts are the basis for civil lawsuits, if not criminal prosecutions. There may no longer be any bodies to exhume and re-examine but the damning facts are undeniable.

Much of this accepted procedure is ignored in Albany County, by the Albany County Coroners, and by Ellis Hospital pathologist, Bernard T. Ng. We examine two recent cases to illustrate how Albany County and Ng are failing the public.

What becomes exquisitely clear is that there is little or no accountability in Albany County between the Albany County Coroners Office, Bernard Ng, Ellis Hospital, Albany Medical Center, NewYork State Police, Cohoes Police Department, Coeymans Police Department, Albany County Sheriff’s Department, Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares, or anyone else. It appears that they’re all in bed together. They have each other’s back. A recent article reports that 15 counties relied on Albany Medical Center for their medicolegal autopsies. Now that Albany Medical Center has backed off and Albany County, at least, is sending their cases to Ellis Hospital in Schenectady and to Bernard T. Ng, are we to assume that at least 15 counties are getting substandard medicolegal death investigations? It certainly looks that way.

Reviewing our archival material on the Riley Kern case and more recently the Joshua Abood case, in which the Albany County Coroners Office and pathologist Bernard T. Ng were involved, and comparing the information on the Death Certificates for the two young men, we find that both Death Certificates, one relating to alleged internal bleeding due to a motorcycle-pick-up truck collision, and the other due to alleged drowning, both list the “Immediate Cause of Death” to be “Cardiopulomonary Arrest,” or heart attack, an event where the heart stops. While they could argue that any death is caused by the fact that the heart stops, that is not a cause of death unless it’s a codable event of “sudden cardiac death” (SCD). The heart stops in all deaths, however, so “cardiopulmonary arrest,” is hardly an accurate determination of cause of death in either of these two different cases. But that’s how Albany County Coroners John Keegan (Riley’s case) and Antonio Sturges (Joshua’s case) called the shots. Ellis Hospital pathologist Bernart T. Ng, misrepresenting himself as a forensic pathologist makes the situation even worse.

As defined by the National Association of Medical Examiners, the cause of death is, “the underlying disease or injury responsible for setting in motion a series of physiologic events culminating in death.” The Albany County Coroners and Bernard T. Ng apparently have not learned that leading definition.

Another concern is that when death certificates are used for compiling health statistics such as in the data collected by the CDC, listing “cardiopulmonary arrest” and the immediate cause of death is totally irresponsible on the part of the coroners office and the so-called pathologist providing the information supporting that determination. The national death and health statistics lose their reliability and value when deaths and causes of death are incorrectly reported.

In Riley Kern’s death, Yes! his heart did stop breathing. In Joshua Abood’s death, his heart did stop beating. But neither was a heart attack! Riley succumbed to the effects of collision trauma, which caused internal bleeding; mishandling of his case by first responders and by Albany Medical Center ER staff, may have complicated his condition, and even aggravated it, possibly contributing to the young man’s death, but the cause of death is anything but “cardiopulmonary arrest.”

In Joshua Abood’s case, he was found face down in the Mohawk River, apparently a drowning incident but suspicious because it was associated with what is being called an “altercation” with two individuals with street drug connections. Joshua’s death has the elements of suspicious cause of death or even homicide, but investigators have tried to sweep the case under the carpet. Determining, however incompetently, the death to be caused by “cardiopulmonary arrest,” as Albany county Coroner Antonio Sturges has done, and given the substandard Autopsy Report signed by Bernard T. Ng, who violates every item in the Performance Standards for Forensic Autopsy of the National Association of Medical Examiners (a.k.a. NAME) is an embarrassment if not an outrage!

In both Riley Kern’s case and Joshua Abood’s case, the Albany County Coroners Office and Bernard T. Ng of Ellis Hospital are involved. In both Riley’s case and Joshua’s case, the coroners office calls the Immediate Cause of Death, “cardiopulmonary arrest,” or heart attack. Both causes of death are incorrect, even if we assume they were not suspicious or the result of an assault, and accidental (that is, the “Manner of Death”).

According to the CDC guidelines for medical examiners and coroners:[2]

“The immediate cause [of death] does not mean the mechanism of death or terminal event (for example, cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest). The mechanism of death (for example, cardiac or respiratory arrest) should not be reported as the immediate cause of death as it is a statement not specifically related to the disease process, and it merely attests to the fact of death. The mechanism of death therefore provides no additional information on the cause of death.”

The Albany County Coroners do not know how to correctly fill out a death certificate!

We have obtained two recordings of a next-of-kin’s conversations with John Keegan (Magin & Keegan Funeral Home), an Albany County Coroner for at least 12 years at the time of Riley’s death and about 14 years at the time of Joshua’s death, and with Bernard T. Ng MD, a clinical/anatomic pathologist, not a forensic pathologist, on the staff of Ellis Hospital in Schenectady and the owner of Schenectady Pathology Associates P.C., in Schenectady. The contents of those recordings is nothing less that shocking.

The Bernard T. Ng’s Statements

We first reviewed the more than 35 minutes of recorded conversation of the mother of a victim who asked the question, whether Ng received or reviewed the victim’s medical records at the time of doing the autopsy. Ng never answers the question but dances around talking about everything else.

We gather from the content of the recording that Ng never reviewed the victim’s medical records prior to the autopsy, and conveniently leaves out important injuries that could not have gone unnoticed at autopsy, injuries that the Standards require be documented, but were not. Was Ng covering for his cronies at Albany Medical Center, where the young man died.

It is clearly established by every organization that represents the specialty of pathology or the specialty of forensic pathology that the goal of the forensic autopsy is to determine the cause of death, which is defined as “”. But Ng has his own definition: “Ultimately the findings of the autopsy for the determination of the cause of death is to determine whether or not the injuries were consistent with the accident [the victim] was in.” What this appears to mean is that Ng’s autopsy findings are aimed at confirming what the coroner or the police think should be cause of death; he is not doing autopsies objectively and competently (or honestly). But then Ng is not a forensic pathologist; that becomes obvious when he’s asked about x-rays, and responds:

The victim’s mother askes NG if he saw any of the incriminating x-rays. Ng responds:

I am not a radiologist and the x-ray images that I tend to deal with are mostly skeletal, penetrating injury…I’m not self confident…my responsibility is to correlate the type of injury with the event that caused them. The death was likely due to the sequence of this damage to the body.

and again,

I don’t think I would be the best person to review those x-rays; I think you should find another radiologist … I don’t think it would ultimately change the cause of death of your son.

and again,

No, I usually don’t get those because of the fact that I’m not a radiologist…the I saw in the physical examination of the body…I wouldn’t really be the right person to review these trauma x-rays they tend to have a lot of tubes and lines that are not necessarily there any more at time of the autopsy, a gown that … It’s hard for me to determine…I normally don’t look at these clinical x-rays, unless there’s a foreign object I’m looking for…I don’t have the training to look at those lines and to comment that they are not there in the right place.

Riley’s mother asks Ng if he took any pictures at the time of the autopsy. Ng says he’s going to look, and asks her to hold. At this point the recording continues for about 5 minutes and then goes dead. If Ng, as John Keegan states, usually takes autopsy photos, wouldn’t Ng know whether he did or did not? After all this wasn’t the first time Riley’s mother called about her son’s autopsy.

BTW, Riley’s mom is a nurse and apparently knows more about the procedures done on her son than Bernard Ng, or more than Ng cares to admit.

But even an AMC anesthesiologist on the case stated that they would never remove the tubes from the body, and John Keegan himself states that the tubes would or should be there at autopsy. But Bernard Ng neither notices the gaping hole in the young man’s neck, nor does he notice the holes in his chest, and he doesn’t see any trauma in his chest due to the clumsy manipulation of a chest tube by an inexperienced resident for over an hour!

Furthermore, radiologic evidence is a key tool for the qualified forensic pathologist but Bernard T. Ng, doesn’t feel that he should use or is qualified to use x-rays or radiological imaging in his autopsy work. A properly trained, qualified, board-certified forensic pathologist would never make such a statement.

Bernard T. Ng MD claims to have been doing medicolegal autopsies for about 20 years. We cannot even begin to think of the damage he’s done, and the number of inaccurately and incorrectly certified deaths in the counties using him for autopsy services. It’s criminal.

The John Keegan, Albany County Coroner Statements

John Keegan is a funeral director and is associated with the Magin & Keegan Funeral Home in Albany, New York. He has been an Albany County Coroner for more than 12 years but he doesn’t seem to grasp the seriousness and the scope of the coroner’s job.

Our first observation after reviewing the Death Certificates is that the Albany County Coroners don’t have a clue how to correctly certify a death or fill out a Death Certificate.

Every death results from cardiopulmonary arrest, the heart stops beating the person stops breathing but that’s not a death certificate cause of death. We discuss that above.

John Keegan is a nice enough guy; he has the cool manners of an undertaker, after all he is a funeral director. But when challenged, he gets really defensive, as we observed in the recorded conversation we reviewed. We think he should stick to the funeral business, and leave death investigation to someone with some appropriate credentials.

In recent years, medical examiners offices and coroners offices have attempted to take the edge of their authority to order autopsies, and the medical examiners and forensic pathologists, the qualified ones, that is, have been attempting to work with families when it becomes necessary to retain organs after autopsy, even when the body is returned to the family for final disposition. They give the family a call and advise them about what must be done, and may even sympathetically apologize for what the law requires. But not in Albany County.

When Riley’s mother questioned the fact that the family was not notified or consulted before Riley’s body was sent to Ellis Hospital to be autopsied by Bernard Ng, we were a bit surprised by Keegan’s response:

EKern:               Nobody asked the family.

JKeegan:    Nobody asked the family what… it’s the law that I order an autopsy, esp. in a motor vehicle accident.

When asked if the autopsy report is used to determine the cause of death, Keegan answers:

EKern: Isn’t it [the autopsy report] used to determine the cause of death?

JKeegan:         The autopsy report…certainly!

And when asked about whether the pathologist would be provided with Riley’s medical records, Keegan reponds:

JKeegan:         Well the pathologist gets every medical record from the hospital that is available, he reviews the medical record, and then proceeds to do an autopsy, with everything that he reads, sees, observes and that he finds in the procedures he does in the autopsy, the end result is he determines the cause of death or major factor that caused the death of the individual. I’m not a doctor, I’m an elected official who decides whether an autopsy is required or by law legally ordered, and that is what actually what I did. The doctor finds in his findings is exactly that, not whether the hospitals he finds the exact cause of death…

EKern:             Removal of the central line leaves a fairly large hole but I’m surprised it wasn’t reported…

JKeegan:         I’m assuming that if it had anything to do with his cause of death, it would have been documented. Again, I don’t want to answer for the pathologist, I don’t want to answer for the hospital … that’s not my job nor my expertise nor something that I can respond to because I don’t have anything to do with that.

