Category Archives: Richard Orsi

Beware: Matt Miller’s and Tavia Rauch’s Change.Org Petition Seriously Flawed!

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Not Only Does Change.Org Automatically Create An Account for You When You Sign the Miller-Rauch Petition You Can Sign As Many Times As You Like Under Different Names!

Like Your Petition!

Tavia Rauch:
This Just Ain’t Gonna Work!
Like Your Petition!

Some People Think They’re Such Hot Shots But In Reality They’re Just Ignorant. This Applies to Matt Miller’s and Tavia Rauch’s Joint Conspiracy to Fake a Community Petition to  Oust a Sitting Board of Education Member.

Actually, after I visited the petition page and poked around a bit, and then decided to test whether it was secured against multiple signings, I was a bit miffed when I found that Change.Org was creating a user account for me without my authorization. There was no warning, I just got an account with a profile containing my name and address. Just by signing in. I’m wondering who would get to use that information and for what? Luckily I know how to access my profile(s) and mess with them. So, all you stupids that are hurrying off to join the DumbAss club, be warned.

But here’s the real scoop: I know something about these freebie polling and petition scams and that is: They’re Useless! The information they collect from people who sign is absolutely unreliable and can’t be trusted to represent the real numbers. In fact, one of our subscribers signed that petition three times using his/her real names and real e-mails. Even his/her dog signed using his real name and one of the subscriber’s e-mails. That makes for really reliable petition work, doesn’t it? The Miller Rauch team really does good work, don’t they? (I can personally confirm that it is possible to sign the petition multiple times using different names.)

Aptly Named

Aptly Named

Just after signing on, I received a welcome e-mail from the founder, Ben Rattray (that’s Ben (wasn’t that a rat’s name in some 70’s horror flick? Ben and Willard? ) Rat-tray? Nice! Says a lot and aptly describes the types signing the Miller-Rauch petition!) saying, “Anyone can start a petition. lets anyone, anywhere start a petition. It’s free and can be about anything you want to change.” Now if that doesn’t say it all, right from the founder’s mouth!

How embarassing it will be for Miller and Rauch when  Commissioner of Education, Dr John B. King, Jr., gets a petition signed by a Pembroke Corgi! Well, at least the WowBow! has more smarts than Miller and Rauch, combined!

The Petition on Change.Org is a Scam!

And Anyone Who Participates is Being Scammed! 

Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch Are Scamming Voters!

Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch Are Scamming Voters!

But that’s not all, friends. Not only are you getting snookered when you sign and not only can you sign as many times as you might like,  Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch either don’t know what they’re talking about…or they’re simply lying. Here’s some of the crap Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch are writing on the petition page:

“Rodney Krzykowski refuses to pay school or property taxes. It is estimated that the amount owed to the school district and to the town is over one hundred thousand dollars.” That’s not true! Mr Krzkowski has not refused to do anything of the sort! He’s appealing his assessment, just like you or I have every right to do. And who is estimating what Mr Krzykoski owes? I certainly hope it’s not one of the brainiacs who started this scam petition, Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch.

Tavia Rauch

Tavia Rauch

Miller and Rauch write in their so-called petition, “Mr. Krzykowski has proclaimed in several legal documents that he is a sovereign citizen.” Well, if Matt Miller or Tavia Rauch knew anything about American history or read the Constitution of the United States, they’d know that we are all “sovereign” citizens…at least until the Supreme Court and your elected officials manage to take away all of your sovereign rights and hand them to the corporations. In fact, the anti-slavery movement, the women’s suffrage movement, the civil rights movement all did what Rodney Kryzkowski is doing and what Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch are saying is wrong: using their thought process they would probably say slavery, refusing the right to vote to women, that civil rights movements were wrong and refused to submit to the deranged authorities who said that slaves, women, and blacks were not entitled to civil rights! Most of the leaders of antislavery, women’s suffrage, and civil rights movements were considered terrorists and would be today!  Is that what we’re paying teacher Matt Miller almost $90,000 a year to teach?