When Riley’s mom asks about the fact that the tubes were apparently removed from Riley’s body before it was transported for autopsy, Keegan responds — this is the second time in the conversation where Keegan gets touchy, defensive:

EKern:      I’m becoming suspicious…The anesthesiologist there [at AMC] said that’s the number one thing: you do not touch those lines. And when I asked [Bernard Ng] about the autopsy report, he said they were not there…so …

JKeegan:   Well the autopsy report [sic] is not supposed to remove any lines. Well, we don’t remove … the responsible is the motorcycle accident. If you want to go further with that …

EKern:               I’d want people to be more sympathetic …

JKeegan:   You’re trying to accuse the Coroners Office of removing lines? I don’t want you to take it the wrong way. I ordered an autopsy…what the hospital did, I have no jurisdiction over them.

The Standards require that the medicolegal investigators cooperate and collaborate in parallel, that each agency conducts their work without interference from any other agency, that they all work together, and presumably talk to each other. That doesn’t seem to be happening in Albany County death investigations. It’s having a very bad effect on confidence in law enforcement, death investigations, and in justice overall. Corrective action is overdue.

Time Interval Between Actual Death and Discovery of the Body

One glaring omission we found in Bernard Ng’s so called medicolegal autopsies — at best a misrepresentation or even fraud — is the conspicuous lack of a statement relating to establishing a time of death.

In Riley Kern’s case, there was no real need to do this, since Riley was pronounced dead in a hospital setting following clinical procedures, which for one or another reason failed.

In Joshua Abood’s case, the timeframe between the time he was last seen alive, the interval between that and the event leading to his death, and the time between his death and the discovery of his body seem to have been overlooked. The National Association of Medical Examiners and other leading authorities clearly state in their Standards, that the post-mortem signs should be used for determining a time of death.

We’d like you to understand what we are talking about. You see, once a person dies, the body begins the process of decomposition, literally it breaks down. This process can be described by four basic changes that can be observed externally: post-mortem signs. There are 4 main postmortem signs, which occur in this order: (1) pallor mortis the paleness associated with a dead body; (2) algor mortis, the cooling of a dead body; (3) rigor mortis, the initial stiffening of the dead body; (4) livor mortis, the pooling of blood in the dead body. These signs occur in the first 24 hours after death occurs.

Postmortem Death Signs

Pallor mortis is the first sign and occurs due to the absence of blood flow to the skin and surface vessels. Algor mortis is the second sign, and is also due to the shutdown of the body’s metabolic processes and the absence of blood flow. This results in the change in the body’s core temperature, and depends on environmental factors that should be taken into consideration at scene investigation; the body assumes environmental temperature. Rigor mortis is the 3rd sign, where muscles contract or stiffen due to the release of chemicals affecting the muscles. Livor mortis is the pooling of blood in the lowermost parts of the body in telltale patterns. Two other events occur in addition to these signs. The first is primary flaccidity or the condition following death when the body goes limp (all the muscles relax); in this stage there the urinary and anal sphicters may relax. Once tissue decomposition has reached a certain stage, a second phase of relaxation called secondary flaccidity occurs. This whole cycle can take about 24 hours, and is used by forensic experts to determine time of death and other information relating to the deceased.

Forensic Pathologist

Bernard T. Ng is what is called a clinical/anatomical pathologist but is not a qualified forensic pathologist; he does not have the necessary training or certification, and should not be doing forensic or medicolegal autopsies in connection with coroner’s or law-enforcement death investigations. If, as he states, he’s been doing this for 20 years, it is tantamount to professional malpractice, or even criminal fraud.

When a body is discovered, and following initial scene investigation and on site examination of the body, the deceased is usually subjected to the forensic autopsy. This is where the specially trained forensic pathologist enters the picture. His role is basically to answer four questions: (1) Who is this? (2) When did you die? (3) Where did you die? (4) How did you die? (5) Why did you die? and if there is suspicion of homicide, (6) Who did it? This dialogue between the forensic pathologist and the corpse will determine what type of autopsy is required, external or internal examination or both, and then to carry out the autopsy and determine the answers to the “death dialogue” questions, which only the deceased and the scene investigation can answer.

Forensic Pathologist vs. Coroner

The medical examiner/coroner investigates deaths that are unexpected, unexplained, or if an injury or poisoning was involved. State laws provide guidelines for when a medical examiner/coroner must be notified. The medical examiner or coroner will either complete the cause-of-death section of the death certificate or waive that responsibility. If the medical examiner/coroner does not accept the case, then the certifying medical professional will need to complete the cause-of-death section. In Albany County, the county coroner will usually certify the death on the death certificate.

The Forensic Pathologist is specially trained to determine the cause and manner of death. And she can be hired to perform private autopsies, medicolegal, or forensic autopsies, and to be an expert witness and testify in court. The Coroner is a lay person elected or appointed to oversee the operation of the coroner’s office and to investigate deaths. In general, coroners have little or no medical or forensics training. Coroner’s rely on law-enforcement to do the overall investigation of the incident and forensic Pathologists to perform autopsies.

As we’ve clearly shown in the case of John Keegan and Antonio Sturges, and in the professional literature on the subject, most jurisdictions have recognized that coroners are generally ignorant and can cause more problems than they solve; they can be serious speed bumps in any death investigation. That is one reason why so many jurisdictions, that is, counties and states, have upgraded their death investigation offices to the Office of the Medical Examiner (ME), a physician licensed to practice medicine, and frequently specializing in forensic pathology.

You don’t have to look far for any of the above. Albany County is the place to go to find it. Try Albany Medical Center (AMC), Ellis Hospital and Schenectady Pathology Associates for professional misconduct.

Investigation and Documentation of Death

There is general confusion among coroners and even among some pathologists as to when the terms “cause of death” and “mechanism of death” or “manner of death,” and even a superficial review of death certificates will prove this point.

The cause of death or “immediate cause of death” is the specific injury or disease that leads to death. Cause of death” refers to the physical factors that caused the body to stop functioning and answers the question, “Why did you die?” “Why did you die?” might also include the “mechanism” of death, which is the specific physiological disturbances that actually led to death or the cessation of life. For example, a heart attack death could die from a fatal irregular rhythm in the heart such as ventricular fibrillation, for example, or from severe damage to the heart muscle, leading to shock. Here the cause of death is a cardiac arrest, but the mechanism is a cardiac arrhythmia or cardiogenic shock, respectively.

The “manner of death” means how the cause of death actually occurred, that is, what circumstances led to the cause of the death event. “How did you die?” In general, there are five manners of death: natural, accidental, suicide, homicide (which technically would include suicide), and undetermined. A gunshot wound (the cause of death), may have been accidental, suicidal, or homicidal, for example. Only deaths from old age or naturally-occurring disease can be considered natural.

The Albany County Coroners have shown themselves to be incompetent political fixtures, and Bernard T. Ng MD is incompetent and inconsistent, and is not qualified to perform medicolegal or forensic autopsies. Albany County and any other county operating under the authority of a coroners office or even a medical examiner, and there are allegedly 15 such counties, who base their coroner’s death certifications and their law-enforcement death investigations on the findings of a coroner or the results of autopsies performed by Bernard T. Ng, must be held accountable for their ignorance and indifference, and for the serious damage they are doing to the public interest and to public health overall.

It’s time to hold the County Executive, Daniel McCoy (Dem), the Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares (Dem), the Albany County Legislature, the Albany County Office of the Coroner, Bernard T. Ng, Ellis Hospital, and Albany Medical Center ACCOUNTABLE and ANSWERABLE to the public. It’s time the Albany County Sheriff’s Department, the Abany City Police, Cohoes Police, the New York State Parks Police, the Coeymans Police Department, and all of the 15 counties using Bernart T. Ng as their medicolgal death investigation pathologist, are ACCOUNTABLE and ANSWERABLE for cheating the public and the families of the deceased!

As for Bernard T. Ng, Ellis Hospital, Albany Medical Center, it is our intention to file formal complaints together with the families of Riley Kern and Joshua Abood, with the the New York State Department of Health, The American Board of Pathology, the New York State Department of Education, Division of Professional Misconduct Enforcement, and the National Association of Medical Examiners, demanding investigation and disciplinary action. The same formal complaint and demands will be filed with the New York State Department of Health against the funeral directors acting in their capacity as Albany County Coroners. Furthermore, we will demand that the Office of the State Attorney General investigate the Office of the Albany County Executive, the Office of the Albany County District Attorney, New York State Police Criminal Investigators, Troop G, Latham, NY, and other agencies for their abuse of public office in obstructing justice. We will further join with families of deceased who come under the jurisdiction of the Albany County Coroners to demand a thorough investigation of all deaths certified by the Albany County Coroners and the certification of Immediate Cause of Death, autopsies done by Bernard T. Ng MD upon request of the Albany county Coroners, and a thorough review of the investigation and certification procedures of the Albany County Coroners Office.

The **it’s hit the fan, dudes!

Our next Segment will discuss the Autopsies, the Autopsy Reports, and the Albany County Coroners’ Death Certifications.


[1] See: Payne-James, Jason, and Roger W. Byard. Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine. Elsevier, (2016). Print.

[2] Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting. Hyattsville, MD: Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, 2003. Print.

We are back to the Joshua Abood case, and will provide more specifics and detail on the investigation and the weirdos investigating and making decisions in the case. Stay tuned for the upcoming segment that will deal with New York State Police Investigator Thomas Burns, Albany County Coroner Antonio Sturges and the Albany County Legislature and the Albany County Coroners Office, Ellis Hospital (Schenectady) pathologist Bernard Ng, and New York State Assemblyman John T. McDonald III.

Some Related Smalbany Articles

Politics, Power, Patronage and Conflicts of Interest: The Albany County Coroners Office
A Response to Lorin Marra. re: Office of the Albany County Coroners
The Cover-up Continues… A Mother’s Despair
Riley’s Mom Responds: A Mother’s Perspective

You can’t make this sh*t up!
This is the Twilight Zone!
( NYS Assemblyman John T. McDonald III )


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Posted by on September 30, 2020 in * Sick Community, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 46th District, 46th Senate District, Albany County Coroner, Albany County Court Judge Ackerman, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County EMT, Albany County Executive, Albany County Legislature, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany County Supervisor, Albany Medical Center, Albany Police, Antonio Delgado, Assemblyman John McDonald, Capital District, Capital Region Independent Media, Chief Todd Waldin, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center, D. W. Contento, Dan McCoy, Daniel McCoy, David Soares, Death, Death Certificate, Death Investigation, District Attorney, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Ellis Hospital, Emily Kern, FBI, Friends of Coeymans, George A. Amedore, George Amedore, George McHugh, Giovanni Ortiz, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Hearst Corporation, Hudson Valley, Investigation, John Keegan, Joshua Abood, Judge Andra Ackerman, Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement Arrogance, Magin & Keegan Funeral Home, Marcus Ford, Mayor William Keeler, Mayor William T. Keeler, New York State, New York State Police, New York State Police, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, P. David Soares, Police Incompetence, Professional Misconduct, Riley Kern, Riley P. Kern, Schenectady District Attorney, Senate District 46, Smalbany, Times Union, Tits on a Bull


The Joshua Abood Case: Is Bernard T. NG, MD, Unlawfully, Fraudulently Performing Forensic Autopsies?

A real forensic pathologist is specially trained and accredited by board certification in the field of forensic pathology. The American Board of Pathology is usually the agency that examines and certifies a candidate to call himself a forensic pathologist; if a forensic pathologist acts as a Medical Examiner (ME), he will usually also be a member of the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME).

For more information, see the University of New Mexico, Office of the Medical Examiner, ⇒What is a forensic pathologist?⇐ page, which provides excellent information on the topic.

Fraud in the Autopsy Room?

The Albany County Coroners Office and Bernard T. Ng may be perpetrating the biggest fraud in recent Albany County history. Bernard T. Ng, MD, of Schenectady, NY, a pathologist at Ellis Hospital in Schenectady, and the owner of Schenectady Pathology Associates, PC, also in Schenectady, is accepting autopsy cases from the Albany County Coroners Office but Ng is not a board-certified forensic pathologist, and is not qualified to perform forensic autopsies in the context of medicolegal death investigations! Not only is the Albany County Coroners Office complict in this fraud and deception, and even worse still, is obstructing the public health mission of death investigation and forensic autopsy practice.

Who’s to blame? Bernard Ng or the Albany County Coroners?

The Albany County Coroners Office, law enforcement, and privacy laws have aided and abetted this fraud, while the ignorance and political cronyism in Albany County has fostered and fed this ghoulish deception of the public.

This is not only a scandalous violation of the law and the purpose of medicolegal death investigation, placing an unqualified pathologist in the position to take a lead in death investigations, together with the lack of any real scientific qualifications of the Albany County Coroners, who are all funeral directors, except for Antonio Sturges, who runs a diabetic supply business, misleads law enforcement, screws up death and public health statistics big time, and generally harms overall healthcare, safety, and well-being in the living population!

Our investigation into Bernard T. Ng began in late 2018 when we were asked by next-of-kin of 19-year old Riley Kern, who died under suspicious circumstances when his motorcycle collided with a pickup truck driven by Travis Hagen, a prominent Coeymans resident, while Hagen was leaving the Sycamore Country Club in Coeymans. The accident was investigated by the Coeymans Police Department, which meant that there were multiple defects and deficiencies in the investigation. The young man died under medically suspect circumstances at Albany Medical Center. Albany County Coroner John Keegan was involved and ordered a medicolegal autopsy, which was performed at Ellis Hospital in Schenectady, by our friend Bernard Ng. Bernard Ng had no business conducting a medicolegal autopsy. The Riley Kern case is now in the courts.

Our second investigation into the practices of the Albany County Coroners Office and their relationship with Bernard T. Ng started when we were requested to assist the family of Joshua Abood, the 22-year-old man who was found at Peebles Park, face down in the Mohawk River, on June 10, 2020. The man’s family saw our coverage of the Riley Kern case, the 19-year-old who was killed in Coeymans in July 2018 , and contacted us after they lost confidence in the New York State Police investigation led by NYSP Investigator Thomas L. Burns, of NYSP Troop G in Latham, NY.

The family sent us Joshua’s death certificate certified by Antonio Sturges, part-time coroner appointed in 2019 to finish Benjamin Sturges’ term, and the Autopsy Report prepared and signed by Bernard T. Ng MD, of Ellis Hospital, in Schenectady. We have also been provided with copy of a letter dated August 6, 2020, from the man’s mother to Bernard Ng, in which Joshua’s mother illustrates some of the defects and deficiencies that would be conspicuous and glaring even to the uninformed reader.

Joshua’s Theme was
Never give up!

In her letter, the mother refers to the Death Certificate only, which would indicate that she luckily did not yet have a copy of the autopsy report, which, if read together with the Death Certificate prepared by part-time Albany County Coroner Antonio Sturges, would have really given her a migraine!

We are at an advantage because we have both the Death Certificate (signed June 10, 2020, Antonio Sturges and June 11, 2020, Bernard Ng) and the Autopsy Report (signed July 29, 2020, Bernard T. Ng MD). Neither document compares favorably with the other. For example: Ng does not clearly state a “cause of death” that makes any sense whatsoever. His autopsy report simply states, “Immediate cause of death is consistent with drowning with laryngeal spasm secondary to alcohol intoxication.” Gobbeldygook!

First of all, drowning death is a process, not a single cause. Second, “laryngeal spasm” is a reflex that occurs in a living person, not in a man dead more than 24 hours! The alcohol intoxication may be considered relevant, but how? The report makes no statement on that.

Antonio Sturges’ Death Certification is even more stupid! He states that the immediate cause of death as “Cardiopulmonary arrest;” in other words, heart attack! According to Sturges, the heart attack was the “consequence of drowning,” and the drowning was due to “fall into water [and] intoxication.” WTF!?! And no one has picked up on this rubbish? Unbelievable. You can’t make this stuff up!!!

Unfortunately, Joshua’s mother knows about as much about the Albany County Coroner’s role in the investigation as Bernard Ng knows about forensic autopsy: ZILCH!

But she’s right about one thing: Not only are the circumstances of Joshua’s death “suspicious,” the entire medicolegal death investigation is becoming more and more suspicious as we uncover more information!

Michelle, Joshua’s mother, appears to be a more competent coroner than Antonio Sturges, and a better forensic pathologist than Bernard Ng, when she asks:

“Furthermore, some questions and concerns regarding the findings and information on Joshua’s certificate of death are;
“● Was Joshua’s temperature taken when his body was recovered and compared to the temperature of the water that he “drowned” in and his body traveled in? I ask this because you did not include a time of death. This information is crucial to this case as investigators have questioned details down to a very small time frame.
“● How was my son Joshua’s body able to float all the way from where the “incident” happened to where they discovered his body if the ruling is accurate? Was there enough air in his lungs to make that possible?
“● On Joshua’s death certificate you indicated that he was not hospitalized in the past 2 months prior to his death. This is incredibly inaccurate. My best guess is that whoever recorded this, simply assumed it to be true without any valid search. Joshua was
hospitalized and spent a week in the ICU just weeks before he died.”

Michelle’s questions are all well placed and, even if she weren’t exposed to the moronic autopsy report, they do reflect valid questions that arise from the bungled Death Certificate! Ng should have been provided with all of the facts and information relating to the coroner’s information and the information collected by law enforcement at the scene, and Ng should have reviewed all of that information prior to doing any autopsy. But, given the fact that Antonio Sturges did the coroner’s investigation at the scene before having the body transported to Ellis Hospital might explain Ng’s autopsy report; Sturges’ inaccurate and incomplete documentation could have misled Ng. The fault for the mother’s confusion might lie 90% with the Albany County Coroners Office, specifically with Antonio Sturges.

We also investigated the Riley Kern case in detail and we can say that the Albany County Coroner investigating that death was John Keegan, a funeral director with Magin & Keegan Funeral Home, and his statements are just as ignorant as anything we’ve heard about Sturges. Ng also did Riley’s autopsy.

Michelle closes her letter with a very profound statement:

“Taking into consideration my concerns and questions, including lack of accuracy and what appears to be an inaccurate ruling. Because of this, I fear that my son Joshua’s investigation isn’t and hasn’t been given the precedence and attention to detail that it needs and deserves.
“As Joshua’s mother and next of kin I am respectfully requesting that you take the time to look into all of these facts, questions and concerns that I have addressed to you and PLEASE at the very least, consider changing your ruling to suspicious. Please give this your time and much needed attention. I know that you may see things like this every day, however, this is MY SON and deserves more than assumptions and invalid data.”

As we mentioned above, Michelle’s letter was written on August 6, 2020, way before we got involved, and she certainly hits the nail on the head.

We should also note that Ng makes no mention whatsoever about important postmortem changes in Joshua’s body that any real forensic autopsy would have taken into consideration hands down!

We reviewed both documents and found them to be incomplete, inaccurate, amateurish, contradictory, and generally substandard. It’s documents like these that defeat the purpose of public health and vital statistics efforts from the bottom up. They make death investigation expensive and a total waste of taxpayer money, while giving loved ones and the bereaved no comfort or relief.

Based on information we received regarding the performance of the New York State Police investigators, they weren’t much better; the Cohoes Police Department, who were also involved, were complete losers, even when asked to investigate the removal of flyers posted seeking information about the case and offering a reward.

Riley’s case almost identical!
Demands Justice!

Back to Bernard T. Ng and the Albany County Coroners Office ⇒⇒⇒⇒

Ng works with the Coroners Office as an independent contractor, as a coroner’s pathologist, and the Albany County coroners send coroner case bodies to Schenectady for autopsy by Ng. Problem is, the coroner is the county official charged with the duty to investigate medicolegal cases, and to do that they need a pathologist specially trained in forensic pathology, who is qualified to perform the very detailed and sensitive forensic autopsy procedure. Ng does not have that qualification, and is not certified by the American Pathology Board to do forensic autopsies/

Editor’s Note: You might be asking why Albany County Coroners are sending cases to Bernard Ng in Schenectady. Well, the problem is based on money and greed. Surprised?

Ng knows this but Ng still takes on the cases.

The Albany County Coroners Office knows or should know this but still sends Ng bodies for autopsy in the context of medicolegal death investigations.

The Albany County District Attorney, P. David Soares knows or should know this but as usual, has slept on his duty to the people of Albany County, and to the victims of crime and suspicious deaths!

Now we know this and we are going public with it and demanding accountability. Does it take a high-visibility class-action lawsuit to get their attention?

Do attorneys and the courts have to get involved to get elected officials and public servants to do what’s right?

As we mentioned above, we received Joshua Abood’s Death Certificate and his Autopsy Report, and proceeded to review both and to scrutinize them as if we were trial consultants. It didn’t take us long to determine that both documents were practically useless, if not outright misleading and contradticotry.

In the context of the Joshua A.T. Abood case, we have applied the Forensic Autopsy Performance Standards[1]  as promulgated by the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) to Bernard T. Ng, MD, and the Office of the Albany County Coroner as the hiring authority and requesting authority for autopsies to be performed by Ng.

This raises some very serious questions: (1) Are the autopsies requested by the Albany County Coroner being called forensic autopsies as they should be called, according to applicable statutes, rules, and regulations? (2) Is the Albany County Coroners Office aware that Ng is not a board-certified forensic pathologist qualified and authorized to perform forensic autopsies? (3) Is Bernart T.Ng accepting these cases for forensic autopsy knowingly, and aware that he is not a certified forensic pathologist, and therefore not qualified or authorized to perform forensic autopsies in the context of a medicolegal death investigation. In other words, the Albany County Coroners should not be sending bodies to Ng for autopsy in the context of a medicolegal death investigation, and Ng should not be accepting the cases, because (1) he knows they are medicolegal death investigations, (2) such investigations require a specially trained forensic pathologist, (3) he, Ng, is not a specially trained forensic pathologist by any standard!

We think this is not only a scandal, we think it is the subject of legal action that should be taken against the County of Albany, the Albany County Coroners, and against Bernard T. Ng MD!

Ellis Hospital in Schenectady, where Bernard T Ng is a member of the Pathology Department, is equally at fault for allowing Ng to perpetrate his misconduct on Ellis Hospital property! Time for the Schenectady County DA Robert Carney to get off his butt and get involved!

The damage is done once the investigation is closed, too often closed without an arrest, because the incompetent autopsy doesn’t tell the whole story. An important indication or sign gets missed, or an important test doesn’t get done, and the case either gets closed or goes cold. The body is cremated or buried, and the family never knows or gets closure.