The Miller-Rauch Petition

The Miller-Rauch Petition

Those two demented zombies, Miller and Rauch, write also:

“This petition needs to be signed to ensure that those with the responsibility of protecting the legitimacy of a school board, hear your voice.”

Miller and Rauch have missed some very important facts along the way to their total depravity: YOU, the voters, have the responsibility for protecting the legitimacy of the school board. No one else. Mr Krzykowski is on the board of education specifically because the majority of voters put him there. The voters legitimized Mr Krzykowski! Get real, Miller, Rauch! Miller and Rauch, the DumbAss Duo of RCS appear to be more anti-American than Sadam Hussein was!

What’s more, is that Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch are such dumbasses, they really have no clue that they are actually contradicting themselves by simply putting up a petition. In fact, they’re allowing people to vote twice! Yes, dear readers, vote twice. I do realize that that’s not all that uncommon in the RCS school district and it has happened before, as we all know. But Miller and Rauch don’t seem to have caught on that it’s not supposed to be that way.

In fact, according to the official voter registration rolls there are 4449 registered voters in this district. Some of those voters are property owners and pay school taxes, some are not. The board of education manages the school budget on behalf of the taxpayers, the property owners, and the non-property owners benefit from their prudent decisions. But Miller and Rauch are trying to step all over voters’ rights. Here are some very valid questions we should be asking about their petition:

  • How many of these voters votes do Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch want to throw out in their little conspiracy?
  • How many of the individuals signing the Change.Org petition are voters who are voting twice against Mr Krzykowski by signing the petition? (Of course, that wouldn’t bother Miller or Rauch, given their histories.)
  • How many of the signers are really residents of the district?
  • How many of the people signing the petition are real people?
  • How many of the people are signing the petition multiple times? (I did three times and my dog did once! But I do intend to request that my signatures and my dog’s paw print be removed from the list.)
  • What right does Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch have to step on the voters of this district?
  • Who is checking and verifying who is signing the petition and how many times?
  • Because the petition is online, it excludes a large number of people in the district (some don’t have computers, some don’t know how to use them, etc.)
  • A large number of people don’t even know about the petition or how to find it.
  • Petitions are generally unreliable for testing the mood of a community and the information collected is hard to verify. That’s why they’re not used in academic or scientific work, surveys and polls are.

One of our subscribers has actually posted a comment identifying a person who signed the petition but is not even from this RCS district!

People, is this the kind of idiocy we want going on in this district? It’s fuel for the Times Useless to make us look like a bunch of backwoods lunatics AGAIN!

You see, what Miller and Rauch–and I seriously hope that Dr John B. King Jr., our NYSED Commissioner,  caught this, too–is that in the elections that put Mr Krzykowski on the board of education, a majority wanted him there and a minority wanted someone else there. The majority won and the minority lost. But now, Miller and Rauch are giving the losers a second chance by saying, “Sign our petition and you can have a second vote.” Pretty stupid, right?

So, not only are Miller and Rauch trying to overrule the majority, they’re trying to give the losers club a second vote…so if a large number of the people who voted for Mr Krzykowski’s opponent in the election now sign the petition, it looks like a lot of people support Miller and Rauch. But that’s not so, as I hope is clear to you now. That’s another reason why the Miller-Rauch petition is and should be declared nonsense.

Just a bit of humor, though: Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch also have a bit of difficulty with the language. They write: “A statue can be defined as legislative authority that governs a state, city or town.” Really, Matt and Tavia, is that what a statue is? Seriously, you two bobo’s look stupider and stupider as time wears on! ‘Nuf said.