What’s even worse is that the very purpose of the forensic autopsy from the public health view point is missed.

In the forensic autopsy, the primary goal is usually to determine the cause and manner of death. In the chapter on ‘The forensic postmortem examination and the medicolegal autopsy’ from his classic 1970s text ‘The Pathology of Homicide,’ Lester Adelson wrote that when the pathologist performs an autopsy investigated under medicolegal auspices, the efforts must be directed to find the answers to six questions. The ‘question-and-answer exercise,’ or dialog with the dead, is the pathologist’s interrogation of the cadaver, asking specifically (1) Who are you? (2) When did you die? (3) Where did you die? (4) Why did you die? (5) What happened? and if it is a homicide (6) Who did it?

Traditionally, the emphasis of work done by medical examiners, coroners, and the death investigation community has been viewed as serving the criminal justice system. During the last several decades, however, an important role for these 3 groups has emerged within public health.

It is the duty of coroners, medical examiners, and forensic pathologists to provide important background information on death investigation systems, to assist in the evolution of programs of public health entities that rely on information gathered by medical examiners and coroners, and we must not overlook the the role of medical examiners and coroners in providing the raw data on deaths for epidemiologic research, health surveillance, and existing public health programs and activities. When a link in this chain fails, as it has in Albany County, the adverse impact is felt far and wide, right up to the CDC’s vital statistics a databases.

Editor’s Note: Dr. Randy Hanzlick, MD, a forensic pathology specialist with more than 44 years of experience in the medicolegal field, has written numerous articles on forensic pathology and public health. In an article dealing specifically with medical examiners, coroners, and publich health, Dr Hanzlick writes:

“The essential services of public health have been enumerated as follows: monitor health status, inform and empower people, develop policies and plans, link people to health services, evaluate quality, diagnose health problems, mobilize community partnerships, enforce laws and regulations, assure a competent workforce, and research for new insights.12 The work or participation of forensic pathologists, medical examiners, and coroners fits well into many aspects of these essential public health services.”

[Editor’s Note: Request the entire article from your community library by citing: Medical examiners, coroners, and public health: a review and update. Hanzlick R. “Medical Examiners, Coroners,and Public Health.” Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2006 Sep;130(9):1274-82. doi: 10.1043/1543-2165(2006)130[1274:MECAPH]2.0.CO;2. MID: 16948511.]

One of the reasons the Albany County Coroners are sending their cases to an unqualified pathologist in Schenectady, Bernard T. Ng, is because of the greed and amorality of the accountants running Albany Medical Center (AMC), just up the street from the County Coroners offices!

If your loved one has to go through this, shouldn’t it be done right?

In a recent report in the Post Star (Glens Falls) article, AMC cites the retirement of one of their forensic pathologists for their attempt to back off from providing autopsies for surrounding counties, but even that didn’t stop them from doubling the cost of autopsies, which doesn’t include the pathologist’s, support staff, or other fees! What we find very disturbing is that we cannot find any report of this in the local media! Politics at work?

“Instead, the hospital notified coroners during a conference call on Thursday that it plans to more than double the price it charges to have autopsies performed at its facilities, from”$924 to $2,000 per post-mortem examination. And that fee does not include the charges from physicians who are involved.

In that article, the specific fact of the region’s largest medical school and medical center will not have a qualified forensic pathologist to do the autopsies, which supports the points we make in this article. According to the Albany Medical Center spokesperson, Tania Allard,  “… the morgue will remain open with a new fee schedule, and confirmed that forensic toxicology will no longer be offered as the hospital will “no longer have the expertise to provide forensic toxicology services.” But forensic toxicology services can be outsourced, of course. But why double the cost of the autopsy itself? [Source: Don Lehman. “Albany Med threatens to halt autopsies, then hikes prices.” Post Star (October 25, 2018)]

AMC CEO James Barba

So, when AMC doubles the price of an autopsy required by medicolegal death investigators for the benefit of the public, YOU, who do you think is going to have to foot the bill? AMC is big business, and is a non-profit/education institution; they pay no taxes but rake in big bucks from donations, gifts, fees, grants, and state and federal funding!

Compare that to their executives’ salaries: Albany Business Review lists the highest-paid executives in the Capital Region area and notes that seventh on the list is Albany Med CEO James Barba, with a base salary of $944,00 and total compensation of $1.845-million and 21st on the list is St. Peter’s Health Partners CEO Vincent Verdile with base of $620,465 and total compensation of $1.059-million. If that isn’t obscene we’d like to know what is! [Source: Hospital finances improve, Chronical (Glens Falls), Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor.)

SHAME! DISGRACE! ALBANY, NY, BUSINESS AS USUAL! AMC has to come up with the CEOs salary before they can even think of providing healthcare!

If Bernard T. Ng, MD, is not a board-certified forensic pathologist qualified to perform forensic autopsies in the context of medicolegal death investigation then he is in serious violation of professional ethics and the law. If the Albany County Coroners Office is referring cases to Bernart T. Ng, MD, for forensic autopsy, for which Ng is apparently not qualified, the Coroners of the Albany County Coroners Office are accessories, and should be subject to discipline or prosecution for their violations of the public interest.

Since Bernard T. Ng, MD, is not a board-certified forensic pathologist, he should not be receiving cases for medicolegal death investigation or for forensic autopsy from the Albany County Coroner’s Office or anyone else. That is, in our experienced opinion, tantamount to fraudulent misrepresentation and criminal fraud on the part of Ng, and perhaps conspiracy and abuse of office, as well as complicity in Ng’s scams on the part of the Albany County Coroners.

Our questions are: Where is County Executive Daniel McCoy (Dem), County DA David Soares (Dem

), and the Albany County Legislature while all of this is going on?

No professional board would advocate that a pathologist who is not a board certified forensic patholo

gist perform forensic or autopsies or autopsies in the context of a medicolegal death investigation, nor would any professional board condone such practices. So why does Ng continue the misconduct? Why does the Albany County Coroner continue this practice? Why does law enforcement, particularly the New York State Police Criminal Investigation and its Investigators turn a blind eye to this scandalous state of affairs, which degrades their work product, contaminates death investigations, and slaps the public in the face, while shortchanging survivors and the bereaved?


[1] Peterson, Garry F, and Steven C. Clark. Forensic Autopsy Performance Standards., National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME). Walnut Shade, MO (2015). Print.

We are back to the Joshua Abood case, and will provide more specifics and detail on the investigation and the weirdos investigating and making decisions in the case. Stay tuned for the upcoming segment that will deal with New York State Police Investigator Thomas Burns, Albany County Coroner Antonio Sturges and the Albany County Legislature and the Albany County Coroners Office, Ellis Hospital (Schenectady) pathologist Bernard Ng, and New York State Assemblyman John T. McDonald III.

Some Related Smalbany Articles

Politics, Power, Patronage and Conflicts of Interest: The Albany County Coroners Office
A Response to Lorin Marra. re: Office of the Albany County Coroners
The Cover-up Continues… A Mother’s Despair
Riley’s Mom Responds: A Mother’s Perspective

You can’t make this sh*t up!
This is the Twilight Zone!
( NYS Assemblyman John T. McDonald III )



Posted by on September 28, 2020 in * Sick Community, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 46th District, 46th Senate District, Albany County Coroner, Albany County Court Judge Ackerman, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County EMT, Albany County Executive, Albany County Legislature, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany County Supervisor, Albany Medical Center, Albany Police, Antonio Delgado, Assemblyman John McDonald, Capital District, Capital Region Independent Media, Chief Todd Waldin, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center, D. W. Contento, Dan McCoy, Daniel McCoy, David Soares, Death, Death Certificate, Death Investigation, District Attorney, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Ellis Hospital, Emily Kern, FBI, Friends of Coeymans, George A. Amedore, George Amedore, George McHugh, Giovanni Ortiz, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Hearst Corporation, Hudson Valley, Investigation, John Keegan, Joshua Abood, Judge Andra Ackerman, Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement Arrogance, Magin & Keegan Funeral Home, Marcus Ford, Mayor William Keeler, Mayor William T. Keeler, New York State, New York State Police, New York State Police, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, P. David Soares, Police Incompetence, Professional Misconduct, Riley Kern, Riley P. Kern, Schenectady District Attorney, Senate District 46, Smalbany, Times Union, Tits on a Bull


The Joshua Abood Case: New York State Police Investigator Thomas Burns a.k.a. “Bubble Brain”

No one really likes the Grim Reaper; it must be a lonely life for the guy with the toothy smile, who invites you on a one-way trip, no expenses paid — unless you’re a so-called “public servant.” Particularly if you’re the law-enforcement type of public servant, you can be arrogant, secretive, obstinate, abusive, and still say you’re doing your job. If you get pissed with some nasty-ass victim or next-of-kin, you can just dis them, brush them off with some lame law-enforcement-speak. You can avoid offending your criminal informants and keep their trust while undermining the trust of the law-abiding citizens you claim to serve and protect. If the political puppets are inconvenienced by your investigation, you’re there to serve and to protect them; all they have to do is drop a hint or two, any direct statement would put them at risk of “influencing your investigation,” or “obstructing justice.” Question is: What justice?

Please don’t misunderstand! We’re not anti-law-enforcement at all. In fact, much of what we write about is in favor of law-enforcement, and we have the utmost respect for those men and women who actually do their jobs. We are coming down hard on those law-enforcement public employees who don’t have a personal mission but have only their careers in mind, and to hell with the rest of you. In other words: Do your job and get the credit; be a Dudley-dimwit and we’re there to name and shame both you and your organization. Your choice, our mission. Got it?

We’re also not suggesting that just because the next-of-kin want particular results that we will push for those results, even if they are not the right results. Not at all. If the good faith efforts of law-enforcement and death investigators point to results that aren’t exactly those desired by the family, those are the results. Note that we wrote “good faith,” which means that law-enforcement and death investigators must do their honest best to get the only possible results from what they have before them. That is clearly not the case in the Joshua Abood case nor was it the case in Riley Kern’s tragic death.

Here’s an example of the confused thinking: Most Americans are conditioned and socialized  to give a lot of lip-service to veterans, until it comes time to ante-up and put action where their mouths are, We recently published an article on the Capital District YMCA, and their Senior Director for Marketing and Management, Erin Breslin (Ms), who just before Veterans Day and just as the POTUS was signing a special bill for veterans, chopped the Capital District Y’s veterans’ discount in half (See our story, YMCA DISGRACE!!! Veterans targeted by YMCA action). The Y never reinstated the veterans’ discount but did up members’ monthly dues by $1/month each, and they did that twice in the space of a year. They have tens of millions in assets and pay no taxes but are still begging for money. Their President/CEO J. David Brown pulls more than $360,000 a year plus benes.

When it comes to law-enforcement, the scenery changes drastically. When Joe Public needs help, he’s all gung-ho for his local police; when he gets nabbed for breaking the law, he’s very pissed. But when a law-enforcement officer goes down the pubic is awed by the Spielberg ceremonial and fraternity; it doesn’t matter much whether the officer or trooper goes naturally or unnaturally, the world turns blue and grey with activity; all of a sudden the landscape is alive with uniforms, service weapons, flashing lights, and their “community” mobilizes; no stone remains unturned! Their community, or should we say, their “fraternity.” An example of what we are talking about is illustrated in the article “Thousands gather for funeral of Trooper Joel Davis ,”  You read right, “thousands.” But how many gathered to uncover the facts of Joshua Abood’s death?  How many gathered for Riley Kern’s death? In Riley’s case, the New York State Troopers and the Albany County Sheriff’s Department just turned their backs and left it to the incompetence and bungling Coeymans Police Department. It was left 200% up to the mother to campaign and seek justice for her son, and it’s taken more than a year to get the guilty served with court papers.

Well, maybe when 19-year-old Riley or 22-year-old Joshua were killed, law enforcement were at Davis’ funeral or some other deceased law-enforcement employee. You can bet your life — and you may be doing that — that Davis’ investigation won’t go cold.

How the scene changes when it’s one of us. Put in a call for assistance and you have to wonder who the criminal is. Ask for information on your case, and get a new version of stonewalling and run-around, or outright abuse. Hope for an investigation and find out that hope springs eternal — the case has been closed without you knowing it. No further investigation. No arrest. Crime goes unstopped.

Ask Riley Kern’s mother. Ask Joshua Abood’s mother. Two mothers whose faith in honesty and integrity in law enforcement and law has been put to the test — and FAILED! Stonewalling, incompetence, ignorance, indifference, and sheer stupidity. Apparently, it takes a Summons and Complaint to wake them up. They’re depending on that because most people don’t have the guts to go after them, or the money to pay the shark attorneys who will go after them. Riley Kern’s mother is the exception to that little sense of security they had. We’ll report on what she’s done in an upcoming article. They’ve been served!

But if you think that Riley’s case or Josuha’s case is an exception, one in a million, better think again!

The New York State Police organization is huge in terms of personnel, resources, and capabilities, and their power and authority match their size; they’re often referred to as a par-military organization or as a militia — most frequently as Cuomo’s private militia —, and they stick together like glue. Sometimes you’d think they were a species set apart from the rest of us, particularly when you ask questions or happen to have a brain. They simply don’t seem to be able to distinguish between the criminal and the citizen; between crime and mistake. Maybe it is just a paid, uniformed fraternity but you’re paying for the party.

Now we have the case of Josua Aaron-Thorne Abood, a 22-year old man who rubbed shoulders with judges and celebrity moms, was a poster boy for a statewide mentoring program for youth at risk, was used and finally abused by the likes of Albany County Court Judge Andra L. Ackerman, and now is the poster-boy for incompetent death investigation and sweep-it-under-the-carpet police work. It seems to be the rule, not the exception.

Phoney Bleeding Heart, Fake Friend of At-risk Youth
Albany County Court Judge Andra L Ackerman

Joshua’s body was found in the at the New York State Peebles Island Park, in the Mohawk River. He was at the so-called Horseshoe the night before with three “friends,” Giovanni Ortiz, Tashawna Daniels (and her 2 minor children), Marcus Ford, when there was an alleged “altercation,” an argument, when the three — actually five, because Daniels, drinking, had her two minor children with her at around 11 p.m. in the park that night — left Joshua “alone” there. He was found dead the next day by a jogger. Red flags, anyone? Was the argument about money allegedly owed to Ford, an alleged drug user/dealer?

The incident was “investigated” by Albany County Coroner Antonio Sturges — we’ll be reporting on that loser in depth in an upcoming article — the New York State Police, and others. The New York State Police took over the investigation, if that’s what it can be called.

The part-time, recently appointed Albany County Coroner Antonio Sturges’ death scene investigation is a bit of a mystery and raises more questions that it answers, but what can you expect from a guy who runs a diabetic supply business, claims to have “1 year experience” working with the coroner, and was appointed — not elected — by the Albany County Legislature to serve out his brother’s term — Benjamin “Ben” Sturges ran for the office of coroner in 2017, was elected, served part of his term, and then took a job as a bouncer for the NYS Senate. More on him later. Maybe Sturges will try to change our opinion by being forthcoming with information, when requested, but we doubt that, because it might just prove everything we’ve been saying in this case.

Bernard Ng
Autopsies for Sale

The young man’s body was turned over for autopsy to Bernard T. Ng, a Schenectady clinicical/anatomical pathologist, not a forensic pathologist, hired by the Albany County Coroners Office. Ng works at Ellis Hospital in Schenectady, and runs a business, Schenectady Pathology Associates, PC, located in Schenectady. Ng is a clinical/anatomical pathologist and does not mention any special training as a forensic pathologist anywhere in his postings. In fact, his profile page at Ellis Hospital does not mention forensic pathology at all) His LinkedIn profile does not mention forensic pathology. He is not a board-certified forensic pathologist from what we can find. Compare him and his qualifications with those of Rensselaer County Medical Examiner Michael Sikirica MD, who is American Board of Pathology certified in anatomical/clinical, forensic, and neuropathology. Sikirica is affiliated with Albany Medical Center.

Ng’s autopsy report is bare-bones — no pun intended — and so scanty, a first-year med student could have done better! It’s a complete loser as a forensic autopsy. But that’s what Albany County does for its citizens and taxpayers.

At the autopsy there were three so-called “investigators” present: Investigators Dennis rounds, Kris Kinnear, Mike Altieri, and Trooper Kim Donohue; there was a fifth observer, James Shaeffer. Was this an autopsy or a block party?

Somewhere along the line another investigator, Matthew “Fish-Bite” Spickler, was involved in the so-called investigation but since that time, the investigation has been in the hands of a NYSP Investigator, Thomas Burns. So, let’s go to the main subject of this article, the New York State Police Investigator Thomas Burns, the so-called lead “investigator” on this case.

Investigator Thomas Bubble-brain” Burns

In all fairness, in order to be complete and impartial, we have tried to get information on Investigator Burns by informal inquiry and by F.O.I.L. demand to the NYSP but, as expected, they are fighting tooth and claw to avoid providing any information. In fact, while pulling a legal stunt, their most recent response to our demand for information went like this:

“Due to the volume of requests received and currently being processed by this agency, a written response will be sent to you by or before November 27, 2020.”

That masterpiece of stonewalling was signed by Major Frank Keyser, Records Access Officer, Central Records Bureau. Any public agency should be ashamed of itself to respond like that. It’s too transparent to be believable. Any agency that needs more than two months or 66 days to answer a couple of questions is seriously dysfunctional, and  really needs to be investigated itself! But they do stick together like turds in a basket, and they won’t let out a squeal unless they’re squeezed really hard. Keyser’s annual salary for 2019 was $151,287; his Total Pay for 2019 $185,958. Are taxpayers getting their money’s worth?

You have to sqeeze real hard to get information.

Maybe there’s something else going on. It’s an election year and the vast majority of the public servants we are writing about are part of a Democratic machine in Albany, New York, the official residence of Andrew Cuomo, the Dem governor of New York State, and the New York State Police are subordinate to the governor. Maybe these delays have something to do with keeping the Dems out of the public’s eye when they get their faces rubbed in their crap. Perhaps they’re told to wait until after the elections to provide some very embarrassing disclosure. Anything’s possible in the Twilight Zone.

Here we have a New York State Police Investigator, Thomas Burns, on a case for more than three months, and he’s come up with zilch.

Then there’s the Cohoes Police Department, who were asked to investigate the disappearance of flyers posted by Josh’s family offering a reward for information about Joshua’s death. The Complaint was filed with the Cohoes PD, and the information shared with the NYSP Investigator Burns, together with information on surveillance camera evidence, but Burns came up with nothing, and the Cohoes PD closed the “investigation,” without a peep. Nice police work, right?

When the family filed a F.O.I.L. for the Cohoes Police Department’s Incident Report, they got abuse and a runaround. Finally, when we sent an ultimatum to the Cohoes PD through the Mayor’s Office, they finally coughed up a make-shift Incident Report signed by some Officer Alex Grignon. Grignon opened the file on July 12, 2020, and the only additional information added to the report was on September 17, 2020, the date of our inquiry/ultimatum. Coincidence? Hardly.

You have to sqeeze real hard to get information.

Was the Cohoes Police Department sharing information with the NYSP investigator? Perish the thought! Was the NYSP investigator asking the Cohoes PD for any information they might have, such as, were any of the persons of interest involved in drugs? Informants? Perish that thought, too. We have information indicating that two of the individuals are involved in drugs, either using them or selling them, or both. Are they being shielded by the Cohoes PD? Detective Matthew Labombard, who has gone mysteriously silent, despite the fact he knew Joshua Abood, and even offered to write a recommendation for Joshua’s entry into the Police Academy, after graduation from Hudson Valley Community College, where he was studying criminal justice. Let’s not forget Cohoes Patrolman Alex Grignon (see below).

Cohoes Police Chief Todd Wardin and Assistant Chief Timothy Keefe

If a suspect changes his story multiple times or on further inquiry, an investigator finds that the suspect’s facts are just plain bullshit, the suspect gets the third degree and suspicions rise proportionally. In plain language, if his story changes and don’t match the facts, he’s called a liar, right? So, when the same thing happens when asking a law-enforcement investigator, a member of an elite force like the New York State Police, what do we call him? Simple answer: A liar. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!

We have obtained documents in which Burns clearly is confused. He makes statements for which he is far from qualified to make. He says one thing then another. How do you believe what he says? When your son or loved one is found dead, you need someone you can trust. You need someplace to turn for answers. Not just answers, believable ones, and if at all possible consistent and truthful ones.

In several communications in July and August, Burns made statements about Joshua’s death, specifically about the condition of Joshua’s lungs, a possible heart problem, and variations on these themes. But on about September 9, 2020, Burns admitted that he had not read the autopsy report yet! How can that be possible? Joshua’s body was discovered on June 10, 2020. The autopsy, if that’s what you’d call it, was done by Bernard NG on June 11th, by the time the Autopsy Report was transcribed and signed, it was July 29, 2020. The time lapse between the discovery of the body on June 10, 2020, and the final Autopsy Report was more than 1½ months, 48 days, to be exact. The Autopsy Report was finalized and signed by Ng on July 29, 2020, but by September 9, 2020, the lead investigator on the case, NYSP Investigator Thomas Burns, ‘had not yet read/seen the autopsy report.’

Something’s really rotten here. The body was found on June 10, 2020. The autopsy was performed on June 11, 2020. The death was certified and signed by Albany County Coroner Antonio Sturges on June 10, 2020, and determined to have been “accidental.” But the death investigation was “ongoing“. Between June 11, 2020 and September 9, 2020, Burns had not read the autopsy report. If he’s investigating an unexpected, if not suspicious death, and given the number of obvious errors in Antonio Sturges’ work, and the autopsy, which should have been done as a forensic autopsy by a qualified forensic pathologist, but was not, would provide essential information for the investigation, Burns was clearly negligent and did not perform his duties with due diligence.