A Couple of Gratuitous, Opinions by Way of Comment:

RCS Suckers Club

RCS Suckers Club

Here are some of the suckers who have already signed (you can see a short list of people who have signed on the Change.Org site (We’ll FOIL the actual final submission from the NYSED and publish all the names in due course.):

  • Donald Gillen RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Diana Perrine RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Anne Babcock RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Robert Williams RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Kathleen Shortell SELKIRK, NY NEW YORK
  • Londa VanDerzee RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Tony Ricciardi RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Jerry Perrine RAVENA, NY NEW YORK
  • Richard Orsi SELKIRK, NY NEW YORK
  • Meredith Gerdeman GLENMONT, NY NEW YORK

Finally, just to illustrate the stupidity of the gang, I’d like to share several examples of what so-called Supporters of the petition wrote and just briefly comment on what they write:

cluckElyse Kunz COEYMANS, NY I don’t think the community was fully aware of this man’s positions on government and taxation when he was elected. Someone who refuses to pay taxes should not have the authority to levy taxes on the rest of us or to determine how that money is spent.

That has to be stupidity on a par with Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch! You don’t think voters were aware of his positions? You CLUCK! Why not? Who are you to say? “The authority to levy taxes?” You are a cluck! I certainly hope you have not been bringing children into the world! What a tragedy if your ignorance is hereditary!

chickenEilleen Vosburgh NEW BALTIMORE, NY  It’s about responsibility. It’s about paying it forward. It’s about our future. Why would anyone expect that they do not have to pay their school and property taxes but expect to represent good citizens that do pay their taxes? It’s hypocritical.

You’re in the Cluck’s Club, too! Ever hear of the 1%? Ever hear of GE? Ever hear of churches? No, I suppose you wouldn’t have. You know what’s hypocritical, really? Clucks like you! Betcha you signed the petition, didn’t you? Thought so!

Eleanor Oldham-Luckacovic CANAAN, NY   I own property in the RCS district and am concerned that such blatant disregard of the tax law by a member of the board reflects badly on the school and therefore on the whole area. It is apalling.

What’s apalling, Eleanor is your hypocrisy and your indifference to your snobbery and to the damage you caused with your co-vipers Bitter  Bob and Spiteful Joan. Your total lack of any sense of neighborliness, community or decency made quite the impact on New Baltimore for the entire time you and your hunched hubby polluted our otherwise pristine community. Luckily the air cleared and humanity gained some well-earned respite when you and hunched hubby jumped ship to join the other pseudo-sophisticates in Canaan. Good ridance! You and your fraud husband have quite the nerve discussing anything akin to ethics or morality. How ever did you finagle your homeowners to cover your court costs? You two were the worst reflections imaginable on the whole community! Even your partners in crime, Bitter Bob and Spiteful Joan, had little nice to say of either of you. Remember the e-mails?

turkey buzzard

Robert and Joan Ross NEW BALTIMORE, NY  If he lived in New Baltimore, he would have lost his house for non payment of property taxes. It is farcical that a scofflaw should be on a school board.

Yes, indeed, we know all about you two. Aren’t you the two who used and abused local New Baltimore residents in your agendas some time ago. A campaign of lies, abuse and slander, wasn’t it. And your community spirit brought you, Joan Ross, to dub the locals “Newbaltimorons,” out of your respect for local people and community. Yup! And now you are both known as Bitter Bob and Spiteful Joan because you’re so community spirited. Nothing but negative. You’ve found the right group on Birds of a feather….You have quite the nerve calling anyone else a “scofflaw!”

Carol Melewski NEW BALTIMORE, NY  A person who refuses recognize the government’s right to collect taxes should not be permitted to serve on the board of a school district. Schools require taxes to function, and having a board member who flaunts the requirement that citizens pay taxes undermines the authority of that board. It is especially ironic that he serves as the head of the finance committee; making determinations regarding the use of taxpayers’ dollars, to which he contributes nothing.

It never ceases to amaze me that people who were at one minute at each other’s throat and slandering and disparaging each other tend to find each other when there’s blood in the water. Again, Luckacovic, Ross, Malewski all seem to gravitate towards each other. Just don’t meet in a dark alley…there’ll be a terrible mess. So, you’ve found another agenda to mutilate. But your statement makes no sense. It’s not logical. Not that that ever mattered to you and your ilk. Well, knock yourselves out, you have nothing to lose, that’s for sure. You’ve lost it all already.