OK, so you want to give Bubble-Brain Burns an out, and you say, “Well, the autopsy report wasn’t transcribed or signed until July 29, 2020.” OK, even if we consider that feeble-minded, simplistic attempt to exonerate Burns, that leaves 42 days lapsed between the time the final autopsy report was transcribed and signed by Ng, and the date when Burns admitted he had not read the report. His excuse: He’s busy. Every day he gets new cases. Really? Is that OUR problem, Mr Burns? Has he read it yet?

Certainly, if Burns had not read the autopsy report, how could he possibly make statements about Joshua’s lungs or heart? If he had not read the autopsy report. He couldn’t. He may have seen the premature and botched Death Certificate, and maybe he was just blowing smoke out of his butt, grasping at straws to save his own butt by repeating what he thought he saw in the Death Certificate.

OK. Moving on. Joshua’s family put up flyers through out the Cohoes and Peebles Park areas, offering a reward for information relating to Joshua’s death. Those flyers were disappearing as fast as they went up. Many of the flyers were in clear view of private and business surveillance cameras. The family requested assistance from the Cohoes Police Department and filed an Incident Report with Patrolman Alex Grignon of the Cohoes PD. Weeks passed with no response from the Cohoes PD, despite inquiries by the family. Finally, on or about September 17, 2020, the Cohoes PD finally responded, and produced what appears to be a made-up report, in which Grignon closed the investigation. Why? Good question. A lot of people seem to be asking that same question. Do I feel a legal action brewing here?

The same information and more was passed on to New York State Police Investigator Thomas Bubble-Brain Burns, who responded that he had checked all the addresses and made inquires but they yielded nothing. Nothing? Can Burns be believed. Nope.

Another instance of bubble-brainness is when the family provided Investigator Burns with a recording of a person claiming to have knowledge of Joshua’s death circumstances. The family provided Burns with the recording, an AMR format, but Burns fired back that he could not open the file and that he sent it to some State Police support division, CCU, the State Police Computer Crime Unit, to see if they could read the file. Our first response was, “What an idiot!” It took us all of three, read it THREE minutes to go online, find a free site by searching “convert amr to mp3,” and we were listening to the conversation in about 4 minutes after receiving the file. If Burns is the best a New York Sate Police Investigator can do, he should be out digging potatoes! His response to the family who worked to get the informant to talk, and then send it to the NYSP, was nothing less than indifference…and ignorance.

In addition to Giovanni Ortiz, Tashawna Daniels (and her 2 minor children, one of whom reported that someone in the group was choking Joshua), Marcus Ford, a number of other persons with knowledge were provided to Investigator Burns, who, as can be expected, claims that he followed up and got nothing. Seems Investigator Burns is good at something: Coming up with nothing. How much is this guy being paid with benefits, and pension entitlements? Here’s how much: In 2019 his base pay was $105,197; his total pay for 2019 was $145,651. Not bad for a guy who doesn’t seem to get much done; that’s how much New York taxpayers are paying for a guy to let a case get swept under the carpet, hopefully to get stuck in the cold case file. Wake up! taxpayers! Wake up! Bubble-brain Burns!

This scandalous state of law-enforcement poor performance and the big let-down of the public is probably going on in hundreds, maybe thousands of “low-profile” cases throughout the state. We’ve just been asked to step in and investigate by the next-of-kin in two cases. What we’re coming up with, and we’ve only just started, only just scratched the surface of this huge shit pile, is nothing less than horrifying!

The players include an Albany County Court Judge, Andra L. Ackerman, an incompetent political puppet appointed to the position of Albany County Coroner, Antonio Sturges, a less-than-honest New York State Police Investigator, Thomas L. Burns, an unqualified pathologist hired by the Albany County Coroners Office, Bernard T. Ng, a cover-it-up local police department and fake investigator, the Cohoes Police Department and Alex Grignon, three persons of interest with questionable backgrounds, Giovanni Ortiz, Tashawna Daniels, Marcus Ford, and a number of law-enforcement “investigators,” and several alleged witnesses or persons with knowledge. All o fthis, a dead 22-year-old, a program for at-risk youth, U-CAN, the matron mother of the current governor of New York, Matilda Cuomo, and a New York State Assemblyman, John T. McDonald III. Is this a witch’s brew of conspiracies’ and back-scratching? Or is it just coincidence that we have such a fruit cocktail of parasites involved in this rats’ nest of lies and incompetence.

We’re not even close to done with this one. We’re after the Albany County Legislature and the freaks who appointed Antonio Sturges, the Albany County Coroners Office, an old target of ours, Bernard Ng, the guy hired by the Albany County Coroners Office to do forensic autopsies but who is neither qualified nor certified to do them. There are others, and they’ll get their 15 minutes of fame, when we name and shame.

We are back to the Joshua Abood case, and will provide more specifics and detail on the investigation and the weirdos investigating and making decisions in the case. Stay tuned for the upcoming segment that will deal with New York State Police Investigator Thomas Burns, Albany County Coroner Antonio Sturges and the Albany County Legislature and the Albany County Coroners Office, Ellis Hospital (Schenectady) pathologist Bernard Ng, and New York State Assemblyman John T. McDonald III.

Some Related Smalbany Articles

Politics, Power, Patronage and Conflicts of Interest: The Albany County Coroners Office
A Response to Lorin Marra. re: Office of the Albany County Coroners
The Cover-up Continues… A Mother’s Despair
Riley’s Mom Responds: A Mother’s Perspective

You can’t make this sh*t up!
This is the Twilight Zone!
( NYS Assemblyman John T. McDonald III )


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Posted by on September 25, 2020 in * Sick Community, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 46th District, 46th Senate District, Albany County Coroner, Albany County Court Judge Ackerman, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County EMT, Albany County Executive, Albany County Legislature, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany County Supervisor, Albany Medical Center, Albany Police, Antonio Delgado, Assemblyman John McDonald, Capital District, Capital Region Independent Media, Chief Todd Waldin, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center, D. W. Contento, Dan McCoy, Daniel McCoy, David Soares, Death, Death Certificate, Death Investigation, District Attorney, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Ellis Hospital, Emily Kern, FBI, Friends of Coeymans, George A. Amedore, George Amedore, George McHugh, Giovanni Ortiz, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Hearst Corporation, Hudson Valley, Investigation, Joshua Abood, Judge Andra Ackerman, Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement Arrogance, Marcus Ford, Mayor William Keeler, Mayor William T. Keeler, New York State, New York State Police, New York State Police, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, P. David Soares, Police Incompetence, Professional Misconduct, Riley Kern, Riley P. Kern, Senate District 46, Smalbany, Times Union, Tits on a Bull


The Joshua Abood Case: Andra L. Ackerman, Albany County Judge with No-Scruples.

The mother’s letter to Albany County Court Judge Andra L. Ackerman:

“I am writing to you today in regards to and on behalf of my son, Joshua Abood…”

Joshua Abood & Andra L. Ackerman

Andra L. Ackerman is not unusual for a Smalbany judge: she’s self-serving, a political tool, opportunist, and apparently has a short memory when it comes to those who made her, who put her where she is now.

Ackerman was a Cohoes City Judge before she was elected to the Albany County bench. While she was a judge in Cohoes, she allegedly opened her heart — which apparently has limited space available, once she makes place for her ego and self-love — to young people at risk, and attracted the public’s eye, and also Matilda Cuomo’s eye — yes that’s Andrew Cuomo’s mother — and started a local program called U-CAN (United Against Crime-Community Action Network.).

As the story goes,

“COHOES – It was City Court Judge Andra Ackerman’s first day on the bench when a teenager, who was homeless, drinking and now facing three criminal charges, appeared before her. The teen’s angry, but troubled look, struck Ackerman deeply.

“He did not have a father. His mother had taken off. He was homeless,” Ackerman said Monday at Cohoes City Hall.”

Actually, that quote taken from Ackerman should have gotten her kicked off the bench like in a New York Minute! A judge’s role in a criminal case is to hear the evidence and evaluate the facts, she must then IMPARTIALLY — not emotionally —  interpret and apply the law. If she wants to be a social worker she should get out of the courtroom!!! Maybe someone should file a complaint with the Democrat-run New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, the New York State committee responsible for disciplining judges, and get her disciplined! If she were a man in Democrat-machine-ruled Albany County, that would have happened.

Ackerman wastes no time in collecting political capital by announcing her own qualifications for “opening her heart and her mind,” well that’s how she puts it, anyway, to rescue these poor unfortunate creatures. According to Ackerman, she spent eight years in foster care when her father allegedly left her, and her “alcoholic mother,” disappeared. That’s a cheap foot-in-the-door but it apparently worked perfectly for Ackerman, who captured the interest of local Democratic election-hungry figures like former Cohoes Mayor Shawn M. Morse.

[Editor’s Note: Shawn M. Morse, was involved in a scandal-plagued first term as the mayor of the city of Cohoes, where he grew up, was sentenced to probation, 200 hours of community service and fined $3,000 by a federal judge on Wednesday, six months after admitting he stole more than $12,200 in campaign funds.]

Ackerman garnered the support of Matilda Cuomo, NYS governor Andrew Cuomo’s mother, who (Matilda) revived the New York State Mentoring Program, Things really go downhill when government steps in to organize “mentoring” for at-risk youths, and broken-family-scarred judges use their street-smarts to accumulate political capital at the kids’ expense, and matrons, whose son, Andrew Cuomo, is Satan, attempt to save their own souls by reaching out to those most damaged by Andrew Cuomo’s policies.

Joshua Abood & Matilda Cuomo
“Celebrate State’s First Mentoring Program”

[Editor’s Note: If you search UCAN, don’t forget to put in the hyphen! There are other much bigger programs that call themselves UCAN (no hyphen). Ackerman’s program apparently aims at misleading people into thinking her program is one of the bigger, better-known programs. Again, deception is part of Albany County business-as-usual, even in the courts.]

Most of Albany County’s leading politicos jumped on the band wagon to get a slice of Ackerman’s pie. There was P. David Soares, the notorious race-card player District Attorney for Albany County, Soares’s was allegedly involved in NXIVM, the Albany-based cult known for branding its female members. Soares has been accused of favoritism toward NXIVM, the Albany-based sex cult, and Albany judges have sharply criticized his office’s handling of recent high-profile cases (Source: Albany county district attorney, once a promising criminal justice reformer…[but now a fake and failure]). Soares, according to experts, “Has lost his way.” Well, he’s been wandering and useless for at least the past decade; they’re just noticing? Soares has come out in opposition to a new bill establishing a commission to investigate district attorneys/prosecutors for misconduct. According to Soares: “The new bill is just another political stunt, with no hope of surviving judicial scrutiny,” (But read a horror story: Prosecutors Sometimes Behave Badly. Now They May Be Held to Account). Sometimes? Accountability? Perish the thought! Remember Albany County is the Twilight Zone. Things are done differently here.

County Executive Daniel McCoy came out in support of his political croney, Ackerman, saying that the program, ‘would change lives.’ It sure has but apparently only Andra L. Ackerman’s political life.