And of course we have the ever present, always something to say King and Queen of Thuggery and HypocrisyJerry “Dirty-Hands” Deluca and his female poster madam of Coeymanazism, Cathy Deluca. They never miss a chance to grandstand.

Gerald DeLuca RAVENA, NY  The future of our community and the education of our children need to be guided by people who abide by and believe in the laws of this state and nation.

Cathleen DeLuca RAVENA, a school board member signs an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States and the State of New York, but as a “sovereign citizen” Mr. Krzykowski does not recognize either. Therefore his oath is invalid.

Yes, they come in pairs!

Yes, they come in pairs!

There are no words to describe the nausea induced by anything Dirty-Hands Jerry or that hypocrite Cluck Cathy Deluca could projectile from their putrid carrion stained beaks. Both ignorant but both with so much scatology to eructate from their caprophagic innards. Their nonsensical statements definitively label the entire initiative as totally lacking in any credibility whatsoever.

So, dear readers and neighbors, that’s what we found out for you about the Matt Miller and Tavia Rauch petition on Change.Org that is supported by the New York State United Teachers union, the union Matt Miller represents in this district, and who will do anything to give the majority on the RCS Central School District board of education, and once the teachers clique is in control, so is the teachers union. God Help US!

In Other Words, Citizens, Residents, Neighbors, Parents, Taxpayers, the Miller-Rauch Petition is a Scam. Beware!

Even Babies Will Hate You!The Editor

Even Babies Will Hate You!
The Editor

P.s. I just had to share this. It’s too precious to keep private. Tavia Rauch just sent my dog the following message:

Dear WowBow!,

Thanks for signing my petition, “Dr. John B. King Jr., Commissioner of Education: Remove Rodney Krzykowski from the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk School Board.”
Can you help this petition win by asking your friends to sign too? It’s easy to share with your friends on Facebook – just click here to share the petition on Facebook.
There’s also a sample email below that you can forward to your friends.

Thanks again — together we’re making change happen,

Tavia Rauch
Note to forward to your friends:

I just signed the petition “Dr. John B. King Jr., Commissioner of Education: Remove Rodney Krzykowski from the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk School Board” on
It’s important. Will you sign it too? Here’s the link:


 My Dog's Reaction

My Dog’s Reaction

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Posted by on December 22, 2012 in, Abuse of Public Office, Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families, AFL-CIO, Albany, Albany Schenectady BOCES, Alice Whalen, Ben Rattray, Bitter Bob (Ross), Bob Ross, BOCES, Bray Engel, Bully Gang, Burning the Constitution, Cathy Deluca, Cathy's Coeymanazi Clucks Club, Change.Org, Children of Dysfunctional Families, Civil Rights, Clowns, Coeymanazis, Coeymans, Conspiracy, Corruption, Demand for Removal, Demand for Resignation, Demand for Termination, Diana Perrine, Donald Gillen, Donna Leput Hommel, Dr Alan McCartney, Education Commissioner, Edward "Teddy" Reville, Edward Reville, Eilleen Vosburgh, Eleanor Oldham, Election Fraud, Elizabeth Smith, Elyse Kunz, Gary Van DerZee, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Howard "Bray" Engel, Hudson Valley, Humor, Hypocrisy, Ignorance, Irregularities, Voting, James Latter, James Latter II, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Jerry Perrine, Joan Ross, John B. King, John Luckacovic, Kangaroo Court, Karen Miller, Liberty Weeping, Londa VanDerzee, Matt "the Mutt", Matt Miller, Misconduct, Misinformation, Moose Misuraca, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Education Department, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSED, NYSUT, Office of the Attorney General, Person of Interest, R J DEsposito, Rats, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, RCS Board of Education, RCS Central School District, RCS Community, Richard Orsi, Robert Williams, Rodney Krzykowski, Selkirk, Smalbany, Small Town, Tavia Rauch, Teacher Misconduct, Teachers, Teachers Union, Teddy Reville, Thomas E. Dolan, Times Union, Times Union Blogs, Times Useless Blogs, Tom Dolan, Tony Ricciardi, United Federation of Teachers, Voting Fraud, Voting Irregularities