Joshua’s mother’s letter to Albany County Court judge Andra L. Ackerman is a laundry list of failings of the Albany County system ranging from the failure of the New York State Police Investigator, Thomas Burns, the Cohoes Police Department, the pathologist doing Joshua’s autopsy, Bernard T. Ng (Ellis Hospital, Schenectady, and Schenectady Pathology Associates P.C.), and the part-time, politically appointed, incompetent Albany County Coroner, Antonio Sturges. Also in this miserable mix of morons is New York State Assemblyman John T. McDonald (Dem), misrepresenting the 108th Assembly District, including the City of Cohoes. Then there’s the City of Cohoes with Mayor William T. Keeler, and Cohoes Police Chief Waldin, together with a handful of supporting minions.

As shown in the photograph at the top of this articlewith Ackerman, and in a previous article with Matilda Cuomo, Joshua was a trophy graduate of the U-CAN program. The handsome 22-year-old Cohoes man was a centerfold for many photo-ops with Ackerman, Matilda Cuomo, and others. He was a trophy grad of their pet program U-CAN. How quickly they forget!

What’s more telling about Andra L. Ackerman’s abuse of the U-CAN program and one of it’s prize graduates, Joshua Aaron-Thorne Abood, and misusing him as a “trophy” grad, is best expressed in Joshua’s mother’s letter to Ackerman:

“I would like to add that I am hurt for the sake of Joshua, that not one person from the City of Cohoes, including yourself, made any comment about Joshua’s death. He took pride in the relationships he had built, he was due to return to court on 6/11/20. One day after his body was found. As a successful U-CAN Graduate, as the same kid that contacted you to let you know he had recently achieved his GED, gotten his license and begun classes at HVCC. Joshua was proud to share these things with you. I remember you flying him in from Florida to be recognized as part of the UCAN program. When you Google my son, this is what comes up, alongside his obituary. He deserved acknowledgement as well as life’s many gifts that he was working toward.

If Joshua could be used as a catalyst for the UCAN program from a story he told you in the Subway Sub shop, then he should not be treated as if he never existed when something as tragic as this happens. You may still be wondering why I am contacting you. The truth is, Joshua looked up to you. He respected you. He believed that you believed in him. I imagine that you remember his smile, the one that brightened every room he entered. Joshua was generous, gentle, kind and he deserved Justice. I know your experience with Joshua was mostly in his recognition as a UCAN Graduate…but he was so much more. I am asking that Joshua’s death be properly investigated and if there is anything you can do to support this, Joshua deserves this.”

The Trophy Grad Ignored by Ackerman.

Giovannin Ortiz, another graduate of Ackerman’s U-CAN program was with Joshua and two others, Tashawna Daniels (allegedly with her two minor children, 11 p.m. drinking in NYS Peebles Island State Park, Cohoes!), and one Markus Ford, were also with Joshua on the night of his death. At least two of these individuals are persons of interest to the police, who have managed to skirt important leads, facts, and have botched just about everything, with the help of the Albany County Coroner Antonio Sturges, and Ellis Hospital pathologist, Bernard Ng. In the Democrat-machine-run county of Albany, the curtain of silence and incompetence is very difficult to cut through.

Joshua’s mother wrote to Ackerman on July 15, 2020; as of this writing (September 23, 2020), Albany County Court Judge Andra L. Ackerman has refused to respond to the heart-wrenching pleas of Joshua’s mother. Ackerman has not even responded with a short note, a phone call, nor even an acknowledgement through a subordinate.

Our estimation of Albany County Court Judge Andra L. Ackerman is short and not so sweet: An ambitious bitch who will use anyone and her political position to promote herself, even over the bodies of the very young people she uses to promote her public image. She’s an Albany County fake and phony. She should appear before Joshua’s mother and the boy’s corpse on her knees, weeping (real tears), and begging for forgiveness! It’s time residents and voters wake up, and smell the burning bullshit we have to deal with in this county.


We are very angry, Andra L. Ackerman. You are a phony!
And so are your supporters!

The Editor

We are back to the Joshua Abood case, and will provide more specifics and detail on the investigation and the weirdos investigating and making decisions in the case. Stay tuned for the upcoming segment that will deal with New York State Police Investigator Thomas Burns, Albany County Coroner Antonio Sturges and the Albany County Legislature and the Albany County Coroners Office, Ellis Hospital (Schenectady) pathologist Bernard Ng, and New York State Assemblyman John T. McDonald III.

Some Related Smalbany Articles

Politics, Power, Patronage and Conflicts of Interest: The Albany County Coroners Office
A Response to Lorin Marra. re: Office of the Albany County Coroners
The Cover-up Continues… A Mother’s Despair
Riley’s Mom Responds: A Mother’s Perspective

You can’t make this sh*t up!
This is the Twilight Zone!
( NYS Assemblyman John T. McDonald III )


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Posted by on September 17, 2020 in * Sick Community, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 46th District, 46th Senate District, Albany County Coroner, Albany County Court Judge Ackerman, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County EMT, Albany County Executive, Albany County Legislature, Albany County Sheriff Department, Albany County Supervisor, Albany Medical Center, Albany Police, Antonio Delgado, Assemblyman John McDonald, Capital District, Capital Region Independent Media, Chief Todd Waldin, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center, D. W. Contento, Dan McCoy, Daniel McCoy, David Soares, Death, Death Certificate, Death Investigation, District Attorney, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Ellis Hospital, Emily Kern, FBI, Friends of Coeymans, George A. Amedore, George Amedore, George McHugh, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Hearst Corporation, Hudson Valley, Investigation, Judge Andra Ackerman, Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement Arrogance, Mayor William Keeler, Mayor William T. Keeler, New York State, New York State Police, New York State Police, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, P. David Soares, Police Incompetence, Professional Misconduct, Riley Kern, Riley P. Kern, Senate District 46, Smalbany, Times Union, Tits on a Bull


The Joshua Abood Case: Segment 1 – The Politics & Questions

A 22 year-old man is found floating face down in shallow water in Peebles Island Park, an island preserve between the Mohawk and Hudson Rivers, in Albany County. New York State Police Investigator Thomas Burns, the Cohoes Police Department, Bernard Ng, acting as coroner’s pathologist, and part-time coroner Antonio Sturges, the Albany County DA P. David Soares, an Albany County Court judge Andra L. Ackerman, as well as numerous others involved in the investigation, have once again proved that Albany County does cover-up best. It’s an accident if no one is watching or following the case — that’s the default determination by New York State Forensic Investigator Thomas Burns, Bernard T.  Ng, Cohoes Police, and the Albany County DA. But a lot of people are watching this very closely. It’s not going to go away the incompetence is punished or the cover-up exposed and prosecuted.

Joshua Abood & Matilda Cuomo
“Celebrate States First Mentoring Program –  Albany County Court Judge Ackerman’s U-CAN”
Times Union Report

Hindus believe that human civilization degenerates the Kali Yuga, or the Age of Darkness. The characteristics of the Kālī Yuga are moral and ethical bankruptcy, mindless hedonism, breakdown of all social structure, greed and materialism, unrestricted egotism, afflictions and maladies of mind and body. Much of what we see today happening in the world around us leaves no doubt that we are in the Kālī Yuga. The circumstances surrounding Joshua Aaron-Thorne Abood’s death, and the many inaccuracies, flaws, the incompetence, indifference, and abject ignorance surrounding the investigation leave no doubt in our minds that we are deep in the Age of Darkness.

Thomas Burns
NYSP Investigator
Claims to be “very busy.” Does that mean too busy?

We don’t doubt for a quantum minute that the involvement of an Albany County Court Judge, Andra Ackerman (Dem), her pet program for at-risk young people, U-CAN, which has been expanded statewide, a New York State Assemblyman, John T. McDonald III (Dem), want to keep this case under wraps until after November. Of course, the members of Andrew Cuomo’s (Dem) private militia, the New York State Police and NYSP Investigator, Thomas Burns, a career-man, doesn’t want to rock his boss’s boat in any way whatsoever.

Burns claims that he is “very busy,” as a NYSP death investigator. What exactly does that mean? Is busy doing a job but too busy to do his job right?

Then we have Bernard NG and the Albany County Coroner’s office and their typical Albany County political machine nepotism at work. If you search this site for our coverage of the Riley Kern case, you’ll find Ng mentioned. Some things never change, like incompetence.

Not only does Albany County have the dubious distinction of being one of the few counties to still have the obsolete, antiquated, and corrupt Office of the Coroner, which has been the subject of extensive criticism on all levels in recent years, but that office is populated by a group of local funeral directors. We’ve already lambasted the Albany County Coroners in past exposés, but the Joshua Abood case points to some really questionable and egregious abuses not only of political power in Albany, but in abuse of public office in violating the public’s trust.

Ben Sturges
Antonio Sturges’ brother.

The Albany County Coroner “investigating” Joshua Abood’s death and signing his death certificate is none other than Antonio Sturges, the brother of Ben Sturges, a former Albany police officer, who was elected to be a coroner in 2017. If you’re not convinced that that’s not a waste of taxpayer money and an abuse of the election process, please tell me what is. Antonio Sturges provides “staff support” for Sturges Funeral & Cremation Services in Delmar. Antonio Sturges runs a diabetic supply business, and is not even a full-time home employee.

Ben Sturges, Antonio Sturges‘ brother, was told he had to resign from the Albany Police Department when he was elected to be one of Albany County’s four coroners; Sturges He was given an ultimatum – choose one of the two – and, naturally, it triggered outrage among his supporters in Albany, who argued he should be allowed to keep both jobs. No corruption here, is there?

Sturges quit his police job and now he’s quit his coroner’s job. Things got better in the Albany democratic political machine: “Shortly after the New Year, Ben Sturges resigned from the $20,000-a-year job (coroner)  to become a sergeant-at-arms for the state Senate, leaving the remaining three coroners to pick up the slack, Albany County Democratic Committee Chair Jack Flynn said.” Something stinks in Albany again — still — he resigns from the Albany Police Department to take a part-time coroner’s position, that pays a paltry $20K a year? Yeah! And Albany has pigs with wings! One just flew past my office window!

Ben Sturges leaves his elected coroner position and, leaves the other three ghouls to “pick up the slack.” Doesn’t your heart just bleed for them? But here’s where it gets typically Albany County: Antonio Sturges, Ben Sturges’ brother, is then appointed to the part-time position by the county Legislature. According to a Times Union report, A. Sturges, will be on the ballot this year to fill the remainder of the four-year term. We’ll be watching, Antonio!

Now you’d think that the guy who is in the position to officially determine the time of death, cause of death, and for identifying the person who has died would require some pretty hefty training and qualifications. Not in Albany. You just get appointed and, according to Antonio Sturges, “They needed someone that knew the job, and because I worked with the coroner for a year, I had the knowledge and experience to step in,” if you missed it, let me repeat his qualifications for the job, I mean apart from being the outgoing, ship-jumping coroner’s brother: “…I worked with the coroner for a year, I had the knowledge and experience to step in.” Damn! There goes that flying pig again!

With such impressive qualifications like nepotism, the right ethnicity, and political party, and 1 year experience working with a part-time coroner, Antonio Sturges was “qualified” to “electronically” [Do they mean “digitally”]  sign Joshua Abood’s death certificate, having prematurely and, judging by Sturges’ lack of qualifications, incompetently determined Joshua’s death to be “accidental” even before the New York State Police mock investigation had even gotten up its fake steam (the investigation as of this writing is “ongoing”).

We’d also like to add that although the Albany County Telephone Directory was last updated on 7/27/2020 11:09 AM, as of this writing it still lists Benjamin Sturges as a coroner; despite his appointment in March 2020, Antonio Sturges is not listed as a coroner in the County Directory.  The Office of the Albany County Coroner no longer has a web site, and no email addresses are given in the County Directory. So much for accessibility of public offices in Albany County.

Do you think that New York State Police Investigator Thomas Burns will have the balls to change Antonio Sturges’ determination of accidental death by drowning, and risk getting a black mark in front of his name? Time will tell.

Andra Ackerman (D)
Albany County Court Judge
U-CAN is her baby.

Now, do you think that New York State Police Investigator Thomas Burns is going to spoil Albany County Court Judge Andra Ackerman’s party by finding that one of her U-CAN program graduates was found dead under clearly suspicious circumstances in a NY State Park, Peebles Island Park, in the City of Cohoes? Or do you think that he’s going to risk mentioning that another of Ackerman’s grads, Giovanni Ortiz, was at the scene of the so-called incident, drinking and partying? Very unlikely, but then, time will tell.

Then there’s John T. McDonald III, New York State Senator for the 108th District, Cohoes, another Democrat in the Albany County Democratic machine. Thumbs up his butt, lips tight, it’s a contentious election year and so far a bunch of democrats stand to come out of this with a lot of egg on their faces. Do you think that John T. McDonald III is going to throw his Democratic cronies under the bus and demand justice or at least a convincing investigation of Joshua Abood’s death? If you do, have we got a bridge to sell you! Are you game?

Then there’s Bernard T. Ng, MD, who assists the Albany County Coroner’s Office, which is in Albany County, and who lists his office address as that of the Albany County Coroner’s Office on the Autopsy Report. But here’s something that bothers us just a little. He’s not even in Albany County.

Bernard Ng
Autopsies for Sale

Bernard Ng is a freelancer, a contractor who provides autopsy services for a fee to the Office of the Coroner. But here’s the problem: Bernard Ng describes himself on his LinkedIn profile page as:

“Experienced President with a demonstrated history of working in the medical practice industry. Skilled in Healthcare Consulting, Clinical Laboratory Management, Clinical Research, Medical Education, and Clinical Pathology. Strong business development professional with a M.B.A. focused in Healthcare Business Administration from University of Tennessee-Knoxville.” [Editor’s Note: Ng’s grammar, not ours!]

Ng also states that he is with the Pathology Department at Ellis Hospital in Schenectady, NY (Schenectady County), and that he is “President”at Schenectady Pathology Associates 1101 Nott Street, Schenectady, NY 12308 (Schenectady County).

Although Albany has a medical college — Albany Medical College—and medical center— Albany Medical Center — with complete pathology and autopsy services, Bernard Ng does his autopsies at Ellis Hospital in Schenectady. Bodies, including those of Riley Kern and Joshua Abood, and innumerable others, are transported from Albany to Schenectady, where Ng does what he claims is a “forensic autopsy,” but we beg to differ, unless of course, the copies of autopsy reports we receive are “summary reports,” which we doubt.

Autopsy Facility at Albany Medical Center
Why does Albany send their dead to Schenectady and Bernard Ng?

Why on earth does Albany County have to ship coroners’s cases to Schenectady County for autopsy by some character who runs a private pathology group and is on the staff of a Schenectady Hospital? Good question, right? We have a lot of really good questions.

[Editor’s Note: “The Albany county coroners work out of an office called the Albany County Medical Examiner & Coroner, described as being located in Albany, NY, and which keeps death records for individuals who passed away [=died, found dead, etc.] in Albany [County]. The Coroner and Medical Examiner determines a deceased person’s time and cause of death, often in the case of sudden or unexpected deaths.” This is an official statement that is misleading and incorrect. Albany County does not have a medical examiner; it has four part-time coroners! A “medical examiner” is a specially trained medical doctor, not a part-time funeral director or diabetic supplies salesman with 1 year experience!!!]

In a 2013 Times Union report, “The dead’s tab: $61,426. When a patient flown to Albany Med dies, Albany County pays for the autopsy” (Jordan Carleo-Evangelist Nov. 23, 2013). We have reported on this and other abuses in our articles on the Albany County Coroners’ Office, particularly Politics, Power, Patronage and Conflicts of Interest: The Albany County Coroners Office.)

Our consultant has reviewed Ng’s autopsy reports in both the Kern and the Abood cases and says that both are less than amateur; they are inaccurate, incomplete, and generally useless. Take that together with an incompetent coroner, who is a political puppet and has no experience, add to the mix a county judge with a personal project, a NYSP so-called death investigator who trips over himself with every statement he makes (recently admitted he hadn’t seen the autopsy report yet), a Democratic state assemblyman, a rinky-dink local city police department, two grads of the judge’s pet program violating the program mission they graduated from, one of them dead now, a suspicious death in a state park involving alcohol and an “altercation,” and a hired-gun pathologist who apparently can’t write a forensic autopsy report. Add to that mix, if it’s not toxic enough already, a handful of “investigators,” who apparently conduct a death investigation like a bunch of girl scouts on a cookie campaign! You really can’t make this sh*t up!

We’ll be covering each of the key persons mentioned above in more detail in upcoming segments. In addition, we have contacted Assemblyman John T. McDonald III to demand he respond to the family’s letter and follow-up. We’ll also be following up on NYSP Investigator Thomas Burns with the NYSP Public Affairs Office, his Troop G Commander Acting Major R. Christopher West, Trooper Kerra M. Burns. Troop G Public Information Office, and with the Internal Affairs Office. We intend to look more deeply into the Cohoes PD’s incompetence as well.

That’s just  some of the background — just the tip of the iceberg — of this case. It gets more Twilight Zone as we investigate further. We are going to go into more specifics and detail in the upcoming segments of this investigation.

Some Related Smalbany Articles

Politics, Power, Patronage and Conflicts of Interest: The Albany County Coroners Office
A Response to Lorin Marra. re: Office of the Albany County Coroners
The Cover-up Continues… A Mother’s Despair
Riley’s Mom Responds: A Mother’s Perspective

You can’t make this sh*t up!
This is the Twilight Zone!
( NYS Assemblyman John T. McDonald III )

Acknowledgement: Some of the information about the resignation of Ben Sturges and the appointment of his brother, Antonio Sturges, was extracted from the Albany Times Union article, Former coroner’s brother to fill vacancy in Albany County office (TU, Amanda Fries, March 12, 2019)


Yet Another Young Man Dies. Police Botch Investigation.

A 22 year-old man is found floating face down in shallow water in Peebles Island Park, an island preserve between the Mohawk and Hudson Rivers, in Albany County. New York State Police, the Cohoes Police Department, Bernard Ng, acting as coroner’s pathologist, and part-time coroner Antonio Sturges, the Albany County DA P. David Soares, as well as numerous others involved in the investigation, have once again proved that Albany County does cover-up best. It’s an accident if no one is watching or following the case — that’s the default determination by New York State forensic investigators, Bernard Ng, Cohoes Police, and the Albany County DA.

Joshua Abood, 22 years old.
Found Dead in Peebles Island on June 10, 2020.

The Problem: Too many victim’s survivors trust or fear the police and don’t bother to question police investigations, pathologists, investigators, or pursue their loved-one’s death, thinking that what the so-called investigation determined, if there ever is an investigation, was correct. Or is their silence the silence of fear?

When you go to the circus you expect clowns; when you’re investigating what is likely a suspicious death, you don’t want to see a clown act. Well, in Albany County, it seems there’s little difference between a circus clown act and forensic investigation.

It’s a clown act!
Police Investigators, Coroner, Pathologist, and Albany County DA.

Can our situation in law enforcement and death investigation get any worse than it is in Albany County? Where there’s smoke there’s likely fire. If the deaths and the incompetence of coroners, pathologists, investigators, and the Office of the District Attorney and P. David Soares, Albany County DA, is as bad as it appears to be, something has to be done and done quickly!

About a year ago, we reported and followed up on the death of Riley Kern, a young man just days short of his 20th birthday. His life was cut short when a local member of the preferential treatment club, Travis D. Hagen, pulled out of the Sycamore Country Club, and Riley, riding his motorcycle, collided with the pickup truck entering Route 143 in the Town of Coeymans. That accident and Riley’s death was hushed, until we got wind of it. There was no report in the media. The police investigation headed by the Coeymans Police was a textbook example of lawlessness and incompetence. If it weren’t for this blog and a very persistent mother, the young man’s death would have been swept under the carpet, and forgotten. The perps, including Travis Hagen and the Coeymans Police Department, and others involved in the cover-up would have gone on with their useless lives as if nothing happened.

Riley Kern, 19 years old.
Coeymans PD botched the investigation.

Thanks to courage and persistence, Riley’s death has brought some very unwanted attention to Hagen, his golf tournament at the Sycamore (Lustgarten Foundation), the Town of Coeymans, the Town of Coeymans PD, the EMT first responders, and the Albany County DA. For them, according to information we received, the cat has hit the fan; the case has been filed in United States District Court and defendants will likely be served with a summons and complaint in the very near future, if not already..

The recent death of 22-year old Joshua Abood, found by a jogger face-down in shallow water in Peebles Island Park, in Cohoes, Albany County, is another recent death that has been brought to our attention by next of kin. Again, we’re looking at indifference and incompetence in public servants. Read Joshua’s obituary here.

Shoddy, NY State Police Investigators, Cohoes Police Department, Albany County Coroner Antonio Sturges, Pathologist Bernard Ng. VERY SHODDY!

Our advice to New York State Police Investigators, Cohoes Police Department, Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares is this: You’d better get your thumbs out of your anuses, and pick up the ball, and get something done in this case to convince all concerned that you are doing your jobs! Antonio Sturges is a DUDD and symptomatic of the dem political machine in Albany! Bernard NG is a LEECH! Both have to GO! Law enforcement should put this case on the front burner before the next segments appear. Bad press!!! Very bad press!! NYSP Public Affairs and Internal Affairs may not view this very positively.

Our investigations and review of the information provided to us, much of which is sensitive and confidential, indicates that New York State Police investigators aren’t very good at what they’re doing n this case. The Cohoes Police Department, like so many local rinky-dink, Keystone cops, are incompetent. The Albany County Office of the Coroner is a hive of incompetent funeral directors with too much time on their hands, and their lackeys — or their brothers, as in the case of Antonio Sturges, part time coroner finishing out his brother’s term (more on Antonio later) — and, again, Bernard Ng, who does fast-food autopsies for the Albany County Coroner’s Office, autopsies that a first year medical student would probably do better.

In this series of follow-up articles, we will be discussing each of these so-called investigators and how incompetent — or dishonest, or both they are. And we’ll be naming names, you can be certain of that.

They may be able to keep the Albany Times Union and other local news media silent but it won’t work with us. Stay with us. The first installment will be published shortly. You need to know about this. Your son or daughter, or even you might be the next one to get swept under the death-investigation carpet.

We’re sick of lame excuses!
We’re sick of cover-up!
We’re sick of incompetence!